Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 2020

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20200110

baghdad, but now president trump is openly saying it was a future plot and one of the reasons why soleimani was taken out. and an exclusive interview with laura ingraham airing on fox tonight, president trump revealed there is a looming threat from qassem soleimani against u.s. embassies. >> we will tell you that probably it was going to be the embassy in baghdad. >> that they have large-scale attacks skillet tax plan for other embassies, and if those were planned, why can't we reveal that to the american people? >> i can reveal that it would've been four embassies. >> officials describe the threat as evident but they did not know specifics. >> we do not know which day it was going to be executed. this was going to happen in american lives were at risk and we would be culpably negligent as the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff said can we be culpably negligent. >> the president's critics continue to fumed that the administration had not presented a compelling case to take out soleimani. >> one of the questions i raised just right after this came out, does this have anything to do with the fact that donald trump is right on the eve of an impeachment hearing? >> the secretary of state today insisted members of congress were fully informed. >> we called them about the imminent threat. all the information i assure you it is unclassified setting we provided in the classified setting as well. >> targeting various sectors of the iranian economy, iron and steel, manufacturing, textiles, mining in addition to eight high-ranking iranian officials. those sanctions join the already a thousand in effect, sanctions that have put a squeeze on the iranian regime but so far not changed its behavior. >> we have a 100% confidence and consistent interview that economic sanctions are working. that if he didn't have these sanctions in place, literally iran would have tens of billions of dollars. they would be using that for terrorist activities. >> in the wake of the missile strike that killed soleimani, iraqi officials had been publicly calling for u.s. troops to leave iraq. in her exclusive interview today, laura ingraham asked president trump if this presented an opportunity threatening to make good on a 2016 campaign pledge? >> the iraqi prime minister has notified mike pompeo about potential plans, drawing up plans for u.s. troop withdrawal from iran period. >> i'm okay with it. >> you are okay with removing our troops from iran? >> that's what i say publicly. you don't set up privately. >> also added his voice to other patrician officials who say that iran was indeed trying to kill americans of that missile strike. pompeo said that the strength in the wake of that attack was appropriate because pompeo said we do not want more. >> john roberts live in the north lot. john, thanks. telling fox news that american special operations forces tried to kill the top iranian commander in yemen. seen here on the same night. americans successfully killed qassem soleimani in iraq. the mission was unsuccessful, pentagon officials not commenting on the record. iraqis once again telling foreign nations the out of their affairs. protesters in baghdad renewing their calls for a iranian influence in american involvement. correspondence readying stays in the capital tonight. >> you can feel the energy in tough your iraqis today say they are hopeful that they will cut ties with both iran and the united states and bring power back to the iraqi people. >> we want to build a new ham homeland. for the past 16-17 years, we have had corruption. >> the iraqis have occupied this square for months until the government changes. in an effort to appease the demands of protesters, iraqi prime minister of the optimality resignedwhile adopting new harde stances against influence in the country. since his resignation, he condemned the american strike that killed iranian general costs qassem soleimani as well as the iranian retaliatory ballistic missile attack against u.s. troops in iraq. reportedly told secretary of state mike pompeo in a phone call thursday night that he needs to send a delegation to baghdad and starts the process of planning the american troop withdrawal. that that she a population echoed demand today. >> strangers must take no law in taking that decision. the country must be ruled according to a people's will. >> date department release declining to discuss the issue saying, america is a force for good in the middle east. >> will have a story from ukraine about the commercial airliner shut down by iran according to u.s. intelligence officials and the new video about that out of the iran. the unemployment rate held steady at 3.5% for the year. employers added one of his 25,000 jobs per month. hiring is slow because the number of people seeking work has fallen with a steady rise in the employment. on the markets, the della cliffs the 25,000 mark for the first time today, the nasdaq dropped 25. for the week the dow gained three of the present point. the nasdaq a1 and three quarte quarters. effectively ended with no tangible results. "the washington post" reporting current and former officials never expected to find evidence of wrongdoing about justice department officials tell fox the investigation has not yet officially closed. there is movement tonight in the impeachment standoff. house speaker nancy pelosi says she will begin the process of transmitting articles of impeachment to the senate and selecting impeachment managers next week. pelosi and senate majority leader mitch mcconnell have been playing a game of political chicken over the rules of the senate trial. chief correspondent mike emanuel has an update tonight from capitol hill. >> we do expect there to be legislation on the floor next week. >> under intense pressure including from some fellow democrats, house speaker nancy pelosi will send the articles of impeachment to the senate next week. pelosi wrote to colleagues today, "i've asked you to chic chairman jerry nadler to be prepared to bring to the floor next week resolution to appoint managers and transmit articles of impeachment to the senate." republicans say it's about time. >> hopefully that's resolved by next week and the charade ends and we finally get true justice where it disposed of. >> in the exclusive interview with fox's laura ingraham, president trump unloaded on pelosi. >> i think it's ridiculous. i think she should've sent them a long time ago. it belittles the process. nancy pelosi will go down is probably the least successful speaker of the house in the history of our nation. speaker pelosi tried to hold out for a better deal, trying to guarantee witnesses will be called up front. but majority leader rich mcconnell made it clear the house speaker has no power over a senate trial. >> it is not the job of the senate to try to fix this process that the house democrats conducted over here. >> the president is also shooting down the possibility of the former national security advisor john bolton testifying in the senate trial. >> i'm talking about many future presidents who have a series advisor, anything to do with security. i think you have to for the sake of the office. >> another challenge for pelosi, senate democrats in the key house chair losing patience, questioning her tactics. some are now worried this could backfire leading to republicans taking back the house and another term for president tru president trump. >> this process has only proven to strengthen his support and i think it's likely that he could win the general election. >> susan collins has been speaking with a small group of colleagues pushing for witnesses in the senate trial. mcconnell has not ruled out entirely, but was not going to agree from that demand upfront. the critical votes in terms of sending over the articles of impeachment from the house to the senate could take place as soon as tuesday. bret? >> mike emanuel live on the hi hill. mike, thanks for going to talk with one of the senators point of service a juror if and when the trial begins, alabama senator doug jones joel justus from birmingham tonight. thank you for being here. do you think we understand it's probably going to happen next week. but how do you think it went down? >> look, bret, we were out of session for two weeks. everybody called for the holidays, house of representatives out for a couple of days. in the clinton trial, it was three weeks before they came over to the senate. i think it's been a much ado about nothing. i think there has been legitimate questions about senate procedures and it's pretty clear now that senator mcconnell has got his procedures in place and he wants to go forward with and those will be voted on and they will abide by those as soon as the articles get over and i think they'll be coming over very soon. >> can you support the impeachment role plan -- let me rephrase it this way. it isn't a problem if you oppose the way mcconnell sets up this trial? >> i don't know what you mean by "a problem." i'm going to vote for witnesses. i think we need to vote for witnesses. a number of witnesses with first-hand information that i think american people deserve to hear from. i think there are documents that are out there that haven't been seen to test some of the witnesses that we have heard as well as those that i would like to see called. so i'm going to vote for witnesses if there is a plan that goes forward that doesn't have that on the front end, i will vote against that. there will be an opportunity to vote for additional witnesses and i will once again to vote at least to hear from 2-through witnesses, may be as many as four, but certainly two or three. >> when it's a problem, i mean politically for you. you're up for reelection and something you're in the toughest position of any democratic senator during this impeachment trial process considering the substantial support that president has in your state of alabama. he won the state by almost 28 points in 2016 and most voters in alabama, at least according to a recent poll below suggest that impeachment does not fly there. about 54-39. >> you know, bret, and appreciate that, but the fact of the matter is the real problem as you say is that too many people, as well as the people and house in the senate, they only look at this from a political, particle lens. i don't do that. it's the follow my oath, to do my duty, take the very serious about impartial justice and to do that and not look at this three-part assent lens. from that standpoint, the only particle down that problem, want to make sure i do the right thing, i examine all the evidence we have in front of us and vote in a way that i think is consistent with my obligations as a senator. >> is it possible to please both senator chuck schumer and alabama constituents at the same time during this trial. >> you know, i'm not trying to please chuck schumer. i'm not trying to necessarily please anyone. as i said a moment ago, my job is to do my impartial justice as a senator. i'm not out to please the president, out to please chuck about i've got to look at this as doug jones. i've got a fair amount of experience as a prosecutor, defense lawyer in a court room looking at evidence and where things ought to be. >> i appreciate that, senator. i want to move on to another topic and that the war powers resolution. here is the president last nig night. >> we have nancy pelosi, all trying to say, how dare you think about it that way. you should get permission from congress. you should come in and tell us what you want to do! you should come in and tell us! so that we can call the fake news back there. >> bret: one of your potential opponents, congressman bradley burns at this. instead of thinking the brave men and women who successfully executed a surgical strike against ruthless terrorists, house democrats ignoring intelligence from officials of an amended threat to americans, manufacturing another opportunity to attack president trump. where are you on the war powers resolution and how do you stand on it? >> first of all, i think with the congressman said is absolutely misleading. people have appreciated the fact that we had a great military and intelligence, the very intelligence community the president keeps attacking, we've been commending for a long time and still commending them for the work that they did in this operation and no one is going to miss soleimani. no one is going to mourn soleimani, not by any stretch. the president last night was also a little bit misleading. nobody was asking for a warning but i do think it's appropriate and a measure that significant and serious to at least give the members of congress and the gang of eight a heads up on what's going on. with regards to the war powers act, this is not about what happened in the past. it's not about president trump. it's about whether or not congress ought to be able to have its constitutional role, that is to be involved in any military escalation. it does not mean the president cannot take unilateral action to protect american interests in a defensive mode. but what it means before we escalate with military action, he should come to congress for that's what the constitution requires. that's what this war powers act and the wars power resolution is. >> the white house is pushing back saying that soleimani was planing in the attacks while democrats' point that president obama killed anwar al alwalki and qaddafi. >> well, bin laden was not a state actor. >> qaddafi was. >> the question is whether or not there was an imminent attack may be up for debate. bret, for me, and i'm just talking for doug jones right now. the most important thing for me is looking forward in what's going to be our strategy. we've got serious issues we've got to deal with. we've got more troops in the middle east now that we've had at the beginning of the summer, some 15,000. i want to hear better strategy what i'm hearing about the set of his talking strictly about whether or not there was going to be an imminent attack, which by the way, did not come out in a classified briefing about anything involving embassies. that just did not happen i in te senate intelligence briefing. >> bret: senator doug jones, we'll be following your rates very closely. it's a close one down there in alabama and we appreciate you coming audrey will have you ba back. >> thanks, bret. appreciate it. >> bret: when we come back the latest on arad. iran. is ending soon! get a 4-course meal starting at $15.99. treat yourself to the perfect gift today, because the aussie 4-course won't last long! outback steakhouse. ( ♪ ) hey there! i'm lonnie from lonnie's lumber. if you need lumber wood, lonnie's is better than good. we got oak, cherry, walnut, and more. and we also have the best selection of plywood (clattering) in the state... hey! (high-pitched laughter) man: dang woodchucks! 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they just seem distraught. >> there is a divide with some commentators warning against running into another endless war with iraq or intelligence agencies that the president himself has criticized. >> 20 minutes ago we were in denouncing the very people as the deep state and pledging never to trust them again without verification. >> some trump critics praised the president's speech that the escalated tensions with iran. >> it was measured by donald trump's standards and measured by the standards of any american president. >> as journalists lowered the temperature, they accuse the president of chaos of mixed signals of withdrawing troops from iraq. >> those worries were not helped today by the bizarre double take walk back announcement and an announcement from the pentagon. >> after trump prodded his charges against speed 19. >> we did it because they were looking to blow up our embassies. >> didn't have anything to do with our embassies. >> was a mistake in that when you said you didn't know open nicely >> the media's aggressive approach contrast to their failure to challenge the intelligence used to sell the iraq war, but their critique on iran transcends the usual left/right division. >> bret: thousands of people fleeing their homes and helicopters dropping their supplies to towns at risk of wildfires in southeastern australia. officials saying wildfires holding into containment lines print so far, a strong shift in the wind is predicted later appeared fires across australia left 26 people dead. president trump says he feels badly about news that prince harry and his family stepping down from royal duties and will live at least part time in north america. the president making those comments to laura ingraham. >> would you be able to give her any advice for some of the rogue royals? what's happening there? seems there's a lot of tumult. >> i think it's sad. she is a great woman. she's had a flawless time. >> should come back? >> i don't want to get into the whole thing, but i find it -- i just have such respect for the queen. i don't think that should be happening to her. >> bret: you can see the rest of that interview on the "the ingraham angle" 19:00 p.m. eastern time on fox. the latest on the democratic presidential race and one of the beyond our borders tonight, a powerful explosion ripped through southwest pakistan during friday evening prayers, killing a senior police officer in at least 13 civilians. the bombing wounded another 20 worshipers there. no one immediately claimed responsibility for that attack. pentagon officials say a russian navy spy ship aggressively approached a u.s. guided missile destroyer in the northern arabian sea thursday. says the american warship was forced to take evasive action to avoid a collision. a spokesman for the u.s. fifth fleet the u.s. is asked if the russian ship to change course. ultimately moved away. the trump administration is banding charter flights to cuban cities besides havana in a new tightening of u.s. restrictions on cuba. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. we made usaa insurance for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it - with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa of course i'd love to take an informal poll. i used to be a little cranky. dealing with our finances really haunted me. thankfully, i got quickbooks, and a live bookkeeper's helping customize it for our business. 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>> the agitated attendee was mutely escorted out. >> a shouting match with a man so clued disturbed is not help anyone. >> pete buttigieg has a different problem. accusing the u.s. of regulated responding to iran's attacks even though they insist they never fired back. they were caught in the middle of an unnecessary and unwanted tit for tat. marianne williamson tweeted today that she's dropping out but as bernie prevails as a nominee, the actor who plays him on "snl" knows he'll be busy. >> it's not going to be easy for me. it'll be great for the country, terrible for me. >> sanders isn't the only candidate carefully choosing who he stands next to in the days before the caucuses. >> i can speak fluently in spanish. i'm not going to do it today. the last time we did it was the spanish collar we have in delaware, i butchered everythin. >> joe biden is all the way down in fourth place in that "des moines register" at sea and poll of iowa democrats. five points behind the front runner in iowa. bernie sanders who made significant campaign trail time to serve as a juror in washington, d.c., iowa democrats say they could still be persuaded to pick somebody else three weeks from monday night, caucus night. >> bret: peter, thank you. when he did democrats' top fund-raising machine is not paying her dues to her party. new york woman down the little man alexandria ocasio-cortez is building her own fund-raising organization her way for her own handpick candidates. >> i mean, it's pretty nuts. $250,000 for a freshman? could you imagine being 30 years old and getting a bill for $250,000? >> representative alexandra collier cortes is angering her party's establishment yet again refusing to pay dues to the democratic national campaign committee. >> i still have 250,000 grand on death >> aoc tweeted, "dccc made it clear that they would blacklist any org to help progressive candidates like me. i choose to not fund that kind of exclusion." both are part of a new generation of digital age packs and empowering the far left through small donations and breaking the parties dependence on brand-new congress further threatening the status quo by grooming more than 30 candidates to run for congress in primaries. >> 70% of americans live in a safe blue state or a safe red state, which means the only choice that they have realistically is in their primary election and the idea that we should take democracy away from people is one that i fundamentally disagree with. >> that this agreement could move the party further left. >> the movement overall is that thanks to the centralized money, thanks to a lot of factors, candidates like cortes and bernie sanders are the new face of the democrat party in a lot of ways. >> this fragmentation also happened with the rebel canes when they held the house with the rightward tilt of the tea party and the freedom congress. leaders in both party thinks it makes governing all the more difficult. >> bret: if you want more from the story, go to rock 'n' roll hall of famer neil peart has died, drummer for the canadian band rush. neil peart was 67. indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. try pepto liquicaps for fast relief and ultra-coating. nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. get powerful relief with pepto bismol liquicaps. wthat's why xfinity hasu made taking your internetself. and tv with you a breeze. really? 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>> we don't know whether to believe them here and that's part of the problem. >> i don't think people are having a hard time understanding why the president decided to strike, make that strike in baghdad. he killed a terrorist. a top general in the world's sponsor of state terror. in washington, because so many people are conditioned to call trump some trigger-happy maniac, they seized o on this word "imminent" and trying to drill down on this and outside of washington, and the body is thinking about this. no, he killed a terrorist. great job. thank you. >> what about where democrats are on this and how they are talking about this process? i should point out that when i was with doug jones i read about qaddafi being killed but not technically by u.s. forces. it led to his death. anyway, where do democrats stand, leslie? >> not just democrats. as we know, we have mike lee and rand paul who are republicans who said, why was not the imminent threat discussed withe specific targets? if you will not give that information to the american people, you should give that underlying information to congress. a lot of democrats are talking about the concern, discussing things as if iran really standing down. are they? soleimani is a terrible man come. two administrations chose not to take him out, strategically they thought it would be a mistake. secondly, you have terrorists out there who are going to use this to recruit, sadly. cyber attacks, possibly, navy attacks. >> we know what we don't know. >> the people of iran get hurt -- not the mullahs, by the sanctions. are they going to be turned or be moderate? >> there is a lot of good that can come out of these strikes. there is a real deterrent effect where iranians wake up and go, we are really at risk. >> it's a bad look for democrats their first day back in congress where they spend the day condemning iran, condemning soleimani, no. they spend the day trying to come you know, a meaningless resolution meant to curtail the president. >> but doesn't matter if the president tells the truth? >> bret: we have god in election that's happening on the democratic side and we have to decide where the chips fall. here we go, candidate casino. >> 20 on a convention fight. i think the person i don't feel good about there is klobuchar. that's a strong ten for her. >> this new poll says sanders is now ascended. >> and the elizabeth warren is descending. i'm giving bite in the $70 and i'm giving 30 to sanders. i think biden will pull it off whether he will be the nominee in iowa or not. >> i was going to put everything on mary and will and sin, but i have to change my bets. this is the first time i put bernie less than $90 per 2 25 in biden, 25 on bernie, and $50 on a broken convention where they will try to pick somebody that is like biden. >> bret: i think that's what mike bloomberg is vying for. i've got a lightning winner or loser. your loser is long. >> representative doug collins is a loser for a genuine apologies for the loser is this week the dallas cowboys. they fired mike mccarthy, a good guy. do not think he's a great coach. >> my loser is congressman steve king who on the house floor spoke about how there is no white nationalism and george soros giving money to all the democrats. i'm a democrat. where's my check, i wanted to know. my winter is she ruth bader ginsburg. >> the winner is nick sandberg, he stands to win more who slandered. the loser is no doubt nancy pelosi. disastrous couple of weeks. her strategy, she's lost members to the republican party. members dessert her on the impeachment. she actually came to the point where she had lieutenants openly ragging on her about her strategy of sitting on the articles of impeachment until now. she got nothing for transmitting them, that is an admission by her that it failed. >> bret: although those chairman walked it back. very quickly. abruptly. when we come back, notable quotables. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with... increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. get a 4-course meal starting at $15.99. treat yourself to the perfect gift today, because the aussie 4-course won't last long! outback steakhouse. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn, marie could only imagine enjoying freshly squeezed orange juice. now no fruit is forbidden. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? >> bret: finally tonight, notable quotables. >> we were informed about nothing. >> we have a community spirit here that is not burnable. >> cowboy diplomacy did not work in iraq. cowboy diplomacy will not work in iran. >> we suffered no casualties. all of our soldiers are safe. >> i'd like to say you can judge someone's character by what they've done. >> we stopped him quickly and we stopped him cold. >> he's a terrorist. >> he's part of a group -- of course he is! >> why would you shoot down an airliner full of civilians? i think it's tragic. >> will it be transmitted tonight? anytime soon? >> this resolution has as much force of law as a new year's resolution. >> we are in the process of telling us that we need to be good little boys & girls club run along and not debate this. >> i'm good at names. usmca? like the ymca. >> get back to sports because that's all we live, right? football, football, college, high school, professional. >> going to win a lot of games. >> bret: one week in washington. join us on fox news sunday with chris wallace, we'll speak to the national security advisor robert o'brien this weekend. i bet you that'll be an interesting interview. that's it for the "special report." fair, balanced, still unafraid. the "the story, hosted by martha maccallum >> martha: i'm staying here, you stain your england. thank you, bret. good to see you tonight. before we get to that tonight, the white house feels to be in full steam ahead mode in pursuit of diplomacy with iran despite democrats putting limits on democrats the president's action. president trump giving more information about attacks planned by qassem soleimani. watch this. >> did they have a large-scale attack plan for other embassies,

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