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Of trying to be funny. They were more in Pushingpola A Political Agenda that was neve i wasr as comfortableeded with comedy, where i needed to make a point about somethin t. So i always thought that that when trump came alonhg ,what a lot of people have to revert to is, doesnt he. I hate that guy. And those arent jokes. And so i think its just, uto you know, im really going Out On A Limb here saying that his Greatestre Sayin now is that hei think hes hurt political comedy by being so outlandish himself. Dybeing so and Bill Maher Is N stranger to taking on the woke mob. The left woke wing comic is also taking a swipe at his late night competitors for to liberal audiences. Lie thosei haveo tak guys dont have it takes i tton takes eight where they have a take on things. What they do is say exactl what theym to a liberal audience wants them to say about that. Mean thats not a take. And i mean, im not sayingng i its notts sincere. I guess it is on their part. F it but even if it wasnt, thats what they would do. Theres never a moment where you dont know exactly, oh, this is the correct Point Of View on that. Marr Just Announced that his show will be returning despite the writers strike. And thats not sitting very well with Ultrto Spitestrikea L Blowhard Keith Olbermann. Hes trashing Bill Maherulra as, quote, scumbag for bringing his show back. Bag forall right, greg, i think youre the natural first on this one. As a fellowtura late night he and conan and mark, do you agree that the Focus On Trump is pretty much destroyed comedy . Yeah. And also, Richard Nixonar destroyed the art of juggling. You know, olbermann[laughte is getting worked up because thats the only work hes getting. Heres the bigger issue here here with all of this with comedy or anything. This show, you have to participate in all parts of life, not just the clic the h the bubble or the sack that youre in. And i think that was their big mistake. I k that wthey turned their bacf the country because trump made them cry. And over not deeds. I mean, what conan said that the most outre, outlandish crime trump did wasvior, his behavior got his deeds, the economy didnt mattenor. Sei the fact that there were no wars didnt matter. But did you see his mean tweet . I cant sleep. Thats not funny. My show successful because we go at everything, including not just my guest like piers, whos on tonight, but also me. Im my biggest target. And we holi am md to the fire. And its amazing that this is the funniest time to be alive. To b i mean, we talk about it later tonight about wokeism is like the biggeswokeist, funni thing ever. But joe biden is a perfect targetde, is a perfect target. Nancy pelosi, the citys dissent in this criminal farce. Is it target Climate Change wackos i, gender . All of this stuff is ripe for comedy. But to these guys, its trumphto or its nothing. And insteard, there you have comedians are actually crying on airare cryi or Doing Propagag videos for vaccines. Thatsdizing videos why . I think late night is in a chaos, except here the knives are out for fallon. Theyre going after bill maher because i think hes doing the right thinter bille i thing hes doing the right thing. Hes saying we are hurting bel of these other people, the haters, you name it, whatever, because you, the writers are upsee tht. Th and meanwhile, you got these other dingell berries, these other hosts. You know, theyre doing theyre doine hog zoomst, calls together like theyre doing a Staff Meeting during coviddoin. I mean, how pathetic is that . I think i like conan but. Hes a little late to this party. Weve been talking about this forever. Typical. It takes him three years , whether things out its education, crime or immigration, whatever. Ucation, for them to catch up. Theyre like your simple Little Brother. , like little its dont you hae Little Brother . Ive got two simple littlehey brother. I would never see that. Okay, well, letnever ses to you because, i mean, look, theyre pandering that the leftieers. Looks pandering to thr political audiences and they dont have actual take thes to l maher. So do you do you agree with him or. Well, ive got to say what i him pie to do. One of the funniest things ive heard, actually, in yeare funnis is Keith Olbermann describing bill maher as selfish, unfunny, and the scumbag is coming from a guy who, in my personal experience of years of interacting with Keith Olbermann, is not only a selfish little. Yeah. Also deeply unfunny, possiblyst the funniest person in america and indisputably massive scumbag. So theres irony there. But no, i think look, we wereabu talking about this on great show tonight. The trutht is, materialut t about the woke crowdhe is obviously right. Its funnier than anything else out there. He got out funnyout th. Of them trump is what he wants to be. Hes funny and all of them put together. But you take like the bidens, for example, just the material aroundt the ma the bidens. I speak as a british person here. Okay . It is Objectivel Itobjectivy to see that you ran 250 years ago. Youd rursn monarchy out of tow. Is that mad king George Packer . Right. D now beand now, because he dide the way he ruled it. And now you havew Guy In Chargen who keeps falling over who everything he says makes no sense, who can barely remember what day it is. And i simply say to you,s fl prince williams Flying Intoying new york o new yorn monday. It is not too late. America. It is not too late. You because if you think what youve got nove g w is better than what we gave you and the mad king george, you are living in cloud cuckoo land. Bring back your monarchy. Ill your mo pitch my own hat io the ring. And honestly, could you be any honestlyworse than under this fe is a farce. I look at joe and i think, america, how are you letting this happen . And the idea he rung s. Anote hmm. Yeah. Runs again for anotherr ears of . S. Four years of this ridiculous. So my point come the comedians is theres your comedy ever therey single. You should be leading on this stuff, but they cant because theyre trappe cannot d in that mindsetly that this is actually what youre seeing with your own eyesou are s is not happeni. Theyre blind to the reality, which is comedicallyreality, bo for americans, deadly serious. Mericans thats my point. Okay. All right. Well, ill run over to williami. William now. Hes going to be staying up there. You can get hi m back in the King William Of America and not only be done that broadp no go. Hes a good guy. Thats prince william, harry right . You brits all look alike. All right. You know, jesse, if it werent for trump, these people wouldnt have ifthere anything to talk about. Where would comedy be no would w with this one group . What happened was colbert came in at cbs t and he came frm the daily show. So he had those jon stewart chopthes and he was a natural political guy. And then he came in and his Ratinge Cames went up and kl said, oh, my gosh, i have to start gettingoh political. And kimmel loved obama and his a son had a Little Health issund s and started getting into these Little Things with ted cruz and. Then he became a political guy. And fallon is the Leas T Guy Out There and resisted going political and is also the mostpd talented, but then was pushed into politics by executive s he didnt want to go political. And so all of them go politica. N and. Then trump leaves, the pandemic happens. And then theres the writersc. And then someone named Greglc Gutfeld comes along and alomesl of their great audience of the late of late night, their audience is looking around like, what happened, wher je the jokes and the jokes . Are nowhere because they cant the at. S but now, if You Thinkwent about biden, yeah, this is a guy who went to maui to and, s, you know what, i had a kitchen fire and i almost lost my cat. This is a guy whose son is in his underwear with the cops gone and a stripper. This is Kamala Harris. Kamala harris husband kissed ke the first lady. This is mayor Pete Buttigiegd , lmet on who puts a little helmet on in a reflecting vest and goes and e and there is a wealth of jokes in this to is a joke. Kind of but if you could just kind of lay off the politic s, not th you can bring it back. Not that greg wants it back, but he could bring it back, oh, you and you see the Entertainment Industry recoveringe entert from this, i, of being actually funny again and nonpolitical. What i love its funny, i think, is that they found a way to blame president trumpnt forever for their industry falling apart. I do thin. K comedy thats super obvious. No matter who the target is, taly. Stepnot that funny you got to think it through like greg does. He got to have, you know, five steps ahead playing chessd, with the stuff. Its like my birthday we love you can breakove you. But i think about for me, that one be hilarious. Its satire gets checkedecking s by Fact Checking sites which to me is satirical in itselfto e that they do this but they actually have a section of their website called prophecies fulfilled where w theyve made up such ridiculous stories that have nohew lif actually come true in real life. So, you know, when it to hits close to home and it takes a little effort to put it together, i think thats funnier than the obvious one two punch. Yeah, the political punch. All right. Coming up, one of the ladies of the vie thew is to kneecap joe bidens reelection. Jof gives kamala the boot. Youre going to miss your Online Business if you wish. Stay and go. My son has no time to take a good home. You may. Be im brian jenness, and ill be covering democracy 24 on the Campaign Trail. On the Campaign Trail is a wildd ride. 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Gallbladder problems may occur. Tell your providerga about Visin Problems or changes taking ozempic with a sulfonylurea or whic Blood Sugar Risk side effects like nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. Living with type two diabetes is about the Power Of Three with those epic nikki haley on cavuto lines. As inflation rises in the cost of livinw and think you will do. I could be the winds of change. I wont. You know, wont feel like at all. Wa joe biden has been warned. A bunch of liberalrnnc columnists are urging the presidenh of Lt To Boot Kama off the ticket. But the veeps insane cheerleaders in the press are threatening to take down his campaign if he does itsane i would be very careful. President biden, about gettinge, rid of Kamala Harris because we will not support. Of kam what if biden gets ridal of Kamala Harris and inserts someone, else he will lose the black vote . I dont want a whites plan, but you might be underestimatinghe black i k community. I think i am. I think some of the soft bigotry is showing in the progressives. Women always have to work hard in men and tell you to that. W but women of color with power. Om i think shes threatening. E no choice. Hav Top Democrats keep throwing her under the bus. Thrder the is Vice President ias the best running mate for this president . Mate he thinks so. And thats what matters. And by the way, i think thi shes very politically astute. You think she is the bes the is running mate . Shes the Vice President of the united states. What peoplthe say to me . Well, why isnt shwhe doing this or that . I say because shes the vice thv president. Thats the job description. Presidenyou do that much. Do you what do you make of spear pelosis answer there . I mean, there didnt seem to be answer anything wrong with that answer. Thats president bidens choice. O beand i think shes an excellu running mate fornn president bideinn. Ident okay. Jton, would you like to waibi the issue here, if she does not appear the ticket, Will Blacketl voters abandon the Biden Campaign . I dont know. But they theres polling showing they have been in some ways because they dont thin k he h hes delivered on a lot of things that they were hoping he would deliver on. So thats probably his bigger probleas lot of tould delm. But when i heard about this, i thought about, do you guys remember getting this Memoremem August of 2020 called we haveck her back. Bedwas before she was name to the ticket, but her name was shes probably or possibly going to be the vp and was a memo from all of these groups to the heads of News Division heads ofsaying. Were watching everything that you do. Dont use pictures of women uswomethat look, dont talk about them being ambitious as a negative thing. Dont talk about their appearance, dont stereotype. And it goes on in here to say, we know youve been working in newsrooms for diversity and so were going to hold you to account in the waeen doinversity,y that cover. This new thing gives me verhy much shades of were are g watching you. And if you get this wrong, were going to call you out likeoing tll you o the the impet that they sent to the news chiefs. Gre said to theg that was a s of death by nancy. I dont know if kamala is going to be too happy, but yeah, not a ringing endorsement. Shes basically saying notg that know she does a capable job because its a really easyir job to do. Thats like saying i prefer a houseplant over a pet because you dont have to feed it and it wont wet the carpet. Et but i heard the view view commoing on a hunger strik ie, but only between commercials. So i love democrat on democrat action. They should create a category should for that. On pornhub, and its good to see dems calling out Everyone Else Racist who are also dems who will get theira tt taste of that medicine because now the monster is devouringe themselves. Its like they now realize that wow, they elected the oldest, widest. Perhapelectes racist president , joe biden, because theyd rather win than stick to their own principles. And now theyre going to do this. Its toog to d . Late. Side you guys already threw her aside before. Thats right. So d jesse o you think she stao on the ticket, pierce . Well, if youre the republican s you hope she does, you hope the biden and Kamala Harris are the duoen and that go powering into the next election. Coe president , who Appearse Ne E completely lost his marbles and a Vice President who by any Pollmedent Whoav that ive seent people of all skin colors is deemed to be completely useless. The democrats have a real proble thm here. All they can bang on about trump all they like. Int trumps chances of being reelected president Increase Thth Everycr gaffe that biden makes and the knowledge that people had that if hes not ablt ife to run, which many people think is now increasingly unlikely, then tha is it even remotely feasible that Kamala Harris could Beat Co Trump . Absolutely not. And this whole thingabso about think one of them described it as soft bigotry. Right. If you say that Kamala Harris is underperforming, you are a soft bigot, whatever that means. I dont knenow how you can hav sort of degrees of bigotry, but it reminded me a little biot of when i left my previous job. Hosting a morning show back in the u. K. You may remember i criticized Meghan Marklghan Mare for what e believe to be polite to say that i said i wouldnt believe a her if she read a weather report. Right. And this was deemed to be racist, that theth was d only i said that was because of her skin color, which obviously was complete nonsense. This whole narrative building already that if joe biden to ditch Kamala Harris, anyone that thinks that that is a good idea is a racist is ridiculous. How have we ridicul got to this place where criticism immediately is racist . Its the same with the trans debate, isnt it . Trisnt it. U thin this many if you think a six foot boring biological male should not be dominating womens swimming, you are a transphobe. G wois. So, look, theyve got big big problems. I mean, if i was democrat and im not obviously, but if i waf s a american democratwoul right now, i would be seriously worried and id be thinkind gr weve got to get somebody in like newsom or somebody like this youngdy l, Dynamic Breathrh of fresh air, something different. Otherwis ae are heading, i thin, to a complete disaster. I loved how you quii tht, though, when you got out the walker. Yeah, you said im going to the pub now. Its perfect. Well, it was either that or i was going to change e. You familiar with the phrase jimi . You would be in england. Chin, the guy that was just going off about me, he was the chin to the guy that was dropping off when was he was the Deputy Standing weather guy. Yeah, which is its not the loftiest pedestal from which to hurl his brickbats. Speaking of lofty pedestals. L heres the vices president talking about her favorite topic preside equity. Theres an attack right now on diversity, equity and inclusion. Yes. Were supposed socalled extreme leaders are suggesting its a bad thing to care and Pay Attention to inequities. Mus understand what are disparities. And then wha accommodate and ada for those disparitieccs. We wa we wantnt equal outcomes. Okay, janine, your thoughts on Kamala Harris. Okay now you know whypeop people dont like her. Yeah. Okay. I meanle l o what she just talki about was equal outcomes. We have to i think her exact words are in addition to what we said. In a but we have to accommodae and adjust for disparitieste ana and inequities. So i say to myself, well wait a minute. Does she mean that in terms of politics, like a for president , should we you know adjust for disparities that i think about . Disps, think someone is runnings for president. And if a minority in theiridt an is running for president , should we make adjustments so that there is an outcome that recognize s that we needed to make adjustments for them . Hogwash. Nobody buy . S that. Its ridiculous, but its what they believe in. Shes a full socialist. That thats what they want. They want socialisat them and. Yo thats why the monmouth poll, the fox poll, the cnn poll. I mean, her negatives. Incredible. Heres the thing. If theyre Afraid Becaus The Thineew of whatever her name on the view says, oh, were never going to forgive you, joe. Loore neverk i dont think js going to end up running. I think this week and ive said it before on this show, the floodgates opened with, you know what the Opinion Piece where he shouldnt run the Washington Post and ignatius along with, you know, nancy pelosi not giving a him, a ringing endorsement. I really think that now is a beginninnancy peg of the end. And if they want if they want kamala, let her get goo the primary. Lets see how good she does. She had d a out of the last primary for president. She did poorly. H the so you know what . Stop with the nonsense. We need someonnowee now. We know more than evern ever how this political identit hy and correctness has destroyed this country. When you dont have someondestre whos willing to do the job, pirro says, its the beginning of. The end. Did i say that . I think so. Comingnning of up. Its the hottest ticket in sports. Soach prime deion sander taking College Football by storm. But never forget he began. Yes. This wasnt no bear. It was like a bear. He squatch. Squatch. 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Hawell, it affects me m more watching a shallow play defense because, you know,orplay im thinking like, come over here. Come on, baby, make a pla. Y. Make a darn play. Well, its like, you know, so. Oh , sure is right. E peer hes right there. Hes just going rock steady the wholede shallows. L. That emotional instant. All right, you can check out of coach prime Deion Sanders this saturday. Hes going to be talking this, the big game for fox big noon kickoff, which strangely starts at 10 a. M. At noon. But, hey, hell be there. Okaythere. M found out during the break that i am the psycho college fond nobodan and nobody else here knows anything about College Football. I like it. Where should i startthing ab . Star listen. All right, judge, ill start with you. I, i whos ex. Okay. Okay, great. Are you raising your hand . O. No, im good. Just go. Firs okay. Okay. All right. Let me tell you, first of all,ti i dont know who he is, and i apologize, but i camdon who hes him about a week ago and it was on instagram and, he said and i said, i dont know who this guy is, but he said something like, don anyones opinion of me. They didnt make mee and they cant break me. God establish me. Do you care. Do i care what you think . No. Im a game changer. I said, i like this guy. And then today i looked him up. I said. I love this guy now. And thats all i say. Okay, so grew up a Florida State fan in tallahassee, then called neon deion, but i thinkhe he prefers coach prime now the 80s he was just tearing itgu up and went on to this Amazing Jeofessional Career in multiple sports as well. Jesse, you were weighing in on that during so i know that wssny talk to you about that part. At least you were suggesting he should go play cricket since he so successful in football and baseball and everything else. He loves cricket. Pijust saying that. I mean. Piers morgan. Yeah, i didnt really meaneran. I i dont want him playing cricket. I want him on the gridiron. Hes a great coach andd he h hes transformed the program at colorado. This guasansformey is the grt sport athlete, better than bo jackson. Im sorry, bo jackso, imn. People, thats fine. Now hes bigger than College Football. Now s bier, and hard to transcee College Football. Hes bigger than a lot of the starofs in. College football. Everyones talking about him. My favorite quot my fave and i know you have yours. My favorite quote is if you look good, you feel good. You f when you feel good, you playee good. When you play good, they pay good. Oh, thats my favorite pay quote. Even though i stole the prime time, i thought it was. Yomebut know. Yeah, you do look good, piers. U thank you. Good, i feel you look great. this g yeah, i mean, listen, this guys getting a lot of heat for trash talking and that kind of thing, but i dont think that confidence when you can back it up the way that he hasa i mean, i dont think anyone else has hit a home run, a Major League Baseball and also a touchdown in the nfl in the same week i remember donald trump saying to me, itld will be year trumps before he er ran for office and we were talking about trase h and talkil about giving it the big one, as we would say. And he said, you know, its muhammad ali said, if you talk the talk, you have to wal k the all the act doesnt play. And this guy talks the tal. K. He has walked the walk better than almost anyone in american than mos. Very em and the mixture is very its very empowering, isnt it . Its hes becoming a transgender celebrity figure because people know this guys been better in the field than anyone else. Onelse, anand hes doing it as t great story. I mean, we dont have this in england. This College Sports thingjust d at all. It just doesnt exist. The nearesoesnt et thing to its would be the Oxford And Cambridge Boat Race wherego were rowing. Well, people only watch il rt to see if one of the boat sinks. Thats the only its the only. The streets are lined along the river thames. Other than that, literallyare , you could have College Football in england with three people watching. So its a phenomena here which is very alien to most other, and its a very special thing. I know many americans. Many actually are more interested in College Sports than in professional it sports. Its a its a phenomenon. Im not really a candidate. I realli hes great, is great r sport, is great for america. Youre looking out for the role models and leaders right now because youre not getting it in politicnoe nos. This guys great. Confid got a ton of confidence and as you said, can back it up. I want to play a little back and forth with the coach hes going to face off with this weekend for that instatcoach, h e rivalry. I dont care if they hear it in boulder. I them i took my hat off and iia took my glasses off and i said, when i talk to grownidgrownup,r my hat and my glasses off. Thats what my mother talk. Wh ld you wy you want to talk abou . We dont talk about nobody. All we do is gk abouo out here,i out, off and do our job. Okay . But when they give us ammunition, they made itmunii lookon, do you get fired up by trash talk before the great guy . E. Is a quot he ends. Yeah. My favorite quote was when he said, what are you doing in my hotel room chine. En he . T kn but anyway, i dont know anything about College Football except unlike soccer, a sport now. That wet was directed at pierc. We dont recognize it. But you call it football. All right. Socc want to actuall ll it foy i wante this to actually make a point because this is so interesting, because youre fanatical about this. Why College Football sotbal different from college itself . You couldntl. D tw two more different beasts, right . Its like in one, you have College Football, the score counts. Theres effort, theres merie ct discipline. All that stuff matters. In college, its the opposite Score S Longer count. Equi equity trumps effort. Discipline is oppressionty effo. Merit is racist. Now what are the scc . Yeah, yeah. Its still c. Traditional. No, its not. Di id you continuets no, jesseg you go to college . I did. When . Where did you go . I went to trinity. Thats not a collegere you go . Ats. Yes. You play football. Its. Its not in berkeley. No, its. Y. Its its a safety school. Do they have football . You do hav. E i got to say,o. Though, too, about coach brian. What i love about him, too, is that he sayous he wants thesf young men to be successes off the field. He wants to teach them to be good husbandfield and teach s, fathers and we can all you thats what that thats the point is that in a society now with that doesnt matter and what matters is howdo you take care of other peoples feelings and how you view other groupsview oththis. And in this case, hes old school. Yeah. I think coach finds pretty Toug Shannonime is ph you know l like lou holtz, you knowou, he cared about them, making sure that they lived good lives. And thats what he standse gg to. Im going to watch the game. All i heard. Im watching the game. I listen to watch again. Im impressed with the questionin g. And i are going to a game with coach prime. Okay, you got it. Were withe going all right. I the fastest. Is that next . Ll writ is up bo books. Books. Thlity insthis one wins this ar. It struck out with the chiefs. Its important things arent Fas Worth Compromising at farmers. We offer both Quality Insurance and great savings. Here, take mine. We are farmers. ,,. 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Your new jacuzzi bath or shower is waiting. Now is the best time to call. Were waiving all Installation Costs with no interest and no payments for one year. Go to jacuzzi, bath remodel no w the thought of getting screened for cancer made me queasy, but now i found a waywic thats right for me feelols more easy my doc and i. I pick a time todays a good day. Day. I screened with my way. My way. Cologuard is a one of a kind way to screen for colon cancer that is effective people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. False, positive and negative results occur. Ask your provider for cologuard. I did it. My way. I need you to because i know years. Well, welcome back. Time for the fastestlcome, off. Forget about weed. How about some mind bending Magic Mushroomdbendins . He fol thousands of folks in oregon on a waitlist foksr the states very first license psilocybin facility. Soundsy theyre absolutely itching to go on a psychedelic journey. Well, i thought wed start with Magic Mushroom. Most likely suspect chana. Her Magic Mushrooms have. You alive . Who ever not take your Magic Mushrooms . I take the fifth and im turninit have you or g now the people i love. About this. First of all, if youve seen the streets of portland, what they definitely they dely is more people on Brain Altering drugs. Although you dont have to havhave to his Bue A For Thit but apparently you do have to go sit with somebody whos a licensed persoith somen. Ney. Kind of gets you through the journey. Think about that job. I mean, you can get serious blackmail on people if youre sitting there. Have tntile watching them. You have to stay with them the whole time until they come back down. Well, greg, apparently for roughly 6 hours, adults over papparentlynce what Manme Bak Hly Siy use scrubs, vivid geometric shapes, a loss of identity and a oneness with theess with universe. Very much like the gulf, right . Well the uniik, i mean, ive. Ive done them regularly. And so i like. But i know what. Youre not joking. Jo, not joking. No, no, no. Arrest them. Were getting information. Its psilocybin. Its probably its being used in ptsd for veterans. Unlike other drug, other drugs, its medicinal and not recreational. This is wh other uny you sit. You have somebody there. Youre not going out and partying on them. Partyingpeople were younger. They did. But what what what psilocybin doescybin do when you take it au did mentioned what goes on. Its trying to Sho Trying W Theb interface between your subjective reality, what you what that you are seeig and what is really out there. Sohere its a good a good analoc which is what a lot of thehers researchers use is whensc you look on your Laptop Screen and you see the icons on yourou like the little garbage can and you drag something into Ree Garbage Ca drag n. Its not really a garbage can. Its simply representative of that. What psilocybin shows you is what is behind each iconwhat pss you see in the world, which has the geometric images, the thh he the patterns of light and everything. , u you take psilocybin you literally see what is the Nd Everything Pulls The Curtain back. It changes your life and you Realizn Backe you realize theres something greater out there. Atheists, when they psilocybinpl there, arent they . Theyre no longer atheistsocyb so im telling you, it is actually a spirit, that it is a spiritual thing. A its sort of a come to you. Its a come to. If hes your dealer. Yeah, but is it ever scary . It cant be. If you tak greke theire the w, which is why you do it with somebody whos done it and is a regular. Thats why this is a good thg thing. And who knows . Portland. This might be the if it gets them off the opiates in the and all the other stuff, it might work, but i doubt it. Rs well, judge, it remains. It remains. Infanticide remainjudge,bis illa in most of the united states, but it has been describeteasdmit by food and Drug Administration as a breakthrough therapy. Soraeakthrou where do you sit . N well, first of all, im notaa a fan of the fda. I mean, you knowda. , i used sudafed for years and found that it really wasnt working. Looksed suda , its a good thingthei that oregon has their priorities in order, you know, justrities i what . They need more drugs. In 2020, they passed a law and they said, werepassednd gog to decriminalize hard drugs, meth and lsd and, cocained he and heroin. And so now theyre under pressurerointhey are change the that they decriminalize it because theres so much going on along with the drug use. Look, greg, i dont havealso experience with drugs, so i cant speak to it. Cagonly experience is lockin up who use these drugs. S o i dont to arrest people on mushrooms. Yeah. Heres the thing. I think the potency now is different. I think people are buying stuff off the street. I think fentanylff off t is nowt of the equation. I liked it. Might be in a confinede equa sp. An expert. I like that. But you know what . I dont see a happy ending therbut i doe with. Gre they do with mdma. Theyre doing itg dm with psilocybia, doin it is the reality. You are not going to get rid of this. Okay. Estag to get rid o, says you got with someone who knows what theyre talking about. I think weve established who the world expertd you ar iss desk. Jesse walters, are you going to go on a magic . I thin k you much a great job. You did it. You call them a sherpa . Yeah. Youre a little guy. Exactly. Thats all. Oh, i knew it. Yeah, i know. Its the silenc e. So, jesse walters, judge. Excuse me. So i was at the Allman Brotherst one time. I was at the beacon. And whatters. U they do. During the show, theyll throw out, like, a whole sack of shrooms, and he they thr launched it to the second level, and i was only 18. I couldnt afford good seatss 1d , so it lands like, right next to me. So i go over like this to grab it, grab it, and then right asbb someone else, they grabbed it likeed and then so we were overh fighting over the bag of shrooms together. It was like a tshirt wrappedan in some rubber band. And then all of a sudden i was like, i need to. I will. And like, yanked it. Nked e and i ended up elbowing anndd usher. And ushe r grabs me, then pulls me away. Thats a no. Oh a, did you get any inside . Sie i got you nothing. Beautiful, brilliant fan mail. Friday is up next. Be not tainted, love, tainted love. Now i know right away its michaels lowest prices of the season sale shop this store. Why do you burn for up to 70 off save on all fall floral and decor all decor and more. Get our best deals on thousandsm get our best deals on thousandsm of Itemsillion Plus save on all. Regular Price Purchases with Coupon Planning to move. 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Switch to Xfinity Mobile today. And think you will do. I could be the windsor change. Youll youll be hearingn. That song on hold coming soon. Fan mail friday. Were answerin g your. I like this one from kathy. Have you ever been staom kathyr . If so, meeting who . Piers. Im sure. Its somebody british. No, it was actually nelson mandela. Oh actuall, thats great. P, i feel terrible. So i got the chance to meet him in london event in 2003. Made you made an amazing speech. Blistering speech against the iraq war. And then after afterwards, becausee i run a newspapernewspa that was opposing the iraq war, and afterwards i was tolped i could have a ten minute audience just with him in a little tent, literallyim li. And i went in and sat there. The two chairs got put down, and ine walked mandela, put do. They literally zipped up the tent and i was left with hi himor m for 10 minutes, which he described. That is the greatest 10 minutes of his life. But it was just he was he was just one of the few people ive publ who wastylife more impressive than the myth. Yeah. And the myth was pretty good. So he was i was starstruck. It puts the man and mandela. All right, judge, youve met some people. You know, im not reallyndela. All just starstruck. Just think of, like, judg that You Idolize Annd entertainer. Okay. Richard . Yeah, piers, when i met john wayne. Jeani thank you, john. Oh, actually, its fellow richard harrisd. Oh, i remember him. The lion in winter. The e winters i met him. And, yeah, i was easter live at the savoy hotel. Had his own suite the years. Wow. Savoy. Great guy. Whatsfor yes. He, big drinker . Massive. Yeah. With oliver reed . Ye massivs. Im peter otoole. Oliver reed. You have the venue. The give the bes t hounds on the planet. All the best drinkers ever know o r the. You are the best one. G jes jesse alonzo mourninseg. Is this the one that did the it you the autograph g . Tar struck i went up and asked him for a selfie, and he looks me up and down and says, no, i just walked away in shame. And ive never asked for any other selfie since then. For so when people ask you for a selfie, what do you do . I say shirtless. Yeahwhat do you. What about you, shannon . You know what i years ago was sha interviewing ricky schroder. I was toldnno i was theres an m we could call them ricky r schroder. Right. But my eighth grade Self Wouldeighth G have gone crazy because i had c the posterrazy b in lockert to and everything to think that i would get to meet mr. Silver spoons one dayspoons. And he was super nice. Oh, its that sweet. It was very sweet. Did he h did he hit on you . No, but i was instructed by his people. Stop calling him ricky. Well, its right now. Mine is the most pedestrian of all. I got star struc greg k with a rock singer, mike patton, because hes the lead singer rd singerof faith more and mr. I when i met him, he was doing phot a photoshoot for me and stuff magazine. I brought him a gift of debbie of dvd horror film. God, i was so i was like ge a big fan or a cocktail fan when you bring a gift. I actually im the editor in chief int of magazine. I brought him a gift of like, like blow read bmovies. So probably thought, like, who the hell is this . Men dont have otherl is men. S. Found that out. S. All right, one time for one more. Fout out. What channel doesnt but should. Is it the jessannee . No. T car crash channel. Oh, Car Crashebus in nascar. And then also on the road, right . I do. Yes. The greatest fatalities are none. E nonethats pay per view. Oh, shannon, two extra. Perviei people getting pranked and punked and the hidden camera stuff. So there was like a whole, you know, for that you know what would be great . What religious pranks. Oh, hey there have been some tricks pulled in the bible. There certainly the breadhe into the fishes and all that stuff. Jacob up. We sawhe fi theres a little bit of a double cross there. A judge shoe channel. Cha shoe channel that i is. Jesse i did a lot of fetishes outof there. Fetiswell, no, i just like shos and foot channels, so i would have the. Why . Cricket is better than baseball. Jennttera. , simi i would just havela on Constant Loop similar scens with. The cricket is just more exciting. I would go with, you know what . Im going to go with the Magic Mushroom channel. You got to watch something. You got to watch something. Whenwatch someth youre when youre dropping acid. Just a lot of clouds. Oh, yes. Over rivers. Gre yeah. G soothing voices. Its going to be. E okay. Oh, my god, i jump out of myy. Skin. Of m one more things up next. 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Your needs at a price you can afford. Selectquote we shop, you save. Its time to remodel your bathroom. But you dont want the hassle. You just want it done. Re bath from start to stunning call us or visit rebecca to schedule your free and home consultation. Its time now. One more thing, piers, you go first. Well, im actually in new york. Ive come here to promote my new crime series on fox nation provoke. Its called the killer interview with piers morgan. I sit down with some of the most dangerous, disturbedof sti people in america, which is quite ironic given , greg, gregherer and jesse. Eight murderers, some very infamous some very infamous in new york, actually. Each one is very selfcontained and different. They are incredibly people haved done unspeakable crimes. And i sit face to face differous m and i go through their story. They try and convince me their innocence and in most cases, they spectacularly fail. So its on fox now. And just to say, on sunday night, 10 00, theyre airing one of them on fox news, which would be great. Well watch that. Ock the okay. Its time fohearing r a ride. Okay. This was new york fashion week, as you all know. And dreams came true for many this. Ed but the runway of Dreams Foundation featured Models Clothing that are adaptive to their disabilities. Foundation works with Fashionfao Brands to create easier access to clothes, mainly fon r those who dont have as much variety available to them. Tommy hilfiger adidas. Victorias secret. More brands participated in the collection and now more than 70 models took part and flaunting the clothes down the runway them. As,. Greg all right. Tonight. Oh, my god. This is a crazy show. I go i got michelle tafoya, this guy, piers morgat min, emily austin, trace gallagher, pierce. You might agree its out morgan, patrmay agreof control. Yeah. And then tomorrow theres Tickets Available for. My redding show, go to g. Got balcomb, the king of, late night tours. I got a ton of comedians, and theres going to be surprises. Lets do this. Surpri yeah. Let y go briggseah, e sighting. You know, if you go to Thegra Cafeteria at abc, you might catct g. H cast members of the view fighting over food. Fhere they are trying to share a leaf. Yeah, were on a hunger. Rike yeah, but its just during a break. This wa. All right, jesse. All right, so dont commit any crimes when youre at the port of l. A. Judge, because big aristotle, Shaquille Oneal has deputized. Yes. team is more important than any one of us. If you have what it takes to joi of us. N the Los Angeles T police. Come on down. Its time to dive. Has wh dive in, shaq. Dive into john waters. Primat s port pe. S prim tonight we have Smoking Gue Nf video of joe business with hunter. Oh, good for you. L right, shannon okay. Fox news sunday, we are going to have both sides of the aisle wellrepresented. Elise stefanikn . Y we will and ro khanna to talk about impeachment and spending and government gos, hunter and all that kind of stuff. And also vivek ramaswamy, who is very happy about his hundntvivek numbers. Now im going to get to calla him bell 102 year Old World Waro Two veteran. He repelled down the side of a building hundredsf of of f, by the way, the royal london hospital. This was for charity [the starspangled banner] [the starspangled banner

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