Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703

overseas to indonesia, and she came back in his place for a big summit, and that's where she reminded voters that she's one sandbag away from the top job. >> do you feel prepared for that possibility, has serving vice-president prepared you for serving for that job. >> yes., joe biden is going to be fine so that is not going to come to fruition. but let usus a also understand every vice-president, every vice-president understands that when they take the oath, that they must be very clear about ib the responsibility they may have to take over the job of being president. i am no different. >> greg: oh, yes, you are. but before she a sends the throne kamala still has to play the game and butter up her boss. >> our president has been an extraordinary leader who has accomplished things that rd previous presidentins hoped and dreamed and promised they wouldo do andpe did not achieve. i see how his ability to understand the issues and weave through complication issues on behalf oicf the american people have played out. >> greg: who is she talking about? and if you dare get in her way there will be hell to pay. kamala's allies are warning gavin newsom to stay away from a presidential run or they're tary an ad feather him as a racist.ti won strategist saying quote when you have people trying to test the waters thehe party rose up d made it clear to those du individuals, who areal mostly white men, that to disrespect si the vice-president would not be well b received by women and people of color within the party. it got a little bit of a smack in thein harold, this is amazing. by the way, great to see you ate the table. hope the u.s. open is treating you well >> harold: thank you. >> greg: you got a tan i can see >> harold: thank you. >> greg: sito it's going to be racist to pick gavin over kamala but not racist to keep supporting the oldest white dude on earth.the how do you make sense of this? >> harold: good to be back. couple things. i'm not surprised what she would say what she said about being s vice-president and being ready to step in. that's what vice-presidents do.e i don't know of any vice-president in thp e historyn the country that would not say y that. two, if for some reason joe biden doesif not run, and vice-president harris decides ts run, i think she would expect, t has to expect to have a number of competitors, because people o believe this race here would position to serve 4-8 years especially president trump, there's belief on the democrat side he can be defeated. so you would have a competitive marketplace which i don't think should surprise icanyone. i take issue, i know karen finney, i like her a lot. i don't think it's racist or sexiste to say that someone ele believes they have the goods and they have the ability to speak m to theer american people meet tm where they are and help them rise to a different point just e because they are a a white male or hispanic male or whatever, they have to go before the rt voters f, i understand there mao be hurt feeling on the part of some in the party that the vice-president may not be the e front runner if something like this was to happen, i think t president hibiden's going to ru for reelection but i'm not one to always reduce things to race and i think this is one of thos moments where we ought to show some restraint. >> greg: never. judg ge you know how the vp is supposed tw o be like america's insurance policy. actually she's joe's insurance l policy. right? isn't that hilarious? >> judge jeanine: yeah. >> greg: like he has to stay in because she can't be president. >> judge jeanine: everyone e knows, i mean, why would you impeach joe biden.y wo look at what you get. but what i think is so fascinating is, when she says that, you know, she can tackle the presidency, she's up to it, i e mean, how can she do that wn she has no apparent interest ine anything she'snt doing. she's the border czar, she's been the boarder czar and she t hasn't beehen to the border in 3 days. she had one trip an.d according to this new book there's a part of it that says that she doesn't want to work ok women's issues or anything o havingr to do with race. >> greg: oh, i like her now. >> judge jeanine: but i think, you know what? i think people want honesty. when you get up there and you say i've watched joe biden and j he is in a position where he can handle things and resolve them in a way where no one else can, or in a way that no one else can,wa the guy needs a cheat sht to figure out when to stand up, when ttoo sit down, when to leao he was at the awards ceremony, when was it? yesterday? he left as soon -- by the way without his mask, because he puts it on the war veteran and he just leaves in the middle of it. you know, and let me just say one thing about gavin newsom. i mean, you know, identity politics only goes a certain way -- to a certain length. when they start playing identit politics, that she is entitled because she she is that person. to disrespect someone you have to have respect for them in the first instance and i'm not so sure she has that. >> greg: palha ht.. what do you make of all this i dana. this is what happens with identity politics you end up making bad choices and the othee choices are kept out. >> dana: when you look at some of the polling from democrats from kamala harris, that's what i would focus on because she's not going to win over republicans she knows that, they do need to win over independents yes but she's in a position of having to convince democrats t that she could do do it. that's actually a harder thing.h it's alsino getting very late f any other democrat to stand up a national campaign that's other than the vice-president. so i think if there was a target of opportunity for somebody like gavin newsom or whoever might be at this table to take a shot, that window is closing quite rapidly. watching her at this event, a okay, fine, that's great. whatever. it's fine. but compare that to what you'll see this weekend. joe biden leaves for india tomorrowth. it's a big meeting that's sort of -- she's at -- sort of the pre meeting she's at and so you'll see his interactions with those leaders compared and will he be in a max? i don't know. the other thine g about this notion that democrats would send a shot to gavin newsom saying don't you dare. do you remember, go back in the way back machine with me, in 2008, the late bill richardson, former governor and somebody who worked at the un for bill clinton he made a decision to endorse barack obama over hillary clinton even though he was uga real good -- a major clinton loyalist, partly because he wanted to win. and he thought that the way that they could win was with obama, o turns out he was right. >> greg: there you go.>> >> dana: little history lesson. >> greg: wow. see. jesse do you have any history en lessons. >> jesse: i wonder do you have to weay d r that funny shirt? sometimes they make you.hi that's why joe didn't go. he didn't want to wear the funny shirt. >> greg: he', s going to india though. >> jesse: he doesn't havirt.e t wear a funny shirt. >> greg: he'll have to wear a head dress, bring a peace pipe. >> jesse: no. do you know how sometimes when you have to do your eye test at the doctor and they go to the lower level. >> dana: yeah? >> jesse: anndd you start going? t? that's how kamala talks. she's just guessing and leaving wide gaps between the answer that she gave on the vice-president being able to take over the presidency i didn't think was good, harold. here's why. there's extra sensitivity to th. question because he's the oldest president we've ever had. so she's not like all the other past vice-presidents. so there's extra scrutiny on her and that answer, and that answer she showed way too much leg. you just say joe's healthy, i don't even consider it a that's it: and now we're doing nga segment on it because she'si coming for theng throne. gavin newsome is probably going to challenge if something happens to joe, and doesn't matter about raclee or gender, e money is going to tell you who's the nominee. that's it. people don't care, you'll see where the money goes. visually to see her strut through th se pageantry was the first time i could actually imagine her as president. and i just can't take her seriously. knowing all the ridiculous things she said, despite the -- pomp and circumstance and the great choreography, i'm just reminded ohaf the fact that she loves venn diagrams and that she hasn't been to europe either. i just can't get that out of my head. you know, yothu had that quote from the book by ford, the judge said, said she doesn't want to do anything about race or gender. then shein said, but i want a n majority of my staff to be african-american and then she quit her border czar job. it just doesn't give you a lot of confidence. >> greg: she didn't want to be around minorities. >> jesse: is that your interpretation? >> greg: i'm just hypothesizing, that's what i heard on the street. >> from your sources. >> greg: yes. >> judge jeanine: mayb: e it's j reciprocal becauseea they're al quitting >> harold: if she does run because circumstance present itself she'll have to win a primary. >> jesse: more than one map manuel, she would have to win the democratic primary but she will be a stronger candidate if shgee has to do it and if i wer her team i would welcome that challengome because to win overw republicans shine would have to show-this is hypothetical joe biden is going te o bebi the to nominee. be >> greg: you're crazy. >> judge jeanine: what's interesting is that she didn't laugh her way through that answer about being vice-president. she didn't s giggle she always giggles. she's changing >> harold: progress. >> greg: do you remember wheo n everything was about trump abo lying? he just lieso analyze analyze. have you ever seen that much lying. inn we just -- i mean, weren't they supposed to be better than this? i mean that was minutes, pure minutes ever lyingat there with straight face. straight ahead, some breaking news, looks like hunter biden ih about to get indicted. ♪d. ♪ to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch, it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ ♪ >> dana: breaking news for hunter biden's legal battles, special counsel david weiss telling the in charge of the first son's case he plans to indict him on on september 29t the felony gun charge on the heels of the sweetheart plea deal meant to save the first son from going to prison.g and while hunter's legal problems mount some of the press seem to be looking the other l way. national post national columnist snapping and walking outs of an interview after getting pressed on things 2018 hunter text message. >> what do you take from the text message to his adult daughter, hunter text, i have te give 50% of my income to pop. >> i have no idea what that means. i don't. i have d no idea what that mean >> well, it's -- >>do i know circumstantial evidence. >> well what could it be. >>idea i have no idea. i don't know. >> has anybody asked her? >> i don't know.ed i don't know. so i have nothing else h>> i to about dit. >> yeah but you say there's no evidence but there's a text messag e where he says i give pop 50% of my money. that's evidence. >> okay. well wha t do you -- okay, fine, it's evidence. i feel like you want me to leave, walk out in the middle of this. >> you can go. >> all right. >> is this the standard really? this is the way the washington post handles the way people ng disagree with them. >> whes?n i agree to be on 45 minutes and then i get on for an hour and 1ho5 after a while i g. >>dana: legal thing in a minute but having watched that again greg i have to say i can understand walking out of an interview if you were insulted or disrespected but not because you were presented with a fact. >> greg: not because you were getting your>> butted royally kicked. that was like mike tyson pummeling a koala baby and i don't endorse that.t what you you saw there, what was amazing was the ultimate air against of an elite journalist inelit philip bump. how dare you y ask me. i'jom a journalist. how dare you ask me for facts, how dare youdare ask me to just my lacing he's been on journalism welfare, he's been wrong more than homer simpson's gotten wrong. and thms he democrats fallen inn excuse, i'll use a jesse analogy. sure ia go to a strip club but don't that's how they talk about hunter. hunter's badan but trump is wor anhis d they've been dealing th for years. like sam harris do you remember what har he said? >> dana: i can't remember. >> greg: he said if hunter literally had murdered children in his basement he wouldn't care because trump is worse. and so what you're seeing there is another admission of derangement, that they cannot admit, they cannot -- bump is so wrong he had nowhere to go except to leave. it's quite humerus. >> dana: it also showsre jesse that this question really hasn't been presented outside of conservative media. >> jesse: so you have to have, guess muscle tone if you are going to go up with someone with an opposing ideology. we have jessica, we have harold so we have to fight over facts. i have to go up against people that ask me about january 6th, that ask me about all of the trump trials. i have to defend everything. these people like bump, they mp don't have to do anything and they've never even been presented with a challenge. so they get up there and they're limp, you know like you spar at a gym you've never sparred before can you can't go five ro can't even go half a round. that's what happens. he's not politically athletic enough and doesn't have the chops to answer the smoking gun document that's one of the biggest smoking gu n documents that we've seen from the laptop. the laptop which has been la authenticated by his boss at the washington post. this guy's supposed to be one of the top journalists at the post and he has no idea. and honestly he doesn't even care. >> greg: no. >> jesse: has anybody asked?o id i don't know. what are a you asking me for? oh, i don't know, because it's your job to ask the question. it gives me -- i've watched it 17 times. >> greg: yes.ou >> can i ask you how it felt. >> it felt? -- >> can't do it. >> as your lawyer and friend he's not going to answer. >> dana: judge, on the philip bump interview or the indictmenn that could be coming before september 29th. >> judge jeanine: well, first oe all, i got a copy of the decision from the court. it really is a status report. and they say that, given the request or the attempt to guaranty a speedy trial, that anything that's going to be an filed has to be filed by september 29th. and now the united states attorney special counsel david weiss ista apparently indicatin he will indict hunter biden by september 29th. so the question is, what is he going to indiceptet him on? all indications are they're going to indict him on the gun charge. here's the him problem, all rig? and this is just me talking. the possibility of indicting him on a gun charge, which is think is appropriate, took them five yeariss to get to a plea agreement, and now they can indict him iean 30 days. what does that tell you about the legitimacy of david wise and his investigation. but more important is the fact that there is a diversion agreement between the united states attorney and hunter biden's lawyer. i think it's abby and i said before, they don't get any smarter than abby lowell. as a prosecutor, if i have a diversion agreement with a defendant and e a defense re attorneyem, it's between me and the defensee attorney. if i have a plea deal, i need court's permission. but as a diversion agreement, a it's me and the defendant sayin' we're goins g to work this out. i guaranty we're going to see legal argument on whether or not, if and when that indictment comes out, that indictment can, in fact, supercede the diversion agreement. i'm not so sure that it can. because you don't need the so s court's approval to enter a diversion t agreement, and they' alreadt y acted upon it and, in factag, they've filed with the court that, indeed, we have been complying with the conditions of the diversion agreement of the gun don't get me wrong, the guy should have been indicted five years ago as quickly as they can do it now. but i think they're in a little bit of legal hot water here. >> dana: what happens or what changes, harold, if there is an indictment of hunter biden on a gun recharge? >> jesse: i thinisk an indictmeg on any charge is serious. first of an all, i think the ju, what she just said i think is really really important to amplify. the diversion ifagreement, abby lowell has already indicated thatt that's going to be an ofd of defense that he will put l forward very soon, i assume in a public proceeding.a it leads me to believe judge that there might be something else. >> judge jeanine: yeah. >> jesse: that this could be either a new charge, a new gun r charge or some other new charges. because i don't know how you get around -- the judge explained in sussinowg sinkly and compelling don't know how youhat. get arou that. it seems to me to be foolish to bring a set of charges the judge would say you can't do because you have this agreement.ou let me say a couple other things. first, i've always said president lwbiden,ay two questi if hide used his official offic to help his son and/or receive benefit for something that his son was doing, that's a problemt an'sd i think a lot of democrat republicans, independents alike would say wso. two, this guy philip bump behaved like a partisan politician in thised interview.n i'm a believer that we have to have journalists on all sides ask very, very tough questions. but when you're asked a question as a journalist that upends a theory that you may have been promoting, you can't walk g,a politician can walk out buti journalist can't walk out so it wapos disappointing and disturbg that. i know mr. comer and others in the congress are asking for, i believe mr. weiss and others to come beforbee the committee and come and testify as to what happened. i hope the ty could show a litt restraint because we are and intoing ourselves, i think, closer and closer to finding out t exactly what's happened and if, indeed legal charges should be brought. i think the politics in it willr do nothing but aggravate both sides and make it more difficult to get to the bottom of this. i'm interested in the truth here and if the truth is uncomfortable fos r me and my party so be it, if it's not so be it. we can't get there unless we have the justice department and others doing this. >> judge jeanine: but it is th o politics that has brought us tht truth of allhe of this and not e justice department. >> jesse: it was the judge. >> judge jeanine: in this casep it was the judge but all of the information we're getting about th.e failure to interrogate hunter biden because he got a heads-up, all this stuff about s kate benning field giving answers to eric for an interview for the new york times we're not talking about favoritism we're talking abou t collusion between us the white house and hunter biden and his parties. >> jesse: i don't disagree. >> judge jeanine: that ought to be investigated. >> jesse: but it was the judicial branch that did this. when those two parties came beforeen t them and said you guo not havedo a meeting of the min on what this is about, that's what wei exploded all this. >> jesse: so why did david weiss do this? >> dana: that's the question. >> greg: in your face. >> dana: up nexts the climate change scientist making a shocking admission that democrats will not want to hear. a shocking admission the democrats ♪ ♪ bath fitter is a better way to remodel your tub. precise measuring means the perfect fit. the bath fitter tub over tub process means no mess or stress. a custom-made tub and seamless wall mean a watertight fit. premium acrylic means it lasts a lifetime. and all this together means a great value. bath fitter. it just fits. visit to book your free consultation. listen up, you dogs with allergic itch! today's talking lesson is just one word: apoquel. ap--o--quel. ♪ you can't teach your itchy dog to talk..., talk to your vet about apoquel. apoquel is for the control of allergic itch in dogs. do not use apoquel in dogs with serious infections. apoquel may increase the chances of developing serious infections... ...and may cause existing parasitic skin infections or pre-existing cancers to worsen. new neoplasias have been observed. i'm glad we speak the same language. ask your vet for apoquel. ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: welcome back. a top climate scientist is busting the democrats climate change scam which they swear is going to destroy the planet anytime now. >> the world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change. >> it is clear the clock is not just ticking, it is banging. >> that's what's boiling the oceans, creating these atmospheric rivers and the rain bombs. >> climate change is the crisis of our lifetime. we have an obligation to future generations. >> just as the climate crisis is manmade scientific accepted fact around the world. >> climate scientist patrick brown making a shocking admission on how global warming data gets manipulated in order to apiece the world's leading academic journals. quote i left out the full truth to get my climate change published. he claims woke editors only want to hear certain narratives like how human activity is the primary cause of extreme weather events. the journal that published his piece is pushing back and claiming that they only print things based on the basis of the quality and timeliness of their science. all right. jesse, democrats for years have told us to trust the science. but between what twitter files revealed and now this admission, don't you have a little question not even to mention fauci? >> jesse: of course. and it's not about science it's about scientific theory and only certain scientific theories are published, because that's where the money is. and the money's corrupting everything. it's corrupting the food industry, defense appropriation. you name it, where the money is, that's where people are going to follow. and if you print something that is saying that maybe manmade global warming isn't destroying all of these wilderness environments, oceans, it's not going to be published because then the donations from the politicians and the grants from the federal government just stop. and then you're discredited and ostracized in the scientific community for not banging the same drum as everybody else. and you have to be really brave now to pursue the truth. it used to be the majority of scientists pursued it now the majority don't. they just pursue the money and acceptance in their industry and i'm afraid that you're just going to have bad science, junk science and everyone's going to think it's real. >> judge jeanine: you know, harold, the whistleblower's article reveals what we've been saying all along and that is the left wing media and academia use climate change for their own political agenda. and if they truly respected and cared about saving the planet, they would at least be open to some discussion. >> jesse: so i make no defense for anyone that does not share all of the truth in whatever they may be talking about, especially as it relates to climate. i think one of the frustrating things for a lot of people whom i think are reasonable minded on this is we all know that we have some forces in our atmosphere that are working against us. in fact, you can't -- border residents are having a hard time getting homeowner's insurance i'm not saying because of climate change but we have to look at it. the ice shelf decreased by 50% the last two decades, something is happening. now for those the climate activists who want to stand out in front and block roadways to burning man or in that part of the country, or for those who would tape themselves to the ground and not allow people to go and engage in commerce is silly. for those who say we can't think about energy in a serious way when we are finding ourselves in a war with ukraine and russians because we're not thinking about energy that's silly. we're going to think about it the 25-30 years but not 2-3 years. so these activists that say these things are not being productive not only to their message but they're not productive to the end goal they want to meet. for those of us who want energy and not have to fight wars for it we're not being serious if we don't realize fossil fuels will be part of our energy matrix and future for the foreseeable future. >> judge jeanine: and part of our safety >> harold: totally. >> judge jeanine: dana who do you criticize the scientists or the media? >> dana: well, i think it actually goes to one other entity which is what do we always say? follow the money. where does the money come from for these studies? it comes from philanthropists who have think tanks and they get to decide what science gets published. the scientists don't. he said it himself. he said these publications are the gate keepers to career success in the field of science. and if you look back -- if you look at all of this, i think we talked about this before, all of these entities are chasing this money. they all want the money. how do they get the money? they have to make sure the donors are happy. if the donors aren't happy if you're saying climate change might not be the reasons all this is happening, he points out about the wildfires being started mainly by humans and that we need better forest management and he basically says, i never would have been able to get this printed in a publication because of the blocks from the editors but the editors get, what, their money from either the foundations or advertisers and it goes right back to them. >> judge jeanine: you know, greg, 59% of the democrats say climate change is a top priority. so how important is the issue of climate change as it relates to the millennial vote, getting that vote? >> greg: i have no idea. because most of it is virtue signaling. no one here is ever -- there's a straw man argument here where we start talking -- and what time is isn't it 5:34. it's time to destroy harold ford again. when we're talking about climate >> harold: happy to be around. >> greg: when you talk about climate you can't pick and choose one part of the earth and say oh, my god, did you see the ice, there's less ice here but then you find out there's more ice over here. they never tell you the measurements all around the globe, okay? no one is saying that climate isn't changing. what we are saying is the business model is a monumental grift. and until you are honest with the american people about how you're spending this money, we do not trust you. i do trust harold, i do believe what harold is saying. and he's being very reasoned on this. but that's not what the argument is about. the argument is about what -- like you said, this is a world based on greed and incentives and you can't blame weak minds in academic circles who really want a fishing cabin or want a fly business next to jesse watters. so imagine this. you're there and you look at people like judith curry or lomberg or michael shellenberger and you go why are those guys such suckers? right? they're only on fox. they could be on every show. they could have big giant books but they don't. why don't they come to the troth with us, you know, and just say this stuff. it's unprovable. the compute, models we can change them anytime you want. come here you'll make billions, the inflation reduction act was all a climate corrupt hoax. that's a hoax, not talking about climate change, talking about the business model. it's corrupt no one should trust it. by the way, nobody does and that's the thing harold, i think even democrats realize this was a ruse, so you can point out all the ice you want, harold, it don't matter. >> harold: can i agree that we have -- the climate has changed for the worse over the last 20 years. can we. >> greg: probably also changed for the better. in fact -- >> harold: there's not a place where there's more ice. >> greg: let's put it this way. more people die from cold weather than warm weather. so if you're going to just use the ultimate variable which is life span, you would be happy if the planet gets slightly warmer because that makes areas more livable for people. people don't live in frozen areas they live in warm areas, sometime it gets too hot they've got to get out but again i destroy you harold and i feel bad about this. >> judge jeanine: and you should because we love harold. do you want to say one more thing? >> harold: the water is hotter today than it's ever been around the country. >> judge jeanine: you are right -- what did he say? all right. america's worst former mayor has a new job. lori lightfoot teaching kids at harvard on how to run a city. yeah, into the ground. ♪ ♪ d. mara, are you sure you don't want -to go bowling with us tonight? -yeah. no. there's my little marzipan! [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs! we're just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ imitates trumpet playing ] and we wanted to thank america's number-one motorcycle insurer -for saving us money. -thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are -- exactly like me? i know, right? well, cherish your friends and loved ones. let's roll, daddio! let's boogie-woogie! ♪ ♪ >> jesse: america's tik tok dancing ex chicago mayor is going to the ivy league. lori lightfoot starting her new role as a harvard lecturer where she teaches the next generation how they too can ruin a good city through shear incompetence including a community leading where you can ignore the crime concerns of your residents and mock press conferences where you can only pick on reporters of color like when she said she would only grant one on one interviews with black and brown journalists. >> when i look out across this podium as i'm doing now i don't see much in the way of diversity. to suggest that somehow i'm saying certain journalists are racist? really? no. the facts are the facts. >> jesse: okay. so do you think people are knocking each other over, judge, to take this class in the fall? >> judge jeanine: probably, it's harvard. >> jesse: you think so? >> judge jeanine: yeah, it's harvard. but you know what? only at harvard would they have the doors wide open for people who have been voted out of office and think that they should be teaching the next generation of corporate -- of leaders, how to run a city, how to run a corporation. remember bill de blasio did a real mess in new york city as i believe a lecturer at harvard. but, you know, dealing with the peed i can't? she says i'll only talk to black and brown people and not white people. and by the way how not to run a city, carjacking went up 204% while she was the mayor. not 10, not 20. she's a mess. >> jesse: harold she's teaching a course in health policy and leadership. where do you think she has those credentials? >> harold: well, we'll see. i'm a little bit of a contrarian here. people who lose campaign are people who have rocky ten yours when they're in executive office meaning mayor governor president, may have something to offer. i think kids and young people and those studying public policy and public leadership i hope ask her the very tough questions. i would love to go up and maybe audit one of the classes to here some of the smartest students in the country ask what did you do so wrong to make people turn on you four years later? do you think it was crime? do you think it was a lack of healthcare. in a serious not poking fun. no, no, what would you have done differently? because you obviously ran on an agenda and didn't a chief the things you wanted to achieve and do you blame that on -- her answer may be that she blames everybody and i hope if you're a student you say that's not the model. i hope she gives honest answers. >> judge jeanine: she would only take the question from you nonetheless. >> jesse: >> harold: i don't know about that. >> jesse: we'll send harold ford jr. to harvard under cover and see what we get i i'm surprised at the media not being shocked about this. kidding. any republican who leaves an administration and goes to work for an oil company or a pharmaceutical company or lobbying for something, some sort of other big auto thing or something. >> jesse: or fox news. >> dana: 100% and then they'll say this is a disgusting revolving door. well, what happens in liberal circles? they all go to academia and you wonder why americans at large are saying what is going on with the problems with academia today. also, on this very day, harvard was named worst school for free speech scoring below zero after nine professors and researchers faced calls to be disciplined or fired for voicing controversial opinions, this was done by the foundation for individual rights and expression. so i think that it would be a great question to put to her to say, do you regret saying you would only take questions from reporters based on their skin color for that day? do you regret that? because it set her off -- that was kind of the beginning of the end of her tenure. >> jesse: greg gutfeld? >> greg: this is weird. i thought she had a career in modeling. that's fire. f-i-r-e. i goes is that fire? you said no it's foundation. >> founddation for individual --. >> greg: that's the best thing ever. in this landscape of decay ever incompetent leftist has a six figure or seven figure safety net. right? any squad member that exits congress will have a seat on some board of a company because you need do that. your life is set, unlike you. if you go to the capitol on january 6th and you wear a funny hat, you go to jail. but if you preside over, say, the mass murder of young blacks in a city while extolling racist principles and the racist culture in history you get plum seats at a university and lucrative speaking gigs. that's how it works. >> jesse: liberty university has said if anything happens to you here at fox there is a plum teaching assignment waiting for you. >> dana: they did? >> greg: jesse i got a call from devry they are willing to give you a seat. >> jesse: really? i shouldn't want that >> coming up meet your new robot co-worker or overlord. the fastest is up next. devry. ♪ so much more now? other companies are charging you more and more for less and less. and we hate that! that's why force factor has partnered with walmart to provide amazing supplements at great prices for all americans. force factor products use clinically studied patented ingredients to powerfully improve your health. they're also delicious, easy to use and affordable. that's why force factor is now the number one best selling herbs and supplements brand at walmart. rush to walmart and unleash your potential with force factor. - [narrator] wounded warrior project helped me find the strength to go further than i ever thought possible. - [narrator] i was able to come outta my shell and really connect with others. - [narrator] so i can feel like part of a team, part of the community again. - [narrator] it's possible to live better. - [narrator] it's possible to have a voice and to be heard. - [narrator] to feel understood. - [narrator] to find peace. - because i've experienced firsthand that anything is possible. (inspirational music) here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-in search eg but it doesn't spy on your seac and our browser blocks creepy ads that follow you around fro and other companies. and it's free. download duckduk ♪ ♪ >> harold: welcome back time for the fastest. boarding the airplane without your spouse is a death sentence for most folks but not this fellow. a husband parking a debate asking if he is the a hole for getting on a flight without his wife because she was running late getting starbucks. did she get him one. greg you have an opinion. >> greg: i can understand when you're with your girlfriend. here's the deal. i did this once on a train, and i can still see my wife's eyes looking at me when i boarded and i realized i was getting nothing for a month. but in my defense, and i think this is so important, and every man understands this, who the hell gets coffee at a starbucks when you're boarding when you know the line is there and you know -- it's like, we're going to wait for you while you get there and try to make up your mind? that is the most selfish thing in the world to do is to order coffee at the airport. why do you need coffee at airport? do you need to stay awake? you have stuff to do. >> jesse: and they serve it on the plane. >> greg: to important people like jesse. >> dana: thankfully peter and i have the same sense of timing and desire to be where we are on time, we don't get there too early but never push it to be too late. i don't think peter -- you know we met on a plane. so if he got on a plane without me that would probably be something. but i also find that you have to have consequences for people who are always late and going to starbucks at the last minute >> harold: ten seconds. >> jesse: there's an argument to be made that if the man stays on the plane he might have a better chance of keeping the plane from taking off while his wife is hurrying. >> greg: and getting better baggage, better compartment. >> jesse: perhaps >> harold: judge do you agree with this set of arguments here? >> judge jeanine: i wouldn't be upset. there would be an agreement. look, if you want to get coffee, i'm getting on the plane, i'll see you when i see you. it's like every man for himself. you want coffee stay in line get another flight >> harold: you speak like a woman who left her husband at the airport. one more thing is up next. ♪ ♪ one more thing is up to contain proven ingredients that help patients fall asleep, stay asleep and wake refreshed their mornings. it's no longer hearing that he doesn't want to even begin his day. i'm telling you, relaxium is the real deal. >> relaxium is drug free and not addictive, so you can take relaxium every night and never worry about side effects. and the best part is it can start working from the very first night in a double blind placebo clinical trial relaxium sleep help people fall asleep 140% faster. stay asleep over 200% longer and wake up feeling refreshed. relaxium has been a miracle for us since american tourist is improved. >> our marriage then changed our lives once. >> unbelievable. stop being afraid of scary health issues and start sleeping your fears away with relaxium sleep your body and your mind. well, thank you relaxium sleep is so confident that it will work for you. they're giving away 1000 bottles. call 800 419 1286 or go to tried tribe relaxium sleep risk free for 30 days. that's 800 for one nine 1286 or go to try relaxium dot com. >> fox nation brings you closer to the truth. now is the time to be completely on with exclusive crime stories you can't see anywhere else. you believe the killer is still out there. that's what i believe. all part of fox justice on fox nation. sign up and get your first three months of fox nation for 199 omt data. okay, so jesse, does he have a hairpiece or not? >> we're not exactly sure.ut >> but check out this woman. her name is tammy manning.tamm oh, she's a tennessee nurse. >> and she recently set a record for the longest competitive mullet for a femal e . her business in the front party in the back hairdo. s lo how you say that measures an impressive five feet, eight inches long. that'stahan he taller than her.l it's earning her a spot in the 2024 guinness book of world records. you havetoyou have a ways to go. >> she's been growing her hair since the earl y 19 90. >> i got to call her for some advice. well, it's weird having that hair if you're a>> greg: w hairi i mean, get that in a wound. i don't like that. okay. tonigh.t, one more. >> gutfeld joe machi, andrew gruel, captain tyrus, 10 p.m.. >> it's going to be a great show. let's do this. greg's bee sting news. >> a lot of bees around town. >> and this was my hand this weekend. check that out. whoa. been stungy i haven't been stune in, i don't know, 30, 40 years.. revolting. yeah. they're often attracted >>se: revo they ar, especially blue. and, you know, my eyes are blue. jesse, you look at them every da my. >> bright people. yes. and yeah. and so we stumbled, and i refused to go to thea or u i doctor until i could no longer move my fingers. >> now i'm the real hero. i'd be 100 bucks.atters yes, that's job well done. p tonigh t, jesse watters, primetime. is the government controlling the weather? a prima "primeinvestige time in. not a joke, greg. oh, not a joke l. >> like your bee stung hand. this is serious. that's it, harold. >> congratulations to captainrr larry y taylor, the 81 year oldo who was awarded the medal of honor, a presidential medal of honorr last night forseen his bravery during the vietnam war. tennessean himselfself, lewis ca attack helicopter through enemy fire to saveeconnais foura of a reconnaissance team from almost certainth death in june n 1968. captain taylor defied orders to return to base and risk his life to carry out the mission. 3500 m3500 u.s. military personl have received the medal of honor out of 40 million who have served since the civil war. congratulations, young fellow. >> so defying orders could get you an award? yeah, if>> harolve you save. >> that's good to know.>> that is really good information. you may get one tomorrow. hartomorrowall right, joe. okay. check this out. for 1900 year old swords havea o been discovereted in a remote cave overlooking the dead sea in an israeli desert. re leading archeologists to believe that they were the beauty of who rose up against roman and jewish. >> the desert location overlooking the dead sea was a hideout for jewish rebel jewis against the romans, who controlled what was then judea betweeudeatween thn the fy b.c. and second century a.d.. anyone calling charlton heston is like excalibur. >> what waharltos that folktalee you pulled the silver stamp of f the world?se o >> they should test those songs to see if that part of the world. >> jesse idea for fox nationea jewish posted by jesse waters. >> you always beat me to that. i know. oe punci. >> don't worry. we'll do it together. i do the show if i'm not jewish. well , good question. >> only by your roman. by the advice of counsel. ve a >> we got to stop. all right away now. okay. all right. ♪ >> that's it for us. have a great. >> welcome to jesse watters. prime time tonight jesse. t. >> every vice president understands that when they take the oath that t bethey must be very clear abo the responsibility they may haveth to take over the job of being president. >> kamala harris coming for the throne. >> i didn't necessarily want t to be given all this attentionjt just because of my agenda. >> it takese of mys a very brave and unique person to do this, to be a first.

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Marketplace , Competitors , Belief , Side , 4 , 8 , Lot , Someone , Issue , Karen Finney , Theer American People , Goods , Surprise Icanyone , Sexiste , Something , Part , Some , Feeling , Front Runner , Point , Rt Voters F , Like America S Insurance Policy , Vp , Hibiden , Judg , Ru , Reelection , Thos , Ge You , Restraint , I Wouldn T , Jeanine , Judge , Is , Joe S Insurance L Policy , Everyone E , Joe Biden Y , She Snt Doing , Ie Mean , Border , Czar , Interest , Wn , Boarder , Line , She T Hasn Beehen , 3 , Book , O Havingr , There Re An D , Position , Else , Can , Honesty , Cheat Sht , No One Else , Guy , Iowa , Awards Ceremony , Mask , War Veteran , Sit Down , Ttoo , Identity Politics , Thing , Middle , Length , Identit Politics , Person , Respect , This , Instance , Palha Ht , Democrats T , Republicans , Choices , Independents , Othee , Polling , Campaign , Somebody , Harder Thing H It , Target , Opportunity , Alsino , Fine , Shot , Whatever , Event , India , Window , Okay , Tomorrowth , I Don T Know , Meeting , Sort , Leaders , Thine , Interactions , Notion , Pre Meeting She S , Bill Richardson , Decision , The , Way Back Machine , Don T You Dare , Barack Obama , Bill Clinton , Fun , 2008 , Hillary Clinton , O , Uga Real Good , Little History Lesson , Clinton Loyalist , Wow , Shirt , Joe Didn T Go , He Doesn T Havirt Et , Lessons , S Going , Dr , Weay , Head Dress , Doctor , Eye Test , Level , Peace Pipe , Anndd , Answer , Ith , Gaps , Sensitivity , Statements St , Talks , Question , Joe S Healthy , Vice Presidents , Scrutiny , Leg , It Don T Matter , Possibility Th , Gavin Newsome , Doing Nga Segment , Theng Throne , Nominee , Time , People Don T Care , Th Se Pageantry , Fact , Circumstance , She Hasn T , Choreography , Pomp , Venn Diagrams , Ohaf , Europe , Quote , Staff , Majority , Border Czar Job , Head , African American , Ford , The Book , Yothu , Shein , Hypothesizing , Interpretation , Confidence , Minorities , Sources , The Street , Primary , Yes , Map , Candidate , Democratic , E It S J Reciprocal Becauseea , Shgee , Al Quitting Harold , Team , Challengome , Win , Overw , Te O Bebi , Republicans Shine , Weren T , Abo Lying , Analyze , Lying , Do You Remember Wheo N Everything , Inn , Changing Harold Progress , She Didn T S Giggle , Devie Duckduckgo , Breaking News , Face , Hunter Biden Ih , D To Duckduckgo , Blocks Cooi , Doesn T Spy , Searchs , Pi , Engine , Duckduckgo , Built N , Google , Chrome , Ads , Companie , Privacy , Catch , Millions , Fre , Devices , David Weiss , Charge , Son , Hunter Biden , Case , Battles , Problems , Press , Felony Gun Charge , Sweetheart Plea Deal , Heels , Columnist Snapping , Prison G , National Post , 29 , Idea , Interview , Hunter Text , Hunter Text Message , Walking , Income , Adult Daughter , Pop , Outs , 50 , 2018 , Evidence , Nothing , Anybody , I Don T , I Don T Know Ed , Dit , Messag E , Money , Text , Pop 50 , Leave , Fine De It , Washington Post , Do You , Well Wha , G Dana , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703

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overseas to indonesia, and she came back in his place for a big summit, and that's where she reminded voters that she's one sandbag away from the top job. >> do you feel prepared for that possibility, has serving vice-president prepared you for serving for that job. >> yes., joe biden is going to be fine so that is not going to come to fruition. but let usus a also understand every vice-president, every vice-president understands that when they take the oath, that they must be very clear about ib the responsibility they may have to take over the job of being president. i am no different. >> greg: oh, yes, you are. but before she a sends the throne kamala still has to play the game and butter up her boss. >> our president has been an extraordinary leader who has accomplished things that rd previous presidentins hoped and dreamed and promised they wouldo do andpe did not achieve. i see how his ability to understand the issues and weave through complication issues on behalf oicf the american people have played out. >> greg: who is she talking about? and if you dare get in her way there will be hell to pay. kamala's allies are warning gavin newsom to stay away from a presidential run or they're tary an ad feather him as a racist.ti won strategist saying quote when you have people trying to test the waters thehe party rose up d made it clear to those du individuals, who areal mostly white men, that to disrespect si the vice-president would not be well b received by women and people of color within the party. it got a little bit of a smack in thein harold, this is amazing. by the way, great to see you ate the table. hope the u.s. open is treating you well >> harold: thank you. >> greg: you got a tan i can see >> harold: thank you. >> greg: sito it's going to be racist to pick gavin over kamala but not racist to keep supporting the oldest white dude on earth.the how do you make sense of this? >> harold: good to be back. couple things. i'm not surprised what she would say what she said about being s vice-president and being ready to step in. that's what vice-presidents do.e i don't know of any vice-president in thp e historyn the country that would not say y that. two, if for some reason joe biden doesif not run, and vice-president harris decides ts run, i think she would expect, t has to expect to have a number of competitors, because people o believe this race here would position to serve 4-8 years especially president trump, there's belief on the democrat side he can be defeated. so you would have a competitive marketplace which i don't think should surprise icanyone. i take issue, i know karen finney, i like her a lot. i don't think it's racist or sexiste to say that someone ele believes they have the goods and they have the ability to speak m to theer american people meet tm where they are and help them rise to a different point just e because they are a a white male or hispanic male or whatever, they have to go before the rt voters f, i understand there mao be hurt feeling on the part of some in the party that the vice-president may not be the e front runner if something like this was to happen, i think t president hibiden's going to ru for reelection but i'm not one to always reduce things to race and i think this is one of thos moments where we ought to show some restraint. >> greg: never. judg ge you know how the vp is supposed tw o be like america's insurance policy. actually she's joe's insurance l policy. right? isn't that hilarious? >> judge jeanine: yeah. >> greg: like he has to stay in because she can't be president. >> judge jeanine: everyone e knows, i mean, why would you impeach joe biden.y wo look at what you get. but what i think is so fascinating is, when she says that, you know, she can tackle the presidency, she's up to it, i e mean, how can she do that wn she has no apparent interest ine anything she'snt doing. she's the border czar, she's been the boarder czar and she t hasn't beehen to the border in 3 days. she had one trip an.d according to this new book there's a part of it that says that she doesn't want to work ok women's issues or anything o havingr to do with race. >> greg: oh, i like her now. >> judge jeanine: but i think, you know what? i think people want honesty. when you get up there and you say i've watched joe biden and j he is in a position where he can handle things and resolve them in a way where no one else can, or in a way that no one else can,wa the guy needs a cheat sht to figure out when to stand up, when ttoo sit down, when to leao he was at the awards ceremony, when was it? yesterday? he left as soon -- by the way without his mask, because he puts it on the war veteran and he just leaves in the middle of it. you know, and let me just say one thing about gavin newsom. i mean, you know, identity politics only goes a certain way -- to a certain length. when they start playing identit politics, that she is entitled because she she is that person. to disrespect someone you have to have respect for them in the first instance and i'm not so sure she has that. >> greg: palha ht.. what do you make of all this i dana. this is what happens with identity politics you end up making bad choices and the othee choices are kept out. >> dana: when you look at some of the polling from democrats from kamala harris, that's what i would focus on because she's not going to win over republicans she knows that, they do need to win over independents yes but she's in a position of having to convince democrats t that she could do do it. that's actually a harder thing.h it's alsino getting very late f any other democrat to stand up a national campaign that's other than the vice-president. so i think if there was a target of opportunity for somebody like gavin newsom or whoever might be at this table to take a shot, that window is closing quite rapidly. watching her at this event, a okay, fine, that's great. whatever. it's fine. but compare that to what you'll see this weekend. joe biden leaves for india tomorrowth. it's a big meeting that's sort of -- she's at -- sort of the pre meeting she's at and so you'll see his interactions with those leaders compared and will he be in a max? i don't know. the other thine g about this notion that democrats would send a shot to gavin newsom saying don't you dare. do you remember, go back in the way back machine with me, in 2008, the late bill richardson, former governor and somebody who worked at the un for bill clinton he made a decision to endorse barack obama over hillary clinton even though he was uga real good -- a major clinton loyalist, partly because he wanted to win. and he thought that the way that they could win was with obama, o turns out he was right. >> greg: there you go.>> >> dana: little history lesson. >> greg: wow. see. jesse do you have any history en lessons. >> jesse: i wonder do you have to weay d r that funny shirt? sometimes they make you.hi that's why joe didn't go. he didn't want to wear the funny shirt. >> greg: he', s going to india though. >> jesse: he doesn't havirt.e t wear a funny shirt. >> greg: he'll have to wear a head dress, bring a peace pipe. >> jesse: no. do you know how sometimes when you have to do your eye test at the doctor and they go to the lower level. >> dana: yeah? >> jesse: anndd you start going? t? that's how kamala talks. she's just guessing and leaving wide gaps between the answer that she gave on the vice-president being able to take over the presidency i didn't think was good, harold. here's why. there's extra sensitivity to th. question because he's the oldest president we've ever had. so she's not like all the other past vice-presidents. so there's extra scrutiny on her and that answer, and that answer she showed way too much leg. you just say joe's healthy, i don't even consider it a that's it: and now we're doing nga segment on it because she'si coming for theng throne. gavin newsome is probably going to challenge if something happens to joe, and doesn't matter about raclee or gender, e money is going to tell you who's the nominee. that's it. people don't care, you'll see where the money goes. visually to see her strut through th se pageantry was the first time i could actually imagine her as president. and i just can't take her seriously. knowing all the ridiculous things she said, despite the -- pomp and circumstance and the great choreography, i'm just reminded ohaf the fact that she loves venn diagrams and that she hasn't been to europe either. i just can't get that out of my head. you know, yothu had that quote from the book by ford, the judge said, said she doesn't want to do anything about race or gender. then shein said, but i want a n majority of my staff to be african-american and then she quit her border czar job. it just doesn't give you a lot of confidence. >> greg: she didn't want to be around minorities. >> jesse: is that your interpretation? >> greg: i'm just hypothesizing, that's what i heard on the street. >> from your sources. >> greg: yes. >> judge jeanine: mayb: e it's j reciprocal becauseea they're al quitting >> harold: if she does run because circumstance present itself she'll have to win a primary. >> jesse: more than one map manuel, she would have to win the democratic primary but she will be a stronger candidate if shgee has to do it and if i wer her team i would welcome that challengome because to win overw republicans shine would have to show-this is hypothetical joe biden is going te o bebi the to nominee. be >> greg: you're crazy. >> judge jeanine: what's interesting is that she didn't laugh her way through that answer about being vice-president. she didn't s giggle she always giggles. she's changing >> harold: progress. >> greg: do you remember wheo n everything was about trump abo lying? he just lieso analyze analyze. have you ever seen that much lying. inn we just -- i mean, weren't they supposed to be better than this? i mean that was minutes, pure minutes ever lyingat there with straight face. straight ahead, some breaking news, looks like hunter biden ih about to get indicted. ♪d. ♪ to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch, it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ ♪ >> dana: breaking news for hunter biden's legal battles, special counsel david weiss telling the in charge of the first son's case he plans to indict him on on september 29t the felony gun charge on the heels of the sweetheart plea deal meant to save the first son from going to prison.g and while hunter's legal problems mount some of the press seem to be looking the other l way. national post national columnist snapping and walking outs of an interview after getting pressed on things 2018 hunter text message. >> what do you take from the text message to his adult daughter, hunter text, i have te give 50% of my income to pop. >> i have no idea what that means. i don't. i have d no idea what that mean >> well, it's -- >>do i know circumstantial evidence. >> well what could it be. >>idea i have no idea. i don't know. >> has anybody asked her? >> i don't know.ed i don't know. so i have nothing else h>> i to about dit. >> yeah but you say there's no evidence but there's a text messag e where he says i give pop 50% of my money. that's evidence. >> okay. well wha t do you -- okay, fine, it's evidence. i feel like you want me to leave, walk out in the middle of this. >> you can go. >> all right. >> is this the standard really? this is the way the washington post handles the way people ng disagree with them. >> whes?n i agree to be on 45 minutes and then i get on for an hour and 1ho5 after a while i g. >>dana: legal thing in a minute but having watched that again greg i have to say i can understand walking out of an interview if you were insulted or disrespected but not because you were presented with a fact. >> greg: not because you were getting your>> butted royally kicked. that was like mike tyson pummeling a koala baby and i don't endorse that.t what you you saw there, what was amazing was the ultimate air against of an elite journalist inelit philip bump. how dare you y ask me. i'jom a journalist. how dare you ask me for facts, how dare youdare ask me to just my lacing he's been on journalism welfare, he's been wrong more than homer simpson's gotten wrong. and thms he democrats fallen inn excuse, i'll use a jesse analogy. sure ia go to a strip club but don't that's how they talk about hunter. hunter's badan but trump is wor anhis d they've been dealing th for years. like sam harris do you remember what har he said? >> dana: i can't remember. >> greg: he said if hunter literally had murdered children in his basement he wouldn't care because trump is worse. and so what you're seeing there is another admission of derangement, that they cannot admit, they cannot -- bump is so wrong he had nowhere to go except to leave. it's quite humerus. >> dana: it also showsre jesse that this question really hasn't been presented outside of conservative media. >> jesse: so you have to have, guess muscle tone if you are going to go up with someone with an opposing ideology. we have jessica, we have harold so we have to fight over facts. i have to go up against people that ask me about january 6th, that ask me about all of the trump trials. i have to defend everything. these people like bump, they mp don't have to do anything and they've never even been presented with a challenge. so they get up there and they're limp, you know like you spar at a gym you've never sparred before can you can't go five ro can't even go half a round. that's what happens. he's not politically athletic enough and doesn't have the chops to answer the smoking gun document that's one of the biggest smoking gu n documents that we've seen from the laptop. the laptop which has been la authenticated by his boss at the washington post. this guy's supposed to be one of the top journalists at the post and he has no idea. and honestly he doesn't even care. >> greg: no. >> jesse: has anybody asked?o id i don't know. what are a you asking me for? oh, i don't know, because it's your job to ask the question. it gives me -- i've watched it 17 times. >> greg: yes.ou >> can i ask you how it felt. >> it felt? -- >> can't do it. >> as your lawyer and friend he's not going to answer. >> dana: judge, on the philip bump interview or the indictmenn that could be coming before september 29th. >> judge jeanine: well, first oe all, i got a copy of the decision from the court. it really is a status report. and they say that, given the request or the attempt to guaranty a speedy trial, that anything that's going to be an filed has to be filed by september 29th. and now the united states attorney special counsel david weiss ista apparently indicatin he will indict hunter biden by september 29th. so the question is, what is he going to indiceptet him on? all indications are they're going to indict him on the gun charge. here's the him problem, all rig? and this is just me talking. the possibility of indicting him on a gun charge, which is think is appropriate, took them five yeariss to get to a plea agreement, and now they can indict him iean 30 days. what does that tell you about the legitimacy of david wise and his investigation. but more important is the fact that there is a diversion agreement between the united states attorney and hunter biden's lawyer. i think it's abby and i said before, they don't get any smarter than abby lowell. as a prosecutor, if i have a diversion agreement with a defendant and e a defense re attorneyem, it's between me and the defensee attorney. if i have a plea deal, i need court's permission. but as a diversion agreement, a it's me and the defendant sayin' we're goins g to work this out. i guaranty we're going to see legal argument on whether or not, if and when that indictment comes out, that indictment can, in fact, supercede the diversion agreement. i'm not so sure that it can. because you don't need the so s court's approval to enter a diversion t agreement, and they' alreadt y acted upon it and, in factag, they've filed with the court that, indeed, we have been complying with the conditions of the diversion agreement of the gun don't get me wrong, the guy should have been indicted five years ago as quickly as they can do it now. but i think they're in a little bit of legal hot water here. >> dana: what happens or what changes, harold, if there is an indictment of hunter biden on a gun recharge? >> jesse: i thinisk an indictmeg on any charge is serious. first of an all, i think the ju, what she just said i think is really really important to amplify. the diversion ifagreement, abby lowell has already indicated thatt that's going to be an ofd of defense that he will put l forward very soon, i assume in a public proceeding.a it leads me to believe judge that there might be something else. >> judge jeanine: yeah. >> jesse: that this could be either a new charge, a new gun r charge or some other new charges. because i don't know how you get around -- the judge explained in sussinowg sinkly and compelling don't know how youhat. get arou that. it seems to me to be foolish to bring a set of charges the judge would say you can't do because you have this agreement.ou let me say a couple other things. first, i've always said president lwbiden,ay two questi if hide used his official offic to help his son and/or receive benefit for something that his son was doing, that's a problemt an'sd i think a lot of democrat republicans, independents alike would say wso. two, this guy philip bump behaved like a partisan politician in thised interview.n i'm a believer that we have to have journalists on all sides ask very, very tough questions. but when you're asked a question as a journalist that upends a theory that you may have been promoting, you can't walk g,a politician can walk out buti journalist can't walk out so it wapos disappointing and disturbg that. i know mr. comer and others in the congress are asking for, i believe mr. weiss and others to come beforbee the committee and come and testify as to what happened. i hope the ty could show a litt restraint because we are and intoing ourselves, i think, closer and closer to finding out t exactly what's happened and if, indeed legal charges should be brought. i think the politics in it willr do nothing but aggravate both sides and make it more difficult to get to the bottom of this. i'm interested in the truth here and if the truth is uncomfortable fos r me and my party so be it, if it's not so be it. we can't get there unless we have the justice department and others doing this. >> judge jeanine: but it is th o politics that has brought us tht truth of allhe of this and not e justice department. >> jesse: it was the judge. >> judge jeanine: in this casep it was the judge but all of the information we're getting about th.e failure to interrogate hunter biden because he got a heads-up, all this stuff about s kate benning field giving answers to eric for an interview for the new york times we're not talking about favoritism we're talking abou t collusion between us the white house and hunter biden and his parties. >> jesse: i don't disagree. >> judge jeanine: that ought to be investigated. >> jesse: but it was the judicial branch that did this. when those two parties came beforeen t them and said you guo not havedo a meeting of the min on what this is about, that's what wei exploded all this. >> jesse: so why did david weiss do this? >> dana: that's the question. >> greg: in your face. >> dana: up nexts the climate change scientist making a shocking admission that democrats will not want to hear. a shocking admission the democrats ♪ ♪ bath fitter is a better way to remodel your tub. precise measuring means the perfect fit. the bath fitter tub over tub process means no mess or stress. a custom-made tub and seamless wall mean a watertight fit. premium acrylic means it lasts a lifetime. and all this together means a great value. bath fitter. it just fits. visit to book your free consultation. listen up, you dogs with allergic itch! today's talking lesson is just one word: apoquel. ap--o--quel. ♪ you can't teach your itchy dog to talk..., talk to your vet about apoquel. apoquel is for the control of allergic itch in dogs. do not use apoquel in dogs with serious infections. apoquel may increase the chances of developing serious infections... ...and may cause existing parasitic skin infections or pre-existing cancers to worsen. new neoplasias have been observed. i'm glad we speak the same language. ask your vet for apoquel. ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: welcome back. a top climate scientist is busting the democrats climate change scam which they swear is going to destroy the planet anytime now. >> the world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change. >> it is clear the clock is not just ticking, it is banging. >> that's what's boiling the oceans, creating these atmospheric rivers and the rain bombs. >> climate change is the crisis of our lifetime. we have an obligation to future generations. >> just as the climate crisis is manmade scientific accepted fact around the world. >> climate scientist patrick brown making a shocking admission on how global warming data gets manipulated in order to apiece the world's leading academic journals. quote i left out the full truth to get my climate change published. he claims woke editors only want to hear certain narratives like how human activity is the primary cause of extreme weather events. the journal that published his piece is pushing back and claiming that they only print things based on the basis of the quality and timeliness of their science. all right. jesse, democrats for years have told us to trust the science. but between what twitter files revealed and now this admission, don't you have a little question not even to mention fauci? >> jesse: of course. and it's not about science it's about scientific theory and only certain scientific theories are published, because that's where the money is. and the money's corrupting everything. it's corrupting the food industry, defense appropriation. you name it, where the money is, that's where people are going to follow. and if you print something that is saying that maybe manmade global warming isn't destroying all of these wilderness environments, oceans, it's not going to be published because then the donations from the politicians and the grants from the federal government just stop. and then you're discredited and ostracized in the scientific community for not banging the same drum as everybody else. and you have to be really brave now to pursue the truth. it used to be the majority of scientists pursued it now the majority don't. they just pursue the money and acceptance in their industry and i'm afraid that you're just going to have bad science, junk science and everyone's going to think it's real. >> judge jeanine: you know, harold, the whistleblower's article reveals what we've been saying all along and that is the left wing media and academia use climate change for their own political agenda. and if they truly respected and cared about saving the planet, they would at least be open to some discussion. >> jesse: so i make no defense for anyone that does not share all of the truth in whatever they may be talking about, especially as it relates to climate. i think one of the frustrating things for a lot of people whom i think are reasonable minded on this is we all know that we have some forces in our atmosphere that are working against us. in fact, you can't -- border residents are having a hard time getting homeowner's insurance i'm not saying because of climate change but we have to look at it. the ice shelf decreased by 50% the last two decades, something is happening. now for those the climate activists who want to stand out in front and block roadways to burning man or in that part of the country, or for those who would tape themselves to the ground and not allow people to go and engage in commerce is silly. for those who say we can't think about energy in a serious way when we are finding ourselves in a war with ukraine and russians because we're not thinking about energy that's silly. we're going to think about it the 25-30 years but not 2-3 years. so these activists that say these things are not being productive not only to their message but they're not productive to the end goal they want to meet. for those of us who want energy and not have to fight wars for it we're not being serious if we don't realize fossil fuels will be part of our energy matrix and future for the foreseeable future. >> judge jeanine: and part of our safety >> harold: totally. >> judge jeanine: dana who do you criticize the scientists or the media? >> dana: well, i think it actually goes to one other entity which is what do we always say? follow the money. where does the money come from for these studies? it comes from philanthropists who have think tanks and they get to decide what science gets published. the scientists don't. he said it himself. he said these publications are the gate keepers to career success in the field of science. and if you look back -- if you look at all of this, i think we talked about this before, all of these entities are chasing this money. they all want the money. how do they get the money? they have to make sure the donors are happy. if the donors aren't happy if you're saying climate change might not be the reasons all this is happening, he points out about the wildfires being started mainly by humans and that we need better forest management and he basically says, i never would have been able to get this printed in a publication because of the blocks from the editors but the editors get, what, their money from either the foundations or advertisers and it goes right back to them. >> judge jeanine: you know, greg, 59% of the democrats say climate change is a top priority. so how important is the issue of climate change as it relates to the millennial vote, getting that vote? >> greg: i have no idea. because most of it is virtue signaling. no one here is ever -- there's a straw man argument here where we start talking -- and what time is isn't it 5:34. it's time to destroy harold ford again. when we're talking about climate >> harold: happy to be around. >> greg: when you talk about climate you can't pick and choose one part of the earth and say oh, my god, did you see the ice, there's less ice here but then you find out there's more ice over here. they never tell you the measurements all around the globe, okay? no one is saying that climate isn't changing. what we are saying is the business model is a monumental grift. and until you are honest with the american people about how you're spending this money, we do not trust you. i do trust harold, i do believe what harold is saying. and he's being very reasoned on this. but that's not what the argument is about. the argument is about what -- like you said, this is a world based on greed and incentives and you can't blame weak minds in academic circles who really want a fishing cabin or want a fly business next to jesse watters. so imagine this. you're there and you look at people like judith curry or lomberg or michael shellenberger and you go why are those guys such suckers? right? they're only on fox. they could be on every show. they could have big giant books but they don't. why don't they come to the troth with us, you know, and just say this stuff. it's unprovable. the compute, models we can change them anytime you want. come here you'll make billions, the inflation reduction act was all a climate corrupt hoax. that's a hoax, not talking about climate change, talking about the business model. it's corrupt no one should trust it. by the way, nobody does and that's the thing harold, i think even democrats realize this was a ruse, so you can point out all the ice you want, harold, it don't matter. >> harold: can i agree that we have -- the climate has changed for the worse over the last 20 years. can we. >> greg: probably also changed for the better. in fact -- >> harold: there's not a place where there's more ice. >> greg: let's put it this way. more people die from cold weather than warm weather. so if you're going to just use the ultimate variable which is life span, you would be happy if the planet gets slightly warmer because that makes areas more livable for people. people don't live in frozen areas they live in warm areas, sometime it gets too hot they've got to get out but again i destroy you harold and i feel bad about this. >> judge jeanine: and you should because we love harold. do you want to say one more thing? >> harold: the water is hotter today than it's ever been around the country. >> judge jeanine: you are right -- what did he say? all right. america's worst former mayor has a new job. lori lightfoot teaching kids at harvard on how to run a city. yeah, into the ground. ♪ ♪ d. mara, are you sure you don't want -to go bowling with us tonight? -yeah. no. there's my little marzipan! [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs! we're just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ imitates trumpet playing ] and we wanted to thank america's number-one motorcycle insurer -for saving us money. -thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are -- exactly like me? i know, right? well, cherish your friends and loved ones. let's roll, daddio! let's boogie-woogie! ♪ ♪ >> jesse: america's tik tok dancing ex chicago mayor is going to the ivy league. lori lightfoot starting her new role as a harvard lecturer where she teaches the next generation how they too can ruin a good city through shear incompetence including a community leading where you can ignore the crime concerns of your residents and mock press conferences where you can only pick on reporters of color like when she said she would only grant one on one interviews with black and brown journalists. >> when i look out across this podium as i'm doing now i don't see much in the way of diversity. to suggest that somehow i'm saying certain journalists are racist? really? no. the facts are the facts. >> jesse: okay. so do you think people are knocking each other over, judge, to take this class in the fall? >> judge jeanine: probably, it's harvard. >> jesse: you think so? >> judge jeanine: yeah, it's harvard. but you know what? only at harvard would they have the doors wide open for people who have been voted out of office and think that they should be teaching the next generation of corporate -- of leaders, how to run a city, how to run a corporation. remember bill de blasio did a real mess in new york city as i believe a lecturer at harvard. but, you know, dealing with the peed i can't? she says i'll only talk to black and brown people and not white people. and by the way how not to run a city, carjacking went up 204% while she was the mayor. not 10, not 20. she's a mess. >> jesse: harold she's teaching a course in health policy and leadership. where do you think she has those credentials? >> harold: well, we'll see. i'm a little bit of a contrarian here. people who lose campaign are people who have rocky ten yours when they're in executive office meaning mayor governor president, may have something to offer. i think kids and young people and those studying public policy and public leadership i hope ask her the very tough questions. i would love to go up and maybe audit one of the classes to here some of the smartest students in the country ask what did you do so wrong to make people turn on you four years later? do you think it was crime? do you think it was a lack of healthcare. in a serious not poking fun. no, no, what would you have done differently? because you obviously ran on an agenda and didn't a chief the things you wanted to achieve and do you blame that on -- her answer may be that she blames everybody and i hope if you're a student you say that's not the model. i hope she gives honest answers. >> judge jeanine: she would only take the question from you nonetheless. >> jesse: >> harold: i don't know about that. >> jesse: we'll send harold ford jr. to harvard under cover and see what we get i i'm surprised at the media not being shocked about this. kidding. any republican who leaves an administration and goes to work for an oil company or a pharmaceutical company or lobbying for something, some sort of other big auto thing or something. >> jesse: or fox news. >> dana: 100% and then they'll say this is a disgusting revolving door. well, what happens in liberal circles? they all go to academia and you wonder why americans at large are saying what is going on with the problems with academia today. also, on this very day, harvard was named worst school for free speech scoring below zero after nine professors and researchers faced calls to be disciplined or fired for voicing controversial opinions, this was done by the foundation for individual rights and expression. so i think that it would be a great question to put to her to say, do you regret saying you would only take questions from reporters based on their skin color for that day? do you regret that? because it set her off -- that was kind of the beginning of the end of her tenure. >> jesse: greg gutfeld? >> greg: this is weird. i thought she had a career in modeling. that's fire. f-i-r-e. i goes is that fire? you said no it's foundation. >> founddation for individual --. >> greg: that's the best thing ever. in this landscape of decay ever incompetent leftist has a six figure or seven figure safety net. right? any squad member that exits congress will have a seat on some board of a company because you need do that. your life is set, unlike you. if you go to the capitol on january 6th and you wear a funny hat, you go to jail. but if you preside over, say, the mass murder of young blacks in a city while extolling racist principles and the racist culture in history you get plum seats at a university and lucrative speaking gigs. that's how it works. >> jesse: liberty university has said if anything happens to you here at fox there is a plum teaching assignment waiting for you. >> dana: they did? >> greg: jesse i got a call from devry they are willing to give you a seat. >> jesse: really? i shouldn't want that >> coming up meet your new robot co-worker or overlord. the fastest is up next. devry. ♪ so much more now? other companies are charging you more and more for less and less. and we hate that! that's why force factor has partnered with walmart to provide amazing supplements at great prices for all americans. force factor products use clinically studied patented ingredients to powerfully improve your health. they're also delicious, easy to use and affordable. that's why force factor is now the number one best selling herbs and supplements brand at walmart. rush to walmart and unleash your potential with force factor. - [narrator] wounded warrior project helped me find the strength to go further than i ever thought possible. - [narrator] i was able to come outta my shell and really connect with others. - [narrator] so i can feel like part of a team, part of the community again. - [narrator] it's possible to live better. - [narrator] it's possible to have a voice and to be heard. - [narrator] to feel understood. - [narrator] to find peace. - because i've experienced firsthand that anything is possible. (inspirational music) here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-in search eg but it doesn't spy on your seac and our browser blocks creepy ads that follow you around fro and other companies. and it's free. download duckduk ♪ ♪ >> harold: welcome back time for the fastest. boarding the airplane without your spouse is a death sentence for most folks but not this fellow. a husband parking a debate asking if he is the a hole for getting on a flight without his wife because she was running late getting starbucks. did she get him one. greg you have an opinion. >> greg: i can understand when you're with your girlfriend. here's the deal. i did this once on a train, and i can still see my wife's eyes looking at me when i boarded and i realized i was getting nothing for a month. but in my defense, and i think this is so important, and every man understands this, who the hell gets coffee at a starbucks when you're boarding when you know the line is there and you know -- it's like, we're going to wait for you while you get there and try to make up your mind? that is the most selfish thing in the world to do is to order coffee at the airport. why do you need coffee at airport? do you need to stay awake? you have stuff to do. >> jesse: and they serve it on the plane. >> greg: to important people like jesse. >> dana: thankfully peter and i have the same sense of timing and desire to be where we are on time, we don't get there too early but never push it to be too late. i don't think peter -- you know we met on a plane. so if he got on a plane without me that would probably be something. but i also find that you have to have consequences for people who are always late and going to starbucks at the last minute >> harold: ten seconds. >> jesse: there's an argument to be made that if the man stays on the plane he might have a better chance of keeping the plane from taking off while his wife is hurrying. >> greg: and getting better baggage, better compartment. >> jesse: perhaps >> harold: judge do you agree with this set of arguments here? >> judge jeanine: i wouldn't be upset. there would be an agreement. look, if you want to get coffee, i'm getting on the plane, i'll see you when i see you. it's like every man for himself. you want coffee stay in line get another flight >> harold: you speak like a woman who left her husband at the airport. one more thing is up next. ♪ ♪ one more thing is up to contain proven ingredients that help patients fall asleep, stay asleep and wake refreshed their mornings. it's no longer hearing that he doesn't want to even begin his day. i'm telling you, relaxium is the real deal. >> relaxium is drug free and not addictive, so you can take relaxium every night and never worry about side effects. and the best part is it can start working from the very first night in a double blind placebo clinical trial relaxium sleep help people fall asleep 140% faster. stay asleep over 200% longer and wake up feeling refreshed. relaxium has been a miracle for us since american tourist is improved. >> our marriage then changed our lives once. >> unbelievable. stop being afraid of scary health issues and start sleeping your fears away with relaxium sleep your body and your mind. well, thank you relaxium sleep is so confident that it will work for you. they're giving away 1000 bottles. call 800 419 1286 or go to tried tribe relaxium sleep risk free for 30 days. that's 800 for one nine 1286 or go to try relaxium dot com. >> fox nation brings you closer to the truth. now is the time to be completely on with exclusive crime stories you can't see anywhere else. you believe the killer is still out there. that's what i believe. all part of fox justice on fox nation. sign up and get your first three months of fox nation for 199 omt data. okay, so jesse, does he have a hairpiece or not? >> we're not exactly sure.ut >> but check out this woman. her name is tammy manning.tamm oh, she's a tennessee nurse. >> and she recently set a record for the longest competitive mullet for a femal e . her business in the front party in the back hairdo. s lo how you say that measures an impressive five feet, eight inches long. that'stahan he taller than her.l it's earning her a spot in the 2024 guinness book of world records. you havetoyou have a ways to go. >> she's been growing her hair since the earl y 19 90. >> i got to call her for some advice. well, it's weird having that hair if you're a>> greg: w hairi i mean, get that in a wound. i don't like that. okay. tonigh.t, one more. >> gutfeld joe machi, andrew gruel, captain tyrus, 10 p.m.. >> it's going to be a great show. let's do this. greg's bee sting news. >> a lot of bees around town. >> and this was my hand this weekend. check that out. whoa. been stungy i haven't been stune in, i don't know, 30, 40 years.. revolting. yeah. they're often attracted >>se: revo they ar, especially blue. and, you know, my eyes are blue. jesse, you look at them every da my. >> bright people. yes. and yeah. and so we stumbled, and i refused to go to thea or u i doctor until i could no longer move my fingers. >> now i'm the real hero. i'd be 100 bucks.atters yes, that's job well done. p tonigh t, jesse watters, primetime. is the government controlling the weather? a prima "primeinvestige time in. not a joke, greg. oh, not a joke l. >> like your bee stung hand. this is serious. that's it, harold. >> congratulations to captainrr larry y taylor, the 81 year oldo who was awarded the medal of honor, a presidential medal of honorr last night forseen his bravery during the vietnam war. tennessean himselfself, lewis ca attack helicopter through enemy fire to saveeconnais foura of a reconnaissance team from almost certainth death in june n 1968. captain taylor defied orders to return to base and risk his life to carry out the mission. 3500 m3500 u.s. military personl have received the medal of honor out of 40 million who have served since the civil war. congratulations, young fellow. >> so defying orders could get you an award? yeah, if>> harolve you save. >> that's good to know.>> that is really good information. you may get one tomorrow. hartomorrowall right, joe. okay. check this out. for 1900 year old swords havea o been discovereted in a remote cave overlooking the dead sea in an israeli desert. re leading archeologists to believe that they were the beauty of who rose up against roman and jewish. >> the desert location overlooking the dead sea was a hideout for jewish rebel jewis against the romans, who controlled what was then judea betweeudeatween thn the fy b.c. and second century a.d.. anyone calling charlton heston is like excalibur. >> what waharltos that folktalee you pulled the silver stamp of f the world?se o >> they should test those songs to see if that part of the world. >> jesse idea for fox nationea jewish posted by jesse waters. >> you always beat me to that. i know. oe punci. >> don't worry. we'll do it together. i do the show if i'm not jewish. well , good question. >> only by your roman. by the advice of counsel. ve a >> we got to stop. all right away now. okay. all right. ♪ >> that's it for us. have a great. >> welcome to jesse watters. prime time tonight jesse. t. >> every vice president understands that when they take the oath that t bethey must be very clear abo the responsibility they may haveth to take over the job of being president. >> kamala harris coming for the throne. >> i didn't necessarily want t to be given all this attentionjt just because of my agenda. >> it takese of mys a very brave and unique person to do this, to be a first.

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Donations , Scientists , Community , Majority Don T , Drum , Everybody Else , Whistleblower , Junk Science , Everyone , Industry , Acceptance , Article , Academia , Agenda , Discussion , Wing , Anyone , Climate , Residents , Atmosphere , Forces , Insurance , Homeowner , Climate Activists , Man , Ice Shelf , Roadways , Energy , Commerce , War , Ukraine , Russians , Activists , Message , Goal , The End , 2 , 25 , Fossil Fuels , Wars , Safety , Energy Matrix , Philanthropists , Studies , Entity , The Scientists Don T , Publications , Field , Career Success , Gate Keepers , Think Tanks , Donors , Aren T , Before , Entities , Reasons , Wildfires , Happening , Publication , Blocks , Humans , Forest Management , Vote , 59 , Foundations , Priority , Advertisers , 59 , No One , Straw Man Argument , Most , Virtue Signaling , 34 , 5 , Ice , Climate Harold , God , Earth , Globe , Saying , Climate Isn T Changing , Measurements , Grift , Business Model , Trust Harold , What , Circles , Fly Business 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Executive Office , Kids , Ten , Students , Crime , Classes , Four , Chief , Healthcare , Didn T A , Black , Cover , Everybody , Model , Student , Answers , Company , Republican , Administration , Auto Thing , Oil Company , Lobbying , Kidding , Americans , Revolving Door , Fox News , 100 , School , Calls , Opinions , Researchers , Professors , Speech , Nine , Zero , Foundation , Skin Color , Rights , Expression , Off , Fire , Modeling , Career , Tenure , The Beginning Of End , Figure , Individual , Leftist , Decay , Landscape , Founddation , Safety Net , Six , Seven , Seat , Life , Hat , Board , Jail , Squad Member , Capitol On January 6th , Seats , History , University , Blacks , Speaking Gigs , Principles , Culture , Mass Murder , Liberty University , Devry , Call , Plum Teaching Assignment Waiting For You , Overlord , Robot Co Worker , Force Factor , Companies , More , Prices , Walmart , Supplements , Products , Health , Ingredients , Herbs , Brand , Potential , Rush To Walmart , Narrator , Strength , Wounded Warrior Project , Peace , Shell , Voice , Inspirational Music , Fo , Built In Search Eg , Browser , Fro , It Doesn T Spy , Seac , Airplane , Death Sentence , Spouse , Wife , A Hole , Fellow , Folks , Flight , Husband Parking A Debate , Starbucks , Deal , Eyes , Girlfriend , Opinion , Train , Coffee , Mind , Plane , Airport , Greg , Desire , Timing , Think Peter , Chance , Consequences , Compartment , Agreement , Arguments , Baggage , Woman , Flight Harold , Coffee Stay , Every Man For Himself , Husband , Help , Hearing , Mornings , Relaxium , Side Effects , Sleep , Feeling Refreshed , Double Blind Placebo Clinical Trial , 140 , 200 , Fears , Marriage , Tourist , Lives , Body , American , Miracle , Unbelievable , Bottles , Tribe , 419 , 800 419 1286 , 800 , 1000 , 1286 , Killer , Fox Nation , Crime Stories , Anywhere , Dot Com , Data , On Fox Nation , Three , 199 , Hairpiece , Business , Record , Name , Femal E , Nurse , Mullet , Tamm , Tennessee , Sure Ut , Tammy Manning , That Stahan , Back Hairdo , Feet , Spot , Ways , Guinness Book Of World Records , 19 , 2024 , Eight , 90 , Advice , Bee Sting News , Tonigh T , Wound , Gutfeld Joe Machi , Captain Tyrus , Andrew Gruel , Stungy I Haven T , Hand , Weekend , Bees , Town , Stune In , 40 , P Tonigh T , Ui , Fingers , Hero , Da My , 100 Bucks , Captainrr Larry Y Taylor , Primeinvestige Time In , Congratulations , Joke , Bee , Joke L , Prime Time , 81 , Borders , Medal , Medal Of Honor , Bravery , Vietnam War , Enemy Fire , Honorr Last Night Forseen , Lewis Ca Attack Helicopter , Saveeconnais Foura , Tennessean Himselfself , Death In June , 1968 , Award , You , Save , Military , Civil War , Personl , Young Fellow , 40 Million , 3500 , Desert , Sea , Know , Swords , Hartomorrowall Right , Discovereted , Israeli , Remote Cave Overlooking , 1900 , Hideout , Romans , Desert Location , Beauty , Jewish , Rebel Jewis , Archeologists , Dead Sea , Roman , Fy B C , Judea Betweeudeatween Thn , F , Folktalee , Songs , Stamp , Silver , Charlton Heston , Excalibur , Jesse Idea , Jesse Waters , Fox Nationea Jewish , Oe Punci , Don T Worry , Ve A , Counsel , T Every , Abo , T Bethey , Mys A , Attentionjt , It Takese ,

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