Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 2019

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20190131

calling a fantastic sign of faith. trace gallagher with that big bust along the border but we begin with chief white house correspondent john roberts where the standoff between house speaker nancy pelosi and the president over the border wall seems to have worsened while the tensions with china seem to be getting better. speak of the white house firmly believes there are some democrats in congress who want to give president trump at least some of what he is looking for for the border wall. house speaker nancy pelosi is not one of them. as a homeland security conference committee began its second negotiations over a border wall, house speaker nancy pelosi appeared to take the word "negotiation" off the table. >> there's not going to be more money in the legislation. >> in the oval office, president trump pointed to the latest honduran caravan as another urgent reason to block the flow. >> president trump: if you go to tijuana and you take down that wall you will have so many people coming into the country that nancy pelosi will be begging for a wall. >> the conference committee failed but president trump stood by the shutdown that set the committee together. >> president trump: we set the table to where we are now. i fight into the shutdown, people wouldn't understand the subject, now they understand the subject, they realize what a humanitarian crisis it is. >> with the president and pelosi sparring over the border wall, the speaker threw another punch today ripping his intelligence chiefs. >> the president doesn't seem to have the attention span or the desire to hear what the intelligence community has been telling him. >> president trump labeled his intelligence people passive and naive as they played down the threats from iran in congressional testimony, the president suggesting intelligence should go back to school. >> president trump: they said they were totally misquoted. >> he also put a coda on two days of trade talks between the u.s. and china meeting in the oval office this afternoon with xi jinping number two. >> president trump: it will be the biggest deal ever made, the two largest countries. >> on the table the trade imbalance between the u.s. and china. china's theft of intellectual property forced transfer and ownership rules. china may be willing to take steps it never has before, the vice premier carrying a letter to the president from xi jinping saying he hopes the two countries act in a spirit of mutual respect and meet each other halfway. u.s. officials say words only go so far. what is crucial is follow-up. >> president trump: we will have strong enforcement language, both ways. they want enforcement too. >> robert lighthizer characterized today's talks as intense, the president's chief economic advisor said they may set a course for a final agreement and president trump said that final agreement may come down to he and president xi jinping in china hammering things out. meantime, the chinese are looking to see whether or not they could schedule a trump-xi summit off the back of the meeting with north korea later. >> bret: as we told you at the top of the show, border patrol agents made their biggest fentanyl bust in history at a u.s. point of entry for mexico. trace gallagher joins us live from los angeles with a look at that drug hall and that was hug huge. >> the tractor-trailer filled with cucumbers was flagged for a second inspection, most of the 254 pounds of fentanyl was in a white powder form, there also a few pounds of pills total street value was three and a half million dollars. border agents say this bust is all about human value especially considering fentanyl is up to 100 times more powerful. >> it is said that a quarter milligram or a size of few grains of salt of fentanyl which is a dangerous opioid can kill a person very easily. >> to break it down even more, enforcement agents say 1 kilogram can produce a million potential fatal doses. today's bust intercepted more than 120 million fatal doses. the cdc says back in 2016 there were 20,000 deaths in the u.s. related to fentanyl. in 2017, the number jumps to more than 28,000. most of the fentanyl being seized across the arizona borde border. homeland security expects arizona to become a major core door for fentanyl trafficking though it should be noted that fentanyl comes into the u.s. from all over the world and china is a major source. today is part of trade talks, president trump announced that china has agreed to criminalize the sale of fentanyl. >> president trump: they've agreed to do the death penalty for selling fentanyl if it's shipped to the united states, that would be a very severe penalty. i think it's going to have a tremendous impact. >> a large percentage of fentanyl from china comes into the u.s. from mexico, though some argue a wall or barrier would severely limit fentanyl smuggling but the dea says most fentanyl is hidden in vehicles crossing legally at ports of entry. >> bret: thanks. venezuela's opposition leader says police came to his home while he was away today. this as juan guaidó gets more and more support from across the globe. as pressure mounts for nicolas maduro to cede power. corresponded steve harrigan reports from inside venezuela again. >> in a dangerous escalation of tensions in venezuela, defeated president nicolas maduro sent a special police forces to the home of opposition leader juan guaidó, that according to juan guaidó. the move came despite warnings from u.s. officials that any attempt to harm guaidó who is recognized as interim president by the u.s. would have serious consequences. b12 speaking at a caracas university during the raid and has not been arrested. his 21-year-old daughter and grandmother were home when police arrived. >> families are , children, wive sacred. to all bureaucrats, think of your families, think of the code of honor. for what we say in venezuela, what it means to be a man. >> guaidó has been recognized by dozens of countries as interim president, today the e.u. parliament expressed its support. maduro has not dared you have to arrest him, today's raid could be an attempt to intimidate guaidó or test reaction before arresting him. maduro who was backed by russia and china still controls all the levers of government power. the police, the courts, the army. in a recent video, he warned the u.s. intervening in venezuela would lead to a vietnam worse than they could imagine. if he has been dividing his time between embracing the military on state-controlled television and asking impoverished people to pray for him. some dissidents warned the u.s. may have underestimated maduro's staying power. >> they were not enough in cuba to get castro out of power. it may resolve not to be enough. >> new u.s. oil sanctions will be his first test. the regime gets 90% of its revenue from oil sales and will now be unable to import u.s. gasoline. u.s. officials say they have rejected offers from mexico, uruguay, and the vatican to mediate talks between maduro and guaidó. >> bret: in a second blow this week to president trump's views on foreign policy, an amendment by senate majority leader mitch mcconnell imposing a quick withdrawal of u.s. forces from syria past a procedural boat this afternoon. the intelligence community broke with president trump, the president said he met with his intel team in the oval office and said they were misquoted. there you see a picture of the president meeting with his intelligence staff and the leaders of the cia and national intelligence departments saying it was mischaracterized by the media and they are very much in agreement on iran, isis, north korea, et cetera. seven years after corresponded to marie coleman was killed, a d.c. court has found the syrian government liable and awarded her family more than $300 million in damages. lawyers say they hope to recover the money by targeting frozen syrian government assets overseas, the syrian government has not responded to the suit. virginia's governor touched off a hot-button issue of late-term abortions this week with his comments on what his critics believe is infanticide. president trump told "the daily caller" he believes the controversy will lift up the pro-life movement in his words like never before. corresponded peter doocy reports that could play big in 2020. >> most top democrats either don't know or don't want to talk about democratic government ralph northam's support of aborting newborns. >> if that's what the mother and family desired and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mothers. >> fox news found one democratic lawmaker who even knew what he said. >> current virginia law which has been emplaced since the 1970s and i support doesn't need to be changed. >> it comes close to what president trump said in the 2016 final debate. >> president trump: if you go with what hillary is saying, can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother just prior to the birth of the baby. >> the president said this is going to lift up the whole pro-life movement like maybe it's never been lifted before. some senate democrats positioning themselves and have already staked out positions on late-term abortions because cosponsors of the women's health protection act which would permit third trimester abortions and states that currently outlaw them include kamala harris. >> were reproductive rights and are not just protected by the constitution of the united states but guaranteed in every state. >> and elizabeth warren. >> a woman makes a decision with her family, her priest, her doctor, the people the woman chooses and i think that's what respects the most. >> other cosponsors include kirsten gillibrand, shared cor, sherrod brown. >> whether they stand with governor north rooms repugnant comments, i think the 2020 presidential candidate should have to answer for this. >> congressional democrats just wound down a two day retreat here on the capitol grounds with this late-term abortion issue, it never came up because senators were telling me on their way out they couldn't comment because they didn't hear about this at the retreat. >> bret: peter doocy live on the hill. starbucks the company founded by potential 2020 candidate hit an all-time high on the stock market today, this despite the democratic threats to boycott the company if scholz runs as an independent. the dow lost 15, the s&p 500 was up 23. the nasdaq gained 99. stocks finished up over a stellar january, the dow was up nearly seven and a quarter. the s&p 500 nearly 8%, the nasdaq was up 9.75%. congress wants the fbi to answer questions about the early morning arrest of former trump associate roger stone. several republicans are joining senate judiciary chairman lindsey graham in asking fbi director christopher wray to explain the use of force in his arrest. they believe stone did not meet typical criteria for such a raid. in a court filing unsealed last friday, prosecutors said it was indeed a fear of stone being a flight risk or destroying evidence that brought them to his home in the predawn hours. how the media was there was another question also being asked. they are called "deep fakes," videos that manipulate video and audio to lead the viewer to believe something not true. they could cause confusion and might be grounds for alarm. corresponded gillian turner has our report. >> recent advances in artificial intelligence technology are making an entirely new type of fake news possible. deep fakes, realistic looking and sounding videos created with ai like this one from buzz speed created to demo what they look like. >> we are entering an era in which our enemies can make it look like anyone is saying anything at any point in time, like jordan peele. >> if you are one of a thousand viewers concerned about deep fakes, you better buckle up for 2020. >> we cannot rely on the status quo, we have real competitors. >> they have been used primarily to entertain, like this youtube video deep faking vladimir putin by transposing his face onto an "snl" actor in a skit. cyber experts warned of the power to disrupt future elections is virtually unlimited. >> they systematically erode public confidence and even the truth. >> topping the list of worst-case scenarios for 2020, deep fakes fabricate presidential candidates doing compromising things in secret. virtually anything can learn how to make a deep fake through this 11 minute online tutorial from youtube accounts. lawmakers are paying attention and said it's only a matter of time. >> this was used in the emmanuel macron election in france, they were able to fight it off because of the nature of what was used. but if it is a film, that would be much tougher. >> the real challenge as technology improves so rapidly it's hard to regulate deep fakes as quickly as they are made. >> i remember fake pictures from back in the 50s showed a politician shaking hands with castro, this is much more sophisticated and it can be done in video. >> experts say deep fakes may not be convincing 100% of the time, they are improving every day and now the reasons to identify them faster than ever before. >> bret: up next, americans share their warmth during the biggest deep-freeze in decades with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. yeah, this is nice. mmmm how did you make the dip so rich and creamy? oh, it's a philadelphia- -family recipe. can i see it? no. new philadelphia dips. so good, you'll take all the credit. hey, who are you? oh, hey jeff, i'm a car thief... what?! i'm here to steal your car because, well, that's my job. what? what?? what?! 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[sneezing] cancel your cold. the 1-pill power of new advil multi-symptom cold & flu knocks out your worst symptoms. cancel your cold, not your plans. new advil multi-symptom cold & flu. they seem to be the very foundation of your typical bank. capital one is anything but typical. that's why we designed capital one cafes. you can get savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums. and one of america's best savings rates. to top it off, you can open one from anywhere in 5 minutes. this isn't a typical bank. this is banking reimagined. what's in your wallet? >> bret: medicare for all, we've been talking a lot about it this week it is democrats including those running for president discussed moving beyond obamacare to something more. but how much more? chief congressional corresponded digs into a discussion for a look at how medicare for all will work and what it may cost. >> it's the hot buzz phrase for democrats running for president, medicare for all. >> we will deliver it with medicare for all. >> i believe we need medicare for all. >> medicare for all will provide health care to every man, woman, and child is a right. >> is part of the fighting for the little guy pitch by blaming the insurance industry. when asked if that means it will lead to delays in getting medical tests and treatment, 70% opposed it and if it threatens the current medicare program, 60% oppose that. if it requires most americans to pay more in taxes, 60% opposed. experts say to provide medicare for all, taxes would have to go up to pay for it while quality, choice, and access to care would go down. >> it's a liberal proposal that would essentially outlaw most private health insurance in this country and instead of accessing our care primarily through our method, every american would be put on a government program and government officials would choose the policies and care we get. >> potential 2020 presidential candidate and businessman michael bloomberg says it isn't sustainable. >> to replace the entire private system where companies provide health care for their employees would bankrupt us for a very long time, it's just not a practical thing. >> deep breath in. >> doctors say a major issue is those paying taxes would wind up finding medicare for the entire public, it would make the program more inefficient and bankrupt it sooner -- doctors suggest the wealthy would still have more access to better care by paying with cash. some on the left are actually considered medicare for all could get watered down during this 2020 campaign with all of those candidates jockeying for position. >> bret: mike emanuel on the hill. it's the tunnel everyone is talking about in florida. fbi investigators are looking for the suspect or suspects behind a hole that was being dug toward a bank in florida. investigators say it was not an overnight project and as correspondent phil keating reports, it's also not a new idea. >> a would-be bank heist straight out of hollywood or west of hollywood, hollywood, florida, . and almost completed tunnel, 50 yards long running from this cluster of trees underneath 82 lane road right toward a chase bank. >> i would like to say i saw something like this in movies. this hole is so small, it's unique. >> the fbi so far doesn't know who the gang of would-be bank robbers is. they found a generator, stool, muddy boots, digging tools, and a homemade letter hidden in the trees and bushes. the tunnel itself is just 4 feet wide and just about 1 foot below the street. that is the huge flaw in the plan. a driver on the street hit this pothole, it turns out that wasn't a pothole but a chunk of street collapsing into the tunnel. revealing at all. no cash was stolen since the diggers of the tunnel had you have to make it inside the bank. police say they were using pickaxes and a wagon to haul out the dirt, the entrance to the tunnel was hidden by the cluster of trees all while the digging in dirt removal was easily concealed. the tunnel was headed in the direction of the drive through atms and a bank building itself. at this point, the fbi is not sure which was the tunnel diggers ultimate destination. >> bret: big news on the china trade talks, could we be closer to a big deal with china? 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president xi. >> bret: president trump meeting today with the vice premier of china who carried a letter from president xi and we have been reporting there were positive indications, positive messaging coming from the administration about these deals as they progress about the talk talks. today, tangible movement in that direction, the president tweeting china's representatives are trying to do a complete deal leaving nothing unresolved. all of the many problems are being discussed and will hopefully be resolved. tariffs on china increased to 25%, all working hard to complete by that date. looking for china to open their markets not only to financial services which they are doing but also to manufacturing farmers, other u.s. businesses and industries without this deal, a deal would be unacceptable. the president pointing out 5 million tons of soybeans is a bigger number than they thought. let's bring in our panel. tom rogan, ottmar eliasson, and mollie hemingway. this seems like a big moment today and a big move toward a meeting with xi that could have a deal. >> it might be bushels but the point is there going to buy a lot of soybeans. there are two parts to this deal. china buys more of our stuff, the other part which is much harder is china changes its business model, stop stealing intellectual property forcing technology transfers and the question hanging over these talks, would donald trump settle for just reducing the trade deficit, just settle for them buying more stuff but not really push for structural changes. today he said several times he wanted everything resolved, he used to have an obsession with the trade deficit but over time he has come to understand why these structural issues are important. they are hard ones to resolve and verify. >> bret: there experts here in this town, who are skeptical about dealing with china on this level and that they could just pat his back and say here's something for now. continue their practices down the road. the president has managed to get them to this point. >> we will get a deal, i'm 95% certain of that because the chinese need a deal, the economic downturn debilitate its president xi's ability to reform the economy and president trump wants a strong economy and consolidation. i think president trump will also get in terms of machinery access, selling medium value goods. what he won't get is the intellectual property protection because president xi cannot give him that. the chinese will commit to that and they will gradually break it down and keep stealing it because they need to keep doing that to do with their ultimate ambition is which is to usurp the united states as a guarantor of international economic order. >> bret: i thought you were going to say take over the worl world. >> it is interesting to reflect on where we were when we started this trade war, we were told it would be disastrous for the united states and china would handle it just fine. it turned out to the u.s. imposed tariffs smartly, this is her china far more than this has hurt the u.s. which is having to absorb short-term costs. china had a foolish approach to it. they decided to target their tariffs and democratic districts or districts they thought might be able to turn democratic in the 2018 midterms, it was a shortsighted strategy on their part. they are the ones suffering, the meddling in u.s. elections does not look kindly upon by everybody as well as we heard in the briefing earlier this week. this whole thing was brought up not just about the trade deficit but to deal with a decade-long problem, the way the chinese dump and steal intellectual property. i think people will be eager to see major gains made. >> bret: are there people on either side of the aisle who are second-guessing their criticism of the president going in on how he was handling the china talks. >> bret: i think they might do that if he gets a deal. you don't think the chinese are going to give up on the structural issues but that is the top priority for bob lighthizer and supposedly for the president. >> it's the best deal we can get because they won't give it up but what we are doing, the administration very effectively limiting huawei's access to our allied markets and shutting them down, closing doors on them. that's how you deal with it and you hit them with the cyber stuff as well. that's pretty good. >> bret: i want to talk quickly about venezuela. the now disputed president maduro end of the opposition leader guaidó. >> of the united states is prepared to support the venezuelan people to achieve freedom and democracy. >> this is a man-made catastrophe by the maduro regim regime. >> this campaign has been prepared to justify a coup d'etat in venezuela that has been financed and actively supported by the donald trump administration. if the government of the unite states intends to intervene, they will have a much worse vietnam then you can imagine. >> the pressure in support of the united states is important and all the other countries in the world that support us, we are sure that we are starting to change. >> bret: we aren't doing a blockade, we aren't surmounting them. maduro is still there, he's getting support from russia, china, cuba, how long do we think this standoff can last? >> we don't know despite what was written on john bolton's notepad we also aren't sending troops there. the point is that even though he has cuba, russia, there are a lot of other countries lining up to support the opposition president and that matters in latin america. >> we are doing a good job of applying pressure without getting fully involved. when we intervene in other countries affairs it doesn't always work out the way we want. what we are doing imposing sanctions and working with other global leaders to encourage the resolution to the humanitarian crisis is great. stepping it up too much, we should make sure that's in our national interest. >> afghanistan we first went in there, suitcases full of money. buying off the generals, buying allegiance. i think four weeks were for no, maduro will be gone. the e.u. is coming in with sanctions and the russians do not have the money to be able to contest with us this far abroad. >> bret: 2020 and the abortion debate, next thank you clients? well jd power did just rank them highest in investor satisfaction with full service brokerage firms...again. and online equity trades are only $4.95... i mean you can't have low cost and be full service. it's impossible. it's like having your cake and eating it too. ask your broker if they offer award-winning full service and low costs. how am i going to explain this? if you don't like their answer, ask again at schwab. schwab, a modern approach to wealth management. amazon prime video so when you say words like... show me best of prime video into this... you'll see awesome stuff like this. discover prime originals like the emmy-winning the marvelous mrs. maisel... tom clancy's jack 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mom and the doctors have a debate and a whole bunch of doctors get together and say we think infanticide is okay. i think the 2020 democratic candidate should have to answer for this. this is of the old democratic party argument 15 or 20 years ago that abortion should be safe, legal, and rare. this is about whether or not democrats and these aggressive pro-abortion democrats are going to continue to duck whether or not they stand with that little baby girl. >> bret: it was tough to get democratic senators on capitol hill to comment at all, some said they didn't hear about it. as far as the planned parenthood discussion, the governor of virginia started about a sentence, when we talk about third trimester abortions. the national review has a piece talking about democrats running for president in 2020 having commented on the virginia abortion bill that most of them told us where they stand because they have cosponsored the women's health protection act. federal legislation that would override state restrictions on third trimester abortions. the bill's cosponsors who are already 2020 candidates and possible 2020 contenders, there are a whole list of those as well who have not officially gotten into this race. it's interesting to see and it's definitely an issue getting attention. >> this has been a very frustrating thing as a virginia virginian, virginia was contemplating his late term abortion bill. that is what governor northam was talking about. people who have his radical views on abortion also oppose bills that would protect children who survive abortion, that is another issue they are very much out of the mainstream out of touch with even people who identify as pro-choice. it's sad to hear some of these conversations that we are havin having. we are in a rare group of countries that even permit abortions at later stages of pregnancy when children can feel pain, we are with china and north korea, countries you don't want to be identified with an permit in barbaric and evil practice. it is disappointing, i'm glad you are trying to get centers on the record because many people on the media do not ask people who have these radical views to talk about what actually happens in his late term abortion procedures are when a child survives abortion. >> bret: it something you don't want to talk about, but it's clearly also going to be an issue. >> i think politically this is called a cell phone or an own goal, safe, legal, rare was the criteria but this was a huge opening for republicans and you can see how aggressively they pounced on this. they sounded like he was defending infanticide. the president was gloating about of saying this is going to pump up the pro-life movement like nothing else has ever done before -- i don't know if it's true or not but i think it depends how well it explained what they meant but this is a huge political opening. >> bret: it can't be like a planned parenthood person because he was talking about abortion. this bill is pretty detailed, the women's health protection act of 2017, the restrictions on abortion are unlawful and shall not be applied by any government, prohibition of abortion after fetal liability, the treating physician, the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant woman's health is how that part reads. >> this policy approach from democrats make much of democratic social europe look like acidic citadel of left-wiu can understand why president trump is hitting this, he has a flexible moral code. if he's standing up and saying i've been here for 4 years, the democrats are saying you could essentially kill something that i think most americans would say was alive at that point, not only does that consolidate him as the lesser of two evils, it suggests there is a callousness to democratic policies that does not fit with the moral narrative that they have carefully sculpted with people like alexandria ocasio-cortez, that disconnect is the greatest challenge in the political sens sense. >> bret: there's the pro-choice argument and the people who say politicians should not be making decisions but there always seemed to be this line at which even those folks were advocating that it didn't get to that point. >> in terms of people who are pro-choice who say this type of legislation is extremely radical, even people who identify as pro-choice tend to see is something that should be done only in the first three months of the child's life. kermit does know was the abortion doctor who is in prison in pennsylvania -- >> bret: we didn't get it covered for a lot of the time before he ended up going to trial. >> these are the types of practices everyone regardless of their pro-life or they're not think this is extreme. >> bret: not done talking about this or the health care issue broadly. when we come back, giving us better than receiving, we'll explain. parents aren't perfect, but then they make us kraft mac & cheese and everything's good again. . . billions of mouths. billions of problems. dry mouth? parched mouth? cotton mouth? there's a therabreath for you. therabreath oral rinse and lozenges. help relieve dry mouth using natural enzymes to soothe and moisturize. so you can... breathe easy, there's therabreath at walmart. starts with looking buiat something old,nk and saying, "really?" so capital one is building something completely new. capital one cafes. inviting places with people here to help you, not sell you. and savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums. because that's how it should be. you can open one from right here or anywhere in 5 minutes. seriously, 5 minutes... this is banking reimagined. what's in your wallet? you mighyour for your heart... or your digestion... so why wouldn't you take something for the most important part of you... your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. coaching means making tough choices. jim! you're in! but when you have high blood pressure and need cold medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. coricidin hbp is the #1 brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your blood pressure. coricidin hbp. uh uh - i deliverberty the news around here. ♪ sources say liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. over to you, logo. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ >> bret: finally tonight, the national champion clemson tigers had a special surprise for one very important member of their football team. >> i don't know if you're interested, i know you are busy. but, the nfl, they have presented you with two super bowl tickets to the super bowl this year. [applause] >> bret: david is the team's equipment manager and what many describe is really the heart of the clemson football team. he also has down syndrome. came to clemson as part of a college program. and he was pretty psyched today. looks like he might be a little late to classes on monday. he is heading to the super bowl on atlanta. he phoned his father. that's good news. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and unafraid. "the story" hosted by new england's patriot's fan martha maccallum starts right now. >> martha: fired up, exclusive interview with president trump's 2020 campaign manager brad par parscale, trey gowdy has a new title that you will hear first here tonight. but, first, the testifies stating polar vortex spreads its misery as you have been watching. bone chilling temperatures out there. northwest all the way to the northeast. 15 deaths now blamed on the cold. this prompting massachusetts senator and presidential hopeful elizabeth warren to tweet this. our children and grandchildren should grow up in a world where they can breathe the air and drink the water and go outside without risking their lives

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20190131 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20190131

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calling a fantastic sign of faith. trace gallagher with that big bust along the border but we begin with chief white house correspondent john roberts where the standoff between house speaker nancy pelosi and the president over the border wall seems to have worsened while the tensions with china seem to be getting better. speak of the white house firmly believes there are some democrats in congress who want to give president trump at least some of what he is looking for for the border wall. house speaker nancy pelosi is not one of them. as a homeland security conference committee began its second negotiations over a border wall, house speaker nancy pelosi appeared to take the word "negotiation" off the table. >> there's not going to be more money in the legislation. >> in the oval office, president trump pointed to the latest honduran caravan as another urgent reason to block the flow. >> president trump: if you go to tijuana and you take down that wall you will have so many people coming into the country that nancy pelosi will be begging for a wall. >> the conference committee failed but president trump stood by the shutdown that set the committee together. >> president trump: we set the table to where we are now. i fight into the shutdown, people wouldn't understand the subject, now they understand the subject, they realize what a humanitarian crisis it is. >> with the president and pelosi sparring over the border wall, the speaker threw another punch today ripping his intelligence chiefs. >> the president doesn't seem to have the attention span or the desire to hear what the intelligence community has been telling him. >> president trump labeled his intelligence people passive and naive as they played down the threats from iran in congressional testimony, the president suggesting intelligence should go back to school. >> president trump: they said they were totally misquoted. >> he also put a coda on two days of trade talks between the u.s. and china meeting in the oval office this afternoon with xi jinping number two. >> president trump: it will be the biggest deal ever made, the two largest countries. >> on the table the trade imbalance between the u.s. and china. china's theft of intellectual property forced transfer and ownership rules. china may be willing to take steps it never has before, the vice premier carrying a letter to the president from xi jinping saying he hopes the two countries act in a spirit of mutual respect and meet each other halfway. u.s. officials say words only go so far. what is crucial is follow-up. >> president trump: we will have strong enforcement language, both ways. they want enforcement too. >> robert lighthizer characterized today's talks as intense, the president's chief economic advisor said they may set a course for a final agreement and president trump said that final agreement may come down to he and president xi jinping in china hammering things out. meantime, the chinese are looking to see whether or not they could schedule a trump-xi summit off the back of the meeting with north korea later. >> bret: as we told you at the top of the show, border patrol agents made their biggest fentanyl bust in history at a u.s. point of entry for mexico. trace gallagher joins us live from los angeles with a look at that drug hall and that was hug huge. >> the tractor-trailer filled with cucumbers was flagged for a second inspection, most of the 254 pounds of fentanyl was in a white powder form, there also a few pounds of pills total street value was three and a half million dollars. border agents say this bust is all about human value especially considering fentanyl is up to 100 times more powerful. >> it is said that a quarter milligram or a size of few grains of salt of fentanyl which is a dangerous opioid can kill a person very easily. >> to break it down even more, enforcement agents say 1 kilogram can produce a million potential fatal doses. today's bust intercepted more than 120 million fatal doses. the cdc says back in 2016 there were 20,000 deaths in the u.s. related to fentanyl. in 2017, the number jumps to more than 28,000. most of the fentanyl being seized across the arizona borde border. homeland security expects arizona to become a major core door for fentanyl trafficking though it should be noted that fentanyl comes into the u.s. from all over the world and china is a major source. today is part of trade talks, president trump announced that china has agreed to criminalize the sale of fentanyl. >> president trump: they've agreed to do the death penalty for selling fentanyl if it's shipped to the united states, that would be a very severe penalty. i think it's going to have a tremendous impact. >> a large percentage of fentanyl from china comes into the u.s. from mexico, though some argue a wall or barrier would severely limit fentanyl smuggling but the dea says most fentanyl is hidden in vehicles crossing legally at ports of entry. >> bret: thanks. venezuela's opposition leader says police came to his home while he was away today. this as juan guaidó gets more and more support from across the globe. as pressure mounts for nicolas maduro to cede power. corresponded steve harrigan reports from inside venezuela again. >> in a dangerous escalation of tensions in venezuela, defeated president nicolas maduro sent a special police forces to the home of opposition leader juan guaidó, that according to juan guaidó. the move came despite warnings from u.s. officials that any attempt to harm guaidó who is recognized as interim president by the u.s. would have serious consequences. b12 speaking at a caracas university during the raid and has not been arrested. his 21-year-old daughter and grandmother were home when police arrived. >> families are , children, wive sacred. to all bureaucrats, think of your families, think of the code of honor. for what we say in venezuela, what it means to be a man. >> guaidó has been recognized by dozens of countries as interim president, today the e.u. parliament expressed its support. maduro has not dared you have to arrest him, today's raid could be an attempt to intimidate guaidó or test reaction before arresting him. maduro who was backed by russia and china still controls all the levers of government power. the police, the courts, the army. in a recent video, he warned the u.s. intervening in venezuela would lead to a vietnam worse than they could imagine. if he has been dividing his time between embracing the military on state-controlled television and asking impoverished people to pray for him. some dissidents warned the u.s. may have underestimated maduro's staying power. >> they were not enough in cuba to get castro out of power. it may resolve not to be enough. >> new u.s. oil sanctions will be his first test. the regime gets 90% of its revenue from oil sales and will now be unable to import u.s. gasoline. u.s. officials say they have rejected offers from mexico, uruguay, and the vatican to mediate talks between maduro and guaidó. >> bret: in a second blow this week to president trump's views on foreign policy, an amendment by senate majority leader mitch mcconnell imposing a quick withdrawal of u.s. forces from syria past a procedural boat this afternoon. the intelligence community broke with president trump, the president said he met with his intel team in the oval office and said they were misquoted. there you see a picture of the president meeting with his intelligence staff and the leaders of the cia and national intelligence departments saying it was mischaracterized by the media and they are very much in agreement on iran, isis, north korea, et cetera. seven years after corresponded to marie coleman was killed, a d.c. court has found the syrian government liable and awarded her family more than $300 million in damages. lawyers say they hope to recover the money by targeting frozen syrian government assets overseas, the syrian government has not responded to the suit. virginia's governor touched off a hot-button issue of late-term abortions this week with his comments on what his critics believe is infanticide. president trump told "the daily caller" he believes the controversy will lift up the pro-life movement in his words like never before. corresponded peter doocy reports that could play big in 2020. >> most top democrats either don't know or don't want to talk about democratic government ralph northam's support of aborting newborns. >> if that's what the mother and family desired and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mothers. >> fox news found one democratic lawmaker who even knew what he said. >> current virginia law which has been emplaced since the 1970s and i support doesn't need to be changed. >> it comes close to what president trump said in the 2016 final debate. >> president trump: if you go with what hillary is saying, can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother just prior to the birth of the baby. >> the president said this is going to lift up the whole pro-life movement like maybe it's never been lifted before. some senate democrats positioning themselves and have already staked out positions on late-term abortions because cosponsors of the women's health protection act which would permit third trimester abortions and states that currently outlaw them include kamala harris. >> were reproductive rights and are not just protected by the constitution of the united states but guaranteed in every state. >> and elizabeth warren. >> a woman makes a decision with her family, her priest, her doctor, the people the woman chooses and i think that's what respects the most. >> other cosponsors include kirsten gillibrand, shared cor, sherrod brown. >> whether they stand with governor north rooms repugnant comments, i think the 2020 presidential candidate should have to answer for this. >> congressional democrats just wound down a two day retreat here on the capitol grounds with this late-term abortion issue, it never came up because senators were telling me on their way out they couldn't comment because they didn't hear about this at the retreat. >> bret: peter doocy live on the hill. starbucks the company founded by potential 2020 candidate hit an all-time high on the stock market today, this despite the democratic threats to boycott the company if scholz runs as an independent. the dow lost 15, the s&p 500 was up 23. the nasdaq gained 99. stocks finished up over a stellar january, the dow was up nearly seven and a quarter. the s&p 500 nearly 8%, the nasdaq was up 9.75%. congress wants the fbi to answer questions about the early morning arrest of former trump associate roger stone. several republicans are joining senate judiciary chairman lindsey graham in asking fbi director christopher wray to explain the use of force in his arrest. they believe stone did not meet typical criteria for such a raid. in a court filing unsealed last friday, prosecutors said it was indeed a fear of stone being a flight risk or destroying evidence that brought them to his home in the predawn hours. how the media was there was another question also being asked. they are called "deep fakes," videos that manipulate video and audio to lead the viewer to believe something not true. they could cause confusion and might be grounds for alarm. corresponded gillian turner has our report. >> recent advances in artificial intelligence technology are making an entirely new type of fake news possible. deep fakes, realistic looking and sounding videos created with ai like this one from buzz speed created to demo what they look like. >> we are entering an era in which our enemies can make it look like anyone is saying anything at any point in time, like jordan peele. >> if you are one of a thousand viewers concerned about deep fakes, you better buckle up for 2020. >> we cannot rely on the status quo, we have real competitors. >> they have been used primarily to entertain, like this youtube video deep faking vladimir putin by transposing his face onto an "snl" actor in a skit. cyber experts warned of the power to disrupt future elections is virtually unlimited. >> they systematically erode public confidence and even the truth. >> topping the list of worst-case scenarios for 2020, deep fakes fabricate presidential candidates doing compromising things in secret. virtually anything can learn how to make a deep fake through this 11 minute online tutorial from youtube accounts. lawmakers are paying attention and said it's only a matter of time. >> this was used in the emmanuel macron election in france, they were able to fight it off because of the nature of what was used. but if it is a film, that would be much tougher. >> the real challenge as technology improves so rapidly it's hard to regulate deep fakes as quickly as they are made. >> i remember fake pictures from back in the 50s showed a politician shaking hands with castro, this is much more sophisticated and it can be done in video. >> experts say deep fakes may not be convincing 100% of the time, they are improving every day and now the reasons to identify them faster than ever before. >> bret: up next, americans share their warmth during the biggest deep-freeze in decades with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. yeah, this is nice. mmmm how did you make the dip so rich and creamy? oh, it's a philadelphia- -family recipe. can i see it? no. new philadelphia dips. so good, you'll take all the credit. hey, who are you? oh, hey jeff, i'm a car thief... what?! i'm here to steal your car because, well, that's my job. what? what?? what?! 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[crash] what?! haha, it happens. and if you've got cut-rate car insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. so get allstate... and be better protected from mayhem... like me. ♪ need a change of scenery? kayak searches hundreds of travel sites - even our competitors - so you can be confident you're getting the right flight at the best price. kayak. search one and done. unstopand it's strengthenedting place, the by xfi pods,gateway. which plug in to extend the wifi even farther, past anything that stands in its way. ...well almost anything. leave no room behind with xfi pods. simple. easy. awesome. click or visit a retail store today. >> bret: the super bowl will go on as scheduled just in case you are wondering. this after a federal judge refused to order the nfl to implement a rule that could have led to a do over of the nfc championship game between the new orleans saints and los angeles rams. a judge rejected arguments by two saint's season ticket holders who filed suit after referee failed to call a penalty against a rams player at a key point in the final minutes of that game. there you see that moment, the pass interference that was not called. patriots-rams on sunday. the bitter cold has settled into the midwest and while at record lows are bringing incredible visuals, it's also causing a lot of problems and has led to at least 13 deaths so far. senior correspondent mike tobin our intrepid polar vortex corresponded reports from frozen chicago. >> a second day with record-breaking temperatures plunging into the double digits below zero in the center of the nation locked in a deep-freeze. roads remain treacherous demonstrated by dashcam video from a car in grand rapids, michigan, narrowly avoiding a car wreck on i 96. all methods of travel have been impacted, thousands of flights have been canceled or delayed. amtrak was halted in chicago for a second day, scores of businesses and public offices remain closed, leaders are stressing the bitter cold still needs to be treated as lethal. >> if you don't need to be outside at this time, don't go outside. >> most of them are homebound, a lot of them don't have family around. we are doing this service of having that wellness check and making sure they are okay. >> from milwaukee to hammond indiana to buffalo, new york, few were spared the icy grip of the polar vortex as it parked itself over the north-central united states. in minneapolis the residents say they have experience with the cold. >> layers, good layers. >> nothing i haven't been through before, it's all good, just part of living in minnesota. >> the icy grip was not limited to the heartland where slick roads and arctic air in new england, a familiar message -- try to stay home until the worst has passed. >> if you don't have to be on the roads, you should not be on the roads. let the plows do their work. >> the worst of the freezing temperatures are finally passed us with the mercury reaching 0 degrees here in chicago, we won't see 32 degrees until the weekend but that does not mean the heartland is out of trouble. a new round of snow is just getting started. >> bret: of next, a florida plot to dig into a bank was spoiled but history shows a robbery by tunnel can actually happen, we'll show you. beyond our borders tonight, canada said it's pulling nearly half of its people out of the canadian embassy in cuba, the move comes as another diplomat fell mysteriously ill. since 2017, canada has confirmed 14 cases of this unexplained health problem there, while 26 workers at the u.s. embassy in cuba have also been affected. a cuban official called canada's decision incomprehensible. the trump administration is expected to announce friday that it is withdrawing from an intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty. that treaty has been a centerpiece of superpowers arms control since the cold war and its demise has some analysts worrying it could fuel a new arms race. on follows a dispute over russian compliance with that pact. in spain, barcelona's crackdown of ride healing companies now means the end of service and therefore uber. they say the measures were incompatible with demand for services. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight, we'll be right back great news for anyone wh- uh uh - i'm the one who delivers the news around here. ♪ liberty mutual has just announced that they can customize your car insurance so that you only pay for what you need. this is phoebe buckley, on location. uh... thanks, phoebe. ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ and if you feel, like i feel baby then come on, ♪ ♪ oh come on ♪ let's get it on applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. [sneezing] ♪ you don't want to cancel your plans. [sneezing] cancel your cold. the 1-pill power of new advil multi-symptom cold & flu knocks out your worst symptoms. cancel your cold, not your plans. new advil multi-symptom cold & flu. they seem to be the very foundation of your typical bank. capital one is anything but typical. that's why we designed capital one cafes. you can get savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums. and one of america's best savings rates. to top it off, you can open one from anywhere in 5 minutes. this isn't a typical bank. this is banking reimagined. what's in your wallet? >> bret: medicare for all, we've been talking a lot about it this week it is democrats including those running for president discussed moving beyond obamacare to something more. but how much more? chief congressional corresponded digs into a discussion for a look at how medicare for all will work and what it may cost. >> it's the hot buzz phrase for democrats running for president, medicare for all. >> we will deliver it with medicare for all. >> i believe we need medicare for all. >> medicare for all will provide health care to every man, woman, and child is a right. >> is part of the fighting for the little guy pitch by blaming the insurance industry. when asked if that means it will lead to delays in getting medical tests and treatment, 70% opposed it and if it threatens the current medicare program, 60% oppose that. if it requires most americans to pay more in taxes, 60% opposed. experts say to provide medicare for all, taxes would have to go up to pay for it while quality, choice, and access to care would go down. >> it's a liberal proposal that would essentially outlaw most private health insurance in this country and instead of accessing our care primarily through our method, every american would be put on a government program and government officials would choose the policies and care we get. >> potential 2020 presidential candidate and businessman michael bloomberg says it isn't sustainable. >> to replace the entire private system where companies provide health care for their employees would bankrupt us for a very long time, it's just not a practical thing. >> deep breath in. >> doctors say a major issue is those paying taxes would wind up finding medicare for the entire public, it would make the program more inefficient and bankrupt it sooner -- doctors suggest the wealthy would still have more access to better care by paying with cash. some on the left are actually considered medicare for all could get watered down during this 2020 campaign with all of those candidates jockeying for position. >> bret: mike emanuel on the hill. it's the tunnel everyone is talking about in florida. fbi investigators are looking for the suspect or suspects behind a hole that was being dug toward a bank in florida. investigators say it was not an overnight project and as correspondent phil keating reports, it's also not a new idea. >> a would-be bank heist straight out of hollywood or west of hollywood, hollywood, florida, . and almost completed tunnel, 50 yards long running from this cluster of trees underneath 82 lane road right toward a chase bank. >> i would like to say i saw something like this in movies. this hole is so small, it's unique. >> the fbi so far doesn't know who the gang of would-be bank robbers is. they found a generator, stool, muddy boots, digging tools, and a homemade letter hidden in the trees and bushes. the tunnel itself is just 4 feet wide and just about 1 foot below the street. that is the huge flaw in the plan. a driver on the street hit this pothole, it turns out that wasn't a pothole but a chunk of street collapsing into the tunnel. revealing at all. no cash was stolen since the diggers of the tunnel had you have to make it inside the bank. police say they were using pickaxes and a wagon to haul out the dirt, the entrance to the tunnel was hidden by the cluster of trees all while the digging in dirt removal was easily concealed. the tunnel was headed in the direction of the drive through atms and a bank building itself. at this point, the fbi is not sure which was the tunnel diggers ultimate destination. >> bret: big news on the china trade talks, could we be closer to a big deal with china? 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[picture noises] go to sleep. wake up. grab a bite. maybe some racquetball. and boom - your money's on the way so you can get back on the road fast. well, not that fast. the editor had to make it fit in 30 seconds. it's pretty tricky actually trying to ... and ... tagline. when insurance is simple, it's surprisingly painless. ♪ >> president trump: we are going to have a great trade deal, great for both countries. not just us, not just them. >> china in the u.s. will have a possibility of setting a historical deal on trade. it's to follow through on the importance of the agreement reached between you and president xi. we have achieved toward the direction in the striking a comprehensive deal. >> president trump: 5 million tons of soybeans. that's going to make our farmers very happy, that's a lot of soybeans. this is going to be a very big deal or it's going to be a deal that will hold us for a little while. i think the final deal that will be made will be made between myself and president xi. >> bret: president trump meeting today with the vice premier of china who carried a letter from president xi and we have been reporting there were positive indications, positive messaging coming from the administration about these deals as they progress about the talk talks. today, tangible movement in that direction, the president tweeting china's representatives are trying to do a complete deal leaving nothing unresolved. all of the many problems are being discussed and will hopefully be resolved. tariffs on china increased to 25%, all working hard to complete by that date. looking for china to open their markets not only to financial services which they are doing but also to manufacturing farmers, other u.s. businesses and industries without this deal, a deal would be unacceptable. the president pointing out 5 million tons of soybeans is a bigger number than they thought. let's bring in our panel. tom rogan, ottmar eliasson, and mollie hemingway. this seems like a big moment today and a big move toward a meeting with xi that could have a deal. >> it might be bushels but the point is there going to buy a lot of soybeans. there are two parts to this deal. china buys more of our stuff, the other part which is much harder is china changes its business model, stop stealing intellectual property forcing technology transfers and the question hanging over these talks, would donald trump settle for just reducing the trade deficit, just settle for them buying more stuff but not really push for structural changes. today he said several times he wanted everything resolved, he used to have an obsession with the trade deficit but over time he has come to understand why these structural issues are important. they are hard ones to resolve and verify. >> bret: there experts here in this town, who are skeptical about dealing with china on this level and that they could just pat his back and say here's something for now. continue their practices down the road. the president has managed to get them to this point. >> we will get a deal, i'm 95% certain of that because the chinese need a deal, the economic downturn debilitate its president xi's ability to reform the economy and president trump wants a strong economy and consolidation. i think president trump will also get in terms of machinery access, selling medium value goods. what he won't get is the intellectual property protection because president xi cannot give him that. the chinese will commit to that and they will gradually break it down and keep stealing it because they need to keep doing that to do with their ultimate ambition is which is to usurp the united states as a guarantor of international economic order. >> bret: i thought you were going to say take over the worl world. >> it is interesting to reflect on where we were when we started this trade war, we were told it would be disastrous for the united states and china would handle it just fine. it turned out to the u.s. imposed tariffs smartly, this is her china far more than this has hurt the u.s. which is having to absorb short-term costs. china had a foolish approach to it. they decided to target their tariffs and democratic districts or districts they thought might be able to turn democratic in the 2018 midterms, it was a shortsighted strategy on their part. they are the ones suffering, the meddling in u.s. elections does not look kindly upon by everybody as well as we heard in the briefing earlier this week. this whole thing was brought up not just about the trade deficit but to deal with a decade-long problem, the way the chinese dump and steal intellectual property. i think people will be eager to see major gains made. >> bret: are there people on either side of the aisle who are second-guessing their criticism of the president going in on how he was handling the china talks. >> bret: i think they might do that if he gets a deal. you don't think the chinese are going to give up on the structural issues but that is the top priority for bob lighthizer and supposedly for the president. >> it's the best deal we can get because they won't give it up but what we are doing, the administration very effectively limiting huawei's access to our allied markets and shutting them down, closing doors on them. that's how you deal with it and you hit them with the cyber stuff as well. that's pretty good. >> bret: i want to talk quickly about venezuela. the now disputed president maduro end of the opposition leader guaidó. >> of the united states is prepared to support the venezuelan people to achieve freedom and democracy. >> this is a man-made catastrophe by the maduro regim regime. >> this campaign has been prepared to justify a coup d'etat in venezuela that has been financed and actively supported by the donald trump administration. if the government of the unite states intends to intervene, they will have a much worse vietnam then you can imagine. >> the pressure in support of the united states is important and all the other countries in the world that support us, we are sure that we are starting to change. >> bret: we aren't doing a blockade, we aren't surmounting them. maduro is still there, he's getting support from russia, china, cuba, how long do we think this standoff can last? >> we don't know despite what was written on john bolton's notepad we also aren't sending troops there. the point is that even though he has cuba, russia, there are a lot of other countries lining up to support the opposition president and that matters in latin america. >> we are doing a good job of applying pressure without getting fully involved. when we intervene in other countries affairs it doesn't always work out the way we want. what we are doing imposing sanctions and working with other global leaders to encourage the resolution to the humanitarian crisis is great. stepping it up too much, we should make sure that's in our national interest. >> afghanistan we first went in there, suitcases full of money. buying off the generals, buying allegiance. i think four weeks were for no, maduro will be gone. the e.u. is coming in with sanctions and the russians do not have the money to be able to contest with us this far abroad. >> bret: 2020 and the abortion debate, next thank you clients? well jd power did just rank them highest in investor satisfaction with full service brokerage firms...again. and online equity trades are only $4.95... i mean you can't have low cost and be full service. it's impossible. it's like having your cake and eating it too. ask your broker if they offer award-winning full service and low costs. how am i going to explain this? if you don't like their answer, ask again at schwab. schwab, a modern approach to wealth management. amazon prime video so when you say words like... show me best of prime video into this... you'll see awesome stuff like this. discover prime originals like the emmy-winning the marvelous mrs. maisel... tom clancy's jack 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mom and the doctors have a debate and a whole bunch of doctors get together and say we think infanticide is okay. i think the 2020 democratic candidate should have to answer for this. this is of the old democratic party argument 15 or 20 years ago that abortion should be safe, legal, and rare. this is about whether or not democrats and these aggressive pro-abortion democrats are going to continue to duck whether or not they stand with that little baby girl. >> bret: it was tough to get democratic senators on capitol hill to comment at all, some said they didn't hear about it. as far as the planned parenthood discussion, the governor of virginia started about a sentence, when we talk about third trimester abortions. the national review has a piece talking about democrats running for president in 2020 having commented on the virginia abortion bill that most of them told us where they stand because they have cosponsored the women's health protection act. federal legislation that would override state restrictions on third trimester abortions. the bill's cosponsors who are already 2020 candidates and possible 2020 contenders, there are a whole list of those as well who have not officially gotten into this race. it's interesting to see and it's definitely an issue getting attention. >> this has been a very frustrating thing as a virginia virginian, virginia was contemplating his late term abortion bill. that is what governor northam was talking about. people who have his radical views on abortion also oppose bills that would protect children who survive abortion, that is another issue they are very much out of the mainstream out of touch with even people who identify as pro-choice. it's sad to hear some of these conversations that we are havin having. we are in a rare group of countries that even permit abortions at later stages of pregnancy when children can feel pain, we are with china and north korea, countries you don't want to be identified with an permit in barbaric and evil practice. it is disappointing, i'm glad you are trying to get centers on the record because many people on the media do not ask people who have these radical views to talk about what actually happens in his late term abortion procedures are when a child survives abortion. >> bret: it something you don't want to talk about, but it's clearly also going to be an issue. >> i think politically this is called a cell phone or an own goal, safe, legal, rare was the criteria but this was a huge opening for republicans and you can see how aggressively they pounced on this. they sounded like he was defending infanticide. the president was gloating about of saying this is going to pump up the pro-life movement like nothing else has ever done before -- i don't know if it's true or not but i think it depends how well it explained what they meant but this is a huge political opening. >> bret: it can't be like a planned parenthood person because he was talking about abortion. this bill is pretty detailed, the women's health protection act of 2017, the restrictions on abortion are unlawful and shall not be applied by any government, prohibition of abortion after fetal liability, the treating physician, the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant woman's health is how that part reads. >> this policy approach from democrats make much of democratic social europe look like acidic citadel of left-wiu can understand why president trump is hitting this, he has a flexible moral code. if he's standing up and saying i've been here for 4 years, the democrats are saying you could essentially kill something that i think most americans would say was alive at that point, not only does that consolidate him as the lesser of two evils, it suggests there is a callousness to democratic policies that does not fit with the moral narrative that they have carefully sculpted with people like alexandria ocasio-cortez, that disconnect is the greatest challenge in the political sens sense. >> bret: there's the pro-choice argument and the people who say politicians should not be making decisions but there always seemed to be this line at which even those folks were advocating that it didn't get to that point. >> in terms of people who are pro-choice who say this type of legislation is extremely radical, even people who identify as pro-choice tend to see is something that should be done only in the first three months of the child's life. kermit does know was the abortion doctor who is in prison in pennsylvania -- >> bret: we didn't get it covered for a lot of the time before he ended up going to trial. >> these are the types of practices everyone regardless of their pro-life or they're not think this is extreme. >> bret: not done talking about this or the health care issue broadly. when we come back, giving us better than receiving, we'll explain. parents aren't perfect, but then they make us kraft mac & cheese and everything's good again. . . billions of mouths. 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[applause] >> bret: david is the team's equipment manager and what many describe is really the heart of the clemson football team. he also has down syndrome. came to clemson as part of a college program. and he was pretty psyched today. looks like he might be a little late to classes on monday. he is heading to the super bowl on atlanta. he phoned his father. that's good news. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and unafraid. "the story" hosted by new england's patriot's fan martha maccallum starts right now. >> martha: fired up, exclusive interview with president trump's 2020 campaign manager brad par parscale, trey gowdy has a new title that you will hear first here tonight. but, first, the testifies stating polar vortex spreads its misery as you have been watching. bone chilling temperatures out there. northwest all the way to the northeast. 15 deaths now blamed on the cold. this prompting massachusetts senator and presidential hopeful elizabeth warren to tweet this. our children and grandchildren should grow up in a world where they can breathe the air and drink the water and go outside without risking their lives

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