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Congresswoman nancy mace, shes a member of both the House Oversight committee and House Armed Services committee. Congresswoman, always a pleasure to see you. The house gets back to business this week trying to, in part, rectify some of the damage that President Biden has done to the u. S. Economy. Lets start with the Biden Imetch Pooment Impeachment Inquiry. The House Speaker Toll Maria Bart Eau emo himself that bartiromo himself that he does expect to bring any impeachablement inquiry to a full vote on the floor. When do you expect that would happen . Will it happen in the month of september . Well, well mow a little bit more information this week. We go in to session on tuesday. Bribery is one of the bases for an Impeachment Inquiry in article ii the, section fur of the constitution. But the problem, dagen, as you know, is we will never get of 0 votes in a 60 votes in a democratcontrolled senate. So the House Oversight, judiciary, Ways And Means need to continue our investigations, with we need to show the American People all of the evidence that we uncover. We need to do it in swift order. We need more subpoenas. I want the bookkeeper, i want shokin, i want hunter, i want everybody who was a witness and and saw what we saw in the suspicious activity reports. That information we have to win the court of Public Opinion so people can decide whether or not this guy, who sold out his country for millions and millions of dollars, should be president. Dagen congresswoman, work that you and james comer and all the other members have been doing on the Oversight Committee, is an actual Impeachment Inquiry mess . Do you get the necessary . Do you get any additional powers with a formal Impeachment Inquiry in would it be better just to, just to forge ahead with what youve been doing on oversight, because its socially acting as an Impeachment Inquiry in and of itself, is it not . It is in a way. An Impeachment Inquiry does put at risk certain seats in certain states especially where there are swing districts. We are making our members who are in those districts walk the plank if we nows them force them down an Impeachment Vote which is why ive been saying no matter what the evidence shows, show all of it. Because the things that i have seen in the sars reports would blow your mind whether you are a republican or a democrat. So we have the hoe the bank records to back that up, we need witnesses to comp down, we need whistleblowers. We know all the people who mow what actually happened because the American People deserve nothing less than the truth, and they can decide for themselves what should happen. Dagen and there is the fight, so there are two things on the republicans plate in the house come tuesday. Its not just the Impeachment Inquiry, but also funding the government, a potential continuing resolution as you tackle the Funding Government and the appropriations bills. But those are kind of push and pull, if you will. I mow that among i know that among the House Freedom caucus other conservatives have urged Speaker Mccarthy to force deeper Spending Cuts, attach gop priorities to any short or longterm bill. The likes of matt gaetz, he wants an Impeachment Inquiry, and some people feel that the Impeachment Inquirys being kind of dangled as a carrot, as a shiny object in order to get just a continuing resolution pushed through. How does this play out in getting at least the government funded in the short run . Well, impeachment is just window dressing. Its not going to go anywhere. With we need real Spending Cuts. We need, you know, real measures. And when we look at the potential for a Government Shutdown in the next couple weeks, itll happen before october if it happens at all, that is a real risk right now. But a lot of folks on the right are going to want to blame guiden, dem biden, but were here today because both sides, republicans and democrats, have spent into oblivion, and its untenable. And if there is a shutdown, itll be up to the Executive Branch if the senate ask house cant prioritize spending in a piece of legislation, itll be up to the Executive Branch to prioritize that spending. But ive got to tell you, that Debt Ceiling Bill added 20 the, 18. 9 8 trillion to the debt over the next 10 years. We need to make cuts, i dont think you can do it in 10, i think 1520 years. Both sides of the aisle should sit down at the table and figure that out together because both republicans and democrats have created this mess. Im looking for serious legislation on both things, whether its an investigation into biden or Spending Cuts to prevent a Government Shutdown. Both things need to happen. We need to show the American People congress can walk and chew gum at the same time. Well see what happens. Dagen speaking of bipartisanness, if you look over on the senate side, congresswoman mace, and this is from, this is Maya Mcginn Net maya macguineas, the Fiscal Responsibility Act was meant to pave the way for easy appropriations. And shes, she goes after both house and the senate, and she says both chambers seem intent on ignoring the spending levels they agreed to just three months ago. Oh, yeah. Dagen but with Senate Appropriators seem intent on making things even worse. They are working on a bipartisan basis to boost spending above the Fiscal Responsibility Act by classifying 14 billion of ordinary appropriations as Emergency Spending. Yeah. Dagen that would reverse at least 10 of the Fiscal Responsibility Act. And im not talking about Disaster Relief or ukraine. Yeah. Dagen this is something even different. Yes. And i warned the country about this three months ago when we were having the Debt Ceiling Debate. There was a lot of debate about it. I did a thread on twitter, and you can go to rep nancy mace and see that threat on twitter, and i warned about this exact thing. This is how Congress Gets around what they told the American People. It was just a shell game, it was the largely a lie, and theyre going to spend more money than we have. Theyre going to continue to put our nation in debt, and its going to be worse than it ever has been. And not only that, dagen, but they set the minimum spending levels to emergency historically high covid levels of spending. We dont have the money. When you couple that with highester Interest Rates higher Interest Rates, the quantitative easing, its not going to get better for middle america, people who are working hard to put food on the table for their kids. I blame both party for the situation that were in today, and im not going to support it. Ive got some tough votes ahead of me, but the American People can go to nancy mace. Org and see why im going to vote the way im going to vote is. Im going to tell the truth, im going to vote for the more than people no matter what. Ca. Dagen well, oil prices in the last week, you know, high for the year. The rate of inflation is expected to, well, it is starting to go in the Wong Direction and head back up in the wrong direction and head back up. Yeah, you said that earlier today. Yeah. Dagen every lawmaker many in this country is going to have to answer for that. Before we go, we talked a little bit about it, but give us an update on what is going on with the Oversight Committee looking into the biden Family Business dealings. I know that there are a number of inquiries that you have made and that theres some deadlines coming up. September 2 2nd on the House Oversight writing to justice on information about his, the president s alleged role in hunters foreign business dealings. Also September 20th is another deadline for the national archives. I apologize, President Biden is stepping up to the podium. Thank you, congresswoman. Heres the president. It is evening, isnt it . This Around The World in five days is interesting. Well, you know, theres that one of my Staff Members said remember the famous song, you know, good morning, vietnam . Well, good evening, vietnam. And good morning back in america. Before i begin, i want to express my sadness by loss of life and devastation caused by the earthquake in morocco. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of morocco, and my friend king mohamed vii vi, i should say and my administration including Secretary Of State blinken whos here with meed today is working with the moroccan officials Long Distance here. Were working to insure american citizens in morocco are safe, stand ready to provide any necessary assistance to the 40 moroccan people as well. Made that offer. Now, the important visit here in vietnam. As the general secretary and i just shared earlier today, this trip has been an historic moment. Today the we can trace 50, our 50year arc of progress in the relationship between our nations from conflict to normalization. This is a new level of status that will be a force for prosperity and security in one of the most consequential regions in the world. Developing our cooperation directly to the vietnamese highest tier of partnership referred to the as the comprehensive strategic partnership. That means the United States has strengthened our ties with another critical indopacific partner. Our Progress Today Builds On Camp David Trilateral with japan and Republic Of Korea and the United States, the partnership the United States launched with Iowa Sean Last year, ash asean. Our strength thenned alliances with the philippines and partnership with australia and the united kingdom, our elevated Quad Engagement with india, australia and japan and the indopacific Economic Framework for prosperity. And all the effort we advanced from day one of my administration to demonstrate to our indopacific partners and to the world the United States is a pacific nation, and were not going anywhere. Now, let me also speak to the significant business we got done in india during the g20 the summit. This was an important moment for the United States to demonstrate our Global Leadership and our commitment to solving the challenges that matter most to people Around The World. Investing in inclusive growth and sustainable development, addressing the Climate Crisis is, strengthening Food Security and education, advancing Global Health and health security. We showed up ready to work, and we showed the world the United States is a partner with a positive vision for our shared future. At the g20 the we made progress on Multilateral Bank reform to get to those nations that couldnt qualify before, debt relief and increased infrastructure needs not only in the global south, but other parts of the world as well. We forged a Ground Breaking new partnership that will connect india to europe with the middle east and israel with Transportation By Rail and by shipment and Energy Supplies and digital connections that are going to open up untold opportunities for transformative Economic Investment on that entire corridor. We also discussed russias brutal and illegal war in ukraine. There was sufficient agreement democrat room on the need for in the room on the need for peace that respects sovereignty and territorial integrity. I want to once again thank Prime Minister modi for his leadership and his hospitality in hosting the g20. He and i have had substantial discussions about how were going to continue to strengthen the partnership between india and the United States, building on the Prime Ministers visit to the white house last june. And as i always do, i raised the important, importance of respecting human rights and the slatal role of a Civil Society and free press have in building a strong and prosperous country with mr. Modi. And weve got a lot of important work done, im looking forward to another good day tomorrow here in vietnam. And now i will take your questions. Let me see. They told me, they gave me five people here. Reuters. Reporter thank you for taking my question, mr. President. There you are. I couldnt see you, im sorry. Reporter last week china questioned the sincerity of the Biden Administration im sorry, the what . Reporter the sincerity in sinner thety. Reporter and accused the United States of containing china while pushing for diplomatic talkses. How would you respond to that, and do you think president xi is being sincere about getting the relationship back on track as he bans apple from china . Well, look, first of all, i am sincere about getting the relationship right. And and one of the things that is going on now is china as beginning to change some of the rules of the game. In Terms Of Trade and other issues. And so one of the things we talked about, for example, is that theyre now talking about making sure that no chinese no one in the Chinese Government can use a western cell phone, those kinds of things. And so really what this trip was about, it was less about containing china. I dont want to contain china. I just want to the make sure we have a relationship with china that is on the up and up, squared away, Everybody Knows what its all about. And up one of the ways you do that is you make sure that we are talking about the same things. And i think that one of the things weve cone, ive tried to do, and ive talked with a number of my staff about this for the last, i guess, six months is get an opportunity to strengthen alliances Around The World to maintain stability. Thats what this trip is all about. Ing willing india cooperate much more having india cooperate much more with the United States, seat in a minute be closer vietnam be closer with the United States. Its about having a stable base in the indopacific. And, for example, when i was spending a lot of time talking with president xi, he asked why we were doing, why was i going to have the quad, meaning stale ya with, india australia, india, japan and the United States. And i said to maintain stability. Its not about isolating china. Its about making sure the rules of the road, everything from air space and space in the ocean, the International Rules of the road are abided by. And so, and and i hope that i think Prime Minister xi, i mean, xi has some difficulties right now. All countries end up with difficulties. There are some economic difficulties working its way through. I want to see china succeed economically. But i want to see them succeed by the rules. The next question was to bloom with berg. Bloomberg. Reporter mr. President , following up on your comments on china and the economy, you recently called can chinas economy a ticking time bomb. Do you believe the countrys slowdown could risk destabilizing the Global Economy or causing china to be more aggressive defensively say the first part of your question again . This fan is going on, its loud behind me. Reporter no worries. Do you believe the countrys slowdown in growth could risk destabilizing the Global Economy or cause china to be more aegressive defensively including with taiwan . And secondly, are you worried about the meeting between President Putin and kim jong un if that means russia could have more gains in the war in ukraine . Look, i think china has a difficult economic problem right now for a whole range of reasons that relate to International Growth and lack thereof and the policies that china has followed. So i dont think its going to cause china to invade taiwan, probably doesnt have the same capacity that it had before. But as i said, im not, were not looking to hurt china. Sincerely. Were all better off if china does well. China does well by the International Rules, grows the economy. But they have had some real difficulty in terms of their economy of late, particularly in real estate, that side of the bargain. And i think the actions that theyre going to have to take are ones theyre in the process of deciding right now. And im not going to predict what way itll come out, but were not looking to decouple from china. What what im not going to do is im not going to sell china material that would enhance their capacity to make more nuclear weapons, to engage in Defense Activities that are contrary to what is viewed as most people think was a positive development in the region. But were not trying the hurt china trying to hurt china. Okay. Lets bbc. Laura . Am i correct . Is that correct, laura . Reporter it is. Good evening, mr. President. Good evening. Reporter how are you . Good, thank you. These fifeday trips Around The World are fiveday trips Around The World are no problem. Reporter in the last six month, youve signed pacts and deals with south korea, if philippines, australia and even the pacific highlands. Youre here standing in beijings to back cared. China said this is part of your cold war mentality. Are they right, sir . Are they right, mr. President . Is there a danger of a cold war, and when will you meet mr. Xi . Well, i hope i get to speak to mr. Xi sooner than later. I hope i get to see him again soon. But, no, look, for example, one of the things we did in india, we provided for a new path thats going to save everybody money, increase the third world the global souths capacity to grow by sending, were going to, were going to have a new railroad from india all the way across to the mediterranean, new Shipping Lanes and pipelines across the mediterranean through europe, up into Great Britain and beyond. Thats all about Economic Growth. That has nothing to do with hurting china or helping china. It has to do with dealing with everything from Climate Change to making sure that these countries can succeed economically and grow. Look, my thesis has been from the beginning domestically and in terms of Foreign Policy, invest in your people. Invest in the people. Give them a chance. Everythings better off when people have i know its going to sound trite if everybody in the world had a job they got up in the morning and wanted to go to and they could put three squares on the table for their family no matter where they live, the whole world would be better off. Would be a lot better. Thats the notion behind this. For example, you know, one of the things were doing in terms of i proposed a long time ago at the g777, now its going to g7, now its going to come to fruition in the g20 the, is making sure we build a railroad all the way across the African Continent. Think about it. There is no way to the cross the African Continent by road by rail, and theres not even a direct highway across. Lets assume for the sake of discussion, we talk about food shortages. Assume there was one country in that vast economy that had an excess of food stuffs for resources. How would they get it to with theyre going to go . How are they going to do it . Thats why were also going to invest billions of dollars in solar facilities in angola, the largest solar facility in the world or one of the largest. That helps angola, but it also helps the whole renal. So i think we think whole region. I think we think too much in terms of cold war terms. Its not about that. Its about generating Economic Growth and stability in all parts of the world x. Thats what were trying to do. Sorry. Okay. Am i pronouncing avilla . Did i pronounce the name correctly . There you are. Reporter yes, yes. Thank you. Thank you, mr. President. Thank you. Reporter i have a question on the time of crisis. China crisis. You just mentioned the g20. Just this week the United States warned if there is no bailing out of fossil fuels,es it wont be possible to reach the goals of the paris agreement. There was no agreement at the g20 on fossil fuels. How concerned are you about this lack of consensus . It wasnt so much an agreement that we we would try to the meet the goals of the g20 the. The United States going to meet those goals, by the way. Were going to exceed those goals. A lot of other countries are as well. But we want to give those countries that dont have the economic wherewithal and did not cause the problem in the first place. If for example, i met with brazil. I started off way back in the 80s with a really fine republican senator named dick lugar. We said heres what were going to do. To you owe us money, were going to forgive your debt if you maintain your forest because theyre the things that take carbon out of the air. And so were talking what we should and the countries in that cleared their land and put cattle on it and farming and did all the things and if increased development, they, in fact, are one of the reasons why, the main reason why weve gotten as far down the road the disaster here as we have. And so we have the economic capacity, we those nations should be getting together and providing help for the nations that dont have the wherewithal to do it, the economic and infrastructure wherewithal x. Thats why, for example, i mentioned in the interest of time, just mention angola again. Angola has the whats the city to generate capacity to generate megawatts of energy through solar energy. They dont have the economic means to do that. Isnt it in the interest of the whole world if theyre, in fact, able to generate significant capacity to absorb, to prevent carbon from being released in the air . I think it is. Is what were trying to do is help those nations and particularly in the global south where theyre not as wealthy, where there are not as many opportunities to be able to deal with the things that they want to deal with. For example, and ill end with this, there are more carbon absorbed from the atmosphere on a daily basis, and ill look to my friend john kerry whos forgotten more about this than most people know. Correct me if i get this wrong, john, but im quite sure im right. That is after the more Car Carboning absorbed into the ground in the Amazon Region that is emitted from the entire United States on the same basis. Imagine if people go in and do what we did 250 years ago and cut down the forests and start farming in that area. No longer have that great carbon sink. You know, its going to, it would be a gigantic problem. So we should be going to areas whether its in the congo or other places as the g7 nations and as the wealthy g20 nations and providing the kind of infrastructure they need to be able to benefit. And guess what . In addition to helping the variant overall the only Existential Threat humanity faces even more frightening than a nuclear war is Global Warming gown above 1. 5 degrees in the next 20 the, 10 years. Well be in real trouble. Theres no way back are if that. And so theres a lot we can do in the meantime. For example, that pipeline, that railroad were talking about going across from india throughout the middle east and and across the mediterranean and all through europe. Thats a Hydrogen Pipeline there. This is going to significantly reduce the amount of carbon in the air, but it costs a lot of money to put that down. And the worlds going to say its in our collective interest to do it. Is so i have not, i have not given up at all on the notion that were going to be able to, you know, how can i say it . I think we can triple the renewable capacity for, as it relates to Global Warming by the year 2023 2030. Countries following the i. R. A. Playbook which is the one we if passed, Clean Energy Jobs are are going to create manufacturing jobs. For example, as a consequence of what weve done, we have the most we have the strongest economy in the world today. Right now, today, the United States of america has the strongest economy in the world. In the world. Now, weve got more to do, but we have the strongest economy in the world. Finish one of the reasons, we changed the mechanism how we deal with this. And that is instead of trickle down economy that is the wealthy and corporations do very well, everybodys going to do well. Well, the truth of the matter is ive never bought that theory, but i think that times have changed if a lot of leading economists are beginning to agree with me. Those flat, straightout academic economists. And that is we should build Economic Growth from the middle out and the bottom up. When that happens, everybody does well. Everybody does well. The wealthy still do very, very well. They have no the problem. You can still be a billionaire under that system as welch as well. But youre going to start paying your taxes. Thats a different issue. But all kidding aside, so we have i think the other thing thats dawning on people, many of you are Foreign Policy experts and season have been edge engaged for a long time. Did you ever think youd be sitting at a g20 conference where everyone was preoccupied with the motion of Global Warming . Not a jock. Did you ever think not a joke. Did you ever think that . And theres, my brother loves having this famous lines from movies that he always quotes, you know, and one of them is theres a movie about john wayne, hes an indian scout, and theyre trying i think it was apache, one of the great tribeses of america back on the reservation, and hes standing with and theyre on their horses in their saddles, and this is three or four indians in head dresses, and the Union Soldiers. Expect Union Soldier basically saying come with me, well take care, everything listened good. And the indian scout, the indian looks at john wayne is and points to the Union Soldier or and says hes a lying, dogfaced pony soldier. Theres a lot of lying, dogfaced Pony Soldiers out there about Global Warming. But not anymore. All of a sudden they all realize its a problem. And theres nothing like seeing the light. And i see, im just following my orders here. Staff, anybody that hasnt spoken . Im calling on you. Five questions. Thank you, mr. President. I hope you didnt think calling only on women would get you softballs tonight. [laughter] that. Id probably strike out even worse. Reporter let me ask you, you spent lots of time talking about all the time you spent with president xi, yet you two havent spoken in ten months. And i just wonder, are you worried that this is destabilizing the u. S. China relationship, and what are you going to do about it . And if i may on ukraine, sir . [laughter] upsets the the communique didnt name russia as the aggressor. Have you managed to rally more support or sympathy across the g20, or is this emerging as a wedge issue with global south, and does that change your commitment to ukraine . Its not a wedge issue of the global south, its a wedge issue with russia and with china which has representation. And so, and by the way, i am my team, my staff still meets with president xis people and his cabinet, in effect. Aye met with his number i met with his number two person here, excuse me, in india today. So its not like theres a crisis if i dont personally speak to him. Itd be better if i did. But i think, look, this is not a criticism, its an observation. He has his hands full right now. He has overwhelming unemployment with his youth. One of the Major Economic tenets of his plan isnt working at all right now. Im not happy for that, but its not working. So hes trying to figure out, i suspect i dont know just like i would trying to figure out what to do about the particular crisis were having now. But i dont think its a crisis relating to conflict between china and the United States. As a matter of fact, i think its less likely to cause that kind of conflict. I dont want anyway, i just think that there are other things on leaders minds x they respond to whats need at the time. And, look, nobody likes having celebrated International Meetings if you dont know what you want at the meeting. If you dont have a game plan. He may have a game plan, he just hasnt shared it with me. But i tell you what, i dont know about you, but im going to go to bed. [inaudible conversations] yeah. We talked about, we talked about it at the conference overall. We talked about stability, we talked about making sure that the third world the excuse me, third world, the Southern Hemisphere had access to change, had access. It wasnt confrontational at all. Thank you, everybody. Thanks, everyone. Thank you. [inaudible conversations] dagen that was President Biden wrapping up his what was at times a rambling News Conference at the Jw Marriott Hotel in hanoi, vietnam. In a moment well bring in White House Correspondent peter doocy who is traveling with the president. He was asked roughly five questions that were, the reporters preselected. Peter doocy not one of them. Again, because he always offers hardhitting questions. He was asked several questions about china and our relationship with xi jinping. Xi jinping not at the g20 summit. He hopes to meet with xi jinping, as he said. A number of people from the administration have traveled to china to make nicenice with the communist nation including tony blinken, the treasury secretary janet yellen and also gina raimondo. Here are some of the things that President Biden said. He seemed to be very concerned about the health of china and that were not looking to hurt china. Were all better off if china does well. Were not looking to decouple from china. He repeated were not looking to hurt china. And he mentioned railroads twice. Hes very, seeming very upbeat about the railroad that is being hopefully built from from india to the mediterranean and then across africa. He had a number of things to to say about how the u. S. Will, i guess, spend money on other nations to make them green. Peter doocy standing by with much more. Peter. Reporter and you nailed it there, it was just a heavy, heavy focus after a couple days at a g20 where china did not send their leader, xi, on china. It was a lot of china questions with. President biden did not have anything negative the say about the chinese. He said he thinks that xis got his hands full right now because the economy is struggling in china for a number of reasons. But thats about all that we got out of this Press Conference. He had talked about thisrtance o vietnam, and he went through what he thought was important from the g20 the, emphasis on climate. But just a lot of talk about how he thinks the whole world will be better if china is doing wellful he doesnt think well. He doesnt think that a thriving china is going to affect the u. S. Or the world, and so hes basically taking all these china questions and saying let them figure their own business out, good for everybody. He says he wants them to to succeed. Dagen right. I want china to succeed but succeed by the rules. There was just this reason repetition of how he is very hopeful for chinas future. Peter, i want to go back to the g20 because you were there, and President Biden did shake hands with prince Mohamed Bin Salman Of Saudi Arabia. And this is at a time just a few days ago crude oil rices hit a high for the year. And at a time when the Interior Department canceled oil and gas leases in the Arctic National wildlife refuge right after saudi arabia and russia extended their production cuts. So our actions are butting monee pocket of saudi arabia which hurts the United States. Gas prices this coming week will be are at 4 a gallon, and hes shake mohamed bin salmans hand. You know, right before the anniversary of 9 11 tomorrow, and he will be in alaska. Reporter yeah. And last summer when we were with the president in saudi arabia and the two of them had a fist bump, there was a lot made out of that. It was talked about ahead of time maybe they werent going to have any kind of a greeting. The handshake from yesterday has kind of gotten buried by some other news out of the summit or the president s travels. But hay did shake hands, and were told that they had, like, an upbeat talk about mbs saying that he was hopeful about some economic pathways forward but nothing about oil or crude oil. We know they did talk about that last summer, and it didnt ultimately have a big impact. President biden ended up having to tap into the strategic reserves. It doesnt sound like it came up at all when they were face to face in new delhi. Dagen well, peter, we cant fill our strategic refill it at these prices, the Strategic Petroleum are reserve. And at a time and these are, you know, china has realigned itself with saudi arabia. Saudi arabia has kind of turned its back on the United States and is looking toward china because china needs the oil from saudi arabia. And, you know, Coal Production is at, worldwide is at the highest that its ever been in history. But iran also, its Oil Production is going up to 3. 5 Million Barrels a day and its exports based on Tanker Tracking are now at more than 2 Million Barrels a day. Because, again, its in better stead with the United States, that oils going to china. So its all very, you know, theyre these nations that arent really fans of the United States are doing quite well for themselves economically. Reporter yeah. And, again, really it doesnt sound like any of that came up. Dagen right. Reporter you mentioned how right now coal usage is near alltime highs in places like china. They would have to bring it way, way down which would slow the economy way, way down even further if the g20 leaders talking about emissions are going to get anywhere near their goals. And theres really no reason to think after a summit like in that xi doesnt even show up to that that is going to happen. What you hear from the president at an event like this, and, you know, basically our only time to hear from him this trip, hes talking about an emphasis on biofuels and investing to to get the net zero emissions. But thats all stuff for way down the line and would require solid commitments from other huge polluters, not just the u. S. And, again, it doesnt seem like that is something that they have. Dagen right. The biggest co2 emitter in the world, china, who wasnt at the g20. Peter, i didnt mean to put you on the spot. What would you have asked him . What did you want to ask him . Do you want to tell us, or are you going to save it for another day . Reporter yeah. Something so hes here representing americans back home. The American People are overwhelmingly saying, poll after poll after poll, they think hes too old for a second term, so i was going to ask him something about those polls. Maybe theyll come up at some point before the election. Dagen peter doocy, traveling with the president , terrific work always, peter. Thank you so much. Lets bring in Wisconsin Republican senator ron johnson. Senator, i know you were listening to the president. Where are where to even begin. Lets start with china. Xi jinping didnt even show up to the g20, and President Bidened had nothing but just kind President Biden had nothing but just kind words for the hope for chinas future. I want to see china succeed, succeed by the rules. Were all better off if china does well. Were not if looking to decouple from china. Were not trying to hurt china. I hope to see xi sooner rather than later. Your reaction. Well, dagen, well, i think the president s just oblivious to what he has done to this country, to really what our partners in the far east really want. He said he doesnt want to contain china. I think the other countries in the region do. They dont want to see the militarization of the South China Sea islands. They do want to see the aggressiveness of china reduced. But the fact of the matter is if you laid out a strategy to weaken america, you could not come up with a better game plan than what President Biden has implemented. The embarrassing and dangerous surrender in afghanistan that emboldened our enemies, an open border thats flooding deadly drugs into this country, the human sex trafficking. The dollar you held at the start of the Biden Administration is now worth 85 cents. The war on fossil fuel that is driving up gasoline prices, all of these things have weakened america. You achieve peace through strength the, but that starts with economic strength. Heres the main problem, he is pushing division. He is pushing hate. We are weakened because we are a divided nation and, dagen, were not a natural ally divided people. We share the same goals. It is individuals like President Biden, groups that are pushing identity politics, Critical Race Theory e, transgenderrism, they are pushing hate, theyre pushing division, theyre weakening this country, and and thats what strengthens china. Dagen let me point something theres so much to cover in this Press Conference. He, again, brought up the lying dogfaced pony soldier. He was rambling. Near incoherent at some points and then ended the Press Conference saying he wanted to go to sleep. And he was very focused on, and you mentioned, americans are poorer because our Energy Prices are going up. Year high for oil this past week. Gas prices in the country are going to hit 4 a gallon. Theyre higher than we were a year ago, theyre going to hit 4 a gallon this week. He has gone to war on our Fossil Fuel Industry which has empowered and enriched nations that hate us; iran, russia. Russia would not have invaded ukraine if not for that. And at the same time, has empowered and enriched china because he and his kronemies have bet cronies have bet on electric vehicles. However, he goes into this weird , rambling discussion about were going to give money to nations like angola and africa to develop solar number. Energy. As if were not already are deeply in debt. But what is so vile about this, john kerry a year ago told African Nations youre not to develop natural gas for electricity. These people are telling Subsaharan Africa you have to stay In The Dark To and not develop your fossil fuels because we say so is. This is keeping a billion people mt. Dark, senator. Finish in the dark, senator, because they say so. Its called its essentially climate colonialism. Its racist. Dagen, there are 1600 scientists from Around The World led my two know Bell Laureateses that said we are not in a climate emergency, that all this Climate Change alarmism is based on bad science, completely ignoring the impact of clouds to basically be a heat sink. Again, the climate has always changed, always will. Im not alarmist, im not in denial. But weve spent over 5 trillion globally on Climate Change, we havent moved the needle according to climate alarmists. How much more are we going to waste . These windmills, according to an earlier report on your network, are killing the whales. Dagen yeah. Again, this whole Climate Change agenda is driven toward control over our lives. Its economic economically disruptive. Its why were experiencing inflation and high Energy Prices. But thats all this president is focused on and, again, hes oblivious to the real harms his policies are causing, open borders, inflation, Em Emboldening our enemies, radical left it, our miserably failed response to the pandemic. These are all designed to create a state of fear so that the globalists can control our lives. We have to say stopping stop. Dagen he said, quote, the only Existential Threat, only, is Climate Change. More frightening than nuclear war. He just said that. Hes completely wrong. Hes completely wrong. Look at that declaration from 1600 scientists from Around The World led by two nobel laureateses. Climate change is alarmism, it is not an emergency. We are wasting our monies chasing that a false narrative. Dagen britain, britain knows whats going on. Britain knows that coal is at a alltime high in terms of Conception Assumption consumption. Britain knows the world is consuming more fossil fuels. Were the outlier. Britain knows what china is going to do whats in the best interests of its economy. Half the world is fed using fertilizer from fossil fuels, senator. And this president is happily betting, is driving up the cost of American People and making this nation poorer and reducing our standard of living. And i look no further, i have to bring this up. Can we just hoe the video show the video of President Biden shaking hands with Mohamed Bin Salman Of Saudi Arabia at the g20 the . There he is. Tomorrow is the anniversary of 9 11. He will be in alaska. This is the First Time Since the terror attacks on, many 2001 in 2001 that a president has not been at one of the attack sites or at the white house. Just this last week, and i brought up, oil at a high for the year, gas is going to 4 a gallon, and we his administration intentionally canceled leases in the Arctic National wildlife refuge going against the the tax cut bill in 2017 right after saudi arabia and russia extended their production cutses. Cuts. Hes in bed with them. Hes in bed with them, enriching them and making us poorer. Yeah. Dagen, the Green Energy Agenda is a fantasy. Its unachievable. It is the impoverishing america, its impoverishing people Around The World. You need energy to power economies. We will adapt to any kind of Climate Change that we will not be able to stop in any event. We need to adapt. We cant be wasting trillions of dollars on this fantasy,ing on these boondogglings. Dagen i want your reaction to him shaking his hand, mohamed bin salmans hand. What what knowing that hes not even going to be at the 9 11, the tradition tradition 9 11 ceremonies . Again, it just shows the hypocrisy. Its the war in ukraine thats driving up oil prices right now, but its basically his war on fossil fuels. His unwillingness to utilize americas Abundant Energy sources. Some of our power comes from fossil fuels, thats not going to change. There is nothing we can do to alleviate whatever the climate is going to do. Its going to do it regard he is of what we do. Lets stop spending trillions of dollars imabove if riching our nations. Impoverishing our nations. Dagen what can you do in the senate to stop Spending Money . Claw back well, try and sure. First of all, expose the truth on, again, the green energy boondoggle. But, again, i was pushing during the Debt Ceiling Debate a very simple bill, preventing Government Shutdown act. You know, they kid the not do that, the house didnt include it. Had we done that, thered be no danger of a Government Shutdown, wed just continue spending at last years levels while we negotiate how we can actually start cutting spending. But, you know, i agree with nancy mace, this is a bipartisan problem. We have a uniparty that is happy to spend our nation into bankruptcy and mortgage our childrens future. That has to stop, we just have to call it out. Dagen but when i hear bipartisanship, and i asked congresswoman nancy mace about this earlier, that Senate Appropriators and im talking about democrats and republicans have gone, theyre working on to boost spending above the Fiscal Responsibility Act levels by classifying 14 billion of ordinary appropriations as emergency spelling. Spending. What the heck are Member Members of your party doing . I know, thats the uniparty. Dagen right. We have plenty of people in the Republican Party that also are happy to mortgage our childrens future because Spending Money is popular. Bringing home the bacon to your district or your state is popular. We need the public to start getting energized about this and demanding that we stop doing it. Theres very simple things like preventing Government Shutdown act. I passed that twice out of my committee, its never had any serious chance of being enacted into law. That would give us tremendous leverage to actually start saying, hey, prioritize spending. Well just spend at last years level. 2019 we spent 4. 4 trillion, this year Something Like 6. 3 trillion k and they view that as a victory . This is completely out of control, its the reason i ranch its immoral i ranch its immoral, it has to stop the stop. But when youre asking for bipartisanship, dont, because it results in more pending and more mortgaging of our childrens future. Dagen republicans in the first two years of joe bidens administration, republicans, cosigned on to 1. 28 trillion in new pending. And not all new spending. But not all not me. Dagen not you, but mitch mcconnell, mitt romney, leadership city graham. Would you like to name names of some of the republicans who are signing on to these, this phony Emergency Spending above the levels of the Fiscal Responsibility Act . Whos behind this . In your party . You just named well, the republican senators that voted with democrats to get these things passed. Again, i wasnt happy that the speaker of the house rather than negotiate a deal to increase the debt ceiling by 1. 5 trillion which is what House Conservatives were after, ended up suspending it which resulted in about a 44 trillion increas. This is a bipartisan problem. This is the uniparty. It has to stop. Voices like mine are pretty rare in washington, d. C. , unfortunately. Dagen final word from you before we go on what we heard from what we saw from President Biden. Because, again, he when he takes the mic and starts walking across the stage and starts riffing, its a sight to see. And then he ended the q and ark session with im going to bed, im tired, in essence. I paraphrase. Final word to you, senator. Well, again, hes part of the corrupt biden family. Hes the head of it. Hes unfit because of his corruption, but hes also becoming mentally and physically diminished. And hes just not pit for office. And, again, his emphasis on Climate Change is so unbelievably destructive to the american middle class, to the world. Its got to end. Dagen senator ron johnson, a pleasure, sir. Thank you so much for staying with me. We talked about a lot. Always, always great to talk with you. Well see you again soon. That does it for us, Sunday Morning futures. Im Dagen Mcdowell in for maria bartiromo. The botto m line weeknights, 6 p. M. On the fox business with voya, considering all your financial choices together. Can help you be better prepared for unexpected events. Voya. Well planned. Well invested. Well protected. At typical insurance, youre just another senior. Thats the third Health Insurance commercial with seniors at a farmers market. Right . 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