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Chose to moderate its response to the sanctions as a result to flynns request. We have john roberts standing by at the white house, but we begin with Catherine Herridge live outside the federal courthouse in washington. You were in the courthouse to give us this report. What did you see . Thanks, dana, and good afternoon. After 33 years of military service and five in combat, the retired general and National Security advisor enter the courthouse behind me and he stood composed and stoic in the courtroom as he pled guilty to a felony, in this case, lying to federal investigators about his connotations with the Russian Ambassador in 2016. What we really learned today was the granular details about how flynn came to be a gobetween, carrying information between the Trump Transition Team and the Russian Ambassador. If we run through the timeline, you can see exactly what the government was getting to. About december 28th, this is when the Obama Administration imposed sanctions in retail retaliating with the u. S. Election. According to the unsealed court papers, on december 29th, flynn caught a senior official with the president ial Transition Team to discuss what he could say to the Russian Ambassador about the issue. After that phone call, he engaged with the Russian Ambassador and after that there were a series of conversations where the information was share shared. On december 30th, the russian president Vladimir Putin issued a statement saying their government would not escalate the matter, would not retaliate for the decision by the Obama Administration to kick 35 diplomats out of the United States and honored by december 31st, the Russian Ambassador called flynn and informed him that was their course of action. If you remember to that. Next, dana, the president said either publicly or on twitter that putin was the smart guy making the decision in this case. Based on the records, we can see how much medication there was but between the president ial Transition Team, flynn, and the Russian Ambassador. A special counsel concluded flynn intentionally misled them about those conversations and the nature of those conversations. Significantly, this was not a fact that was disputed by flynn in court today as he entered a guilty plea, dana. Dana catherine, on harris show, you were talking about how discipline Michael Flynn has been in the 33 33 year career n the military, showing that in terms of his posture. Im curious if he is any indication on a lack of discipline when it comes to actually talking to the fbi and now having to admit he lied about it . What i would say, having covered this now for the better part of a year is that when you speak to people who are close to flynn, they talk about this period leading up to election day and then in the transition period as almost overwhelmed with the amount of information that was coming at them, a very chaotic period, a period where they were not remembering events easily because they were so overwhelmed. And my colleague bret baier received some information earlier today from a source who has knowledge of fbi director comeys testimony to congress that flynn had not deliberately misled them but somehow mistaken in his conversation. What im trying to say in a longwinded way is that in the span of this year, comeys agents felt he made a mistake, overwhelmed, confused, couldnt remember the events. When special Counsel Robert Mueller came in and his team went through the information, perhaps additional evidence, they concluded something very different, that there was a deliberate effort to do so. But when you talk to people close to flynn, one of the bottom lines today is that after a year of the financial strain and the emotional strain and looking at three years of litigation, this ultimately broke him. He felt the only option, really, for himself and his family was to make a deal. That is sometimes the case once you get in that sweet spot with a government investigation. Dana Catherine Herridge, thank you very much. Lets head to chief White House Correspondent john roberts. Hes live on the north of lawn. John, whats the mood like over there today . Dana, we were expecting to hear from the president 1145 this morning when he was meeting from officials from libya. The last minute, they canceled the oval office pools. They said its a scheduling mistake, it shouldve never been on the schedule to begin with. Uhhuh. I guess the president didnt want to talk about whats going on today. The press will be going in in the next few minutes for the White House Christmas party. Its being held in the afternoon this year as opposed to at night. Thats an off the record event, though. Whats said during that event, unfortunately, we cannot bring to you. We are hearing from white house attorney ty cobb, hes the point person for the president for the russian investigation. He points out that Sergey Kislyak team was only the National Security advisor for some 25 days and says, the false statements involve mirror the false statements to white house official that resulted in his recognition of february this year. Nothing the guilty plea or the charge implicates anyone but mr. Flynn. The special counsel is moving with all deliberate speed and clears the way with a prompt and reasonable conclusion. But muddying the waters in that statement, and what we understand so far, is what Catherine Herridge was talking about just a second ago. Heres some pictures from maralago, the president there with don king. That is the day that Michael Flynn talked to a senior transition official. We dont know who it was. A number of people were down there. K. T. Mcfarland was his deputy at the time, spent a lot of time at maralago about Sergey Kislyak and what russia should do in response to kicking out all his diplomats that were levied against him. Vladimir putin came out with a statement a day later to say that russia was not going to respond in escalation to which President Trump tweeted, great move on delay by Vladimir Putin. I always knew he was very smart. Now we dont know if the information was passed along to the president about what the details of that phone call were or what never was, it just remained among the top transition officials. On february the second, President Trump was asked directly if he asked flynn to talk to kislyak about sanctions and he said no. Lets watch the exchange. Did you direct mike flynn big on them, i didnt. No, i didnt excuse me. No, i fired him because of what he sent to mike pence. Very simple. Mike was doing his job. He was calling countries and his counterparts. So it certainly wouldve been okay if he did it. I wouldve directed him to do it if i thought he wasnt doing it. I didnt direct him, but i wouldve directed him because thats his job. No, i didnt direct them, but i wouldve directed him if he didnt do it, okay . A former Senior Intelligence official has been telling brooks brinkman that early in the transition, President Trump instructed Michael Flynn to reach out to the russians and a number of other governments as well, a number probably more than a dozen, just to establish some preliminary context. What we dont know, dana, is who told flynn to contact the russians about the sanctions and, really, the context, the broader context, and further detail about that succession of phone calls. But its clear that someone who was in the president s immediate orbit knew what flynn was doing. Yet that information never made it to the vice president. Flynn says its an oversight on his part to not tell mike pence, but its getting curious in terms of that aspect of this. Dana john roberts, thank you so much. Lets bring our legal panel, bradley mott is a a former Deputy Assistant under george w. Bush. I want to ask you, maybe i can start with you, bob, when Robert Muellers team said that these lies had a Material Impact on the investigation, what does that mean . What is a Material Impact . Partly, they are satisfying a Legal Standard, if all statement to the government that can be prosecutable has to be a material false statement. It cant be, i had a ham sandwich for lunch, when you really had turkey . It has to mean something. The statement was false in a great enough way as to throw the investigation off or cause them to spend more time or send them in the wrong direction. From the statements that were laid out, the information, it certainly seems that is the case. They were looking at these conversations. He said they didnt happen or certain topics did not come up and later admitted they did. Theyve got the admission now that he intentionally, you know, misled the agents about that. The materiality question is one that they probably satisfy the Legal Standard when they say that. Unfortunately, thats the way lawyers talk. Dana [laughs] we are glad you were here to talk with us. Bradley, let me read you a quote from andy mccartney. Hes at the national review, from a prosecutor. It remains unclear why the Obama Justice department chose to investigate to be 16. There was nothing wrong with the National Security advisor having meetings with foreign counterparts and sanctions in those meetings. Plus, the fbi had fis a recordings of kislyak. Delma. As President Trump was saying, it was his job to be talking to these governments, he wouldve asked them to do it, but he didnt actually give the direction. I guess thats now under dispute. But why lie about it . Or was it just a mistake . You know, that becomes very much part of the question that we dont know because this is only a plea deal. We know the fbi was concerned about his exposure, Michael Flynns exposure, do not to only fall statements to the fbi about this call with kislyak, but in terms of whats been listed on his security clearance paperwork in terms of potential issues of whether or not he failed to properly register as a Foreign Agent for lobbying purposes. Goes to angers question to why they would be investigating him, there was a concern to which the extent someone who was slated to be the next National Security advisor was exposed to foreign influence in a way that would put him at risk, given the amount of classified information to which hed be privy on a regular basis. So that is both part of a criminal concern, something they would investigate, but something that would be Due Diligence in the context of granting general flynn the additional access to be the National Security counselor. He would have been vetted for that as anyone else would have a clearance, this wouldve raised an absolute legitimate concern. Dana bob, this reminded me of when sally gates, the Deputy Attorney general who was fired by President Trump, days before that had gone to the white house and said, we want to make sure its very clear to you, you can have some problems with Michael Flynn. Was that also a part of this . Certainly it seems to be tangentially related in that the Outgoing Administration i think was obviously aware of this investigation. In particular, when it went public, flynn was denying these contact occurred. I think the fbi or some Counter Intelligence agency was on tapes of flynn discussing these matters that put them in an awkward position. I think they probably made the decision to go to the existing and say, hey, this guy has problems, you may not want to make him part of your inner circle. Its to the president to not listen to that or assume its politically motivated or something else, but it seems to this thats likely what motivated the outgoing Justice Department to give the heads up to the incoming and administration. Dana bradley and bob, stick around. In a bid, we are going to talk about a whole different angle to the flynn story that i wanted take your take on. Ted cruz invites us to react to all the news on a busy friday after the break. 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When the news broke today there was a guilty plea coming from Michael Flynn, immediately partisans on both sides went out to explain why it is not a big deal or its the biggest deal ever. Legally, what you cautioned everybody to hold on a second because the investigation has a long way to go . I think thats exactly right. Todays news was disappointing and disturbing. General flynn has many decades of Honorable Service defending this nation. And it is sad to see he is now pleading guilty to criminal conduct. That. That gives us all a reason to pause. I think from my perspective, all of us wants to see what the underlying conduct was and what else may be implicated. There are multiple investigations that are ongoing. There are investigations in the senate, the house, the special counsel. I think we should wait until we see all the facts and all the evidence before coming to a final judgment. Dana the reason we reached out to you last night was not because of Michael Flynn, but the shocking verdict out of San Francisco with a not guilty verdict indicates kate steinle. Your reaction to that, sir . Of the vertical was frustrating and it makes you angry. Kate steinle, a beautiful 32yearold young woman, shot down in the prime of her life. She died and her fathers arms crying out, daddy, save me. As the father of two daughters, i cannot imagine the agony. I visited with miss steinles family. The grief makes it harder to deal with. Whats frustrating, dana, this shouldve never happen. The best response is the senate should take up and pass kates law. Legislation ive introduced in the senate that says if a illegal immigrant illegally enters the country a second time with an aggravated felony, that immigrant will face a mandatory minimum prison sentence. The person who shot kate steinle had been deported five times. He had been in and out of jail. If caselaw had been on the books, the person who pulled the trigger wouldve been in a federal prison cell instead of out there on that pier that night. And kate steinle would still be alive and with us today. The best thing congress can do is pass kates law right now to prevent the next tragic murder we saw in california. Dana do you think the case was not well argued by the prosecution, would you support federal charges against him . I dont know. I have and examine the evidence that was presented at the trial and specific arguments that the prosecutor made, i understand the defense argued that the firing of the gun was accidental and the jury heard those arguments. None of that at the end michael that they really matters because if case kates law was on the books, he wouldve never had the gun in the first place because he had been deported five times, and repeat criminal. When you allow Illegal Immigrants who are repeat criminals to be released to be protected by century cities like San Francisco, the result is its more dangerous for all of us. Dana what looks like its going to be a successful one for the republicans . I hope so and im certainly urging mitch to take it up and weve taken it up and voted on it before, the democrats filibustered kates law. What you are right. Tax reform, getting ready to go vote on it in a few minutes. Im very encouraged. It looks like we have the votes. Ive been working night and day this year to really bring republicans together, to get to 50 votes, we are on the verge of major historic tax cuts, lowering tax rates for ball, small businesses, for ranchers, for families, its a big deal. Im very encouraged will be all right now. Dana i imagine the mood is a little better than it was when Obamacare Repeal and replace didnt pass. Thats exactly right. I will tell you, one of the big deals in tax reform is part of this is repealing the individual mandate from obama character that something something i argued for vociferously with a handful of other conservatives, we persuaded our colleagues and its in the bell, 6. 5 Million People every year the irs finds other obamacare because they cannot afford health insurance. We are giving tax relief to all those people and ending that very unfair part of obamacare. Dana senator, id love to have you on the show and have you back, coming back in a heartbeat. Senator cruz, thank you so much. How a recent court case could shed some light on whether turkish officials offered a bribe to Michael Flynn. Hi. So i just got off the phone with our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. So the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight four weeks without the car. Okay, yup. Good night. With accident forgiveness your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Switching to allstate is worth it. Dana admits the fallout from Michael Flynns guilty plea, more illegal drama shedding light on possible work by turkey to help companies evade a gold trader telling the federal court that turkish president erdogan the sty astounds me. We will try to get it through here. Not Many Americans are aware of this trial now ongoing in new york city, but people in turkey, including the president rested early to make accused of paying tens of millions of dollars of bribes to high turkish government officials to help iran circumvent u. S. Sanctions. Moments before his trial was set to start, he flipped, pleaded guilty to all charges and is not testifying for u. S. Prosecutors. The scheme involved a complex Money Laundering operation that allowed iran to skirt u. S. Sanctions. But adding to the complexity of this, the wealthy hired a dream team of expensive lawyers including Rudy Giuliani and former u. S. Attorney michael do casing. Those flu to turkey to find a telematics solution to his legal troubles. Another tangle in this web, arrested under the direction of before he was fired by President Trump. And lastly, there is Michael Flynn. He was registered as a Foreign Agent for turkey and as the zarrab trial progresses, many people are curious to see if zarrab sayings about whether there may be flynn might have tried to secure a zarrabs freedom through the erdogan government. Thats a lot to digest, dana, but keep an eye on the zarrab trial. Made for a few surprises coming our weeks. Dana i appreciate it. Im back with my legal panel bradley moss and bob driscoll. You are able to hear that. It caught my eye because maybe there is nothing here to connect, but if you look at all of this and bc reports that shows that there was a possible 15 million payout to come to flynn and his son for kidnapping gulen and getting him to erdogan, bradley, whats going on here . This is part of the concern that federal investigators had about Michael Flynn in particular, given hes an unregistered Foreign Agent. He had not registered under the Foreign Agent registration act as a he was engaging in these efforts both during the transition in the campaign as well as when he first started in the white house to influence u. S. Government policy and what appeared to be in support of his private client. That violates numerous criminal provisions and is highly unethical and significantly raises concerns to which the extent someone, he was composed and compromise from this type of question. It raises a separate issue. This is also mentioned in those new news reports. Whether or not there were brides, whether the bribes played any role in anything mr. Flynn did and how he influenced what has come to medication and policy. Dana with everything that bradley just said, is there a reason why legal scholars looking at all of this, flynn, by pleading guilty to this lesser charge, probably got off easy because he could have been charged with higher crimes. It certainly seems that way. If you compare the flynn situation to manafort, the indictment by special counselor mueller really brought the wood to everything going back ten years or so. In this case, frankly, the information that is pled to is pretty light when compared to what is out there. In particular too, flynn has very competent counsel. He wouldnt have entered into this plea unless he was globally wrapping up all of his exposure. It makes me wonder about all of these prior reports weve heard about the kidnapping, the 15 million offer, things like that that former cia director woolsey had commented on. I wonder if those reports were even accurate or if the government had dismissed them, because it seems odd to me if that was still hanging out there that wed be looking at this plea today to one count of information. Dana it certainly is another tangled web, i guess, you could say. We appreciate you, bradley and bob, being here today to help us figure it all out. Obviously, the story is not going away. So the Senate Taking up the g. O. P. Tax plan. We look alive at the floor as we near a vote on the bill. Plus new reaction from key lawmakers to the guilty plea by a former National Security advisor Michael Flynn. A lab report from capitol hill next. How much money do you think youll need in retirement . Then we found out how many years that money would last them. How long do you think well keep oooooohhh you stopped youre gonna leave me back here at year 9 . How did this happen . It turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. We have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. Lets plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. Prudential. Bring your challenges. This holiday, the real gift isnt whats inside the box. Its whats inside the person who opens it. Give ancestrydna, the only dna test that can trace your origins to over 150 ethnic regions and open up a world of possibilities. Save 30 for the holidays at ancestrydna. Com dana fox news alert as we are following two big stories this afternoon. First, Michael Flynn pleads guilty to lying to the api about his contacts with the Russian Ambassador. The former white house National Security advisor agreed to cooperate with the special counsel investigation. While we were keeping a close eye on capitol hill, Senate Republicans get ready to load on their tax bill. Mike emanuel is standing by live on capitol hill. Where are we on tax reform. Is this happening today . Dana, good afternoon. All indication is they have 50 votes plus in favor of tax reform and they are hoping to get it done later today. The only wild card at this point is tennessee senator bob corker whos pushing for socalled triggers to protect the taxpayers if the tax reform package does not live up to the expectations. The voluntary and in the senate said that would not fit the rules, so we will await an announcement on corker on how he will vote. Another undecided set a short time ago that he is a yes. Didnt get everything we wanted, but what i was pushing most for was from the expensing division, there is a hard sunset in the bill that we all know is just a give me, that we wouldnt honor. We were able to smooth that over a number of years and make it realistic. The timing on the senate floor seems to be the only uncertainty at this point to the bottom line, they expect it to get done, perhaps, late night tonight, dana. Dana what about the latest reaction their own Michael Flynn . It certainly sent a lot of shock waves here on capitol hill. You have tennessee congressman Marsha Blackburn saying this is a lesson to officials here in washington that most of the time it is the coverup that gets folks in trouble. She said thats an important reminder for all in public life. Democrats say President Trump should have a measured response. Obviously, the president passed at decide how hes going to react. I strongly strongly urge him not to interfere with this investigation in any way, shape, or form and certainly not to fire special counselor mueller. That would be the worst possible reaction he could have. Others say it is unfortunate, noting Lieutenant General Michael Flynns many years of service to this country in uniform. Dana . Dana to help us process all that, we now turn to ben shapiro, editorinchief, and host of the ben shapiro show, as well as marion marsh, principal at the dewar square group. Ben, you are also a lawyer. Once you got news about this, what was your reaction . 1 of 2 things is happening. My initial reaction is one of two things is happening with regards to Michael Flynn here. These charges were really reduced because flynn has a really dirty stuff to say about members of the trump administration. All they really had him on is this or this is what they thought he could get in order to flip on seniorlevel officials who were also fitting to the nbi. You could end up in the first case with an actual charge of some sort of conspiracy with the russian government. I think thats farfetched. He could end up in the second case and a bunch of officials ensnared in fbi investigations saying they lied to the fbi but there is no underlying crime. Looks much more like Scooter Libby than it does watergate. Dana the New York Times in may of 2017 said that obama warned trump about hiring flynn pure he said mr. Flynns name came up about a broader discussion of personnel issues for the formant Administration Official said. First reported by nbc news, predated the later concerns of his contacts with the Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Of its no surprise there were tensions between flynn and the Obama Administration and some democrats. Today, how do you look at it . I think theres a lot more to it, dana, then his management style. Remember, the last two things barack obama discussed with donald trump before he left office and the donald trump walked in, one was Michael Flynn, the other was north korea. You wouldnt put those two topics together if they went really important. I think this goes for the entire situation to Michael Flynn, goes back to the dia, what he did afterwards, what he did during the term campaign, and when he walked into the white house as a National Security advisor who had access to the most important and Sensitive Information and secrets to this country. Michael flynn only would agree to this deal, and it is one of the best deals you can get. Not that five years in jail and a quarter Million Dollar plane to the fbi is nothing, but you only do that if youve got a lot of exposure on russia, turkey, and many other things. And he clearly agreed to give up everybody and everything including donald trump. Dana so ty cobb, the president s lawyer try to say, remember, everybody, flynn was an Obama Administration official. Do you think thats going to wash . No, i dont think thats a good defense. The best offense here is we dont even know what flynn was supposedly have done during the campaign. If you are trump, you are basically saying, looks, all we know is p16 lied to the fbi about contacts he had with Sergey Kislyak six weeks before the demonstration actually took office. What does that have to do with conspiracy . What does that have to do with some sneaky deal with russia . Its not even illegal. He was at that point about to become a transition official, so what exactly went wrong here . If you are the trump team, what you are saying is the best you can do is lie to the fbi about a series of phone calls not illegal and not politically problematic, this is a witch hunt. That seems to be their best defense here. Dana mary and, unless it was a mistake and you forgot, why lie about that in the first place if theres nothing wrong with contacting officials when youre in the transition . Exactly. Because you have something more to hide. Almost everyone so far has lied having something to do with russia. Put a name on a table thats associated with donald trump, they have lied about their contacts with russia. You have to ask why. If they are willing to lie to the fbi or commit perjury, as weve seen others doing from in front of congressional committees, they are hiding something big. Last point. Use the clip earlier in the show from february 16th when donald trump was at a press availability denying he instructed Michael Flynn to make those calls to kislyak. This comes down to whether donald trump isnt telling the truth or did he tell Jared Kushner or someone else to make that call for him . Donald trump has been intimately involved with every and all of this every step of the way, including dictating the statement about his son, it was really a meeting about adoptions with the russian operatives in trump tower, not about sanctions. Dana theres plenty more of this to come. Ive been trying to caution everybody, this is one step in whats probably a pretty long investigation. Hopefully everyone can go and have a good weekend. We will call you back next week to give us more information. Ben shapiro and mary anne marsh, thank you so much. The dow taking a dive after mike flynns lets bring in the gold felony at the new york stock exchange. I would imagine, nicole, that shock waves off pretty quickly and people get more excited that they think this tax bill is really going to pass. Thats the whole idea, the markets have to digest one headline after another. In fact, dana, we had our biggest point swing top to bottom 400 points in such a short time. Since brexit, right before all this news broke out, we were out 50 points. That was 11 00 a. M. We had this breaking news, the traders were the first to say they were concerned about all of the news on flynn, that it wasnt about the tax bill, worries about the tax bill, what he may or may not say about the president. The market tanked 306 the appointment at that point, i have to tell you, we talk to different traders. Some were saying buy on the dips up in the day. It sounds insane, but they felt it was a little bit of he said, she said. And now you can see we recovered much of those losses, we are down 80 points right now. I will leave you with a few ideas. That is that we are still having a winning week. The dow is having the best week of 2017 despite all these volatile headlines and a little bit of a White Knuckle ride, roller coaster ride today. There are some cautionary tones going into the weekend. We are going to have a lot of the news shows, going to be a lot of developments. As you noted, dana, this is longterm investigations, the traders are focusing on tax relief and earnings and fundamentals. A better economy, better job. Consumer confidence, they are keeping it on long term, still keeping an eye on the up arrow. Back to you. Dana people will be out and about shopping for the holiday presents. Nicole petallides, thank you so much. What comes next in the Mueller Investigation . New insights from the wall street journal coming up next. Shepard smith on the fox news deck. The former National Security advisor admits he lied to the fbi and a Senior Member of the trump Demonstration Team told him to contact the russians. Fox news senior traditional jut angina paul tonko we will hear from him what that means, top of the hour dana a Major Development today in the russian investigation. Former security advisor Michael Flynn pleading guilty to lying to the fbi about his conversations with the Russian Ambassador last year. So i wondered what you thought about this, so muellers investigation is about the campaign. Yes. Dana and supposing collusion there. We know that collusion is not a crime, but there is been this mixing and mashing. You have Michael Flynn who has been an amazing patriot to the american his country, having to plead guilty to lying to the fbi, for what . Thats the thing i dont understand. Why lie about that if its okay to be calling officials while you are in the transition . Thats one of the essential questions at the center of this, dana. Why did my flynn do this . Heres someone who served in senior levels of government for most of his career and truly knew that lying to the fbi is something you cannot do. I dont understand that other than the fact, perhaps, hes been in intelligence for so long and they work on a needtoknow basis and he just thought, you know, telling somebody but your opening remarks, i think, is very important what Robert Mueller is supposed to be doing. After this happened this morning, i dug out the original Rod Rosenstein was her about mueller. If you look at it, it does indeed say here hes supposed to investigate the possible coordination between the russian government and the trump campaign. But his mandate at the end, he authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation. There is a distinction thats important here, dana. Mueller is looking for the possibility of crimes. Hes not supposed to investigate and give a report to the American People about all the mysteries of the 2016 election, including collusion. Just crimes. And so he has brought a guilty plea from mike flynn for lying to the fbi, presumably because mike flynn is going to help them talk about other incidents, but they have to be crimes. It cant just be talking to russia. Dana mueller in his letter its vague, but he says that these lies to the fbi had an imperial impact on their investigation, thats what we dont know. Whether it was in a Material Impact. I have breaking news now. This was from reps end of conyers attorney, having a press Conference Today whether he should resign, here is his lawyer. Mr. Conyers asserts he has done nothing wrong. And for some reason, the tide has turned or people are saying some people, not all, that he is he will continue to defend himself until the cows come hom home. Dana okay. I thought the cows were coming home at 2 00. I assume the press conference was going to be about him resigning, but apparently that is not the case. We all did. John conyers is going to fight it. There is a couple of issues here that probably need to be discussed, dana. One, we were just talking about mike flynn. In colliers case, there is an issue of due process. Probably understands that in some of these incidents that he has alleged to participated in, there is no real proof that he is guilty of doing any of this. Thats why you have these nondisclosure things, thats why people agree. This happens in companies all the time. There is no way to prove things, both sides know they are settling for the other thing is what about the question of john conyers his constituents, or for that matter, al al frankens voters . Dana what about the republican in texas who today we find out hes one of the ones who paid out 84,000 in taxpayer funds to settle a Sexual Harassment claim. Possibly talking about not seeking roi more. What does that say about alabamas voters . When people vote, they vote for a large variety of thing, not just the character of the individual. Dana dan, we only have a few seconds left. North korea advancing its Nuclear Weapons program. We have that too. All of that coming up after the break. Why did you take Credit Card Debt on . Second kid. Private school. Medical bills. Moving costs. Solid ground. A personal loan from sofi is a smart way to consolidate Credit Card Debt. Certain borrowers cut their credit card Interest Rates 42 and increased Credit Scores 17 points on average. Borrow up to 100,000 with low rates and no hidden fees. Find your rate in just two minutes, and take on your debt at sofi. Com. New satellite images appear to show north Korea Building another launch pad. The images come days after the rogue regime fired a powerful icbm into the sea of japan. That missile shown in this video from a military parade. Greg palkot is live from london. What do we know about this new launch pad . Dana, it looks like north korea might be getting ready to start more trouble. As you noted, fox news obtained new satellite imagery taken a couple days ago to the northwest of the north korean capitol of pyongyang and shows yes, the construction of another launch site not far from where an icbm took off in july of this year. South korean officials confirm what weve reported a couple days now, this weeks missile had a range of 8100 miles putting all of the u. S. Mainland in its reach, potentially with a nuclear warhead. This launch celebrated in an orchestrated way in pyongyang today, also officials speaking to the masses gathered saying that north korea was now a nuclear force, dana. So greg, i have a question about what russia is saying about u. S. Policy towards north korea. I thought it was eye opening when i saw the headlines. Absolutely. Strong tough. Remember, after the launch a couple days ago, u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. Nikki haley said that north korea would be destroyed by the u. S. If they tried to star a war. We heard from Sergey Lavrov today. He branded those words a blood thirsty tirade adding that the u. S. Was playing with fire and making a big mistake to talk in this way. He said russia would be happy to solve this peacefully. I think we all world. Back to you. Thanks, greg. Well be right back. Trillions of dollars going back to taxpayers. Who could possibly be against that . Well, the National Debt is 20 trillion. As we keep adding to it, guess who pays the bill . Him. And her. And her. Congress, we should grow the economy. Not the debt. Today is world aids day. The president s emergency plan for aids relief is working to combat the disease around the world. So far the programs have brought a 25 to 40 decline in new hiv diagnoses among young women and girls. Adding 2. 24 million babies were born hivfree to mothers and 13. 3 men, women and children are taking antiretroviral treatments and providing 6. 4 million orphans with care and support. Im dana perino. Heres shep. Shepard its 3 00 in washington where its official. Michael flynn has flipped. The onetime National Security adviser entering a plea deal and promising to tell all, including that a Senior Member of the Trump Transition Team told him to contact the russians. We have team fox coverage from the fallout. What judge napolitano says could be a political crisis and the reaction pouring in. Were repeating the horrors of water gate and the shredding of our constitution. I dont see this going any further. Ive seen no evidence indicating theres a connection between general flynn and the pr

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