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Next. Then, utah senator mike lee on why he voted against this deal, reversing his support entirely by the time it reached the senate. What lee is calling Night And Day compared to whatwhat republicans limitsavegrow acd initially promised. Thenly, the stumble seen rod the world, President Biden takee another fall if while speaking at the air force Graduation Asth 2024 hopefuls line up to take h his joisb and two more faces are expected to join in the fray in the upcoming week. Former speaker othf The House Na Gingrich and pollster Robert Cahaly on the gop primary season as former President Trump stillp leads the pack two months before the first gop primary debate. Then, fbi director Christopher Wray expected tor deliver the document tomorrow t thathe allegedly ties thenvicet president joe bidehen to a 5 million Bribery Scheme with aer Foreign National in exchange for policy decisions. Coming up, congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna on the oversight committees next move to prove jo me biden and his family have been Influence Peddling for decades. Then, why she voted against the Debt Ceiling Bill with as well just signed into law by President Biden. W its all right here, right now on Sunday Morning futures. Maria and we begin this Sunday Morning with the very latest on the new Debt Ceiling Bill. The president signed into law this weekend the socalled fiscal responsibility act, an agreement to the raise the debt ceiling while putting some Spending Caps in place for the upcoming few years. Of the deal brokered by the House Speaker, ken mccarthy, and President Biden Kevin Mccarthy suspends the debt limit until january 1st, 2025, it holds nondefense Spending Flat for 2024 and puts a 1 increase cap in nonDefense Spending in place for fiscal year 20 the 5. The bill also rescinds about 29 billion in unspent covid funds, and it repeals 1. 9 billion from the irs 80 Wind Falcon Towned in the socalled inflation reduction act. The bill passed the house despite 7 is republicans 71 republicans voting existence it including congressman scott perry who joined me on Mornings With Maria this past wednesday. At the end of this the, it took us three months, but hes getting a 4 trillion debt ceiling raise, it is unlimited. Lets be straight with the American People and el the them what theyre getting and not getting. Dont use the smoke and mirrors game in washington and act like youre saving things, because we are not. Were going to end up 4 trillion at least more in debt in 2 years. Maria joining me with reaction in this Sunday Morning exclusive is Speaker Of The House, congressman Kevin Mccarthy. And, mr. Speaker, thanks so much for joining us this morning. Congratulations to you after all of this work you put into this. How are you feeling this morning after the president signed the bill into law. I feel good, maria, because its the first time that were finally spending less than we spent the year before. This is the largest cut in american history. You know, if you look at the congressional budget office, if you look at the committee for a responsible federal budget, it shows that, that more than 2 the. 1 trillion 2 2. 1 trillion is going to to be the cut over the next 10 years. And think about where weve come from. The president said he would never negotiate with us, that he would only raise the debt ceiling with no cuts whatsoever or to raise taxes. There are no taxes, theres no new government programs. We actually got more than you thought in the process that we could get to this point. So its not perfect, but it is a beginning of turning the ship. Now weve got to do the rest of the job. Maria yeah. And i know that i said congratulations at the top of the show because you had to wrangle lots of different personalities and lots of different values within your membership, and you were able to do that and get everybody in line. But with i want to go through some of the criticism of this bill because some people say it really was different. For example, you had in your bill that passed the house, limitsavegrow, an ability to have Work Requirements for medicaid resip cents. That did not end up in the bill that the president signed. You had the ability to rescind that 80 billion of irs funding that the president wants to the hire 87,000 agents. That wasnt in the bill that the president signed. It was 1. 9 billion of the thats not true, maria. Youre saying things that are not true. Lets first walk through whats in the bill with because i can always vote against the bill for whats not in it, but lets see whats in it. First of all, limitsavegrow we said we wanted to take the spending levels back to 2022. Well, we actually increased defense and increased veterans, but nondefense with veterans out, we took it below the 22 level. That gave democrats a lot of problems. We wanted to repeal all the irs agents. Theyve already put that money in there. We repealed the 1. 4 billion they would spend on hiring new agents this year, is so no new agents are being hired. But we also repiled another repealed another 20 billion in the future that we can redistrict. I think that money would be redistrict. I think that money would be better used in hiring Border Patrol agents. We already are got more than 21 billion. Were come back next year. No new irs agents are hired. Maria okay. This is the largest cut. I herald you earlier say, yeah, but more democrats voted for it. Lets just put this in perspective. When republicans only had the house and the democrats had white house, on average only 24 of republicans voted for it. This was at 67 , three times as much. But you also look at the story of the last ten Debt Ceilings where republicans had the administration, only 65 of republicans voted for it. So even higher level than that. Maria yeah. So that really shows the truth about this. But democrats will vote for Debt Ceilings, republicans will not. We hit a twothirds mark. The thing you want to look at is which democrats voted against this . Aoc, bernie sanders. The progressives. Maria okay. Why did the they vote against it . Because we did get Work Requirements in welfare reform. Did we it get it in everything . No. But we got it in welfare that puts people back to work, the core of what we looked for. Maria but to be clear, the bulk of that money in the irs, which was your priority the, which was conservatives priority, they do not want this president to hire 87,000 agents, the bulk of that money is still in the inflation reduction act, and he can use that. So youre talking about the 20 the billion over the following year. On clear, the bulk of that that money is still in the bill that the president signed. And then theres the Defense Spending okay, maria, maria, pause for one moment. Maria, pause for one moment. That was already in law. We do not have the senate, we do not have the presidency, but we just stopped them from hiring any irs agents. And we also took another 20 billion going into the future. And now we only have the house. So we need the senate and the presidency. The next time well address this we have an opportunity to win the senate and the presidency. So whats interesting to me is that youre going to the argue sometime in the future when you stopped it today. So if we were strong today with a fivestate majority in the house, think about how strong well be when we have the senate and the white house. Its interesting to me if we had a success today thats not good enough for something in the future. I didnt say this was perfect, but i stopped any irs agent from being hired today. Maria which is good news. So i think that would be good enough of. Instead what would be the option, maria, to have a clean debt ceiling and relate them ou . Or the Work Requirements or not need for reform or be able to, be able to strengthen the military but cut the nondefense lore than 2022 . Maria all very if you want perfect legislation even when you have a majority of republicans in the house and senate and the presidency, we never had this. Maria all very good points. This is with one house. Maria yeah. Congressman, i want to get your take on the appropriations process here, because i wonder if Chuck Schumer is going to be able to blow all of this up by the time any of this gets to the senate in terms of the power of the purse. That the republicans are always talking about. Lets talk about the rules around this. If you dont if you get your work done and you deliver the 12 Appropriations Bills on time, then it goes to the senate. Cant Chuck Schumer sit on this and let it stall and then at the end of the day if youre trying to hold back money, for example, for the Fbi Headquarters that they want 3. 5 billion to have a new headquarters bigger than the pentagon, cant Chuck Schumer say, well, were not going to get our work done, so we go back to to prior levels, there you go, they get their money for the headquarters. Well, maria, that wont be the case. But, first, lets see instead of worrying about whats going to happen in the future, lets deal with whats in front of us today. I have watched time and genre palins and democrats in the House Republicans not do their job. Ive watched your show people rally against these omnibus bills that are sitting before us right before christmas. What we were trying to do is change the structure of washington. So if washington doesnt do their job, what are the consequences, where can the American People stand up. So it doesnt matter if its Chuck Schumer, doesnt matter if its myself. If we do not pass the fundamental responsibility we have with 12 the appropriation bills, cut 1 across the board. It doesnt and to be fair in law, whatever the current ratings are, whatever the current score is, you cut 1 . Maria yeah. So you know what happens then . It doesnt matter what position you like, everybody gets cut if you to dont do your job. Maria if you get maria, it creates a new structure that forces congress to do their job. Maria if you get that 1 cut, if you get to that point, if you get to that point where youve got to get that 1 cut in, does defense take a bigger hit than other spending . Maria, no. Everybody on the board gets 1 across the board. So one thing i have found, that if somebody wants to vote no, they can always think, well, what happens if something happens in the future. Im thinking about today. If i took that approach, the president said he would never if even talk to me about raising the debt ceiling, so should i have just quit and let him raise a clean debt can ceiling . Maria right. Should we have been able to take the victories maria listen, i know you have a victory, i said is it at the top of the show, congratulations. Ive got to get your ache on the fbi because here, too, you got pushback. You want this document from Christopher Wray. He says hes going to deliver it tomorrow. If he does not allow the entire committee to see it, where are we . What happens then . Well, again, maria, lets look at where we first started. When we realized there was a document, we sent a subpoena. He did not want to comply with the subpoena. I called the director and told him i need this subpoena, we have a responsibility to oversee the fbi, a constitutional responsibility. If you do not send this, we hold you in con empty. Last contempt. Last week i was actually on fox friends as the deadline came, and i spoke directly to christopher to Commissioner Wray that i will move contempt. He then changed his mind that he would let the chairman and the rankers see the document and bring it to the house. That is not good enough. That is also not good enough for the secretary of state, to think youre only going to show one member. We have a responsibility of oversight. If they do not comply and allow every person on oversight, republican or democrat thats their responsibility to the members of congress to see this document, i will move Contempt Charges against the director. Maria all right. You brought another issue up that i think is very important here. The fbi wants a new headquarters. If you looked at in todays dollars what the pentagon cots, its about 900 million. They want to spend roughly 4 billion to start. Maria wow. Four times i do not think thats the best use of our money. I also wonder, do we need one big, large fbi building, and does it need to be back in virginia, or should it be in maryland or should it be in texas if youre doing cybersecurity or others. The president himself is fighting a bill i passed to bring federal workers back to work with. 50 of federal workers are not coming in. I think its responsible that they come in and do their job. But if thats the argument, wouldnt it be better if we had smaller offices across the country where fbi agents could help local Law Enforcement to solve human trafficking, to solve cybersecurity . I think they have a lot of challenges here, and this is going to be a big responsibility in oversight of republicans in congress in dealing with appropriations. We just had a large victory to turn the ship and begin to turn turn the ship. Weve got so much more work to do. But the one thing you learn about me, maria, i never give up on the American People, and im not going to give up now. Maria all right. A feisty Speaker Of The House this morning. We appreciate your time. Thank you so much, congressman. Thank you, maria. Maria Kevin Mccarthy joining us. Quick break, and by the time that bill got to the senate, my next guest said he would do everything in his power to sop its passage. Next, hell tell me why he believes more democrats voted for the bill than republicans. Mike lee are from utah is here on the other side of this. Age is just a number, and mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for Muscle Health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. 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You just heard the speakers explanation of bill. Your reaction. Im still not persuaded, not persuaded at all. Look, at the end of the day this process has failed time and time again for decades to control deficit spending. This does so because democrats and repalins alike have refused to the engage in actual compromise and instead decide to Fund Everything or as much of everything as they possibly can without economizing. Nobody in the world gets to do this. A family cant do this, a business cant do this, and if they did, theyd be in trouble. So instead they just agree to fund each others priorities, and this has resulted in the accumulation of a 32 trillion debt. As a result of this deal that they passed week over my strong objection, heir going to perpetuate that problem, add about 4 trillion to the debt over the next year and a half, could be more than that. And the bill fails to accomplish literally any of the major objectives that they claim that it accomplishes. Notwithstanding that, republicans vote for it. But significantly, more democrats voted for it in the house than republicans, and more democrats voted for it in the senate than republicans. That tells you about something. That tells you, it confirms what the New York Times reported yesterday, that the omb director mt. Biden administration said were going to win with the fine print. She played republicans here, and theyre still claiming victory. This is not a victory, this is capitulation. Maria what about what the speaker just said, that the work starts now, that hes going to be the able to rein things in later . You heard what he said about the irs. Now, one thing that was very important to you was Regulatory Reform. You came on the program the week before the bill passed the house, and you were very optimistic. You changed entirely by the time the bill got to the senate. What happened many terms of the Regulatory Reform in the rains act that that you were looking for . First of all, maria, its a different bill, its a different bill entirely. I was very optimistic because the house had passed a fantastic bill, limitsavegrow. It had this feature called the rains act in it. The rains act essentially says new major regulations half the force of law and have a big impact on the chi wouldnt be selfexecuting. Congress would have to enact them. It would make a major difference for our economy, department and deficit ultimately. But debt and deficit ultimately are. By the time we got to last week, the house had introduced an entirely new bill, one written in scent by Kevin Mccash Mccarthy and mccarthy and joe biden, one that nobody had seen and less than 72 hours after the world first saw it, the house passed it and then the Senate Passed it a day later. This didnt have rains act in it. It instead had a regulatory pay as you go measure known as regulatory a paygo, and that was found in section 263 of the bill. Section 265 of the bill said you dont really need to follow that, dont worry about showing that the regulations youre imposing impose no new net impact on the economy before you take Something Else act because the o to mb director has omb director has the authority to simply wipe it away, to waive it on her own accord can. By the end of the day on tuesday, i discovered this provision in 2265, tuesday morning. By the end of the day, the omb director young had said she would use that to defend the president s regulatory the priorities. The regulatory pay as you go measure Means Nothing because its waiveable at the discretion of the Biden Administration. Maria wow. What about this 1 sequestration situation if the work doesnt get done on time . Does defense take a much more substantial cut than Everything Else if that 1 goes in place . What about that . And everything youre saying, by the way, senator, is making you feel like you just keep going off against this tsunami of the democrats and losing. What are you going another . To do . Well, we should have stuck and we should stick in the future to the plan that was put forward with limitsavegrow where we aggressively ask for reforms, and we stand on the fact that they cant raise the debt ceiling would want the republican houses ascent. Assent. Thats part of the problem with this. As for the numbers, yeah, according to the cbo domestic Discretionary Spending would go up by about 36, 36. 5 billion in defense and defense Discretionary Spending would go down about 32. 5 billion if these 1 provisions kick in. There were some republicans for whom that made a big difference, and thats why they voted against it. For me, basically the whole bill was the argument against it coupled with the fact that american families, moms and dads, businesses, people everywhere are struggling under the inflationary effects of this massive deficit spending. Maria yeah. We have to bring it under control. Maria real quick, senator, before you go, we want to look ahead. What are you going to do the about this climate agenda the that this administration has a wholeofgovernment approach, continuing to push through . I know you think this is a mistake. Its a huge mistake. As i said as a member of the energy and Natural Resources Committee Just a few days ago, we have to remember hat American People use carbonbased fuels, fossil fuels have an impact in our lives, and we have to consider not only what people dont like about them, but also how we benefit there from them. If we lose that, well find ourselves in this morass in which we will have of no ability to live our lives as we would prefer. We will have no ability for poor and middle class americans to get ahead. This will be an invisible tax on everything we buy affecting poor and middle class americans disproportion 2345eu9ly. Maria okay. Senator, thanks very much. Utah senator mike lee. Be sure to check out senator lees book on the supreme court, saving nine, available where books are sold. Mike lee joining us this morning. Quick break and then House Oversight Committee Chairman james comer told us A Whistleblower that informants are living in fear for exposing the biden familys Business Deals. Two weeks ago comer told us one of those whistleblowers was missing. Now the new york posts Miranda Devine has caught up with that key witness who is on the run from the law on charges he denies. Anna paulina luna on where things head now. Stay with us okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. Together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. 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Or our newest product, the golf cart mat. Order these American Made gifts or a gift card at weathertech. Com have a very happy fathers day. Nine of the ten people that that weve identified that have very good knowledge with respect to the bidens, they are one of three things, maria. Theyre either currently in court, theyre currently in jail, or theyre currently missing. Honestly, maria, they fear for their lives. Not only are the biden lawyers and the Biden White House intimidating them, the media is trying to intimidate and discredit them. Maria and that was House Oversight Committee Chairman congressman james comer with me on this program last month on the tremendous pressure that whistleblowers and informants are facing for speaking out against President Biden and his family ask their influencepeddling scheme. The new york posts Miranda Can Divine is now reporting one of those key witnesses, a former Israeli Defense force colonel, is alive and living in an undisclosed location. Lift vanished last month while awaiting extra decision extradition to the United States. Allegations that he vehemently denies. He tweeted this ive been arrested in cypress plus cypress plus by the u. S cyprus. The u. S. Claiming im an arms deal or. It would be funny if it wasnt tragic. Ive never been an arms dealer. Doj is trying to bury me to the protect joe, jim and hunter biden. Shall i name names, he writes. Finish meanwhile, tomorrow fbi director Christopher Wray is expected to deliver to the House Oversight committee a subpoenaed document alleging thenvice President Joe Biden was involved many in a 5 million Bribery Scheme with Foreign Nationals in exchange for u. S. Foreign policy decisions. Wray facing comers threat the of contempt of Congress Charges until the release of that document. Joining me right now with more on the extent of the biden familys Business Deals is Florida Republican congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna, a member of the House Oversight committee and the House Freedom caucus. Congresswoman, thanks very much for being here. What are you expecting from Christopher Wray tomorrow with that document, and how are you going to the prove these Influence Peddling narratives of biden ask and his family . Well, were expecting him to deliver, as you heard in the previous segment, the speaker even said if this fbi director doesnt do his job and doesnt answer to congress, hes going to be held in contempt. You know, over the last couple of months House Oversight as well as the staff that helps us Run The Investigations has proven that weve actually been able to provide evidence. You know, before there was peculation on the ponzi scheme for Influence Peddling and all the personal enrichment of the biden family, and now what were find thing is that these are no longer allegations, and were creating a hard case. In my opinion, maria, what were seeing right now is if this is true, which i do believe it is true in regards to joe biden receiving bribery and hunter biden, i do believe that this is grounds for impeachment. And so its important that we continue to move forward to bring this to the American People. But also, too the, that we do House Cleaning within our do to j. As you had stated earlier, they are protecting this family. The fbi is protecting the hunter biden family, and its not okay. Maria how long has this been going on, and what about this intimidation were hearing about on these whistleblowers . This Corruption Scheme has been going back to the time that joe biden was Vice President , and the Intimidation Scheme that were seeing, i mean, its not unheard of. We saw this happen with former Trump Officials as well. Obviously, President Trumps family had been subject to this. But whats really alarming about this is, as we know, the fbi, one, has a mole in there thats advising hunter biden as to the investigation by the name of oneeye which sounds like something out of a james bond movie but, unfortunately, its true. And also a too, i mean, my goodness, maria, with the amount of evidence thats coming forward, its scary to think that this guy thats currently sitting in the white house has become this corrupt, and really only doing one thing and thats Aiding And Abetting the communist chinese party. Its something that we as House Oversight, it puts all of us, i think, big targets on our backs. But were doing right by the American People. This is nonpartisan, it should remain nonpartisan. But ultimately, we have to make sure that the doj and fbi is being held accountable as well. And when they are trumping up charges especially against whistleblowers who are bringing evidence thwarted to show that this family, that this administration, this president is compromise, if we dont do our job, we are ultimately going to be responsible for there no longer being justice in this country. Maria i dont understand why your colleagues on the left would be supporting the communist party of china. Just this morning were looking at a story where a chinese ship came just 100 yards or 150 yards away from a u. S. Destroyer in the taiwan straits. We all know the ccps goal to overtake the United States as the number one superpower, and you say you have evidence that joe biden is compromised and has been taking money from the ccp, and youre telling me that your colleagues on the left are supporting the . Why . You know, unfortunately, i think some of them are suffering from cognitive the dissonance. But a lot of my colleagues, they seem to be i dont want to say brainwashed, but they seem to be so far fixated on this Green Movement, what hay dont realize is the Green Movement and the idea behind it is doing nothing but enabling china. Look, im the first person to say i care about the environment. I consider myself a conservationist. However, what heir not realizing is the ccp theyre not realizing is the ccp is doing what we should be doing. Theyre expanding their global footprint. They are basically going to the other countries, harboring those Foreign Relations so they can the, obviously, focus on exports for Natural Resources. Meanwhile, theyre pushing propaganda here in our country in order to economically hinder us and tell us that we need to ultimately get rid of fossil fuels altogether. Maria yeah. And so when these people bring up whats happening with the communist party, with the hunter Biden Administration and honestly the connection that this administration has to these Green Movements that are tied to the ccp, they think that its a conspiracy theory, and its not. Thats why bringing forward this evidence is so important. Maria yeah. Ive been putting a spotlight on the communist party for a few years, but the Mainstream Media does not report on any of this. How much of a problem has it been for you to not get the story out . I remember during the russia Collusion Story the media was just rolling with this Collusion Story that adam schiff kept saying. Finally this past week somebody else away from fox asked the question about potentially compromised position that the president is in. John kirby was peachless. Watch this. Speechless. What do you say to the majority of americans who believe that the president is himself corrupt . [background sounds] [laughter] [inaudible] the president , the president has spoken to this. The president has spoken to the this. And theres nothing to these claims. Maria congresswoman, your reaction. Nothing to these claims is an absolute farce. We have literal Bank Documentation from subpoenaed bank records that show that this administration, that this family, that this is compromised. To go back to what you were saying about how complicit and how hard its been to get this message out there, you know, i will accredit this show and fox for really doing right by the American People to provide a different perspective, to show the truth on whats really happening in washington. But, you know, social media was really a problem, and up until recently with twitter we really were fighting with one hand behind our back. I will speak to to the adam schiff. Maria, i have a Privilege Resolution we are going to the floor, and we are going to find that pine that man 16 million to ultimately push something that destroyed our country, ripped us apart and is also responsible for i believe permanently damaging Foreign Relations. Hes a criminal and, adam schiff, you will be held accountable. Maria wow. Well, look, we watched it and lived it all when he was going out there the as the chairman of the Intelligence Committee telling the us that there was collusion in plain sight. He had to know better. He was the chairman of committee. Absolutely. He said that he saw and i quote, smoking gun, and yet he was privileged to information that not even i or many of my colleagues would be able to see. He used that position. He absolutely aided and Abetted A Corrupt Fbi into investigating a sitting president , and i would even say, maria, some people would say that in doing what he did not only did he bring dishonor to to the house of representatives, but he really destroy thed, i think, sense of camaraderie we had in this country in pushing an egregious lie that cost the taxpayers over 32 million. Maria it did rip the country apart, thats true. Congresswoman, please come back soon. Thank you. Thank you. Maria congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna this morning. Quick break and then the race for the white house is on. Republicans are seeking to unseat President Biden next november. The latest poll from fox news and former President Trump leading the field by a wide margin for the gop nomination. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and that a fall garre group senior strategist Robert Cahaly is here with analysis next. We all need fiber for our digestive health, but less than 10 of us get enough each day. 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With the capability of a 2inch lift. The versatility of the available multiflex tailgate. And the connection of a 13. 4 diagonal touchscreen. Chevy silverado. Taking adventure to a whole new level. We have to win this. Its not a game. Were trying to save our country, and if we dont save our country, i think if we dont important election weve ever had because its like our countrys decaying from within. American decline is not inevitable. I think it is a choice. S the a choice that we will make as a people particularly in this upcoming election. I think we have a chance to choose a better path. And if we choose a better path, we can have a revival of the greatness of america. Maria and that was former President Trump and Florida Governor ron desantis on the Campaign Trail in iowa last week on whats at stake in next years election. As President Biden seeks a second term in the oval office, a new poll released by gallup reveals americans are overwhelmingly dissatisfied with the way things are going in the United States under the Biden Administration. While a fox news poll shows President Biden receiving negative marks across board from voters on his handling of the exhibitioner on border security, on foreign policy. This upcoming week we are expecting former Vice President mike pence as well as new jersey if governor Chris Christie to enter the race and announce they too will seek the nomination. But so far polls have former President Trump leading all gop hopefuls by a wide margin as well as leading President Joe Biden as well. Joining me right now is former House Speaker and Fox News Contributor Newt Gingrich along with Trafalgar Group pollster Robert Cahaly. Speaker gingrich is also the author of a new book, march to the majority the real story of the republican revolution. It will be available tuesday where all books are sold. Gentlemen, great to see you both. Thanks very much for being here. I want to get into 2024 and get your analysis but first, newt f as a former Speaker Of The House, your thoughts on what we just saw from Kevin Mccarthy, a huge win getting the president to the sign into haw Spending Caps and into law Spending Caps and raising of the debt ceiling. Look, i think Speaker Mccarthy had a big victory because it shifted the Balance Of Power towards the house which is much more conservative than the senate, and it put him in a position of negotiating directly with bind. The next with biden. The next thing theyre going to do is offer a balanced budget which should with in the next two weeks, and theyre going to continue the appropriations fights fall that are very, very important. There are a lot of places where they can cut Government Spending well the agreement. The agreement was a ceiling, not a basement, and i suspect House Republicans are going to move to cut a lot of programs in the appropriations this fall. Maria newt, what about that Fbi Headquarters . The speaker just told me he doesnt like the idea that everybodys housed in the headquarters anyway, 3. 5 billion hay want for that new headquarters. Look, i just did a podcast with a 33year veteran of the fbi who says whole system has been corrupted, it was profoundly wrong. We had to move people back into away from washington, not build with literally a building bigger hand the pentagon. The fbis lost its mind. I want it want wants to be a National Police force and intelligence force, and the House Republicans should zero out that building, force a profound change in the fbi, shift people out of washington, back to the local offices where they cooperate with local police and return it to being a Law Enforcement agency, not a Intelligence Agency that attacks americans. Maria yeah. It sounds like thats what the speaker is planning on doing. Robert, what are your polls telling us as we await two more names jumping into the fray this upcoming week . Well, what we see is trump continue to have this significant lead. I mean, or its, you know, hes over 50 in almost every poll, and everybody else is fighting for whats left. And so what were seeing more is kind of shifting back and forth on kind of the flavor of the week. But but the top 50 below the top 50 , and its t like theyre all fighting. I think people thought desantis would start pulling votes away from trump, but in fact whats happening is hes pulling votes away if from other people who wertmp. And so, you know, theyre kind of rearranging the bottom of the group. And, you know, you get more people in it, and youre going to have more of it. Its like a bunch of people standing in a river trying to redirect it. Its really difficult to take on trump when more than half the people hard going on the voting are voting for him. Maria newt, your thoughts. Well, i mean, first of all, the story of the last three months is that no matter what happens, trumps supporters are for trump. And hes above 50 . Second, the desantis had a shot at consolidating, he totally failed to do that. Thats why youre seeing all these new candidates. And that means that instead of being one of two, desantis is now one of many. And its like theyre fishing in a small lake and theres this huge lake next door called trump, and they cant break into that lake. If it continues this way, trump will be the nominee by the end of march. Maria rob, does it help robert, does It Help Trump to have more candidates there then . Absolutely. Going on what the speaker just said, one of the things we find fun is when we ask people second choices even though we tell them you have to first somebody other than your first choice, the trump people always choose trump again. [laughter] maria lets take a short break. Weve got more with Newt Gingrich and Robert Cahaly. Well be right back on Sunday Morning futures. Im sherry and im john. Im a pharmacist. As we were starting to age, its like, well how can we help our cognitive abilities . We saw prevagen. I did read the Clinical Study and went ahead and gave it a try. I feel that prevagen is helping me with overall clarity and as a pharmacist, ive recommended it to, not only just customers, but also to friends and family as a safe product to try. Prevagen. At stores everywhere without a prescription. Have you ever considered getting a walkin tub . Well, look no further. Safe steps best offer just got better now, when you purchase your brandnew safe step walk in tub. 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You know, people that tend to vote that you dont seem to be able to contact. And so you build a model based on how many of these are going to the happen and, unfortunately, in this day and age when you have to build that model, what you have to do is theyre all going to vote one way, but you have to figure out how many people are going to participate who, you know, are just not going to be available for you to the call. The 95yearold girl on the news who wasnt watch the news or anything who has a ballot requested in her name, we know how hes going to to vote no. Now. Mar. Maria newt, are the republicans doing enough to insure a free and Fair Election in 2024 . I think its probably almost impossible under current law to insure an accurate election, and i think the only republican strategy in the long run is to pick issues and win by margins so big that they cant steal it. If you have a very close election, democrats have a, have passion for stealing them. And you look at the way theyve used bundling. As robert just pointed out, when you have local union which takes care of people in a nursing home going to vote the people who literally dont cognitively know what theyre doing, you know that that union is going to the vote every single one of them for the a democrat ono matter what their personal believes beliefs were. I think these are things youve got to be honest about. And were gradual hi in republican states beginning to tighten up the election law, but in states dominated by democrats like new york, illinois, california, you just have to to assume that the machine will sale as much as it can. Maria wow. Robert, real quick on the democrat side, speak of cognitive the abilities, there are democrats who dont want joe biden to run again. Lets look at Robert Kennedy and where he stands right now along with marian williamson. What does that side of the aisle look like . Williamson is going to have her segment of democrats and, you know, the more she gets, the more out it starts to make sense about that the way theyre going. But there are some common sense democrats that are getting behind Kennedy Maria okay. And kennedy just, hes been so anti all the covid restrictions, theres no way he can win it. Maria okay. Gentlemen, great to see you both i brought in ensure max protein with 30g of protein. Those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. Uh. Here ill take that. Everyone woo hoo ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein, one gram of sugar. Enter the Nourishing Moments Giveaway for a chance to win 10,000. The subway series is elevating your favorite subs. Why mess with the sweet onion teriyaki, chuck . Man, this aint messin, its perfectin with marinated chicken and double cheese. Sweet and savory. Kinda like you and me, chuck. Bye, peyton. Try the refreshed favorites at subway today. Martial arts is my passion. I work out whenever i can. 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Eric hello i would thank you for joining us im in church on the police have a lease five of the six victims they have withheld information about exactly what caused their desperate authorities now investigating wh

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