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So, inflation is back. And a lot of bad things are happening in our country. But thats the least of it. Youve got russia could end up you could end up in a world war between russia, ukraine and all of the chaos. We have a president that doesnt know where he is. He cant speak. The whole world is collapsing. The world is on fire. They have no respect for our country anymore. Rachel hes not the only one who thinks that a new Wall Street Journal poll, Swing State Voters show that they overwhelmingly feel that trump is the one who is best able to handle issues like the economy and the border crisis. And in pugh poll out today when it comes to the cost of living 58 think that biden hurt them and that includes 34 of democrats. 57 of independence. So, whats a guy to do . He wont change his failing policies. Instead he will try to buy your vote by paying off billions more in student loan debt. How much more . Just 7. 4 billion. And the white house is trying to spin this as a huge financial win for americans. Look, the president was in madison, wisconsin yesterday. He talked about Student Loans. He talked about ways to give americans a little bit more breathing room, making sure that they can go after their dreams, right . Making sure that borrows who have been really crunched by Student Loans has an opportunity to get out from that. And thats something that republican could say be helpful with, but, instead they get in the way and block what the president is doing. Rachel joining us now is charlie hurt, Washington Times Opinion Editor and a Fox News Contributor and will cain, my cohost on fox friends weekend. So, charlie, ill start with you. You know, usually, when this kind of stuff happens, you see them move you see the president ial candidate move to the middle. These what i think James Carville wants them to do. Ron klain seems to be telling them to do it. He doesnt want to do this. Whats going to happen here . I think quite frankly, rachel, is he incapable of moving to the middle because he has laid down all of these crazy leftwing markers and to think about, you know, all the wings he has gone so far left, so much farther than anything barack obama ever tried to do in terms of really sort of Fringe Whacko objectives that pleases only, you know, the far left extreme of his party. And at the expense of, obviously, normal people in the Republican Party as well as independents. And but you know, he has painted himself into a corner at this point. And his only, you know, i dont think he can get out of it, quite frankly. Rachel it doesnt seem like a winning strategy. The other strategy he has im not going to change my policy. Im going to tell you the economyknow you think the economy is bad. The economy is really great. Youre just, you know, youre just not feeling it but its great. Will i wouldnt dismiss this idea from President Biden to dismiss student loan debt. I dont know ideological move on the Biden Administration. I dont know if thats a rush to the left. I think thats ugly, practical politics. I think we can all sit here and point out ugly that it is that welders have to pay for the college debt of 26yearolds. But, its not so much ideological as it is just shear ugly politics of buying votes. This is the type of thing have you seen in mexico where they hand out groceries in the line as you make your way to the blot ballot box. This is paying off people to vote for joe biden. Im afraid to a point of not dismissing it. Im afraid that can be effective. Rachel first of all, i think you are right. It does sound like buying votes. You are paying off the poor people in this case taking money from the poor, the works class and paying off rich, privileged, you know, professional class kids. Thats one aspect of it that doesnt work. But, charlie, could this have the opposite effect . Could you end up for the votes you would gain as will said for the ugly, shear, you know, get those young kids back in, could you end up losing more votes of people who are just disgusted and repelled as you are looking at 34 trillion in debt. It can be effective and proven effective in terms of buying votes whether its through obamacare or whatever it is that theyre trying to do. This just happens to be in direct violation of the supreme court, a violation of the constitution. And theyre full steam ahead. Its incumbent upon republicans to make the cases of just how disgusting this is. And as will points out, just how unfair it is that youre forcing a welder, you are forcing american citizens who maybe were not even able to afford the College Tuition for their own children, you are forcing those people to suddenly have to pay the tuition of children that they are not even their children. And the fundamental unfairness of it, i think, does backfire but republicans and donald trump has to make that case and has to be so scaldingly clear that people are enraged as enraged as they should be about it. Late night talk show and she said something to the effect of well, you know, this will be great for them because then they can go on vacation. I was like she just gave it a away. Will i think your and my roles are often i play the role of the optimist and you plate role of the Pessimist On Saturday and mornings. I dont want to steal your role nor be a pessimist. So many swing states seem to be seeming to mock to be moving in the direction of President Trump. The betting moved the other way and favorable direction toward biden. I think what that reflects is a lot of different things. It reflects, perhaps, some State Abortion Laws that help democrats. It could, in this respect, with young people, say thank you for paying off my college loans. But, what i think were going to have a schizophrenic next four or five months where the public goes back and forth. What that means democrats will lean in on every single thing from abortion to threat to democracy keep this thing swinging back and forth between biden and trump. Rachel and there will be a surprise for sure. Thank you, will and charlie. Great stuff. All right. Well, the fact that biden knows he is in trouble with minority voters. And so it should come as no surprise that we saw Biden Talking to and today he stopped by al sharptons National Action network. Watch. Together we have kept our promises to make some of the most significant investments in the black american community, ever. Rachel despite the fact that latinos and Black Americans are major Voting Blocks for the left. Biden still cant get the same reaction that trump does. Take this viral moment from trumps visit to an atlanta chickfila this week. I dont care what the media tells you, mr. Trump. We support you. We love you. Okay. 4 00 p. M. Come here, let me give you a hug. Please do. [cheers] rachel joining me now is the woman from that interaction, mckay la montgomery, founder of conserve the culture. Makayla what do you want your photo taken with donald trump that day . Well, above all else, he was our president. The leader of the free world. So i dont know who as a person who respects our offices wouldnt take the opportunity to take a picture with the president. So, of course im going to want my picture. But, i supported donald trump last election. And i definitely feel like i will probably be supporting him again this election. So, with that being said, yes, i want my picture with the president. So, makayla, you are part of an Organization Called conservative culture. I dont know what that is exactly. Maybe you want to tell us. Conservative the culture. Conservative the culture. I dont know if that means you are conservative or not. Im curious what your circle of family. Where are they at with donald trump, especially compared to where they were in the last election. Well, i come from a generationally democratic family. So my parents are actually not Trump Supporters but they dont not support me because i support him that is something i can be grateful for in my family our young there she got negative blow back. What happened. So, unfortunately the young enjoyed her taking picture with the president. Faced severe cases of bullying ever since then. She is being ostracized from her community. People are claiming that she made a mockery of her institution. And, you know, how dare she take a picture with a man like trump. And its just it really speaks to hbcu go and free without feeling a certain way to be accepted by their colleague. Because that, unfortunately, is how we feel when we are in nonblack face spaces and we feeled need to code switch. Going to hvcu go and express yourself freely. Social commentary or political identity. Its really really sad to see how when some people who are studying policy decide to exercise their First Amendment right and express themselves and their individuality they can be ostracized or demonized for Something Like that. She didnt even come out as a trump supporter. She was just somebody there trying to obtain more information. Just trying to see what candidates had to offer. Because, clearly, the last candidate only said if you dont vote for me then you aint black without delivering any tangibles. So now the action item for us as voters would be to go to each candidate and ask them well what tangibles are you planning to deliver if we put you in office . And donald trump took a second to speak to each and every student and asked them what matters to you . How can i earn your vote . We need to see more of that in our community. Rachel interesting to ask you and her and everyone else what kind of tangibles the Biden Administration has delivered over the last four years, it sounds to me from what im hearing from minority communities is that they are not impressed. Mikaela, thank you for joining us, you are a free thinker and thats a wonderful thing. All right. The world is on high alert and the u. S. Is monitoring some Credible Threats of an imminent iranian attack on israel. Joining me now with all the details is White House Correspondent jacqui heinrich. Jacqui, tell us the latest. Jacqui hey, rachel. Good evening to you. The president didnt initially explain what he is going to do what the u. S. Will do if iran follows through with an expected imminent attack on israel. He just said his message to iran is dont. So we asked or else what . Initially, he didnt respond but he turned around to give an answer. Watch. Dont. Are americans we are devoted to the defense of israel. We will support israel. We will help defend israel. And iran will not succeed. Thank you very much. Jacqui Jacqui Rockie Mountain reportedly issued the Biden Administration of its own if u. S. Gets involved American Forces in the region will be attacked. Its not clear if defensive acts like intercepting iranian missiles would trigger that but bidens critics say america is already involved because of inaction and what biden does now matters a lot. We have lost deterrence. Right in the iranians have already attacked israel once on october 7th through their proxy hamas. They are continue to fire on American Interest in the region, now over 100 times since octobe. Its not a good time to go wowobbly if you are the presidet of the united states. This someone of those times when leadership really matters and message discipline matters. Jacqui iran reportedly told arab allies it holds the u. S. Responsible for israeli strike that killed general in syria. Israel has not taken responsibility for it and the u. S. Says it was not involved. The pentagon is now moving more assets into the middle east region to bolster deterrence and the centcom commander is in israel to coordinate. The pentagon also is asking israel for a heads up before they take any action in response. Apparently upset at the pentagon top brass that they didnt get a heads up before this Damascus Strike that put u. S. Forces at risk in the region its way to rehoboth tonight, the president said he is always worried about americans when he was asked if he is afraid that they are going to be killed. Rachel . Rachel thank you, jacqui, appreciate it. Well, trump just issued a major challenge to joe biden over the border. Well explain, next. When barbara switched to turbotax. I broke four generations of family tradition. Ma, i want to make perfume so i made barbaras new side gig count by guaranteeing her maximum refund. Intuit turbotax. my back got injured very bad. I was off work for about a year. 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I think heres what i can say. We evaluate all options. Right . We evaluate all options as it relates to executive actions. We believe, the president believes its important to evaluate those options. We havent made a decision as it relates to what we are looking at. We are always looking at options. I just dont have anything. We always going to evaluate our options. We are always going to evaluate other options as it relates to an executive action. We are going to evaluate all our options as we have been saying but we have to continue to be really clear here. Republicans need to act. They need to move forward. Rachel well, with an answer like that its no wonder we are in the situation that we are in. I guess they are evaluating options while illegals continue to pour in. Maybe k. J. P. Has a bad memory because the Migration Policy Institute says biden took 296 executive actions on immigration in just his first year. Trump only had 86. And many of bidens executive actions focused on reversing or starting to undo trump policies. Joining me now is sean duffy, Fox News Contributor and cohost of fox business the bottom line. Sean, i want to get your thoughts on her but, let me just first go to this because donald trump just addressed the border a little bit ago. Listen. Biden should do it immediately. He should close the border immediately. He needs no legislation. He doesnt need this gentleman. He doesnt need anybody. Can he do it. I did it without any legislation. I had the best border we have had, ever. Recorded history. He can close it immediately. Rachel yeah, she keeps saying options. Donald trump laid out the blueprint on what to do. So if joe biden opened the border with executive action. Can he close the same border with three and a half years. And they are talking about evaluating their options. Their term is almost up. They should have taken action a year ago. Two years ago or three years ago. And the problem is if you love america, why we open the border and let an 800 percent increase of chinese nationals come into the country . Known terrorists, unknown terrorists coming into the country. Drug dealers, human traffickers. They are all flooding in. We dont know who they are. And lets be really honest, joe biden has a lot of leftist in his administration that are pushing him to keep the border open. But joe sees the politics of this. He sees the polling and most americans, liberals and conservatives have a concern about the border. So, he is thinking about taking action, but he isnt only because he has got these lefties pushing him to keep it open. It doesnt make any sense. Rachel and he does it on univision which shows hispanics dont like what he is doing and trying to signal to them i might do something just wait, just hold on. Stay with me. Really good point. He thought that if i open the border and let all these hispanics in. Those hispanics that were here would love it. He soon realized they actually hate it because they are americans and its bad for the American People. Rachel can i play you this clip from Joe Scarborough . Because heres what he thinks. Workers. Hardware store on main street, you need more workers. If you are an entrepreneur you need more workers. You need immigrants. We are fueled, our economy is fueled by immigrants up and down the employment chain. Rachel sean, i actually respect Joe Scarborough for saying. They is telling the truth. For a lot of them. One of the main reasons is cheap labor. The Democrat Party has declared war on working people on their wages. And they are bringing in cheap labor. He is admitting it . Listen, is does Joe Scarborough really care about Small Businesses across the country . They do not. Look at the rules, the regulations and taxes that they burden these Small Businesses with. Of course they dont care about the Small Businesses. The reason we dont have workers in america because joe biden and democrats keep paying the American People to stay home, to not work. There are so many freebies, so many give aways that people dont have to go to work. If you take those away, people will have to get back into the workforce. So, again, this is a democrat created problem. And now with the democrat created solution to open up our borders and is this about voting . Is this about bringing in more voters . Rachel i think its worth examining that. Congressional district getting more illegals into democrat congressional states and districts to get bigger numbers for apportionment that help democrats out. I dont know. A lot of people have left those blue states to red states. You have got to fill them up somehow in bringing those illegals over there great stuff, sean. Thank you. See you a little later. All right, liberal city insanity. A mom gets ticketed for her 4yearolds Bathroom Emergency while violent criminals roam free. 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So the next time theres a power outage, your home powers up. Power your life with generac. Call or go online to request your free quote today. No. No. Nuhuh. Yeah. Oh. Yes. Oh yeah. Yes. Isnt this great . Yeeaahhhh yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. Oh hey would you like to join us . No. We would love to join you. Rachel why does New York City keep putting violent offenders back on the streets . A group of venezuelan illegals are finally in ice custody after allegedly attacking nypd officers at target but not before they were freed without bail for the assault. And then theres the gang member who has been arrested nine times this year alone for burglary and on weapon and drug charges. Cash bail of 20,000. But it took far too long. With a lengthy rap sheet podcaster with nunchucks in broad daylight. The post says he, too, was cut loose with no bail. Reportedly by the same judge who freed a woman suspected of Subway Chilliest in the head with a bottle. She lost some feet and has suffered permanent nerve damage. Judy was arrested and charged for the assault. The 33yearold pled not guilty and he was released without bail. Rachel joining me now is attorney paul mauro and Fox News Contributor. These are doing the same thing. There is no consequences. I feel terrible for the victim they told the voters they were going to do this when alvin bragg had it on his website. Chosen its own decline. Rachel thank you. We have chosen our obsolescence. Look at the culprits here. The prosecutors are bad enough. But you have to start with the legislatures. Stuff that gets done out of the way. We dont really see. Its not very sexy. Its votes in the legislature. But, the boekham legislature, the state legislature is where all of this stuff was born. Rachel, we are up 40 in crime in New York City over the last five years. All right . And, yet, they are touristing these incremental crime drops that we have so far going on this year and not even in every major category. Since the Criminal Justice reforms were up about a third in the seven majors you see stuff like this. Thats is why its such an issue because we have video. You have social media. You cant hide this stuff. People feel it on the street and they know. Speaking of that Bethenny Frankel a reality tv star. She was one of the people that was punched in the feyes. She saw other women on Tiktok Happtalking about it. It happened to me, too. This is what she is telling her daughter. Listen. New york is in a way death. Shell of itself. You dont want to scare your kids and freak them out. What do i do . Scare my kid, freak her out. Im choosing fear. My alternative is paying. I cant disagree with her. Thats a mother, right . Everyone feels that way. A wonderful lesson to be telling our young kids. You want to come here . Not just new york. Our cities are the nations crown jewels. Immigrant aspiration. And they are still the place where 80 of the American Population either lives in or nearby. And its where people bounce off of each other and come up with new ideas, et cetera, et cetera. Rachel people who are afford to live. There is a lot of Working Class people stuck here or have family here and cant get out of the situation hopefully things will change. This they keep voting for it. We had a chance to put in lee zeldin. Now all the people who voted for hochul are complaining. Rachel not good. Paul, thank you so much. Thank you. A 68yearold woman walking up the steps to her church in New York City this weekend, 8 15 in the morning, when a thug, dressed all in black, ran up ahead of her and then threw her down the stairs. The woman hit her head, fracturing her skull. Now, as she lay motionless, nearly motionless on the ground. This demon rifled through her bag and her pocket stealing her phone, her purse with 300 bucks inside. My aunt was Strong Enough that she actually did get back up and she attempted to walk towards her car. When she got to the car, it seems like the suspect was up the block watching her. He then stole the car and she had walked home where her daughter called 911. Rachel just unbelievable. We have an update on that story that laura brought you earlier this week. A 16yearold male has been arrested has been arrested attacking that 68yearold woman as she was going to sunday mass. Unbelievable. He has been charged with first degree assault, robbery and grabbed larceny not enough in my opinion. Turns out he is connected to another robbery from just three days before the attack. The queens d. A. Says he followed a woman from a bank, demanded all of her money and then stole her car. We spoke to the attack victims nephew who told us she is still in the icu recovering but was able to recognize her family. She is starting to get some movement back and we are all, of course, praying for her recovery. Wow. So, while criminals are able to roam freely around New York City, getting attacked even going to mass, they are crashing down on some things. Like Young Children having bathroom emergencies. Magico was enjoying a day out on the park with her 4yearold son when he told her that he needed to go to the bathroom urgently. They ran, what she thought was to the nearest bathroom, but it was closed for public use with no other option did what any desperate mom would do. I would do this. She blocked him from public view and let him go to the bathroom. And thats when she says things got insane. Thank you for joining us today. Tell us what happened after that. Yeah. So, my son, after he voiced to me that he really needed to go and he was about to go in his pants, we hid behind the abandoned Toilet Building which ended up thats what it was and all of a sudden, five, six officers just swarmed right behind me and demanded us to stop, pull over. And aggressively just told us this is not allowed. This gebs the law. Im writing you ticket. Didnt give us an alternative or where we could have gone to the toilet. At that point i had to argue and say what do you do when a toilet is out of order and a child needs to go. Rachel its a park. No toilet at the park. Obviously they didnt have any answers to that, which was appalling. And, yeah, they told me i can go to the view restaurant which is a restaurant. There is a policy that guests only customers can usually go to any restaurant is what i was thinking. But, that was their answer. And apparently there is a bathroom but there are no signs and no arrows, nothing. So how is anyone to know . Rachel i walk around this city every so often it smells like pot and urine everywhere. Im wondering why they are cracking down on a 4yearold and not all the drug addicts and Homeless People that are clearly doing a lot worse things. Yeah. No. Absolutely. Thats what i told them to. There are adults doing it right in the river in front of all of these people and yet those people are invisible to them. Cracking counsel on everyday normal people doing pettiest Little Things finding everybody left and right at battery park. You just saw our segment just before about all the crime we are seeing in new york with pal what does this tell you about the livability. How things have declined over the last five years . Yeah, no. I would say with just even have a 4yearold child in the past four years, crime has definitely been more apparent, subway stations, trains, just any public space has been a lot harder and way more assaults is happening just apparently to every family and child. Its very, very visible. And these basic needs are just diminishing and becoming disgusting. Bathrooms are not useful even if they are open. Its a big problem. Rachel six cops on a 4yearold who has to do a Bathroom Break because the bathrooms dont exist at the park or broken down at the park, what a terrible lack of priorities. On your situation this is from the Public Recreation they said on your statement the Department Of Parks And Recreation we want every new yorker to be able to enjoy our parks. And feel comfortable in them. Public urination in parks is prohibited and we ask everyone to use the designated facilities provided. Michiko we also spoke to them on the phone and they told us they were working on upgrading signage on the bathroom. Whats your reaction to that. It was kind of hilarious we went back down there today with another report and saw that they had reinstated a new sign on that bathroom door. Which they did exactly what i told them to do which was put some alternate signs for bathrooms and arrows and had to teach them like teachers and they actually posted these signs. But, you know, you cant give us a ticket or ticket someone else when you dont have any kind of direction or signs on bathrooms. Rachel how about not ticketing moms trying to deal with an emergency with a 4yearold and go after real criminals. Michiko thank you so much. Thank you. Rachel you got it. You are a great mom. Trump said he is absolutely going to testify in his Hush Money Trial. The details on that, just ahead. Its kubota orange days, shop the years biggest selection of kubota equipment and get 0 apr for 84 months or up to 3,300 off select compact tractors. Find your nearest dealer at kubotaorangedays. Com. tony hawk skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. I take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. Why qunol . It has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. Qunol. The brand i trust. Trump making some major news today ahead of Hush Money Trial starts on monday. For all the details we turn to Fox News Senior National Correspondent kevin corke. Kevin . Hey, rachel, good to be with you my friend. Former President Trump becoming the first former president to stand trial in a criminal case beginning next week. Now he will also do so against the back drop of, of course, his ongoing president ial campaign in which he is already the Presumptive Republican nominee. Now, in case you are wondering, so whats this thing about you possibly testifying in your own defense . Well, he said this to reporters today. Do you plan to testify in your trial in new york. Yeah. I will testify, absolutely. Its a scam. Its a scam. Thats not a trial. Oh its a scam. Its not a trial. Now, Jury Selection begins on monday in the big apple. And the trial is expected to last, you know, six to eight weeks. But, that may be a bit optimistic because keep this in mind while Jury Selection is expected to last about a week or two, prosecutors for the the prosecutors and the lawyers for the former president are going to try to whittle down a pool of potentially hundreds of people to just 12 jurors and six alternates. Whats more, each juror, rachel, will have to answer 42 questions designed, of course, to discern whether or not they can be impartial about the former president. A tall order in New York City. Rachel certainly is. All right. Kevin. Thank you so much. You bet. Rachel joining me now mike davis former gain of function research law clerk and founder of the article iii clerk. Sole wisenburg Fox News Contributor. Sol, the trial is happening in New York City can trump get a fair trial in new york. I think it will be very hard for him to do so. I think the motion to change venues should have been granted. But, on the other hand, its so obviously a political prosecution that who knows if anybody can get an acquittal in such unfair circumstances. Former President Trump may well be able to. Rachel wow. All right. Mike, lets go through some of these questions that kevin corke talked about, the jury is going to have to answer these questionnaires. So, here are some of them. Do you currently follow donald trump on any social media sites . Have you done so in the past . Do you have any strong opinions about whether a former president may be criminally charged in state court . Do you have any feelings or opinions about how mr. Trump is being treated in this case . Mike, it also asks people to explain where they get their news from. Whether a do you make of all these questions . Are they good . Well, this is part of a very biased process by this democrat manhattan judge juan merchan. He donated to President Bidens campaign against trump in 2020. He donated to another antitrump group. His adult daughter Lauren Merchan is a leading democratic consultant for biden and many other democrats and making money off of this criminal trial that over which her father is presiding. Notice how this questionnaire does not ask these potential jurors whether they are associated with the biden campaign. They only ask if theyre antitrump. They dont ask whether they are associated with biden or his causes. Rachel that certainly is not fair to say the least. Sol, heres what trump said earlier today about Jury Selection. Watch this. Jury selection is largely luck. It depends how get. Its very unfair that im having a trial there. Its very unfair that we have this judge who hates trump and has tremendous conflict as you know. Tremendous conflict. Nobody can believe that this judge isnt recusing himself. The conflict is at a level that nobody has ever seen before. So i have that and i have venue. We have all these things that we have asked for. They dont give us anything. Its a witchhunt. All i can do is tell the truth. The truth is they have no case. They have no case. Rachel sol, it is shameful that this judge has not recused himself. Its just making a mockery of our system. What do you make of what donald trump just said . I want to go back to something that he he covered a lot of topics. I want to go back to something mike said thats very important. He talked about the Jury Questionnaire. Now, there are some questions on there that are standard. But they asked 8 very specific questions. And on the surface it looks like well, the judge is being even handed here because they ask four questions having to do with things like have you ever been to a trump rally . You know, have you ever are you part of a trump are you on a listserver or email for protrump . And then they ask four questions are you antitrump . But, are you part of an anti trump group . Did you go to an anti trump rally . But mike makes the very important point, a juror, potential juror who really doesnt like donald trump and wants to get on that jury because he or she is hostile to donald trump, can always say well, no, im not part im not part of an anti trump organization. Im going to answer that no. But, how Many Organizations have antitrump in their title . What you want to ask is are you on President Bidens listserv or on the listserv of alvin bragg or somebody like that. If it looks at first like its even handed but it can be manipulated by a Juror Potential juror who wants to get on that jury and the judge should ask much more questions. He should get into much more detail. Heres another thing. Are you a member of and they list five different groups. Five or six groups. Well, they are considered to be, by many people, right wing edges extremist groups. The proud boys, the 3 percenters, the bug go go boys is one of them. They only have one left Wing Extremist Group in there antifa. There is yet another problem about this. By listing these five super extremist rightwing groups, they are sending an implicit message that President Trump is affiliated with these groups. So, some of these people some of these prosecutors and judges even if they are trying to be legitimately fair minded they are so biased themselves they cant even be that way. I dont think this the Jury Questionnaire is even handed. Rachel all good points. Mike, and sol, thanks so much. Next, life in Bidens America gets even more radical. The patriotic display thats triggers liberals. Because i had two full time jobs. Lawyering and. Liaming. Count on me, mia. Ill file your taxes for you with 100 accuracy, guaranteed. Let a turbotax fullservice expert do your taxes as soon as today. Ego, the number one rated brand in cordless Outdoor Power brings you the select cut mower. Customize the cut with three interchangeable blades. It cuts for over an hour on a single charge. 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Its not only the painful memories of lost loved ones, but now with pensions of less than 2 per day, they live in some of the poorest conditions imaginable. I believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. Perhaps you could tell my story, and i will find a matching soul that would understand. I face hunger again. Please dont delay. Call, scan, or go online now to help rush one Survival Food Box to a holocaust survivor who is suffering an in desperate need. This is what god wants from us. Just feed the hungry. If you hear gods voice, im asking you to act now. Do it when its on your heart. I pray that theyll know in their final months that theyre not alone. Life in Bidens America is becoming more radical and crazy by the day period who better to discuss the details then. Our first story is 1 you exclusively exposed members of a regional womens Country Line Dance Team say they were kicked out of a Dance Convention because organizers claimed that their American Flag attire made attendees feel triggered and unsafe pair heres a part of the interview with the teams cocaptain p. Or. My team doesnt take a political stance so we came to dance. We are a patriotic group, we support our military, veterans, first responders. We are a group of patriots. Liberals are now triggered by their own flag. Whats going on here . What doesnt trigger them at this point . At some point we have to just step back and say this is a new problem. If you are offended at American Flag imagery at a Country Line Dance Competition thats going to be on you. You should probably stay away completely. This is our flag. If you dont like what it stands for either keep it to yourself or just dont leave the house p. Or none of us are willing to just put aside any of our patriotism because it might trigger you. They look like such nice ladies. They dont make me feel unsafe at all. Lets move to this p. Or cut up pro palestine berkeley law student, she doesnt understand the law. She confronted her own dean at a Graduation Dinner that he invited her to at his house. Watch this. [ inaudible ] which is more Brightening Jason . This protest or the fact that the student. This is her professors house. Here is what scary. Shes going to be a lawyer. This is someone who is going to become a lawyer and shes going to get in front of a judge who probably also went to the school and decide on really important cases. This is just so annoying. God bless that professor. I cant say it but she probably could shes very punishable and at some point thats whats going to end up happening. I dont wanted to get to violence but at some point you are going to show up to peoples houses and pulsed up like that it will come with consequences. Aoc has degree in economics and she. Up next the relentless radical left is now work shopping a new word. It is a genderneutral way to describe or refer to people with latino origins and its surging. Where is it surging . On university campuses. Museums and among the media of course. Catch all have come under scrutiny for blurring important nuances. How insulting is it that you have these academics and activists saying they need to rewrite your language. Theres no way that even people are doing this. I think they made the story up. Its a word that insufferable white progressives use because they think its going to land them their first latino friend. They are trying to impress latinos, all they are doing is pushing them away and the democrats own this which explains why polling shows that latinos are heading to republicans. Thank you so much. Thats it for tonight. Make sure you check out my podcast from the kitchen table. This week we had an interview with. Also dont forget to tune in tomorrow. [ ] Jesse America is full of racial slurs. To the hustlers in Congress Trading stoc

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