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Withdrawing from contract negotiations with the police union. What our city needs now more than ever as a pathway and a plan that provides hope, reassurance, and actionable measures of reform. Because i work for, and serve the people, this worker must be transformational, but i must write dana lets begin with mike tobin, he is live in minneapolis with an update for us. There were two, big developments that came out of the press conference with you Minneapolis Police chief, the first you just mentioned. He is pulling police force out of negotiations with the federation of minneapolis. The Second Development is an overhaul of the disciplinary process that will use what he called the Realtime Data to intervene with officers. He does this with the support of mayor jacob frey. We dont just need a new contract with the police we need a new compact with the police one that centers around compassion and accountability. He also supplied the retreat from the third precinct building on thursday the 28th. With the building surrounded by demonstrators who were grasses, there was no likely outcome without ugly scenes and people getting hundreds. I do not want to see Community Members severely injured. Or worse. And i certainly didnt want to see the men and women who wear the uniform injured or worse. They both reject the City Councils councils call to police altogether. The way he voted today without a robust plan to confirm the Public Safety you will not abandon the public. Dana . Dana mike tobin, thank you. Please reform is front and center on capitol hill today. George floyds brother pleaded with lawmakers to make sure his brother did not die eyeing and calling for lease brutality. King wouldnt hurt anyone. He didnt deserve to die over 20. Im asking you, is that what a black man is moved . 20 right. Mark this is 2020, enough is enough. Dana officers were arrested in georgia florida for allegedly using a fake 20 bill and he died when one of those officers knelt on his neck for nearly 9 minutes. Mike emanuel all his life in washington. Tell us about this hearing today. Ecogood afternoon. His brother called on congress to make the necessary changes, so long course of business will not the problem. Hold them accountable when they do something wrong, and teach them what it means to treat people with empathy and respect. Teach them what necessary forces, teach them that daily floor should be used rarely and only when life is at risk spirie committee from a wide range of witnesses at a time when many members from both parties to common reforms are possible, the chairman issue just call for action. Wilbur ross george floyd, breonna taylor, allie and many other victims of Excessive Force by law to force winds. We must have today to honor her memory. The panels Top Republican sisters of they want to go to florida. Guess what americans also get . Guess what else they understand english or english or mark they know is pure insanity to defund the police, and the fact that my colleagues dont speak out crazy policy is just that frightening. Lawmakers are hearing today from a federal officer patrick underwoods sister, he was killed during the recent riots in oakland. We will never solve generational systemic injustice with looting, burning, the destruction property, and killing in the name of justice. We must find lawful, principled solutions that help lift and benefit everyone. The type may be right for congress to address that part of the problem. Dana . Mike emanuel, thank you. I want to bring in democratic congressmen, first i need to ask you, what do you think the prospects of actual legislation getting it done on capitol hill is, and the idea of Police Reform . What do you think will be the chances of that . I think theyre very high. Ive seen democratic colleagues rally around the police policing. Even republican colleagues, i had a conversation on instagram with mike gallagher, he is open to looking at a qualified community and other reform. I think there is an opportunity to do something that may be my parkinsons. Dana what is your position and what you say to people who are talking about the Funding Police . Im not more dismantling police forces. Obviously you need police to keep communities safe, but i think what people are really focused on are three things, you need reform so that we change the standard so if you the last resort, every other western democracy has forced it as the last really dumb at resorts. Two, look at the budget , there is too much money on beliefs about education and health and that is what every locality to science, and 3d encounters with police. Most people have encounters that are relatively peaceful poor traffic tickets and ordinary issues, that i think is Common Ground that a lot of people can get behind. Dana i want to have you listened to michael omara, the president of the new York State Association of the police union. He is quite passionate because morale for police is really low right now. Listen to live. Because of the legislative, deep breaths, everyone is trying to shame us into being embarrassed about our profession. Stop treating us like animals, and start treating us with some respects. Thats what were here today to say. Weve been left out of the conversation. Weve been vilified. Its disgusting. Dana congressman, what you think about having a more fulsome conversation with somebody like that who is really speaking for his mom lives there . I saw that clip earlier and he goes on to say that he thought what happened with george floyd was disgusting and that officer was totally out of line. Obviously i have respect for Law Enforcement, and no one is painting all Police Officers with a broad approach, but he himself is saying that we need systematic reform. If we get deescalation, if we change the standard not only it will save selected brown life, it will put Police Officers at less risk spirit i say lets let everyone who has a stake go to the table and lets be constructive and doing something major to solve this issue. Dana wallace trying to bring people together. Thank you for coming on the show. Thank you. Dana Police Reform and the call to defund departments playing a big part in election politics. Aurora Chris Wallace joins us and why waste time democrat right is saint joe biden is doing just finehe campaigning from his basement. Up next. Rtcuts the process. Veterans can refinance with no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. One call could save you 2000 a year. Balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Whoohoo great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. Are made with farm grownal apples as the first ingredient. And key nutrients you want. So you can have a daily multivitamin free of stuff you dont want. One a day Natural Fruit bites. A new way to multivitamin. Dana of the issue of Police Reform is not content centered on the 2020 president ial race, sources telling president trumbull now announced Police Reform. We will get more on that from the press secretary. Meanwhile, joe biden is appearing on cbs news and clarified his decision on issues of racism and Law Enforcement, and defunding the police. Watch. Its not just a Law Enforcement and to promptly forward, housing, education, everything we do. Its real, genuine, serious. Not all Law Enforcement officers are racists, there is some really good cops out there. I dont support defunding the police, i support conditioning federal aid to police based on whether or not they meet certain basic standards of decency and honorable spin dana lets praying and Chris Wallace, ankara Fox News Sunday and author of the much lauded book, that is available about. I encourage everyone to get it. We want to talk about your book in a moment, but based on your experience as issues come up inn a president ial year and you have hearings on capitol hill. Could i get done and this measurement . I would love to think so. Obviously the injured tragedy indicates that there is a need for some reform. Im interested to see that joe biden wants no part of defunding the police and i think thats smart on his part. I think thats way outside the mainstream. For a major president ial candidate, but Police Reform is a different issue and my guess is on the president announces this package there will be some things. Whether its making it easier to fire policeman, training, financial poles, taking away the immunity that policemen enjoy it. There are ways to try to improve the system, while understanding whether we want that thin blue line protecting us from chaos on the other side. Absolutely. Dana fox news was able to obtain some audio from his zoom call where former governor of virginia, prominent democrat made comments about joe biden at his campaign, and how they think everythings okay. Take. People say all the time we have to get the Vice President out of the basement, hes out of the basement. Two people cma day. Let trump keep doing what hes doing. Its hard for them to breakthrough. If you have covid crisis, he needs to come out strategically. Dana chris, based on what you have season has failed biden has come out of the basement and doing so more interviews, going to houston, it is easy strategic enough . No. Tried to take terry mcculloughs was going hes a pretty smart political tactician, its awfully hard for the Vice President. So much of this is centered around real issues likely virus, economic collapse, now the racial tension, and protest in the country. I said a few weeks ago i was lactose easy to not that my advice. He needs to get out of the basement. I think the point that he is making, people seem to back him up, hes not getting hurt politically. He is up ten points depending on the boom over the president. This is going to become a Real Campaign at some point, whether its at the convention, depending on what they look like we certainly by labor day, and i dont know that before his two push its workforce is dead. There will be plenty of time for americans to judge these two men and say who do they want in the white house running the country for the next four years. Dana i know the campaign has ramped up on spending for digital ads, but the Trump Campaign as saying the president plans to get ou out of there win the next two weeks. You know those values shows really enthusiastic crowds. That also might put some pressure on the biden campaign. This is an interesting thing. Its everything thats wrong and our politics today, whether you wear a mask or not has become a political issue, but it kind of had this great democratic say literary mass, social distance. The republicans by some, dont wear masks, talk about our individual freedoms. The president can wear a mask, but i think that they were his face, for joe biden, observes a new social distancing and masking the rules may not hurt him for a while. Dana tell us about countdown 1945. I talked to somebody who had already read it and they said it was fantastic. That was a very wise person you talk to. Let me just Say Something about this book. I wanted to write a historical thriller. That may sound like an oxymoron because so many of our history books are from the Vantage Point of hindsight, why did this happen . I wanted to take you inside the decisions, countdown 1945, 360 days that changed the world. April 12, 1945. If harry truman becomes president , and pc secretary of you were and he tells him something he didnt know which is that the Manhattan Project has been going on for two plus sign years. The Vice President had no idea. Over the 160 days, the decisions he has to make in the white house, the decision is, they dont know that the blonde was even going to work until 21 days before its dropped in midjuly. The flight line room, they were in florida dropped the bomb on hiroshima because it had never been done before. They had no idea whether shock waves would knock them out of the sky. The best review ive gone, somebody said, i know what happened in 1945 but this is a thriller. Thats what i wanted to do as a thriller. You feel the uncertainty, the opobsolescencecost on this. Dana blood not a great accomplishment. Congratulations. We look forward to having you on the daily briefing. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate it. Long alliance, the only problem as folks try to vote in georgia. A preview of what we can see in november. The attorney general said hes very troubled by what hes seen in the investigation with the federalge service. Trey gowdy reacts next. 2000 a. The va streamline refi is a benefit your spouse earned. It shortens the refi process so veteran families can save money by refinancing. Theres no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs and you can do it all right from home. Qdoprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacistrecommendeding . Memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. This moment right now. This is our commencement. No, well not get a diploma or a degree of any kind. But we are entering a new chapter in our lives. Our confidence is shaken; our hearts cracked. The kind of a crack that comes from the loss of a job; from life plans falling apart. We didnt ask for it. But we are rising to meet it. And how far weve come isnt even close to how far we can go. We just have to remember how patient we were. How strong we can be. how strong you can be. and remember this; theres a crack in everything for a reason. How else can the light get in . Tomorrow starts today. Dana election jay and georgia is now the function of an investigation. The voting day yesterday was blacked by long lines, and a shortage of violence. All the chaos of raising alarm. Peter doocy has the details. On top of all that there were fewer people and places and workers because of covid19, thats also why this primary was delayed or postponed twice. It was really hard to vote and georges post Populated Areas which are predominantly africanamerican. He had people in line said that is what i think youre hearing more from anyone else. Its very fortunate, related issues with the process. We will continue to really research would have been there, and what we need to do to get ready for one half and 60 days, and make sure were ready for the november elections. The november election is big for both parties. In addition to georgia being a purple state, both biden and trump think they can win. There are also two seats up for grab. Now these problems are raising concerns about voter suppressi suppression, particularly among elected democrats like atlantas mayor who tweets this, lets all work, hope, and grain that this not be a preview of november. She is one of two georgia democrats thought to be on the biden shortlist along with stacy abrams. Dana peter doocy, thank you. Ive publicly made clear that this does not involve looking at president obama were Vice President biden. Names who would be familiar with . Some of them. Heres a thing with him for the first time in American History Police Organizations and National Security organizations were used to spy on a campaign. There is no basis for rent. Im troubled by what has been called to my attention so far, but im not going to characterize it beyond that. Dana attorney general william barr addressing federal prosecutor john durhams investigation into possible abuses during the rush of probe. Here to talk about it, trey gowdy. A former House Oversight Committee Chairman and host is trade counttrey gowdy podcast. I know he is careful not to disrupt the investigation, but you give the world little insight into what he is seen so far. Is a pretty mildmannered person so when he says he is disturbed and frustrated, i think what he is saying is we give Law Enforcement and our community these awesome powers that no one else has. Repowered to a die, and reading emails, and all he is asking in return is that you be a good steward and there be a factual predicate when you investigate, whether its a potential president , or your neighbor next ruler. Those who care about our Justice System should echo what he said. When you give power to someone, it is not legitimate to say we will review a good steward of those powers . In terms of the famous names, you know, but keep in mind peter strzok, a household name has his fingerprints on every aspect of this. From initiating it, the Hillary Clinton investigation, to interviewing michael plan. Peter strzok would be any event that i would listen for. Dana i wanted to ask you about this, we have an update on the Michael Flynn case. Something that you will know very well. You may remember that last month the Justice Department moved to drop criminal charges against the advisor, that has to be approved by a judge. What happened is a retired judge was brought in to review the doj decision, and that charge is now saying they were out of balance in trying to dismiss the case. Calling it a gross abuse of power. What do you think of all that . Thats just coming in. The same thing ive always thought, if judges want to be part of the executive branch they should resign. They have a role in our system. It is not to prosecute cases. Your job is to be impartial. If there is a matter before them or to rule on it. Where a judge to say, im not going to grand prix governments motion to dismiss an indictment, was going to prosecute it . Youre going to give up afternoons and become a prosecutor . Everyone has their own way. I told you that, when prosecutors were saying what roger stone is sentence should be, thats not our job. At the same token, its not a judges job. Dana trey gowdy, always appreciate having you. We thank you for being here. Up next, new information on the case has a couple of missing children from idaho. We have a live report coming out. Plus, crowds paying respect to a Police Officer goodman gun down. If we were looking for a man of faith, a man im julie, demand of leadership, that was this officer. Dana the Missouri Attorney general with the latest on the killing of David Fleming telnet i can save you. Lots of money with Liberty Mutual we customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Dana la fox news alert. Breaking news in the case as to missing children and the men the kids mother. William la jeunesse is following the story. Catch us. This is one of the biggest unsolved crime stories of the year and only bombshell moments ago. The prosecutor revealing that Human Remains Found yesterday on the property belonged to children, and because of that you will remain in jail on a 1 million bail. His two stepchildren, missing since december. Their mother also is in jail on endangerment charges. Coast dam that both husband and wife refused to reveal where the children are. Concealing those human remains that i knew to be part of a felony investigation, or that he aided and abetted someone else in hiding that evidence. Neither the prosecutor nor police will definitively say those remains belong to the kids. The autopsy later this week will determine that type police records. The kids were last seen in september, they claim the children were fine. They wont say where they are. The couple fled to hawaii when police started asking questions about their doomsday cult, some people believe is part of the role in the childrens disappearance. Police charged her with two charges of deserting her children. They have found zero evidence that these children are alive. The hearing is set for july 1st. If he wear makes a deal he willp your ankle bracelet. Back to you. Dana william, thank you. Retired st. Louis captain david dorn is being laid to rest after 100 waited in line to pay respect at his Memorial Service yesterday. Police have charged a 24yearold man fatally shooting him who was standing guard after a friends pawnshop i was being looted. Or lets bring in eric schmidt. Attorney general, described the scene from yesterday and the range of people like them to pay yesterday. It was incredible. You had members of Law Enforcement paying respect, members of the community, africanamerican, individuals, white neighbors who are paying respects to a man who served his community for decades. He served on the metropolitan police force for 30 something years and was a police chief at a suburban in its totality at university loucks. He served his community with honor and distinction, and had an opportunity to be there in a visit with your family members. Unbelievable display of perspective and paper, one the family members that he died doing what he love which was protecting and serving. The outpouring of support that we saw in st. Louis yesterday was an indication of what a great man he wants. Dana the suspect was charged with firstdegree and help me understand. That means that he had intensive theres been one individual charged with firstdegree murder along with burglary, robbery, and lesser charges. He has been identified as the man who killed david dorn. S has been made. There was another individual arrested, but there are still several other suspects at large. There are rewards out there with people with information. That investigation continues, but certainly those charges were brought and its my hope and prayer justices. Dana for other officers were shot and 55 business does not burglarize for damage and st. Louis. Im wondering what you think, whats going on there and missouri, or even in the city of st. Louis as the Congress Starts to talk about Police Reform. Do you see that as something that you need . And what could happen . I think one of the more troubling turn on the fence here is this growing florist from across the country of the desired to be final and dismantled police departments. That is incredibly reckless. Thats incredibly dangerous. Quite frankly it would lead to chaos. We have serious Public Safety concerns across the country, and those issues are best hope when individuals from a Law Enforcement and the Community Work together. In a time where we see rising crime rates, we wouldnt want to lose funding for training, deescalation, body mechanics, all those things are an important part to the solution as we move forward. Defunding the police which is a radical idea that has grown support, would be misleading. Dana eric schmidt, attorney general of missouri. Thank you for joinings. Up next, the Infectious Disease doctor with a new warning about about coronavirus, plus the criticism of Law Enforcement crossing over the television with the hit show cops canceled. Dave rubin weighs in the next robinhood believes now is the time to do money. Without the commission fees. So, you can start investing today wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. Eh, not enough fiber. Chocolate would be good. Snacking should be sweet and simple. The delicious taste of glucerna gives you the sweetness you crave while helping you manage your blood sugar. With nutrients to help support immune health. Vby refinancing your va loan atl todays incredibly low rates with nutrients to help at newday usa. Newdays va streamline refi is the quickest and easiest refi theyve ever offered. You can lower your payments by this time next month without having to verify your income, without getting your home appraised, and theres no money out of pocket. One call to start saving 2000 a year. Every year. One call. Then, sit back, relax and think about what youll do with the savings. Call newday right now. Im bill hemmer, waiting on the president as he considers police response. John roberts will have that for us. What we are learning today about the defendant the Police Movement thats gaining steam, and is staying in the basement a good idea for the president ial candidate . Mark Martha Maccallum in a few moments, 15 minutes away. Im bill hemmer. Members of the congregate nations that were there demonstrating could also see it affected, and many of them would go back to where they were because not everyone was demonstrating in the city where they lived. They come from the outside. It was the kind of things we were very concerned about members he true right now dana of course that was the nations leading inspector, dr. Anthony fauci. Warning americans has the fight against covid19 is not over yet, while raising concerns that the virus could be spreading across the United States. Jonathan . Here in atlanta city officials are recommending people who participated in those protest to get tested for philonise. Part of their concern is the crowds are dense, people are not wearing face coverings and additionally, demonstrations where Police Used Tear Gas to disperse crowds. People are coughing, potentially increasing the risk of spreading infectious droplets. The cdc has released an analysis of mostly Young Service members infected with the coronavirus of the lord of the aircraft carrier. One fifth of them reported having no symptoms. The Navy Confirms people inadvertently spread the virus before they realized they had asked, but the cdc says the face coverings and social distancing help reduce infection rates. This comes after a World Health Organization official said a symptomatic spread of the coronavirus appeared to be aware. She later walked back to post comments, or try to put them in context after some sharp criticism from other Public Health experts. He harbored Global Health institute issued in this statement, all of the best evidence to suggest people without symptoms can do readily spread the virus that causes covid19. Because of this, the institute says its still very important for people to wear a face coverings and keep a distance of at least 6 feet from people outside their household when theyre in public. Dana thank you for that update. I appreciate it. Nationwide protests and criticism oblong horse with now affecting what you may be able to watch on tv get on the ground. Dana he hit shell getting canceled after 32 seasons, but its not just cops, the cinematic classic gone with the wind. The film is a product of its time and to fix prejudices that have unfortunately been commonplace in american society. When hdl brings them that im official say say it will be the discussion of historical context. Here too late in, we will get him after the break. Heres the briefing. North carolina, fort hood, georgia, the list goes on. These monumental and very powerful bases have become a part of the Great American heritage and a history of winning, victory, and freedom. United states of america trained and deployed our euros heater and one black to local worms. Therefore my administration will not even consider the remaining of these magnificent and installations some of our history as the greatest nation in the world will not be tampered with. Respect our military. That was directly from the military. I wanted to deliver that to you. I wanted to take us through a few other things relating to the coronavirus. Firstly Task Force Briefing was held yesterday. There was some very good news. I dont know if you guys how there were two studies that came out, very strong studies. In europe, a very similar academic profile to the United States, 3. 1 million lives were saved due to medication and the efforts taken by the european governme government. As the doctor noted, she says this to me, it suggests that the United States also prevented over 3 million deaths. Thanks for the effort of the President Trump of the american people. Another study found the shutdown efforts prevented 50 million additional coronavirus cases. Those are two very encouraging studies also the Washington Post noted that place to live reports use completely different methods to reach similar conclusions, they suggest the unprecedented shutdown were effective at halting the exponential spread of the novel coronavirus. Thank you Washington Post over that good reporting. The department of agriculture, sonny perdue had some good news with the Task Force Briefing. The meatpacking facilities at one time looked like they were going to lead to close, that was unacceptable to the administration, so we took action and im pleased to report that the meatpacking facilities are operating at 90 high percent capacity compared to 2019. We have the at 98, pork at 95, and poultry 98 . Throughout the extraordinary efforts to slow the spread, President Trump assures that it is functional and robust by directing these meatpacking facilities to safely operate in accordance with the cdcs. His efforts secured continual access to a steady food supply chain. Finally, i have sims rate data points to share on coronavirus Testing Capacity and minority communities. They shared this with me yesterday and last night as well. He said when we look at testing sites, President Trumps partnership, and Retail Companies has proven quite successful. Testing sites are operating with 49 states, 70 located in communities with moderate to high social vulnerability. Social vulnerability takes into account race, ethnicity, other factors. Also federal qualified health centers, 29 million people, patience and 12,000 communities across the nation. They provide care to one and five, one in five rural americans, one in three individuals below the poverty line, and 1. 3 homeless men and women. Nearly a million migrant agricultural workers. 92 now offer covid tests and weve awarded that 583 million to these facilities. Finally, my last announcement, the hhs office of Minority Health issues a competitive funding opportunity to build a Strategic Network of national dating territory. A Community Based organizations that deliver Vital Health Information and support linkage to services for racial and ethnic minorities. This announcement, this network is said to be awarded at the end of june and its said to reach out 40 million individuals from rachel and minorities. These updates were received very well in the senate hearing, and we think we Vice President s, mike pence for doing an amazing job losing our Coronavirus Task force senses President Trump who has led and bringing america through the coronavirus pandemic. I will take questions. Does the president regret tweeting out about a 75yearold protester . The president was asking questions about the interaction via side he has the right to ask those questions. Click to see regret tweeting out of the protester was assaulted . He does not regret standing up for that. Let me say this and give you a little bit about the mindset. We are living in a moment that seems to be reflexively antiPolice Officers. Its unacceptable to the president , and this tweeting, he was in no way condoning violence, he was not passing judgment, that he was saying hence, when we see a brief snippet of a video, its incumbent upon reporters and those who are surveying to ask questions. Should be the president have facts before he creates anything out . The president did have facts. Its a conspiracy theory. Not at all. Lets contrast this to the george floyd situation which sat a horrific video that we all thought. Every tweet after that came out and said, this isnt an excusable action and i condemn those Police Officers. In this case there were 57 Police Officers who said i resign in protest with roe v. Wade rays officers were handled. He said, those officers have a right to be heard. That 75yearold man being pushed out of the ground . The president does not condone violence. He believes that the officers have the right to be heard. George floyds brother is here testifying. The president has acknowledged that atrocity and has called the families by pho phone. He will meet with faith leaders and he will do a walk with individuals, Small Business owners. A plan for holistic revitalization and Recovery Period will be president be announcing any Police Reform and blood quite that policy look like . Thats a very important restaurant. The president has spent the last ten days quietly and diligently working on proposals to address the issues that the protesters raised across the country. That body of work im told is reaching its final editing we hope to produce it for you in the coming days. I cant promise you its tomorrow, but in the coming da days. What will tomorrow be about . A listening session or might there actually piece of concrete policy proposals . It will be a roundtable, much like what you saw earlier. If i could just say, in terms of reform ideas that their president could support, democrats have something the house, senate republican, things like the financial goals, mandating no knock warrants, processes with misconduct. Good to be president and support issues . I dont want to get ahead of the announcement, each issue is being looked at as to what will make a difference. Everything you suggested has certain ramifications, so he has to look at each of these as he is done over the last few days. I would just note, antidemocratic bill, they talked about needing to reduce unity to go after bad cops, but that would result in Police Pulling back. Thats a nonstarter. Is that a redline . Its a nonstarter. Does the apartment believe we have a problem with institutional racism in this country and Law Enforcement . This is a fourth time ive been asked to dance, there are injustices that we have seen clearly, that tape that george floyd was an excusable, gut wrenching, difficult, it was a beautiful funeral yesterday. We recognize those injustices. This president knows fundamentally that most Police Officers in this country are good. The 750 men and women have been injured , the Police Officers was killed, they are emblematic of what police in this country stand for, that is the events, the brightest, and that is our domestic heroes. Does he believe that action needs to be taken to fundamentally change the way Law Enforcement has done and this country, to make fundamental changes so there isnt the disparities that we see . The president is looking at various proposals left and i would say the president has done a whole lot more than democrats have ever done when it comes to rectifying injustices. You have the crime bill in the 90s which created a great racial disparity. President trump rectified on those. He is about action and he has shown that, and she recognizes injustices and acts promptly when he sees them. The recent announcements about the policies banning the Confederate Flag . I havent spoken to him about that specific one. He does stand against the renaming of artworks, these Great American fortresses where literally some of these men and women lost their lives. They went out to europe, afghanistan, iraq to win wars on behalf of freedom. A lot of times the very last place they saw was these portals and to suggest they are racist in their name is a complete disrespect to the men and women, the less land asap before they went overseas and lost their lives were these portals benefiting a political ally of the president. That the first time im hearing about it. Republicans, do they have, have they criticized a decision to reduce the number of troops in germany . I have no announcements on that front and he never makes decisions to punish world leaders. He asked me best interest of the United States. One of the things the president said, the gentleman fell harder then and was flourished. How does that work in terms of physics . The president raise several questions based on a report he saw. Where he stands with Law Enforcement, he was making no judgment, not condoning

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