Night. Make sure you go to gretawire. Com. Tell us what you thought about tonights show. There is lots to talk about. Good night from washington. To . Tonight at 8 00. Eric hello, im eric bolling with andrea tantaros, bob beckel,be dana perino and gregreg gutfeld is back its 5 00 in new york city. This is the five. Eric as expected, president become become used kids as backdrop addressing the American People on the plans for a new gun control. Here he is. Just hours ago. These are smart letters from some pretty smart young people. Hennah a third grader. You can wave. Thats you. Henna wrote, i feel terrible for the parents who lost their children. I love my country and i want everyone to be happy and safe. Grant go ahead and wave, grant. Grant said i think there should be some changes. Learn from what happened at sandy hook. I feel really bad. Eric the president outlined a series of proposals including closing background check loopholes,be banning military style assault weapons and high capacity magazines, making schools safer and increasing access to Mental Health services. He then signed 23 separate executive actions. So lets start with the emotional appeal first. Well get to the proposals in a second. What do you think about the president using kids as a backdrop. Take it around the table, starting with you, ange. Andrea its a p. R. Stunt. Whether its a shrewd one or not. The publicbe will decide. It did think it was a little obviousbe when he released the letters to the children to the Associated Press before the press conference. One from a girl named julia. It seemed sophisticated for a young girl to write. It said i know you are supposed to go through congress but id like you to get something done for the united states. Tough to be against a letter like that. Eric look, they want to sustain the momentum, as tragic as it is, off of what happened in newtown. These are kids the age of kids killed there. Reading the letter is smart thing to do. Dana it probably helps him for 24hour news cycle. One thing he said after newtown shooting it was one of the toughest days of the presidency. Letters from all sorts of people and walks of life and the age group,be they help them make a point. Instead of signing the executive orders is weak tea. I would be surprised if they actually helped prevent one of the shootings like newtown shooting. Eric well get proposals in a second. What about using kids as backdrop . Greg the left pioneered this. They love to use kids as props, unless its prolife rally. Then its uncomfortable when you see kids alive. That scares them. You cant argue with the childrens logic, because they never say anything bad. You dont want kids running anything. If you read lord of the flies you know children dont make sound decisions if you give them power. Its way to create emotion because nobody except for a jerk like me will call them on it. It is a p. R. Stunt. Is it a shield that keeps the critics from coming at them. The fact is they have never done it at a prolife rally so i dont buy it. Andrea how many letters do you think they got from kids asking for protection. How many letters did they get on obamacareing can him not to do that . Got lost. Lets talk about the proposals. Four proposals we put up. Like we said, 23 executive actions. Im not sure what the rest of them is. This is weak. Dabs maybe they think these are things that could help either clarify things or stopping being duplicative. Others argue on the right that this is a slippery slope to more gun control, even though the Supreme Court affirmed twice in five years that individual right to own a gun is constitutional and has been upheld. Eric i dont know how you call it weak. Eric a chunk is Mental Health on that. The other thing is changing information about guns between states. 17 states wont allow any information to go out. There is also exchanging medical information. Strong stuff in that. Eric can i ask about this one . Number 18. Providing incentives to Hire School Resource officers. Does it mean putting a gun in the school . Andrea i dont mind that one as much. But it should be up to the locality and the school if they want to arm the schoolles. Different School Districts have different needs. It want to respond to something that bob said. If i were a doctor right now, i would be petrified, all the deputizing doctor talk. There is huge privacy issues. The Common Thread is everyone that did the massacre is very troubled. If you are a doctor you have to rat out patients. If you dont, you could be libel. So you want to get all the people mentally insane to the doctors office, not drive them away from the doctor. There are a lot of people out there that will say im not going to see a doctor. No way, i dont want my name in a mental bob there is a law to require doctors turnbe over information for someone who will complete a crime. Eric if you put it in writing, go to the doctor, the doctor doesnt put him on a registry. He goes out to kill someonebe. The family of the victims say hey, the doctor, didnt put him on the registry. Sue the doctor. Andrea or a lot of doctors will probably say i dont want to treat mentally insane people. The liability. Eric whether they will get any of the major things through congress or 23 executive action. Greg it was 23, right . It reminds me when i used to go to a supermarket to buy 23 items and n order to mass it can one embarrassing item i didnt want anybod see. So id have lightbulbs, scotch tape and the laxative or something hidden. If you wantbe the most useful thing is the one that the aclu hates, the law. In School Shootings theyre wounded before the Police Arrives so they are acting against is the action the only thing to save lives, which is police protection. A war between two cultures. Media enclave that sees gun owner a ruse. Even though gun could protect you. For rest of america gun is the tool the way new yorkers xanax prescription is a tool. Bob what is about the four things . I understand why the assault weapon probably cant get through. But the ten maximum clip . Who in the right mind is againstbe that . You are discussing after the factbe tragedy. They shoot seven instead of ten so the solution is the Police Officer to know how to use a gun and prevent it from happening. Pull up the picture of the two guns. One is assault weapon. One is a ban and one isnt. The difference is the pistol on the top. They will been a the gun because they have a pistol grip. It has the same gun. The next full screen, in this one, we talk about this before. If there is any question whether or not more guns or fewer guns means less crime, here it is again. 20 year period, the latest available data, 49 decrease in the violent crime. 49 decrease in murder rate. Over about the same period of time. Even a shorter period of time. The number of fire arms in american hands doubled. Andrea your point they are going after the wrong guns. If they want to do something, most crimes and most murders happen in 2011, 6,000 deaths were handgun and rifle. Theyre not evenbe talking about that. Eric no, no. Bob its bull. Eric its not bull. Bob give credit to police and the f. B. I. Eric we have to get it in there. This is important. This is a piece of the add. Watch this. Are the president s kids more important than yours . Why is he skeptical about putting Armed Security in our schools when his kids are protected by armed guards at their school . Mr. Obama demands the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes but he is just another elitist hypocrite when it comes to fair share of security. Protext for their kids protection for their kids and gunfree zone for ours. Eric bobbe, start that. Bob there is the punk ad. Terrible ad. I made ads for years and that thingbe doesnt deserve to be on television. Look he got in things that had nothing to do with guns. They went after obamas kids. Greg no, they didnt. Eric they didnt. Bob yes, they did. Greg no, no no, no. Bob you interrupted me. Greg im going to interrupt you again. I said this points two weeks ago. When rahm emanuel was going off aboutbe guns his kids are protected at a school. Same with obamas kids. Same with David Gregorys kids. Obama could have won over a lot of people if he said i want every child to be as safe as mine. That means to have security. Thats all he has to say. He didnt say that. Everybody had the right to have their kids as safe as president obamas. That is not a cheap ad. That is a factual ad. Bob they should have protection, secret service, every child has that. Eric we are talking about bob this is a Quaker School that does not have armed guards. Eric they have security. Bob not armed guards. Andrea aclu says this infringes on the kids rights. How . The right to get shot up by a mad man . You cant take it seriously. Eric we have to leave it there. It saw the ad, dramatic and provocative. Thats what they were going for. Before we go, breaking news. This is very important. Im told senator rand paul will introduce language within hours,be within hours to call for the nullification and prohibition of funding for the president s executive actions,be announced today. Possibly evenbe using the federal courts to nullify and defund some of the things. That is coming out and should break any minute now. Coming up, did president obama call out fox news in the Gun Control Press Conference . We have the tape, coming up next. Greg so i read obamas executive actions on guns and i noticed there was something missing. Quentin tarantino. Didnt joes task force meet with the movie industry . I guess its the hollywood lobby, not the gun lobby that flexes the real muscles here. The last flicks were revenge fantasies, historical fiction where the victims murdered the oppressors to a cheering audience. One had jews killing nazis. I havent seen jango unchained but im sure they werent cheering for a national conversation. Why is it cool for hollywood to embrace fearless populus but if you do its nuts . The idea is the same. Its cool to fight back. I am not advocating armed uprising, im too lazy. But the suspicions concerning the efforts to disarm them but at the time you act in a manner to disarm them makes you the villain. Fearless populist helps keep a government honest which may be why eric holder wants gun owners to cower like smokers. We have seen the movie before. With the same fake actors. It doesnt end well. As usual, the audience is taken while the celebrities returned to the armed bodyguard and do what they really do best. Swap coke dealers and hepatitis. In the sevenpage executive summary they relegated movies to one mention. They called on all americans to do more. Its up to us. Eric do more of what . Dana i was surprised they didnt have anything in there. I was thinking about the shooters mother who was trying to get help for her son. Worried about it and i dont see anything in this, maybe im wrong but maybebe in the list there is a Mental Health services, medicaid plan thing must cover i think that we could possibly be missing an opportunity to figure out a way to help these moms and dads worried that kids have something seriously wrong with them and theyre about to crack. Eric im reading through the 23, greg. They are really logical stuff like yeah, make sure the back ground checks are right. This is nothing more or less than obama using tragedy to promote ideology. The first things he recommends that congress do will never fly. On the fly, here you go. Why dont you vote in the senate first. We can all see whose hands go up and says im for the things he recommended. Bob are you against background checks . Eric no. We do them. Bob be we dont do them. Dana not doing them well is different that not doing them. Bob trying to tighten up the rules aboutbe the Mental Health and exchange the information. One thing the cdc,be Republican Congress saw fit to cut their funding but they would be back dealing with what gun control i mean what gun advocacy has done to the guys that have the mental illnesses. Andrea gun advocacy . Bob the gun advocates are againstbe the cdc having the money to do a study with the Mental Health information. Another washington study. You dont need a washington study to figure out a lot of the killers were loners, that werent included. Maybe the recommendation should be simple as if you see somebody, alone on the playground as a kid, maybe invite them to the circle. Dont isolate them. I dont know. Bob what is your answer to the Mental Health problem . Dana its not her responsibility to come up with an answer. Andrea i dont think there is one single answer. I dont think its an easy solution. I can look at all the things on the list and say i dont think it will cut it. In the words of rob low, i dont think hollywood, as he said, should be lecturing the American People on guns. If you are supportive, you have a right to not be supportive but you should be troubled how the president is doing this. This is not passing through congress. Dana to the monologue point, where you talk about buying the 23 items. And hide the one. So i could have satisfaction of crossing something off the list and id add it to. Number 11 is nominate atf director. Why do you write an order to tell yourself to nominate somebody you should have nominated already . Greg that was a better metaphor than mine. Dana you have been gone for a while. Andrea but wants it to look like a really long list. A lot dont make sense. National data base for something be bob how about that for an idea . National data base of guns so people register their guns. Andrea do you think lanza would have said before i go to the style ill put my name in a gun data bis or the colorado shooter . Bob why not . Theyd have to. Theyd have to. Andrea they have to . They follow the law very well. Bob you have to understand argument about whether mental helicopter should be part of this. Quarter of this is aboutbe the Mental Health. Eric challenge the democrats. The democrats have the senate. Go ahead, harry reid, bring it up for a vote. Are you in favor of all president obamas recommendations . Pass it through the senate first and let the house do it. That would be interesting if he does that. I think he was an nra backed candidate, too,be if im not mistaken. Greg do i have time to throw to the sot . Were doing it in the next block . Great to be back. Dana people talking to you in your head. Greg its happening again. I have to get out of here. Coming up, should a reality show that features one father who has 11 kids with ten different women called beckel be on television . We told you about be go ahead. Two boys, you know, take responsibility. You can hate all you want to. I didnt ask for it. I just happened. Greg we told you about all my babies mommas last weekbe but the network changed its mind about the show. Tragically. Well tell you what they have planned ahead. Announcer meet jill. She thought shed feel better after seeing her doctor. And she might have, if not for kari, the identity thief stole jills Social Security number to open credit cards, destroying jills credit and her dream of retirement. Now meet amanda. 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Make sure nothing changes whatsoever. Andrea all right. So that was a little tasteless at a press conference like that. The economy is hurting. I want to read a couple of headlines on the economy to give you pause while the fun debate is going on. One, ranks of working poor is increasing. Workers are raiding the funds to pay the bills. Thaw may downgrade the united states. Greg, does he not want to deal with this . Greg this is a real issue. This speaks to two different cultures in the united states. Its a prescription of xanax. You can have your gun, protection and security. Lefties like john stewart paint gun owners as paranoid, the same time on sunday that Bob Schieffer likens obamas battle against the fun owners as a fight against the nazis. If you are in a country that the administration accuses you of ginning up propaganda and the media citing with you to call you nazis, your paranoia might be justified. Andrea this is on the heels of white house telling p