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2016 and the russian government. That eventually the investigation will bear that out. He said to be fair because of it. On top of that, he turns to Hillary Clinton and the deleted emails. He was asked by the New York Times reporter whether the department of justice should investigate that matter again . To that, the president said, what i have done is, i have absolute right to do what i want to do with the Justice Department, but for purposes of hopefully thinking im going to be treated fairly, i have stayed uninvolved with this particular matter. The president also moved on to some other domestic issues and said he is willing to work with democrats on daca. Its a provision under the Obama Administration to protect the socalled dreamers, the illegaly brought to the United States as children. They want to Work Together on daca, but he wants democrats to agree to build a wall on the southern border and to end a chain migration. The president also turned to International Matters in his interview. This report originated from south korea saying that china illegally supplied north korea with energy. To that, the president said, try not on trade has ripped off this country more than any other elements of the world in history has ripped off anything, but i can be different if they are helping us with north korea. The president has said that china has been helpful on north korea, but it can do more, jon. Jon the president invited some coast guard numbers to play golf today . He did. At the Trump International about 75 members of the coast guard attended. The president hosted them there, played a little golf, spoke very briefly with the media. He thanked them for their work. He said saving 16,000 lives of hurricane ravaged in florida pete he wanted to invite them over to thank them for that. Also that he was honored to have them and brought them in as part of the four person scramble tournament. A little golf or some members of the coast guard today at Trump International where the president has also spent the last few days. Jon though short sleeves look awfully good in florida when youre sitting up here in new york. Rich edson and west palm, thanks. As the president is wrapping up his vacation, he took aim at Democratic Leaders this morning and their stance on immigration, tweeting, the democrats have been told and fully understand that there can be no daca without the desperately needed wall of the southern border and an end to the horrible chain migration and the lottery of immigration et cetera. We must protect our country at all cost. Joining us now, gianno caldwell. Also with us, mark pym, former chief strategist for the Hillary Clinton 2008 campaign and the 98 bill clinton campaign. Thanks for being with us. Generally, democrats have poopooed the notion of building a wall on the southern border. The president made a big part of its campaign. If he ties it to the daca thing, are democrats willing to go along . I dont see any evidence that the democrats are going to go along with the wall. I think theres more evidence that what trump really wants is added Border Security and something that could be called a wall. The question is, will he find a way to save face . At the same time, i think democrats will hold quite a strong on the wall issue. They will want daca for sure. Without 60 votes, none of this is going anywhere. Jon most republicans evening say that its a decision that helps a socalled dreamers, the people that were brought here as children by their children, no fault of their own. Most americans seem to feel that they should be allowed in the states. What leverage does the president have here . I think he has great leverage. I know about the dreamers. I have a friend whos a dreamer, who i didnt realize until these issues really came up. I think its something that absolutely should be done. Theres a few different considerations. One, i dont think the wall to be divisive enough. Bill clinton, Hillary Clinton, and president obama have all said that there should be a border between the United States and mexico. They said there should be a secure border. Hillary clinton said in 2006 206 voted paper of the secure act which gave 700 feet 700 miles of border fencing along the southern border. When i hear people complain about the wall, they said it shouldnt be tied to daca. That fencing that Hillary Clinton voted in favor for was the first step for Immigration Reform. When President Trump is looking to is the first step for comprehensive Immigration Reform and get something both parties need to come together in a bipartisan fashion, which President Trump has mentioned on many occasions, and we need to get something done. Realize are at stake. People with no fault of their own or in this country today and deserve mathers and the american citizens here, they deserve to have a solution for those. Jon the president wants a wall. Democrats want a daca deal. Cant they make a trade . May be. This is perhaps the single most elusive issue because every party has provisions on the issue of immigration. I like to think that democrats feel, and 52 of the public, as opposed to the wall. 77 of the public is sympathetic to the daca concerns about daca, and want to see those people stay here and have work permits at least. I think that the pressure is a little bit more on the president. He cant really let the deadline go past march, otherwise he will be faced with a mass deportation situation. In many ways, the president is likely to compromise here, move off the wall, get some preliminary sketches of a wall, but really fight for Border Police and a stronger Border Protection is really the policy he wants. Jon talking about compromise. Hang on, gentlemen. The president seems to think that this is the year, 2018, its going to be the year that bipartisanship breaks out all over in washington. Here is one other thing he told the New York Times. He says, we can make a Great Health Care plan through bipartisanship. We can do a great infrastructure planter bipartisanship. We could do immigration and daca, in particular, through bipartisanship. We could do something thats terrific. Im just being practical. What do you think about that, gianna . s bipartisanship about to be the new word in washington texico i think were going to get a lot of bipartisanship with republicans losing majority in places, certainly it will be. As president will be an issue thats really big and important and impact real lives. We should see some bipartisanship, and im really proud of what he said in that moment about bipartisanship. If you go back to marks point about the immigration, i dont think the pressure is on the president. I think the pressure is on congress. For one, the constitution gives congress the right to make the decision in terms of immigration. That is the president s job. President obama put this daca program together, in my view, and appropriately. When we think about these issues, i think bipartisanship is necessarily necessary. There are a lot of lives at stake. Its time for us to get serious and leave politics aside. Jon will democrats be willing to work with the president , mark . 90 of the public wants to see the party sit down and compromise. These issues now, they require 60 votes from the senate, the president is really just flouting a truism here. None of these issues are going to move unless the formula is found for bipartisanship. That will need some changes by the Republican Leadership and how they operate. It will mean some changes to the democratic side. The Problem Solvers Caucus is a particular vehicle that could be it could lead to some bipartisanship, particularly in the house. We got to wait to see. Its either bipartisanship this year or gridlock. Jon mark penn from the democratic side. Gianno caldwell from the republican side. Gentlemen, thanks. The Justice Department and fbi facing fire, as a Top Republican demands government records related to the antitrump dossier. The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee pairing revolutions resolutions to hold him in contempt if they refuse to cooperate. Kevin corke is lined live in washington peered one of the department of justice and fbi sing about those response to the congressional subpoenas . Let me make it easy. They are saying they found materials that have been requested. They had in fact complied. But the problem with that argument, jon, is that its only partially true. Even when they had done so, lawmakers have been saying they were incredibly slow to do so. Congressman devin nunes, and a strongly worded letter to deputy ag rod rosenstein, making it clear, he says it seems that that doj and fbi need to be investigating themselves. His frustration is shared by a great many on capitol hill. Bravo to chairman nunes to pursue the facts here. Their bottom line is that the American People deserve to know whether their own money was used to pay russians to discredit the duly elected president of the United States. Weve asked those questions and open Community Hearings and havent gotten answers. The level of frustration isnt just reserved for the doj and fbi. Some on the hill say that Jeff Sessions simply isnt doing enough to share proper congressional oversight. Chairman nunes has subpoenaed records we can get to the bottom of this for American People, and we are being treated by the Jeff Sessions Justice Department very similar to the way we are treated by that the eric holder Justice Department. We need a lot better speaking of the transparency and oversight that instills confidence in the American People. To be fair, sessions still has a bit of, lets call it a bit of powder in his musket on this one. He could at some point upon another special counsel into the matter. I would say all is not lost. Jon what happens next . Can the congress forced the arrow in the Justice Department to cooperate here . Certainly they can. It lends itself to a possible contempt of congress charge for some of the very top of those respective agencies. That seems to be the direction the chairman nunes is headed. It appears he is incredibly upset over the foot dragging. He does have the backing of several of his colleagues. I understand the frustration. When you sit back and look at what has happened, the lack of response, congress has responsibility of oversight that they ignored, they have been delayed, they have refused to send people into have hearings or to be questioned. The next deadline is january 3rd, that the next opportunity to provide, not just documents but also submissions for interviews. We will be watching the calendar for you. Jon we will watch. Kevin corke in d. C. Thank you. G. O. P. Tax reform is now the law of the land. Do you understand the new tax code . We will break down the numbers and give you some answers coming up. Plus, much of the country gripped in a terrible deep freeze. The bitter cold weekend forecast just ahead. Jon and arctic blast keeping most of the northern half of the country in a deep freeze. Take a look at lake erie and hamburg new york just south of buffalo, frozen solid and 16degree weather. Everywhere you look, there is ice and snow. We have fox team coverage. Brian yannis is down the street in times square was a little warmer. Lets start with chief meteorologist here in the fox weather center. Not that much warmer in times square than it is here. The lake is not fully frozen over. It is certainly along the coast. Here are your current temperatures. Here is an intrusion again of another round of colder air coming across the northern plains. 62 degrees in denver. Thats the dividing line right there. Up towards in the civil school digits as well. He had denver with the warm air. Winchell also a big factor. That will continue to be the case. To be honest with you, this forecast has a broken record for a wild. We have this cold air that will continue to deal with it for the better part of ten to 12 days. Another system moving snow and ice to minnesota and iowa over towards chicago. The storm system will bring cold air behind it again. A lot of moisture coming into the pacific northwest. Notice that pattern going way over the top of california. Not getting any of that moisture across california unfortunately. That little clipper system is going to dive across the ohio valley. Tonight a little bit of snow towards the d. C. Area up to philadelphia. New york city midday tomorrow, everybody will have a view hours of snow. Behind it, the colder air comes in again, and thats what we are talking about the temperatures that will be so cold on sunday and sunday night across the northeast, especially right here in manhattan around 10 degrees. Want to point this out, we have the cold air saturday and sunday towards the northern plains. Monday a slight break. Fargo getting up to 16 degrees. It will feel downright balmy for tuesday. It doesnt last long. The cold air comes right back. We have a demonstration of exactly how cold it is out ther there. Mount Washington News observatory in new hampshire, a reporter pour the boiling watert of a coffee pot and it turns to snow. It was minus 31 degrees at a time. One of the windiest places on earth, not washington, so its blowing that all away from you, which is really important. Cold air is really dense and cant hold much moisture. It would be the same process of putting a hot cup of coffee into the freezer. Thats exactly whats happening. All of that water does not turn into snow or a cloud. A lot of it stays hot and falls back down. If youre trying this at home and you throw it up in the air, very hot burning water will fall back down on you. Make sure you are throwing it away from your aunt its got to be really cold in the air has to be really drive for this to work. Jon impressive anyway. Thank you. Bundle up and be vigilant. Thats the message from new york citys mayor. Thats refined brian yannis. Its 21 degrees right now in case you didnt know, ryan. Really, it feels colder jon. Its going to be 10 degrees here on new years eve night. That will be the second coldest new years eve in new york city history. The wind chills are going to feel like below zero and the mayor has this message to the over 1 Million People who will likely be here for sundays big show in times square. I admire people that want to stand there for many hours in the cold. But the fact is it will absolutely be safe, if you can hear from the preparations. They tell you this much, if youre going to venture out, bundle up, where long underwear, bring hand warmers, all those basics. Take the weather very seriously. Youre pretty much on your own. They wont be any heating lamps or anything like that. You are stuck in your pen if youre here for ten, 12, even more hours. A lot of people, here in the morning to get a new spot. Pretty miserable experience, but for some, they actually decided they do want to come out here. We spoke to some tourists early. Take a listen. I dont think this year its a to be out here, but hopefully they will put warming stations appeared youre can be packed in here so may people, its likl those penguins you know, they get all that heat mass going. I dont think it will be that bad. I think theyre crazy. Thats what we wont be here. The festivities have already begun this week. Today is symbolic. The confetti test, some confetti falling over times square. Some night of new years eve, 29 29 million pieces of confetti will fall from the sky. Thats 3,000 pounds worth. All of that and this will be the most secure this event has ever been. Dogs will be sniffing for bombs in the air. Everyone will be checked twice at least before they are put here and held here. There also be Police Officers in every single hotel overlooking times square. Observation teams, a thousand cameras, more than 7,000 officers, and plainclothes officers while looking in the air with the aviation units. Very safe place. They encourage people to come out. If you do, you have to say really, really warm. Almost an Impossible Task at 10 degrees. Jon a safe place but not a warm one this year. Brian yannis in times square. Thank you. If the g. O. P. Tax reform plan going into effect next week but there are still a ton of questions about what it means for the average taxpayer. We will tell you some the things you need to know next. Whoooo. Looking for a hotel that fits. Your budget . Tripadvisor now searches over. 200 sites to find you the. Hotel you want at the lowest price. Grazi, gino find a price that fits. Tripadvisor. Almost 800 when we switched our auto and Home Insurance. With liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. Hey. Oh, thats my robe. Is it . When you switch to liberty mutual, you could save 782 on auto and Home Insurance and still get great coverage for you and your family. Call for a free quote today. You could save 782 when liberty stands with you. Liberty mutual insurance. Jon evolving here and about tax reform for months, and very so the g. O. P. Tax law will take effect. Its the first Major Overhaul of the system in decades, but its also leaving people with lots of questions. A big one is, should i prepay my 2018 property tax . And well i get the deduction . Donald hess is here to break it down for us. Hes a certified public accountant. Theres been a rush of people trying to prepay their taxes, so if you pay taxes, local taxes for 2018 know, do you get the deduction . Unfortunately the answer is depends on where you lives and with the mensa polity has done to be able to deduct a real estate tax, the tax needs to be assessed before December December 31st. Take new york state for example. There are hundreds and hundreds of municipalities, each one assisting some doing it, some not doing it. The bigger question is, people are worried about, will i get audited if i claim a Tax Deduction thats bigger than the year before . My answer to anybody thats asking that, if you have a legitimate Tax Deduction, dont shy away from taking it. Go ahead and battle the irs if they dont like the looks of it. So a lot of people are asking, will my tax rate go up or down . The republicans have been promising that for most people, its going to go down. What im finding for most people, its going to go down. Withholding rates are going to be changed as of february 1st because its just too massive a job to do quicker than that. For example, if you make 50,000 a year, youll probably see about a 1,000 tax decrease. If you make 100,000 a year, its probably about 4,000 a year. That will be reflected in your weekly or biweekly paycheck. Jon its not going to come in january . Not in january. Too much to do too quickly. Jon will there really be a postcard for my taxes . Only if the postcard is about 3 feet by 5 feet. Not really. Simplification went out the window to get this done. Jon people want to know, do i still need to itemize and save receipts . Saving receipts is absolutely necessary. Itemizing is going to become a more interesting computation each year. Because the standard deduction is going to 24,000 for a married individual. You may lose because state and local taxes are limited to 10,000. You may not be able to itemize if youre a Small Charity giver. We are suggesting to people to double up on your charity and contributed every other year. One year you itemize, one year you get the standard deduction. Jon interesting stuff. Ronald hegt, incorporated you. President trump is blaming amazon, blasting the internet giant for taking advantage of the u. S. Postal service. How is the market reacting to that . Also the president is saying now about north korea. Will the pentagon launch a naval blockade . Jon a place of worship becomes a scene of carnage. Ten People Killed outside of Coptic Christian Church in cairo, egypt,. Two gunmen on motorcycles fired on crowds. One of them was killed by police and the other drove off. Its just the latest targeting christian majority. Greg with more on that. Another attack against christians. This time during this holiday period. The gunman rode up, as you know, on a motorcycle in front of this Coptic Christian Church just to the south of cairo. They were armed with assault rifles and ammunition. They shut up the whole area there and went from the church. Police were on the spot and killed one of the attackers. They chased and arrested another one. Among those killed were police, as well as worshipers. The injured included women. There has been no claim of responsibility so far, but at least one suspect the policeman nabbed is a known jihadist. Frankly, the Egyptian Branch of isis has been claiming responsibility for these kinds of attacks the past year. All this is a blow to the egyptian president. Hes made it counterterrorism the the Trump Administration has been a strong supporter of him. In fact, since he took power and cracked out the opposition, terrorism has grown. As for the christians, so far about 100 christians have been killed in attacks and about the last 12 months. Coptic christians are the largest religious minority. Isis is mostly based in the egyptian peninsula, but they have been striking out, as weve seen as possible today, cairo other times. Cairo, alexandria, and elsewhere. Plans were already in the works to step up security in egypt for both new years and the coptic christian christmas. Thats on january 7th. I believe that officials are doubling down on that. Back to you. Jon thank you, greg. From mack south korea taking action against the north, seizing a ship spotted at sea, transferring oil to the robe regime. As the u. S. Defense department considers additional action. Lucas tomlinson live at the pentagon for us. What is the reaction from the folks in the building there . Defense attorney matus spoke to reporters today at the pentagon. He said to expect more actions taken against north korea next year following the recent round of u. N. Sanctions. I think you will see increased pressure. What form that pressure takes, in terms of physical operations, is something that will be determined by the governments. Korea says its seized a cargo ship last month. They say that you vessel was illegally transferring oil at sea, an action prohibited by u. N. Resolution passed in september. The Hong Kong Flagged vessel entered port in south korea to fill up with oil. A set of Setting Health to max south of taiwan, she rendezvoused with a north korean ship a week later. The transfer captured by u. S. Satellite photos and released by the u. S. Treasury Department Last month. Only yesterday did President Trump react on twitter, caught redhanded. Very disappointed that china is allowing oil to going to north korea. There will never be a friendly solution to the north korea problem if this continues to happen. In an interview with the New York Times, President Trump says hes been too soft on china. Jon what is china saying about the incident . Despite china dealing with 90 of north koreas trade, beijing denies this incident and it says the shift belongs to a taiwanese company. China has conducted immediate investigation into the case mentioning reports. The related ship has never purchased in any chinese port since august of 2017, and there is no record of the ship entering and exiting chinese ports as well. Asked secretary mattis if hes been impressed with the north koreas Ballistic Missile technology this year. He replied, nothing impresses me. Jon Lucas Tomlinson at the pentagon. Thank you. For more on this, Lieutenant Colonel michael walz, former green bay commander and counterterrorism advisor to Vice President dick cheney, also a fox news contributor. Michael, whats with the chinese . They say they were on board with us by helping enforce an embargo against north korea. Not all the sudden we find out their ships are taking oil offshore and giving it to the North Koreans. This is par for the course for the chinese over the past several decades where they have repeatedly, for ten rounds of u. N. Sanctions now, publicly agreed with the sanctions regime and publicly agreed that north korea must stop its Nuclear Program but privately betrayed the black market deal, the oil and gas textile, other types of activity. Those sanctions are only worth u. N. Paper that they are written on without chinese enforcement, thats what so critical. Jon weve seen this movie before, and youve seen it before the white house. I was close to the party talks where we did everything we could. This was under the bush regime, to try and extend some carrots and sticks and to get the North Koreans to stop its march towards an operational icbm. We saw and seen out in retrospect over several u. S. President s, North Koreans use that to buy more time. What are the next steps . One, i would like to see the administration move toward secondary sanctions actually on chinese entities, so were not just sanctioning the North Koreans, we are actually sanctioning china, and to get an International Coalition to join us. We started down that road with some banks and oil and gas exporters, but we need to tighten the noose there and make the chinese feel the pain for continuing to do business with north korea. And also, there is mention of a blockade. That would be hugely, hugely difficult for the u. S. 7th fleet. You will remember, we had two ships have accidents and run into other ships because the fleet is already so taxed. At the end of the day, we have to do everything, and this president looks like hes trying to do everything he can short of the military option to stop this program. I think thats the right policy. Jon some other disturbing news out of china. They are unveiling a new type of weapon that they say is invisible to u. S. Radar. Thats right. This is called a hypersonic glider vehicle. Essentially, this is a hybrid between an icbm and a cruise missile, but it will fly from long distances under a radar angle give our ballistic muscle defense is very little to react. Three things here, the chinese are erasing the american technological edge by stealing our technology through cyber. Theyve been doing it for decades now, and they are quickly closing the gap. Two, this is why modernizing our Nuclear Triad and modernizing our Ballistic Missile defenses, which completely atrophied under the Obama Administration, is so critical. The president has put this front and center. Hes absolutely correct there too appear jon back to north korea, the russians have said they are willing to mediats between the u. S. And North Koreans. What do you think that offer . Youre trying to see putin interject himself here. He offered for russia to sit down in the middle of the table between the North Koreans and the United States. The Trump Administration has rejected that idea. I dont blame them. Its a bad idea. What i am following closely is whether putin will tie the north korean issue and cooperation on the issue to the ukraine and syria and other issues. The Trump Administration, the president was eat recently authorized a tough step in selling antitank missiles to ukraine as a defensive measure. The russians are extremely unhappy about that. I will be interested to see if they back off cooperation with north korea and other issues as leverage and that back and forth in our relationship. Jon Lieutenant Colonel michael waltz, thanks for your perspective. Happy new year. Jon President Trump slamming amazon and the u. S. Postal service over shipping rates. Mr. Trump to tweeting today, why is the United States post office which is losing many billions of dollars every year while charging amazon or other so little to deliver the package, making amazon which are in post Office Dumber and poor . Should be charging much more. Gerri willis live at the new york stock exchange. What about the president s tweet . Is he right . Hes absolutely right. According to a citigroup study that found that for every package amazon packaged that they shipped, they lose 1. 46. Think about that. The usps shipped twothirds of all amazon packages this year. That means a lot a whole lot of joe. Why does it happen that way . They have to guarantee delivery to all people. The usps has a legal monopoly did to deliver firstclass mail. That means i have to deliver absolutely everything. Lately that first class mail, the volume of that is low. Its down from about 40 from alltime highs. These guys are losing a lot of money on that. Jon this is the last trading day of 2017 on this friday. What were the big winning stocks this year . Lets talk about winners on the towel. Following the number one winner, get this up, 90 , caterpillar up 70. They make all that heavy equipment. Apple, as you would expect, up 47 . Big winners in visa and walmart too appear the nice thing about this a list, a lot of different sectors that are covered in this list. Let me tell you, look at the indexes themselves. If your index investor, you did well. The dow up 25 . The nasdaq up 28 . The s p 500 up 28 . If you are stock investor, you have a lot to be thankful for. Jon gerri willis at the new york stock exchange, happy new year to you. Some legal struggles for alaska airlines. Why a family of a wheeled wheelchairbound woman is blaming her death after this happen. Plus, frigid cold temperatures raising concerns about hypothermia. Tips on how to stay warm when its freezing outside. Really quickly, you didnt feel anything. Thats why the frostbite is so bad. The sensation goes away and you really dont know that youre being frostbitten until too lat late. Beco im Rick Leventhal on the fox news deck. Maura had on President Trump interview with the the New York Times. Also revealing what he really thought when he endorsed republican roy moore. Instead, he thinks he will run the presidency again 2020 because the media was tanked without him. More on this when i fill in for Shephard Smith reporting. We want a family is suing alaska airlines, claiming the companys negligence led to the death of a loved one. 75yearold Bernice Kekona was flying alone last june when she had to change planes in portland, oregon. Surveillance video show her left alone in a wheelchair to get her connection. Kekona will herself to an escalator where she fell, suffering serious injuries that eventually forced doctors to amputate a leg. She died a day after that surgery. Family is suing saying, alaska did not provide the gate to gate service theyd arrange for. The airline issued a statement saying, mrs. Kekona declined their assistance and left on her own. The large parts of the country gripped out in a bitter cold blast that is likely to stay around into next week. Hypothermia and frostbite are two major hazards. Hypothermia can be dangerous to your pet. This report of a dog found frozen to death, literally, as it was curled up on the porch of a home in ohio. With me now, dr. David degree, certified general surgeon in medical doctor. Most of us who are here in the northeast, we go outside and feel it. You have to be prepared for it as well. He will be in real trouble. You bet. You have to understand the hypothermia is real. Ever wonder why you shiver. When you shiver, your body is telling you something. Its telling your body that you are losing more heat than youre generating. You have to prepare yourself for the environment that youre going to be in. Its not about the temperature so much its about your body parts that are exposed to temperature. Its a lot of factors involved. Its 30 degrees outside and i will go outside. Jon at least normally in the new york area, you will get a day where its 30 degrees or something in my drop down to 15 or something, but a couple days later its usually much warmer. This cold spell seems ready to hang around for another week and a half, and thats a big part of the problem. Its concerning, which is what we had to be prepared. Knowing how to cover the areas of heat that you lose heat the most. Your hands and your feet. Its a big myth. People think you lose most of the heat from your head, thats not really true. You can lose as much for my hands and your feet as your head. Being prepared and also having a waterproof top. Anything worse than being cold is being wet in the cold. Being wet and cold will accelerate your chance of hypothermia. Jon cotton can be a big problem. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you be braving the weather on new years eve, there are things i can accelerate heat loss, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol. Hate to ruin your fun a new years. Jon we need to remember about the pets too. They are not built for all kinds of weather. Pets are like humans. They lose an exceptional amount of heat. Their breathing and her nose and her ears. Another concerning thing about pets that we should all take aware of is pets in the middle of a snowstorm can lose their sense and cant get lost. Like this poor dog possibly could have. They lose their sense of how to get home, and they can freeze. Always keep your dog on a leash and wipe their pads down when they get in the house. Jon we have a chart of just how quickly frostbite can develop based on different temperatures. There it is. Thats from the National Weather service. It really amplifies the cold. Most days, even a ten or 20degree day or 10 degrees with 10 degrees outside of a 10mileanhour winds can put you at below zero. Jon dr. David dupree, good advice there. Stay safe, stay warm. Christmas day robbery has smashed and grab these still dozens of guns. Plus, a rare apology from apple. How the companies trying to make things right. Will iphone customers be satisfied . Jon the thieves made off with more than 30 weapons. The owner posted Surveillance Video of three proper smashing glass and stuffing firearms into a backpack at around 3 00 a. M. Christmas day. The weapons are worth about 20,000. Leads are asking for the public help to find those responsible. Apple now offering apologies and a special discount after admitting it slow down older iphones to address the problem with batteries. They explain my from los angele los angeles. They are in it deep today, posting an apology on their website regarding what they are calling a misunderstanding over batteries and their older iphones. It apple rarely responds to stories in the press, but said, we know that some of you feel apple has let you down, and for that we apologize. This comes after the recent admissions that they in fact were slowing down older phones to compensate for degrading battery. Some iphone owners have accused apple of potentially slowing phones down before the release of the new model. Apple has now trying to clarify whats going on, saying that slowdowns are really intended to make sure a cloth Team Alcoholism blocked or the flash doesnt work. The tech analyst say the optics dont look good. They say to not just apple and everyone in technology that transparency is key. You need to be really out front and open with your core customer base. Apple did not say we are doing this. Therefore, you hear, you were slowing my phone down . You just want me to buy a new phone. Not true, says apple. In a statement to explain, all rechargeable batteries are consumable opponents that become less effective as they chemically age and their ability to hold a charge diminishes. Apple is also cutting the price of replacements by 50 and temporary discount that will likely get people into apple stores browsing while they wait and may be leaving with a new product, along with her upgrade upgraded iphone. They say its actually a brilliant move. Jon claudia, my from los angeles, thank you. Check out whats bearing under a pile of stuffed animals. Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to toss the teddies jon we will tell you why thousands of hockey fans are tossing teddy bears onto the ic ice. I think the experience bringing teddy bears is going to be fun. Trying to get the big bear over the glass is pretty fun. She sai. Go pro with crest prohealth. 4 out of 5 dentists confirm these crest prohealth products. Help maintain a professional clean. And its the only toothpaste with the ada seal of acceptance for protection against acid erosion. Jon one Minor League Hockey was to tradition on backo splayed asleep. There are hosting their annual teddy bear toss game. Fans are encouraged to bring teddy bears to the game and throw them on the ice after the Home Team Scores its first goal. The good news is, all the bears are donated to charity. Date make kids at the hospital feel like someones trying to care about them. A lot of us have a lot more than they do, and in order to make them and give them a smile for one day, it definitely makes it a lot better. Jon they collected more than 16,000 bears. Thanks for joining us today. Im jon scott and for dana. Heres Rick Leventhal and for shep. Rick President Trump making all kinds of news now, telling mccarthy wants a borderline Immigration Reform, otherwise dont expect any help for young immigrants illegally brought here as kids. The president also talking about the russia metal investigation, saying theres no conclusion. Telling the New York Times that Robert Mueller will be fair. The president also weighing in on lots of other topics from his new tax law to attorney general Jeff Sessions and the former Republican Alabama Senate candidate roy moore. Also why trump says he will have no problem winning another term. Its the last business day of the year, so could be her last chance to prepay some taxes before the new irs rules kick in. Wh y

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