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Levin. Trey good evening and eve thank you for joining us. I am trey gowdy and it is Sunday Night In America. D have guessed, Taking Aal Class with criminal law to president ial electionsh. Such is the state of americante politics. K Special Counsel was appointed to look into donald trump and thenh to look into those whote investigated donald trump andob then hunter biden an id out joe biden. President s cannot be prosecutede under current doj policy, bur t does does not mean they cannot be investigated and the house plans to do just that. House of jurisdiction calling for the release of transcripts from Special Counsel rob hur Investigation Andd President Biden to understanthd the nature of the charges and the Reckless Intent and by extension, his fitness to run the country. Republicans want hur to testify before Congress Next c month, bt history holds a warning. You may recall democrats like adam schiff post Robert Mueller to testify and that ended Uptacu Backfiring in a spectacular way. Joining us is fox news legal editor, carrie, welcome, we arev so happy to have you on the show. I remember Democrats Wantedrobe Robert Mueller to testify and they did twice before two different committees in both were unmedicated disasters for the democrats. So, is there a risk in hur testifying publicly . There is always a risk, treyo i think one of the main problems with Special Counsel as they currently are. They can find someone not guilty of a particular crime, but then write a report that many times is far more devastating than a legal compaction. Befo then they go to before congress they can go either way and certainly help hurs case but can backfire as well. I do think there needs to be some thinking through whether Special Counsel and the reporteo should continue the way itse wa been done how many years because i think these reports are typically used and often abused by the other side to achieve their gains. Trey well, i hope when you are the attorney general, you will change it because you are exactly right. Prosecutors usedpros to speakwe through documents and we didnt have pressdo conferences Likeor Jim Comey Orts do special repors memos. One part that caught my attention as Special Counsel hus suggested the facts involving biden were different from the facts involving donald trump. You and i both know there is a very good democrat and lawyers of these committees, and they are going to Harp On Trumpet Anh not biden when hur testifies. I know members of congress thine they are clarence darrow. They think they are great questioners. But the truth is, they could lose this hearing whereas rightt now im i think they are winning the public narrative as it relates to this report. Completely. This report was completely devastating for joe biden. I think where he may have made mistake as well as his attorneys is Calling Aspects of the report falls. We dont know what parts are false but that opens up the question about releasing transcripts. Well i wouldnt necessarily have an issue with joe biden who fell for the transcripts release which wetr havent seen yet if t thinks it will vindicate him if, in fact the Justice Department behaved this appropriately and didnt do what they said he did. I have problems with the releasp of these transcripts because it could set a bad precedent for the future consistent with what you are saying generally. You would know this better thany anyone as a prosecutor, i would think that it would set a precedent that Transcriptsld B should be released for all kinds of investigations and prosecutions. Of to impact the integrity of those very things because i think itsu would discourage candor from the Target Fror Frm the witness. You want to get the bestin information you can get but if people are worried about Everything Thetracy say beinges extracted for sound bites from pendants or congress, not sureyo you will get the best information you need trying tom get to the bottom of something. Trey no, youing. Will get a mess, which is why grand jury transcripts are held sacrosanct or they used to be and now they are political fodder. Before i let you go, it seemsat like democrats have a real dilemma. How can biden elect the fitness to stand trial or for Reckless Intent and yet fit enough to lead the country . If you cant appear in front ofe a judge, how can you pick judges and justices . That is a real political dilemma for them, i think. Sadly, we dont need a repora to tell us that. N se anybody watching joe biden righl now can see the decline. So, that is why im not sure these transcripts are evenpts calling hur to testify is going to necessarily help anything. Orocess i would just say come it know that it will confirm anything we dont alt already ku not sure the point of these efforts, but we are in a culture these days, trade. Trey bottom line dont wrong foer hr congress, kerri, o matter how man iy people ask,k dont do it. Nday thank you for joining us on a sunday night. Thank you for having me. Trey meanwhile activity involving President Trump and the Supreme Court wang absolute immunity and whether conrod can exclude him from the ballot. Georgia courtroom the d. A. C finding fani willis and nathann wade are fit to prosecute and in New York A Trial Date Of March 25th has been set in the case involving allegations of harsh money being treated as Business Expense and in floridal a federal judge did not delayedt the start of trumps classified documents case. For all of those out they were majoring in political silence, criminology might serve yough better. John sable, former Watergate Special prosecutor and worked id the Southern District of new york and currently a veryrrn prominent attorney in the great state of florida. Welcome, john. Lets start at georgia. The hearing of Fani Willis Andsr nathan wade was an unmitigated disaster for both of them. Bett they have better chance of being prosecuted themselves thensecu presiding over the prosecution of donald trump. But even if willis and wade ared kicked off of the case, does that mean the case goes away, or are you just going to find new prosecutors who are not dating each other . Hey, troy, i thought i washe watching something out of the national enquirer. They wer nere talkin they g Abos Sleeping with whom and when sleeping together here is the e that you want toncia hear, the financial state, elected District Attorney taken the case because the person having an affair with nate about 650,000 of taxpayer money. The judges will sorte that outh but what about the appearance . T imagine, you were the chief elected prosecutor in your great state. Ive never heard of the Chief Prosecutor being put on this day and much less being questioned about their personal life. E d i read about the New York Times a couple of Weeks Ag Tio Written By A not not a critic of this prosecutorc but this Law Professor suggested lets look at the case. R th lets think of the republics respect for the system. Why doesnt bonny lewis step aside, appoint hert he deputy, t terminate mr. Wade come and let them get on with it . None of that can happen and if the office is recused where she has recused, the whole office is recused and a Special Agency Ine Georgia that the whole state ofr georgia they can get another prosecutor who can proceed with the case and dismissed the case. They can change the theories or they can do just whatever theyte think is in the interest of justice. And we will restore the publicc confidence in the system and the prosecutors office. Trey i would think in the g whole state of georgia, you can find a couple of prosecutors not benefiting financially and notot sleeping together. Lets move to new york. That case has been noted universally pan. It is still out there and goingx to trial next month. What do you think is going to happen there . It is historic and not in a a good way. Id the First Time Ever a former president of the United Stateset is going to trial. That was the first case indicted. When when that was indicted come if you recall, it was reportedeete jim comey tweeted, this is a great case from a great day forn america. Ay it was not a great day for america. No matter whtho the formere i president is, it is a sad and solemn think that is happening here that case was first and it went off the radar screen. But it seems that will be thes first case. An d i think if i were representing donald trump part of the defense team and i askedb which of the four case is would you like to try first, my choics would be none of the above. Because there is always risk i f a trial but if i had to have one it would be this one. They were so many problems with this case that i cant resistte telling you as a trial lawyer and you are a great trial cas lawyer, this case factually will rise or fall on michael cohen. Michael cohen, i saw on another network, cy vance jr. , the former District Attorney who worked on th e investigations, he called michael cohen, an exploding hand grenade. Michael cohen says everything h did he did for donald trump. Well, he pled guilty in the Southern District of new york. He pled guilty not only to this. He pled guilty to bank fraud, which is totally his own, mortgage fraud, im sorry, bank fraud and Tax Evasion Ofan millions of millions of dollarso in each case, he blame someone else. Trey john seo from thete great state of florida, thank you for joining us. Terrific, thank you for having me on, trade. Are trey yes, sir. Is there a plan b or plan to replace b as in replace joe biden . Plus, who will President Trump pick as a running mate . Er former dnc deputy d Press Secretary jose arista mons and Political Correspondent olivia biebers is next. Trey welcome back to Sunday Night In America. A. It didnt seem like democrats were all that enthusiastic about joe biden before Special Counsel robert hurs report made publicm that report paints a picture of a man who should not be prosecuted because of diminishet Mental Capacity as it relates to forming the requisite criminal intent. To be fair to, hur distinguish the bidens fax from the trump facts and his belief biden was an elderly man with trouble remembering important things. De biden has been in politics for half a century. He had run for president before and didnt win the nomination in 2016, despite being eight year Vice President he stood down in lieu of Hillary Clinton. In 2020, he was underperforming for jim clyburn rescued him in south carolina. Biden does not, at least to me, have a natural base within the democrat party. Appr his Approval Numbers are down and young people disagree with the his handling of the war in e middle east and the border remains a top issue for voters. Vonthose shortcomings could alle forgiven except for one thing, the Polling Shows he may very well lose to trump in november. So biden is likely to lose and there isto bipartisan concern about his mental acuity, is a there ba backup plan . What were who is that backup plan . And who was going to tell and the incumbent president and current nominee that he is no longer a candidate forr re reelection . And who was going to be anointed instead . Joining us now is former dncreta deputy and Press Secretary and democrat strategist, jose aristimuno. To welcome, jose. It is great to meet you. This is our first time together so i want to thank you for joining us. Of of course, C Republicans are goi to criticize the president. That is the nature of modern politics, of course. There are questions about President Bidens mental acuity coming from hiaisls own Side Ofe Aisle and even from the traditional left media. Trey, thank you for having me on the show. Let merepu say this first, if republicans are betting onng o President Biden dropping out or not finishing ort going toyo election, let me tell you, they will be very, very disappointede come november. R plan b, b, it stands foriden joe biden who will go all therel way to the reelection in november. And Democratn Noves Look at it i this president is based on result, the inflation is goingen down, economy is going down. And then second is we beat trump before and we will beat him again. He is a depletable candidate and its not like we havent beat him before. Trey i am not disagreeing with you. St he won last time he read a bit of Polling Shows i mean, his Approval Numbers are not good. Polling shows that joe bidene is losing to donald trump, bute there is another candidate that would win, do you not think than there will be some movement toe say, hey, look, we appreciate all of your service, wan President Biden, but we dont want to lose. To me, politics is just aboutno. Winning now. How you win is irrelevant, they just want to win. Look, it is a great question. I think first and foremost, we have to be careful with bowling 2016, we remember every poll in america said Hillary Clinton woulle pd be president. Every single poll was wrong. It was President Trump he read but i think polls tell a part of the picture. We are more than eight months before november. A lot of things can happen. So actually think bidens has a great chance to be reelected more than any other candidate out there, by the way. U obviously it is an issue and so is it for President Trump. President biden make mistakes, a make mistakes, trump makes mistakes all the time. I dont think there is a plan b, may be by majority of democrats. I dont think it is a solid plan and i dont think we will need it at all. I think President Joe Biden will be ready to serve four years and deliver a solution for thepeop American People. Trey jose, i made more mistakes than all of the peopleu you just listed put together. So, let me ask you one more question before i will let you go. Should biden do more or less press . He skipped the super bowl, but he does do media gavels from time to time. And i think those things are crazy with a Helicopter Blaring in the background and you cant hear the question. Is it a dumb idea for any president to do it . What do you think . Are you are a press expert. Should they do more or lessld o meeting . He should do 100 more. He is great on camera, veryh likable, connects with the peo American People. I think he should do more. Hes done quite a bit and not just the capital but podcast and a lot of social media, things that young people like him or so traditional sort of news after the super bowl. Look, President Trump skipped a couple of those as well. So i dont think it is something different. Every president and white househ has to make those choices. Do do i want to do traditional m media or Digital Media for theog speaker of the house. Im glad he didnt do the super bowl and i dont want tot mix politics. I was already depressed that dallas didnt play. It didnt bother me but some people think he missed a chancew thank you for joining us on a sunday night. I look forward to our next visit. Thanks a lot, trey. S trey in the old days you became Vice President by running for president anngd losing. Things are a little different now, maybe. People may not run but they f t definitely campaigned for it. Oliolivia beavers, capitol hill joins us now. Welcome, olivia, it is wonderful to see you again conventional wisdom is what former President Trump needs help with suburban white women. He said nikki haley is out as vp and christine home interesting but what are you hearing about the vp sweepstakes . Yeah, donald trump is doing what he typically does is he will float names with some of his close allies and advisors and he will try to get feedback from them to basically see what they think. H he has indicated he likes theasd idea of a woman, Elise Stefanik on capitol hill has been doing fundraisers and trying to sort of win Brownie Points as kind on a geo sessions for this role. But so are others . It is making the hill kind of interesting Stomping Ground for people with the deep states. You have tim scott who donald trump has also spokenpoke highly of. That is someone who would possibly follow a more traditional path and maybe hee. Could be tapped there. Yo and you have senators like j. D. M vance who seem to bein auditioning. That is probably why you are Hearing Comments and why they would not have found the same thing as mike pence in terms of certifying the election. So, you are really trying to see people separate themselves orto appealed to trump in terms of loyalty test. Trey all right, the republicans lost the specialial election to replaceelec George Santos, which makes ah pretty narromaw minority likelie minuscule. It looks like republicans have responded by continuing to throw rocks at one another over who ib to blame. What is the reality . Are folks getting along really, really fabulously well and weg are just missing it . I would say a really good thing there are not buckets of Rocks Becausle ie people would i picking up those rocks and throwing them at each other atth this rate. Nsespecially Republicans Who Sem to be blasting one another. E in terms of the race i think theyre a sort of a belief ther is a good chance they didnt hold onto the seat. This was a tough seat to hold onto after George Santos expelled. G it is a big reason why leadership didnt want the rest of the rank and vote him out. Toms was he had this huge name recognition and Democrats Alsobc spent, outspent republicans from 14 million to 15 million to republicans 8 million. A sethey lost a seat and the rey is when tough votes come aroundo they have one last person after february later this month, february 28th, i think, to get that vote done. We saw with secretary mayorkas, three votes make a difference in terms of having as it did the first time. Although ultimately succeeded. I trey all right, olivia, i t onknow you spent every waking moment on capitol hill. You possibly may have missed the ghost of Kevin Mccarthy. He reappeared this past week and he said a couple of things thate i thought were interesting. Na he said he hoped nancy mace gets the help she needs. Then he brought up the sorted allegations against matt gaetz. Once again. It looks like Ethics Committee investigation into matt gaetz has picked back up. Ys and it looks like nancy mace opposed by chief ofromf staff ff her own office. Or both of those right . Is the Ethics Investigation back up and nancy mace is facing opposition from within . I think nancy mace does havea a primary challenger. I dont knowimar if her former t of staff is actually going Toer Take O Bn the former boss althoh that was something he was waking and talking to consultants about. He has not really pulled theat trigger on that. But nancy mace is facing the challenger from someone that shn knows down the state nametemp templeton. Templeton is trying to runbe g against her record. And i think getting help from Kevin Mccarthy allies. So there is out. As for matt gaetz, we do knowcsi that Ethics Investigation is continuing. Ink i dont think we will see the results of that anytime soon. Those investigations tend ton us take a lot longer than the committee wants. And some relies on voluntarily offering information. Trey i am sure there is a harder job in the world, oliviaa than the one you have, but i dont know what it is. To deal with this all the time, the look, maybe you should have done better inne college or maye l you to w do what i tel do, which is go to law school so you can get rid of all of that. None of the list, thank you for joining us on a sunday night, and im sure we will be talkingk again very soon. Thanks, trey. Trey you take care. Coming up, officials are urging the public tblico Stay Calm Aftr The House until chair issued a warning about a Serious National Security threat. So who is right . Former National Security advisot Vice President mike pence, Keith Kellogg joins us right after the break i got this 1,000 camera for only 41 on dealdash. Dealdash. Com, online auctions since 2009. This Playstation 5 sold for only 50 cents. This ipad pro sold for less than 34. And this Nintendo Switch, only 0. 50. This ipad sold pro sold for less for less than 20. I s this Kitchenaid Stand Mixer Nintendo Switch for only 56. I sold for less thangot this bbq 20. I got ths smoker for 26 bucks. And Kid Stand Mixer for only 56. I got shipping is always free. Go to this Barbecue Smoker dealdash. Com r for 26 bucks, andight now and see shis how much you can save. Alws free. Go to dealer. Com right now and see how much you can save when you cant watch. Listen. Get the latest news, business and News Headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. Fox news audio on sirius xm. America is listening. Welcome to fox news live. Im Ashley Strohmeyer in new york. We are getting a better idea of when israels military could launch its Ground Operation in gazas crowded rafah city. An israeli war cabinet member is warning the Military Invasion will happen by march 10th. That is, unless hamas frees its remaining hostages, as that date marks the start of the muslim holy month of ramadan. This is the first time israel has said when its troops might enter the city. Meantime, the us is threatening to veto an algerian led ceasefire resolution between the warring sides at the United Nations security council. The us is ambassador to the un says washington is already working on its own deal between the groups and that the resolution could jeopardize talks. The us deal would see the release of hostages and then bring a pause to fighting for the next six weeks at least the un is likely to vote on the algerian resolution tomorrow. Im ashley strohmier. Now back to Sunday Night In America. Welcome back to Sunday Night In America, one lawmaker said the threat is so real. President biden should immediately declassify the material so we can all see it. Others said its not exactly new or pressing. The issue is whethert exactly new or pressing. The issue is whether space is now a nuclear battlefield. One National Security issue making the news last week. I cannot confirm that it is related to antisatellite capability that russias developing this is not an active capability thats been deployed. The russias pursuit of this particular capability is troubling there is no immediate threat to anyone safety. Correct trading is now Fox News Contributor former National Security adviser and Vice President mike pence general Keith Kellogg welcome general. Thank you for your service. I remember when a rush or it was viewed as an adversary, an enemy, and opposing world power they cannot be trusted. And on the backdrop of the death of Alexei Navalny has that you change customer particularly in the Republican Party is russia solar enemy . Trey thanks for having me we should treat it as thats sure, they are an adversary to start with you look at the leadership you look at vladimir putin. Hooton is a retired kgb Lieutenant Colonel that furthers west he had ever been is germany and doesnt understand the west he thanks hes Peter The Great reincarnate hes got a view of the world we need to be very concerned about that. They are a Nuclear Power their attitude toward us is in fact an adversary relationship that is okay that is not necessarily mean by definition they are quote enemy but they arent adversary was should be aware of it we should treat them as such. As a way we have treated him that way former President Trump has and thats why his push so hard on nato we get to the 2 of gdp spending that is basically the also theyre going to do in the whales a declaration of 2014 we have to be on notice with them because they do have an urge to go west and there should be a major concern about that. And you see what they are doing to ukraine. Yes i would treat them as an adversary just like id treat the chinese as an adversary they are not competitors france or the competitors. But to meet the big two we are facing are china and russia. Trey i want to ask about native and just a second but lets clear up. We have a House Republican chairman of house intel said this is important enough for an immediate briefing. We have other people who are experts in the field who say its not really all that newsworthy. Where do you come down on a russia and space and Nuclear Capabilities and satellites . I am just hoping the republics did not get played on this by the white house. The 1967 Outer Space Treaty clearly says you cannot have weapons of mass destruction, and outerspace if its the technology theyre looking at and cite Satellite Technology that has been the books for years. The russians have a capability we have one. The chinese have won the indians have one. That is not new that is old stuff. But if they are talking about improving or putting a Nuclear Weapons base that is a game changer and i will tell you it is not necessarily because it becomes the capability what you are creating for but put a nukn space besides violating a treaty the russians and soviet union signed onto, that becomes an emp weapon if you explode a nuke in space youv you got a major pron the ground over a considerable area that will be the worry i have got. I think where i would come from as if it is this series is really easy for the president to declassify. He could do it overnight and say this is what i want to have happen. I have seen it done in the oval office. Just do it, tell the American People but you hear two different thoughts you hear one where everybodys clutching their pearls, grabbing their go bags and heading down to the beach and the others dont worry about it its no big thing. I would like to know what theyre really talking about let the American People know let them make the call. Trey wanted to play a clip from the president and ask a question on the other side, the former president. Nato is a busted until i came along as it everybodys got to pay one of the president s of the big country stood up and said sir if we dont pay we are attacked by russia will you protect us . No i would not protect you in fact i would encourage them to do whatever they want to got to pay. Asex aren eric general here isy question why not have that talk in private . Hes welcome to say pay your dues you need to contribute fairly to the cause. But why not send you, mike pompeo or John Ratcliff to deliver that message in private . Why do it at a political rally . You know this was the literal message she sent spray know where hes coming from i know hes trying to do and i know this frustration when he started might rubut russias segment na. We are committed today that weve always been committed to nato. Theres never been talk about getting out of nato using article 13 to basically say have a litter of denunciation walk out the door. His point is and it is a valid point that Everybody Needs to do with they said theyre going to do in the 2014 Whales Declaration 2 gdp, 20 modernization. The two thirds of the countries right now are not doing that. We need to force that i happen to agree with the president in that regard. Trey i like the point i just wish he had made it the way you just made it as opposed to doing it at a political rally but we will save that for another conversation. Thank you for your service to our country and joining us on a sunday night. Thanks trey, thanks for having me. Trey yes are coming up republican california congressman tom emmer mcclintock voted no and historic impeachment of trey gowdy an trey welcome back toy Sunday Night In America. Ca. It took a couple of troops but the House Republicans voted to impeach dhs secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, this week. So it is only the second time inis u. S. History Cabinet Secretary was impeached. President biden called it a blatant act of unconstitutionals partisanship. A democrat led senate might not even give it a trial. One thing appears certain, Alejandro Mayorkas will not becv convicted. Three republicans voted to not impeach, not to indict him if you will. He one of them joins us californiaa congressman, congressman mcclintock. One thing i remember our time iu the house, you were a stickler for what you believe to be constitutional. You were and it will say with all due respect, Aonal Constitutional Thorn in both sides if you believe the document was being pushed aside. So, i am assuming that something yeah, that is a a compliment, actually. Ua i am assuming what led youll toe believe something lead you to believe malfeasance in office alone is not sufficient grounds for impeachment. The constitution is what protects our liberty. The only way we will lose it isa if we abandon it. Tha that is the job of each generation. With respect to the grounds for impeachment, we knowat what are not grounds for impeachment. Achmnow administration, andis trmalfeasance, corruption, Becae Tthe American founders rejected all of those terms. They would make the president a servant of the senate and that would completely destroyed thery separation of powers, which is o the heart of the constitutional Mechanisms Thanismt keep us fre. And they settle instead on high crimes and misdemeanors using the office. E ac they didnt want the policy and Political Disput E to turn into trey i think that is whatvee we have election for or thean policy and political dispute spirit i will ask you a question i wouli wod like to as the colleagues. I assume Alejandro Mayorkas isgx doing exactly what joe biden t wants him to do otherwise, biden would get rid of him. Why the push to get rid of the p puppet and out the Puppet Master . I dont understand that either. Again, all Executive Authority P shall bere vested in a president of the United States the United States of america. All of it,t not some of it. A ca any power that Cabinet Secretary exercises comess directly frocom the president through the constitution. Not he cant serve two masters. Gres if the Congress Wants them to do one thing and the president wantto ds him to do another, his duty is always tty io the presi. As long as he is acting within his constitutional authority. Trey all right, republicans want at least my memory tells me, republicans wanted to impeach a Guy John Cause can former commissioner, and the democrats wanted to impeach bill barr and donald trump twice. And justices who dont vote thes way people think they should vote. Has impeachment become another olpolitical tool . . Im afraid it is becoming that. That is what the founders feared. They didnt want that to happen. Yet, we are watching it unfold before ournd eyes. That is very disturbing because if this is allowed to continue, it will become a fixture in our National Life whenever the white house is held by one party in the congress by another. Trey before i will let you go, the latest on the Borderve Security Versus military aid for israel and ukraine and taiwan. I mean, i dont know why republicans have to negotiate over border security. That is something in a nation to have regardless. Hav but they seem to all be mixed together. Toge how is it going to sort out . Im a big believer in single subject bills that provides clarity you cant get any other way. So, the impact under the discussion will produce a stalemate. I think we have to take these issues up separately. But with respect to border h re asecurity, it is not a quen of passing new laws. Oing it is a question of are they at enforcing existing laws . W donald trump did that and the border was secure. Joe Biden Inauguration day reversed all of Thosree Policieh and began the largest illegal mass migration era countrys history. We need to enforce existing lawn and that cant be done by congressngre. Congress rights laws but they cannot enforce them. Ultimately, this was Setul In B Motion by y the American Peoplet when they elected this administration and it can only be fixed by the American Peoplet replacing it with an administration that is actuallyo devoted to securing our borders and upholding the rule of law my protecting the American People. Trey as you say, take care ofle. The laws that are faithfuy executed. That is the job of the president. Tom mcclintock, once again, a citing the constitution as he did when we served together. Docu that is his guiding document. Thank you so much for joining uc on a sunday night, congressman. In thank you for having me, trey. Bow trey up next, the super bowl is known for itsir commercial. One commercial caught the attention of the entire nation. L alex jones is the ceo of hello and joins us next on the surginp popularity only on Sunday Night In America. Sunday night in america. Ah, these bills are crazy. She has no idea shes sitting on a goldmine. Well she doesnt know that if she owns a Life Insurance policy of 100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. Even a term policy. Even a term policy . Even a term policy find out if youre sitting on a goldmine. Call Coventry Direct today at the number on your screen, or visit coventrydirect. Com. Force factor total beets is the number one beets brand in america. Thats why Friends And Family recommend total beets. Now you can find total beets Blood Pressure chews at walmart so you can boost nitric oxide, support Blood Pressure and improve heart health. Rush to walmart and find total beets. Gro opus, lord, especially at this lent to grow closer to you. Join us this lint on hello and stay prayed up here in welcome back to Sunday Night In Americ do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to god. It was the Largest Television crowd ever assembled with millions of americans who saw a commercial about a prayer app called hallow, as in hallowed e thy name. The commercial feature actorsed Mark Wahlberg and jonathan, and tickles major spike and downloads of the app. While they may be famous actors, when it comes to talking god come everybody is equal and anybody can do with pure joining us now is hallow ceo, alex jones. Welcome to you, mr. Jones. Lets talk with the basics, why, why this happened and why the super bowl because those ads from what i hear are sort of pricey. Certainly. You know, why this app . God change my life and i had fallen away from my faith and fi came back to it by discovering the beauty and the power of prayer. So i just really went to the apy and built it for myself and blown away with what god has done with it. We have seen it changed countless lives and for everybody just an opportunity to go deeper with a relationshipunl with god through daily prayer. The super bowl is a small start up but it fell on once every ten years, Super Bowl Falls On Sunday after Ash Wednesday so a beautiful opportunity to come together in prayer and give thanks to god and find people to go deeper with god through a relationship through lint. Trey you mentioned prayer and even jesus prayed and if my memory serves me, he spent 40 days alone into wilderness praying. T what is so powerful about prayei that even god would do it . Yeah, i mean my prayer is what everything flows from, prayer. It is the relationship we have,h with god and the way we grow in a relationship with god. Jesus obviously needed prayer to talk to the father. He wanted prayer to talk to the father. Th it is an opportunity for all of us. God gives us this incrediblethis piece. He gives us purpose and opportunity to give him thanks and come together as a community and a country to grow deeper in a relationship with him. Prayer, we have seen It Change Thousands and thousands of peoples lives with darkestt places in god is able to reach out and give peace, hope, love through prayer with sitting silent with god. Trey q have what i find to be an interesting Faith Journeyl if tha ut is the right phrase yourself. Tell us but that was. Yeah, i was raised catholic, but fell away from my faith in high school and college and would have consider myself agnostic or atheist for most of that. I got intimate meditation using the apps but every time i wouldp meditate, my mind would feel cold towards something spiritual, Agnostic Which Ius Thought was strange, like jesuso at the cross. What i saw was beautiful meditation within christianity that stretch back thousands of years and things i never heard of before. Ways to learn what it means to listen to god, t not just talk p but really listen to god and sit in silence with him. It change my life and brought me back to my faith. We built the app just for me to try to help me to get to heaven but a journey along so many people in their relationship with god as well. Y trey before i let you go, somebody downloads this app g tonight, tell them what they will be getting. Yeah, so you just type in hallow, the app store and give it a try. We are in the middle of a challenge so we doof certainly t too late to join. It is a challenge to pray every day for the season of lent, he sees in a 40 leading up to flint. E these beautiful scriptural readings with meditations with jonathan roommate, mike schmitz and some nuns leading us and radically what it means to give bank be charitable and otherm organizations actually. And some mention of prayers, meditations, but you will beresa joining with millions of other people praying around the world and being committed to growingbe deeper relationship with god and it would be an honor to get too pray with you. Wit trey you know, alex, it takes a lot of faith to talk about that out here at the fact that you overcame your doubt and here you are with a nationally n known prayer app. Thank you for joining us on ast sunday night. We wish you all the best. All glory to god. Thank you for having me. Trey yes, sir, t thank you for spending part of your sunday night with us. I hope you have a great week ahead of me. Until next week you can find uso on the trey gowdy an American Woman missing in spain and her family and friends

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