Islamaphobic politics. Homophobic politics, sexist politics. He hitit every single area of resentment and two great events that feeling. And his racism which was endemic to his campaign was not subtle at all. Jesse also refusing to accept blame for being on the wrong end of the biggest political upset in decades. When it comes to the selfinflicted wounds, when you look at theeis list, and to go through them in the book. Or did you make enough mistakes yourself to lose the election without any of the other things you talk about . Well, i will say no, matt. I dont think that will surprise you. Jesse remember when president obama, then senator said, hillary, you are likable enough . Apparently he was wrong about that too. Kimberly dont make me feel sorry for her for five seconds. Here is what is interesting. She is actually doing a better job of promoting this book and being far more fascinating and interesting than she ever was as a president ial candidate. Certainly god bless, because she was a first come a female to run like she w did. The whole deal. I give her credit, props to that. But now its all the sudden hillary is a person that everybody is talking about. The contents of the book. She is being pretty forthright andre transparent talking about everything and all the reasons why. The whole kill list of everybody that has wronged her or poorly advised her. Everybody who is responsible. The 32 reasons why she lost. But obviously she is mad, its like she broke up with matt lauer, i dont know. No love lost there. Jesse they had such a good thing going. Hean, i kind of feel like she is not in touch with reality, Hillary Clinton, and i feel bad for her. Thats probably why she lost the election. Juan why do you think she is not in touch with reality . Jesse she is blaming everything under the sun except forr her own performance. Juan iea think that she was not a great candidate, but that is not to say that the reason that she lost. She is in the i book in the interview that she has been doing, she is quite specific about the impact of james comeys Decision Just days before the election to restart the investigation, the impact on women voters in philadelphia suburbs, and she is not making up the numbers part of those are analytics done by other people to show that she took a steep drop once comey came back and introduce the idea that the investigation,io the email stuff is never going to stop. Jesse she did put the emails on the private server, so kimberly nothing charming there. Juan to counter this thing from your perspective, jesse, it was s. Fox and fox business who focused on the emails. But it was not the swing vote, not the democrats that went over,ra so i dont know that you can blame it. But she feels as if there was unnecessary attention to what otherwise would have been a small topic. Jesse yes, anyway. Dana, how would you like to respond to Juan Williams . Dana it made me think about an antidote that i remember from the philadelphia suburb, suburban women in the year 2000. So it is neck and neck, gore and bush, and he cannot pull ahead, they think its going to be a problem because pennsylvania was one of the possible states that president bush did not win. But they focus group before the election, they ask the basic question, who would you rather go to prom with . Into a person, they were like, george w. Bush, i would have a lot more fun. And she said that that is when she thought that they would probably lose. And it was the likability factor. So it does get back to that. And on Tucker Carlson show, a really good point was brought up that the media covered the email story, just because they were forced into it, but the New York Times broke the story. And also, she is so predictable. And President Trump was not part of the human nature is to look for something that is new and interesting. President trump benefited from that. The other thing she does not do it all is admit that just a small bit of effort in wisconsin, michigan, and whats the other one . Jesse pennsylvania. Pe dana that that could have turned things around for her. But certainly in wisconsin. Kimberly yes, dont youwe think . Dana she said that she sent her husband there, but thats not the same thing. Jesse greg. When you see hillary out there, and she is doing a great job promoting this book, it kind of reminds everybody, i think why they did not want her as president. Because she is not a leader. Greg no one is off losing more than weight watchers. She beats weight watchers, washington in general, the cubs, she is the back of an old stamp. She is bitter and she cannot get the job done. I cannot be nice. Kimberly really, s though . Greg i cannot be nice to her after what she jested. Of the things that she just said. She has done the deplorables again. She sits back and judges an entire group as islamaphobic. If you go from im with her to eye with her. Her tour book is saying that this is what you get, more of mean, it is like, this is your punishment, because you did not vote for me, i am coming to your town. Maybe she will go to wisconsin. She is like a reverse ice cream truck. You know what, nobody is running out to chase her. They are all climbing behind the windows and peering out of thedo blinders. B and i found a very depressing. Kimberly she is not tired of herself. Shes like, listen, i have another thing to tell you and another reason why. Greg is like, maybe this isis interesting, but after listening to the weird tilted manufactured weird background of her unloading the litany of the race card, the islamaphobic car, the homophobic card, who needs it . This is not good for the country. This is why she lost, shut up and go away. Juan if she says trump, she calls out term, what she said was interesting. No other republican, the leading republican, because others would not play the race card, would not go out mexicans and homophobic, islamaphobic. Youu are saying, oh, no, that dd not happen. She should not mention it. Greg she cannot come up with one example of homophobia. She is exactly like Michael Scott of the office. Oblivious to the flaws that are on display for everybody, when he walks through the office he thinks he hasnt made, and so resistible, she is so resistible, but she her entire life is a blind spot. She cannot see and the men that she chose in her life from bill clinton, to keeping in ine new interim round. You see this coming ago, okay okay, go away . Jesse i guess that makes tim kaine dwight schrute. I want to get kimberlys reaction, because hillary is at ouit again. A sameness about the inauguration. Writing the book about how really strange it was to sit there and listen to that kind of speech that was so divisive, the rhetoric was hot. I call it a cry from the White Nationalist god. Instead of taking a moment to say, you know what, i went to reach out and be the president for everybody. He did not win the popular vote, he sweeps through the electoral college. He had a chance to fill the role, andd that did not happen that day. Jesse not trying to unite the country, obviously still trying to divide by saying that trump is a White Nationalist. And playing on those fears. That is not usually what somebody does when they lose a president ial election. They kind of taken elder status, she is not achieving that. Kimberly we have not seen anybody behaveny in this fashio, have you . You did not see 41 when he lost. So it really just tells you a lot, i mean, little climate freak. Jesse she is a first. Kimberly if anybody is deplorable, it is her conduct. Not setting a good example. She should be dignified and say, okay, that did not work out. I tried very hard. I dont know if she think she is she is him ingratiating herself by being divisive like this, and vetually perpetuating a false narrative by trying to say that the president is a white naturalist. We were there for that and to thena inaugural address, i did t hear it like that. I think it is too much of a far stretch. She loses credibilityty by tryig to tellg us what to think and change the narrative. Juan you know it hurts me . I think a lot of people did not hear that. And so it is just not to mrs. Clinton. You talk about her being blind, i wonder if you could also say in reverse, gosh, somehow donald trumpum said some pretty mcendiary things, and people might say, that is the great disruptor. Lots of people wanted change, but just to pretend, oh, race, playing on resentment, grievances was not a target. To me that is a blindness too. K greg he was saying make America Great again, talking about all of america. Entries chose to chop it into pieces. This is a guy who worked in new york in queens, working with everyn. Kind of person. He does not care who you sleep with or what you look like, only if you can help him. Kimberly unless you are in a pageant. Greg he is the first she is the first president ial candidate to write a whineall. Jesse coming out, President Trump having dinner with top democrats. We will get the story ahead. You know who likes to be in control . This guy. Check it out selfappendectomy oh, thats really attached. Thats why i rent from national. Where i get the control to choose any car in the aisle i want, not some car they choose for me. Which makes me one smooth operator. Ah still a little tender. vo go national. Go like a pro. With the pole, and i had to make a claim and all that . Is that whole thing still draggin on . No, i took some pics with the app and filed a claim, but, you know how they send you money to cover repairs and they took forever to pay you, right . 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For details on what happened, we get to bring in gregs best friend, chief correspondent, natural correspondent ed henry. Greg make make a quick. Im looking forward to dinner with greg very soon. Dinner with nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer, it will happen. This broke out to moments ago, dana, the president having dinner d with the democratic leaders. Officials tell me that it ended a couple of moments ago. Calling it a constructive working dinner. He would expect them to say that after a dinner likete this. Two interesting points worth highlighting. What they discussed, they talked about tax reform, daca, trying to find a law to codify all of that. And Border Security. An important point for the president , because he wants republicans on the hill to know that he w is pushing for the wal and Border Security for daca,e then trade and infrastructure. Other things for the president. A second point is that also attending in addition to the president and democratic leaders, jerry cohen, john kelly, chief economic adviser. Suggesten that the president was bringing some top officials toom try to get some business done. The president had some rank and file democratic and republican lawmakers in. One of them josh god homer is the cochair of the problem solvers caucus. He says that the president privately, you see the meeting there, told lawmakers that he had tried it one way early in thed administration, working oy with republicans for the most part. And i was going to try something new. Reaching across the aisle. The president said when reporters pressed him about republicans being skeptical about the meetings with democrats so they should not worry. Watch. I am a conservative. I will tell you, im not skeptical. I think that if we can do things in a bipartisan matter, that will be great. It might not work out, which i case, we will try to do it without. The president went on to say that he is hoping to get a bipartisan tax deal, that could include tax cuts for the middle class. He said he would be willing to increase taxes on the rich, something that may have been a bit of a surprise. Although, white house officials are scrambling to clarify that the president does not want to increase taxes for the rich. Maybe close some loopholes that will effectively raise taxes, but he does not want to raise rates on the rich. Dana thank you. We will be sure to make reservations for you and greg at the next time you are in town. I dont know where you want to take him, down town. And for this. Having a a bipartisan meeting, d in fact, only the way to get things done. President obama did not have to do it because he had such big majorities. Pushed firm obamacare,ob we know how that turned out. Late in the presidency, president obama tried to do dinners with some of the republicans, and it was frankly too late. I think that this is pretty constructive as President Trump is doing it. It might not work out, but you have to try. And gottheimer is part of the problem solvers caucus. Kimberly it does not bother me at all. It does not make me feel insecure. I say, okay, this is somebody who is used to doing business. Want to sit down and get a deal done, you say, okay, lets get together and see what we can find some common points of interest and agreement and go through exactly what our plan is and see what we concur. And if there are things, excusea me, we disagree about, we can go over that and tried to negotiate it. T. T. I think that this is a smart approach. He has not been able to get his own party to do what he has asked them to do. He has no choice at this point except to reach t across the tae and get a few of the votes that he needs. Its also boxing the democrats information strategy perspective, because i cannot say that he was not trying to be bipartisan. He was not trying to be reasonable, or listen to their interest or their concerns from their constituents. Because if you want to make America Great again and not just republican americans, you reach across the aisle. Dana doesf strengthen the hand of some of the republicans in the house and senate who are not part of their Freedom Caucus group, because it basically says, he is ready to make a deal. You will not get your hardline point of view. Jesse i thinknk he is dining with the democrats, because they make a better dinner guests. Chuck, nancy over mitch and paul, i mean, trump likes nancy, she is glamorous and funny. He has a lot of things in common with chuck. I think thats one of the reasons. Most americans can see why he would do this. But in all seriousness, he is doing it because he could not govern with partisan majorities in the house. Republicans announced the senate, they should not be upset with this. They gave birth to this pet if they wouldve lasted filling and passed the repeal and replace. They wouldve been on it by late july. That wouldve been fine. But he pivoted out it and he is going to try to forge the Bipartisan Coalition to see if that works. The media is not used to this, because it has not been done for quite some time. Bush 41 reach across the aisle, bill clinton. Dana 43 dead, thats how you got tax cuts and no child left behind. Jesse look at all of the bush tax cuts. Reagan tax cuts. Daca will be in need of bipartisan support. Infrastructure will needed to. It will be funny when the media has to write the headlines like, you know, three months ago trum was hitler and now they are having dinner with him. Greg i disagree, dinner with nancy and Chuck Schumer, for that dinner i would have to be wasted. I would start drinking at noon. Having dinner with those two will be like being trapped between two tvs. Formal commercial cars for kids, and another with commercial cars for kids. Both playing at the same time. This could go in a couple of directions, it could go like you say, ao compromise that ends in results, or it could go a lot like Arnold Schwarzenegger in california where he was elected to clean up than mess in sacramento, and to the mess cleaned him up. Ea he got swallowed by the masthead he cannot change the culture. They had these huge tax picks. They cannot pass anything because they needed twothirds for the budget, and what you could end up having, fairly liberal republican. Dana we have heard about the republican perspective, but what did the democrats think . Juan the question is what about the democratic politician, with nancy and Chuck Schumer there, they arere willing to engage. If you are asking about the base, they would only go so far. Looking at the agenda, you are talking about things like tax cuts, and i think that they have a different idea of a tax cut. You heard and working ed henry talking about raising the tax cuts, but then you look at issues like immigration, and i do not seeke that democrats are able to work with him, and so, yes, but what strikes me about this is to get back to the republican side of it. Because to me trump is more popular than any other republican at this moment. And his numbers are not great. But he is more popular the Mitch Mcconnell and ryan, and conservative talk radio is playing trumps song beating up on the congressman. But the fact that theres been no legislative accomplishment so far. So the question is, is trump now further separating himself from Mitch Mcconnell and ryan, and is there a third party and americas future . I never thought itt possible. Dana but you could also end up with a liberal republican. I had, some celebrities got political, imagine that. 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