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Fail. Good evening, welcome to washington. I am bret baier. The most expensive statement from President Trump since the November Ballot in usually a speech like this. The president called, as he heard, likely one of the most important of his presidency would be covered by the White House Press pool covered live or on tape and play back with an editorial presence in the room. This was not done like that. The White House Press pool was not invited in. This is a white house edited video. There was no option to take it live. It was posted on facebook and a little piece on twitter about an hour ago. Also tonight, a hearing at this hour in michigan with president ial lawyer Rudy Giuliani. To testify state lawmakers about alleged election fraud. We will go there live shortly. But we begin tonight with his speech and with Kristin Fisher live on the north line of the white house. Good evening, kristen. Good evening, bret. This was a 45 minute long video was to directly to twitter and facebook by the white house. Ththe White House Press pool was not notified. President trump said this may be the most important speech that he has ever delivered, even though most of what he said is at odds with what his own attorney general said yesterday. I want to provide an update on our ongoing efforts to expose the tremendous voter fraud and irregularities which took place during the ridiculously long november 3rd election. We used to have what was called election day. Now we have election days, weeks, and months. And lots of bad things happened during this ridiculous period of time. Especially when you have to prove almost nothing to exercise our greatest privilege, the right to vote. As president , i have no higher duty than to defend the laws and the constitution of the United States. That is why i am determined to protect our election system which is now under coordinated assault and seizure. Under coordinated assault and seizure. Quite the claim from the president of the states, especially when you take into consideration what the farmer Trump Administration Cyber Security election official that was fired by the president for saying he believed that the selection, the 2020 election, was the most secure in u. S. History. You also have to consider what the attorney general, bill barr, said just yesterday. He said, and i quote, today we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in this election. Now, little bit later on in this video, President Trump continued to take aim at dominion Voting Systems that accompanied so many electronic Voting Machines across the country. On top of everything else, we have a company that is very suspect. Its name is dominion. With the turn of a dial or change of a chip, you can press a button for trump and the vote goes to biden. What kind of a system is this . We have to go to paper. Maybe it takes longer, but the only secure a systems. Now, the attorney general also said yesterday that the department of justice and the department of Homeland Security looked into these claims specifically about voting irregularities with these dominion Voting Machines and the attorney general said that they saw nothing to substantiate these claims. He also have the Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency putting out a statement a few weeks ago saying that there is no evidence that any Voting System deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised. Finally, and this is a long 45 minute address by the president so im trying to consolidate it, but the other entity or people that the president attacked in this video where the judges who were hearing so many cases, so many different lawsuits that have been brought forward by the Trump Campaign. Listen here. It was about to many other things. But above all, and it about fraud. This election was rigged. Everybody knows it. I dont mind if i lose an election, but i want to lose an election fair and square. What i dont want to do is have it stolen from the american people. That is what we are fighting for, and we have no choice to be doing that. We arty have the proof, we arty have the evidence. And it is very clear. Many people in the media and even judges so far have refused to accept it. They know it is true. They know it is there. They know who won the election. But they refuse to say you are right. Our country needs somebody to say youre right. Ultimately, im prepared to accept any election result and im hoping joe biden is as well. But we arty have the proof, we arty have tens of thousands of ballots, more than we need, to overturn all of these states that we are talking about. This is an election for the highest office in the greatest country in the history of the world. Lets go back to that one line from President Trump where he said the judges have refused to accept it. Refused to accept the evidence that his campaign has presented in court. I cant go casebycase again because there are so many lawsuits and so many states, but lets just take that really big case in pennsylvania. Which was tossed out by the Third Circuit court of appeals. Those three judges, those three judges on that Appeals Court they were all appointed by republican president s. And the judge that wrote that opinion, who said the Trump Campaign have brought forward that lawsuit, that those claims had no merit whatsoever, that judge was appointed by President Trump himself. But brett, tonight President Trump is making it clear in this 45 minute video that he is not giving up this fight and appears no closer to conceding. Bret kristin, great job. Consolidate a knot in a very short time. Not knowing it was coming to begin with. We appreciate that. We will have more with a panel which will you will bring up to the front of the show on this. Breaking right now, you can see here, president ial lawyer Rudy Giuliani testifying this hour before state lawmakers in michigan about what the Trump Campaign contends as voter fraud there in last months election. Voter fraud, they say, that could change the outcome of that states results. Correspondent mark merediths life tonight. Good evening, mark. Good evening, bret. Rudy giuliani claims there were multiple instances of fraud especially when it came to mailin ballots during last months election. Heat thats what is the exit exd when he comes in, looks like its coming in right now. Joe biden is going to get the state electoral votes, likely thats not going to change. But giuliani said late today he remains undeterred. The president does not intend to give up. The president has seen more than enough evidence that this was a massive fraud all over the country. We are going to prove it. We are going to prove it to the state legislature, we are going to prove it to the courts. Giuliani wont be the only one speaking tonight. Hes expected to invite other people who claim to be eyewitnesses to suspicious behavior around polling locations, especially out in detroit. The republican chairman of the Committee Told us today, this is not about taking back bidens win. To speak of the goal of this is not to overturn the election. The goal of this is to find new laws that will help restore trust in elections in michigan. Also, our goal today is to allow people who have witnessed fraud to bring their case forward. But democrats say this is all a waste of time, they tweeted covid19 is surging in michigan and state republicans are too busy trying to soothe trumps e ego. Republicans insist they can focus on on more than one thingt a time. Look at the crowd excited to see Rudy Giuliani. It almost seems like a mini trump rally that we used to see back on the campaign trail. Bret, lipsey with the night brings. Bret that is exactly right. We will follow mark live in lansing, michigan. We have new information tonight about some of those alleged ballots irregularities in last months election looking into a lot of them we have since the very beginning. Kevin corke looks at some of the claims that on whether they hold up against the facts. A barrage of tweets and a cacophony of charges. All stemming from an intense Election Integrity debate. This evidence demands investigation. This evidence demands answers. Speak of latest limitations from the conservative leading project of the thomas more society which is provided testimony from whistleblowers that accused tossing out ballots out of the election. Hav people have been destroyd ballots. One of the other claims being made across the country, many through sworn affidavit. Bill barrs yesterday said that the doj hadnt concluded its investigation during the selection. It concerns abound. Take the popular came that theclaim thatthere were numeroun election night. Yes, there was a massive increase of biden votes reported overnight. Even kentucky senator rand paul wondered about that. The fact is, many state Officials Say the surge was merely a reflection of large city and county votes coming in late. And more early votes being tallied. Another claim voted from the grave. A claim that is still being investigated. Michigan state Officials Say its important to remember that people do die after casting absentee or mailin ballots and sometimes people who appear to be voting while dead simply share a deceased persons name and birthday. Pennsylvania officials said for some, placeholder dates of birth on voter rolls like a januar january 1st 1800 are intentionally lifted that way to protect the identity of victims of domestic violence. Thats not proof of a ballot harvesting conspiracy. For the record, the president himself burned an excessive 11 million more votes than he did back in 2016. Dominion Voting Systems have also come under intense scrutiny. And while fox news has been unable to prove widespread fraud by dominion, the program was widely reported long before the 2020 election. Those concerns, bret, were rekindled after a clerk error in michigan gave joe biden thousands of votes which later had to be returned to the trump tally. As for the almost odd projects, i want to tell you this. That group claim says that as many as 288,000 ballots were disappeared and vanished. Additionally, the project says it has obtained a sworn testimony that suggests over 300,000 ballots are an issue in arizona, more than a halfmillion a michigan. 200,000 plus in georgia and another 121,000 in pennsylvania. Again, not an exhaustive look at all the allegations of fraud, but they look. Bret. Bret we will continue that look and we will continue to digest the speech tonight by the president , kevin, thank you. You bet. Its important to know the problems with mail and balloting. Pennsylvania, michigan, nevada, georgia, arizona, and most other states allowed anyone to get an absentee ballot and cast their vote without showing any i. D. The voting took place entirely through the honor system. No identification of any kind was required. Most americans would also be shocked to learn that those i in this is a national disgrace. Upon top of everything else, we have a company that is very suspect. Its name is dominion. With the turn of a dial, or the change of a chip, you can press a button for trump and the vote goes to biden. What kind of a system is this . We have to go to paper. Maybe it takes longer. But the only secure system is paper. Not these systems that nobody understands including, in many cases, the people that run them. Although unfortunately, i think they understand them far too well. Bret again, the president of the United States in the white house 46 minutes that speech. A white house video. I did it and produced there. Again, posted on facebook about an hour ago. We are going to bring in our panel early. Susan riccio, correspondent for maggie, let me start with you. First of all, the president , if you thought he was ready to throw in the towel here 46 minutes tells you he is not. He also clearly makes the case in these 46 minutes that if he does not prevail in his efforts, he is going to run again in 2024. Thats right, at bret. I think the political implications of the speech are much more significant than the legal ones. I think its interesting to note the media in which the speech was released. It was not a televised address. It went over social media accounts. And of course, that the direct feed to his most loyal supporters. The president also has, i think, a very political tightrope to walk here. He made one reference and his speech to the georgia runoff elections in january which will be held the day before but Congress Needs to certify the Electoral College vote. So there is a real risk here that as he continues to challenge the election, he will also delegitimize the electoral process. And that is possibly handing the senate to joe biden and kamala harris. Bret the speech was pretty detailed that parts where he went to do specific allegations from specific people that they have affidavits from around the country. He went into specifics about how he is disappointed about the durham reports not out before the election and but who knows if its going to come out before he leaves office. This is a president that is still fighting to the end. Kristin fisher laid out the attorney generals comments, chris grabs and others that have a point other way. Yeah, i dont think he is fighting until the end. I think he is flailing until the end. Look, his speech it wasnt airing of grievances. But the problem is most of these grievances werent true. Look, if i was a trump supporter, i would be very frustrated right now. He keeps saying there is allegations about evidence of fraud. He didnt bring it to the attorney general who has said there isnt any. He didnt bring them to court. In fact, judges, many of whom were appointed by him, several who were appointed by him said that there is no fraud here and if, in fact, asked Rudy Giuliani and others from the president s legal team are you alleging fraud. Under oath, they said no. So whatever the theatrics whatever these theatrical productions, under oath they are saying no. So if i was a trump supporter i would be very frustrated by all this. Matthews point is really, really important. What the president is doing is undermining the credibility of the electoral process just as he is trying to mobilize his supporters to participate in a special election. He is supposed to go down to georgia. Whats he going to do when he goes down there to campaign . Will he talk about the republican candidates or will he use it as another platform to talk about how the election was rigged and turn his voters off from participating in the process . Hes doing a lot of damage here to the country and to his own party. Bret yeah, malcolm i want to take you love to michigan. We have Rudy Giuliani sitting down ready to do his presentation in front of the state lawmakers there. Its something we saw similar to what happened in arizona where we brought you sound bites from that. Sometimes the president has called into these presentations live. Id made some statements for that as well. Susan, just to clarify what mo said. To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election. In other words, its not that he hasnt seen fraud, its that he hasnt seen it on the scale that could determine the election. With the white house said today is that it hasnt gone through his desk and maybe they are splitting hairs here, but thats what Kayleigh Mcenany said from the briefing room. Wright, the anecdotal stuff is really concerning. The things that the president on Rudy Giuliani are talking about should be looked into. There is always some form of election fraud. I think the case that the president is making is that there was a mass coordinated effort to overturn the selection and hand it to joe biden and to steal it from him. He bases it on the fact that on november 3rd it looked like he was headed to a win. Then the next day, all the boats shifted towards biden. Of course, that has a lot to do with the way the votes are counted in the different types of votes that came in. Malin, early voting, absentee, all of that. Every state has its own process. What President Trump has done is really undermined bidens win for his base. They will see biden as a illegitimate president much the way that democrats saw the president as a illegitimate president because they believed he coordinated with the russians to win office. Its more bipartisan back and forth, electoral process. Then you have bill barr saying i dont see anything here at this point. I think thats probably where hes going to end up ultimately. Bret right, i want to bring you Briar I Byron york. If you are trying to get this message to the most people out there, why not bring the White House Press pool and with the life capabilities . I mean, fox would have taken it live. Other channels probably wouldnt have, but we would have. Why not do that . The first thing is he wouldnt really want to answer questions about this. It was anonymousli thinkthat th. Time is just running out here. Its been quite a while since the election in 12 days the Electoral College will meet the major estates. They have certified the results of their election in georgia. There has been a hand recount and a machine recount. He would need to overturn the results and not one, not to you, two, but three states. They are concerned mostly about winning those two senate seats in georgia and not about somehow miraculously changing the results of this president ial election. Bret we are covering all of it. Panel, think you very much. See a little bit later in the show. Coming up, an emotional day on the senate floor. Plus, what is next with covid . Especially in these times. But some things are too serious to be ignored. If you still have symptoms of Crohns Disease or Ulcerative Colitis even after trying other medications, it may be a sign of damaging inflammation, which left untreated, could get much worse. Please make an appointment to see your gastroenterologist right away. Or connect with them online. Once you do, seeing the doctor is one less thing to worry about. Need help finding a doctor . Head to crohnsandcolitis. Com need help finding a doctor . [whats this . ] oh, are we kicking karly out . We live with at t. It was a lapse in judgment. At t, we called this house meeting because you advertise gigspeed internet, but we cant sign up for that here. Yeah, but im just like warming up to those speeds. Youve lived here two years. The personal attacks arent helping, karly. Dont you have like a hot pilates class to get to or something . [ muffled scream ] stop living with at t. Xfinity can deliver gig to the most homes. Bret the world has just passed 64 million mark in coronavirus infections. The u. S. Is closing in on 14 million cases with more than 272,000 deaths as of tonight. This is the fight over restrictions going on. Beverly hills demanding Los Angeles County repeal its Outdoor Dining band. Its detrimental to local businesses and is not based in scientific evidence. The latest public official being accused of hypocrisy tonight. He was vacation in mexico when he told his constituents to stay home and not travel because of the virus. A couple from hawaii was arrested sunday after boarding a flight despite having tested positive for covid19. Fox affiliate in honolulu reports a Reckless Endangerment charge after trying to take a plane from San Francisco to hawaii. British regulators have become the first to approve a Coronavirus Vaccine for emergency use. Distribution is set to begin in the u. K. Next week. And russian president Vladimir Putin is ordering mass vaccinations to start next week in his country. With its sputnik five vaccine. The cdc is once again asking americans to rethink their Holiday Travel plans, this time for christmas and new years. Also tonight we are learning Additional Details about the policy forgetting vaccines to americans. Senior correspondent laura ingle reports tonight from new york. Its one of the things thats gives us great hope. December is shaping up to be a busy month in the race for a vaccine. Now that 2 Covid Vaccine candidates have been submitted for approval. Both pfizer and mentor and help appear on track to be approved with millions of doses that could be distributed by the end of the month. For Frontline Health care workers and those living in longterm care facilities. Of course, we are eager to have enough supply to vaccinate every american who wants it. After warp speed, we expect to be that way in the spring. Texas announcing today it will get 1. 4 million initial doses of the Coronavirus Vaccine for the month of december. Those working with elderly patience who have been deemed top priority and save that designation give them a sign of hope. They need the most production right now. Eventually, we will get taken care of. Is the nation work looks aheo whats next, dr. Fauci says of a majority of americas population gets the vaccination to the middle of next year, we could get back to normal. As you get to the middle of end of the summer. Just hours ago, the cdc officially released revised guidelines on quarantine time for those who may have been exposed to the coronavirus and have tested negative. The director of the cdc saying data has led them to make the change from 14 days to seven days. And those who have not been tested after quarantine for ten. Here in new york, Governor Cuomo said today that the first shipment of the visor vaccine should be around 170,000 doses for 170,000 people and could be here by decembe december 15th in those first rounds of doses going to nursing home residents and staff. Bret laura, thank you. Stocks were missed today. Another record high closer. Up next, the latest on the balance of power in the house, plus. How reassuring it is. Bret a rare sight, senator mcconnell with emotional goodbyes and horrific claims of voter fraud in georgia experienced by the secretary of state. Experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list sales event. Sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down, zero due at signing, and a complimentary first months payment. Wiintroducing the new sleep number 360 smart bed. Now temperature balancing, so you can sleep Better Together. Its our cyber week special, save up to 1,000 on the new sleep number 360 smart bed and adjustable base. Plus, 0 interest for 36 months. Ends monday. Birds flyin high, you know how i feel. Breeze drifting on by you know how i feel. Its a new dawn. If youve been taking copd sitting down, its time to make a stand. Start a new day with trelegy. No oncedaily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. With three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. It also helps prevent future flareups. Trelegy wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Do not take trelegy more than prescribed. Trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. Call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. Take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. Ask your doctor about oncedaily trelegy. And save at trelegy. Com. Bret 55 uncounted ballots have been discovered in a yet to be called congressional race in upstate new york. Republican Claudia Tenney is trying to unseat democrat rival. 22 democrats to 208 republicans. Five races still and called. We are less than five weeks away from the runoffs in georgia that will determine which Party Controls the power in the u. S. Senate for the next two years at least. The effort to win by any means necessary is becoming more aggressive on both sides. Correspondent Jonathan Serrie has latest tonight. Is the battle for control of the Senate Continues in georgia, the states top selection official have launched an investigation into liberal groups is legibly it attempting to register deceased or outofstate americans. Secretary of state says he received multiple solicitations from the new georgia project, an organization founded by former candidate Stacey Abrams and shared until january by Democratic Senate candidate. Heres something that came to our house yesterday. We got three of them, all from the same organization. And its in my sons name, who passed away two years ago. And an effort to exploit divisions among republicans, Reaction Committee has purchased ad states on billboards. Discouraging people from voting is not the right way to go about this. Fight about your values, argue, engage, persuade. The Billboard Campaign comes amid ongoing legal challenges by trump loyalists with widespread voter fraud. The secretary of state says the allegations are unfounded and tease fighting legal efforts by the group of republican electors to inspect the new Voting Machines. Experts say most georgians have artie made up their minds about whether they support the incumbents or democratic challengers. The selection is about her now. Its not really about persuasion. So even though some of the ads may try to persuade those undecided voters, they would be less likely to show up. At midnight, the deadline for it georgia is 159 counties to finish a statewide machine count of president ial accountants. 150 youtube counties have artie finished with leaving 27 others working into the night to meet the deadline. Brett. And we will be down there soon. Jonathan, thank you from atlanta. Please join us sunday night for the debate between those two. Starting at 6 45 p. M. , eastern time sunday. A Democratic North Carolina state lawmaker is blaming the Democratic Senatorial Campaign committee and career politicians for failing to defeat incumbent republican tom to listen last months election. Democratic nominee kyle cunninghams campaign was hampered by a sex scandal late in that campaign. Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer blaming his loss on his inability to keep his zipper up. Former nasa astronaut mark kelly is now a u. S. Senator from arizona. Kelly was sworn in today by Vice President mike pence to serve the final two years of the late john mccains term. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell gave an emotional farewell today to longtime colleague lamar alexander. The tennessee senator is retiring at the end of his term. I myself have leaned on lamars wisdom for many years. I think ive learned just as much on his optimism. His candid spirit, his ability to look on the bright side. And how hard work and make it brighter still. Bret alexander was first elected in 2002. While joe biden concentrates on his economic plan, republicans attack one of his economic advisors. Its because there is no chance their candidate will be confirmed. She might as well step aside. Go back to the drawing board. Learning is hard work. Hard work requires character. Learning begins in faith. It must move upwards toward the highest thing, unseen at the beginning god. And freedom is essential to learning. Its principles must be studied and defended. Learning, character, faith, and freedom these are the inseparable purposes of hillsdale college. Bret president elect joe biden focusing on Small Business tonight while his political rivals are focusing on one of his picks to be on his economic team. Correspondent peter doocy. Reports from delaware. Tell me about what your real, deep concerns are. Id like to hear it. Republicans spent the day sounding off on his choice to be the director at management and budget, whose comments have offended. Theres no chance she will be campaigneconfirmed. Biden is not backing down telling the New York Times, she is smart as hell. Bidens west wing is filling up with obama alumni. Im confident this is an experienced group. Obama himself surveyed the landscape. I guess you could use a snappy smell good like defund the police. But you know you lost a big audience the moment you said it. Not so according to ilhan omar who tweets we lose people in the hands of the police, its a demand. Biden plans to allow him to continue to follow out his 10year term. Bill barr got attention saying that is not proof of enough fraud to overturn election results. The New York Times reports, biden jokes that bar had just called him, asking if he could get him in the Witness Protection Program for endorsing me. Trump still hasnt spoken to mitch mcconnell. My hope is that will be able to help in a short order, but that depends a lot on our friends in congress and out the other side who are prepared to take the action that has to be taken. Whoever bided nominates to run the interior department will not be his first choice, because sources close to the transition are telling us that new mexico governor Michelle Lujan gresham was offered interior, and turned it down. This is the first known instance of biden being turned down during the transition. Bret. Bret okay, party do see life in delaware. Peter, thanks. Up next, panel on the election results. Trumps desire to run again in 2024. This is a life look at Rudy Giuliana talking to witnesses about voter fraud. He said, and michigan, lets listen as we had to break. Can everyone here . We can hear you. Okay. Now, the supervisor the supervisee you originally had when you were first there, did youd observe. Isnt that what you just did . Service stand back, im gonna show ya how doug and limu roll, ya you know you got to live it if you wanna wi. [ music stops ] time out only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. [cheers and applause] bret some cell phone video from one of the many Christmas Party still going on at the white house. The president saying if it doesnt happen this time, he will see you in four years. Lets bring back our panel, susan byron and matthew. Matthew, he is laying the groundwork here. The question is, if its efforts fail is a lot of people suspect they will, what does it look like from now until whenever and two years . Is he still the daily obsession for most of the media if he is out there in this kind of limbo place . A lot of that depends on the media, bret. The media is going to have to make some editorial decisions about how they covered this expresident. Its going to be very hard for them to ignore donald trump. I went back in the archives, as late as december 1979, there are articles appearing in the New York Times making the case for expresident gerald ford to run in the 1980 republican primary. So i expect the shadow of the potential trump candidacy will loom over the g. O. P. For years to come. Bret in the meantime, there is this backandforth in the democrat party, mel. This is former president obama about defunding the police. If you believe, as i do, that we should be able to reform the criminal Justice System so that it is nonbiased and treats everybody fairly, i guess you can use a snappy slogan like defund the police. But you know you lost a big audience the minute you said it. Which makes it a lot less likely that you are actually going to get the changes you want on. Bret some progressives pushback on that. What does that look like in to the dub got a party going into 2021 . I think president obama articulated what a majority of democrats think including the president elect including joe biden. That we ar reforming polices one thing and demanding accountability is one thing, but defunding is not something where the majority of the party is. There is going to continue to be a little bit of a push and pull between progressives and the new administration. But so far, joe biden has sort of drawn lines where he disagrees with them and said dont expect me to cave on a few of these things. Whether it was defunding the police or standing up against medicare for all, he has come out and said i am not for these things. So lets see where we can agree. But you are not going to push me on these things. And thats how he campaigned and i think thats where he is now. Bret he had this interview with tom freeman in the New York Times, and he seemed to suggest that he could cave if it doesnt go well or if shes not going to get through. He said, sometimes they are going to take a few off your list. Do you believe that . I think what he saying, if i read that correctly, was there is going to be a couple of people out there that republicans are going to fight on just to take a stand. Its up to the senate, thats why georgia will be so important. Bret all right, susan, the president tweeting, section 2 30, which is a liability shielding gift from the u. S. To big tech, only companies in america that have corporate welfare that is a sic serious threat. Our country can never be safe or secure if we allow it to stand. Therefore, if 2 30 is not completely terminated as part of the nda i will be forced to veto the bill when it is sent to the very beautiful resolute desk. Take back america now. Thank you. Susan, obviously, still Going Forward this is the defense bill. Writes, it sounds like there may be enough republicans to override a veto. The Armed Services Committee Chairman says that he is keeping that language tha out of the bi. And congress does not like when extraneous things get stuffed into the defense bill. Because the military likes to plan, they like to have that authorization measured and done on time. Congress of very sensitive to that. I think the president has run into real opposition into his own party. Even the republicans largely agree with him that section 2 30 needs a complete rewrite for a variety of reasons. A lot of democrats feel the same way. This just isnt the place for it. Bret right, it is a big issue. Finally, the covid eight stimulus possibilities. There is now three up there. Any possibility . You would think that there would be given that there is bipartisan support for some amount of aid. I think when the history of this period is written, people will be absolutely astonished that you had a pandemic of the seriousness that had this much economic effect on people and congress didnt do anything for such a long period of time. At some point, they will help all have to answer to that. Bret that is a big, big issue. Panel, thanks, thanks for the hustle. We appreciate it. When we come back, look at sports and healing. See yourself. Welcome back to the mirror. And know youre not alone because this. Come on jessie one more. Is the reflection of an Unstoppable Community in the mirror. What if i sleep hot . Or cold . Introducing the new sleep number 360 smart bed. Now temperature balancing, so you can sleep Better Together can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. Can it help with snoring . Ive never heard snoring. Exactly. No problem. And done. So you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove its our cyber week special, save up to 1,000 on the new sleep number 360 smart bed and adjustable base. Plus, 0 interest for 36 months. Ends monday. Tech every customer has their own safelite story. This couple was on a camping trip. When their windshield got a chip. They drove to safelite for a sameday repair. And with their insurance, it was no cost to them. Woman really . Tech thats service you can trust. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Bret finally, tonight supporting each other. It does a busy time of the air for delivery drivers, but when fedex driver Aubrey Robinson noticed 11yearold elijah manes playing basketball and a rusty old hoop, she decided to give him an early Christmas Present on a day off, she bought him a new hoop and basketball. Well, thats cool. And in england, zach is jumping for joy after four months of chemo treatment. The 7yearold is in remission following his battle, he raised thousands of dollars for charity by bouncing on his pogo stick, a lot. Keep bouncing, congratulations. Thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. At that is it for this special report. I will be out for the next couple of days dealing with a Family Health issue. Thanks for all of your prayers and your good wishes. Tune in sunday for marthas coverage of the debate down in georgia. We will be covering all of that from atlanta. Its a big deal. 645 eastern. Thats it for us, the story starts right now. Martha thank you, bret. All of our thoughts into good wishes are going out to paul and all of you over the course of the next few days. We are thinking of you. Martha thanks, martha. Good evening everybody, breaking tonight the battle in georgia are getting ugly as the senate hangs in the balance. Full throttle against the republican governor of georgia for not being tough enough on the election transparency. We want to fix the mess he created. And then he can resign. As far as im concerned, lock him up. Martha there was that today, and

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