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That enslaved people benefited from slavery. They insult us in an attempt to gaslight us. [applause] we will not have it. Instead, they dare to push propaganda to our children this is the United States of america we are not supposed to do that dana the Media Piling On over the Vice President s concerns. Free housing . Permanent employment allyoucaneat corn bread. The board of education of florida, once you to see the Job Description and think that slavery was not so bad. This is the game they have been playing, trying to both sides, racism and white supremacy. So disgusting that there were personal benefits of any kind to. Just because black people doesnt mean that its going to be accurate. Shame on you people in florida, how dare you try to whitewash slavery. A lot of people around this country are trying to feel that you cannot teach the correct history of this country because it makes white kids uncomfortable. Dana you get the idea come about says Kamala Harris is brazenly lying about the curriculum. Harris is singling out only one bullet in the program that says this develop skills which, in some instances, could be applied for the personal benefit. The National Review points out that there are 190 other passages that harris is not mentioning. They teach about the evils and horrors of slavery. Two African American scholars who actually created the new curriculum are defending it claiming that its being taken out of context, with one calling Kamala Harris claims categorically false. He says the Vice President is misinterpreting what the controversial passage means great its the case that advocates proved resourceful resilient, adaptive, were able to develop skills, which served to their abilities. Both while enslaved and after enslavement. This is hot on the campaign trail. Ron desantis was asked about this in utah. Heres what he said. Absolutely ridiculous. Its totally outrageous. You can look on the website of the Florida Department of education. Theyve got a lot of scholars together to do a lot of standards and a lot of different things, but these are the most robust standards in African American history probably anywhere in the country. Coming down to the state of florida try to demagogue. Dana it got political fast over the weekend. Charles cookes piece in the National Review was several pages as he lists 190 of the other passages that Kamala Harris didnt mention. Greg its like the media wants you to believe that the Osmond Brothers came up with their curriculum, but its all evil white people. Thats why they keep saying floridians because they dont know what race it was. I hate to sound like a broken record, but this is not a real story at all. This was made up. It was a snippet journalism. She took one piece out of a huge thing and turned it into some kind of against racism and all this other stuff. Its not real. She sounded drunk, but i often sound drunk at times. You know what i hate most about this . We have to do the work that kamala was supposed to do, so she comes out there, she lies she did no preparation. Every fool like me this week and has to read the curriculum. Im exhausted. I wanted to play, hang out with my dog. But, it is gross you out. I get grossed out when i see this, because i imagine how much better a country we would be if people didnt go on this crazy fake biden country b. S. I think we need a colorblind summer. How much better everyone would feel if blacks did not feel oppressed because and that that their coworkers and classmates are not seen as oppressors because they were white. This is not we were supposed to have, by old joe, everybody was supposed to get along. Now its stuff like this to create division. Now, we have to feel guilty at all times about who our ancestors were, and we are always going to be the target. That apparently keeps them out of trouble. I dont know. There was also this idea that Kamala Harris, one of the first things she did was to figure out this is something i can do to get democrats perhaps interested in the numbers with them. Jim has seen not as a former obama guy, campaign guy, this is the democratic point of view. Sometimes, the best gifts in politics over the other side gives you. I love how quickly decides to go down there the next day, her remarks. Not scripted. She looks at the cameras, and just said what was in her heart. It reminds you why she first came to prominence. Dana so, its not about that, but the politics, and maybe she gets a score on that one. Jesse i dont think shes going to get a score. Everybody knows shes lying. I have to ask the African Americans watching whats it like to be lied to by Kamala Harris . Lets elect to be lied to by these buffoons on msnbc who did not read the curriculum or have no idea what the story is, have no idea whats going down in florida, and they act upset. They act enraged on your behalf based on a lie. I have an African American phd that we just heard from dr. Alan will be on the show tonight. He says this right here. This is well documented among historians. This is historical fact that to develop skills while they were enslaved and then use those skills as blacksmiths, as agriculture, tailoring, the shipping business, to benefit themselves and their families once they were freed. It speaks to the resilience and aptitude of the enslaved African Americans who at the time were able to better themselves and able to improve their situation despite brutal brutal conditions, horrific and abhorrent conditions. Says this in a statement after blessing harris. The attempt to reduce to just victims of oppression fails to recognize their strength courage, and resiliency during a difficult time in American History. This is probably the most rigorous African American studies curriculum ive ever seen. This goes back three atlantic slave trade. This goes to the quakers, the abolitionists, the cotton gin post reconstruction, all the way up to the present. This should be taught in every single Middle School high school, in the United States. This is the best of the best created by African American scholars in the state of florida, and Kamala Harris is either dumb and did not read anything about it, or she knows the truth and has decided to lied to the American People about it. I think its disgusting. Why doesnt Kamala Harris want African Americans, and white americans, to know that black americans did learn skills despite being enslaved . Dana jessica, do you think she read the whole thing and jessica i think she read the whole thing. I think that it is an incredibly complex piece. Its 191 passages listed, you have some good frankly, im fundamentally uncomfortable with the sentence that blacks benefited at all from this. It made me think of someone im obviously not black but im jewish. If someone were to say about the holocaust that there were some benefits for jay e ws, hanging out at Concentration Camps coming maybe you had a strong greg search for meaning talked about having to survive a Concentration Scam by getting skills, be useful, utility kept you alive. Jessica , okay, but we are talking about Middle Schoolers. Theres a lot of concern about what age people are prepared to understand complex issues. Im not sure 12 is the right age to start hearing things like when you were enslaved here in america you greg what about gender . Jesse what about gender ideology . Jessica just let me finish. Ron desantis knows this is bad for him. His First Response was i didnt do it, im not involved in it. We know that his response to the 2022 we also know that the type of people that were charged with this overall, maybe not dr. Alan who we will have on tonight, someone like kim daniels who is on tape saying i thank god for slavery, because without it, i would be in africa worshiping a tree. She is an antisemite, and blames jewish people for everything classic trope. In response to Kamala Harris speech, saying that shes gone totally off base, 16 examples of that learned their skills while they were doing this. Joshua steinberg, georgetown pointed out that it is riddled with inaccuracies. James fortune is an example, he was not a. He was a sailor of the revolution. Then, a couple of blacksmiths who are not blacksmiths at all. Matt cobb was a sharecropper who became the head of the Alabama Federation sharecropper union. Amazing example of achievement as well, a blacksmith in the Florida Department of education piece, but he was an inventor and wound up getting two patentses and was hired by the edison company. It felt to me jesse when i ask him tonight exactly that, we will find out jessica through the article, we will. It just felt that they were trying hard to deemphasize that the American Experience of slavery was so bad they talked about how much worse it was in other places. It was really bad here akin to what other people are saying like Sally Hemmings was Thomas Jeffersons girlfriend. Greg do you think its wrong to bring up that slavery is around now . That it exists right now . Jessica no. Greg that would make up for it. Do you see my Point Customer dana let me ask katie, how do you think ron desantis has handled this . Katie i would say that liberals apparently think teaching Critical Race Theory to kindergartners is fine but teaching Middle Schoolers and high school real American History through this thorough curriculum, they are not emotionally prepared for it, so i would argue this is much bigger crt. I think that jim messinas words about it being from the Vice President s heart and thats what bothers them truth and what is in the curriculum is very telling. In terms of how ron desantis has handled this, i think he is a little bit distracted by his campaign. He allows and delegates people inside of his government, and he trusts them, to do exactly this. Its why he hired a descendant of, dr. William allen, to write this curriculum, to be involved and to make sure that his voice was heard when it came to what was being taught. He was not defending the line about skills that were obtained and used later when for free and he is a descendant of. Kamala harris and the Biden Administration has been attacking ron desantis since early 2020 as eight for 2024, but now Kamala Harris need something to do, so she parachutes in from florida. I doubt she read the 216 page curriculum, because she her staff. She did use a single sentence about Skill Development to be completely out of context, does not understand the Bigger Picture of the curriculum, and then starts pumping racial politics, which them jim messina has said of doing that. That is not a unity message. Clearly, they are going after florida in a typical fashion but its really sad that they are doing it on a very out of Context Position when they had been saying for years that they want African American history and slavery taught in schools. As jesse said, this is a comprehensive, very important curriculum, and they are tearing it down because they are using it as a political opportunity. Speak im looking forward to jesses interview tonight at 8 00 p. M. Eastern. Nancy pelosi says she respects whistleblowers, just not the hunter biden ones. Whistleblowers, just not the hunter biden ones. Your wyndham is waiting. To help you check things off your bucket list. And his. With 24 trusted brands by wyndham to choose from, your wyndham is waiting. Get the lowest price at wyndhamhotels. Com greg i wish. Blowing the whistle is no longer a courageous act of saving democracy, but according to democrats, nancy pelosi blasting republicans for holding a hearing, featuring two irs agents who claim that hunter biden got special treatment in a tax case. What a ridiculous clown show on part of the republicans again. On the basis of that hearing they did not have a fair shot at what they came to say in light of the clown show, the pictures and im not confidence of what the whistleblower said. The u. S. Attorney, the trump attorney this is their opinion. It was not the opinion of others there. Greg the media backing up nancys attacks on the g. O. P. A hearing with two irs whistleblowers, if you thought it would be tame and he would be wrong. This is the reality of the republican investigation into the socalled biden crime family, seemingly riddled with stunts and conspiracies. If its on like deja vu, thats because the allegations have already been investigated. Over and over and over again. Greg looks like republicans will not stop here the g. O. P. Gearing up to hear from hunters expartner devon archer. A reporter from the New York Post planning to tell them that hunter put his father, the then vp, on the phone with Business Associates at least two dozen times. Let me do the math for you jesse, thats over 24. [laughter] that is amazing. If you talked to your dad, have you done in 24 tons customer jesse in one year. [laughter] talking every single day. A couple of things. They said remember one hunter was on the phone and he threatened the chinese to pay up because his dad was right next to him . It turns out hunter was driving his dads corvette around delaware the same day. That puts Joanne Hunter at the same location, plus if they wanted to, they could pinpoint his location. The fbi could tell us what was in patricks laptop and phone. Hunter was paid 1 million by the chinese to represent the chinese spy the car clipped at jfk. Seized his laptop and his phone so they could use it in a court case. What are they hiding . They knew that they were telling a chairman about joe and hunter and all of a sudden, hunter is in the middle east at the four seasons. Let me call my dad and put him on speaker. These are joe biden has claimed that he never ever talked to them and now we have like 67 people that say they talk all the time. What does it tell you when President Joe Biden is trying to put his opponent in prison and then trying to keep his own son out of the prison . Last time i checked, the democrats love whistleblowers. They wanted to give them all guns, double the workforce. They were hoping every irs agent could lock up all of these rich white Guys Cheating on their taxes. Taxes. All of a sudden, iris whistleblower, the second one was a Gay Democrat Iris was a blogger, democrats cheating on their taxes. Now its a clown show . Give me a break. Every time they try to survey surge one every time they have a lead its a big guy. Its called obstruction of justice, corruption. Compare that to trump. He was an open book. He had his whole family for depositions. He had thousands of documents. He had the answer for two years about a crime that never even existed. Joe hasnt had to answer once about this. Did you meet tony b . Did you talk to the ukrainians guys . They have you on tape. Answer one question. He couldnt last 5 minutes. Bret baier. Greg no. Dana . Dana think the lefts entire strategy is to pick up dust around it to confuse people. That could be working. The problem for them is that this has continued to get worse and worse. I dont know if you saw it in the briefing today, but Karine Jeanpierre had a slight change of phrasing. She said President Biden was never in business with his son. She has referred all those questions to the White House Counsels Office for months, who say hes artie spoken on it and biden maintains that he never asked his son anything about his business dealings. You have all these people. What are the chances that all of these different entities are all lying about the very same thing even if they are not related to each other, and they are doing it under oath, under penalty of having to go to jail for it . I think thats why the white house is probably even more concerned. The credibility of the whistleblower unfortunately is in the eye of the beholder. It is unfortunate. A lot of people that i work within the government, the bureaucrats are really good people. They work hard and care about what they do. But i dont understand is why the bureaucracy always votes for the Democratic Party in large measure, like 80 or Something Like that. Look how quickly somebody like nancy pelosi can turn. What do you think, jessica . Why is that the case . What are you trying to hide . [laughter] answer your question while i think about this. [laughter] why do you think about the girls in the corvette . Greg what are they trying to hide . [laughter] i think that nancy pelosi was drawing a distinction between the whistleblowers themselves being the clown show, and the republican line of questioning. You can look no further than Marjorie Taylor greene whipping out a picture of Hunter Bidens penis to say this is a clown show. Greg you cant find a picture of him without his penis. What are you going to do customer and believe me, ive tried. [laughter] you are quicker than me. [laughter] i thought i would get that for emphasis [laughter] no fun. I didnt think that the whistleblowers seemed not credible. I just thought that their answers seemed credible, but just did not support the g. O. P. Narrative about it. Gary family, for instance question here, he said on average, how many times did you refer someone to the Tax Counselor to decide who would get prosecuted . They did not take their advice. He said the vast majority of times. Or, joseph zigler, rgay democratic whistleblower talking about how he would ask the higherups and say i want to ask questions about this, and they would say its too much, we arent going to be able to do that, and they were the Trump Appointees who were telling him that. It was not david weiss said it. Agbarr. The narrative just completely falls apart. Jesse are you saying that the u. S. Government blocked he pled guilty jesse wait a second jessica. If i dont carry the one, i go to prison on my taxes. Jessica you would be in jail. Jesse audited all the time middle class people. Waitresses get audited. Forget about it. Whats 1 million . Jessica the roger stone example. Katie Hearing Jessica Say that they narrative is falling apart. Jessica oh please, dont know what im talking about. Katie contrary to jessica saying that the narrative is falling apart, its been corroborated by different places. You have the whistleblowers you have the fbi 1023 which mentions joe biden as the big guy, bribery, that hunter will use him to get them into the United States and the initial public offering, changing foreign policy. Hunter bidens business partner. Youve got on monday testifying that this was going on. The Obama White House was asked about this in the Briefing Room repeatedly about Hunter Bidens position on this, that it was a problem, because the State Department tied them for corruption and there was a massive conflict of interest. On the hole, we have whistleblowers information now that joe biden was involved during that time. Greg perfect phone call. Katie i reread the phone call. Refresh my memory. [laughter] if you look at the way that they did the impeachment process democrats loved whistleblowers. If you actually look at the transcripts, but they are offering for paragraphs and conversations, cooperation, new in the position as president. He wanted to work with trump. Trumpet says why dont you look into fighting corruption . Which was real, and then they impeached him for it. Jessica my political opponent i will not give you weapons. Katie is that what he said . Jesse its better to arrest your political opponents. [laughter] greg excellent whipping out. Coming up, Liberal Academics wants President Biden to go nuclear on maga judges. Maga judges. Hi, im jason and ive lost 202 pounds on golo. So when i first started golo, i was expecting to lose around 40 pounds and then i just kept losing weight, and moving and moving and moving in a better direction. With golo and release, youre gonna lose the weight. Listen up, you dogs with allergic itch todays talking lesson is just one word apoquel. Apoquel. You cant teach your itchy dog to talk. So, talk to your vet about apoquel. Apoquel is for the control of allergic itch in dogs. Do not use apoquel in dogs with serious infections. Apoquel may increase the chances of developing serious infections. And may cause existing parasitic Skin Infections or preexisting cancers to worsen. New neoplasias have been observed. Im glad we speak the same language. Ask your vet for apoquel. Jessica you can just imagine after what has happened liberal Law Oppressors are calling for President Biden to openly defy the Supreme Court, after action and student debt, writing we urge President Biden to restrain maga justices immediately by announcing that if and when they issue rulings based on gravely mistaken interpretations of the constitution, the administration will be guided by its own constitutional interpretation. Dana, i think this exposes a lot of people on the left think that the Supreme Court should be about a super legislation. Dana i think to conservatives this continues with the left has been trying to do to the court. The left will never say we love the Supreme Court for that decision, but hate them for all the other decisions. Most of the decisions of the Supreme Court are 90 ort 81. The big ones that are controversial, yes, but a poll in florida said that 63 of people approved of the courts decision on student loans. The crazy thing about this harvard is so determinate that they did not do anything wrong and they are going to change things so they are not bothered to it. I listens to a podcast barry white stayed with mary summers who used to be the president of harvard, said its not a big deal, its all overblown. And that harvard did nothing wrong, but one of the things that happened is that the media looks at any sort of story that the left, especially younger people, are upset about, and run with it without thinking it through, like what happened in our a block. When you have the left saying they Want Congress to take over side of the judiciary, it means they need to go back and learn more about the separation of powers, thats not how its supposed to be. Jessica jessica, are these professors being shortsighted . Biden will not be the president forever. Katie no, another 5. 5 years, but not forever. [laughter] it obviously makes me think back to The Good Old Days of the filibuster. I would say, and maybe this is going to open the floodgates and we will hear more about this. So far its two professors saying that. The majority of them on the left looking to expand the court though this is going a step further. This seems dangerous to me. They are asking the wrong president , a guy who will not entertain the idea of expanding the court. It looks pretty traditional with values and perspectives about respecting that there are nine justices. Dont think going to work out. I did want to say on the affirmative action front, with whats going on in harvard the University Legacy admissions. It is amazing and it is also something where the conservative and liberal agreement that should be is that a college not university. Greg i dont know. Katie its a small liberal arts school. Jessica is this a mistake . Advocating for this . Greg there openly attacking and undermining our institutions. Im getting tired of this extreme [laughter] maga Democratic Party looking to overthrow the country. You are right, and jessica to her credit brings up the expanding court. It seems like when everythings in the game dont go the way that democrats want them to go they would prefer to change the game rather than figure out how to win. That happens with a lot of things including elections. [laughter] i didnt hear that. Things like i heard it and im all the way over here. [laughter] greg as a nonlefty, im okay with how greedy the left is, but it is going to you have government. Youve got the arts, youve got media, now youre mad because a few things do not go your way. Even things that biden said were unconstitutional. Jesse . Jesse i did a deep dive. Jessica i knew you would. Jesse is not even a constitutional law professor. He is at San Francisco state university, Political Science professor, who specializes in Military Masculinity and sexuality in the armed forces. His major claim to fame is a book he published called bring me men Military Masculinity and the benign facade of the american empire. It sounds like he knows a lot about the u. S. Constitution. A wacko from harvard, harvard exactly. His name is this guy is such a wing not, he ascribes to something called, is a critical legal studies. Its like crt for lawyers. He believes that the law currently is trying to maintain the status quo and codify its biases against marginalized people. He said if he was a judge that he would make every decision based upon what socialism would do. This is the guy, and this is the other guy, who are pushing this ridiculous thing to expand the court and disobey the law. Greg it sounds like a clown show. Jesse thats the block before this. [laughter] crt jesse to crt. Jessica is that how we do it . All right. [laughter] [laughter] coming up, the New York Times is warning people that going outside is dangerous. Ghter] [laughter] coming up, the New York Times is warning people that going outside is dangerous. Jesse the liberals are too afraid to leave their homes but its not covid this time. The New York Times Pumping Up Hysteria with the headline is it safe to go outside . Navigating the cruel summer. And a guide to navigating the heat waves, Flash Flooding smoke from canadas wildfires. The libs think you should cover up again. If the poor air quality if you must be outdoors, consider wearing a n95 mask to reduce to toxins. Greg, im glad you have adopted some of those. You are at work in your n95. Greg i do it so im not recognized. The fans will rip my clothes off, trying to run home make it is quite a feat. [laughter] dont go outside, you will die. Dont go to the movies. Remember this doctor . He says that they will spread covid, all the people going to see barbie and oppenheimer, and Mission Impossible will all get covid. Dont go to the movies. Its best to sit home and watch msnbc until your eyes bleed. Maybe you do not want to jog outside, but you dont want to exercise inside either. Because thats racist. [laughter] you want to get in shape. You are probably a white supremacist. Code jesse just take this. [laughter] what are your thoughts . On this advisory. I did see a few people wearing their n95s today, and maybe they have reason to, go for it, whatever you need to do. I do think that when you watch the shift on the left when they talk about Climate Change. They are trying to explain persuade everybody to the position that extreme weather is climate. It started with the climate is changing, and then anyone who doesnt agree with the left on Climate Change is a science denier. Now it is republicans are responsible for hurricanes and heat waves due to Climate Change. Then, responsible for anything like a cold snap. The media repeats it as if it is proven fact with no scientific method. The thing that really bothers me is about how much money we are spending, taxpayer dollars regulations, the impact on our economic growth. When it comes to Climate Change. Reduction in Greenhouse Gas and emissions might be a notable goal. These wildfires in canada are setting all of those goals back by any, many years, so it doesnt even matter what we do. If the are going to run rampant because nobody can manage the forests appropriately, what are we doing . Jesse they want us to smoke cannabis, but they want us to stay inside because they are quality is bad to breathe. Whats worse . Fresh air or jessica its not that fresh, thats the point. I will admit, i did not Pay Attention to the Air Quality Index until the wildfires, when it looked like a war zone. When looking out your window was something orange, various shades of pink all around new york city, and im not a crazed masked person. I was not over the top about covid. I wore a mask to work that day because i couldnt breathe. I am thankfully in perfect health. I think the majority of the people Walking Around with masks on, im sure theres some virtue signaling people, but people who have a preexisting condition and really cant breathe air like that. People complain a lot, but out west, this happens every summer, because the federal government cannot manage the forests, and they deal with it and not freaking out about it. I think saying that its too hot outside, going to be terrified is like a slow news cycle summer shark story. It is summer. Its hot. Drink some water, dont go hiking in 114 degrees. Do smart things, but its not news that its very hot in the summer time. If your spouse asks you to go hiking in the whether or [laughter] that something we can say why. I had, greg gutfeld has a major personal and professional announcement. Find out what it is, next. Personal and professional announcement. Find out what it is, next. The weight is all most over america. Greg gutfelds brandnew book The King Of Late Night hits shelves tomorrow. What it was like to utterly destroy his mainstream latenight competition. [laughter] i want to hear everything excited about this, but most of all, i want to know how you felt about doing your show in the first place. Greg number one, im glad to be one of the few people with a book out. [laughter] but jessica the summer has been slow. Speech of the summer has been quiet. People need something to read. This is a page turner. At the beginning, i didnt want to do the show. I called in, Called A Famous Talk Show host who said you have it good come of the five is a great ensemble. But dont need to work that hard, do anything saturday. If you dont need any more hassle, a lot of work, you want to work less, you are getting older. I said to myself this is exactly what im thinking. I told our boss, but then i called tucker. Tucker, and i go i dont think im going to do this show. Youve got to be crazy, you are doing the show [laughter] literally, i changed my mind. And i go youve got to do this you cant be scared. Youve got to run right at it so i did. Katie i like that theres a lot of photos so jesse can read it. [laughter] i also love your selfie photos the publisher greg they didnt want the picture. I was adamant about it. [laughter] katie thats great but what does it mean . Its not exactly a professional head shot. [laughter] am i a professional tv person . Katie some people think so. Greg they are mistaken. Dana i want to know the cover. You cant judge a book by its cover but i think this is one of the best covers ive ever seen. Greg it is an almost two vacation, the movie, and i like the idea of late night. It was originally going to be called flip about how culture is being flipped, but then this was happening, we were winning late night, i decided to put everybody on the cover that i had crushed, so you have difference out of my legs. Interesting trivia fact somebody is not on the cover that originally was. I will let you think about that. Jesse i have a question. In the back, theres a trans flag. Why did you choose to do that . Greg if you look at the back, its a unicorn breaking wind. [laughter] every time a unicorn breaks wind, its a beautiful rainbow. [laughter] im tired of the rainbow and the unicorn being coopted by alternative lifestyles. The rainbow has been here since the beginning of time, okay . Katie congratulations. Greg number ten. Goes to amazon anyway you go. One more thing is up next and congratulations, greg. One more thing is up next, and congratulations, greg. Hey, grab more delectables. You know, that lickable cat treat . Delickable delectables . Yes, just hurry. Hmm. It must be delicious. Delectables lickable treat. Rechargeable technology that many customers say is superior to more expensive models. Well, these Nano Hearing Aids are fantastic. Theyre affordable, theyre easy to fit into the ear. And what really impressed me is im hearing things i havent heard in years. Our friendly operators are standing by to take your order. 879 8600. The cic recharge offers superior Noise Reduction and a tiny in the Ear Canal Design that is nearly invisible. Best of all, they are incredibly affordable. And if you call now, well add a portable charging case and ship your order absolutely free. I love how they feel. Theyre very light. I dont even know theyre there. You know, ive used other hearing aids before that were bulky. These are light and easy to use to stop missing out on important conversations are wasting thousands of dollars on expensive hearing aids. Order now and youll get to see ici recharge. Hearing aids and a portable charging case for just 297 or opt in to our easy payment plan and your order ships free. Supplies are limited, so dont delay. Better hearing is just a phone call away. 879 8600. Again, thats 877 nine 8600. The new fox news primetime is number. Laura, jesse, sean and greg are the right voices at the right time. Fox news Primetime Weeknights on fox news channel. America is watching. Youre welcome. America. Its time now for one more thing. We got to start with jesse jesses apology tour. Nevea very lonr done one of then a while. A very long while, but i have to. Where he had a Sink Or Swim Controversy last week involving jessica tarlovlvin. Lets watch. How many pounds does jesse jaw weigh . 20 nine and a half. £27. Congratulations. Ng tha el i committed fraud during that election. I mean, the show. So jesse junior is £30. I did not know that when she said something. And you were closer. I just gave the win to carly. Carly has just returned fromk maternity. I felt like that was the rightiz thing to do. I apologized, ae. Like all people should do when a they commit fraud. And i hoped by i can lead by example. Jessica, i am sorry. Apology accepted 100 . But i knew he wae s lying whensn he asked the question. I was like, no way. He knows what jesse james. I wasnt lying at the time. I did not know. But that was some thing i had to throw out there because we couldnt use the real tiebreaker. Oh brto t, her. That is my excuse to kill her. Jessica, you get to go next after that apology. How exciting. Okay, so a furniture Delivery Driver goes over and beyond when he swam to his truck Aftera A Flasfterh flood, the driver forgot to move his truck from the loading dock ahead of the rainer goes bove. Luckily, none of the Stores Inventory was damaged and he and his employer wer ae ablene o to laugh about his drenching journey back to the trucks cab. Wow. Hien yeah. Greg all right. Tonight, he got a Greachin Y Backt show. Grea i got jim norton, emily goode, matt whitaker, a cat. I might talk about something that happened to me last night. Jack whitet timpf, from the whih stripes admitting he probably wasted this long attacking me. Its fantastic. I might read the Wholested Thi G just for your monologue. All right, thats it. Unless i want to. Do you want to hear about turtles . Yeah. You tease tiny turtle news. Yeah. Were back with tiny turtle news. Check out this Star Tortoise right here. Look how tin gy is, because thatperatu is a tiny, tiny strarew, barry dana. And that it makes you imagine how small thatmperar turtle is. Se it only reaches about inche 12 inches. Amazing. Oh, go ahead. Make the joke, jesse. S. Head and12 inches is a small. Okay. Thank you. Okay d, i want to tell you about something i did this weekend. I want to Te The Scouts Jamboree in west virginia. It was an amazing experience. N. These are 11 eagle scouts. These girls are so inspiring. As america is in great hands with the Boys And Girls that were there. Greath weboeight days of camping in wet virginia at the scouts jamboree. I love the experience. You should feel like americas in great hands experieu feel wig people. Good job, katie. It is. All right. Peeck out this camel fro m philadelphia who just couldnt resist swiping a loaf of bread r. Turns out the camels name is pearl and the bakery she stol oe the bread frome bakery actually decided to celebrate her antics dec by giving awayn 100 loaves of bread when they saw the video of t their bechamel. Bechamel probably wouldnt be sad to have their picturehers on there, but the camel is aonne good. Yeah. Or anyway, thatctedits it for. Have a great night. Jyou tomorrow. Welcome to jesse watters. Prime time tonight, the body o f a missing paddleboarder has turned up off the coast of ofrthas Vineyar A Missias turn death on marthas vineyard. A911 call mystery. And barack obama, that company 1 wanted access to you. You well, thats not true. Youre saying things you do not no about. Youre talking no one said that. Who said that . The brakes on the bidens. New testimony and death threats. Christopher wray, i want you to look me in the eye. I want you to say, mireya,k me

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