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Remain in lockdown through midjune. In the meantime, the cdc warning doctors and parents to look out for a mysterious coronavirus related illness that is sending some kids to hospitals. Lets begin with chief correspondent Jonathan Hunt who has more on states reopening. Jonathan . Manufacturing resumes today in maryland and state parks are opening in arkansas. Funerals and weddings are allowed once again in oklahoma has different states follow different plans to end a stay at home orders and get the economy back open. Among them, ohio, oregon, iowa, louisiana and maryland are allowing personalcare businesses to reopen. Spas, salons and barbershops. Some by appointment only or with limited capacity. Restrictions are being rolled back for gyms and Fitness Centers in iowa, maryland, louisiana and want to although maryland will only allow fitness classes outside as new york lets Outdoor Recreational activities like tennis resume and oklahoma gives the goahead for organized sports. Restaurants are open in iowa and ohio with limited openings in oregon. Louisianas dining establishments are open at 25 capacity. And for dessert, ice cream shops and trucks are now open with restrictions in delaware. Various states are also opening some nonessential retail with capacity limits. Maryland and virginia are opening at 50 as oregon reopens furniture, jewelry and Boutique Stores statewide. Also in oregon, child care, summer school, camps and use programs may open statewide and looking forward, state lakes and beaches along the jerse jersey , new york, connecticut and delaware are scheduled to reopen with some restrictions on ma may 22nd in time for memorial day weekend which will make a lot of kids and adults on the east coast happy. Dana . Dana thats right and we have the mayor of one of those beach towns coming up later in the show. Doctors are diagnosing more children with a mysterious inflammatory syndrome that is linked to coronavirus. At least 19 states and d. C. Have reported cases of the illness. Lets bring in dr. Diana hess, a pediatrician in new york city. How worried do parents need to be . Not very worried because its still very rare. Now that we know about it, if your child looks ill but you should be calling her doctor. You should not be missing this because these children appear to be very sick. Dana ive seen some of the symptoms here. Its not like it would be a mystery to you that your child was sick if they had very red and swollen tongue, their skin was peeling and swollen lymph nodes, these are things they should look out for. They also say do not wait until its very bad to go to the doctor. That is what i think is the biggest problem. I think people are terrified of going into a doctors office, clinic or hospital and so they are waiting to see if it goes away in a day. If it goes south, it goes south very quickly. So yes. Its probably more likely that you will be in by a shark or hit by a car but you have to be vigilant. Dana so tell me about what you think the connection is to covid19 because some of these kids did have it and some didnt, some had antibodies and some didnt. What do we know about that . What ive been saying all along is i think many children had covid this winter but we werent testing for it. We had many children in our own office in new york city, we call the ambulance about ten times this winter for nonflu, nonrsv, none of the common illnesses because we had very sick children. If we didnt the name of it and we werent testing. So the parents were saying wit they didnt even know their kids had covid. And some of the kids just had regular colds and were going about their business. So your child might have had a cold and you didnt make a big deal of it and this is their immune system being triggered by it in a hyper response. Dana it does make a lot of sense. We appreciate your expertise. Dr. Diane hess, thank you. As a virus spread through china the country reported it had no impact on children, thats with the china said. Obviously though that does not seem to be the case. So what else does china know about the virus that the United States may be working to uncover . Dan hoffman is a former cia station chief who served in moscow, iraq and pakistan. Let me read to you from josh rogan, hes a columnist from the washington post. Its title is, the world is waking up to the character of the Chinese Communist party that beijings early coverup is ongoing refusal to share critical scientific information and honest data, and their use of aid to reward loyalty or punish critics is shocking to all the communist party regime. They will do anything to protect its own interest regardless of the damage to public health. Dan, you cover these issues for a long time. Do you think its possible they knew about these effects on children and didnt tell anyone . I think with china there is two concerns. The first is their ability to collect the data and they are not always very good at that. They have up poorly functioning bureaucracy. Think of the soviet union and all the mistakes that they made. The second question that is more nefarious have been their efforts to conceal the truth. They are always seeking to use their state run media to repress their own population and whitewash their very damaged international reputation. The last thing they would want is for the world to know the extent of the coronavirus pandemic in china and it wouldnt be in my view will be the realm of possibilities because they arent sharing any of the data that they did know some of this information, they are far from being any sort of a reliable partner that the International Community needs now and this time of crisis. Dana i want to ask about the International Community. That will have some sort of effect on chinas role on the world. We are all dealing with a pandemic that obviously started in china. We know that they hit it and its hurting rest of the world. It did start in china and whats more is the fbi is reporting that chinese sophisticated hackers are trying to steal our covid19 Vaccine Research which ought to tell you something about the way that they operate. There is a Silver Lining in this pandemic, its a wakeup call for our allies who should be concerned about supply chain, particularly in High Technology like waterway where china had backdoors to steal and spy on us as well as medical equipment. We need to work with our allies and our partners, china bright light on chinas Human Rights Violations and their efforts to conceal this pandemic, but then the United States can offer a way out. We can help lead the free world in this century against chinese authoritarianism. Dana and speaking of that, me the last question about what china is trying to do now. In the south china sea, in hong kong and taiwan, while the rest of the world deals with the pandemic china is moving in three areas. China is refusing to allow taiwan to participate in any of the w. H. O. Meetings because taiwan will not agree to be part of china. And that is a horrifically bad policy for the rest of the world especially because taiwan did such a good job of containing the virus, having learned from chinas deception and sars. Theres a lot to do with our allies and china is militarizing the south china sea, and stealing our intellectual property. I think we have a bipartisan consensus in our country and democrats in republics agreed this would be a high priority. Dana indeed. John ratcliffe, the dni nominee, when he testified this week in front of the senate he said that china is our biggest threat and most dangerous threat. Dan hoffman, always a pleasure to have you, thank you. Joe biden denying claims that he could have been involved in launching the Michael Flynn investigation despite new evidence that he might have received intelligence on flynn. We will talk about that coming up next. With their va streamline refi, theres no Income Verification or home appraisal. And this refi costs you absolutely nothing out of pocket. Its the quickest and easiest refi newday has ever offered. One call can save you 2000. W pp89k0nowii;c÷wco3 [a i was told to begin my aspirin regimen, blem. And i just didnt listen. Until i almost lost my life. My doctors again ordered me to take aspirin, and i do. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Listen to the doctor. Take it seriously. Because i trust their quality they were the first to have a vitamin verified by usp. 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Dana obviously its a big moment, hes got these battleground states, and North Carolina may even be one of those. Is that one of the considerations . The goal of every convention, we know that we were going to renominate the president. Promises made and promises kept ensuring that we keep america great. That requires delegates to vote and we want to make sure that we take every step possible to ensure the safety of our delegates and obviously work with state and local officials to be sure we have a convention where we still are going to be able to amplify the president s record as well as talk about why joe biden would be disastrous for america. Steel and speaking of joe biden, he was speaking out on the leaked intelligence information about Michael Flynn. He says he had nothing to do with the criminal investigation into him and that he basically could have gotten some information and kind of blew it off. Take a listen. I was never part or had any knowledge of any criminal investigation into flynn while i was in office. Not one single time. Dana i noticed that he doesnt say that he didnt know anything about a Counter Intelligence probe. He was very specific about a criminal probe. I dont know if you picked up on that as well . Theres a lot of questions for joe biden to answer. First of all he denied that he was even aware of the investigation and, we know he was part of that meeting, and susan rice presented on the steele dossier and obviously that was based on the russian misinformation. We know following that, and following that, the same day we saw that the senior Government Official leads to these reports in the washington post. And now going back and basically pretending like it didnt even happen. I think that could be a problem for joe biden especially since this was on an unprecedented abuse of power coming from the Obama Administration and from the top political ranks of the fbi. Dana i read with interest some of those polls this week that showed the biden maintained the National Lead over the president , but the president s numbers and those battleground states are actually pretty good. And, what will be the focus for the campaign, and what is the bigger story that the campaign wants to tell about going into the fall that this emergency . Theres no question that President Trump has been a bold and decisive leader during this pandemic, and also this will ensure that American Families and workers will have immediate relief. Lets contrast of that with the joe biden who wants to increase taxes on the middle class and talk about the green new deal, and that will cost millions of jobs in the Energy Industry and whose economic policies would not work for america. So i think we have a clear understanding of first of all, who will hold china accountable . And secondly who can get this economy started again . It reenergized, revitalized and getting america back to work. That will be President Trump, and he did it once with his strong economic policies and he will do it again. Dana mercedes schlapp, great to see you. We knew each other before, but in that convention in the basement of Madison Square garden, freezing our off. I remember that very well. Okay, President Trump announcing a major project aimed at developing and rolling out a Coronavirus Vaccine. We look at the leading candidates and when he wants a vaccine in hospital. Plus, just in time for memorial day weekend, new york, new jersey and connecticut are about to open up the beaches. More on that, ahead. A bath fitter bath is installed quickly, safely, and beautifully, with a lifetime warranty. The beautiful bath youve always wanted, done right, installed by one expert technician all in one day. Book your free virtual or inhome design consultation. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. 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Thats why state farm is announcing the Good Neighbor Relief Program we know our customers are driving less, which means fewer accidents. So state farm is returning 2 billion dollars to auto policyholders for the period ending may 31st. And well continue making real time decisions to best serve you our customers. Because now, more than ever, being a Good Neighbor means everything. Like a Good Neighbor, state farm is there. President trump this task is so urgent that under operation warp speed at the federal government will invest in manufacturing all of the top vaccine candidates before they are approved, so we are knowing exactly what we are doing before they are approved. That means, they better come up with a good vaccine because we are ready to deliver it. Dana at the race for a Coronavirus Vaccine is underway. President trump announcing a partnership to develop one by the end of this year. William la jeunesse has the latest of elements from los angeles for us. William . The headline is an internationally respected experts and says he has seen the data and beliefs we will have the vaccine at the end of the year. Key point is u. S. Taxpayers are helping to underwrite at least three human trials and assisting in five others that are underway and considered promising. How its done, the process is called shingling. So instead of testing in phases with the fda evaluating data each time, here they are proving by doing safety and efficacy trials almost simultaneously. Finally they are liberally building production lines as we speak, buying the vials and syringes to have 200 vaccine doses by the end of the year. These dates have made me feel even more confident that we will be able to deliver a a few hundred million doses of vaccine by the end of 2020. We will deliver by the end of this year vaccine to treat the American People and the partners abroad. His number two Army Generals got stuffed burnham. Some people dont believe in shortcuts and cutting corners but the the president and others believe in this case, you try. President trump its risky and expensive but we will be saving massive amounts of time, years if we do this properly. So by backing eight compani companies, the president says that the u. S. Is first, and we are not sure how this works. Dana all right, william la jeunesse, thanks to you. Some good news for the people in the northeast. Joining new jersey in opening beaches starting just in time for memorial weekend. Yesterday Governor Phil Murphy saying the move in the garden state will come with certain restrictions. Mr. Mayor, great to have you on the show. When the governor says we are going to do this, or there are restrictions, that doesnt mean there are blanket restrictions. How are you planning and preparing for the opening . Good afternoon. You are exactly right, i think with the governor issued was some highlevel guidance and quite frankly a lot of that guidance came out of the working group that i myself and about seven other mayors from different tourist destinations up and down the jersey shore were part of. The most important component of all of this is that, while it saying you need to keep the 6foot radius and you need to have limitations on the number of people on the beach and you need to take some common sense measures, it really leaves of the ability to dictate how that gets executed with the ones that know it best which is the local municipal government. Especially in a home rule liken. Dana how are you planning to help your Law Enforcement or patrols while people understand what the rules are and try to enforce them with, probably a light touch, but its going to be tough. People are going to want to be out there enjoying their summer and not wanting to follow the rules. Of course, that is definitely going to be a challenge. We keep saying its the new normal and especially for small beach towns like ours, we grow tenfold in the summertime. Our police force in the offseason has limited number of resources so figuring out that mix and figuring out how we can actually keep the residence and we will have our police on fourwheeldrive vehicles coming or going up and down the beach. Thats dedicated specifically towards social distancing and we got signs up as well. As soon as you can come up the beach you will see people with masks and gloves on and it will make you feel safe right away. Dana thank you very much. I know local government is the toughest government. Thanks for coming on. Something millions of americans have been waiting to hear, nascar is back. What to expect for the first race on sunday. And joe biden has a message to voters who sign with tara reade. The former Campaign Manager reacts. Ur body. So you get deep, uninterrupted sleep. 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Dana, mark your calendar and start your television. Sunday, darlington and of course there will be no fans in the stands. The teams will have to limit themselves to 16 people at the track and even the broadcasters calling the race on fox will be at an offsite studio. Nascar says it wont test everyone at the track but there will be medical people on hand. At the mass and nascar releasing at schedule and all of the races in the south, all of them without fans. Very excited, and there is a ten week hiatus is something that weve never had in our history as well but very excited to be back. Shifting gears no pun intended to golf, there is a skins golf match for charity this weekend between rory mcilroy, Rickie Fowler and a couple of others. One of the big changes there, no fans of course and also no caddies. So a lot of people expecting to tune into both of these events, one because we are starving from live sports and number two, just out of curiosity, what will sports look like with social distancing in place . Dana indeed. And grady trimble, intentional ponds are always welcome here. If they believe tara reade, they probably shouldnt vote for me. I wouldnt vote for me if i believe tara reade. The fact is, looking at tara reades story should a considerably. And so i dont want to question her motive or anything in the truth has been vetted. The former sufferer accused him of Sexual Assault and he said it would be completely out of character for him and that it never happened. During the cavanaugh hearing, the mantra especially from biden especially was, believe all women. Now hes saying if you believe all women and you believe tara reade was telling the truth and you should not vote for me. But can joe biden really afford to see people who might vote for him even if they think tara reade is telling the truth and decided not to vote for him if it was going to be this close of a race . I think hes being absolutely honest. What he said last night was right. First of all we have to believe the woman and have to look into this and he laid this out and said it, investigate it fully. But if you come to a different conclusion he understands that. I think politically we understand this is about as honest and straightforward as he can be and i think voters will respond to that. Dana hes had two good story lines, now this week the Michael Flynn questions about him being on the list and having unmasked Michael Flynn. Hes not having to compete with President Trump either physically because hes not leaving the house due to concerns, what is the message at this point. I think you are right that we are in unprecedented times and no one has ever tried to do a campaign both campaigns are trying to figure out this out as we go. Are we going to be able to have rallies which are kind of the superpower of President Trump or be able to do grassroots door to door stuff which has historically been the democratic perspective . We are just in times that no one has ever had to campaign in and i think we are all trying to figure out how to do it as we go. Dana high want to ask you something about enthusiasm because when you work for president obama especially during his reelection, and greg gutfeld said he doesnt know any biden supporters, he knows a lot of biden voters, and that doesnt seem to have any strong enthusiasm. You go into an election when you have Trump Supporters which are very much enthusiastic about voting for him. In 2012 i cared more about the enthusiasm numbers than i did about the daytoday poles because they were easily wrong and basically garbage. I think enthusiasm is a good metric and i think when you look at some of the democratic turnout numbers in the 2018 elections in the gubernatorial elections, in 2019 youve seen record democratic turnout. In part because of that but also in part because of their democratic ticket. Part of what spring and summer are about is Vice President biden consolidating his base and consulting democratic voters a and, that was way more once into the fall. Dana after the technical challenges that the bidens teams seems to have some times, and we all do when we are doing zoom, it doesnt make you cringe . You guys are like the digital presidency. These are unprecedented times, they have cringeworthy moments both times and although i like to pretend it was a perfect campaign, we are going through times that no one has ever tried to do. And the other thing we figured out how to do is cooler zoom rooms. Dana weve been following the investigation into the shooting death of an unarmed black man, Ahmaud Arbery. Now the two white men who shot and killed him as he jogged in the georgia neighborhood in february have Defense Attorneys and they claim the case has hardly been cut and dried as new Surveillance Video comes to light. Steve harrigan is in atlanta with more. A short time ago we heard from attorneys for one of the men, greg mcmichael, hes a former Police Officer and of the father of one of the two men accused of murdering Ahmaud Arbery. His attorneys say dont rush to judgment yet. They also say there is still video of the shooting that has not yet been released publicly. There is more than one video of the incident. There are more than one way that the internet is communicating what happened. There is timing of videos on the internet and there are issues with date stamps and timestamps and a video may not be the only video that becomes important. The mcmichael told police that they thought jesse Ahmaud Arbery was a burglar. It entered into an open air construction site whose home was being built and we talked to the owner of the construction site and he said nothing was missing, and he believes that Ahmaud Arbery may have simply been getting a drink of water. Right now the father and son are behind bars and no bond has been set. It took two months for them to get arrested and their attorneys now say that they hope to get them out on bond in the near future. Dana, back to you. Dana steve harrigan, thank you. Fox news alert now, White House Press secretary Kayleigh Mcenany is briefing reporters right now and we will keep an eye on that and let you know if theres any additional news from today. Could it be signs of extraterrestrial life . New documents reveal descriptions from navy pilots of auto flying objects in the sky. And the government releases guidance on reopening schools in the fall. What will it be like for yourfa children . Thats me. By using your va streamline refi benefit, one call to newday usa can save you 2,000 a year. Thats me. Theres no Income Verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. Thats me. Put your va home loan benefits to good use. Call my team at newday usa. Eh, not enough fiber. Chocolate would be good. Snacking should be sweet and simple. The delicious taste of glucerna gives you the sweetness you crave while helping you manage your blood sugar. With nutrients to help support immune health. To ewhether youreting these uncaring for your. Family at home or those at work, principal is by your side. Were working hard to answer your questions. Like helping you understand what the recently passed economic package can mean for you. Were more than a financial company. Were a together we can get through anything company. Now, more than ever. This virus is testing all of us. And its testing the people on the front lines of this fight most of all. So abbott is getting new tests into their hands, delivering the critical results they need. And until this fight is over, we. Will. Never. Quit. Because they never quit. Bill you good fight everyone, a and is on the vaccine push and why would joe biden want to know about Michael Flynn . We will ask leon panetta to shed some light on that matter. In criswell and the trillion dollar ask from House Democrats and the kentucky ag challenge for the governor on the rules over church during covid19. See you in a few minutes at the top of the hour, on bill hemmer reports. Dana at the navy releasing hazard reports from some ufo sightings including descriptions from pilots about what they saw during the encounters. Todd piro has more. Dana, great to hear from you. They are out there or at least something is documented, just released by the navy showing pilots having a Close Encounter with something in the sky. In one radar, they picked up the silver or object to the size of a suitcase passing and within a thousand feet of a jet over the ocean off of Virginia Beach. In another also off of Virginia Beach a Fighter Pilot reported what looked like us mike flying a sphere encasing a cube with smoke coming out of it about the shape of a drone or missile. The report went on to say that no other agencies conducting drone or missile activities at that time. This all comes on the heels of the shots which made news last month. The defense up department authenticating three videos of aerial encounters. Oh, my gosh. Look at that. The newly released incidents were investigated by the advanced Aerospace Threat identification program, a little gaunt, known Pentagon Program that has been looking into ufos for years according to the times. Its very important to get that kind of local Site Authority to School Principal so that they can make these corrections as soon as they happen. Charter schools have also been able to put their course content online for the Greater Public School System to be able to absorb it. Some of our networks have also gone above and beyond the duty to make this Information Available to the larger education. Dana and ive heard about some of the things that parents and teachers have done, theres a lot of information on website. We appreciate you coming on and congratulations on the National Charter schools week. We know you do a good deal of work across the country. Thank you. For the first time in 72 years, the u. S. Military unveiled the flag of a new sector of the military. The space for us. The official flag of a new u. S. Military service is unveiled today. See the space force flag, next. Its pretty cool. For things like groceries before they worry about their insurance or credit card bills. 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Tomorrow the space force will be dedicating the launch of an atlas side rocket. The creation of the space force is just one way that the Trump Administration is trying to secure american dominance in space. Remember, President Trump directed nassau to return american astronauts to the surface of the moon by 2024 under the Artemis Program and, just a few weeks of nasa astronauts hitching rides into space on russian rockets, they are poised to become the first to fly on a private company spacecraft. Spacexs crew dragon. And this is a huge deal because it is the first time in nearly a decade that nasa has attempted to launch astronauts, american astronauts from u. S. Soil. Im told that it is one of the hottest and hardest tickets to get with members of congress because they all want to go and of course nasa is restricting the amount of people that can go because of the coronavirus. Dana i love the event in the oval office, i felt like something momentous was happening. Kristin fisher, thanks for bringing us the story. A ticktock user in the notorious prankster getting slammed and rightfully so. He purposely spilled a giant container of milk and cereal on a new york subway. The citys Transit Authority did not think that was funny, tweeting a new low. Pulling a prank on essential workers in the middle of a Global Pandemic and making essential workers clean up your mess, despicable. Lets bring in the tigris, a news contributor and host. I kind of wish you had been on that subway car when that happened. Yeah, because i cook he would have gotten dipped in milk. You know what im saying . Dana im picking it up. Because its unbelievable that someone would do that during this time. It wasnt funny, it wasnt clever. The only thing worse than that was the squeaky voice of the commentary. It was just really bad attention seeking in a time when people need to be responsible. It was really sad to see that people were going to those depths to get attention. I mean, ask for a hug from a family member, thats just ridiculous. Dana actually a great way to get attention is to do some things that are actually helpful for other people. There are endless places in the media for you to get attention for doing nice things like fox news says america together campaign. We have so many of those and they are super inspiring, im sure youve seen some of those. Thats a great way to get attention. He should have to clean that subway car himself and he should be fined by the city to pay for the men hours to clean it. I mean because thats just i did not even see the remote funniness of it at all. Dana not funny. Tyrus, i hear you have some big fans to make plans for the weekend, what are they . Jasper will appreciate this. As you know im an avid dog lover, and i am attending the red carpet movie reveal of scu scooby. Bill thank you dana. A live look at the florida house, democrats debating the 3 trillion coronavirus bill and we expect the boat sometime today on that, while thats happening. We are watching a brief, white house, the briefing is underway and we will give you headlines as we get them on this friday afternoon. Lets get rolling. Im bill hemmer come at the end of another long week here care. States like montana and maryland lifting more restrictions today as President Trump gives us an update on the race to develop a vaccine. More on that story in a moment. Meanwhile, there is a new from the Michael Flynn matter. Telling fox news that they are concerned unmasking as being

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