assessment of the convention so far? >> andrea: it has been great but this is the moment it kicks off. after a grueling primary season, we have seen some shoot inside the tent. heard rumors that the tea party is not behind mitt romney, the party isn't unified. i tell you when they nominate him, you will see a unified republican party. a lot of articles today, "usa today" talking about how the tea party coalesceed and he has been able to bring in moderates. the conservatives were his weakness. they are with him and you will see it on the floor tonight. a lot of enthusiasm. >> dana: we'll have speeches front a lot of different people. most interestingly, ann romney has her speech as well as chris christie, governor of new jersey. what are you looking for in the speeches in >> greg: they have to dill lennate what they'll do from obama. they have to say, look you voted with your heart before. now it's time to vote with your head. >> dana: and your wallet. >> greg: a lot of people voted for obama because doing the one trip to the soup kitchen every year. more about making yourself feel good than doing good. i think at this point people are saying hey, we're the republican party, the clean-up crew, we're the after party that bankrupted a nation. >> bob: didn't you do that yourself? >> greg: i sleep in one. >> dana: bob, how many conventions have you been to? >> bob: 12. >> dana: is this the most exciting one you have been to? >> bob: i barely can sleep at night in anticipation. one thing that will happen in the roll call. the others leave it up, you do to the top of the delegate that you need to be the nominee with your home state. they defer. my question is which state is it going to be? new hampshire? massachusetts? utah? or michigan? >> dana: well, actually, on the state thing, it's interesting. if you look at an article today about michigan and wisconsin, two states that maybe a year-and-a-half ago nobody thought were in play, they could go for romney. >> eric: a lot of things going in romney's favor, especially in states like wisconsin, michigan. gasoline prices for one. they're exploding in the two states i'm sure that president obama has to have an answer and hopefully do something ridiculous like release oil. you know what it is? he's basically saying you know what? maybe we'll release oil from the spr. that is for bombing an attack on the emergency oil situation, infrastructure. not when it's campaign is getting bombed. as far as tonight ann romney will talk about her husband and she will make him introduce us to him from her perspective. mia love, i am watching that. she is going to tell us -- >> dana: tell white house she is. >> eric: mayor from utah. running for congress. mormon, block, female -- black, female. tell us why the war on women onlying from the obama administration not republicans. chris christie will slam the door and say thank you, here we go. >> bob: slamming the door all right. bet ber a strong date. >> dana: andrea, your take on that. there is a lot of talk if you look at the breakdowns, single women are more likely to say they will vote for president obama and married women say they are more likely to vote for romney. when you have the chance for ann romney and mia love amongst others will speak, what should they say to appeal to single women? >> andrea: the exact message. debt, doubt, decline. married women voters traditionally determine the outcome of every single election. we heard them called soccer moms and security moms. they're coupon clippers. they vote. every time. they are traditionally swing voters but they're in romney's camp. not worried about the uterus or birth control. they worry about paying the bill, putting kids in college and putting their parents in nursing homes. how are they going to pay for this? they are worried about the debt, the deficit. balancing their own budget. >> greg: therein lies the real war on women. >> andrea: exactly. >> dana: greg, if you were advising mitt romney tonight or the rest of the republican what is line would you suggest for them to pick up single women? >> greg: the line that i've used. the pitch to single women is you don't need a husband that the government is a better husbanddy. break wind. it doesn't snore. and it's the perfect husband. >> bob: not married to you. >> greg: exactly. but the great thing, i want to go back to mitt romney for a minute. she exposed the secret sexism of modern feminist. you to go back to hillary rosen, the equipment of the you didn't build that. but from the feminist perspective and it changed everything. >> dana: what did she say? >> greg: hillary because ann romney dop satisfy what now considers to be successful woman. she had no career. she wasn't really -- >> dana: >> stay at home mom. a stay at home mom. not a work mom. >> bob: you didn't build it again. i noticed that. single women broke several elections ago, stayed that way for democrats. same with the suburban areas began to go democratic. married women tend to feel much stronger on the economy. >> greg: why is that? they are influenced by their husbands. >> bob: they bear the brunt of -- >> dana: i think it's another reason. i think women that are married who are let's say mothers of teenage children as well as, so they are preparing for, dealing with that. plus they deal with the college education fund. and they're also helping the elderly parents so they are fresh on both ends. look at this saying this is not what i thought -- >> gregthought -- >> eric: war on womenn that for. you really -- democrats want to say republicans are running a war on women and not offering free birth control or whatever. the real war on women is the last four years under obama. there are 500,000 fewer women working now than when he took over. the price of gasoline is doubled under president obama. that is the war on any single mom. take their kids to play soccer. >> andrea: traditionally, single women don't turn out the way that married women turn out. so they could be in barack obama's camp. but there is a lot of single women, too, making over six figures who are incredibly successful and had to go back to work after the recession and say i don't care about the birth control pills. stop pandering to me. >> bob: i for one do care about birth control pills. you got to break? >> dana: we're going to go because -- >> bob: because i was talking. >> dana: the moment everybody was waiting for. turn it over to bret baier and megyn kelly to take to us the roll call. >> unprecedented -- alaska stands ready to elect a new president of the united states. alaska cast 18 votes for governor mitt romney. this is america's election headquarters. alert, i'm bret baier. >> i'm megyn kelly. one of the things making this republican convention unique is it's happening right now. the delegates are formally about to nominate mitt romney for president on tuesday. one day earlier than normal. >> actually a couple minutes earlier than we thought. the state vote in alphabetical order. each state is awarded a different number of delegates based on the size of the population. the way it's voted in previous elections. states that went republican in 2008 got a bump. so here is the deal. we will keep track of the delegate voting at the bottom of your screen. you can see the magic number needed for nomination on the right side of your screen. that magic number 1144 delegates. the state vote willing be on the far left of the screen when it's happening. when it votes and announces its delegates. now it will all be tallied in the middle of your screen. that running tally will continue to change as you see below us as the states vote. when it hit 1144, you will know it. >> that is the magic number1. 144. when they get to that point you will hear an over the top celebration. take a listen to what is happening on the floor below us as they continue through the roll of states. >> arizona. 29 votes. [ applause ] >> madam secretary, i'm jan brewer, governor of the great state of arizona. [ applause ] >> fellow delegates, thank you. you know, governor romney may not be from the west, but he is a westerner at heart. go west. he embodies our western spirit and shows all that could be achieved with the american formula. of hard work, faith, and opportunity. and freedom. i am proud today, to advance and announce arizona, the grand canyon state casts 26 votes in the nomination of mitt romney. three votes for ron paul. [ applause ] >> arizona. 26, romney. >> arkansas. 36 votes. [ applause ] >> madam chair, of the great state of arkansas casts its 26 votes for the next president of the united states. mitt romney. and the next vice president of the united states, paul ryan. [ applause ] >> arkansas, 36. romney. [ applause ] >> california. [ applause ] 172 votes. >> at a time when america continues to suffer ruinous debt, and loss of respect worldwide, we must instead choose to restore our economy and to restore belief in america. madam secretary, california, the state that gave america a the world the inspirational leadership of ronald reagan -- [ applause ] proudly casts all of our 172 votes for another champion and another living example of american exceptionalism, governor mitt romney. [ applause ] >> california. 172, romney. >> colorado, 36 votes. >> madam secretary, i'm proud to represent the centennial state, the great state of colorado. the words to "america the beautiful" were inspired by the vision of purple mountains from atop the peak and in 1876, shortly after colorado became a state, our state cast the deciding electoral college vote in election of republican president then and we will do so today. the moment of green back cut throat trout in the rocky mountain columbine, the marble that raises the lincoln memorial and the tomb of the unknown soldier. the home of the university of colorado buffalos. [ applause ] tan colorado state university rams as well as outstanding snow and skiing. i'm proud to be able to stand here with one of the youngest members of not only our delegation, but also this delegation, luke kirk. a student from the university. and soon to be freshman at fort lewis college. young people are hurting more under the failed administration of barack obama. >> my name is luke kirk from colorado i'm honored to be the youngest member of the colorado delegation. i would like to encourage youth everywhere to get involved, stay involved and take this nation back. thank you, all. [ applause ] >> madam secretary, colorado is very proud to cast 28 delegate votes since n support of the nomination of mitt romney. as the next president of the united states. with eight delegates obtaining. >> colorado, 28, romney. [ applause ] connecticut, 28 votes. >> madam secretary, connecticut, the constitution state. home of the next republican united states senator, lyndon mcmahon. [ applause ] proudly casts all 28 votes for our friend and our good neighbor, governor mitt romney. [ applause ] >> connecticut, 28. romney. >> okay. as the counting continues here, we are going to go down alphabetically, each of the states. we are going to bring you the vote. again, as i said in the beginning it's tallying right here. 1144 is the magic number. mitt romney is not the nominee until he accepts the nomination. >> it's like dating. this is the offer and has to be an acceptance. dating and contract law. >> yes. and on thursday, he officially accepts it. in his speech. we should probably bring in our panel now. >> our panel is here with us. syndicated columnist charles krauthammer. mara liasson of national public radio. and bill kristol, editor of the "weekly standard." this is an exciting moment for the republican party faithful who gathered here and waited an extra long time for the kickoff. what is the significance of what we're listening to and watching behind us, snarl >> first, a lot of pent-up enthusiasm. people had to hold this for 24 hours because of the delay. second, this is the fun part. everybody gets to out the the largest state and all their other attributes. this is where it gets started. [ inaudible ] the real effect here is people want to hear ann romney. she will be the warm and fuzzy to soften up the argument. and then we get the hammer, chris christie. >> stand by for a minute. take a listen to the state of florida cast its vote. >> madam chair, i ask that we take a moment of silence for those that have been affected by isaac, the storm, as well as those who will potentially be impacted by the storm. [ moment of silence ] >> madam chair, florida is the sunshine state. well, most times. [ laughter ] i am lieutenant governor jennifer garrold, proud home of governor rick who has shown america that florida knows how to prepare and respond to hurricane and provide hospitality to all visitors. florida is also -- [ applause ] florida is also proud to have been the home of governor romney's first major state primary victory. [ applause ] the proud home to the convention that will nominate governor romney for president and the proud home of 29 electoral votes that will put governor romney over the top in november when we make him president romney. so we are proud to cast our 50 votes for the next president of the united states, governor mitt romney. [ applause ] >> florida, 50, romney. >> georgian manual how it feels for romneys themselves after a hard-fought primary battle. romney finds nims the cat-bird -- finds nims the ca cat-bird seat. >> we're only going to take one break. keep it here on fox news channel. we'll be right back. idaho -- >> welcome back to history in the making here at the republican national convention as the state delegate stood up and cast their vote for mitt romney. a few for ron paul. this plays out in the primary caucus season. three for georgia for ron paul, three for hawaii to ron paul and the rest to romney. on the bottom of the screen 1,,144 is the magic number he needs to get to. not a lot of drama, we know he will get there. we're doing the delegate count in the middle of the screen. he has 538 so far and expect him to get to the magic number near the "n"s. new jersey, new hampshire. we'll find out. as we watch the delegate cast their vote officially. >> the suspense. >> drama. >> it's also interesting listening to these intros by the different states which only 20 seconds they're allotted but they choose what they say and who they put up. the last one from idaho said the first to sue on obamacare. let's check in with chief political correspondent carl cameron who has been governor romney all along and is on floor now. carl, a little bit of drama today about ron paul. >> well, there was. before the roll call began they had to conduct their business, seating of delegate, passage of the platform, et cetera. in many of the delegations there are a handful of ron paul supporters. they vehemently objected to the way maine was seated and thought the ron paul delegates in maine got cheated. a little dissent. raucous points of order call, et cetera. occasionally, you will hear in a number of states ron paul got two delegates and there will be a huge roar. numerically they are way outnumbered but with the sheer volume ron paul folks can make a heck of a racket. great state of indiana. mitt romney will get the lion's share. moment ago was illinois. introduced as the birthplace of reagan regular and abe are hamlin con the founder of the spiritual leader -- abraha abraham lincoln. the spiritual leader of the party. homeelegates is keenly aware state. delegates went to romney there was relish you could sense going on here. this is the part of the process that is meant to bring the delegation, the entire convention together. ron paul dissent, any of those who have been doubters of romney in the process, they're in the process of getting over it. the nomination will not be betoed on mr. romney until he is physically here to accept it on thursday night. for all intents and purposes, this ritual is about bringing people together and building the excitement. when he accepts the nomination thursday night, there is a money component it to. at that point the general election nominee he gets to start spending the $184 million he raised and put in the bag to win, he hopes, the actual election ten weeks away. >> is it worth pointing out they could raise primary number until he accepts the nomination on thursday, which is interesting. just a matter of money on either side. primary money or general election money. meaning that if somebody tapped out, giving general election funds they could still give before that is closed. carl, let me quickly get your thoughts. ann romney talked to reporters today briefly. it's a big speech tonight. she >> she seems very relaxed. she came back on the plane amongst reporters toting a tin of hand made welsh cookies. homemade cookies on the campaign plane down to tam not today made by the candidate wife and the speaker tonight. she talked about that. she talked some of the female reporters on the plane wanted to know what her outfit would be. she wouldn't tell us. she acknowledged that they were making last-minute adjustments to her speech. she seemed very insere in her desire and hope to be able to show the american people a little about her husband from her perspective and said he is would talk from the heart and describe not just how they met, a story mitt romney tells all the time, back when they were teenagers but how they started their young family. five sons. many with children. they have grandchildren now. she will talk about their shared mormon faith. she will talk about how they started a family and how mitt romney's business career accelerated. and try to give folks an answer to who is mitt romney question. for those of us who cover him and seen him in last couple of years, my own included for more than a decade, the idea that folks don't know mitt romney is a little bit hard. he seems like he has been all along a very, very, debtcated and determined politician who many thought couldn't win the nomination. joked nant the post 2010 tea party movement, ronald reagan couldn't get nominated by republican party. mitt romney is about to. >> carl cameron on the floor. we'll head back later. thank you. >> we rellee sume with the panel. charles krauthammer, mara liasson, bill kristol. you hear a smattering of delegates going to ron paul and rick santorum released his delegates, ron paul hasn't. this is a moment for romney. we talked the caucus for a long time and it was not foregone conclusion he'd win the race. up and down with the surges. this is meaningful to the party. but romney fought hard to get here. >> he fought hard to get here. primary is that he kept on winning but the headlines say romney weakness exposed, wins by a hair after mild night lik -- aftermidnight like in oh. many were distrustful of him but any state with more than 50% of the christian evangelicals in the primary he lost. every state with fewer he won. as soon as the primaries were over it's amazing how fast the party came together behind him. this party is united and wanting to defeat barack obama. that overcame the hesitancy about him. >> bill? >> like the voters in the old days for different candidates and went with different delegate in the state. it's so scripted there are three votes for ron paul. old days they had 52 for this candidate and 37-1/2 for this one. i would like while i still go to convention to have a contested convention. >> dream on! >> you read about them in american history. >> you want it more on the democratic side than the republican side. >> take that. romney will win this year. 2016 i want inconclusive pry fair fight between -- primary fight between hillary clinton, joe biden, o'malley, the whole -- >> you can't do that in two days. that is where we are heading. >> let me interrupt. this is the state of maine. there is controversy here. >> as a proud mem