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This is the five. [ ] total eclipse mania slopes america, millions across the country putting on of these clunky Paper Sunglasses and looking up as afternoon light lines into darkness, have some glasses right here. Traveling all over the world to be in the direct path, Up To Thousands Of Dlars to snag a hotel room, not one air being be available in the path of totality, traffic jams were everywhere, highway signs warning drivers want to look at the sun, schools even closed early and if you missed it, next chances and 2034 when jesse junior turned 23. These were approved, can you see . Really dark. That cpmac hero for old junior, how was your experience today . Harold first of all good to be back, i heard the chief of police in buffalo say when people leave this thing itll be like ten super bowls flooding out at one time. It was fine. I was with my kids are just great. He did as dark as that awaited, i was prepared for at a tell you what was most remarkable looking at the sun you realize that this son, learn in school it powerful but you learn they have it did not look like that much sun was there but it was still pretty late and there was cloud coverage. My kids enjoyed it, i was with my daughter georgia anime sans, my wife, my school best friends, we had a great time. Dana special snacks . Harold pizza. Dana that is a great sn snack. Did they go crazy . Greg i was not there, in my opinion this is worse in january 6. I think it is offensive how fox is covered this eclipse, how about the people who cannot see it . And not just talk about blind people, i am in a way, but the millions suffering from climate security, what about them . People suffering from gender confusion, astronomical racism. Forget about the word black holes There Celeste Dul Nicknames Leg Assignment Twins Galaxies and Eskimo Galaxies gimmick this is offensive. And even touch on the Equity Problem here, i boycotted the eclipse because is no equity in how people were able to view this. Some people could go on a roof, as it is had to stay on the street. I find that disgusting. But then i thought about it for a while, and i thought you know what, the eclipse, the reason why everybody hates eclipse, lets be honest because we all hated it, it was stupid. It is the opposite of an earthquake, you cannot help but be disappointed by eclipse, with every Inquiry Acting like theyre having leg a massive out of body experience. But an earthquake never disappoints you, it just shows up. Youre like, holy crap this is an earthquake the moral is as a human being, dont be in a clips, be an earthquake. Dont build yourself up over and over again, because it is discipline. And studies show up when you surprise and impress people, thats the lesson he learned from an a clips. And eclipse is like an earthquake in one sense, allows you to strike up a conversation, with strangers. For example after the eclipse was walking down sixth avenue, this woman was approaching me, i would say shes a ten without subjective lying. So shes like at eight. [ laughter ] anyway i go up to her and as a, while, that was incredible. And she does look in my eyes and she goes i guess it was and i go Donald Trumps fundraiser was amazing, did you see how much money he raised . Dana and she was like greg yeah. She walks on behind. s you that one of favorite topics, they media. And have a montage. Here we go. This is really an exciting moment that so many people have been waiting for, and he could feel it in the air, we are nearing totality you guys, oh my goodness. Look at that [ cheering ] if you like it is our final turn here to descend and slide into the darkest totality of all of this. It looks like its almost like the ring from lord of the rings, its also him. Just finished wedding totality, this couple wanted to be their event. At this is a total solar i got a know, its a whole thing. The moon will be going in front of the sun, and i think we got a full eclipse there. This is my first time that ive seen one. Did a line up with the expectations . Really. [ ] [ singing ] here comes the sun. And i say its all right. Dana Jesse Wagar 90 tonight for the eclipse . Dana jesse i have big plans dana, at annan with greg, i think the eclipse god jibs by the earthquake. Thats how i feel, as it felt something, we pulled over tried to look at it, did not see much, always a little disappointed. Dana you do what the police told you not to do . Jesse yeah, i stared at it now i can see anything. Its obvious the natural order of the universe was discovered, the ancient chinese dana believe that to eight dragon was devouring the sun and do so during the eclipse it would bang the drums and a greater ruckus in order to have it leave. And hindu mythology, it was believed that a demon disguised himself in womens clothes and then went to a banquet to try to drink the nectar of the gods. He was caught and then beheaded. And then his decapitated head is what you see crossing the night sky and into the sun. On the other hand, the worship of the sun, and they believe it was gods wrath. Dana what about the vikings . Jesse were getting there. They had to figure out why god was angry, so they do that and they would offer sacrifices, sometimes human sacrifices, in order to appease the gods, Native Americans certain tribes believe that there was a dwarf he was burned by the sign in order to get revenge, had to snag the sun in a trap into only a mouse could nibble away at the ropes to release the sun from its orbit. Judge jeanine that was beautiful. [ laughter ] a. Dana the vikings . The vikings Out Of The Sun was the fox and the men was the rabbit, every once in a while the faulks at catch the rabbit . Jesse correct. Dana there you have it. President from god in loss with an ad, watch this. [ ] dana that i gave you some humor. Judge jeanine you have to give him credit, he such an entertainer, he really is. And have to tell you the things that i come away with is that i did not think it was that dramatic, traumatic, anything. Is that of get darker to be honest with you, award the glasses and then a one point i took them off and i looked out for a second, i know you not supposed to but whatever, i like the fact that it kind of brought us altogether. Dana i agree. Judge jeanine as a humanity. You share this common thing together. Although there was an economic boom that was connected to it. People were traveling, they were buying gear and the paraphernalia, and you know for that four minutes and 28 seconds whatever it was, you were also fascinated together in recognizing we were all part of the same human body on earth. I called home to see how my dogs were doing, all four of them, is that i did not want them outside because it want them looking at the sun, as i looked at the sun. And is that our the acting funny kegs anything unusual and he said no. Not at all. So i just thought it was interesting but i did not break me out. Dana lets do it all again in 2044. Greg can i just raise a question . Is it an interesting that the entire News Industry can stop for a day to focus on Something Like this . What does that tell you about how the news is made . Dana that is a good riddle, ill work on that . Greg stop and started whenever they want. Dana i will move on from the solar eclipse, the pro hamas crowd now chanting Death Jamaica on american soil. [ ] help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need. Without the stuff you dont. So, heres to now. Boost. Hi, im chris and i lost 57 pounds on golo. Golo isnt complicated. I dont have to follow a restrictive diet, and i dont have to spend a lot of time making meals. Using golo was truly transformative. It was easy, and inexpensive. Jesse and other shocking over joe bidens america, the pro hamas crowd feels in bold enough to chant Death To America while holding a rally in michigan . Jesse the anti israel agitators hitting up joe bidens Delaware Home where he spent the weekend, looks like the left Pressure Campaign is working, biden has been caving, and issuing criticism of israels war on from austins the terror attack. Democrats also going soft on hamas. The president initially said he was rock solid in support of his was efforts here, have the protesters one at the white house . No, i think this is a tactical disagreement, that began with premise revenge minute in yahoo and of his insisting he would go into rafah. I believe President Biden has been saying directly to benjamin, before you go again and try to finish the job against hamas, make sure you allow for humanitarian aid and for civilians trapped in rafah to move out of the way before you conduct this last day of the ground campaign. Jesse dana, what is joe biden strategy with regards to israel right now . Dana at a know who started this, i dont know who to credit, but it said it biden has a new two state solution, michigan and nevada. And one of the things that is happening especially in mic michigan, he have him worried if you does not went michigan he wont win the election. And you have a certain percentage in michigan who are saying, were not going to be excited about joe biden, doesnt mean they will vote for trump, might mean that they will stay home. At this team have this a lot of Jewish Americans who live in pennsylvania, i cant figure out the political strategy, also can figure out the principle. What is the principal stand . Why dont we all know all the names of the americans being held in israel . They dont talk about them, theres no posters, we want this price and released now. There is no pressure put on hamas to say, everything would end in five minutes if you release the hostages. That is a confusing thing to me, also ones dimension this, it is chilling to listen to these folks chanting Death Jamaica. At her minded me something, i want to look it up your member after january 6, lloyd austin, Dedefend Secondary and e biden, they were very concerned about right wing to extremitism in the military. And he spent almost 1 million on an investigation to find out how many people were in the military where sympathetic to what they would call insurrectionists. And then on genuine second of 2024, all these years later, hardly ever got a mention, they did a monolog on those though,s doj report finds no evidence of his report and within the military. Million dollars spent on investigation that was ridiculous, we dont hear them say anything about this. Greg are those chance death in america in michigan, are those actual . And the fbi go in answered investigation . Judge jeanine the fbi can investigate anybody they want, parents of kids in school, the catholic church. But no, its free speech. It seems to me that if you will chant Death To America death to israel Death Jamaica seems to be chosen is that, you dont act on it, this isnt just protesting. I mean this Protest Movement allegedly for the palestinians is not a humanitarian movement. It is an elimination movement . And by that i mean, and as a movement to destroy israel. It is from the river to the sea, they dont want to talk to state solution, ive heard michigan and minnesota, they dont want two state solution. They want a one state solution. They want all of israel gone. Okay . We seem to forget that it wasnt hamas that started this, it was hamas that killed 31 americans, it is hamas that has over 250 hostageses, encoding five americans. Now all of a sudden joe biden has gone home from the getgo and now hes slowing down rbc because of the politics of it all. And it is amazing that no arab country would stand up and to say i will take of these refugees. And the reason they want to they dont want Benjamin Netanyahu to go into thousand and gaza is because there are millions of civilians allegedly just civilians at the rafah gate. Right at the border of egypt. Egypt wont take them, jordan doesnt want them, syria does not want them, lebanon doesnt want them . It makes no sense to me. They are arabs two. What is it about these people . I will tell you what it is, what it is is a fact that hamas has integrated into the civilians. That is why there is still one brigade, thousands and think about 1000 israeli troops still there, because they are making sure that they are in a position to react, and the excuse that were trying their work in the humanitarian aid. Think about adjusting. And what war have you ever seen one side of war being required to provide food, humanitarian aid and medical care to the other side . To stop the war so we can go in and take care of them . We can tell the difference between the civilian and hamas. And when the forces bombed germany and kills Hundreds Of Thousands of germans, we did not say oh, my god, those civilians. War is war, it is howell. All of a sudden these people who want Death To America, all of a sudden they are the ones who are pulling the bag joe biden which is nothing more than music to the ears of hamas and iran. Jesse Harold Ford Junior . Harold when i think about these things and i hear everything the judge said in a dont necessary disagree with a lot of it, but it think about it the way the late General Powell Secondary powell talked about the doctrine, city jay powells birthday was just april 5th, he dug about the risk in the interests and megan interest as a part of the dialog. Last three pieces dealt with is there a plausible Exit Strategy, is there broader american support or American People support for what we are doing and do we have Broad International support. And i think for a lot of the things, a lot of the reasons that the judge mentioned the reasons that i supported israels efforts and have unequivocally and unconditionally since october 7th, since the afternoon of october seventh, we found ourselves now into this weird spot because i think one of the frustrations on the part of the administration has been that they believe that theres been some Will Movement or agreements to roommate release release the hostages that the hamas has so many prisoners in jail to be released for the hostages and do danas points that is knowing the names of the amerirican hostages could be very useful to help these questions asked by the Powell Document doctrine. I think the growing frustration for the administration is a have seen a rift with them and Benjamin Netanyahu grow bigger and bigger and some are conflating that with support for israel. Then you have this craziness in michigan. I disagree with the judge, we have found ways to investigate people in the country, they should find ways to investigate anybody with yelling Death Jamaica eight times in a raleigh, which the whole premise seems to be against america. There should be some looking into if we are looking at people to go to school board meetings, rightfully so, for acting out against elective officials. We should be doing the same here. Finally, never thought at 53 years old, 26 years old being elected, that we would find ourselves at a moment where you are sworn policy and Israeli Foreign policy was not aligned when it came to securing the israel. We have to find our way back to a much better spotter than we are in. One of the ways to do it is insured this death to America Thing will not continue and we have a very honest conversation with the American People about our interest, the Exit Strategy and what we do to secure and why is will security so important to our own. Jesse before i get to great, i must say you look great for 53. Congratulations. Harold thanknk you a much. Greg i disagree. [ laughter ] he does not look great. I the great. We all are great. You know, and took us a lot of time to move on. I use that phrase probably loosely, to move on from 911. We remembered every single day, every single day we showed up and we did everything. Six months since october 7th at history is already history. There are people already denying what went on, it was a got in many minds smaller and smaller, and the respect for what israel is doing is that getting smaller. It is not israels fault. Your respect for what israel does is it related to the legacy of the holocaust. If you actually believed that since the holocaust israel has a right to defend itself, then if this is the moment to prove it. This is the moment. If everything you said about israel in the past that they have the right to defend and you are criticizing them, nothing is that worth it. It is supposed to matter now. Its not supposed to matter in skirmishes or when there some kind of political beef or an election. It is about when it actually comes which you did on october 7th. If all of a sudden youre saying well, you guys have to guys have to slow down documentary and stuff, then youre not respecting the legacy of the holocaust. This is it where it counts. And i get the impression with a death to America Thing that we are on a slow roll toward our own little gauze those. These Little Islands of unrest in the country. These little places sacrifice to leftisms, where laws were discarded, identity, division became the currency. Look at minneapolis, its never been the same. As all these enclaves. We were supposed to be a melting pot but that requires melting and instead what we are saying is areas of it hardening. It is a hardening. We are always accused of xenophobia, of we exalt our countrys awesomeness or make fun of another countrys customs, fair enough. I get a. But its a two way strait. If you come here and you reject assimilation, free speech, cooperation with people different than you, those are our values and if you reject them, your xena phobic on your anti american. Its not illegal i guess but why are we asked encouraging it . Leftism encourages a sort of behavior, at assam for the adults to enter the room and change the conversation or the cities are gone. Harold amen. Jesse that was powerful greg. Very powerful. Greg thank you. [ laughter ] jesse coming up is joe biden cooking the Cooking Th Books on the socalled drop in crime . If you have Chronic Kidney Disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure th farxiga. Because there are places youd like to be. Farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. A rare, lifethreatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. 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It worked great for us. This is as good as gold in any garden. If people only knew that it really is about the dirt. Youre a dirt nerd. Huge dirt nerd. Im proud of it [ryan laughs] [ ] greg looks like a job letter was called cooking the books on americas crime crisis, the media hyping crime stats from the bureau which shows murder and Violent Crime are down. President biden last year the United States had the lowest rates of the all crime and within 15 years. I debunked some of the things trumpets pushing about a crime, is that crime is or isnt ever, when most places going down. The truth is that crime skyrocketed under Donald Trumps presidency. It has fallen under joe bidens presidency. Crime rates keep dropping, crime in fact go to the rate is lower now than when donald trump was in office. I can safely walk my dog in the capital today, the way you could not do during when we all got here. Greg right. In washington, the examiner crunching the numbers finally someone did it, and its a bunch of bs naia the fbi has been using a complicated new system which major cities have been struggling to comply with. The feds and then forced to start estimate in crime stats and that is under counting total offenses. Harold have to go to you, your very sensible, youre an oldschool democrat about crime. I can tell youre struggling with is when we were talking about the data. Harold i agree with you. Greg remember the data they were pushing did not match our eyeballs. We knew that it incarceration, the defunding, political is asian of the justice department, all this step was destroying is, but they were telling us know, they were gas lighting us. Harold i dont know, im not quite where you are. Greg Criminal Justice i should have said. Harold where i am is, was it on the show, if you feel unsafe, no number of stats are going to tell you you are not. You also said something to judge, was the looters, i assume of the secretary has security when hes out walking his dogs i would feel comfortable and safe if i were him as well. Couple of things. We have set on this show, for the life of me i dont understand why Vice President at harrahs will have great deal of respect for and like, one of the way to prosecutors this country ever had it, why he wouldnt go country and gather all the Grade Practices around the country, whether it was at reducing homicide, reducing assaults, thefts, gun violence, dallas did a great thing on the Dallas Police chief, dana, you and bill did a few months back talking about how the morale of the polices up there, they Crime Numbers are down and i think that may or even switching gears to be republican. These are the kinds of things, not that it is switching from democrat to republican, bullets figure out the Best Practices and how to adapt these are the country. Something i think we can all agree. Cashless bail is not working, it was not working. If you arrest somebody for Violent Crime, you cant let them back up in ten minutes. We have seen unbelievably disgusting statistics here in new york where we understand the smaller number of people at committing the majority of the crime over and over again. It seems to be affixed to this, key people and gop machen nothing wrong with spinning more money on police officers, more money on Getting Police officers equipment they need as well as investing in the kinds of things communities need to help people to not get to commit crimes. When people commit a crime they have to be arrested. When people commit a Violent Crime that you not get out because a group of legislators think it might be the right thing to do. People in new york have to unelected these people, all across the country, we have to change these laws. Greg can get is still of ten seconds of that movie there . Never do an interview when youre on the toilet. Dana yeah, thats a good point. Greg its not a good look. Okay. Dana . Dana yeah . Is before the failure of the justice these and there is a rise in victims not reporting crimes probably because it would know we will do anything. Dana we were talking about this in britain, if you have a robbery in your house and 70 broken into it, like just write a full report for your insurance, they dont send anybody. But my story last week, they will definitely send a Police Teahouse if you get reported for doing some sort of hate speech in meme on instagram over there. Also go back to this one from george w. Bush, you cannot fix a problem that you dont measure properly. And that was in regards to education, and thats how you ended up with the no child left behind act. The government has her hand and stand when it comes to crime, harold when he said if you feel unsafe, how many people judge i think you traveled this weekend, people asked d. Feel okay there . Yes people are aware everywhere, failure to report is a decrease in crime but lets also talk about how the Biden Administration by doing this is hurting these Police Chiefs and if you look at almost all of them have been people of color, how many women have resigned because they want to get help or support from the prosecutors or from administration to do something about it . Greg great point. Judge, also the Washington Examiner did this, we talking about this, they were the first person to do the work because they were the only people that did not were not scared of upsetting the narrative. Think about all those other reporters out there who saw what we saw, like, okay, as we will go with the data. Judge jeanine but the data deniers like kathy hogle who told us we were all crazy, there was no crime in the subways and that it crime is figment of our imagination, and janicemac he who had she said, when he was on fox, he pointed to it, widely talking what doug wylie so focused on crime . Look at this a demonstration on the whole point of this blog is that the fbis underreporting is a number of crimes in this country. Why . Because the democrats want power. That is the ultimate game. Heres the problem. They say the economys great underbite and onyx, we know its not, we know what egg is because, we know what meat because, you know how much more it costs to live every year abide in economics. You have to be a genius. We had to realize now, one milwaukee aims their own local report says that robberies have gone up a 7 percent, but the fbi reports that robberies that have gone down 13 percent in milwaukee, somebodys lying. Okay . 63 percent of the department in this country are reporting less crime. Why . Because the fbis created new owners crime stats that take hours to analyse every crime. Is like the new York City Councils just passed a law that said we want the police to do more paperwork every time they have an interaction with the human being, which provides for less Police Defense onto the street. They are liars and it is political. But the bottom line is, you cannot function in a society where you dont have enough police, where there isnt enough 911 response time, we are not safe. And everybody agrees, what herald is saying, we need to get rid of cashless bail, put criminals in jail, but until we are in a situation where that stuff is illuminated and until we have politicians were willing to do that, and with all due respect harold, i do think calmly harris is a great prosecutor. I think she was a horrible prosecutor. I think she laugh of the number of people i put in jail for marijuana and she was laughing at the people she incarcerated. Lets not make her some queen she is not. And calm a lot of Fighting Crime . She was one putting money into getting out the 2020 bail criminals who committed Violent Crimes and getting them bailed out of jail. She is as much of a prosecutor as i am a defense attorney. Harold do you know what she said about you . Judge jeanine you know what a careless, i have no problem going at it. Greg away jesse, if you look at report, covid19, immigration crisis, all the data is a junk to treat it as a neuron style reporting across the board everywhere. The demonstration is flying in migrants from venezuela to keep the Border Crossing numbers down. Every time you look at a job report, next month the revised it down. Its all parttime jobs. Its all migrant job is. Its a mirage. And that inflation is a going to down, prices are going up, just a slower level. This is really information warfare. The media as you said you to be reporting this instead of just repeating the propaganda from the state. And then you have a crime riddled divided in society that does not believe the politicians, meteor fbi. Then they wonder why this populism on the march. Greg good point jesse lets much later. All right, put on your glasses. Coming up, we reached trumped arrangement totality. It is outward again. And the hitler comparisons fly. [ ] hey. You seein this . Wait. Wheres the dish . There aint one. Youre tellin me you can get directv The Good Stuff and you dont need a Satellite Dish . Oh, i used to love doin my business on those things youre one sick pigeon. Them dishes kept the rain off our beaks we just have different priorities is all. Satellitefree directv. Never thought id see the day. Well, our lifespans are quite short. Stream directv without a Satellite Dish. Im going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. 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He will punish everybody that did not vote for him to mike let me tell him how i know this [ bleep ]. I know it because i know what Mental Illness looks like that mania is unstoppable. This [ bleep ] is hitler. Heater dont come to play. Judge jeanine she knows what Mental Illness looks like . I think i just saw. The amazing part of this jesse, what she does is she said she would he would put blacks in camps, he is hitler and did not come to play, and the man was president for four years. If anything the past predicts the future, where she getting this from . Jesse theyre all becoming mentally ill and heres why, you have his prosecutions on wor working, 25 million joe raised right across the street, dont trump just doubled it in palm beach over the weekend. He just took home i think on paper about 3 billion in stock, and he Just Announced this morning that he does not want to federal abortion ban on, and hes up in every single battleground a state. Hes a really important things are happening right now, they are all going and trumps direction and all the hopes that when hoaxes they were pushing, dictator on day one, they call the migrant animals, none of it is working, so they are in deep trouble. Judge jeanine herald in 2016 donald trump was voted 48 percent blacks, 202012 percent, today, 23 percent of the black support him . What is he she talking about . Harold the blocks. [ laughter ] i think she is that everybody has a strong theory, mine is a little different, im not for president from but i would not go there. If you ever watched her on the show shes pretty funny and she has dealt with Mental Health issues in the past. Judge jeanine you mean her own . Harold yes. Judge jeanine i did not know. Harold i know he did not. Greg who cares. Harold you can agree or not but thats what she was coming from. Theres so many things that if you are in opposition to donald trump, you have to get to the issues and get to what the candidates will do better for the comment or he want to support us. When we look at the polling data would you rightly point out, what President Biden is running behind and the battleground states, you have to look at the issues that are causing it to happen. I thought what president Trumpet On Abortion Today or yesterday was absolute confusing i think democrats will use it. If you want to go after more issues go after more issues but i think the personalization and personalizing of this is not necessary, of gave a Jennifer Lewis is a benefit of the delta politicians, people assigned to deal with the seriousness of campaigns, talking about ukraine, russia, abortion, issues that it animated campaign of beaten one of the things she says grereg is the whites and te rich people are doing everything they can to stay in it gated communities and not pay taxes. Yet 1 percent as of the wager warner wage earners pay 40 percent of the taxes. Greg i think we are falling into the trap that debating somebody that is and will be market sick talking to Homeless Guy In The Park about politics, its on you if you engaged. She is stupid is. [ laughter ] this is helpful because i just know when people start comparing people to hitler, all bets are off. Thats so if she has a Mental Illness passed i dont case be am not justifying, but just the Mental Health stuff. Greg its just, it helps everybody else know that we should avoid you, right . You are basically putting a sign on the saying im vapid ideologically captured anti intellectual dope. Its like saying i put avocados up my byte. Thats how moronic and insane it is. When somebody says, hes hitler he is hitler its not a good look. Its sad i think. Judge jeanine it is not go with the red glasses be five donald trump, of all the people in it hollywood saying that hes hitler, it would help with the eclipse ad, is put out there, the historians out there saying hes gonna a dictator for life. Thats most of the electoral saying that he is that is ridiculous. Judge jeanine of the bad boy of countries some big trouble, we will tell you what superstar Morgan Whalen did that got himself arrested. [ ] [ ] jesse last night he let the liquor talk to my country superstar morgan wolin getting arrested on three Felony Charges after launching a chair off the roof top of a sixstory bar in nashville, police say the thing landed on the chair that are near a couple police officers, teams getting this photo of when the arrest happen. Getting set up with charges and one Disorderly Conduct charge. Your honor, in light of this, was is the right set of charges based on what we know right now . Judge jeanine i assume it is. When you endanger police, you generally get charged with the right crime . Is on the first time hes been in trouble with the law, he has a problem, he was drinking here and i believe he was drinking last time, it was about time. Some people need to help him out with a problem or he will throw a fabless career. Jesse he has a Long Way To Go to reach the hall of fame when it comes to rockstar misbehavior, he did not a crossdress and p. On the stage or start a ride onto the stage, you do not get arrested at jfk for impersonating officer and having chronic rocks all over the car like it dmx . What abo keith mooney . Keith mooney got bought naked and drove in his supreme into Swimming Pool of a hotel. That is a kind of action you want to see from a rockstar. Not throwing a chair, thats just throwing a chair. Come on guitarists for rem and a putting yogurt all over himself on a flight and putting a stewardess and a chokehold with his necktie. After 15 glasses of wine. He has a Long Way To Go and im sure he will get there. Dana i would say hes very fortunate hed it did not hit somebody and hurt them susie because of charges would be worse. Jesse that is what i meant to say. Harold bring it home. Greg appear timing, could have been an Attempted Murder or manslaughter. Throwing things out of windows and they hit people. People think theyre a functional drunk . You are a lucky drunk. He is a Va Lucky Drunk that he did not hurt anybody, but people when they dont hurt anybody, tend to forget how close it was in their back to doing the same thing. Harold i must say you have been incredible today with the commentary. Greg thank you. Harold one more thing is up next. [ ] and occasionally, your right foot gets a little heavy. The lexus es didnt begin in a studio it began with you. Hi, im mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas. And im here today to tell you about a Hidden Health crisis. Currently affecting nearly every american. 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Tyler fisher, amazing comedian and of course, the great kat timpf thats tonight at 10 p. M. My way, jesse podcast. Patrick beck david, i was over on that this weekend. There you are. You can go check that out on youtube, spotify, apple, i watched it. You did . Yep. Well, thats a great weekend for you then. Great. Tonight, Jesse Watters primetime trump is the solar eclipse. Oh, yeah. Congrats on being number one. I said earlier. Thank you very much. So he feels guilty that you want to go now. I want to wait. How do you want to go . I do not. Its going to be great game tonight. You go. Im watching fox. I dont know what youre doinger here. Oh, yes. I dont know. All right. Thats it for us. Everybody. Have a great night, thil. Welcome to Jesse Watters. Primetime tonightonight. T. Well, and biden day and night. Play it safe. Pla dont be silly

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