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But first, were going to go live to texas where fox is. Griff jenkins is standing by. Griff, what can you tell us tonight . Hey, laura , good evening. I can tell you there is a sigh of relief in a lot of Pride Running through Border Patrol agents from coast to coast because oropesa was brought into custody by Bortac Agents. They are the elite units of. The Border Patrol. Theyre a unit hav based out ofl paso, but they have agents all over the place. Weector, i in the rgv sector, In Brownsville, about five hours soute clh of where cleveland, texas, where the murders happened and they werencerne concerned that oropesa initially was trying to get back to mexico. Obviously, having been deported some four or five times, being mexican nationals illegally present in the u. S. But what woe know about how it went down,n th im getting some details and well find out at the press conference. But what my sources are tellingl me is that about tim 615 local a in texas, they got a tip abouttm a residence in conroe, texas. Evl you mentioned abouand t twenty five miles west of cleveland where the murders happened. Bylocal, 630 local, they arrived at the residence, were given consent to search the residenceu ,which obviously is in this video that youve seen here. And about five minutes later, they exited the residence with oropesa in custody without incident. In the bortac. Agents then turned oropesa over to u. S. Marshals and soon he will face trial and be behind bars, hopefully for a very long time. But tonight there is a lot of pride as a Border Patrol agents here behind me are working around the clock to tryt of and stop the migrant surge, which appears to be ground zero here In Brownsville with all these migrants coming across Twenty Five Hundred plus a day in the area where i am there, really proudy prou. And theyre really happy thatda. It was their guys that weree yod if you remember, able to save the day. And i should just give you a little bit of background. If you remember, back to the uvalde Horrific School shooting that was Bortac Agents that breached that building and went in and saved the day , going even farther back to a case i covered in Upstate New York ,n the dannemora prison break. Those two fugitives who were on the run break. Save it was a bortac agent that saved the day in a shooting up there on the new york canada border. And so this is a verreasony spel unit. Rd t and there is reason why Border Patrol agents are very proud bit more about how they were i look forward to hearing o zea little bit more exactly ao how they thi were able to zero n on this residence. But it appears initially frotipt my sources, it was a tip. Ge they went straight to that house and they did it without anyone getting harmed, no shots fired and thankfully, no one being shot. Laura graff, thanwerk you sn much. Francisc i mean, were reporting tonight from San Francisco where, of course, here is one ofcies for the epicenters of Sanctuary City policies for illegalgoing a immigrants in the whole country. O thrderand going back to the ko steinle murder in 2015, where that caught the nations Attentiog Thn just in february f this year. And youre seeing the authorities Approach Thajus Mike , In Brownsville, just in d february of this year, a childan number of children were by An T Illegal Immigrant who then absconded to mexico. And were goingwere goin toe going to start this press m conference just a moment. Were going to open up the mic here and follow this. And well get back to that story later. Here we go. Sheriff greg 80 , sinnett county Sheriffs Office with great news. The suspect is in custody, have just left Montgomery County jail where he was taken and he w has been magistrate ed. He now will be taken to my jail and were his new residents will be. I would like to thank the men behind me and the women behindot me. Theyre not women here right now, but they everybody played a very, very integral part in the arrest and capture of this coward. Everybody behind me has workedpl tirelessly. I know that there ar e several people out of these Two Hundred And Twenty Five plus officers in at this scene not to include the millions of of people thanks to the media. Yall yall push the message out. But weve had calls from wyoming, florida, south texas,t, north texas, oklahoma,e were few maryland , and those are just a few of the places we were here. They were there e. Bottom line is we now have this man in custody. He was caught hiding in a closet underneath some laundry that they effectively made the arrest. He is uninjures d and he is currently being taken to my facility in cold springs. E thank you. You tell us how you guys were able to find him. What led you have . Well, it was a multi jurisdictional operation, to say the least. Somebody got a tip. Deepseated, u. S. Marshals, fbi. We had a tag team. They all meandered over there and found that that tip to be true. Oh, my relativesl re. Did he know where he was . The thats unknown to me. Maybe one of these guys behind me can speak to the Actualyour A Information On where i was actually captured. Whats your message . E to the Family Members,n th the surviving Family Members of those people . Who were killed in this attack . Well, they can rest easy now wil because he is behind bars killig and he will live out his life behind bars. For killing those five guys. We have got the worst fear. But if they said its the exact agreement. Thank you , sheriff. F cape rsmy name is jimmy paul. Im an Assistant Special Agent charged with the fbi houston division. Thanks for having me. So just wanted to say first and foremost to the victims and their families are in the forefront of our minds. And were extremely delighted that the suspect was captured. The tip for the suspects location came through the fbis tip line. T want to thank the person who had the courage and bravery to call in the suspects location to the call on where you talk to you i are. Do you know individual faces, several charges. Currently, its an Ongoingy Thea Investigation and hes being charged by a San Jacinto County Sheriffs Office connection to the person was of service,g an Ongoing Investigation. I cant comment matters Point Whatndication why he did this was demeanor when He Wasemeanor . Apprehended, was agitated, was he tire . Hey, guys, were going to were going to let him get through his statement. U. S. Marshals and first, well take questions. Okay, thank you o had. Th i just wanted to thanke many the person who had the courage to call in the tip. And also, id like to thank the many fbi Personnelto B and local Law Enforcement agencies who worked nonstoris p to bring this person to justice, to bring a sense of justice to the victims and alson a sense of security to the jacio community of the San Jacinto County community. Bring i mean, this is basically what we do. You know, we show up, we bring the adequate resources, and then we dont we dont let up. Its not we always said its not a matter of if, but a matter when the suspect would be caught. And were extremely glad thatt a todaught. Y is the wind at this. Id like to turn it over to the u. S. Marshal service representative. Good evening. My name is joe ruiz. Chavez. Im a supervisory deputy u. S. Marshal. Oversee the gulf th coast, violentn offenders and Fugitive Task force here in houston, texas. First, i want to say that thissn was an atrocious crime that devastated this community and this country. S counwe recei we received a call for request from Sheriff Capers and we brought expertise in fugitive i investigations and personnel to assist in this, investigateie. And the Marshal Service is thefa oldest federal Law Enforcement agencyforcemen. And we have an expertise and hunting fugitives. This is fugitivea very sad timea the victims and i hope that this will bring them some comfort and they could grieve. Thank you so i have any help ora from anybody you tell us i hadim help from Family Members or any other friends in the area to help him hide the laste four days. I can say that weveamilies, contacted many families, associates not only here in the houston area, but across the country. Hes got help over the lastou four days. I cant comment on that. Ier ever reach out to any Family Members after O The Shooting Incident on friday night . N thi cant comment on that. You know, how do they have detained at the scene, femalei detained at the scene . S who was there . Again, this is an Ongoing Investigation. We cant disclose that. Sheriff david , you mentioned[ i scerpreviously exactly how manyf these being that property are being discharged. Dont we learn what was removed from the country four times and then 2020 to a protective order that was filed by his wife . Domestic abuse at any pointallyl to that further investigation,ed the. Yes, sir. We actually filed charges on him in 2020 two and it took to the best of my knowledge, they we got a warrant for him and the constable went to serve him in another county because he, he left here and never could make contact with the subject and then a few dayst later the victim went to the District Attorneys Office in our county and filed a Non Prosecutio Theement for the jury to belabor this point. But wehere address this arrest. Could please have Court Documents to show it traces back to what amanda, is that still the case that this would be a home of a Family Member if Anybody Jimgriffin . I cant. I mean, its really its stillte ongoing. A the investigation part. I wasnt part of the arrest team. We got to the place where the shooting happened. You can be involved in once again, not not that i know of. I have no knowledge of the whole agency as it was. I dhs also involved was bortac actually made the apprehension. They were part of that team. I do believe mike lindellwife, h with the wife, the surviving wife. Thats still missing at that moment. She is currently an ice user. G h is anything happening with her . O shes being investigated for the follow. Whats happening with her . Ive understood from japanese that she has Beeno My K Cooperatinnog and to my knowlede ,she is still there because the officers are still there. I have no direct knowledge because this is just it all last happened within the last couple of hours. But she is still there. Hour. We know that you were worried that that would well, you dont need that person calling this tip and will be going to the Person Holding the money will be going to the person that called in the tip through the proper channels. Yes, maam. And i dont im not im thinking is still eighty thousand. So we know that hes been in this country for 2016 illegally. Meeting our pay. So the question is , and he have ar15 rifle that he was shooting the night of this incident. Ave you be oh. Ct have you ever been able to connect the dots as torchase how an illegal alien was able to purchase to get that area. Fifty weapon . By i well, i could just speak els to conjecture, buy it from somebody else on the street. Are you conductintg investigation to try to connect those dots . Yes, sir. Vestigat we are. That that is an Ongoing Investigation as well. What did you learn about the that the suspect was at this address, at least notest . Until the time for tonightsheni arrest . When did you first learn that he was there . W and thee Nen Whened Didi or you actually go . We w thee would probably need to defer that to the fbi or the u. S. Marshals received a 5 tip. Sorry about that. 15as we received the tip at five fifteen p. M. And the arrest was made at 6 30 pm in any house that you ended up finding. What, fifteen miles away from us . [ indiscyou. I cant really speak on that. Mey i can just tell you that we areo just extremely happy that the citizen had the courage and the bravery to call in the tip. At area. But im not sure it wase if searched before. But we we immediately dispatched the team ouhe team t as soon as we got the tip, were going to take three more cautious. I searched well known. The area is known as a warning of his Family Members, those areas specifically as well. I know hes been talking about family. Were obviously hearing that this was a familys hope that this person was found or other family home searched as well. Was this one just a random what happened when there are other families around . Uh, as far as we know, theresti a one time random tip, Bute Familicontacted multiple houses and families throughout the the area contacting gonna search these. Homes . Right. We hav e your Laundry Piles and other family. Weve done weve done Knocd Tals K On Talks with with multiple homes throughout the area. Weve goand weve gotten consem the homeowners to go and takens a look. So weve done done those kind of actions and make the request such. Tonight. No, maam. Ming nobody else is i than custodyt t tonight. Wh houseand im assuming that te still at the House Questioningwa the people that were at the house where the suspect was arrested. S arrested for the suspect. You know, just kind of as far nt as we know, we do not know anybody else that was injured with a formal criminal 30 comment. What was his demeanor when you. Yes, sir. The formal take any formal criminal charges filed . Do you know what those arecharg . You murder five counts, five counts of murder, five Million Dollar bond, not bn capital. I mean, no, sir, not not at this time. There is help me disconnected from 45 . Say it one more time to be with you in social media. Incorrect video. And the one that i havent. I havent had time to visitryon. Social media. So thank very much, everyone. Im going to clarify. Thank you very much, everyone. Ia thanrify k you guys very much. Guys, i want to clarify some Ofw The Spellings and answer t some round up questions here. I know that there are questions very quickly, uh, about the. All right. Iams were going to go to our ownt pr ind williams, who you just heard asking questions at that presser in a moment. O brinbut first, i want to brinn steven miller, America First legal founder, former Senior Adviser to President Trump, thd ted ryan , ceo of american majority, and charlie hurt,im opinion editor ofd fo the Washington Times and fox news. Contributor. Stephen , what does it tell h you that this killer really, he comm didnt feel the need to get more than twenty five miles fromers. Where he committed theg murders . He was found in n a relatives C House Hiding in some Clotheslot Arguess theyre used to getting away with a loe t of stuff. Are they not . Yes, thats exactly what it tells you , laura , in this unspeakable tragedy that just breaks our hearts and tearsn amr our souls and turns our stomachs. S usedjustsyst to anem american. Justice system that had zero consequences. What a lot of people dont know, laura , is that illegalyoa reentry into this countrn y is a felony. You can go to jail forime, years. So every single time during he cobama administration that he was encounter entering illegally, he could have been thrown in the slammer for ove years. You add them all up. He could have served over a decade in prison, which wouldt have kept him from being free to commit this crime in the first place or would have doordaring to come back into the country. H so wheadn you have an open revolving door, as weve had at our border, when you suspend criminalcted justice consequenc, then you invite the kind of Unthink Unfathomable tragedy, ee just absolute horror that we have seen in texas. And we have to understand thatg the open border we have today is letting in thousands mmit crimore individuals who arg to commit crimes, who are going to commit heinous offenses and are going to leave a trailus of blood and suffering that is completely preventable. We must act. Ned, we we must do something. To rem and i know we have to remembersm that biden and his team prior and everything, they do seem to prioritize noncitizens over citizens like whats whats best for the country versusl whats best for his radical constituency. And he more than doubled the number of would be immigrants eligible for what they call and Stephen Knowsary R as well, tps Ootr Temporaryas i protected status. And this was in january of 20204 one. There were four hundrede wh Eleven Thousand Three hundredha twenty six people who are eligible and now that number is Nine Hundred And Eighty Six Thousand Eight hundreddoublg and eighty one dead, doublinge the number of people who can remain here, who came here illegally. Absolut well,el the entire point ofy the Biden Administration is to absolutely annihilate and destroy our southern bordeeu and with that, the sovereignty of this country. I mean, thishave is what you get to law when you have almost Three Hundred Executive Orders and bidens first year that are destroying our Immigration Policy from trump, destroyinstrg on border security, destroying the internal enforcement of our immigration process. Mmigration but this really isa microcosm, if you think about ti the entire border crisis, this guy was deported, what,ve. Four times, maybe five years back illegally. And really does highlight how much this administration is lying to us, that weve been lied to , that the border is secure when in fact, its open, its porous. You know, its one of those things at some point, you would hope that wed have some Real Solutions to this. And i have to tell you this, l laura. I mean, from day one , the Biden Administration. Is flashing and neon lights to those south of the border. Ss. Hey, were open for business. Feel free to come. And when you have tragediesadmih like this, the blood is onan the Biden Administrations hands. But i also say this, laura. Ll its also on the chamber of commerce. Republicans who refusethats to actually come to meaningful Border Reform and security. His. And thats how you end uplie with tragedies like this. Wellot, charlie, is it notca the case that because both b Political Parties have not been serious about Bordere Bush Enforcement at different times and im going back to the bushne era and then, of course, to obama and now to biden, enfom never been serious about ever enforcement. The American People dont believe therg do ee ever going o enforcement. Thd that itself is an impediment to any, quoteey,l deal. They think its goinstg to by. El amnesty, no enforcement for good reason. Look at whats happening right now. They could enforce laws right now. What do they decid e to dom to bypass them and to bring inee more people illegally . Yeah, no, youre exactly right. And of course, you know, of course, this is aca political failure and its a very intentional political failure. There are there are forces in both parties that benefit fromli this mass illegal immigration. Obviously, those Forces Inn Abou the Democratic Party are, i think, a lot more openits and brazen about. But its all intentional. Theyre benefiting from it. Democrats in particular are looking for, you know, t ju you know, i guess, mayhem. Theyre also looking for break voters. But this is not just a breakdown of the border. Its also a Breakdowticen Oft Th our criminal justice system. The fact that this guy who would go on to murder five people was arrestedd ba back in 20 or sought for arrest back in 2020 two. And nothing ever happened that, you know, beyond the fact thatde he was flagrantly violatingprob. Our border laws. Thats a thats a criminal so problem. And democrats also dont seemt to have care much about thater i either. And i do think its crs very interesting that after thisticin crime happened, a major concern for democrat politicians in particular, beto orourke, was e the type of weapon this man used. And itsun itderscos important to underscore that for a lot of these politicians, they look at Something Like thi s and their first reaction is how to disarm Lawful Americans from owning weapons to protect their families. Guand then this guy goesarent l on the lam for Several Daysur and authorities arent able to get him, you knowicians a, ar politicians are more concerned about disarmineg the American People. Its pure lunacy and its all intentional. Stephen , it looks like all the signs were there with this freak because lastis freak yearn a sworn statement, his wife fit and kioropesa hit her with a closed fist, kicked her on the floor and threatenen d. Her. So enforcement its Lackin G Aten the border. But once theyre here because of everything that we know thato is happening in the country, theyre not detected. Ws dontwi mean, lord knows we t know how many illegals who are here right now who committed horrific acts of Violence Orof V Spousal Abuse or child abuse. R we have no idea. Correct . No, we dont. But heres what we do know, laura. Pledgeis is one of the least understood points. T down. You understand it . Well, let me break it down real quickly. Ice deportations are at their lowest level in history. E in other words, the Immigration Enforcement officers who remove Illegal Aliens and primarily criminals from the interiorby have been benched by biden. Bidn so even as Record Numbers are coming in, record low numbers are being removed from tha the interior. Secrthe reason for that is because, secretary, my caucus exempted the vast majority of Illegal Aliens from Immigration Enforcement, including those convicted of felonies, including those convicted and ai misdemeanors, including those guilty of illegal reentry, whicenh aph, of course, apply ts individual. So people like him and including him were immunized and exempted from icen deportation officers. Innocent that means more and going more innocent civilians areicke going to be slaughtered by people who should have been picked up, put on a plane, putu. On a bus and sent to thisrovide country. I. C. E. Congress is appropriate. The Funds Congress has o provided, the money, the ice officers are there. They have been benched. They have been no putpu on. In they have been put on no punllod intended ice. They are not allowed to doto doi their jobs. And as a result of that, my should be impeached. Biden should be impeached because that is an absolute violation of Immigration Law and people are dying as a result. Well, look, im broadcasting here in San Francisco. Weve been reportingwh on the streets about whats happening here with the nfl and with the crime and all the nightmares that have happened. And i want folks to remember that the illegal immigrant killer of kate steinle, thateinh was in 2015 when she wased killed, he was sentenced by a california judge to the time served right. D and sent to texas fors fo deportation. That ultimately was horrific. And , you know, this nedd, San Francisco prides itself on being a sanctuary. City. Even child, they wont pus cooperate with child. They push the envelope on thatks. D. A. Brooke jenkins, she backed off on all the activists, one after saying, no, no, no, no, no exemption. Do not cooperate with the feds. Even when a child absconds to mexico. Think about how wild that is for a moment. Yeah, theyve made a completef. Farce of the rule of law. It doesnt exist. They mak its note its barely even a series of suggestions. They just make it up as theying go. But but, laura , goings about back to this, ifmoving were gog to actually be serious about this moving forward, if we canh, get an America First republican into the white house, i think hes going to have to really do a whole utiv series of Executive Orders, bank on congress, Bank On Democrats who are pursuinr wg political power with this border situation. The chamber of commercen. Working on cheap labor, ignore them and say whatever i can do with Executive Orders, declare the cartels, terrorist organizations, free himself up to be able to do some of thesetd things to secure the border. Because, you know, congress is not going to do anything. They have too many incentives to not do the right thing. So i think were going to have, to see that a republican president Hopefully Electeg i wn twenty four and say this is something im going to be serious about. And it highlight i sts again to me, laura , immigration is still i hog to be one of the top issuespe, the twenty, twenty four elections. And i hope that whoever the republican nominee f fully embraces it and fully lays out a plan for the American People on how its going to endarlie, e the border crisis. But, charlie, the Vitamin Situation is making plans,he they say, to send Fifteen Hundred troops to the border. This was after and miller knows this, that you guys were vilified for even anyone everng reference being using real force to actually protect our country. Oh, now we were all trashed a and now biden, because he knows its a political issue, like ned says, oh, no, were going to send Fifteen Hundred troops. We havent gotten the details yet. But charli e, one of that is that come full circle. Any ty so. Yeah, so so first of all, any time they criticize anybody about doing anything about the border, theyre lying. Ever politics to them. Every bit of it. Its all politics. They dont mean any of it. Thats why theyre doing this. But lets also not think forder. A minute that joe biden is suddenly serious about addressing the border. Hes not. This is window dressinng tg. Hes going to send troops down there to do clerical work. Hes not sending down there to seal the border. If you wanted to seal the border, he would put back into place those trump policies where you force mexico, for example, to get put some skin in the game and do. Something to stop the flow of ti illegals. Into this country. And i do think its sort of interesting, you know, authorities a couple of days ago said they suspected thatto this this this creep was headed. Back to the border trying to cross over the borderf inte. N and it is kind of interesting. This guy manages to cross into our country four timese only unmolested. No problem. The only timroblem he the only t he has is when hes tryinges to escape out of the country. En and i think that really does prr kind of tell you what the Biden Administrations priorities area to charliesrl point, the that the troops are going to do Warehouse Support, detection and monitoring data entryon and other clerical work on the ground based detectione and warehouse supply. I dont know what Warehouse Support is , buts what thatst our troops are going to beox doing, apparently providing the border panel. Thank now to fox news contributor, former homicide detective ted williams, who joins us from cleveland, texas, where he was asking questions at tonights presser. Ted , this arrest came in pretty quickly after the tip came in, but this man was known to authorities well beforethat. That, werent they . T th eyabsolutely. And thats the shocking situation here. This man was an illegal alien in 2009. He was in this country and he was deported. In 2012, he was back in the country and deported again. N in 2012, again, he was back inkn the country and deported 2016. He was back in the country and deported. Abd as a result, of this, this man who was an illegal alien was able to get a gun. And a , and to go next door to his neighbors and shoot five of them. A r ol9d child was shote and killed. And one of the things abou t these killings, laura , thats just shocking to me was that these were all head shots, meaning that in my estimation, that this could very well havel been a professional killer. So we had an illegal alien in this country for all of those years. And nobody did a thing to try to find him. And he was so brazen, laura , that he would go out and shootr A Gun At Night near his neighbors house. Not giving a as to where the Law Enforcement officers were ever going to detect him. Y theres something very troubling with that kind of story, laura. Well,lega you know,l ted ,ae are illegal alien activists alls throughout the United States who work for organizationhs with really sweet names and they work very hard to protect the rights of edthe undocumented, whether the theyre violent criminals, whether theyre traffic violations, duis, they work overtime to prevent Lawforcem Enforcement or the feds, notened the Biden Administration, butsa before that, the Trump Administration from taking action. As we se o. They we right here in San Francisco. They wont even go after a child or a domestic batterer. Theyre not even going wil to d that to break their Sanctuary City. You know, lovely, lovely Sanctuary City status that theyre so proud of here ins ds the here in San Francisco. Its disgusting. Whats happened to this city. Its disgusting, disgusting whats happened all over this country. Even texas a place like texas. Ht is there a sense of relief, though, ted , on the ground that he was finally caught . Laura , you cannot imagine the relief in his community here of cleveland, texas. The tension has been high. Night. I arrived on the ground here last night. I was out in the Communityll Tha where the shooting took place. T and you could tell that there was enough tension in there knie to cut through with a knife or a so. There is a relief. Theres no relief that theres a suspect that has now been taken into custody. And i think folk in this town can now go about their lives. Bun t i can tell you their lives have been forever changed by seeing that five ofat their neighbors, five of l the neighbors were killeead. Te and one of the things that i learned this Afternoon Law was that the nine child that was killed by this man was Histh Man Son , the killer, h is sonthe suspect, his son playn with this nine year old child. Tr and he went over there to that e house and he executed this nine year old child. Killnd diana alvarado. Ted , of course, was killed was while she was physicallyo pr shielding the children with her own body to protect them. And she was she was murdered. Fb twenty one years of age. Ted , thank you for being therei tonight. It is absolutely horrific. N saas mentioned, im here in San Francisco, which is a hub of illegal immigration theseye past few years. Ars. Ul as a result,t, the city by the s 46y, now a city in decay. Now, today, i took to the streets of San Francisco to seev the right up close and personail. The full video of my report is next. For this day. Never miss a beat any day today, an edible. Com or a Company Store to rubix with allegra allergies. Dont hold us back. Allegra starts working two times faster than claritin. And unlike spartech, it wont make us drowsy. Make us drowsy. Allegra gives you the fastest non drowsy twenty four hour allergy relief. You can live your greatness. You can live your greatness. 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So randy, what have we learned today . No matter the disaster, servpro will make it like it never even happened. Flood damage. I could never even have been fired in, like it never even happened. Rebuilding after a tornado, like it never even happened. So this definitely never happened here. Buddy. Servpro like it never even happened. Saturday. Its Baseball Night. Its America On Fox. Philly and boston, texas. Interstate as rapaille, devers and the red sox take trey turner in the phillies. Oh, what a catch. For the oregon look to continue their strong start to the against Ronald Akuna Junior and the braves. Its Baseball Night in america saturday at 7 00 Eastern On Fox ,Wednesdays On Fox for small town farmers. Welcome Big City Women For a chance at love in the heartland. So what are you looking for . Im looking for you know, if yellowstone the bachelor had a baby, it would be this reality show. Unlike any other. So what made you want to do this . No matter how content you are by yourself . Theres just still something missing. I love everything about him. I would really love it if you could join me in this journey. Farmer wants a wife, all new Wednesdays On Fox and watch any time on hulu right now. Welcome back. Let me do it. He ive been coming here to San Francisco since about 1996re or so. And this has always been one ofy my favorite american cities. Favori politics. Landscap i love its architecture, itse, landscape, the rich history of this place. But what ive seen happening to San Francisco, especially just over the last few years, i mean, its nothing short of heartbreaking. How long would it take me to get crack under a minute . W long ihow about heroin . Same thing. Bednal l same. Easy to get. Very easy to get. Less than two years ago, i was right here in the Tenderloin District here in San Francisco. Its an openair drug market. O e we decided to come back to see whether things have improved or gotten worse within the past week. The Tenderloin Hadn three shootings, one resultedr s in a homicide. One resulted in another Persong Being shot and another resulted in a car being shot. . Just in this district. Yeah, just in this district. Lieutenant tracy mccray has been with the San Francisco Police Department for nearlyspe. 30 years after spending eleven in the army. S is Grounthd Zerois i here in the Tenderloin District for drug addicts in the area,wh correct . Right. I mean, you just take a lookake around and you see peoplloe addicted to sitting on crystal meth, you know, heroine people. You got your crack cocaineine. Still, but you got your Garden Variety of all the type of drugs. And this is where youre going a werind people who Areren Al Onl of these different drugs just walking around. Youre goinget. To go down up. The street and youre going to see someone whos Shooting Up Rightt in bro, right. In broad daylight. While its tempting to turnr hed your heads away from the Human Sadness and suffering on theseeh streets, i decided to speak firsthand with those in the grips of addiction. Ar how im thirty two years old. I have family. I have a husband, children. You got to get clean around. O e you got to get clean. I have to get clean. But since ive been the on the street, because thatsstr why i just barely started using findlaw. Y it where are you getting the panel away from . Off the street. Speople. But to me, being on has been bee n like like something thats mel keeping me alive. It helps me not think about thru some of the trauma that ive been throughont, but i dont get it like, oh, i cant sometime were having enzyte caally bad. Bulmt when i have it, like, i mean it come down, d i immediately come down. Oh, okay. The human need is great. After seeing this first and its going to take a lote t more police and a lot more creative thinking to get this situation cleaned up. How Many Police Officers in the city currently right now,ld 580. Youre down 58 a0. What would a fully staffed police force be able to do . About this poor guy . Ully sta i mean, a fully staffed policeng force could be out here connecting with people, trying to get them connectede to services. But we need those partners out here, too. Right. Ney, b soil thats thats the thing. R they all say we get all thisee money is A Billion Dollar organization. We get all this money. Bu bootsn t where do you see the bootst he on the ground from the Communitg Y Organizations ot here trying to help that man, t trying to help that man across the street, trying to help that lady in the doorway, tryinwrgap to help that man wrapped in a blanket. Where are they . Thats se me, thats my problem. E they have to bste on the street so your point is offthats it. The streets. Your choice is jail or treatment. Thats it. Thatss it those only two choics you get. And right now, Wha Yt Happenou You get none of that. You get to stay out here and you can live out here, do as much drugs as you were because the injunction about Clearing Tents and Homeless Camp camp, so you cant clear it out. Cant do that. No. Righjudgt on us. They want us to, but we cant do it by law. Right. A judg aede says no, unless youn provide a bed for ever oy person you see out here. And my whole thing o is , when o that fall on us . Thats thats not my issue. Y isright. Like, i get i am my brothers keeper. But. O on how much keeping does one person have to do for another adult who makes these choices . E choi thats the other thing hereng nobody ever talks about. These are adults who are makingo choices to be out here to do. Sh lieutenant macray knows allna too well the dangers of having a department stretched too thinr as an officer and even herself at one time as a victim of crime. The Police Art E Notht the solution. Rd we cant be the only solution. D and until people wan tt to make these hard decisions and tell people no, then thiso will continue to happen. It wil you will see this and youll muo Come Back Inrs Two years and ita will be much worse i n 2020. Mayor london breed cut 120 Million Dollars from police and sheriff departmentms. T s city directing i to address disparities in the black communithetsy. The three years later, she wantsn to to give more money and even ied the national guarthe drun to deal with the drug issue. T mn s no, it actually means its a division, their unit, their intelligence unit, helping, you know, gatheringto y information to try and stem the flow of where these drugsfy. Are identifyin g, you know, but its not boots on the ground. Theres no tank rolling through this intersection or anywhere in the tenderloin. Right. Thats not what it is. Nd may doin the chp. Come in and help me. C stop maybe doing traffic stops because maybe if they do a traffic stop, they might find someone who does have drugs tha and stop that from coming intoby the community. But it doesnt mean by any stretch of the imagination that you will see green fatiguest. Marching up and down. But will it help clean this up at all . Is this going to be cleaned up when you have no, no, no. Do you have hope for this city . Kindan, i have hope, but its going to B Oe A Long Term kind a hope project. So were talking maybe fivnc five years, ten years down the road to recover. Right. San francisco bounce back. To it always has, but this one is going to be a little bit tougher to bounce back fromut heartbreaking. Im going to be thinking aboutrh a lot of those Individualse Grac i saw on the streets today. And but for the grace of god go any of us tomorrow night, partin two of my investigation, i speak to , so to speak, was to one homeowner who was robbed nearly a dozen times in one year and it was all caught on camera. D but do the Police Actually do anything . It is an unreal story and ill bring that to you tomorrow. But up next, what creepy new delicacy in switzerland. What are they pushing on their kids in the name of Climate Change and an Unwelcomspotlie Vr steals the spotlight at the met gala. No, its not jimmy fallon, but he has the details next. Hi, im mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, and im here today to tell you about a Hidden Health crisis currently affecting nearly every American Sleep deprivation. And thats why you need to know about relaxium sleep. You see, getting a good nights sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain a healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system. 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R right now, one company Ininty Switzerland is looking to loweri its Carbon Footprintp Su By introducing insects as Theisr Flagship Sustainable Superfood product. And companies are now hitching bug eating to children ,school saying on a recent o morning, students at a Middlech School Outside of zurich gathered around a table laden sp with snacks made of insects. They quicklyed scooped up spicet mealworms, crickets dusted with paprika and crackers madear from flour, from ground up,flou. Crickets. Bad jimmy , i thought our School Lunches were bad this is pretty grim. Well, to be i fair, where i grew up, there were bugs in the School Lunches. It just wasnt on purpose. Laura , this is disgusting. And the in the video pushingng this stuff is not eating bugs. He finished that Littleo Th Interstitial and went right to the pal m and had a steak. But ive come to the conclusion that liberals just hate little t kids. Theyre little liberals jushh hate little kids. Eywa ifnt youre a little girl, a they want to take away your chocolate and if youre ae little boy, they want to takea. Away your nuts. Wha lt a baaud time to be d. And theouy wantr g. I. To takn your g. I. Joe. T isnt that too militaristic,. Too . All right. Ever i cant even look at that videon ,jamie. Nd im everyone who knows me, bug knows im so afraid of bugs of, any kind. Speing the bugs on the pizza. I cant. Thats the best diet ever. All right. Speaking of bugs, jimmy , last night at the met gala and im sorry i missed you there, f th the celebs were jostling and as they did for all the attentionen from the photographers, and one of new yorks citys residents ca caught the spotlight. Jimmy , did that roach fit in what was wearing . Well, well, listen, itre. Is new york and theres roaches everywhere. You do hav e to feel bad fora roac like jared leto, though, h,houghtbecause when he heard ts he tach, he thought he had something to smoke. Ing in the he thought it was like the remnants of a joint waiting for him in the mens room. P onbut im surprised they stepd on it, because if they let the bugs spend another i three minutes around all those selfrighteous celebrities, it would have killed itselfdd. The only other thing i wouldthas add to that is the bug way. They said three ounces, whichi n is more than most of the supermodels. Well, i think they probably would have registered that bug to vote several times before 2020 four as well. Finally, jimmy spring is here f and now axios is declaring a new front in the fight foronst american culture. Its the long wars because the more conservative someone is , the more staunchly they hold the belief that they need to hold a perfectly manicured green lawns. Democrats, some green americas. Environmental nonprofit group. Oh, so green lawns. Now,en lawns now jimmy , thats they can have their masks. We can have our green lawns. Thats pretty good. The i think thats a goode th identifier. Listen, the only thing higheris than the lawn are the peopleid. Who think this is a good idea. This is stupid. Youre going to have a bug infested nation instead of b the tv show house hunters. Its goinge called to be callede hunters because youre opening up a safari on your front lawn. D by the way, its a good way to get robbed because its going to look like nobody lives. Right. Jim , well see you next week and a lot more coming up. Last night, Wenatchee Valley is a great place to raise a family. Its seemingly a close knit kind of community and i think thats what kind of made things go off the tracks. Neighbor after neighbor convicted of unthinkable crimes against kids over two years. Forty three people were charged with twenty nine thousand seven hundred and twenty six counts of child sex abuse. It was the largest ring in the history of america at that time. What i hope people learn from our story is who was really responsible for the child abuse . At no time did i ever coerce or threaten and oh, and what was the soul leaves out, you liar. Ultimately, the truth always wins. Ron desantis tried to cut seniors benefits in congress. The senate voted three times to cut social security, even to privatize medicare worth. Desantis wanted to raise the Retirement Age to 70 ron desantis would make us work longer to get less. President trump promised we will protect medicare and social security. Ese bills z President Trump delivers, and he always will make America Great again. Inc ha is responsible fors the content of this advertising. These bills are crazy. It too she has no idea term po shes sitting on a gold mine. She doesnt know if she owns a Life Insurance policy of One Hundred Thousand Dollars or more. She can all were part of it to cover entry for cash , even a term policy, even a termday ae policy. Even after. 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Do we want to be the guy who assumes a boatload of liability every time someone sits down or we be your strongest self. Tomorrow night, part two of my investigation into why San Francisco is suffering under horrific leadership and Texas Governor greg abbott on criticism hes getting from liberal mayors when he said im not going to keep all the Illegal Aliens. He will share that. We have a lot on tap for tomorrow night. America now and forever, gutfeld next. Todd fox news alert, the illegal immigrant accused of killing five nab neighbors, including a boy is under arrest. He had multiple deportations. The Biden Administration is inviting people in. I would expect because of the Biden Administrations lack of ability or n

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