Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20140909 :

FOXNEWSW The Five September 9, 2014

The next faze is going on offense. We have to get an Iraqi Government in place. Im optimistic next week we should be able to get that done. Ly meet with congressional leaders on tuesday and wednesday. Ill make a speech and describe what our game plans will be going forward. But this is not going to be an announcement about u. S. Ground troops. This is not the equivalent of the iraq war. More than 1100 troops are already on the ground in iraq. Even with this show of force, president obama is content saying isis is not a threat to the u. S. We have not seen any immediate intelligence about threats to the homeland from isis. The threat from isis is exactly what they said it was, it is them directing an american citizen, canadian, or someone to come here and conduct an attack. They were going to make a manageable problem. Theyre blood thirsty animals, he is lost, circling the forrest. What should we expect from wednesday . Anything new . I think, first of all, he has reassessed his evaluation, as i have, of the threat of isis. That is allowed to be done by a president. Secondly i think were seeing very big news this weekend with the arab league joining into this effort. I think he will announce on wednesday a full scale bombing of the syrian targets for isis. And i suspect that the bombing in iraq will continue and what he was talking about next week is that m. Alaki will be gone, ad there will be a new president , and isis, i believe, will be nonthreatening in a matter of weeks. They said theyre clearly not, lets assess this. Here is the dilemma. If he goes into syria, he will look like he is pro war. Pro iraq war, everything he campaigned against in 2008. Should that matter . You tell me . Should it matter, honestly . Dont we elect expects to be forward thinking and to make the best decisions. He should not worry about the polling or whether it will go back on a promise he made. That should not matter when a job needs to be done. Unless he is willing to commit the military muscle to get it done, he will not eradicate and destroy them. That will be his legacy instead. He literally looked into the camera, into chuck todds eyes and said no boots on the ground. 1100 boots are on the ground. I think he will try to draw a strong distinction, he needs to, to be honest with the American People about what does it mean when you 1100 troops. He will draw the distinction that that is an invasion i could write that speech today. But there are several things he said he will not do. In fact, the white house over the weekend when they previewed the speech, told Jonathan Carl and others that there will dont expect anything in there about syrian air strikes. I agree with Joe Lieberman who wrote that president obama does not need congressional approval to strike in syria. I have held that position for the last two years when the red line was first crossed on chemical weapons. So i think that that is something i dont know if he will discuss that on wednesday, but he might walk all of the way up to it. My last point, the white house is leaking theyre planning a threeyear plan. That this effort against isis will be a threeyear plan. Setting a date certain is one of the reasons were in this problem to begin with because they knew when we were leaving. They would wait for us. I think its more important for the white house to talk about what is on the table. Maybe what they have been doing. I predict they will declassify a couple news nuggets, talk about things the president has authorized in the last year or so that we did not know beforehand. Otherwise is sounds extremely defensive when they say dont expect this or that and the president is going to defend himself in the speech. Thats what their soul purpose of the speech was. Josh kept using the tuerm bu in. That sounds to me like with our without we know what were going to do. Hes going to say i want 550 million for the operation. He said everybody else should pay for the war. We owed nothing after the persian gulf war. He says hes using boots, doctors, lawyers, dentists. They were going to be a force in arms. Now were counting on them and the arab league, i hope theyre in but they screwed us with libya. So somehow we have to get leverage on saudi arabia and others to write the checks and send the bodies in there. The threat here is much more significant as far as kuwait was. As far as libya was. Youre going into a civil war into a civil war. Youre trying to break up the isis part of the free syrian army, and then let them move forward. Thats very complicated. Why is that complicated . Let me ask my question. We know the territory that isis holds within syria and iraq. You can see isis headquarters from turkey. Youre flying over sovereign air space. And for some reason, assad was a bad guy. Obama drew the red line, they found chemical weapons allegedly so they werent going to go. Are we worried about defending a asa assad. Im saying we have to take it out first and then start the air attack. They have very sophisticated ground to air missiles. The russians gave it to them. Obama needs money from congress, but the war powers act is very clear. The president of the United States can make absolutely but what makes it more politically difficult for the president and from a communication standpoint is the fact that he did not utilize that authority when assad crossed the red line and he said im going to ask congress. That was his excuse for not acting. Now he could do it, and i would still purport if he does it on his own, i would support it. In addition to lacking a strategy, the president also seems to be suffering from a little amnesia about his proclamations regarding the group. Long way, long way from when you described them as a jv team no, keep in mind, i was not referring to isil. I said regionally there was a series of organizations that were focused locally, not on homeland. Because i think a lot of us when we think of terrorism, the model is Osama Bin Laden and terrorism. They can evolve i was special at that time. My head is going to explode. Really, you werent talking about isis . Dont take it from , fact checker at the Washington Post looked into this. Yes, he did, he clearly did. Politifacts said the same thing. Its in black and white. Thats exactly what he was referring to. Maybe he didnt mean to, i think the white house instead of digging their hole deeper should have just said bad choice of words, moving on. Instead they make it worse. If ever there was a time when you say i made a mistake, and i under estimated this, but we have to reevaluate and this is certainly not a jv team and we have to get on board and take them on. Here is the question, even in the period when you have been on vacation, president obama in the last couple weeks in iraq, syria, alqaeda is resurging. Yes, but the analogy we are using here is that the jv team puts on a uniform dont forget that Katherine Harris report ten days ago when she broke the story about the president s briefing. Saying that isis was a growing threat. In open testimony on capitol hill, it was not in a closed session, more information about isis as a growing threat. All of a sudden you start to realize that if the president says what we say around here is theyre jv, and now trying to convince himself thats not what he meant is disturbing. It also tells us that the white house knows theyre in big trouble for this comment. They dont have to be, but remember benghazi . About two years ago this thursday, president obama doesnt call it a terrorist attack, but convinces Candy Crowley in the debate, but then they blamed the video and then they said no we didnt. The emails come out and show yes, they were blaming the videos, jay carney says no we werent. Its crazy that we dont have video that we cant look back, were not paying attention. And by the way a great special, i watched it if there is ever a place in the world where things evolve and change quickly its in the middle east. I dont think anybody really had a notion that there would be a split as clearly as there was between people who were taking on assad and isis. Obama made the mistake of suggesting that the most powerful group within this group was forming themselves into a military operation and they never should a done that. So they should say that. Youre saying there is no way they could have anticipated it, and i said then tell the American Public that. And our views have changed about it. Not that we never said that. But i would like to see more digging from the media to the administration and not just at the white house, but at the intelligence community, the pentagon, why are we in a know. Its in our investment, our Intel Community is so poor, that was the whole point. I have one thing to add. Change in iraq regime, done. Can imagine if he had that focus in 2011 . Thats what he would have done. Maliki is out. We have to go, guys. President obama has more things we will remind that he has not said in the past. The League Changes his mind about ray rice after new video surfaces of him knocking out his then fiance in an elevator. An exclusive interview with this pic, were going to talk about it. We have all seen the video of ray rice dragging his unconscious wife out of an elevator. They have since terminated the running back. The february incident initially got rice a two game us pension. Now he has been sus pented indefinitely. He was not on the active roster at the time of kick off, so he will not get the 4 million. First off, a big change from a twogame suspension. Even though Domestic Abuse was concluded, to see it changed everything. Why did it have to change everything. How do you think she got autoof that elevator . What do you think happened in the elevator. She had to get an injury and sustain serious trauma to the ahead head to be knocked off like that. That is called he had a day in court. He had a good lawyer, the jury didnt see it that way. That doesnt mean that he was innocent. Im not saying he was innocent, seeing it, the ravens saying you cant play, they were going to prosecute, they had the video, but because they didnt want to press charges, you cant really pin this on law enforcement. The Baltimore Ravens saw the video for the first time and they did the right thing, they cut him immediately. The league had not seen it and when they did they say were going to an indefinite suspension. You have the coach that came out after this happened and said he was a good guy, a nice guy or Something Like that and maybe kids should look up to john harbaugh, to the suspension he got after doing something wrong. That was way too early for that, but the big one right here. Whats the Players Association going to do now . Are they going to defend him . Are they going to say he should never be able to play football again . That is a union. But part of the problem, of course is that for too long, both the nfl and the Players Union have overlooked Domestic Violence. But he should never put on a nfl uniform again. His brothers team, ray mcdonald, he is still in uniform. Dana, whats your reaction to the league . The commissioner came out and said i blew it, prior to the video. Im sorry, i was wrong, which is very rare to hear these days. So having said that, what was it about the video that changed everything. Even though we knew that Domestic Violence took place. They should have done the right thing from the beginning. Not just from a leg standpoint, but if youre an owner are you only doing it because now there is a video. Obviously was there something that happened. All of my instincts say there is something strange about the video. Why is it released now . The nfl says they didnt see it, why did tmz hold it . That hotel, evidently is closing, and maybe they just went in there and they may have been a disgruntled employee. Maybe they paid for part of it i dont know, i think there is something fishy about that situation with the video. I think if they had it originally, they should have released the whole thing. Tmz, you mean . They dont know, did they release it did the nfl try to get the full video . If they had it why didnt they show it, so many times its very problematic. Evidence with the nfl the nfl saw the after math which is her being dragged out of an elevator. Having a concern for the victim, still in a relationship, married to the perpetrator, why would you not want full disclosure. It doesnt matter, someone who is still working for the nfl, playing in the legal, it is all very transparent. They are financially department. Now she has a guy, a husband that beats the crap out of her in an elevator, and he doesnt have an income. Lets see where we go from here. Ray mcdonald, the next one on deck, im sure he will be dealt with. Be prepared to be stunned now when you heard what Ward Churchill said to megyn kelly. Thursday is the 13th anniversary of 9 11. You remember Ward Churchill, how does he feel now. You poured salt in the bouwos of the victims of 9 11 and their families. How can you take the moral high ground when you, at their most vulnerable moment did the same thing to them. Thats exactly the same point again. Its done day in and day out. Im talking about you take responsibility for your actions. My responsibility was do what i did, which is show you wt it feels like. If youre too dense to get it, okay do you believe the United States ought to be bombed . I think the United States by its own rules is subject to being bombed. You cant answer the question . I answered it. Yes or no, why do we deserve to be bombed . If it doesnt comply to law it opens itself up to it. Why cant you just answer honestly, yes or no, do we deserve to be bombed. Just say it if you think its true. Megyn kelly is with us now, did he answer that question . Yes, and many more. So you asked me about it, and i said in one word, it was riveting. I think it was, the viewer response agreed, this is equally riveting, i went back to my staff, and they said they think it is better. This guy, i just let him talk, and you have a window not into just how Ward Churchill feels, but a window into the far, far radical left of america. And what is so amazing is he was a professor at the university of colorado for decades. Its not like a weird thing where he got a year in, a tenured respected professor. He is not alone. There are professors at several major universities in this country that feel the same way that Ward Churchill does. The chicken are just coming home to roost. And its a window into how these people feel when it comes to our foreign policy, interventionalist policies, and with isis, what they think we should do with them. Does he have any moral high ground for this group that beheads americans. I watched it, i loved it, and at some point you look at him and go okay, he really believes that stuff. You give people credit when they really truly believe something deep down. I watched some of this and i want today strangle that guy. Did you have that feeling listening to bill ayers and this joker . I felt anger when he talked about the 9 11 victims and how, in his mind, they arguably deserved it. He says they were little eichmanns. And we get into it big time because no one ever challenged him on what eichmann actually did, and he was one of the worst nazis ever. That is disproved in this interview, so i got angry when he was talking about that, but between churchill and ayers, churchill is a better human being, ayers bombed the United States of america. He and his wife took american lives into their own hands. Churchill is just an anarchist. He sees the world in this way and he is not alone. He hurt people with his words and views, but he didnt try to physically hurt people. Thats not, i think one of the advantages of this is you do expose those people who have ever right in the world to say what they want to say as long as they dont go through with it. It may be pain for the families, but anarchy is a practiced political form in this country. Its not one or two single people. Its larger than that. I have known these people for a long time and they have ever right in the world to say they dont have every right besides ageing horribly, did he change anything from a few years ago . He kept suing, didnt get his appeals . No, he won with the jury. He the university of california wound up, we outline this tonight, he wrote a crazy essay on 9 11 while the towers were still smolders blaming the victims saying the chickens came home to roost. No one fluttered an eyelid, everybody was fine. He wrote a book saying the same stuff. In 2005 he gave a speech in new york, one of the students that was a son of a victim started to object. Bill oriley made it a big story, and the university of colorado said oh, were shocked, its terrible. We cant fire him for free speech, but he did all of this other stuff. He was railroaded out of that university for free speech and the jury rightfully sided with him. So even though he won with the jury, he lost overall. Do you think he bears any responsibility for his inflammatory rhetoric . The things he says . He didnt personally commit physical acts, but i asked him about that, right . You heard that in the clip, what about the pain that you cause. And in some instances he has killed, so inadverteninadverteno you live in this country. They go on kayak. Com fair enough, but look at the difference. You know what difference is, bob . The White Supremcists are not teaching our kids. It was out there and it was celebrated. He was celebrated. The hypocrisy when the community turned on him, because once the alumni and donors got wind of what he was saying they were ticked, but the academics were fine with it. Wait until you hear the lists of other professor thats see the world as Ward Churchill does. Expose them all. Top to bottom. And the university of colorado thats not the point, i think it impacts more on kids not very smart in high schools and thats where they were. If you want to talk about no, but they the classroom, they have a captive audience. That is like a bizarre i dont want to hear about that. Youre talking about White Supremacists im so glad you could come. Its like an authentic experience. Hopeful

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