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This as the trump team pushes forward with legal challenges, hoping to overturn Election Results in key swing states. Weve got Team Coverage for you this afternoon on fox with Steve Harrigan and Griff Jenkins in atlanta, jeff paul in nevada where we expect the judge to rule today on a Trump Campaign lawsuit. Hi, jeff. John, we are standing by waiting for any sort of decision by this judge here outside the courtroom in carson nevada. The last direction he gave both sides was to give them any information that they might have that would help his decision, to get it to him around 10 00 local time. That deadline has come and passed. Really the judge not giving any sort of hint as to which way hes leaning. He listened to both democrats and republicans as they squared off inside the courtroom yesterday. For about two and a half hours, the trump team wants the nevada election thrown out on the basis of voter fraud but the democrats say this is a desperate claim without any solid evidence. This is an unusual situation. What we cant do is turn a blind eye, keep being the beacon of Representative Democracy of the world. When it goes out, you cant just turn a blind eye to it. It is fundamentally undemocratic to overturn the expressed will of an entire state simply because the contestants preferred candidate didnt win the election. So now we wait and i can tell you know one is anticipating this decision anymore than the lawyers on both sides of this matter and i can almost gamble with 100 certainty that whoever does not get the decision in their way, they are going to walk just one block down the street here to this courtroom in the Nevada State Supreme Court in this area and file an appeal. John . John thats one but you can make in nevada that you know will payoff very good to see you this afternoon from carson city. Lets go down to georgia, Griff Jenkins live at the state capital in atlanta for us today. Yeah, hey, john, good afternoon. We moved now, the march for trump bus tour that started at the capital, drove across town now at the governors mansion. Id like to have a little look. Its starting to wind down a little bit, you see the supporters here, mike lindell in the background and they are out here upset with the governor because they want Governor Kemp to be more involved with what they believe are voter fraud issues. Here in georgia, in particular that matching, we got because of brian kemp saying he supports it. I want to tell you this is a gentleman here named bob lawrence, where are you from and where you are part of this . I am here because i feel that right now it is a change in history. Im from north carolina, i feel that its important that the American People know the truth. The truth is there court cases are not going in the president s direction and yet here you are in georgia. Let me ask you about the Senate Runoff races, are you concerned that some of the messaging going on could it cost control of the senate for republicans . It could and i think we have to be united as republicans, now is not to be weak as a republican but to be strong. I believe donald trump is going to be in the white house for the next four years and i wouldnt want to answer to him. I know ive been with him since 2005 but the senate races, donald trump as president are one thing but our democracy will be vested this senate race is not won. So its very important where we go for this. This bus tour is headed down to the southern part of georgia, and ultimately will end up in washington, d. C. , on december 12. John . John the heart of conservative territory. Lets stay in atlanta, for more on the runoffs. Steve harrigan joins us now. Hi, steve. Hello, a string of political stars from both parties descending on georgia, weve seen a number of republican senators and its only heating up, Vice President pence on the ground in georgia, he heads to savannah this afternoon to try to boost their candidacies in those key january 5th runoffs that could determine control of the senate. Former president obama having a virtual rally for the two democrats. Among some republicans who are dissatisfied with the voting process in georgia, some of them are encouraging fellow republicans not to vote in those key january 5th runoff elections, something the republican Governor Brian Kemp strongly disagrees with. Its like saying today, urging people not to go vote in this election, all that is going to do is give the democrats everything they want. Its going to give the radicals everything they want, this is literally the firewall, what we got to do to assure people that their vote is going to count . We expect that president ial vote to be certified, its been counted three times, joe biden with roughly 11,000 vote lead and everyone waiting to see President Trump saturday night. Sean, back to you. John it does seem to be an odd thing to do to dis incentivize people to though. Steve harrigan this afternoon, thanks so much pain with Senate Control at stake, both sides are all in. Our own Douglas Kennedy got an inside look at the efforts to get out the vote. This is really where the battle will be won or lost, douglas. Yeah, john, runoffs are all about connecting the base with their ballots and everyone there knows what happens in georgia will affect the balance of power everywhere else. So these are without a doubt the most Significant Senate races in recent state history. It is but for us we just care about people exercising their right to vote. The Georgia Coalition for the peoples agenda and spends most of her time encouraging poor and black joe georgia residents to register to vote and participate in elections. Thats our goal today is to help you fill out this application. Since 2018, butler and other Community Activists like stacy a grams have registered 800,000 new georgia voters. And they are one reason for joe bidens shocking state showing, turning georgia reliably from red to blue for the first time in decades. A lot of people are filling out their absentee ballots for november 3rd and you had to do it again for january. Yes, we did get a lot of people to vote november 3rd but january 5th is just as critical as november the 3rd. Both democrats and republicans know its the key to victory. In the Senate Runoff election. One pitting Democrat John off against republican david purdue. The other, democrat Rafael Warnock against republican Kelly Loeffler, races that will decide control of the senate for the first two years of the biden presidency. So obviously theres a lot at stake here. Theres a lot at stake. Really everything is at stake. The future of the Senate Majority is on the line, the future of the country is on the line. Casey black, senior spokesperson for the purdue campaign and is in charge of his get out the vote messaging. Obviously the democrats registered a lot of voters. How do you combat that . Senator purdue finished with a commanding lead. He had 85,000 votes more than john awsat. Traditionally participation in runoffs has dropped significantly, since 1988 there are been eight statewide have be runoffs and democrats have won only one. I dont think democrats have that kind of grassroots momentum, energy on their side. They say that democrats dont have the enthusiasm, what do you say . I cant speak for everyone but for the groups that we were, the demographics, people are excited about being able to make their choice through representation. Said the enthusiasm is there, we hope the turnout will be as much as it was november 3rd. We are working to make that happen. John working to make that happen, and right now there is t three days left to register new voters for the runoff in january. Thats it. Back to you. John Douglas Kennedy for us, thanks so much. Lawmakers racing to come up with the deal to help millions as covid cases serge. Larry kudlow joined us from the white house next. That was my business gi, this ones casual. Get set up right with a live bookkeeper with intuit quickbooks. [announcer] meet the make familysized meals fast. And because its a ninja foodi, it can do things no other oven can, like flip away. The ninja foodi air fry oven, the oven that crisps and flips away. Some things are good to know. 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Starting tomorrow restrictions will apply for three weeks in any region where icu capacity drops below 15 . Live in los angeles with the latest for us. Sounds like some tough medicine here. Yeah, its going to hurt a lot of people. The restrictions are actually likely to kick in next week in most regions but its how long they last. Three weeks, that is going to be past christmas, likely past new years. For businesses, brick and mortar during the shopping season, that is going to be killer for all intents and purposes. No indoor, outdoor dining. Playgrounds, museums, bars closed. Hotels will be medical and only general businesses closed. Retail is capped at 20 capaci capacity, meaning long lines anywhere you go including Grocery Stores and barbar barbes or nail salons. We were shut down for seven months and we did all the precautions, plexiglas, sanitation, all of that. And they shut us down again. As you said, the trigger happens when icu bed capacity falls below 15 in any of the five regions across the state. The first is Northern California with about 18 of beds available now. L. A. Is right around 20, 22. But the thanksgiving surge is yet hit. The state contractor with malls, colleges and arenas to open 11 overflow centers for another 2,000 beds. Ready to go in case its needed, what they call a low level of care. That is something that still hasnt been asked as of yet. The l. A. County sheriff that he will not enforce the order but the state is not going to risk it. John timing not great on this with christmas coming up. Some positive talk, though, out of washington with millions of americans desperate for help during the pandemic. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying both sides need to get a deal done with the clock ticking on this congress. There is momentum. There is momentum, with the action in the senate, house members in a bipartisan way have taken with them. We will take the time we need and we must get it done and we must get it done for belief. John lets bring in white house senior Economic Advisor larry kudlow on the north lawn, where i typically am. Good to see you there. Where is all of this heading with the Coronavirus Relief bill . 908 billion has been talked about. Democrats coming down off their 2. 1 trillion demand but as we know, when you get to negotiations, these things always tend to crop up. There is nothing holy about these topdown numbers, let me just say that. Im glad they are closer. As senator mcconnell said, hes not ready to sign onto the package. I think the individual policies, john, and the targeted policies are what really counts. There should be additional assistance to Small Business, the ppe program. I think there should be assistance for unemployment. Weve always backed that. There should be assistance for states if its covid related, school, k12. Those are areas. Theres got to be improvement on the liability shield, which is important. Mcconnell has talked about that and President Trump certainly does, and those things have yet to be determined. Its not so much the topdown number. Let me make this point. You gave the read and on the california shut down restrictions. With respect to my friend gavin newsom, and he is a friend, i think that this is a mistake. We believe and are experts believe we should keep businesses open and we should keep schools open and with respect to the icu measurement, which is not something we have heard much about, our cdc people and so forth, we have teams that can go in and take care of any issues regarding hospitals and or equipment. We can target those areas. Im not going to say no restrictions at all, anyplace, but nonetheless, he dont want to end businesses, dont want to throw more people out of work. It doesnt work, by the way. Masking and hygiene, john. Those of the ways to deal with this and our team can target it and look, help is on the way i mean john we will be talking more about what to do with jerome adams, the surgeon general, coming up. Vaccine is weeks away, john the vaccine is weeks away. John there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and a question. Its just a question of how long that tunnel really is. 245,000 jobs added. Unemployment dropped to 6. 7 . Part of the reason a drop even though fewer jobs were added, was because some people left the workforce. But when you look at this number, which joe biden says is dire, is that going to get worse if we have big states like california shutting down . There is a risk of that, i cant deny it. We havent seen much restraint yet but there is a risk and i think you are going to get a spike in the virus over the holidays but again, todays number, 6. 7 unemployment is a heck of a good number. Because everyone is leaving the labor force. That is not true. If you look at the household number, there is Something Like 480,000 private jobs were added. 480 something thousand private jobs. That is very healthy and let me add all the minority groups, africanamericans, hispanic, asian, they had the biggest drop in unemployment and women had a huge drop in unemployment and if you look at the whole information from the economy, retail sales are strong, auto sales, capital goods, durable goods are strong, and ive got one for you, this being the Holiday Season, one of wall streets Top Economists surveys all Christmas Tree companies around the country and through november, that is up 29 year on year. So Christmas Tree purchases are booming. Thats a great indicator. John when people are staying home they want something to brighten up the season. Larry, we will see if the economic numbers do hold but there do seem to be signs. The economy might be stopping, so we will see where this goes. How long the tunnel is. Jobs of the toughest nut. We have lowered unemployment by half. I dont deny it. It is more work to be done and if we do have targeted assistance we should help those folks. Theres more hardship, i agree with that. But on the hole, it is a vshaped recovery. I stand by that and i think the data show that. John we will see if you are right when history tells the ultimate tail. Larry kudlow, thank you. Coming up next, joe biden defending his cabinet fixed despite facing heat from both sides. Stay with us. Whoo. Im gonna grow big and strong. Yes, you are. Im gonna get this place all clean. Ill give you a hand. And im gonna put lisa on crutches wait, what . Said shes gonna need crutches. She fell pretty hard. You might want to clean that up, girl. Excuse us. When owning a Small Business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. And im gonna eh, eh, eh. Donny, no. Oh. 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President elect joe biden is highlighting the diversity in his cabinet, promising to announce the most diverse cabinet in American History and he says groups are strongly lobbying him on these cabinet decisions. Every Advocacy Group out there is pushing for more, more, more of what they want. That is their job. My job is to keep my commitment to make the decisions, and when its all over, people will take a look and say i promise you, you will see the most diverse cabinet, representative of all folks. Asianamericans, africanamericans, latinos, lgbtq, across the board. These are the president elects nominees. They are subject to Senate Confirmation and unless democrats sweep two special elections in georgia next month, republicans will control the senate and the confirmation process. Now that senator Kamala Harris is extending to the vice presidency there is also intends lobbying on who California Governor Gavin Newsom will select to fill her seat. Senior california senator Dianne Feinstein is pushing alex padilla and a House Republicans are investing him for a 35 million Voter Education contract at his office awarded to a Public Relations firm but also markets itself as a member of team biden. John rich for us. Looks like nighttime more than daytime. Whatever. Its often said washington is a different place. Of course, how much biden depends on who controls the senate, which brings us back to the decisive georgia runoff. Lets bring in chris wallace, fox news anchor. Theres some republicans this morning who were very concerned about what Sidney Powell and lynwood are doing down there in georgia, which is encouraging people not to vote in the Senate Runoffs unless the legislature meets to make some changes in the election process. They are worried that i could actually depress the vote on january 5th. Absolutely, john. They are talking about it. Lynn was, famous lawyer, and Sidney Powell, famous lawyer who had been on the trump team, no longer, holding a rally where the urged republicans not to vote in the special election because they say in the novembes rigged. Somebody called it a dont get out the vote rally. This is going to be a tight race. Both of these races, georgia pretty reliable read despite the fact joe biden won it on november 3rd but in the polls, both of these raises are within the margin of error and when youve got some people saying dont go out and vote because the election was rigged, youve got the president weeding criticism of the republican secretary of state of georgia, the concern is this is going to depress turnout, which is why it is going to be so interesting to see a message that President Trump delivers tomorrow. John the republicans can afford to lose one of two seats but if they lose both its dramatically going to affect what happens if joe biden is sworn in as president. David perdue saying this is the republicans last line of defense. How could a win or loss affect the biden generation Going Forward if he is sworn in as president . Oh, its night and day. To put it simply its the choice between the Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell and Senate Majority leader chuck schumer. If its 50 50, which means Kamala Harris as the Vice President would break the tie, than for instance if there is a Supreme Court nominee or any judicial nominee under the new rules, they can be passed on a simple majority vote. Not 60 votes but 50 plus one, that would be the Vice President. All of those would go through. It would be harder on legislation, although of course there is the possibility that they can change the rules there and eliminate the filibuster so that therefore you can get things through. Even legislation on a simple majority vote but it will dramatically impact the biden agenda Going Forward on judicial nominations, tax policy, on Climate Change policy. Anything you can imagine. John what do you have coming up for us on Fox News Sunday . Because the big story is the numbers on covid and the possible light at the end of thl with the vaccine coming. We will be talking to the secretary of health and human services, the fda schedule to review the emergency youth authorization for the pfizer vaccine. So we will be talking with him about that and the possibility of covid relief with a member of this Bipartisan Panel that has come up to this 900 million compromise. Senator bill cassidy, republican of louisiana but finally we will be talking to john brennan, former cia director about the Foreign Policy challenges the new president faces. Joe biden is going to have to take on the world on january 20th as well. John i wonder if brendan might have something to say about the durum investigation being extended. He will be asked about that. John we will see you on sunday. Another Public Health official coming up on the daily briefing. Surgeon general jerome adams joins us next. New projects means new project managers. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database. Claim your seventy five dollar credit, when you post your first job at indeed. Com home. Itsthe north pole has tond now wibe feeling the heat. Its okay santa, lets workflow it. Workflow it. . Just picture it. With the now platform, well have the company you always imagined. Efficient, productive, seamless. Ok, im in whatever your business is facing. Lets workflow it. Servicenow. Do you have a Life Insurance policy you no longer need . Now you can sell your policy, even a term policy, for an immediate cash payment. We thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. But we quickly realized that we needed a way to supplement our income. If you have one hundred thousand dollars or more of Life Insurance you may qualify to sell your policy. 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A High School Football player tackling the unsuspected player. The referee did not return to the game, neither did the player. They escorted him off of the field. Those are the days top headlines. The centers for Disease Control warning americans had to travel for the holidays as Coronavirus Infections keep rising across the country. The latest total showing record numbers of cases, hospitalizations and deaths. Doctor, its great to see you. Universal mask wearing his urged outside of the home, so that would be if you are outdoors or if you are indoors somewhere else, and i guess the question i have off the top is why wouldnt they have urged that months ago . Weve all been adapting what we tell people to do based on the science and what we see happening in the real world. We know that the Novel Coronavirus spreads persontoperson. The closer you are the more likely it is to spread. Outside of course, better than inside but one problem we are seeing in the Holiday Season is that people are standing in lines at malls, outside at ice skating rings, congregating together and they are feeling like they are safe because they are outside but theyre still too close. We need to protect ourselves as much as we can. I want people to be concerned about the rising cases, i want them to be cautious, and i want them to be confident that the finish line is in sight. We are weak away from the vaccine, hopefully. John that might be something that will really help bend the curve. The cdc repeating its guidance from thanksgiving, urging people not to travel. A lot of people did travel regardless. Whats your forecast for the Christmas Season this year. Should people stay home or go visit friends and family . We expect to see arise after thanksgiving. The measure will help determine how long this search lasts and how big it gets. We also expect to see another bump over christmas but i want people to know the cdc put out new guidance about getting tested both before and after you travel if youre going to travel. We are about five days out from thanksgiving so if you traveled over the holidays you should consider getting tested. Again i want people to remember the safest thing to do is to keep your celebrations within the immediate members of your household, to try to limit travel as much as possible and if you do have to travel go to cdc. Gov, find out how to do it safely because the actions we take now will determine how many people make it with us to this finish line that is so close. Were so close. Hang in there with us. John i want to ask about the hypocrisy among some political leaders, dr. Adams. Theres a lot of rules for thee, not for me. The cover of the new york post, do is all i say, not as i do. One of them telling people in austin to stay home. These political leaders, the Public Health messaging begins from the top. Most democrats and stay at home but then they dont stay at home, or you cant eat here but im going to eat here, what kind of message does that sound . It is important that we try to lead by example. From my standpoint, people on one side want me to criticize democrats, on the other side want me to criticize republicans. I know its hard to really embrace these mitigation members but thats why john does it frustrate you when you were trying to put out this message and you see this stuff happening . It frustrates me but ive worked in a county hospital for the last 15 years. I understand its hard to get people to change their behavior. John but these are the leaders who are dictating behavior and again, as leaders we need to lead. We all need to not give a free pass to anyone but more people than ever are doing the right thing, wearing the masks, just need to hang on a little bit longer and yes, it all the leaders out there, we need to lead by example over the next couple of weeks and really get over the finish line because again, its inside. The marathon is long, we are in the last couple of miles. The hardest mile but again, we can make it. John there is the key, lead by example. Gavin newsom has come out with new covid restrictions. Some people are saying, what are you talking about here . Take a listen. Speak a week at new executive orders with no Science Behind it, so when you see this new order that says we are going to shut down outdoor dining, whichy successfully, when it says we ae going to shut down playgrounds for families and kids, once again, no Science Behind it and that is why you see this growing anger and frustration. John are some of these political leaders having a kneejerk reaction here or are they using hard science . We are building the plane as we are flying it. Were still learning each and every day about the virus and trying to adapt. I will just be straight with you, in many cases we are forcing the hands and when i say we i mean the American People are forcing the hands of some of these leaders because we didnt take Public Health measures early on and they are worried about hospital capacity. Ive colleagues saying i cant do it anymore, dr. Adams, help us. That is why you see leaders really throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks but the science is that the virus spreads when youre close to one another. Even if you are at a playground outside or outside at a restaurant, if you are with people outside of your household with your mask down, you can spread the virus. There is some Science Behind this but again, its a risk spectrum and we want you to do everything you can to lower your risk as much as possible, especially over the next several weeks in this big surge we are seeing. John dr. Jerome adams, thanks so much for joining us today. Speak absolutely. Concern, caution, but confidence. We are going to get there. John and instagram influence are found dead at the side of the road but her family says they think she was murder murdered. Autopsy report expected soon. We will have more details coming up. Ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Whoohoo great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. For members like martin. An air force veteran made of doing whats right, not whats easy. So when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. Thats how you do it right. 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Her body was found along the houston highway last saturday. Casey stegall joined us from dallas. Tomorrow marks one week in fact since the body of 26yearold Alexis Sharkey turned up in houston and frankly, almost seven days later, still so many questions. City workers discovered the young woman nude and hidden away in bushes. That is where these autopsy findings will be key. Meanwhile, Houston Police say they are analyzing Security Camera footage taken from a business close to the crime scene that could possibly shed some light on how she got there. She was last seen alive the day before. Her mom thinks she was murdered. Hpd will only say that foul play has not been ruled out while Forensic Experts believe there are other possibilities too. When we see bodies who have been dumped with no visual signs of injury, that is something that is common that a person is overdosed and has taken there by someone else. Alexis was a wellknown social Media Influencers who recently moved to texas with her new husband. Since her death, Close Friends have come forward saying alexis told them there was trouble in the marriage, talk of divorce. Tom has disputed those claims and contends he is with police. Doing things like handing over his cell phone and providing them with dna samples. John Casey Stegall with us. Thanks so much. The fbi is searching for a Bank Robber Known as the too tall bandage, suspected of striking twice last month after two years off. A crime spree has lasted more than a decade now. Christina coleman live from los angeles. Speak of the socalled too tall bandit has been running around robbing banks in halloween masks for 12 years. They struck again in north carolina. He is accused of robbing at least 16 banks in three states so far including tennessee and the carolinas. The fbi shared this video of him jumping the counter in knoxville in 2017. This guy doesnt go robbing banks every week. Authorities say he even took a two year break between his robberies. The suspect is suspected to be a white male, and anywhere between 6 feet and 66. He is tall, apparently. Hence the name too tall bandit. You cant see his face but the fbi said you might recognize him by how he walks. He has a lymph that affects his right leg. Federal authorities are offering up to 15,000 for information to help identify the too tall bandit. They say he is armed and dangerous and again, hes been getting away with Bank Robberies for years. John pretty clear that he is armed. Thank so much. Afraid of getting the braintickle her nasal covid swab test . We will introduce you to the covid breathalyzer. Beautiful. But support the leg when i started cobra kai, the lack of control over my business made me a little intense. But now i practice a different philosophy. Quickbooks helps me get paid, manage cash flow, and run payroll. And now im back on top. With koala kai. Hey more mercy. Save over 30 hours a month with intuit quickbooks. The easy way to a happier business. You can crush ice, make nismoothies, and do even more. Chop salsas, spoon thick smoothie bowls, even power through dough, and never stall. The ninja foodi power pitcher. Rethink what a blender can do. A live look at savannah, georgia where Vice President mike pence is set to speak at any moment for republican senators Kelly Loeffler and david purdue. President trump will be if georgia tomorrow all ahead of the crucial runoffs to determine which Party Controls the senate. New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy says some families are not cooperating with coronavirus contact tracings. But in new york, a father says cooperating led to his daughter being cyber bullied. Aishah hasnie joins us now with that. Aishah . Hi, john. Some folks out there do believe that noncompliance really starts at home with the parents. In new jersey, for example, governor murphy banned Indoor Sports for calling out ice hockey parents for being a part of the states 60 noncompliance problem there. In new york, the numbers are a little better. One in five people dont cooperate. Some could be terrified parents. When a fathers daughter tested positive, she became a victim of Cyber Bullying. Students and parents were scolding her, accusing her of putting others at risk. He said he was told by contact tracers that parents of teenagers dont often cooperate with them. He said covid shaming has to stop so families feel comfortable speaking up and save lives. Afraid of backlash. Theyre afraid of their kid being with the c on their chest. Were in this together. Were not enemies of each other. The only enemy is the virus. John, the good news is, it doesnt appear anyone else got sick because of her. Shes hoping other kids going through the same Cyber Bullying will reach out to her on social media. John . Unbelievable that Something Like that would happen. Thanks. The days of uncomfortable covid nose swab tests may be over. Introducing the covid breathalyzer test. Grady trimble is live with that. Hi, grady. Hey, john. I know you know how uncomfortable the nasal swab tests are. Thats where this breathalyzer test comes in. Its produced by world inc. , a company out of dallas. This is a regular plastic straw. Works with paper straws. Blow in to it for five seconds. This is a working prototype. Its not going to give me instant results right now. Theyre being stored in the cloud somewhere. The idea is that it will analyze what i just breathed in to the machine and tell me instantly on my phone if i have covid. Rob gorum is with texas a m. Where do you see this being used . Used everywhere. Its about creating a trusted environment. Its trying to get normalcy back. The company, worlds inc. , is developing this with the university and the air force. Its being tested at air force bases, hospitals and colleges across the country. So far the results have been pretty accurate, john. Grady, anything that stops that nose swab from going all the way into the back of your head. You ever had that done . I havent. I had the easier nasal swab. That wasnt pleasant. So i dont want to find out what the other ones are like. At the white house, they do the tip of the nose. When we went to a debate, it was up high. In the back of the nose is the most uncomfortable. Thanks for bringing that. Hope it comes out soon. Thanks for joining us on the daily briefing. Im john roberts. See you tonight on special report. Dana perino will be back monday. Right now its hemmer time. Cant touch this. Bill ive been there with that, john. I cant recommend it. Thanks. See you at 6 00 later. Meantime, heres the big hour. Waiting for mike pence. Hes arrived in georgia. Can he rally the voters as President Trump continues to challenge the results of november. Good afternoon on a friday. Im bill hemmer. Welcome to our coverage. Well bring you the Vice President when that begins. The president himself heading south tomorrow. He says turning out supporters is critical for the republican chances of holding the senate. The high stakes runoff are a month from tomorrow. At the same time, a ruling that could potentially overturn the Election Results exp

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