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0 what would a reasonable person do? and they did something that fell below that standard, right? and that conduct then caused the death of somebody else. look, i think this was really a no-brainer. i think that there was negligence on the part of all three of them. failing to make sure. >> dana: thank you for joining us. judge jeanine will have an interview with the prosecutor. >> bill: harris will take over and the news from new mexico will than forthcoming. >> harris: alec baldwin accused of pulling the trigger when the movie set employee died now more than a year later the "wall street journal" has report evidence alec baldwin will face criminal charges. we're set to hear at any moment directly from the new mexico district attorney. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." hollywood star alec baldwin at the center of the death on the set of the film rust. a quick recap. accidental gunfire during a rehearsal is what it has been called. he has already been sued civilly. now the criminal case against him. a single bullet killed hutchins and wounded the film's director. alec baldwin actor and producer on the movie was holding the gun when it fired. >> it wasn't in the script for the trigger to be pulled. >> the trigger wasn't pulled. i didn't pull the trigger. i would never point a gun at anyone and pull a trigger at them, no. >> harris: forens for en -- the weapon could not have been fired without pulling the trigger according to the f.b.i. we covered this extensively. including how exactly live rounds made it onto a movie set in the first place? matt finn reporting from our west coast newsroom as we await the district attorney from new mexico. matt. >> we just got that decision in. alec baldwin and the armorer will each be charged with two counts of involuntary manslaughter in the death of helene yeah hutchins. you may recall video captured baldwin shooting and killing her on the set of rust and wounded the director. we'll keep you updated in the next few minutes. >> harris: are you hearing any differently that we wouldn't hear -- that there wouldn't be a news conference? what are you hearing? >> we have been told so far there won't be any questions or a news conference and they wanted a very solemn announcement today and to respect the family with the written decision. >> harris: give you a chance to bring in our legal experts. matt finn, thank you. mercedes colwin fox news legal analyst and leo terrell, attorney and fox news contributor. i will begin with you, leo, your reaction learning the charges against alec baldwin. >> well, i sent talking points to you and one of the biggest mistakes baldwin made was to go on the stephanopoulos program and say he didn't pull the trigger. it was a lie. that's going to come back to haunt him. i'm not surprised. the charge against the armorer makes sense. they had an affirmative duty to inspect that gun. their failure to inspect the gun is the reason why they conducts goes beyond simple negligence. >> harris: mercedes, i mentioned there was a civil case already won against alec baldwin. how does that play a role in any of this, or maybe it doesn't? >> well, it settled for alec baldwin so we don't have any sworn testimony but it is exactly to leo's point. if there had been sworn testimony and alec baldwin saying i didn't pull the trigger. you just have several commentary in the public airways being interviewed and not under oath. he could sort of fudge that a little bit if he actually takes the stand. we know in the past when these high-profile individuals and celebrities take the stand even when they are facing criminal charges they actually get exonerated and not convicted. i am not surprised it came down and he has charges. at the end of the day an individual died and at the hands of alec baldwin who had the gun. it was a very difficult decision for the prosecutor. a lot of remorse by alec baldwin. the family was supportive of him and everyone said it was a tragic accident but the prosecutor said what you did was criminally negligent and resulted in the death of a person, end of story. >> harris: you know, leo, we are getting a better look at this and read somewhat what i have in front of me. the armorer is named in this. producer alec baldwin and the armorer facing involuntary manslaughter charges in the death of hutchins. i want to talk about the role of the other employee on set. that person had complained through their attorneys they were given too many responsibilities and also in charge of props and other things. the armorer by the very name plays a huge role enough to get named in charges here. >> oh, harris. forget what the attorney said on her behalf. the armorer is responsible for the weapons on a movie set. she cannot escape that responsibility. she is the ultimate responsible person for the collection and handling of weapons. her duty is sky high. don't be surprised if there is a shooting match i hate to use that term between her and baldwin as to who had the ultimate responsibility. if one was charged, both had to be. the armorer has the ultimate responsibility, airis. >> harris: hannah gutierrez reed is the armorer being charged with two counts of involuntary manslaughter along with alec baldwin. we'll go back to our reporter and back to you two to pick up more information. we are all digging into this. if you don't have the detail i'm looking at, i will have my team send it to both of you. matt finn now. as we look at this we were just talking about the second person who is named in all of this. what new information do you have? >> it's also worth noting that the assistant director david hall signed a plea agreement for the charge of negligent use of a deadly weapon. a third person involved here. both baldwin and hannah reed charged with involuntary manslaughter punishable by up to 18 months in jail in new mexico. the prosecutor writes if david halls, alec baldwin or hannah reed had done their jobs hutchins would be alive today, it is that simple, end quote. >> harris: matt, thank you very much. continuing to get information in via you. we'll come back to you as the news warrants. mercedes and leo are with me today as legal experts. one thing that stands out as you start to dig into this, leo and mercedes is, in fact, there were complaints of not enough money for getting the job done on this set. why is that important now? this has nothing to do with the civil case. that was about money, too, with the family suing, the victims. what about this? what about this idea that they couldn't get their job done because they didn't have enough cash? >> that's a great point but what happens with something like that of course they were negligent. it is proof positive the standard fell below what is acceptable. so if you don't have enough cash and you don't have the standards in place in order to insure the safety and protection of those involved in the movie, that's where criminal negligence comes in. and there is the -- you were on notice, alec baldwin and reed and hall. interesting he did a plea deal. when you want to discuss that, that's critically important and the back channel communication, not surprising he will step forward as a witness as it continues to a jury trial. when you have that type of evidence, you are ultimately, the prosecutor said all of you are on notice there was below standards and taking place and yet you still didn't take the extra care to make sure that something like this didn't happen. >> harris: supported today by our digital team has done great digging along the way in the 15 months it has been since this happened. and some of the things that we learned just along the lines of what we were talking about, mercedes, there was a letter, notice sent that named baldwin specifically in a request for emergency funding to prosecute the case as well. so this is for prosecution. the d.a. explained she anticipated prosecuting up to four individuals including baldwin at the time. talk to me, leo, about how a case like this pulled together and how you narrow it down? >> mercedes pointed it out, the fact that one of the individuals david hall has accepted a plea deal, he accepted a criminal responsibility. so i guarantee that's a major piece of news because that indicates to the district attorney that they have a criminal case. the fact that he, david, was one of the two other individuals who handled that gun, expect him to be a monumental witness in his acknowledgement of his failures in handling the responsibility of the protocol that was responsible when you are handling a gun. i guarantee you, that is the single piece of big evidence being announced today. the plea deal. >> harris: so matthew hutchins is the husband of helena hutchins. we may never know all the details and maybe shouldn't in these cases. they aren't released in terms of the monetary remunerations. hutchins wanted to be an executive producer and has been named that. i'm wondering what that does? are we looking at a situation where hollywood could actually bend and start to do things differently? because somebody handed alec baldwin what they called a cold gun. and gutierrez reed who now faces involuntary manslaughter charges spun it. she made sure there were no bullets in the chamber. so either people were really bad at their jobs and/or -- maybe it's an and/or, what culpability does alec baldwin hold? don't you check the gun yourself? >> that's such a great point especially when you are talking about the magnitude of what could happen if it is a live gun and a bullet is in that chamber. we know from the f.b.i. forensics there is no conceivable way this gun could have discharged involuntarily as expressed by mr. baldwin on the airwaves. yes, everyone will question this. you are a smart man, a rich man, you have lots of children, you have a lovely life, why wouldn't you, knowing that ms. hutchins is a mom of a 6-year-old at the time, why wouldn't you check the gun? that is what will resonate with the jury especially as leo said, especially if you have david hall coming forward and say hey, i felt responsible. i am criminally responsible for what took place. this is damning evidence that can fall upon alec baldwin's shoulders and there is so much finger pointing and all the civil lawsuits all over the place with alec baldwin suing gutierrez reed and halls and all of that. >> dana: i want to make sure everyone understands. everyone handling that gun had an affirmative obligation to inspect the gun. no exception. it wasn't like just because it was being pointed. everyone who touched that gun had an affirmative obligation to look inside that gun. all the civil settlements with the family, none of that is admissible in the criminal case and nothing to do with the prosecution, won't be admitted. >> harris: that makes sense. some of fox news digital earlier reporting naming that with baldwin's name in it they would need emergency funding just to prosecute the case because it was ticking up to four individuals to look at including baldwin, when you know that that's the case, that makes sense that everybody who had possibly touched that gun would have to be looked at. i just know that as a gun owner myself, that you check it. you just check it. it doesn't matter if your mom handed it to you. it could be somebody that you completely -- but you always -- i grew up in a household with a warrior. that's what you do. not everybody is taught that. it has nothing to do with how responsible and culpable on a movie set what you think you know and don't know. >> exactly. -- >> that's true. >> most jurors sitting in the jury box if it goes to a jury there might be plea deals especially going to be so much pressure to close this down. who wants to take the stand and wants to relive the horrors of this knowing what is at risk and knowing this is the lowest felony that could be charged in this type of case. it's not murder. sometimes prosecutor overcharge a case. this is not overcharged at all. this is one of the lowest felonies regarding the death of an individual. the prosecutors did it right. they didn't overcharge. it is such a broad standard and you are expressing exactly what the jury would be thinking. exactly what they would be thinking there, harris. they will think how can you not have checked the gun and gutierrez not checked the gun and halls. halls is going to say i didn't check the gun so i was criminally responsible and why i pled out. so all of these things -- >> harris: we know that gutierrez reed at least, we know that it's been reported she spun the cylinder to show halls what was in the gun. that's according to her lawyer leo. >> i'm running down the football field. if i'm picking a jury i want gun owners on that jury. they know gun safety. i am thinking down the line i want gun owners on that jury pool. >> harris: you mentioned, mercedes, this is the lowest felony regarding death and you say that because they have a good chance then of getting where they need to be here and getting a guilty verdict on this. you said something else that maybe it won't go to trial. >> i honestly mercifully these two should sit down with their lawyers and contemplate pleading out. why put the family through this? you will have mr. hutchins, the widower sitting there. might have the child sitting there, rehash all this stuff. the witnesses coming forward. we already know that many individuals -- several individuals walked off the set because they felt safety protocols weren't in place and they they felt it was unsafe. you will have a whole parade of individuals saying how terrible the circumstances were. if i were mr. baldwin or ms. reed's attorney i would stress to them the ability to plead it out and let it go. >> quick counter. very quickly, twilight zone actor was killed. he was charged with involuntary manslaughter and fought it and got acquitted. if alec baldwin wants to stay in hollywood he will fight the charges. >> harris: what will he face if he loses? >> he has every incentive to fight these charges. every incentive. >> harris: what happens if he loses? >> if he loses, it is up to 18 months if jail and a few thousand dollar fine. $5 thousand in fines. i think we're in a society now that accepting accountability actually and going through a path of redemption will probably speak much better for mr. baldwin than fighting saying they had nothing to do and resurrecting the statements he made that i didn't pull the trigger when you know you have forensics will say that's impossible and you are lying, mr. baldwin. the prosecutor will have a field day with him. >> harris: more news as the story is breaking in alec baldwin facing criminals charges. sit by and go back to our correspondent matt finn. >> in this decision today the district attorney is making it clear if you were going to come to new mexico and film and use any type of weapons or prop guns you better get it right. new mexico's first judicial district attorney writing the evidence clearly shows a pattern of criminal disregard for safety on the rust film set. in new mexico there is no room for film sets who don't take our state's commitment to gun safety and public safety seriously. there was reporting the set was allegedly messy and chaotic at times. 24-year-old hannah reed was too inexperienced. she was perhaps being bossed around and overwhelmed by senior experienced staff. at one point she was asking for a cart so she didn't have to walk around juggling multiple guns. baldwin maintains his innocence saying he did not pull the trigger on the gun he was handed, harris. >> harris: as you poor through this i appreciate you coming in and giving us what you are learning and adding the detail with hannah gutierrez reed also asking for help. thank you. i want to go back to leo and mercedes. leo, when you hear the pattern of illegal disregard. the officials want to stand their ground if you come to their state as matt just reported you better do it right. >> oh yeah, you are right. they have a lot at stake here. high profile case, national attention, and they want to make sure there is an example to hollywood and everyone. they will follow the law and the comments about the hannah reed and her failure, complaint, they better show a pattern of just a disrespect of the law in her responsibility of handling weapons. and as mercedes said correctly, this is a fourth degree felony. low level felony properly charged. when you look at what you are dealing with, a handgun which could kill someone, which it did, the responsibility falls on the two individuals who were charged and the individual who accepted the plea deal, harris. >> harris: mercedes, you know, when you also hear that a 24-year-old woman wanted a cart because she had so many guns to carry on the set and she had been asking also for help because she was in charge of other props, this was really a recipe for danger anyway because someone was saying that she couldn't handle the job with weapons. >> exactly. and what the narrative will be, you were cutting costs, that's why you got a kid to be an armorer and not give her proper oversight and proper -- whatever supplies she needed. she is -- there are so many guns on set and so maybe you needed a second armorer. maybe you shouldn't have had a single armorer. all those things you put profits over people. never cut corners. at the end of the day cutting corners it seems to be the narrative that will develop ended in the death of miss hutchins. there has to be criminal negligence applying and ultimately involuntary manslaughter. >> harris: helena hutchins a mom. her matthew is part of the civil case that the family won against alec baldwin. her husband, matthew, will be an executive producer as the film goes forward. last thought. >> thank you. there will be experts to talk about the failure of the armorer to follow protocol and standards dealing with weapons. the bottom line is the family and the role of the hus husband being executive producer meaningless and no effect on the criminal case whatsoever. >> harris: except her husband will sit there and it has to be something different. mercedes, your last quick thought. >> exactly, may have been part of the settlement. we know there was a civil lawsuit to settle -- may have been the reason why he the is executive producer. he will be sitting there. prosecutors will ask him to sit there. just the optics of it will be pretty terrible which is why it goes back to work out a deal, plead out and doing something instead of manslaughter. try to get a lesser charge. >> harris: that family will never have peace over this. they've lost helena hutchins, a mom. we did not know we would be in a position where there are criminal charges against alec baldwin. leo, as you said, when the prosecutor began asking for emergency funding to push forward the case up to four people and baldwin was on the list with your expertise you could have seen it coming. good to see you. thank you. matt finn our correspondent continuing to work on the story and bring you any significant updates as we get them. >> the thing it's a federal felony criminal statute violated. a crime has occurred and the standard is not that you intended to harm the country or not that you intended something nefarious with relations to our national security. >> harris: a u.s. attorney and federal prosecutor, his expertise says that president biden or those around him have committed a crime, a crime has occurred. serious crisis unfolding. and the white house playing defense while being confronted about president biden's handling of those classified documents that popped up in three different locations so far. officials continuing to dodge questions on the scandal referring to the justice department for anything you might have to ask. they claim that they are limited about what they can say inside the white house. this is interesting. the d.o.j. says that's not true. a source telling fox, quote, d.o.j. has not and will not tell white house officials what they can and cannot say publicly about this case. white house runs its own show, that's the way it works, end of quote. the white house sticking to the same tactic. >> we've all reached out to the department of justice. understanding the desire to be pru prudent, why can't you speak about the underlying facts? >> we've been clear. when it comes to something that is under the purview that the department of justice is looking at, especially legal matters, we don't comment from here. >> harris: they are making up their own rules. the d.o.j. says talk all you want. the lack of transparency doesn't end there. the white house is claiming it doesn't have official visitor logs for the president's wilmington, delaware home where documents were in the garage and house. the secret service does keep track of people visiting the president's home. of course, they have to protect him. the agency has told fox news it will share those names with congress when and if asked to share them. republicans going after the biden administration's response. >> mistakes happen, benefit of the doubt. let's make sure the process is now transparent from here going forward. yeah, this six years in his garage probably had a lot of people come over there, whether it's workers, staff, friends, who knows? and they say they are being transparent but they are really not. >> harris: chances are some of the visitors probably aren't under investigation for foreign business dealings that are shaky. check out the new photos. hunter biden is in the garage. driving in biden's corvette. that was supposedly locked up with the classified document. we know that. that's what the president of the united states told us. the documents were in the garage with his corvette. it raises new questions and concerns over who might actually have had access to the locked garage. if that exposes our national security. will cain, "fox & friends" weekend co-host. will. this deepens now are receipts in the forms of pictures and details and if congress requests the list of visitor logs, congress will get it from the secret service. >> yeah. unless the biden administration successfully dodges that saying they don't exist. the secret service sufficient access to that. here is why it's important. through the secret service. so harris, you know, from the beginning i've thought well, this classified documents thing, going back to the summer and with president trump, why does it matter? what is the big import? are we really compromising national security? the dirty secret of washington, 50,000 people have access at some level to classified documents and if they do not keep them according to protocol and they aren't behind lock and key. so why does it matter? i come back to essentially two reasons. one, hypocrisy. the less important reason. whether or not it's the media, democrats or biden administration, when you call president trump incredibly irresponsible while committing the same sin you are guilty and the public should understand this of massive hypocrisy. the more important one is the visitors log you are referencing could help us understand. that is, is the leader of the free world, is the president of the united states and his add m mini trigss influenced by foreign powers something like ukraine or china. and then it becomes important what's in those documents? and this is where we want to see who is hanging out with hunter? we know the answer to some of that. who has access to the documents along with hunter? why is hunter paying joe biden $50,000 a month in that same house? who has donated to the penn biden center. we all know some extent. my friend and co-host every weekend on "fox & friends" go what we call off the wall. visually represent. we know something like $30 million has been donated from china to the penn biden center. why this matters to answer my question what needs to be explored here is the president of the united states compromised by influence peddling and the use of his son to the chinese communist party? >> harris: when you say we kno hanging out with, google him. it is all over youtube. some don't have kids in the room. the other thing here, too, is the investigation was already cooking along. we were six days out from a national election. the mid-term elections. and on november 2nd for some reason the president thought that would be the time moving some items at the penn biden center that he wouldn't let officials and the government know. he would send his own personal attorneys. these weren't entry-level attorneys from what we're told. these were the big guys. and they went in to get the papers that were some among funeral arrangements from the president's late son beau and other things. why would you send a bunch of really high-powered high-paid attorneys to go get something that had your name on it, the penn biden center who paid him nearly a million dollars to use his name. why would you need to send the ex p earths to get something if there wasn't a problem? among those original documents were foreign intelligence materials of some sort having to do with iran. you mentioned ukraine. i'm more concerned about iran and china. ukraine as well. at the time that those papers would have come about and would have been taken from the last presidency, obama's previously. they had to be taken from that presidency, right? what was happening in ukraine their president was being overturned. >> look, i share your concern when it comes to iran and china but equally concerned about ukraine shoveling billions of dollars. i want to make sure the war between ukraine and russia serves the national interest. it has been put on the no question category. a question is is it possible the country where hunter biden was getting a no-show job board seat getting money part of a potential influence peddling scandal to an administration funneling billions of dollars to ukraine? i don't know the answer. but a worthy question. another worthy question is what you are alluding to. i don't pay lawyers. they are expensive at an hourly rate. i don't pay them to move cardboard boxes or go through papers in my closet. you use a moving service, not attorneys. everything about it is suspicious. here is another word. contrived. so they find out about this six days before the mid-term to your point. we don't hear about it before the mid-terms. there is a useful purpose not talking about joe biden's potential hypocrisy or corruption six days before a mid-term. then afterwards it slowly starts to reveal itself to the american public. suspicious. contrived. i tell you what else is suspicious and contrived. how come everybody is now willing to ask a question for two years about hunter and corruption. another channel is probably talking about joe biden's brother's business dealings. all of a sudden they are aware and it matters to them? so suspicious. >> harris: everybody is being stonewalled. even the so-called media friends are being stonewalled right now. so now we really have to know as a group. we have to get to the bottom of it. >> get through the mid-terms and now time for democrats and regime in washington to move on to the next useful politician. >> harris: wow. love all your questions and thoughts always. wow. very deep. i do watch you and pete hegseth on the weekends at the wall. excellent. senator ted cruz says the document scandal is a big problem now for democrats. >> merrick garland and the biden white house wanted to indict donald trump. they wanted to indict him for mar-a-lago and suddenly they are in a world of hurt politically because if they bring that indictment, even someone who has been asleep under a log for 100 years will wake up and say wait a second. why indict that guy for doing the same thing the other guy did? >> harris: 60% of americans say president biden's handling is inappropriate and more than 70% say the scandal is somewhat or very serious. that tracks actually with what we're hearing. >> someone should be looking into it. >> the federal government has to do a better job. >> the way the federal government keeps their top secret documents seems loose. >> they shouldn't be in someone's home. >> make sure they turn them in before they leave office. >> i think the public library does a better job of keeping track of their books. >> harris: that's a slam. a new op-ed says quote as far as biden's alleged transgressions go, the discovery of a handful of misplaced documents seems the least of them. there is a reason the scandal is playing out now. that reason could very well be his party wants to prevent him from running for re-election. so they were tapping into the mind of will cain on that one. what does this get them? who is in second place? would it be kamala? >> that's the really interesting question, harris. i think it is becoming clear that the usefulness of joe biden has expired even for the democrats. you have to ask why it has expired. it is fine for him to be sort of a place holder while other people make the call what happens in the federal government. i don't know if you have this or want to talk about this. the moment yesterday where he kneeled in front of the golden state warriors and mispronounced kamala harris's name and continue to do thing that embarrasses the party and american people. you say as a democrat this guy can't win. the american public is embarrassed this is their president. we need to move on and now get joe out of it. joe says he wants to run. we need to be honest about his potential corruption. the big question is then to your point, harris, who? it is not kamala. the only one i can come back to is gavin newsom, the governor of california. >> harris: the only one? there are other people in government. >> maybe michelle obama. >> harris: oh my goodness. >> if you are a democrat where do you turn? >> harris: my guests can never tell me. great to have you in "focus", thank you. >> thank you. >> there clearly has been an effort to bring down the standards for our students in virginia, to stop celebrating excellence? it's just absolutely awful or families and unacceptable. we'll make sure we protect our student and parents from the pursuit of equal outcomes at any cost. we send a bill down that it doesn't happen again and must be reported immediately. >> harris: you know that virginia's governor is in it for the fight. he is ready and not going to stop. now outrage is growing as fast as the student merit award scandal is growing. the total number of high schools admitting they delayed notifications, 17 schools did that to students. jeopardizing all those young futures. those delays all in the name of some perverted notion of equity and to avoid people's feelings, ouch if you didn't get a merit award we don't want to hurt you so we'll give them to no one. the schools are all within three counties in northern virginia so far. preliminary investigation shows the number of students affected is in the thousands. all of those kids not able to use those awards for college or scholarships able gagss. the bulk of the guilty schools are in fairfax county. the superintendent talked to parents yesterday suggesting the same thing is happening all over but fairfax just got caught. >> anecdotally there are a number of other locations, i don't believe anyone is at this time raising their hand to draw any attention to that. we here in fairfax county at the moment are carrying that water. i recognize one of the biggest issues this evening and the last couple weeks is really trust, right? i think we've broken trust with families and i recognize that and it's now our responsibility to rebuild that. >> harris: a fairfax county parent and independent women's network senior fellow. and a parent co-founder living in loudon county where several schools also held back award notifications. great to have you both on the program. break it down for us what happens when your child isn't told and when the parents aren't told about a merit award? >> oh my gosh. so you are living in a vacuum. talk about broken trust. you are not told that your child has received this national merit award and so the child can't put the award on the admissions application, can't apply for special scholarships put in place for commended students and it is just like anything else in life. everybody can remember an award they got when they were 15 years old because it gave you that little spark. it gave you that attaboy or atta girl and that's what is loss with future admissions, scholarships. i have my wallet here. you feel it in the wallet. that is exactly what happened in our family. >> harris: alicia, tell me your response when you hear -- i wrote it down. the superintendent of fairfax county schools said michelle reid it is not just us. how does the it's not just us as a school district defense sit with you? >> i was really surprised when i heard that. but it isn't just them. but that is no excuse. the more schools that admit this will begin to build trust with the parents. until they do that and until they start taking accountability for the things they have done to prevent future success for our kids, there will be no trust and we will be holding them accountable. >> harris: so what do you say to your child? how do you explain this? >> the first thing i said was congratulations. the story that happened in our life is i printed this out because this was literally the email the school principal sent on my birthday, june 7th, 2020, if anyone wants to send me a birthday card. guess what she wrote to us. she wrote this to us. she said please think of privileges you hold that others may not. that was to our mostly asian, mostly immigrant families. people that stood to fight for human rights. that's the summer of 2020 when my son going into senior year and sent $20,000 that declared the only answer to past discrimination is present discrimination. september 10th, the national merit scholarship corporation sent a letter to the woman lecturing us about our privilege with my son's name on it and i didn't know until november 2022, 2 years later i found out from the national merit scholarship organization. the school system hasn't even told me. they are speaking empty words. they haven't given us my son's certificate yet. >> harris: i'm so sorry. governor youngkin is fighting this particularly in loudon county. your last words, alicia, about the governor's fight and what may be ahead for him and you as a citizen may try to help. >> well, i'm really excited and grateful for the whole team enrichment, glenn youngkin and attorney general and lieutenant governor have moved to uphold promises to families and students and currently writing the bill right now and senator donovan will be carrying the bill for governor youngkin and we are -- we feel so grateful and really believe that this is a bill that must pass. >> harris: blessing to you both and i'm so sorry for your son. i know he must be a superstar because he has a great mom. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> harris: we'll be right back here on "the faulkner focus."

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Mexico , New York , United States , Iran , Washington , China , Delaware , Hollywood , California , Fairfax County , Virginia , New Mexico , Ukraine , Americans , American , Hutchins Baldwin , Matt Finn , Hannah Gutierrez , Michelle Obama Harris , Leo Terrell , Harris Faulkner , Helena Hutchins , Harris , Hannah Gutierrez Reed , Joe Biden , Gutierrez Reed , Gavin Newsom , Hannah Reed , Alec Baldwin , Ted Cruz , Person , Something , Death , Standard , Conduct , Somebody Else , No Brainer , Prosecutor , Negligence , Part , Bill , Three , U S , Jeanine , Interview , Adana , Trigger , Charges , Movie , News , Report Evidence , Set Employee , Wall Street Journal , First Judicial District Attorney , Rust Film Set , Center , Faulkner Focus , Film Rust , Hollywood Star , Case , Bullet , Gunfire , Recap , Rehearsal , Killed Hutchins , Gun , Film , Director , It Wasn T , Producer , Factor , Script , Anyone , Forens For En , Weapon , Fbi , Rounds , Armorer , Place , Decision , Newsroom , West Coast , Manslaughter , Counts , Captured Baldwin Shooting , Yeah Hutchins , Helene , Two , Set , Trust , Wouldn T , Didn T , Victims , Questions , Chance , News Conference , Announcement , Attorney , Leo , Experts , Fox News , Contributor , Analyst , Mercedes Colwin , One , Mistakes , Program , Points , Reaction , Stephanopoulos , Reason , Charge , Sense , Failure , Duty , Lie , Mercedes , Play A Role , Many , Doesn T , Point , Testimony , Stand , Commentary , Airways , Bit , Oath , Fudge , Individuals , Individual , Hands , Celebrities , Everyone , Lot , Remorse , Story , Accident , Look , Manslaughter Charges , Front , Things , Hutchins , Attorneys , Name , Props , Role , Responsibilities , Employee , Weapons , Movie Set , Behalf , Don T , Handling , Responsibility , Collection , Sky High , Pairis , Both , Baldwin , Shooting Match , Term , Digging , Information , Reporter , Wall , Detail , Team , David Hall , Use , Plea Agreement , Jobs Hutchins , Jail , David Halls , 18 , End Quote , News Warrants , Thing , Job , Money , Fact , Complaints , Nothing , Cash , Idea , Standards , Safety , Course , Positive , Protection , Order , Plea Deal , Notice , Greed , Criminal Negligence , Hall , Evidence , Type , Witness , Back Channel Communication , Jury Trial , Way , Care , Foxnews Com Our Digital Team , Letter , Some , Request , Lines , 15 , Emergency Funding , Prosecution , D A , Talk To Me , Four , Piece , Protocol , Failures , Acknowledgement , Cases , Details , Husband , Matthew Hutchins , Shouldn , Terms , Executive Producer , Situation , Remunerations , Somebody , People , Chamber , Bullets , Jobs , Culpability , Magnitude , Mr , Children , Yes , Forensics , Oman , Airwaves , Life , Jury , Ms , Mom , Why Wouldn T You , 6 , Shoulders , Halls , Lawsuits , Finger , Pointing , Everyone Handling , Obligation , Settlements , Exception , None , Won T , Reporting , Everybody , Gun Owner , It Doesn T , Household , Warrior , Don T Know , Plea Deals , Pressure , Jurors , True , Jury Box , Down , Felony , Knowing , Horrors , Risk , Prosecutors , Thinking , Felonies , Didn T Overcharge , Cylinder , Lawyer , Gun Owners , Football Field , Gun Safety , Line , Jury Pool , Verdict , Won T Go To Trial , Isn T , Stuff , Lawyers , Witnesses , Widower , Rehash , Safety Protocols Weren T , Parade , Circumstances , Twilight Zone Actor , Counter , Ability , Incentive , Accountability , Fine , Fines , Society , Redemption , Path , Thousand , 35 Thousand , Statements , Lying , Criminals , Field Day , Sit , Guns , Correspondent , Pattern , Prop , Estate , Disregard , Commitment , Room , Film Sets , Don T Take , Staff , Embossed , 24 , Cart , Innocence , Help , Learning , Officials , Ground , Law , Example , Attention , Profile Case , Stake , Comments , Complaint , Disrespect , Someone , Handgun , Level , Degree Felony , Woman , Couldn T , Recipe , Danger , Narrative , Costs , Kid , Proper , Oversight , Shouldn T , Profits , Cut Corners , Miss , Bottom Line , Hus , Thought , Effect , Husband Being , Settlement , Optics , Lawsuit , Settle , Deal , Position , Peace , Expertise , List , Crime , Updates , Statute , Criminal , Country , Security , Relations , Hunter Biden , President , White House , Playing Defense , Crisis , Scandal , Documents , Justice , Locations , Anything , Department Of Justice , Telling Fox , Show , Tactic , Facts , Desire , Purview , Pru Prudent , Matters , There , Rules , Black , Transparency Doesn T End , Garage , Wilmington , Home , Secret Service , Track , Doesn T Have Official Visitor , Democrats , The Agency , Congress , Response , Names , Republicans , Benefit Of The Doubt , Workers , Process , Friends , Six , Photos , Visitors , Business Dealings , Investigation , Aren T , Chances , Corvette , Document , Driving , Access , Will , Concerns , Fox Friends , Weekend Co Host , Receipts , Will Cain , Pictures , Visitor Logs , Eforms , Summer , National Security , Trump , Import , Secret , Reasons , Lock And Key , 50000 , Public , Whether , Media , Sin , World , Leader , Add M Mini , Answer , Powers , Strigss , Hunter , Penn Biden Center , House , Hunter Paying , Extent , 0000 , Friend , Off The Wall , 30 Million , 00 Million , Question , Son , Influence Peddling , Chinese Communist Party , Google Him , Election , Elections , Don T Have Kids In The Room , Youtube , Government , Know , Items , November 2nd , 2 , Papers , Guys , Funeral Arrangements , Beau , It , Bunch , A Million Dollars , A Million , Intelligence , There Wasn T A Problem , Sort , Ex P Earths , Materials , Presidency , Michelle Obama , Billions , Concern , War , Russia , Interest , No Question Category , Job Board Seat , Pay Lawyers , Word , Everything , Service , Rate , Closet , Cardboard Boxes , Corruption , Mid Terms , Hypocrisy , Purpose , Contrived , Suspicious , Channel , Stonewalled , Brother S Business Dealings , Media Friends , Group , Bottom , Thoughts , Politician , Regime , Wow , Pete Hegseth , Document Scandal , Donald Trump , Problem , Merrick Garland , Guy , Indictment , Second , Mar A Lago , 100 , 70 , 60 , Office , Keeping Track , Transgressions , Books , Islam , Public Library , Op Ed , Party , Handful , Least , Re Election , Kamala Harris , Mind , Usefulness , Holder , Call , Golden State Warriors , Democrat , Guy Can T Win , Big Question , Who , Focus , Thank You , Guests , Oh My Goodness , Students , Excellence , Effort , Northern Virginia , Parents , Families , Bill Down , Cost , Student , Pursuit , Outcomes , Governor , Number , Fight , High Schools , Student Merit Award Scandal , Fast , Outrage , Schools , All In The Name Of , Notifications , Notion , Futures , Equity , Feelings , 17 , Merit Award , Counties , Kids , Scholarships , Awards , Thousands , College , Gagss , Bulk , Superintendent , Dover , Anecdotally , Issues , Hand , Evening , Water , Women S Network Senior Fellow , Loudon County , Back Award Notifications , Parent , Co Founder , Child , Merit , Vacuum , Oh My Gosh , Award , Admissions Application , Can T Apply , Loss , Admissions , Yatta , Spark , Girl , Wallet , Galicia , Family , School District Defense Sit , Excuse , Success , Congratulations , Femail , School Principal , June 7th , Birthday Card , 7 , 2020 , June 7th 2020 , Privileges , Others , Asian , Discrimination , Human Rights , 20000 , Privilege , September 10th , National Merit Scholarship Corporation , 10 , Words , They Haven T , My Son , Merit Scholarship Organization , School System Hasn T , 2022 , November 2022 , Certificate , Glenn Youngkin , Citizen , Team Enrichment , Lieutenant Governor , Senator , Attorney General , Promises , Superstar , Blessing ,

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