Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240627 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240627

good afternoon everyone i'm martha maccallum and this is the story. a live look at atlanta we are hours away from the first 2020 for a face-off between president biden and former president donald trump. any moment now president biden expected to arrive in atlanta. we saw marine one takeoff 1:50 pm or so we will watch for him to arrive obviously a very big night for both of these men. former president and current president. you can watch tonight this cnn debate right here live on fox beginning to end the coverage from 11. the trump campaign says today he is feeling ready, feeling confident. the biden team is fact checking already the former president before he said a word. they debated four years ago we all remember that night but there are some big differences in the way this is going to look and sound tonight including mute buttons to cut off candidates won their time is up. in moments we will talk to carolyn levitt the national press secretary for trump's campaign. burst to correspondent on the scene aisha. aisha. >> reporter: -- >> martha: i am not hearing aisha are you? we have got a microphone problem we will return to aisha and a moment. let's bring in derek and state senator on biden's finance committee and also one of murdoch's lawyers at the murder -- murder trial but has been involved in south carolina politics for a long time and we are glad to have him on. welcome deck. >> good to see you thank you for having me on. >> martha: i want to start with this. the border is one of the big three issues. you gotten -- elation, economy and the border. probably voters say are the most important ones on their mind. this is a dad earlier today whose son was killed at the hands of someone here illegally. this is the question he wants to be posed to president biden. watch. >> why are you allowing this to happen? why are you helping illegal aliens come into this country, disperse into this country knowing damn well they will never leave. that's what i want to hear from biden. >> martha: what do you say to that deck? >> a couple boys peer number 1 trump had a series of executive actions he took we were struck down by the court but most importantly urged the congress not to pass it because it would hurt him in the election. that's the problem with donald trump its me, me, me. >> martha: logically everyone knows the thanks you didn't -- you mentioned didn't happen until deep into the presidency. here's what biden said at the abc debate on this issue when he wanted to encourage people to vote for him here's what he said. watch. >> i would impact make sure that we immediately surged to the border. all those people should be given asylum is deserved to be heard. easily answered -- have to answer to this deck. >> answer to what? answer to the fact that we have people who are political refugees and have been persecuted we lost to look them into the jury? you've always had immigration but nothing on this. >> this is much more comfort kate it then a catchphrase or bumper sticker. >> i don't think people are going to feel like their children are a proper sticker or catch wrist. >> what you said is a catchphrase or bumper sticker. the fact of the matter is you got donald trump a guy or nonthird-base clancy had a trouble convicted felon wise alternative facts and by the way most people watching this debate tonight for the same reason people here go to nascar races. they are going to watch for the spectacular wreck. and in my mind --'s. >> utile think americans once want to solve their problems on the stage to make? >> it's good to be bloodsport tonight and that's what people watching. and i like our odds because, you know, doll trump in a nascar race will smash into the wall several plan hear about issues tonight were going to blather, blather, while the. >> martha: is certainly hope your own and i thank a moat -- and most american people agree. i hope they don't let people off the hook on both sides and i hope we get some clarity as to what either of these individuals would want to bring to the future of this country if we don't get anything like that it's a failure all around so certainly hope we do. thank you deck. >> you will get it from president biden, you will get it from president biden. >> we will sea that is why we watch ny become or it. thank very much. joining me now carolyn levitt national press secretary for the 2024 truck campaign. carolyn from that deer expect to see car wrecks and lots of talk about sharks? >> absolutely not. what we just heard from your former guest is exactly what we've been hearing for the biden campaign and biden white house for the last three and a half years refusing to take responsibility for their policies that have created unmitigated chaos, death and destruction across this country. to hear that men refer to the deaths of american citizens at the hands of illegal immigrants as a bumper sticker slogan is honestly infuriating. tell it to the family of leg and rarely and another victim his mother's at her funeral today. the father of the 13-year-old in new york brutally raped in broad daylight and set on the record its because of joe biden's open border policies. joe biden has blood on his hands and knees to answer for tonight. >> martha: we've covered these stories in detail and we certainly hope there are some questions about it. i think immigration, inflation economy. the president has landed on air force one moments ago in georgia to get ready for tonight's big face-off. now we know president trump and some polling has lost some ground with independence since the connection and in her court. it's biden plus nine what can we expect from president trump tonight to try to reach out to those voters who are still undecided about who they should choose. thank 16% say they are open to changing their mind tonight. >> the polio point to is one of many. trump is leading with independent voters across this country, winning on choice between a former president who created success, we had mortgage rates in his first term now americans are suffering miller's inflation crisis we had a generation. >> martha: those original issues but osas can you specifically about outreach to independent voters. some of the votes he didn't get during the course of the primaries, dan hench are rogue and mature it doesn't look like that's the way he's going. sonos independent voters might bridge the gap if it were a pick that were someone along those lines. is a focus or their or may be stay hungry in the primaries. >> 's and related his -- returned to the days of billing economy is severe or not or how much money they make or what's did they come from are the colour of their skin. that's why trump has been making a tangible effort to not only reach out to republicans and independents but also dissolution democrats. campaigning in the bronx, "about a character trait. he just announced those are very aged watchword candidates go do expect donald trump to pivot if he was to get two different topic or if he feels the moderators are not being fair oc go into now that if you three on one. >> he is said himself debate is like a boxing might you have to adjust as a go throughout the fight. we do know the moderators at cnn have a history of anti- chuck statements. we do hope tonight -- anti- trump. we hope it will be a debate. we hope president trump and biden on the issues that matter to millions of americans that we'll be watching at home. of that is the case martha president trump is a great opportunity to highlight his strength with joe biden's weakness and success with joe biden's failures. >> martha: what do you think about the fact they're going to need the other candidate while one candidate is speaking and how do you think viv just what to expect? >> that was a requirement is requirement requested by the biden campaign in a clear part to protect them however trump agreed on it to deliver on his promise to debate joe biden and a time, anywhere any place. he will do it tonight regardless of somebody ridiculous rules to get his message across to the voters watching at home. i think it kind of goes back to the iowa town hall he did with brett and i that were direct and focused on issues. you know, is that his goal to make? what if someone says, we want to talk about generally sixth, pounding questions about gender sixth. what is he going to say? what do you expect her to do? >> we do expect questions like that to come up. at the end of the day it is cnn. however, he will focus on sin and bring down the costs of rent and girders for our kids at home i don't think joe biden does that so i you hear talk about issues voters don't care about the trump will. >> martha: it's unique and opportunity for americans to watch. watching a current present and former president. caroline thank you for to have you here today. >> thank you martha you to thank you. >> martha: so the door there is air force one and we are waiting for president biden to disembark moments from now. we'll watch for that because it's obviously a very important day for him. unusually early these nominees are not even known in the first presidential debate as. we know from poland that is majority of socially know you will too. white house correspondents association has concerns because this is cnn allowing reporters to be in said studio tell us what's going on with this and why it's so important that some reporters are able to be in that room tonight. >> martha it's not just white house correspondents association they have the biden campaign and the trump campaign with them and telling cnn they are doing the wrong thing by only letting a reporter in the debate hall during commercial breaks. they correspondents association sent this letter to cnn and it says partly we are concerned cnn has rejected our repeated requests to include the white house travel pool inside the studio. it goes on. a pool report is present to provide context and insight by direct observation and not to the lengths of the television production. echoes on. tonight's debate will have no audience present and includes rules that can send it -- silence candidates microphones. we don't know how the policy will play out in realtime. a full report is there to observe what said and done when microphones are offshore when either candidate is not seen on camera but may speak, gesture or engage in some way. this is a white house suit in the runaround -- run-up to the debate that association in both campaigns or try to get ahead a bit so that if someone says something off mike or during a commercial break than it can be clearly observed and reported out to everybody who's not actually in the room. but unless cnn changes their policy in the next four hours 44 minutes 42 seconds is awkward to happen martha. >> martha: let's hope they do. peter rose watching as president biden doing some meat and greets on the tarmac. i missed a sentence of your report with regard to whether or not the cameras we'll be on both people. will we see the reactions from biden to what trump is saying and vice versa? >> reporter: that is going to be up to the people in the control room from cnn. that's right the -- they want one in there at all times notches gender breaks. there's going to be more muttering over a microphone during the program as opposed to during commercial. >> martha: 100% and i think for them they would not wanted to fall on them at the network hosting the event to make editorial decisions about wind up at the camera on one person or another and not have outsiders privy to the process and see how it's all working. >> i am looking at this letter and it's repeated requests, it's an issue that's being flight to the host tonight and they decided not to go on with it at least not yet. >> martha: yehuda saying i told you so? the commission of presidential debates. they are saying this is why it's a good idea to have an outside entity run these events and get all sides to agree on the parameters and press and how it all works. 's house sort since 1987 so no doubt they are kind of shaking their heads when they watch this back-and-forth this is the kind of stuff they like to handle and have for many years. mankiw -- peter think he was always. great to see you. former president trump expanding his lead in one new poll. up four points over president biden in the new york times siena college poll. the former president was up by just one at april, and out the end of june up by four. the numbers are getting better for him after his conviction and the criminal trial. he said he did nothing wrong and plans to appeal that conviction. let's bring in howie kurtz howie turow and former economic advisor they are also fox news contributors. great to have you with this gentleman thank you. how we as someone who covers the media and political coverage closely i wanted to get your reaction on this as the white house correspondents association pushes cnn to allow if you have full of white house reporters to be in the room and watch and report on this thing. >> i think of course they should be in there i don't understand why cnn is digging in its heels but it seems to me the poles he read underscore why joe biden wanted this early debate here he will come out energetic and the media will declare him the winner because he is the lobe are he just has to prove he can string together two sentences after all the attacks but can he convince enough viewers that he is up to the job for the next four years? the challenge for adamo trump is to be disciplined. when i interviewed the former president he was serious about the issues. he can do that when he wants to. it might reassure some people who might be that crazy about some of the thanks he says and does. they can put aside their doubts and feel comfortable voting for him. >> martha: we see live right now president biden has landed in georgia and shaking hands before getting into his presidential vehicle. we will see him in a few hours but no doubt some of the and a little rest on both parts before they prepare for tonight. i want to take the history dial back for a moment and play some of the defining moments we have seen in prior presidential debates. we can wait for a moment and take a look at this. these are some memorable moments of prior presidential debates. watch. >> i'm not going to exploit for political purposes my opponents youth and inexperience. [ laughter ] >> you are no jack kennedy. >> as how has national debt. >> you're philosophy and your position on issues. but can you get things done? [ laughter ] >> i believe i can. >> mr title your title on an airplane but not you're own facts. >> it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge with the law in our country. >> because you'd be in jail. >> secretary clinton. [ cheering ] >> martha: okay. robert wolf, you know, when you look at that and you look back at some of those memorable moments really there are only a few that stand out, obviously so much emphasis on these nights but when you go back to really land something that makes a difference in the trajectory of a campaign. one of my favourites was al gore and joe busch. he got right into his face. when he said something should go right over to him it seemed like a good idea at the time. but it was spectacularly bad p. robert what stands out and what he looking for for tonight? >> timmy percival i don't how he said biden we'll be the winner that's always a good start when you have sown who knows media well. i think it's going to be policy driven. i think president biden has the goods and he will have to explain to the people why the goods are working now and why they will live feature. i thought a great report came out that said america's workers are doing better than ever before on record. the democrats have outperformed every poll by six points winning referendums and wisconsin and elections in kentucky. i thank the most important thing is, you know, facts matter. we passed the bipartisan infrastructure deal. president trump could not pass that. we passed the chips act. we have microsoft doing a plant in wisconsin. i hope its not one of these attack dogs back-and-forth. i thank the people want to hear who has a vision for the future and who can make it happen. >> martha: alright so leo let me ask you since how he weighed in. who do you think is going to win tonight? >> i think joe biden. donald trump will win. if you listen to what robert just said he didn't address the issue that's on the minds of every american, the economy back immigration and inflation. joe biden can't run on those. donald trump can. you can do a compare and contrast. to previous guests answered about to shoot social issues for voters. wise donald trump resonating with blacks and people of colour? his message is colourblind. every american is starting from inflation. you have on your show martha victims of immigration crying. president trump calls at micro crime in sudbury if president trump has the three issues on the minds of all americans immigration inflation and the economy car he's going to win hands down tonight. >> i said the media would declare -- >> martha: i know, understood. and he said if you can restrain two sentences together the media we'll immediately say he won. will sea if that happens. how we, june 27, very early in this process wiry here today at this point? >> because all polls show biden is on a trajectory to lose his campaign and his people know that he wanted the early debate and the muted microphones because he feared some repeat of the interrupting campaign of 2020. he needs to change the dynamic and narrative of this campaign, you know, you don't get many chances to do that. in a normal campaign three or four points lead is not much peer but this campaign has seemed frozen for a long time and it's hard to make up ground. that's why biden came out and said let's debate starting so early that's why don beauchamp accepted even though he had quarrels with the rules that we'll be rude and -- weird and quiet because he didn't want to get into a debate about debates. >> martha: speaking about a debate about a debate on of the thanks we'll watch for tonight is how it works robert. i mean it's weird. the whole idea is that they are debating. they are jumping and and they are challenging each other so, you know, i really hope its a great debate tonight but hope at the end of it we aren't saying wow that was weird. watching them stand and have their microphone turnoff i need since one is that a debate? >> yes, i was hoping it was you and prep for tonight it's to other people but i totally agree with you we need a debate and when you to debate the policies. i thank the last time around it was a boxing match with them. i think biden one only because all trump did was yell and scream. >> martha: you're candidate insisted on the meeting. >> i don't love that personally but no one asked me. i've done debate prep but rules are set. i think they're set so the audience can hear each other talk. i hope they allow some back-and-forth that would be the best thing. it's amazing we didn't bring up fox's pole that had biden up and independence of irvine in nine funds that's a great poll. >> she did bring that up. >> martha: we showed that 30 seconds ago but item post nine for no audience by the way. no audience in the room. that to. it's odd. thank you very much you guys great to have you with us and looking forward to hearing what you think about the big night. so it's a very special big night here and we look forward to our coverage tonight on fox and we continue with our coverage here with shannon graham and mark hughson and result in next. >> you're putting on watching tonight. >> one hundred% i can't wait. is which be one of the greatest boxing matches of all time. is like going to ufc or boxing match. this is like leonard hearns actually discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? 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(♪) >> alright everybody they are on the move we just watched president biden on din georgia and moments ago we saw former president trump board the trump plane too taken to atlanta for tonight's big debate it was kind of hard to see him getting on. you was on the other side and he looked like it was just him going up the stairs we don't know who else will attend with him this evening. the president it's ready, former president gets ready for the big night. we'll watch that activity. in the meantime listen to some predebate spin from biden allies this time warning of the threat president trump poses to democracy. it's a big theme for their campaign watch this. >> there is 1 man learning grew election cart swats wild men running for reelection that cares for the future of the country and democracy. >> it's possible for this person who is a felon and adjudicated social assault or to stand next to the actual president. >> the threat he continues to post to american democracy. >> so that is out of step anyways the priority of swing voters so-called deciders because we know in prior elections several tens of thousands of voters have made this decision. this group believes trump would do a better job handling democracy. >> let's bring in fox news contributor market to have the. >> good to be with you. >> martha: you've advised presidents in the past in these moments. but that is clearly going to be a big theme. it seems like save yourselves from the fall of democracy is 1 of the big thrust of the biden campaign. >> it's the only play he has. the most unpopular president since world war ii. 61% of americans say his presidency is a failure. he is got double digit disapproval of everything. 20% inflation on people wars raging on 2 continents a border in chaos what else does he have to run on? the only way he could 1 is by attacking dollar trump and say look at the alternative. but now we find with the swing state poll voters think threats to democracy are very important but they think biden is a bigger threat to democracy. >> martha: why do you think that is? >> thank about this the democrats 1 of the interesting findings in the poll was the americans said the voters said they believed the guardrails of our system, checks and balances we have but protect any dictator getting power in this country. the democrats are threatening the guardrails so, you know, they go and wage law a against donald trump. 91 indictments at the federal state and local level they tried to bankrupt it was civil suits by the way joe biden runs around posting he circumvented the supreme court to do student loans and they wonder why people think he is a bigger threat to democracy than donald champ is. there a technic guardrails that protect our democracy. >> it's fascinating like it when you look at trump's courtroom that brands he'll come out into the hall and use those moments i talked to dennis quaid recently about o'regan movie he was stirring in and he recently said you'd vote for trump. he said he voted for democrats in the past and voted for different people depending on what he thought would be important but this is what he is someone asked him about it. >> i am supporting trump this time around. the weaponization of our judicial system and i see it as a constitutional issue. >> martha: when the biden team looks at these numbers they have to get to a point where they overshot their mark on this. >> i was very critical generally sixth as you enter groan else was on the era. on the guardrails help generally sixth. the electors did their job states did their job. all the trump judges voted against him. the courts did their jobs buys persona did their job and congress did their job. are system work to check. their weapon is in the justice system and taking things these to be nonpartisan and turning them into partisan tools and what do you like donald young or disliked almost from its offensive to a lot of people. it sticking swing orders people not necessarily part trump and moving them to trump's camp because they see it as a threat. >> neither the real estate trial and stormy daniels trial he said there for 1. such small legal issues never would've been brought if it worked brought against him. interesting. and kumar. at to see you twice today hopefully i see again today. so the issue of immigration is also expected to play front and centre tonight in the wake of a recent slew of heinous crimes. committed against young girls and a mother of 55 people who came here illegally. just a fact. former new york congressman leah selden is next. >> biden would actually say start taking care of our people. you are here taking care of everything outside, taking care of foreign affairs. i know it's important but you have to look at the inside. you're helping other countries but we are basically, are boat is sinking and we can't save other people and boats a ba k outside nk? get up to $70,000 with a newday 100 va cash out loan. if you have 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president biden hugging some supporters and people chanting former used. they are cheering wildly -- 4 more years no doubt encouraging from the president as he gets ready for his debate tonight against former president trump. it would be a very intense match of an important night in the process for this election. we have polls that show 16% say they will make up their mind tonight. those people who have a decided will look at an argument to that is compelling to them on both sides of this equation. an important night for america as this election gets underway full throttle tonight in this very important showdown between former president trump and current president biden. the unique experience for americans to watch at present they know and live under against the president they know a lived under important high-stakes tonight as they can -- we continue to watch. let's talk a bit about the migrant assess at the southern border which is clearly very important to voters. we hope it will be a big issue. we will have full team coverage for you. this all happens at the same moment right now. there is a funeral happening as the mother and the family and grandparents of 16 a 12-year-old child. the suspects and herm r. 2 venezuelan men here illegally. former gop congressman leah selden is standing by. let's bring in nate foy who is covering this heartbreaking funeral. will her name come up tonight is 1 of the questions. will it be brought up by president trump perhaps. what will president biden say if he is confronted on the issue in the funeral today for a chance to an. let's go live to nate foy there on the seen. nate. >> reporter: hey martha just a devastating day here the service has completed and you can see a horse-drawn carriage carrying the casket of 12-year-old jocelyn nungaray arriving. the service again has finished people just filed out. there is a lot of anger and sadness today. i spoke specifically with texas governor who announced texas lawmakers will introduce new legislation in honour of jocelyn nungaray they will call it dawson's law requiring charged -- people charged with murder to be held without bail -- jocelyn's law. he promised her mother he would get it done in her honour. as you mentioned, both of the illegal migrants from venezuela charged with capital murder and jocelyn's death are being held on 10 million-dollar bail right now. here's the houston mayor john whitmire speaking at the service that just ended. >> hold people responsible they're not listening to us. it'll make a difference in the entirety of our lives. >> as you look with we see the mother alexis preparing to bury the daughter she had when she was just 15 years old. she is now 27 for hundreds of people showed up today including the first lady of texas cecelia abbott, the texas governor greg abbott said jocelyn would still be alive if not for president joe biden's open door border policy. border patrol arrested and released both suspects in el paso this year and 1 of them as you know martha was riding and eyes provided gps ankle bracelet during the murder. is tony gonzalez reacting to this tragic story and the others across the country. >> our hearts are broken in texas for jocelyn's family. this can happen anywhere. today we are talking about jocelyn in texas but soon it's arty happening in your community i guarantee you wherever you are it's artie happening. >> absently heartbreaking to see the pictures on your screen night now as jocelyn's family and other mourners today prepared to say their final goodbyes. after air wraps up local business owner jim vacaville will host a celebration where people in the community we'll honour the 12-year-old girl taken too soon. martha. >> martha: a horrific crime. these 2 people, the suspects should never have been in this country and able to carry out the scrum. 12 years old. this child. left her home and was accosted by these 2 individuals these suspects in this case. she has her mother said had a long way to have a. she had braces. she was 12. this is the situation we are watching in this country as we assume millions of people poor across the border. most of them come for a better life at the problem is it is so chaotic and unorganized open crossings all over the place. talking about it saying this can happen we can't lose her children like this. we have to have the safe country but the children of america to grow up in and now this young mother has lost her 12-year-old child. it's absently heartbreaking. there's a string i couldn't time or 6 other cases that also did not name to -- need to happen. the people who commended them should not have been in the country. 1 of these individuals who allegedly did this to jocelyn said he was going venezuela because he fleet -- peered for his life. thank about that. leah selden is with me as well the former new york were public in congressman and former candidate for governor. this is an important topic and i really hope we hear about this tonight. it's not covered much on the other networks so i hope it was on their list of questions because it is absolutely heartbreaking and people do feel unsafe. >> martha when you say you can think of 5 or 6 other cases the craziest part as you are just talking about the last week or 2. i mean jocelyn and rachel from 12-year-old to 13 welcome to sick to sing along, stories breaking today out of syracuse new york and a few days ago out of albany new york it's happening all across the entire country and americans want to honour the lives of these victims. they are praying for their family and they want action but right now president biden and this white house and for his campaign they don't want to talk about it. to the extent that comes at today the game plan on the biden side is to talk about how their taking action to secure the border and border crossings or town. you know there spend but the fact remains that you have these victims like jocelyn's families right now are mourning the loss of their loved ones. i don't expect president biden to bring up any of their names. thank frankly the moderators should know better than to bring it up for actively in the should talk about it again from a policy standpoint president trump has a record to talk about his are years of his action to secure the border building a wall total 42. to what we have from the first moment president biden comes into office tour will these policies back. anything president biden says he would do if he was given another term president trump should hold the thought that if he wanted to do that he could do a lot of bay right the strip of a pen. i think it's an issue that has to be discussed. for a lot of voters its the number 1 issue. >> martha: is the kind of thing president trump could pivot from a question and talk about. 's soon to be interesting to see how this plays out tonight with these muted microphones and everything. a debate you should be able to hear people on both sides and occasionally should be able to jump in and challenge. i'm very curious to see how this plays out with this muted mike situation but on the right side of your screen we have former president trump about to leave palm beach florida flying to atlanta where he will prepare for the last few hours before this debate. on your left-hand side of your screen you have a woman who he called and spoke to about the death of her daughter. i think about what may arco's said about when he was asked about the deaths of these young children and rachel mourned the young mother of 5 and he said basically it's the criminal who is to blame for the crime. not the policy essentially. is that a response that gets us anywhere quick. >> no. and the fact is if president trump was an obvious, these writers, these rapes and kidnappings we are reading about none of them would be happening. these people are coming in because of this open border open by design. and this plan to bring in these millions of people over the course of the last few years the plan to bring in millions of more over the years to come had the secondary impacts on quality-of-life carburizing crime act these criminals are going to continue to organize and make gang activity impacts on budgets that have to get cut and education and on healthcare and law enforcement to pay for the increased cost and all the goodies given out by the federal government act by sanctuary states and centuries cities. the last thing i'll point out is on top of it all they want to give these illegals the right to vote. this is in some theory it's happening right now in washington dc. they passed a law in new york city on -- fortunately was overturned. they are trying by design to give these incentives her awards are coming in illegally, giving money that's hard-working taxpaying dollars and americans that have to see a story like this every day now with the victims are wondering when are you the person in the office right now going to fight for me and my family. they all need to step up and they should kick them out in november. >> i've heard people and other networks say this is fear mongering. even chuckling about these situations that everyone's imagination and you heard joe mentioned today basically saying this isn't the joe biden i knew. he is gone too far to the left we need to fix the border. politicians understand this is a losing proposition. >> americans are filled with fear and to try to tell americans their fears are something, is just a perception they need to get over it and everything was fine. that's not the solution americans tuning into night undecided are looking for these 2 candidates. >> resulting former congressman good to have you with us today to thank you obviously a big night ahead and we very much look forward to have complete coverage of debate this evening and who will join yoon for our special coverage tonight i'll see you on special report. bright and i will join you 8:00 pm eastern with a great team you see across-the-board there. a wonderful grouthered to watche analysis and all that ha 9:00 eastern so stick around. all day long into the night we have live coverage we are excited we look forward to seeing you later have a good afternoon see you tonight. you [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ]

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