Od. Helping the world keep promises. Kimberly hello, everyone im Kimberly Guilfoyle with bob beckel, eric bolling, andrea tantaros, greg gutfeld. Its 5 00 in new york city. This is the five. Kimberly 12 hours and 52 minutes. Thats how long senator rand pauls dramatic filibuster lasted yesterday to block a vote on obamas c. I. A. Director nominee john brennan. Started at 11 57 a. M. Eastern time and didnt end until 12 39 a. M. Here are some highlights. I will speak as long as it takes until the alarm is sounded from coast to coast. Can you kill an american on american soil with a drone strike . It should be an easy answer. Your notification is the buzz of the propellers on the drone, as it flies overhead in the seconds before youre killed. Is objecting to your government sympathizing with the enemy . Are you going to dropp a hell fire missile for those at penn state . Jane fonda . The president ran for office said we wouldnt torture people and now says well kill people with no due process. It find it incredibly hypocritical and incredibly ironic. This is a long drawn out day and im trying to get answers. I thank you for the forbearance. I yield the floor. Kimberly guess what . Today eric holder followed up with another letter to paul confirming the president does not have authority for targeted strike on unarmed citizens in this country. Here was the senators reaction to that on megyn kellys show today. There is a result and a victory under duress and under public humiliation the white house will respond and do the right thing. Now after 13 hours of filibuster, we are proud to announce that the president is not goingbe to kill unarmed americans on american soil. My next question would be why did it take so long . Kimberly good question. After that 13hour holdup, john brennan did finally get his vote in senate today. He is the new c. I. A. Director. The vote was 6334. This certainly has gotten a lot of attention. People weighing in on it. Some people you wouldnt think would be a fan of rand paul, celebrating what he did. What is your take . Eric we can get to the substance of the fill buster in a minute. Really important. He woke up the american people. I think what you saw was a changing of the guard. You heard this all day. I do think you see ted cruz, senator from texas. Marco rubio from florida. And rand paul from kentucky. That is the new guard. Old guard is mccain, lindsey graham, Mitch Mcconnell. I got to say, guys, when you look at it, the republicans, conservatives who would you rather have Going Forward representing you . The new young bucks they got it going on. By the way, for the record, mr. Mccain after all this came out and said he thought rand paul was wrong for doing what he did. Scratching my head all day why dont you embrace the young guys instead of continueed infighting . Kimberly its interesting how it is lined up with who is pro and con versus a display of democracy. So what do you think about it . Young guns . Young bucks . What does this happen on libertarian island . Greg im still thinking 12 hours without peeing. That is a leak the white house is happy about. The big story here is not about the old or the new guard in my opinion. Its turning president obama to dean wermer. He is the bad guy in the animal house franchise. Its a movie, actually. Obama generally was the cape crusadeer for justice and ho now is perceived as petulant hypocrite. That is what happened. That was the real achievement here on rand paul. Rand paul is an evil tea partier who is cooler than the coolest of the cool. And he was able to create a bigger idea here, how is the growth of government going to turn in to an abuse of power in that immediately links drones to obama care and Everything Else in the Obama Administration. It is good to see john couusark in code pink joining the tea party. It wasnt just about drones. It was about every part of the Obama Administration and expansive growth it desires. Kimberly the impact on the conservative party and republicans in general . Andrea this is a moment. Big moment for them. Were told we have a deep bench of emerging talent and a party in peril. Were lost. Well, we found ourselves and got our mojo back and we did it through the new guard they are talking about. I think greg is also right, though. We havent seen a 30,000 foot message like this since the tea party emerged. In a way this is bigger than deficit issues. They are arguing against the big government. And the constitution is on their side. I thought it was remarkable they did it with an outdated maneuver like the fill buster to get the young people engaged. But i think the timing was actually perfect, kimberly, on this one. You see president obama lost credibility. They are feeling good after they won the sequester battle, i think. This is a trifecta for them to hit and now they have to keep it going, Going Forward. Kimberly bob beckel . Bob yes . Kimberly did the filibuster bring sexy back for the republicans . Bob it would be tough to bring sexy back for the republicans. Two week ago we were arguing if you should use drone stikes on americans overseas . I said they would filibuster brennan. I give rand paul credit for this. But there always has been isolationist wing of the Republican Party that i think has been right. They are reluctant to commit American Forces overseas. The neokahns are willing to go and commit troops overseas. You are seeing the emergence of once again, i dont mean isolation in a bad way. I think its a good reason. Eric the problem Mitch Mcconnell the other senator didnt show up to the senate floor until 11 17 p. M. Which is 111 2 hours in to rand pauls filibuster. Where was he . Ted cruz was there helping out. Marco rubio was there helping out. Wouldnt you think the others, the senior senator from the same state would show up to help the fellow senator out . Kimberly team spirit . Greg he was at my place. Eric that explains it. Kimberly different kind of holdup. Greg a big story here is about the media. The fact that if you are a liberal president , popular president you can do almost anything because the media generally shares your assumptions. It took somebody like rand paul not the new york times, or the Washington Post to light this issue up. The only reason why this is a big story is because the story was never told. We have a story about drones, and about killing unarmed combatants in the United States. Thats not a big story for the media. It takes this to happen. Exposes the lack of transparency. Bob i was going to say, this is a really different issue here. Using drones against american citizens or overseas. When they said you could kill americans with drones, even not on american soil, even if they werent planning an attack this is the bigger picture. Surprised paul didnt bring it in the debate. The whole issue of drones and americans is something eric the whole issue is getting eric holder and the president to agree that the use of drones for summarily killing americans is wrong. Bob i would like to see them say its wrong to do it overseas. Andrea what they did yesterday was talk about the big government. They didnt just talk about drones. If you listen to marco rubio go on he expanded on it and made a bigger point. Mcconnell condition came on my radio show today and i asked him he fervently support what is is going on. Eric timeout. Andrea hold on. He did not eric 12 hours later. Andrea i asked him why he didnt go to the obama dinner and i dont think he loved that the other senators went to the dinner. We talk about it in the b block. Look at the p. R. Gimmick. Its a shame. Where were the democrats, by the way . You think they would you get some to come on the senate floor and support this. If romney were president , that chamber would have looked different yesterday. Kimberly duck and cover like earthquake drills. Go ahead. Greg there was a headline from frank rich and said even rand paul can get it right once a term. Dont turn in sally field and go gee, whiz, they like usnous because once in a while the liberals give you a bone. Remember frank rich and jon stewart still hate you and still hate rand paul and tea partiers. Just because you got the Good Housekeeping seal of leftism, its not going to go anywhere. I have to defend john mccain. I also do fear alqaeda more than i fear our government. So i understand that point as well. Bob you know eric can i stop you . He literally said what rand paul did last night bordered on the ridiculous. You can disagree with the guy. But can you imagine if one of us were supposed to be friends at the table, we have healthy discussions called each other ridiculous. Greg we do it all the time eric we dont do that. That happens in the green room afterwards. He went on tv and said that rand paul bordered on the ridiculous. Bob this is a bigger issue than this. We havent addressed the issue of whether well use drones against the american citizens overseas. I would not have confirmed him. That was not. This thing sort of snuck up on us quietly. Use drones on the u. S. Territory. We still have the other issue. Greg right now rand paul, most people dont know who john brennan is but they know who rand paul is. Kimberly bigger name for himself. The legal issue that came out they are not going to use it on nonenemy combatants. So unless youre enemy combatants you are not going to get drone. Jon stewart was supporting him. Krauthammer thinks it was a standout. Andrea where are the democrats . Sh bob i was doing to say andrea and they said rand paul is the man. When i was watching, i thought it was a dress rehearsal for 2016. Bob you are right. Why more democrats this is an issue that goes to the heart and soul of what the party is about. Why more of them werent throughout is amazing. Particularly the far left. They should have been out there. Andrea why werent they . Greg you cant get more far left than code pink or john coussack. Be suspicious when the new bedfellows are people that hate you. Eric these are the ones against water boarding but all for drones. Kimberly there you go. Directly ahead, why is the Obama Administration using sequest tration to punish kids like these . The white house is our house. Kimberly they plan to visit the white house was public obama pulled the plug on tour. Eric bolling has a proposal the president might want to consider. Youll hear it next on the five. Music plays thank you orville and wilbur. Amelia. Neil and buzz for proving theres nowhere we cant go. But, at some point. Giant leaps gave way to baby steps. And with all due respect, youre history. If you taught us anything, its that you cant cling to the past. If you want to create the future. Thats why, instead of looking behind. Delta is looking beyond. Pushing u. S. Aviation to new heights. All 80 thousand of us. Busy investing billions in the industrys boldest moves. Its biggest advances in technology. Bringing our passengers the best, the most spacious fleet in the sky. And earning more awards than any other airline. To show for it. So rather than simply saluting history. Were out there making it. Eric welcome back, everybody. By now you heard that the president is canceling the white house tours for kids. Kids like these. The white house is our house. Please let us in. Eric here is jay carne carneys lame explanation about why. The secret service, like other agencies of government is affected by the sequester. The secret service presented options that ranged from canceling tours to potential furloughs and cuts in overtime. In order allow the secret service to fill its core mission the white house made a decision to unfortunately temporarily the tours. Eric decisions, mr. President , decisions. Hmm. It was you that decided to pone i up for a boys weekend golfing with tiger woods. It was you that decided to take the family to hawaii for christmas. And you decided, michelle and kids should go skiing in aspen and that is good for them, by the way. Why shut doors on the kids in iowa . Florida . Texas . Make you a deal. Jay carney, grab a pencil. Let the families take the white house tours next week and i will cover the added expenses. The word is it will cost around 74,000. If i can get the white house doors open, i will pick up the tab. Mr. Carney, you know this is an offer you cant refuse. Give me a call. Bob, really . Really . Of all the place, all over the country bob listen, listen. Greg we realized the five is not your primary source of income. Is this your show your hobby . Just something you do . Eric i care that much. Andrea what if kimberly and i volunteered to do the tours can we get in on that . Eric ly hon absolutely write the checks if they open the doors next week. Greg my vacation to hawaii was canceled due to sequestration. Eric oh, i see. Bob i wouldnt connect the golf and hawaii trip to this. But they clearly recognize that about a week ago they had gone too far. Now i defend obama, as you know, on this show every single day. On this one, i feel like the only fire hydrant at the westminster dog show. I cannot bring myself to understand why there wasnt Something Else to be cut. Its one of those things that is such a good story. That how they would not expect it to travel around. If you notice, obama is beginning to call the republicans. He has had some of them down. Get to this about his dinner. He has decided to change the tactic. Eric that but from today. We change that was from today. We changed our mind. Kimberly they are behind the story, instead of ahead of it. Interesting they had the political mishap. Genially speaking they make themselves look good no matter what the outcome. The situation like this with the kids. They should have avoided this photo top with the kids please let us in the white house. Its our house. That visual image, it has an impact. That is something people can understand. Eric why not . Those kids, by the way, they were featured last night on abc. Do you think today the white house would say you know what . This is affecting our kids. Maybe we will change and find another place to cut. Andrea this is a tin ear at the finist. They seem to not ever clean up messes when they first happen, which is the first rule of crisis communication. Then you have stories were advertising for 400 jobs, the three calligraphyers employed for 277,000. Its not believable. President obama says im choosing not to manage the sequester for Public Relations purposes. Totally blew up in his face. Bob he is trying to manage the sequester. Eric had a good idea. Obama should have taken the campaign money. Eric there is another idea. Anything. Greg president ial equivalent after a child slamming the door after being grounded. He is not going to clean his room until he gets a tax increase. I am not that sympathetic. Kimberly you dont like kids. Greg the iowa sixth graders are going to d. C. For a field trip . When i was in sixth grade we went to a petting zoo down the road with a shelf of disease rabbits. Kimberly you are jealous. Greg i am they will turn any misfortune that occurs and blame it on the sequestration, no matter what happens. If a dog gets hit by a truck theyll say the sequestration drove the truck. Bob i was in the hospital two nights ago and immune specialist came in. I bet that is what happened to you. You got bit by a rat. Greg saying that with a cast on your hand. Eric the white house invited 19 republican senators to the white house. Im not sure what they talked about. Any intel on it . Andrea its ridiculous they would hold it at the Jefferson Hotel at the plume restaurant where its 250 for a wine tasting. I get they didnt want to do it on obamas turf at the actual white house. But look, the visual, the split careen of senators like rapid paul trying to do what they were doing in the senate. And the other old dog senators drinking wine and rubbing elbows and hobnobbin with president obama when its a p. R. Ploy. President obama was using the senators. He wants to extend olive branch. Bob this is for the country. They see obama inviting the people. Andrea they should have rescheduled. Eric probably going get a bill from them either way. Kimberly that was too flashy. It looks like fancy people, 1 ers hobnobbin. Andrea you are already paying the guy. Eric good point. Andrea the b. P. Oil spill went on for weeks they didnt think about it. They dont have a sense of reality. Eric we got to go. We got to go. Coming up, why does planned parenthood have a problem with the new campaign to discourage teen preg flansy . Iflansy pregnancy. No problem getting rid of teen pregnancy. Why not educate them . Thats next coming up. [ rosa ] im rosa and i quit smoking with chantix. When the doctor told me that i could smoke for the first week. Im like. Yeah, ok. Little did i know that one week later i wasnt smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. It reduces the urge to smoke. Some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. If you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. 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