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0 sniffles. all you're doing is addressing the symptom of a larger problem. a glitch is what happens to your iphone, not to your eyeball. they should stop calling it glitches.ll it obamas. we found the obama in this. got to get the obamas out. if it was the private sector, she'd be fired, temping at manpower. >> come on, at some point, democrats are going to stay, we screwed up. we spent your money. we blew it. >> i said before, i'll say it again, i think it ought to be delayed six months to a year. i think bmobama care itself is very good program. the delivery is not. >> a lot of people are thinking we like some of the things on obama care, but they took the easiest part, the giveaway, and they screwed that up. just wait until people start trying to log on to find out if they can qualify for a subsidy. insurers are getting the wrong data. they're getting duplicate enrollments. how about this one, spouses are being enrolled as their children. data failes are being sent. eligibility. what have they been doing for four years? >> i don't know. the thing about spouses was interesting. my man teddy cruz said, you know, we'll get that 21-hour filibuster on this issue. and my aunt was asked, do you have government health insurance? said no, i'm proud to say i don't. because he had a $40,000 a year premium policy paid for by goldman sachs because his wife is a partner in goldman sachs. >> -- if i worked in the private sector and he's on his wife's insurance -- >> i'm just saying, it's easy -- >> when you have nothing to worry about, you're being we're not paying for it. >> but, remember, one of the things obama care wanted was for employers to continue to provide for health insurance for their customers, or for their employees. what is the problem? that is such a cheap shot. >> it's a great question because -- >> -- what did he lie about? >> they asked him directly. >> he said he doesn't get -- >> nobody asked hip specifically. >> durbin did. >> i remember that. we should find that and play that. >> bob's right, what about all those people who claim to be getting bmget ing obama care who haven't signed up yet, bob? >> do what? >> as you put something together, can we hear what you found? >> i decided to do a little research here. a little math to see how the obama care enrollees stack u against other things in the world which people can enroll for. the mars 1 which you can sign up to try to go to mars. that has 91,000 likes. more people want to go to outer space than sign up for obama care. also a website. this is a response to an iranian cleric's claim that the scantily clad women in the world cause earthquakes. also a dear princeles page, okay, which says, dear pringle, i cannot fit my hand insideoff tube of deliciousness. bob has more people enrolled in his foreign student exchange progr program. greg has more house boys. and let's see that full screen been who has more followers? jasper. more people follow dana's dog than have subscribed to obama care. >> 91,000 who liked the mars thing -- >> no, that have enrolled in obama care. >> oh, that have enrolled. i'm sorry. by the way, every news organization i know has been dumping all over this. >> it's the truth, bob, god. >> a segment i absolutely love. remember we talked about the softball question, to the administration? remember, how cool is it to be you, from abc. he had the shot to ask questions. softballs. no way. >> i wonder if you could tell us more about what those meetings entailed, who the participants were, how vetteded that press release was, and whether the white house might be willing to make available either to congressional investigators and/or to the public the e-mails and other sort of paperwork that would be associated with the development of -- >> it is clear, because four americans died on that day, that there was not adequate security. and that was revealed in the accountability review board. i know we're creating an exchange here for fox and i'm mindful of that. >> what we're doing here is not for fox, it's for the record. will yowlu agree to make any of those accessible? as you did with the susan wright situation? >> the way you handled that tell us everything we need to know about you and the administration and the transparency you claim to have but don't. embarrassing. >> you still reading your open? >> no. this is the second segment. >> oh, i was going to say. >> can you just explain why jay carney gets a legitimate question from james rozen and walks out? >> i have no idea, nor do i care. >> how about it? >> i have to say, having been there, i think that jay carney is doing the best that he can for his boss. i think at the end when he says "we're done here," that might have been a line that i would have used. however, i do think it's a legitimate question. it will continue to be an issue for them going forward. they got a break though from -- on capitol hill. the last three weeks we've been talking about the shutdown. that meant that everybody stopped talking about the irs scandal, benghazi, syria, and the host of other things that at administration was dealing with and now they don't have to anymore. >> this is another example of what fox news avoidance syndrome. any story that is championed or of interest to the fox news audience is immediately denigrated. and we don't really -- it doesn't really matter -- >> i'm sorry, finish. >> i'm done. >> do you know any conservative outlets besides ours that are talking about benghazi? >> a lot. >> really, who? >> sheryl atkinson at cbs news was until she was spied on by the administration. how about the families of the people who died that night? clearly, there are three issues with benghazi. why wasn't that complex secured? why wasn't the standdown order given that night? and who pushed the video? and they haven't answered any of those questions. this consulate was attacked twice before. the third time on september 11th. why didn't they secure it? the british embassy was closed. the red cross had been attacked. >> why can't they -- >> why can't you just admit it, cop to it? >> how about this, when james rozen or ed henry or someone from the right asks a legitimate question that needs answering, they stand there and answer the damn question instead of say, look, we're out of time? what a coincidence. >> that's his job -- >> why would they -- from their point of view, why would they? they're winning with their base. they're winning in the court of public opinion. the media's completely on their side. out of the goodness of their hearts? no. because they care about the country? no. >> we're going to leave it there. directly ahead, does this make sense to you? if you think $17 trillion in debt is too much and want to keep your own doctor and have good health care, does it make you a racist? a lesson for the left. check out our facebook page at five fnc. we want to know what you think about beckle's new style. check out our brand-new website at fox five. the day we rescued riley, was a truly amazing day. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers. you can find it all on angie's list. join today. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yep, everybody knows that. well, did you know the ancient pyramids were actually a mistake? uh-oh. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know.

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