Washington. It will be virtually impossible to get rid of every leak but i think we can take dramatic steps to get rid of leaks. One of the big problems im discovering is that senior people, the guys doing the leaking they ask junior people to leak for them. I am proud to be reporting directly to the president , so i can seal off the comm team from this sort of nonsense. Jesse Jeff Sessions is also one week patrol. The ag is expected to announce several criminal investigations of leaks very soon. In recent days, he has publicly put pressure on sessions to get tougher on leaks and other matters. Newt gingrich cautions the president with firing the attorney general but does think there need to be made to reforms in the doj. The president has every right to be very, very upset. From his perspective, and it happens to be mys perspective also, the Justice Department has elements that are out of control and that are corrupt and leftwing. Jesse lets start with the leaks first, dana. Its fascinating to me, actual communication guys were telling the junior communication staffers to leak on their behalf. Thats nuts. Dana thats not what i heard. What he was saying is that he reports directly to the president. All should report directly to the president. He coordinates to the chief of staff. I dont think thats new unless the current chief of staff was trying to change that when scaramucci was coming in. Thats possible. I heard say is now hes glad to protect the communication staff, especially the junior staffers from people who were trying to leak on their behalf. Thats what he was saying. That was coming from outside the communications jobs. Hes trying to get some solidarity with his communication team. But that sounds pretty juicy. I cannot imagine that actually happening. In my experience, if josh bolton tried to tell my assistant press secretary without my knowing to leak something in particular about what had just happened in the oval office, it is inconceivable. Jesse you would take the fall if it hit the fan. Thats a bullying tactic, i think. Dana if hes doing an investigation and he is finding out that these junior staffers are telling them look, i didnt want to leak that but they told me my job was on the line if i did thats just astounding. Jesse Jeff Sessions also now looking at some of these leaks and he had a list put together by our brain room here at fox news, all these National Security leaks. I put that. My liberal aunt when i told her fox news had a brain room, they tonight she said that must be a pretty small room, jesse and [laughter] jesse the phone calls, oval office conversations, the name of the Manchester Bombing suspect. The list goes on and on. I do think substance will be able to achieve any results . Juan no, i dont. Ive been a white house reporter. This is not how leaks work. Its not that someones pushing pressure on the junior guy to go leak, people leak because they have a garage, and agenda. If they want to get attention. And in this case, there are so factions within the Trump White House that everyone is trying to look out for themselves. In the dynamic that dana described where most people would come and coordinate through the chief of staff to get to the president , which you hear from scaramucci which struck me in his statement, he is going directly to the president. Hes bypassing reince priebus. Not good news, mr. Reince priebus. Dana i think theres a distinction between what Jeff Sessions is looking into and what Anthony Scaramucci is talking about. The criminal leaks, when youre talking about these National Security issues, you might be able to track those down and do something with those. The leaks are about intrigue within the white house and gossip. Those kind of leaks . Thats not something that Jeff Sessions should even bother looking into. Lisa the National Security leaks are the most concerning here. Not only do they undermine the administration but our National Security as well. We saw this play out as the u. K. Temporarily paused intelligence sharing over the Manchester Bombing incident and the release of that information. We are facing terror threats as high as 9 11. We are facing such great threats, why would we want to undermine intelligence sharing with our allies that potentially keep america safe . The attorney general absolutely should be going after this and trying to find leakers and punish them as well. Juan maybe we should visit donald trump, who is visiting some of our sources. Over and israel. Jesse is that what happened, juan . That wasnt on our list. [laughter] jesse you are a democrat president fighting one war against the republicans. A republican president has to fight the democrats and also has to fight the media. President trump has of war with the democrats, other, and people within his own party. Tom id like to describe him as a front stabber. You know when hes angry with you. You know when he is upset. He never hides behind anything. I think people appreciate trump because they are all front stabbers. They dont mind if you stab them but they want to see who is stopping them. At the back staffers, those are the leakers. Lisa at least you see it coming. Tom you said there are many factions in the white house. Dana i think theres a distinction between the ones that are trying to undermine the president and his policies and to describe something and like National Security. And then there are others that just make the white house go chaotic. Thats actually coming from inside the white house. Tom what is their interest, the chaotic ones . Dana contrary to my experience, lets say reporters tell everybody in the white house, there is something in political playbook that said if scaramucci believes these leaks are coming from the communications department, hes got another thing coming to him. Lisa the intrigue story is that even leaks on the personnel level also heard the Trump Administration because it creates this atmosphere. One, its chaos and destruction internally within the white house and it also changes voters perspective as well about what the white house looks like. Maybe its not operational. Dana i think voters are blowing that off. Lisa even with republicans on capitol hill. It can also happen. Republicans feeling that this white house juan two points in. Tom, you have someone who wants more influence with the president. You have a division between this is all hypothetical, im not saying this is real. Between steve bannon or jared kushner, and the impact on policy being decided by the president , you can imagine that if they lose out or they are not getting heard, they are going to the press. Jesse i am a front stabber and a back stabber. An amendment to repeal obamacare without a replacement failed. Several republicans joined all democrats in a 4555 vote, defeating the plan. I want to read the names of the republican senators who voted against repealing obamacare. Susan collins, shelley, john mccain, rob portman, lamar alexander, dean keller of nevada. I want to make sure the what te audience knows. Dana a skinny repeal. Like oh, that sounds [laughter] dana ten governors have just come out with a letter that says of appeal is not for us but i believe they will get something out of the senate that will allow them to get the conference. I think about these seven senators that you just read author names about their decision and peggy noonan said something very interesting about how when you are on the ground and in your own state, you are looking at the topography of the politics and in the last eight years, with president obama, lots of things changed. People have more anxieties and they dont expect change in washington to be good for them and so, i think what we end up with now is that theres really not a Strong Republican Party of smaller government. Its variations of bigger government and how it should actually work. Thats disconcerting to a lot of conservatives who think we should just take this opportunity to repeal it and move on. Thats obviously not going to happen but they are reacting to their constituents. Jesse they are. Some of the states, these are states that are very independent minded, like maine. Or west virginia. These dates really hang in the balance around election time. These arent hardcore republican states. Lisa i agree but theres an element of cowardice and hypocrisy here as well. Jesse you dont say and the Republican Party . You dont say. Lisa the bill would not go anywhere, they knew it was going to reach the president s desk and now when we actually do have the white house and both bodies of congress, we can enact on a party line basis for the reconciliation process to make changes to obamacare and attempt to repeal it. And now they suddenly dont have the courage because its real. In these changes are actually going to be plummeted. Their constituencies, i would be pretty darn angry considering the fact that they lied to you for seven years. Juan clear the children from the room. Close their ears. Lisa i said darn . Juan hypocrisy by republicans. Jesse they learn from you, juan. Juan on the skinny repeal that dana was talking about, they lost three boats and over the key point is, they have not come up with Something Better than obamacare, something that ensures more people and lessons premiums and they are coming down to the skinny repeal. Do away with the individual mandate and corporate mandate for companies with more than 50 employees. And the tax on medical devices. What happens . According to the cbo, you lose 15 Million People they lose their insurance and premiums are up 20 . Is that better for america . Tom you lose the 15 million, most of these people lose it because they drop it. They dont want it. When you lose that mandate, thats when you lose the millions of people. I want the skinny. Im going to call it the lite style lib. Dana steve bain is going to force a vote and democrats will have to decide about singlepayer health care and they will be on the record supporting jesse brilliant idea. Dana he thinks hes trying to help democrats, hes actually helping republicans. Juan the most interesting thing today, yes President Trump tweeting that lisa murkowski, the senator from alaska let down the country and called shameful. Lisa murkowski fired back saying every day is not about elections. How about governing the country . Wow. Dana it shes a front stabber. Jesse the arrest of a former nancy aid of Debbie Wasserman schultz. Up next. This is how we do dana a story we mentioned last night, it was my one more thing, actually. An arrest of former dnc aid of debbie at Wasserman Schultz. James rosen joins us now with the latest. A lawyer for imran awan, he was arrested this week is disputing false. Alleging that the fbi seized smashed hard drives from one of his hard drives. Computers. A green light to travel abroad from the u. S. Eternities attor, week before they swooped down on awan. She was pleading not guilty to one count of Bank Fraud Charges stemming from home loan applications seemingly unrelated to the 4 million in i. T. Work that he and several members of his family performed for leading house democrats. The attacks on mr. Awan and his family a Statement Issued by awans attorney saying now we have the Justice Department showing up with a complaint about the disclosures on a modest real estate matter. We are confident that mr. Awan will soon be able to clear his name and get on with his life. A hearing is set in Federal District court here in washington. Dana this story has got a lot of threads. All the threads seem a little vulnerable to falling apart. Jesse, you have a house staffer, of the former dnc chair. He has wiring money to pakistan. Attempting to flee there. Why is this not a bigger new story . Jesse because he is a democrat who works for a democrat. Big surprise. When you register, juan, is there mandatory course on how to destroy evidence . [laughter] jesse hilarity deletes her hard drive. This guy destroys his hard drive with hammers. I dont know how this guy plays the victim card saying that he is an antimuslim jihadist, when they use it, the use it only when they want to beat the rat. At this guy is innocent until Proven Guilty in the court of law. But it looks so bad. Especially when hes trying to flee the country. Imagine if a trump staffer with fleeing the country dana for russia. Jesse come on, this would be national news. Dana he initially got in trouble back in february. He and his whole family, doing i. T. Stuff. Most of the democrats, Debbie Wasserman schultz cut ties with him in february. He was on her payroll until tuesday, the morning after he was arrested. What is that all about . Juan i think shes been very defensive of him. I dont understand why except to say that what we know about this story is that the head of the Republican National committee, hes been pushing this and saying that this deserves more attention because its potentially a National Security issue that awan had access to congressional files over the computer and may have been shipping them off to pakistan or wherever. She wants to know more about that. Dana if you dont mind pausing for a second, we have that sound. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has obstructed at every level something that affects potentially our National Security. We also need to know why the dnc never turned over there hard drives to the fbi to review it as to their hacking. Dana lisa, what do you think . Lisa of course we should be getting to the bottom of this. Wasserman schultz is on camera trying to strongarm the Capitol Police chief into giving her computer back. Their Big Questions about this. The data that was transferred come at this guy had access to emails and files of dozens of members of congress as well as the password to the ipad that Debbie Wasserman schultz used for the Democratic NationalCommittee Business before she resigned as its head 2016. What information did Debbie Wasserman schultz want to get back . This guy is doing the same playbook, bank fraud. She blamed that investigation on sexism. Hes blaming it on islamophobia. The same ultrabright pizza gate media, antimuslim bigotry looking into this. Jane sanders blaming it on sexism, maybe you did something wrong here. Dana you are the most common sense of all all of us. Dana tom this is a famiy values story. Awan, 2 million from the federal government . Dana between the years of 2003 and now. Tom its plenty of money. I could enroll my daughters and some i. T. Classes. Dana thats true. Actually we need more i. T. People. Its beauty when the fbi stop this man at the airport, they did not arrest him on any National Security charge. It wasnt bank fraud, a primary residence but it was in fact for a rental property. The lawyer saying that may be just a placeholder and they do have subsequent charges but dana thats usually how it works. Lisa i can guarantee they didnt arrest him because they were islamophobic. Dana i would agree with that. Theres a big new jobs announcement from the white house, we will tell you all about it when the five juan President Trump on the campaign trail promised he would create more jobs for americans. He proudly announced one of the biggest Electronics Manufacturer has agreed to build a new plant in southeastern wisconsin. For everyone who believes in the concept and the label made in the usa. Chairman put his faith and confidence in the future of the american economy. In other words, if i didnt getd elected, he not be spending 10 million. Speak to tom, what we see here is the president saying i am delivering on my pledge, the crs are saying big money is going to fox con and they made promises about moving jobs to the u. S. And have not kept the pledge. But theres big money going to fox con. 3 billion in the state of wisconsin in addition to other tax incentives and the like. What you make of it . Tom the real surprise is a look at what block we are in. See block. At the should be number one. Its trumps fault that its not number one on page one because hes talking about Jeff Sessions and tweeting about the military. It should have been fox conn day. Its stealing jobs from china and america day. And Anthony Scaramucci is talking about stabbing people from the front. Its everything he promised. Wisconsin, which he never stops talking about lisa good thing he cant reach me. Tom its got everything. With the wall, that will be buried on page three because juan good point. That was interesting. Dana, when you think about trump delivering on the promise to bring jobs, the question is, is this a victory or what we have seen more of before . Carrier, keeping a thousand jobs and six months later, they are laying off 632. Shutting down, moving to mexico, the steelmaker, electronics, even ford still moving their operations to mexico. Dana is a free market conservative, i think those companies should make those decisions. If hes going to shine a light on this, then he should continue to hold their feet to the fire and make sure they follow through on that. It is true that fox conn has made promises before and those plans did not get billed but this is all being done in the town of janesville and some good news for fox conn there. They are some great employees. Because the government has been thinking about this ahead of tim