A look at the days top news and headlines. Is glaring right at him, does not look like he is really blinking much, just waiting for him to look over as far as i can tell. Gates has not looked over, but only one person, the Defense Attorney between them, it is really interesting, because at one point today gates was trying to explain how it is that he would help Paul Manafort, his old boss reduce his tax bill by doing things like faking a loan or making income look like colognes. And apparently in 2014 when the tax bill came it was higher than manafort was expecting, emailed to rick loyds, i just saw this, not happy, wtf, he has spent most of the time on the stand explaining how he figured out his taxable income, wired from overseas, and to wire money from overseas to highend retailers for fancy suits or construction
projects, they needed A Little Bit More of a paper trail, but gates said that he falsified invoices. The mueller team is asking a lot of questions about consultancy agreements, wire transfers, records and taking a very, very long time. But for the sixth day in a row, no questions about russia collusion. Today now. Dana how strict has a judgment on the mueller team . Really strict, the last thing that happened last night before everybody went home was a lecturer for the mueller team because the judge did not think that one of the prosecutors was making enough i can, essentially accused the Mueller Prosecutor as being dismissive, previously told the team that they cannot besmirch the Business Partners by calling them oligarchs and that they could not introduce a photo of manaforts closet filled with luxury clothing, most strict about speed. He is always urging the mueller
team to speed up their questioning and their exhibits. And earlier today one of the producers was in the elevator with one of muellers prosecutors and heard him saying to Somebody Else one of his colleagues that he knows that the judge wants them to pick up the pace, he just does not know if he is going to be able to. Dana i suppose the message was received, thank you, peter. For more on this lets bring in michael moore, former u. S. Attorney for the middle district of georgia. You have experience in this area. Let me start with this question for you, tell me about the strategy here by the witnesses that they have put on the stand so far and leading up to this, i guess i would consider this their star witness . It is their star witness, this is sort of the Raft Testifying against the other rat. And gates will lay out what happened, he is going to have to take the fall for a lot of what went on, admitting his wrongdoing in the scheme to hide
money and to cover some things up. But i also think that that builds the credibility. Let me tell you how it really works, and Paul Manafort was the king. In this game, thats what his plan is now. This has been a lead up when you see both the trial and the way that it plays in the investigation to mueller, talking about a money case, and where the money went, what reasons they were to have manafort in the game, now up to a parts where im sure that the Manafort Defense Team is going to have some fun with gates this afternoon, but he has told his tale. And he has his deal, and now it is up to the jury whether or not they believe him. Dana i want to ask a question about that, is that settled with gates . He does not have to worry about anything as long as he tells the truth, but my other question is do you think this afternoon when the crossexamination of gates starts, how likely is it that
the prosecution might be surprised by something that the defense brings up . First on the deal, the federal prosecutors are known for making a deal and sticking to it. So my guess is that they will go in and argue the fact that he has cooperated and he has lived up to his end of the bargain. There are other ways to have an additional deal after a fact, sometimes called a rule for 35, a different mechanism to get some help, but a Plea Bargain Deal is in place and they will stand by that. This afternoon, i dont think that it is likely that you will have prosecutors getting surprised with anything he has to say by taking it through this on a script over her soul, sure that they mock him up so that he can be accustomed to being on the stand and taking some hard questions. And if they had a lot of these answers before they had the cooperation, they simply needed him to cooperate facts, data, emails, that type of thing that they had in place, so he is
surprised at all that they are having things moved along, and people that spend time in the courtroom that would be a normal occurrence. I think that some of the rulings that he has made about what they cannot talk about, it is dangerous as a prosecutor to make fun of somebodys will, but what you see is that there was a reason to bring some of this forward, that is to show that manaforts greed, he could not have been the recipient or enjoying the fruits without really knowing what was going o on. So his claim that he did not know it was somebodys wrongdoing, Somebody Else, it is hard to say that. So that is the reason that some of that came in. The judge wants to limit some of it, and some of its can be a little you make your point and move on, thats really all he was saying. Dana My Last Question is about the judge, but some people seem to want to take what ever gleaming from this trial so far
and the judges comments as somehow being a good thing for Paul Manafort, but is that reading too much into it . I think it is probably reading a little bit into it. He can be somewhat sympathetic with where we are in the case, but he is willing so far in letting the case move forward, they have gotten to this place and now it will be in the hands of a jury. Remember at the end of the day when Paul Manafort is convicted, and i do expect that he will be, you will have a judge who is bound by the guidelines, those advisory guidelines, but they give a parameter and say, look, this is the range that he ought to be sentenced to related to the amount of money or the particular crimes that were charged on which the convictions were based. His hands will be tied a little bit in that way. It may be reading in a little bit much to think that he is favorable, because remember, he had the chance a number of times in pretrial motions to wipe some of this out. But we are here. Dana i guess we will see
local, they voted for the democrat, why did you vote for danny . I voted for him because i believe his issues and where he stands and i am just against raising taxes, deficits, taking step away from social security, i want to stop all that. Do you think that President Trump coming to the state and campaigning for the republican candidate helped or hurt to your Danny Oconnor . It may have hurt oconnor a little bit, because trump space is very strong, and they stand behind him regardless of whatever is going on. Thank you for your input, the flip side is republicans like john kasich thought that perhaps trump support could do more harm than good, but this is a county that went overwhelmingly for trump and the fact that he came close by to vote for the republican candidate, balderson
thinks he will win because of the president support. Dana we will keep in touch with you, thank you. Up next one of my favorite political analysts on what we should watch tonight. On deck. And how one candidate in the kansas primary could cause some concern for democrats. My father passed this truck down to me,
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country. Dana do you think it is more, you do not think that the turnout, been boosted by the turnout on saturday . It is hard to say without knowing where the vote is coming from, but what President Trump was trying to do saturday is to make sure that his voters were energized. He needs to make sure the people do not know that it is not jusa special day in august. Dana i am curious about this decision to have the Special Election in august, because no matter what happens today, do these two candidates face a rematch in november . They do, this could be a fluky result, you could have a democrat winning now in a republican opponent winning in november, it speaks to the challenges that republicans have with these open seats, retirements, the former congressman had been in office for quite a while and he decided to resign to take a different job, that created this unusual situation that you have an in
august election. Dana and having posted today, the piece that said democrats are mounting a comeback in the midwest, to win in what is likely a low turnout election traditionally following the g. O. P. District, democrats do not need a tectonic shift, the attrition of just enough moderate republicans and independents could prove more than enough to carry oconnor over the finish line against balderson. Do you see that as replicated not just here in ohio . I know that we have conor lam in pennsylvania, but are these oneoff examples are part of a trend . There were a lot of obamatrump voters in the midwest especially. What democrats are hoping for are some of the people that voted for trump voting for democrats will come back home and vote democratic for congress. Thats why President Trump was out in force on saturday, trying to make sure that they remember the stakes of this election and they come home and his supporters turnout for his candidate. But look, that is a real worry for republicans. You have a lot of districts with some big senate races, and yet democrats are getting more and more optimistic that they can make back the ground that they lost. Dana we will see what happens, thank you. New details on a Deadly Highway Accident and what happened right before a huge explosion . And a drone attack on venezuelas president , what investigators are saying about the Investigation Attempt that will start could start a whole new era in terrorism. Tech at safelite autoglass,
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tanker truck liquefied natural gas before catching fire, you can see it there. Exploding and shooting the fireball across the raised roadway which collapsed part of it. The Tanker Truck Driver was killed, but two Highway Patrolman are credited with saving lives by clearing the road before the big explosion. The accident injured dozens of people, some suffering burns while other were cut by flying glass from the secondary explosion. Investigators and venezuela say that they can identify the masterminds and the apparent Assassination Attempt on president mindoro. Two drone pilots among those arrested, the video of the Exploding Drone tweeted by by a professor. Essentially terrorism by joystick not only preprogrammed Drone Sleeping in from almost any direction, but also used by anybody with the means to buy them. Worst threat from the sky, used to be exclusively the domain of nation stakes, that has changed
in the last few weeks, a broader menace has emerged and must be addressed. A former cia officer joins me now. I do not get rattled by much, but when i read your oped, i will tell you, i have anxiety about this, what can governments do to protect people . They are two things, day now that governments need to do, and number one, they are doing it worldwide, go look for the bad guys and the people that want to carry out these sort of attacks. There are not the more extremist the world than they were two weeks ago, but have now gotten a tool that previously they did not have which essentially is something you might call a Suicide Bomber in a box. The other piece that governments need to focus on, it is more the Drone Industry is stopping the drone requires you to actually see that drone before you can do something to it. Currently it is very technically hard to actually see the small objects flying around, especially in cities where you
have tall buildings. That is going to be pushed on to the commercial Drone Industry to come up with a solution and then for the government to look at those solutions and implement them into the airspace. Dana about the government, not just ours, but many across the world, im not going to say that it is impossible to figure out a way to prevent Something Like this from happening, but it seems when you marry up terrorism with some other technology be at a drone that is remote controlled, how are people supposed to protect themselves . There is good reason to be concerned about this. And the bad guys are going to take a look at the technical advantage until the rest of us can figure out a way to spot these things in the air. Eventually in the Drone Industry they will figure that out, but there is a temporary period where unfortunately there is an
advantage to the bad guys, because one place that we never look at threats coming to us from is from the air. Thats always been something only a government could do. Now it is an extremist with a few thousand dollars and an agenda. Dana it was a speculation that it couldve been a planned exercise to make it look like he had an Assassination Attempt to get some more support in the country, rallies held in support of him yesterday, have you heard of anything like that . I have not, when you look at that video it seems to demonstrate kind of a loss of control when that happens at a public event like that. I am not going to say that i am an expert on venezuela, but the threat is pretty serious. We had a threat from rebels in yemen that launched a Drone Hundreds of kilometers into an air zone. So it is not just, that is the venezuela piece, but it is not the only event we are watching. Dana outside of the
governments, people, human beings like to go to big events, they like outdoor gatherings, coming up on all sorts of things like football season, concert season, are there things that private companies should be doing to figure out a way to protect their patrons from things like this . Im sure that they are continuing to work closely with local law enforcement, because there will be people behind these attacks. And they leave footprints, Security Services around the world are looking for. Unfortunately right now and that is a great question. In the counter drone world, things that you can buy, it is quite limited. There is a lot of hyperbole about what can be done in the growing space, but there arent great onesizefitsall solutions yet. There will be eventually, but there is not today. Dana sounds like we need some innovation for the good guys, we appreciate you coming on. My pleasure, thank you. A Spin On The March of the midterms kicking into high gear with the primary battles in key states today. A live report from kansas, and analysis straight ahead. Experience an unrivaled feel for any road at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Feeclaritin and Relief Fromwsy symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. Like those from buddy. Because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. Feel the clarity. And live claritin clear. 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke, their first symptom. Is a stroke. 80 percent of all strokes and Heart Disease . Preventable. And 149 dollars is all it takes to get screened and help take control of your health. Were life line screening. And if youre over 50. Call this number, to schedule an appointment. For five painless screenings that go beyond regular checkups. We use Ultrasound Technology to literally look inside your arteries. For plaque which builds up as you age and increases your ris