Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 2018

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20180528

most dangerous neighborhood. we have a report from the korean peninsula in the moment. kevin corke is at the white house. good evening, kevin. >> good evening, mike. solemn day for the president. speeches, songs and of course heart felt salutes for the folks who paid the ultimate price for our country in defending our freedom. also a day full of new questions about a brewing spy scandal that threatens to overrun the doj and fbi. >> we are gathered here on the sacred soil of arlington national cemetery to honor the lives and deeds of america's greatest heroes. the men and women who laid down their lives for our freedom. ♪ oh say does that. >> in marking the second memorial day of his presidency, president trump today called on all americans to never forget the sacrifice of fallen u.s. service members. saying they shared a love more deep and more pure than most will ever know. among the many veterans in the audience today, 94-year-old bob dole. former kansas senator who spent nearly four decades in congress and wounded in combat in world war ii. he received a thunder russ ovation gathering. while the president spent this memorial day honoring the memories of the fallen on hallowed ground and online he began by focusing his attention to a discussion on fox news on so-called spy gate ideas that the fbi placed informant into and around the campaign during and after the 2016 election. on twitter president trump jonathan turley who told fox that the president deserves some answers. said of ousting ag sally yates i find her actions to be really quite unbelievable. and said if the obama administration put the opposing campaign's presidential candidate or his campaign under investigation, that raises legitimate questions, adding it goes to the heart of our electoral system. >> we should get everyone involved in. get them on the record and get that record to the public. at some point we have to come back together as a country. this division is getting deeper. it's because politicians on both sides are playing games with these investigations. >> while new york democratic senator chuck schumer noted in a tweet the mueller investigation's 19 indictments and three guilty pleas, he failed to mention that there has been no evidence of russian collusion uncovered by the special counsel who may not, if the president's lawyers have their way, get an opportunity to interview the president in the russia probe. >> the reality is, we're not going to sit them down if this is a trap for perjury. and until we're convinced of that and if they don't show us these documents, we are just going to have to say no. >> giuliani says the president insists he wants to sit down with the special counsel. in fact, he said as much on the record, mike. it's also important to point out that his lawyers, at least for now, are advising against it. mike? >> kevin corke leading us off on the north lawn. kevin, thanks. u.s. team is on the ground tonight on the korean peninsula further evidence that the summit between president trump and kim jong un may in fact happen. senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot is in seoul tonight. >> a whirlwind of activity ahead of the planned summit involving president trump and north korean leader kim jong un. at the scene of saturday's surprise summit with kim and south korean president moon jae-in on the north korean side of the dmz u.s. and north korean teams are working out the details of the possible meeting. >> i think the u.s. is trying to engage north korea's interest in denuclearization and what that might mean. however they are willing to go. >> heading up the high powered american side ambassador to the philippines, former ambassador to south korea and union negotiator psalm kim. director of national affairs al soon hooker who accompanied ivanka trump and randal shriver who is with secretary of state mike pompeo last trip to pyongyang. they are facing off against powerful north korean vice foreign minister wii whose explosive remarks last week threatening that nuclear to nuclear show down and calling vice president pence a political dummy almost blew the summit out of water. deputy white house chief of staff joe hagin and others who with their north korean counterparts will plan logistics tore the meeting with more north south talks planned president moon called for more dialogue possibly a three way summit with the north after singapore. >> i think what president moon was trying to do was restore the channels. >> set to again here tuesday. there is talk of one last meeting between secretary of state pompeo and north korean official to get the final go ahead to the summit if all goes well. mike? >> mike: greg palkot in seoul. greg, thanks a lot. the european union's foreign policy chief says eu members are committed to keeping their end of the nuclear deal with iran. the u.s. pulled out of the pac earlier this month and punishinpunishing for those whoo business with iran. former president george h.w. bush is spending his memorial day in a hospital in maine. he was brought in sunday after experiencing low blood pressure and fatigue. a spokesman says the 93-year-old, mr. bush, is awake, alert, and not in any discomfort but is expected to spend at least a few days in the hospital for observation. the 41st president was last hospitalize hospitalized ie april following the passing of his wife. subtropical storm alberto getting a jump on the hurricane season tonight. the storm is moving through the northern gulf coast sending many holiday travelers scurrying from the florida panhandle beaches. correspondent phil keating is in panama city tonight. good evening, phil. >> good evening, mike. the center of the subtropical storm alberto is making landfall as we speak just about 10 miles up the beach from where we are here in bay county, florida. that's up there in laguna beach. can you see the people, this is the most crowded we have seen it all day simply because the rain has finally stopped. but the wind remains very strong and sand is blasting everybody who is out here. the surf remains a severe riske to life because of the rip current and tense of millions of dollars have been lost in tourism revenue that just blew away. holiday anticipation of the worst kind as brace for the full force of tropical storm alberto. >> no sun here. >> the national weather service says the storm's center was maintaining strength landfall florida panhandle with maximum sustained winds approaching 70 miles per hour. 2 million americans now under a tropical storm warning floforts say get ready for life-threatening surf conditions, heavy rains and flooding even tornadoes. >> i talked to sheriffs in the panhandle. they are ready we are constantly having updates. so i think everybody is ready for. this the gulf beaches this holiday weekend mostly empty. the few visitors trying to enjoy the last peeks of sun and expressing caution. >> very, very windy. it's kind of scary. the undertow appears to be real bad. i'm not getting letting her her get in over heir shins or knees at all. >> posted double red flags along the shore. swimming and wading now banned. some choosing to ignore common sense. riverside cafe near tallahassee is one of the businesses suffering from lack of holiday townhouses. immediate concern securing the premises. >> we are going to unplug everything that we can unplug and lift it up the best we can and let mother nature take its course. >> shared sentiment in communities across the nation with residents sandbagging and boarding up homes. all just the start of what is predicted to be a busy hurricane season with 10 to 16 named storms and five to nine hurricanes. still time to wish on a rain bow for calmer summer skies. up here on the beach row, this is the view you see. you can see the winds are still very strong. even though as i mentioned the rain has stopped for the moment here in panama city beach. but, look at the road behind me. it's been empty all day. much of the weekend. everyone is basically just hiding inside their condos and houses. you have sand issues covering the street. so this is a bit of big day long event. a true washout for this memorial day weekend. tomorrow the storm will be dumping more rain in the tennessee valley and the carolinas and then on wednesday expect more of this rain in the ohio river region. mike? >> mike: phil keating on the florida coast. thanks a lot. the weather is much more destructive thus far in maryland. a flash flood was devastated a part of ellicott city that was hammered by another storm almost two years ago. correspondent rich edson is there tonight. >> for the second time in less than two years, this is ellicott city, maryland. you always pray that it's not going to happen again. every time it rains hard, you say hail mary and hope it's not the time and here we are. it was time. >> rescue crews say they are searching for edison her man. last seen at restaurant here in main street. much of that street is covered in mud or washed away. from beaten neath this small bridge dumpster trees with roots and cars. they cleared this street with about a dozen cars. 8-inch of rain fell over a few hours sunday afternoon. residents and business owners say the flash flood it created was more destructive than the flood in july 2016. that killed two people and caused tens of millions in damage. >> we will be stronger in the future. we really will, folks. this is not a place that gives. in we didn't give in 2016. we won't give n 2018. i want people to noel cot city is strong. >> larry who he dan has declared a safety emergency. he had just denounced federal funding of more than a million dollars to help restore the downtown from the 2016 flood. >> so now here we are again and it's sad but i said to my husband, is this our new normal? is this what's normal now for us to every couple of years to have to dig this place out? >> and timothy said a few weeks ago his brewery had just finish you had repairs. he says he will rebuild again. >> in the end, you know, our real resource is our people, you know. building is stop and bring and metal that can be replaced. people can't. and that's the real resource here. >> clean up crews have been working throughout the day and that continues. do you see that road where those two gentlemen are walking through. that's the main street. that's the main drag in ellicott city. cars have been toed u towed up t street. the area bottom of the road the roadway is washed out. if you look at the house to the right if we were standing there, mike, 24 hours ago we would be completely submerged and then, of course, there is the missing national guardsman the 39-year-old he is still missing according to authorities. he was eating dinner 24 hours ago 50 yards that way. mike? >> mike: rich edson live in ellicott city, maryland with some powerful visuals. rich, thanks a lot. up next, are democrats falling into the tea party trap this campaign season? first, here is what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 28 in columbus, ohio where a 94-year-old world war ii veteran is celebrating memorial day with a high school diploma. circleville high school honored robert lockhart at its graduation ceremony sunday. lockhart would have graduated back in 1944 but he dropped out and joined the army. he says the diploma means everything to him fox 13 in salt lake city. captive and wife hope to return home. they arrived in the u.s. saturday flying into dulles airport and going to the white house to meet president trump. and this is a live look at honolulu from fox 2. one of the big stories there tonight, hawaii county officials say lava from the kilauea volcano is covering at least one production well and heading toward another one at a geothermal power plant on the big island, the well is plugged, which is supposed to protect against the release of gas that could turn toxic when mixed with lava. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. this is a story about mail and packages. and it's also a story about people. people who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams they're handing us more than mail they're handing us their business and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you ♪ the full value of your new car? 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race after race. progressive beat out are in democratic primary. a win for the party's liberal wing but some democrats say those candidates won't stand a chance in the general election. just like tea party conservatives in years past who won the republican primary but ultimately lost against a democrat. think todd achin' the pro-life senate candidate from missouri who once said. >> if it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try shut that whole thing down. >> how about richard murdock who ran for senate in indiana and described pregnancy from rape. >> something that god intended to happen. now many democratic strategists worry these mid terms could be their tea party moment. >> democrats are deeply worried that their best chance since 2010 to take the house could be evaporating. >> not every strategist sees it that way. >> i am baffled by the left is winning narrative that is out there right now. i believe what's happened in this election is the quiet voice in the middle has come back with a vengeance. >> doug schoen says what those strategists are saying privately and saying publicly are two different things. >> look at the data. look at the numbers. and most of all look at the real panic that is going on among democrats. talking points are one thing. the statistic call truth quite another. >> his prescription for the party with six months to go. >> unify, develop a moderate agenda that emphasizes growth and opportunity, down play impeachment, find another leader other than nancy pelosi and talk about how we can build alternative version of america than the trump republican coalition has offered. >> the next big test will be next tuesday, june 5th with primaries in 8 states, including california and new jersey. two critical states where democrats will try to swing seats this november, mike. >> mike: kristin fisher live here in washington. kristin, thanks a lot. well, we are dusting off old quotes tonight. here's another. money is the lifeblood of politics. and that leads us to correspondent peter doocy's look at where the two parties stand financially as we head into the summer campaign season. >> as democrats try to mount a blue wave, some republican strategists are dealing with a red alert. that's because committees dedicated to helping democrats flip control of the house and senate have now outraised republican committees dedicated to keeping control. even though there are fewer democratic senate hopefuls, their campaigns are raking in more than republicans. same story in house races where the national republican congressional committee is emailing supporters to donate, quote: to show nancy pelosi we won't go down without a fight. but the g.o.p. knows it's a long time until november. >> money is like horse shows and hand grenades you don't have to have the most just be close. >> dccc is spending $3 million at least in california advance the primary to get a single democrat through to the general. >> a bright spot for the right, the rnc has raised almost double the dnc's total. that's a deficit the dnc dismisses. >> the rnc has always outraised our party. and so when we think about the opportunity that exists, it's about being clear how do we find more ways to mobilize itself. the republicans outraise us two to 1 in 2005 and 2006 and, yet, we still took back the house. >> outside money is pouring into mid terms leadership fund pledging $48 million worth of ads in the general election and from the left with liberal billionaire tom stirs next ggen america pumping in $30 million. stirs spent money planning to remove president trump from office. >> a republican congress once impeached a president from far left. >> they have devolved to become more. styer is buying just to have one of his spots pop up on tv at the white house, mar-a-lago, or wherever else the president may be tuned in. >> the thing that he wants the most in the whole world is for donald trump to tweet at him and make him, tom stier, the voice and the vision of the opposition. >> right around the same time that democrats took the lead in money raised, republicans started erasing the democratic lead in voter preference. and thought g.o.p. is within the margin of error in gold standard polls. mike? >> mike: peter doocy following the money. peter, thanks a lot. the indiana teacher who tackled an armed student during friday's shooting at suburban indianapolis middle school says he wants the focus to be on the 13-year-old girl who was seriously injured. jason seeman says ella whistler's courage is nothing short of remarkable. he was also shot but not hurt badly and is out of the hospital. >> as a person who isn't looking for attention nor entirely comfortable with the situation i'm, in i want to make it clear that my actions on that day, in my mind, were the only acceptable actions i could have done given the circumstances. i deeply care for my students and their well-being. so that is why i did what i did that day. >> mike: quite a hero. the suspect in the shooting believed to be a seventh grader is in custody. france's president says a migrant who scaled an apartment building to save a young child dangling from a balcony is a hero. emmanuel macron is awarding the 22-year-old man with a french nationality and job as a firefighter. the man's feat went viral where he was dubbed spiderman climbing up five floors balcony to balcony and ago 4-year-old boy saturday night as the crowd screamed at the foot of the building. when we come back, the air force tries to secure the medal of honor for one of its fallen heroes. and the wolf huffed and puffed... like you do sometimes, grandpa? 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(giggles) get symbicort free at if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪ >> mike: on this memorial day, an effort is underway to have the nation's highest military award bestowed on air force sergeant killed in an controversial operation in afghanistan 16 years ago. national security correspondent jennifer griffin has the story from the pentagon. >> at a medal of honor ceremony last week, the president honored navy seal brit slow ventricle ski for hislovenski failedattempt to sep observation post 11 feet above sea lone wolf near an area where al qaeda fighters were operating. air force tech sergeant john chapman was among the seven u.s. service members killed that day after a series of mistakes on what is now known as robert's ridge. chapman was shot returning to find navy seal neil roberts who slipped and fell out of their helicopter. initially thought to have been fatally injured. chapman was left by the retreating seals but appeared to fight on alone. the air force, which has not received a medal of honor since vietnam, has been pushing to award chapman the nation's highest medal for valor. >> we know now from those predator feeds that john chapman was not dead. he got back up. he kept fighting. he killed additional enemy forces. >> for years former air force secretary debra james pushed for chapman's air force cross to be upgraded. >> he paved the way for a safe -- the safe entry of the reinforcing forces that were coming in to follow-onto the battle. >> new evidence, the result of improved technology and analysis of images fed back from a drone flying above the attack site suggest that chapman fought on for more than an hour after the seals left him. the air force does not blame team leader brit slovenski. >> i think he did his absolute level best on the worst day of his life. >> former army delta force operator jim reese was in the operation center in afghanistan watching the video live. >> being privy to those feeds that i was privy to during the operation that night, seeing someone shooting when those rangers were coming, in yes, i believe chapman was alive. >> the seals say they did not know chapman was alive when they retreated. >> i do believe chappy was fighting up there. his resiliency, you know, he probably passed out initially. cage paccame back up. what chapman did was above and beyond because he was the last one on the mountain. as they say be i alone as the lone survivor. >> jennifer griffin, fox news will. >> mike: group of researchers made an amazing discovery concerning a relative to ho died in world war ii. correspondent claudia cowan has the story from livermore, california. >> these are the fighters of the air fleet. daily they go up and daily they land. >> that was certainly the hope on march 11th, 1944 when lieutenant tom kelly was on a bombing raid over papa new guinea. b-24 bomber shot down by japanese anti-aircraft fire and lost in the pacific for 74 years. >> be happy we got. >> the bomber's watery grave recently discovered by project recover. a team of military historians and marine scientists who searched for the wreckage of combat aircraft and bring closure to the families listed as missing in action. >> i burst into tears. i couldn't believe it. >> diane christie never met her uncle tommy who was just 21 when he died. but his handwritten letters home are filled with humor and honor. the men fighting here for everyone are doing it for your freedom, he wrote. years of research by his family, including flight documents and eyewitness accounts pointed project recovery in the right direction. and after an 18-day search, the remarkable discovery. >> i will read the names that were lost on that day. >> was followed by a gesture of gratitude. >> second lieutenant thomas b. kelly, gunner staff sergeant donald w. byrd. >> when they folded the flag for all 11 crew members and said their name and passed them down, it was just -- it was the utmost of respect and honor. we appreciated that i so much. >> lieutenant kelly's family will get one of those flags and now hope military officials will return to the crash site and retrieve any remains so that lieutenant kelly can be buried here in livermore where he was born and raised. it's a story that could give a lot of help hope to the families of more than 72,000 mias from world war ii. mike? >> mike: claudia cowan, thanks very much. up next, the panel on the president's efforts to resurrect the north korea summit. first, beyond our borders tonight. not everyone in ireland sr. celebrating the referendum to repeal the nation's strict abortion ban. many sunday worshipers say the move reflects a weakening of the catholic church's historic influence and fills them with dread for the country's future. the referendum won by 2 to 1 margin. mahmoud abbas is out of the hospital tonight. he was discharged from west bank ending week long stay that drew attention to the 83-year-old's history of health problems and his refusal to name a deputy or successor. pold'poland's defense minister held talks with thousands of american troops permanently stationed there as a deterrent to russia. polled is concerned fopoll land is concerned russian annexation of korean peninsula. separatist crew rainy and other steps seen as hot till. other stories beyond our border tonight. we'll be right back. prudential asked these couples: how much money do you think you'll need in retirement? 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'cause lobster & shrimp summerfest won't last. >> i just want to mention we are doing very well in terms of the summit with north korea looks like it's going along very well. there are meetings going on as we speak in a certain location which i won't name. we are looking at june 12th in singapore. that hasn't changed. >> possible summit i certainly prefer president trump's choice of diplomacy over threatening fire and fewery. >> i would love to see them denuke rise. i'm not very optimistic about that. >> so the on again, off again maybe on again north korea summit with that, let's bring in our panel tom rogan washington examiner. karen tumulty. and mollie hemingway senior writer at the federalist. mollie, your thoughts on where we are whether or not this summit is going to happen on or around june 12th. >> it whoop certainly be amaze going we could make that june 12th meeting in part because we learned just last week we haven't had a lot of good discussions with north korea about the terms of what would be discussed at a summit. and there is good reason to be skeptical about north korea because we have had so many times meeting with them of them promising not to proceed with their nuclear am biggss only to have them break their word. now that they have finally achieved their long-held goal of denuclearization, what they hope to get in exchange for their claim that they will denuclearize. >> mike: we heard some bipartisan skepticism or concern from lawmakers. let's take a listen. >> right out of the north korean playbook. we are in the three generations of that playbook now. act like you want to negotiate. then come up with some outlandish view of what that negotiation means and try to wind up with early benefits to your side. and not following through on what have you agreed to do. >> twice before north korea under kim jong un's father committed to full denuclearization in six party talks in 2005 and 2007. as senator blunt just referenced only then to change their tune. >> so a lot of folks from both parties favor talking. there is at least caution, right, karen? >> i think, too. this go around, after we saw the president sort of run up to this once before, the way it's going about look as lot more professional than the first time. the president is actually letting the pros, his foreign policy team get in there and kind of lay the groundwork. there is a lot mor messaged discipline coming out of this. no more premature talk of nobel prizes this time. one other thing that's going to be really important here is kind of setting some realistic expectations. >> mike: sure. >> for these talks as opposed to thinking that somehow, you know, by the force of his personality, president trump can bring about full denuclearization, you know, in his first meeting. >> mike: is the most likely scenario, tom, they come out of a meeting and say we have had a good discussion. we have made some steps towards resolving this issue and now we are going to working it? is that most likely. >> i think that's the ideal scenario for the chinese and north koreans. scenario for president trump. and see this how the administration is framing it at least get something immediately out of that summit. whether that be a limited inspections trip by the iaea or declaration ballistic missiles. something tangible. and i think the good thing about this, that skepticism rendering that american expectation of something tangible means that if you don't get something tangible then president trump will go back to this sort of maximum pressure approach because it will be pretty clear that the north koreans are doing what they have done before which is to say playing games. >> mike: south korean president talked about the message he was delivering over the weekend to the north koreans. take a listen to. this i explained to north korean leader kim jong un the results of my meeting with u.s. president trump from last week and delivered the message that president trump has a strong will for putting an edged to hostile relations and help achieve economic prosperity. provided chairman kim makes a decision for complete denuclearization and carries it out. >> mike: so there was a lot of speculation this past week that president moon was coming here and would be taking a message with him. now it sounds like he did deliver a message. right, tom? >> yes. i think that's true. i also think the chinese here were trying to test the waters here with president trump by telling the north koreans play games. now context of president trump playing hard ball with them on trade, they want u.s. concessions in the south china sea as part of their quid pro quo for pressuring pyongyang. president trump is playing that game of unpredictability. this is the one issue where the twitter feed and strangeness of it all serves as a positive interest because it throws foreign nations who have a different political structures to our own off balance in terms of their perception of what trump might do. mike pike we know an advance team went to north korea to talk about this so it sounds like they are hopeful? >> again, they are sending the pros in to lay the groundwork. i think president moon has been in a lot of ways the most interesting person to watch in all of this. he does seem to be kind of utmost skillful at kind of reading all the interests and sort of bringing everybody along. >> mike: mollie, how do you think the next couple of weeks play out with this. >> it's worth pointing out that it wasn't that the u.s. was not eager to meet or that the u.s. wasn't trying to make terms for what the summit would be but that north korea wasn't showing up. >> also the president sort of getting out of his own foreign policy team. in fact, by announcing this meeting before he even discussed with his own foreign policy team what he was going to do. that really did kind of limit the amount of groundwork that could be done. >> whether you think it's limiting or that kind of pressure is actually helpful. you are seeing with south korea putting pressure on people. they are ver eager to move things forward. in a letter last week he said something about we were told by south korea you wanted to meet. we were told by south korea that north korea wanted to meet. kind of suggested that maybe they weren't confident in what south korea was saying. there has been so much that has been communicated through south korea. and even today they are showing such eagerness. interest in getting meeting going. trump talked with abe today. japan is very interested in getting things going. china, i think, is the interesting party here. we will not get a deal unless they are on board. we haven't learned enough to yet about what their interests are or what they hope to accomplish. >> mike: i want to switch gears. i made reference to george herbert walker bush being in the hospital. he tweeted earlier this hours and i thought i would bring our audience up to date. i very much regret missing the memorial day parade today in kenny bunk port and grateful not only to the operates who made ultimate sacrifice for our nation and obviously our thoughts and players with him. wishing him a speedy recovery. next up, president trump with plenty of enough tweets about the russia investigation. ♪ ♪ met. there's a lot of innovation that goes into making our thinnest longest lasting blades on the market. precision machinery and high-quality materials from around the world. nobody else even comes close. it's about delivering a more comfortable shave every time. invented in boston, made and sold around the world. now starting at $7.99. gillette. the best a man can get. >> whole thing with this investigation that was going on, which we consider spying was done before mueller got involved. it completely taints his investigation. >> there is no evidence to support that spy theory. >> you can't say you are spying on the russians if what you are trying to do is show the russians are colluding, whatever the hell that means, with the trump campaign. >> it appears that there was an investigation not of the campaign but of certain individuals who have a history that we should be suspicious of that predate presidential campaign. >> mike: no surprise plenty of buzz about that over the holiday weekend. president trump spent a fair amount of time tweeting about the issue. writing, for example, why didn't the 13 angry democrats investigate the campaign of crooked hillary clinton. many crimes, much collusion with russia. why didn't the fbi take the server from the dnc, rigged investigation and here's some of the back and forth on that issue from just yesterday. >> this is rigged. i mean, have you got 13 democrats. you've got focus on things that didn't happen. no russia collusion. no obstruction. just defending yourself. >> rudy giuliani continues to talk about 13 democrats. 13 democrats in a rigged election. in a rigged investigation as he just did on this show. let me remind you, robert mueller, rod rosenstein, chris wray, this is the special counsel, the fbi director the deputy attorney general all life-long republicans. >> mike: and we're back with our panel, tom, karen and mollie. tom, your latest on the back and forth russia investigation? >> couple things just from those clips. we keep on hearing about these people being life-long republicans and when they actually talk we find out that is not the whole story. james comey just went on a book and media tour begging for people vote to democrats. that's a lifelong republican. maybe republican vs. democrat isn't the way to view this is establishment vs. outsider. marco rubio is apparently unaware that the fbi opened an investigation into the trump campaign. he says there is no investigation into the trump campaign. that's not a street. they opened an investigation during the campaign. what we have learned in the last week through the reporting in the "the washington post" and "new york times" is that this investigation involved far more surveillance than we had information with it wasn't just a wiretap against a campaign aide you can look at email communication going back into history and who that person was talking to. national security letters secret subpoenas. weave know of someone secretly gathering information for the government on the trump campaign. supposedly not allowed to call that a spivment in the normal world people call that spying. whatever it is it's unprecedented. curiosity about what was going on. how this was allowed to happen and whether protocol was followed was frankly scandalous. >> you were quoting stories from "the washington post. >> yeah. >> and lack of journalistic -- >> after breaking news there were spies on the campaign run as bunch of stories saying this isn't spying. we have no idea what donald trump is talking about when is he complaining about what was happening in their campaign. stepping on own stories. you are seeing this in the "new york times" and "the washington post" and other media outlets acting like this is ridiculous this was a huge deal government was engaged in this type of surveillance of political opponents and not seeing the level of questioning. when is the last time president obama was asked what did he know? when did he find out? what are his thoughts about this? >> i do think that marco rubio does have a good point though is that ultimately the distinction here is going to be whether they were investigating a campaign or whether they were investigating a number of individuals on that campaign who we know had a lot of contact with the russians that may or may not have had. >> fbi has already admitted. >> may or may not have had anything to do with the outcome of the election their own various business deal. >> whether or not the fbi opened up investigation into the trump campaign is not in dispute. they have admitted that they had done that they that is not a question. this is something that senator rubio should know. >> mike: another item that got the president's attention this weekend got him tweeting about it was an interview with jonathan turley. let's take a listen to him. >> we now find out that the obama administration put the opposing campaign's presidential candidate or his campaign under investigation. that raises legitimate questions. if this was, you know, the bush administration investigating the obama campaign, i would think there would be a lot of democrats saying we want to know. and so, i just find this really odd. >> mike: tom, your reaction to the professor there. >> all of this now is in the political domain, the idea that the mueller investigation would be resolved within the that additional sort of legal framework and then gone away, forget it both sides here have decided to enter the political fray, the partisan fray to double down on that. certainly on the president's part there is the strategy to say whatever happens with mueller you cannot trust any of it. it will be interesting to see how some democrats respond to horowitz' report the doj inspector general when that comes out. because that looks like it's going to be pretty negative in terms of some of the narratives that people adam schiff have presented. on the president's side there, i think there is a sense of optimism to push the line here in anticipation of that. >> >> mike: i guess the question now is will the president sit down with mueller or not. here is rudy giuliani on that front. >> i mean, the reality is, we're not going to sit him down if this is a trap for perjury. and until we're convinced of that and if they don't show us these documents, we'll, we are just going to have to say no. let me emphasize he wants to explain that he did nothing wrong it's us, the lawyers that have to convince him that this is a trap. >> what about of the idea of the president sitting down with mueller? >> this is negotiation as we saw with bill clinton in 1998 u this is how the process works. and ultimately, for instance, in bill clinton's case, they came to an agreement that there would be a time limit on amount of time he would sit there with him. i think rudy giuliani right now is just sort of trying to strengthen his hand in that negotiation. >> just worth thinking back where we were from the last year. a year ago president trump tweeted that the obama administration had wiretapped him. and everyone said this was false and dangerous. and then when it comes out that think weren't just wiretapping at least one person on the campaign or multiple people on the campaign that they had human intelligence informants working on the campaign. secret subpoenas. then we're told well, it's not a big deal. that's not a big story or you are not allowed to be upset about it we have really moved the goal post from a year ago when we were told that it would, in fact, be a horrible thing if there were evidence that there was surveillance of the trump campaign. >> mike: i guess those close to the president are saying if you are worried about foreign infiltration into a campaign, should you tell the candidate rather than investigating without notifying the candidate, right? >> right. and people think this is standard behavior that you spy on exanget we don't have evidence that hillary clinton's campaign was spied on or human informants put on her campaign even though she was one of the victims of russian meddling. there is a lot we have to learn. >> mike: all right. panel, thank you very much. when we come back, gone, but not forgotten. ♪ ♪ >> finally tonight, memorial day is the day to be with family and friends, cooking out or traveling around the country, but the day first and foremost is to remember those men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country. >> they give up to life for their country, the one they were living in the one they would have lived. ♪ >> today our whole country thanks you, embraces you and pledges to you we will never forget our heroes. >> today we also reflect on a sacrifice for the families they left behind and for whom every day is memorial day. the country worth fighting for indeed. >> a very moving tribute to our fallen. thank you to all those who have and are currently serving in the military and their families who should not be forgotten today. that is "special report" for tonight on this memorial day. i'm mike emanuel in washington. "the story" guest hosted by melissa francis starts right now. have a good evening, god bless america. >> indeed, thanks, mike. this is a fox news alert. a state of emergency has been declared in maryland following a devastating flood. i melissa francis into micro martha maccallum. for the second time in less than two years ellicott city is reeling from flash flooding that has trapped folks in their homes and cars and destroyed local businesses. in moments we are going to be joined by the young woman who shot this footage and has now found herself at the center of this devastation not once, but twice. but we begin tonight with a desperate search for national guardsmen eddison hermond. true to his profession he tried to help his fellow citizens last night only to get swept away by the raging waters.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20180528 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20180528

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most dangerous neighborhood. we have a report from the korean peninsula in the moment. kevin corke is at the white house. good evening, kevin. >> good evening, mike. solemn day for the president. speeches, songs and of course heart felt salutes for the folks who paid the ultimate price for our country in defending our freedom. also a day full of new questions about a brewing spy scandal that threatens to overrun the doj and fbi. >> we are gathered here on the sacred soil of arlington national cemetery to honor the lives and deeds of america's greatest heroes. the men and women who laid down their lives for our freedom. ♪ oh say does that. >> in marking the second memorial day of his presidency, president trump today called on all americans to never forget the sacrifice of fallen u.s. service members. saying they shared a love more deep and more pure than most will ever know. among the many veterans in the audience today, 94-year-old bob dole. former kansas senator who spent nearly four decades in congress and wounded in combat in world war ii. he received a thunder russ ovation gathering. while the president spent this memorial day honoring the memories of the fallen on hallowed ground and online he began by focusing his attention to a discussion on fox news on so-called spy gate ideas that the fbi placed informant into and around the campaign during and after the 2016 election. on twitter president trump jonathan turley who told fox that the president deserves some answers. said of ousting ag sally yates i find her actions to be really quite unbelievable. and said if the obama administration put the opposing campaign's presidential candidate or his campaign under investigation, that raises legitimate questions, adding it goes to the heart of our electoral system. >> we should get everyone involved in. get them on the record and get that record to the public. at some point we have to come back together as a country. this division is getting deeper. it's because politicians on both sides are playing games with these investigations. >> while new york democratic senator chuck schumer noted in a tweet the mueller investigation's 19 indictments and three guilty pleas, he failed to mention that there has been no evidence of russian collusion uncovered by the special counsel who may not, if the president's lawyers have their way, get an opportunity to interview the president in the russia probe. >> the reality is, we're not going to sit them down if this is a trap for perjury. and until we're convinced of that and if they don't show us these documents, we are just going to have to say no. >> giuliani says the president insists he wants to sit down with the special counsel. in fact, he said as much on the record, mike. it's also important to point out that his lawyers, at least for now, are advising against it. mike? >> kevin corke leading us off on the north lawn. kevin, thanks. u.s. team is on the ground tonight on the korean peninsula further evidence that the summit between president trump and kim jong un may in fact happen. senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot is in seoul tonight. >> a whirlwind of activity ahead of the planned summit involving president trump and north korean leader kim jong un. at the scene of saturday's surprise summit with kim and south korean president moon jae-in on the north korean side of the dmz u.s. and north korean teams are working out the details of the possible meeting. >> i think the u.s. is trying to engage north korea's interest in denuclearization and what that might mean. however they are willing to go. >> heading up the high powered american side ambassador to the philippines, former ambassador to south korea and union negotiator psalm kim. director of national affairs al soon hooker who accompanied ivanka trump and randal shriver who is with secretary of state mike pompeo last trip to pyongyang. they are facing off against powerful north korean vice foreign minister wii whose explosive remarks last week threatening that nuclear to nuclear show down and calling vice president pence a political dummy almost blew the summit out of water. deputy white house chief of staff joe hagin and others who with their north korean counterparts will plan logistics tore the meeting with more north south talks planned president moon called for more dialogue possibly a three way summit with the north after singapore. >> i think what president moon was trying to do was restore the channels. >> set to again here tuesday. there is talk of one last meeting between secretary of state pompeo and north korean official to get the final go ahead to the summit if all goes well. mike? >> mike: greg palkot in seoul. greg, thanks a lot. the european union's foreign policy chief says eu members are committed to keeping their end of the nuclear deal with iran. the u.s. pulled out of the pac earlier this month and punishinpunishing for those whoo business with iran. former president george h.w. bush is spending his memorial day in a hospital in maine. he was brought in sunday after experiencing low blood pressure and fatigue. a spokesman says the 93-year-old, mr. bush, is awake, alert, and not in any discomfort but is expected to spend at least a few days in the hospital for observation. the 41st president was last hospitalize hospitalized ie april following the passing of his wife. subtropical storm alberto getting a jump on the hurricane season tonight. the storm is moving through the northern gulf coast sending many holiday travelers scurrying from the florida panhandle beaches. correspondent phil keating is in panama city tonight. good evening, phil. >> good evening, mike. the center of the subtropical storm alberto is making landfall as we speak just about 10 miles up the beach from where we are here in bay county, florida. that's up there in laguna beach. can you see the people, this is the most crowded we have seen it all day simply because the rain has finally stopped. but the wind remains very strong and sand is blasting everybody who is out here. the surf remains a severe riske to life because of the rip current and tense of millions of dollars have been lost in tourism revenue that just blew away. holiday anticipation of the worst kind as brace for the full force of tropical storm alberto. >> no sun here. >> the national weather service says the storm's center was maintaining strength landfall florida panhandle with maximum sustained winds approaching 70 miles per hour. 2 million americans now under a tropical storm warning floforts say get ready for life-threatening surf conditions, heavy rains and flooding even tornadoes. >> i talked to sheriffs in the panhandle. they are ready we are constantly having updates. so i think everybody is ready for. this the gulf beaches this holiday weekend mostly empty. the few visitors trying to enjoy the last peeks of sun and expressing caution. >> very, very windy. it's kind of scary. the undertow appears to be real bad. i'm not getting letting her her get in over heir shins or knees at all. >> posted double red flags along the shore. swimming and wading now banned. some choosing to ignore common sense. riverside cafe near tallahassee is one of the businesses suffering from lack of holiday townhouses. immediate concern securing the premises. >> we are going to unplug everything that we can unplug and lift it up the best we can and let mother nature take its course. >> shared sentiment in communities across the nation with residents sandbagging and boarding up homes. all just the start of what is predicted to be a busy hurricane season with 10 to 16 named storms and five to nine hurricanes. still time to wish on a rain bow for calmer summer skies. up here on the beach row, this is the view you see. you can see the winds are still very strong. even though as i mentioned the rain has stopped for the moment here in panama city beach. but, look at the road behind me. it's been empty all day. much of the weekend. everyone is basically just hiding inside their condos and houses. you have sand issues covering the street. so this is a bit of big day long event. a true washout for this memorial day weekend. tomorrow the storm will be dumping more rain in the tennessee valley and the carolinas and then on wednesday expect more of this rain in the ohio river region. mike? >> mike: phil keating on the florida coast. thanks a lot. the weather is much more destructive thus far in maryland. a flash flood was devastated a part of ellicott city that was hammered by another storm almost two years ago. correspondent rich edson is there tonight. >> for the second time in less than two years, this is ellicott city, maryland. you always pray that it's not going to happen again. every time it rains hard, you say hail mary and hope it's not the time and here we are. it was time. >> rescue crews say they are searching for edison her man. last seen at restaurant here in main street. much of that street is covered in mud or washed away. from beaten neath this small bridge dumpster trees with roots and cars. they cleared this street with about a dozen cars. 8-inch of rain fell over a few hours sunday afternoon. residents and business owners say the flash flood it created was more destructive than the flood in july 2016. that killed two people and caused tens of millions in damage. >> we will be stronger in the future. we really will, folks. this is not a place that gives. in we didn't give in 2016. we won't give n 2018. i want people to noel cot city is strong. >> larry who he dan has declared a safety emergency. he had just denounced federal funding of more than a million dollars to help restore the downtown from the 2016 flood. >> so now here we are again and it's sad but i said to my husband, is this our new normal? is this what's normal now for us to every couple of years to have to dig this place out? >> and timothy said a few weeks ago his brewery had just finish you had repairs. he says he will rebuild again. >> in the end, you know, our real resource is our people, you know. building is stop and bring and metal that can be replaced. people can't. and that's the real resource here. >> clean up crews have been working throughout the day and that continues. do you see that road where those two gentlemen are walking through. that's the main street. that's the main drag in ellicott city. cars have been toed u towed up t street. the area bottom of the road the roadway is washed out. if you look at the house to the right if we were standing there, mike, 24 hours ago we would be completely submerged and then, of course, there is the missing national guardsman the 39-year-old he is still missing according to authorities. he was eating dinner 24 hours ago 50 yards that way. mike? >> mike: rich edson live in ellicott city, maryland with some powerful visuals. rich, thanks a lot. up next, are democrats falling into the tea party trap this campaign season? first, here is what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 28 in columbus, ohio where a 94-year-old world war ii veteran is celebrating memorial day with a high school diploma. circleville high school honored robert lockhart at its graduation ceremony sunday. lockhart would have graduated back in 1944 but he dropped out and joined the army. he says the diploma means everything to him fox 13 in salt lake city. captive and wife hope to return home. they arrived in the u.s. saturday flying into dulles airport and going to the white house to meet president trump. and this is a live look at honolulu from fox 2. one of the big stories there tonight, hawaii county officials say lava from the kilauea volcano is covering at least one production well and heading toward another one at a geothermal power plant on the big island, the well is plugged, which is supposed to protect against the release of gas that could turn toxic when mixed with lava. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. this is a story about mail and packages. and it's also a story about people. people who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams they're handing us more than mail they're handing us their business and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you ♪ the full value of your new car? 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race after race. progressive beat out are in democratic primary. a win for the party's liberal wing but some democrats say those candidates won't stand a chance in the general election. just like tea party conservatives in years past who won the republican primary but ultimately lost against a democrat. think todd achin' the pro-life senate candidate from missouri who once said. >> if it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try shut that whole thing down. >> how about richard murdock who ran for senate in indiana and described pregnancy from rape. >> something that god intended to happen. now many democratic strategists worry these mid terms could be their tea party moment. >> democrats are deeply worried that their best chance since 2010 to take the house could be evaporating. >> not every strategist sees it that way. >> i am baffled by the left is winning narrative that is out there right now. i believe what's happened in this election is the quiet voice in the middle has come back with a vengeance. >> doug schoen says what those strategists are saying privately and saying publicly are two different things. >> look at the data. look at the numbers. and most of all look at the real panic that is going on among democrats. talking points are one thing. the statistic call truth quite another. >> his prescription for the party with six months to go. >> unify, develop a moderate agenda that emphasizes growth and opportunity, down play impeachment, find another leader other than nancy pelosi and talk about how we can build alternative version of america than the trump republican coalition has offered. >> the next big test will be next tuesday, june 5th with primaries in 8 states, including california and new jersey. two critical states where democrats will try to swing seats this november, mike. >> mike: kristin fisher live here in washington. kristin, thanks a lot. well, we are dusting off old quotes tonight. here's another. money is the lifeblood of politics. and that leads us to correspondent peter doocy's look at where the two parties stand financially as we head into the summer campaign season. >> as democrats try to mount a blue wave, some republican strategists are dealing with a red alert. that's because committees dedicated to helping democrats flip control of the house and senate have now outraised republican committees dedicated to keeping control. even though there are fewer democratic senate hopefuls, their campaigns are raking in more than republicans. same story in house races where the national republican congressional committee is emailing supporters to donate, quote: to show nancy pelosi we won't go down without a fight. but the g.o.p. knows it's a long time until november. >> money is like horse shows and hand grenades you don't have to have the most just be close. >> dccc is spending $3 million at least in california advance the primary to get a single democrat through to the general. >> a bright spot for the right, the rnc has raised almost double the dnc's total. that's a deficit the dnc dismisses. >> the rnc has always outraised our party. and so when we think about the opportunity that exists, it's about being clear how do we find more ways to mobilize itself. the republicans outraise us two to 1 in 2005 and 2006 and, yet, we still took back the house. >> outside money is pouring into mid terms leadership fund pledging $48 million worth of ads in the general election and from the left with liberal billionaire tom stirs next ggen america pumping in $30 million. stirs spent money planning to remove president trump from office. >> a republican congress once impeached a president from far left. >> they have devolved to become more. styer is buying just to have one of his spots pop up on tv at the white house, mar-a-lago, or wherever else the president may be tuned in. >> the thing that he wants the most in the whole world is for donald trump to tweet at him and make him, tom stier, the voice and the vision of the opposition. >> right around the same time that democrats took the lead in money raised, republicans started erasing the democratic lead in voter preference. and thought g.o.p. is within the margin of error in gold standard polls. mike? >> mike: peter doocy following the money. peter, thanks a lot. the indiana teacher who tackled an armed student during friday's shooting at suburban indianapolis middle school says he wants the focus to be on the 13-year-old girl who was seriously injured. jason seeman says ella whistler's courage is nothing short of remarkable. he was also shot but not hurt badly and is out of the hospital. >> as a person who isn't looking for attention nor entirely comfortable with the situation i'm, in i want to make it clear that my actions on that day, in my mind, were the only acceptable actions i could have done given the circumstances. i deeply care for my students and their well-being. so that is why i did what i did that day. >> mike: quite a hero. the suspect in the shooting believed to be a seventh grader is in custody. france's president says a migrant who scaled an apartment building to save a young child dangling from a balcony is a hero. emmanuel macron is awarding the 22-year-old man with a french nationality and job as a firefighter. the man's feat went viral where he was dubbed spiderman climbing up five floors balcony to balcony and ago 4-year-old boy saturday night as the crowd screamed at the foot of the building. when we come back, the air force tries to secure the medal of honor for one of its fallen heroes. and the wolf huffed and puffed... like you do sometimes, grandpa? 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>> mike: claudia cowan, thanks very much. up next, the panel on the president's efforts to resurrect the north korea summit. first, beyond our borders tonight. not everyone in ireland sr. celebrating the referendum to repeal the nation's strict abortion ban. many sunday worshipers say the move reflects a weakening of the catholic church's historic influence and fills them with dread for the country's future. the referendum won by 2 to 1 margin. mahmoud abbas is out of the hospital tonight. he was discharged from west bank ending week long stay that drew attention to the 83-year-old's history of health problems and his refusal to name a deputy or successor. pold'poland's defense minister held talks with thousands of american troops permanently stationed there as a deterrent to russia. polled is concerned fopoll land is concerned russian annexation of korean peninsula. separatist crew rainy and other steps seen as hot till. other stories beyond our border tonight. we'll be right back. prudential asked these couples: how much money do you think you'll need in retirement? 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'cause lobster & shrimp summerfest won't last. >> i just want to mention we are doing very well in terms of the summit with north korea looks like it's going along very well. there are meetings going on as we speak in a certain location which i won't name. we are looking at june 12th in singapore. that hasn't changed. >> possible summit i certainly prefer president trump's choice of diplomacy over threatening fire and fewery. >> i would love to see them denuke rise. i'm not very optimistic about that. >> so the on again, off again maybe on again north korea summit with that, let's bring in our panel tom rogan washington examiner. karen tumulty. and mollie hemingway senior writer at the federalist. mollie, your thoughts on where we are whether or not this summit is going to happen on or around june 12th. >> it whoop certainly be amaze going we could make that june 12th meeting in part because we learned just last week we haven't had a lot of good discussions with north korea about the terms of what would be discussed at a summit. and there is good reason to be skeptical about north korea because we have had so many times meeting with them of them promising not to proceed with their nuclear am biggss only to have them break their word. now that they have finally achieved their long-held goal of denuclearization, what they hope to get in exchange for their claim that they will denuclearize. >> mike: we heard some bipartisan skepticism or concern from lawmakers. let's take a listen. >> right out of the north korean playbook. we are in the three generations of that playbook now. act like you want to negotiate. then come up with some outlandish view of what that negotiation means and try to wind up with early benefits to your side. and not following through on what have you agreed to do. >> twice before north korea under kim jong un's father committed to full denuclearization in six party talks in 2005 and 2007. as senator blunt just referenced only then to change their tune. >> so a lot of folks from both parties favor talking. there is at least caution, right, karen? >> i think, too. this go around, after we saw the president sort of run up to this once before, the way it's going about look as lot more professional than the first time. the president is actually letting the pros, his foreign policy team get in there and kind of lay the groundwork. there is a lot mor messaged discipline coming out of this. no more premature talk of nobel prizes this time. one other thing that's going to be really important here is kind of setting some realistic expectations. >> mike: sure. >> for these talks as opposed to thinking that somehow, you know, by the force of his personality, president trump can bring about full denuclearization, you know, in his first meeting. >> mike: is the most likely scenario, tom, they come out of a meeting and say we have had a good discussion. we have made some steps towards resolving this issue and now we are going to working it? is that most likely. >> i think that's the ideal scenario for the chinese and north koreans. scenario for president trump. and see this how the administration is framing it at least get something immediately out of that summit. whether that be a limited inspections trip by the iaea or declaration ballistic missiles. something tangible. and i think the good thing about this, that skepticism rendering that american expectation of something tangible means that if you don't get something tangible then president trump will go back to this sort of maximum pressure approach because it will be pretty clear that the north koreans are doing what they have done before which is to say playing games. >> mike: south korean president talked about the message he was delivering over the weekend to the north koreans. take a listen to. this i explained to north korean leader kim jong un the results of my meeting with u.s. president trump from last week and delivered the message that president trump has a strong will for putting an edged to hostile relations and help achieve economic prosperity. provided chairman kim makes a decision for complete denuclearization and carries it out. >> mike: so there was a lot of speculation this past week that president moon was coming here and would be taking a message with him. now it sounds like he did deliver a message. right, tom? >> yes. i think that's true. i also think the chinese here were trying to test the waters here with president trump by telling the north koreans play games. now context of president trump playing hard ball with them on trade, they want u.s. concessions in the south china sea as part of their quid pro quo for pressuring pyongyang. president trump is playing that game of unpredictability. this is the one issue where the twitter feed and strangeness of it all serves as a positive interest because it throws foreign nations who have a different political structures to our own off balance in terms of their perception of what trump might do. mike pike we know an advance team went to north korea to talk about this so it sounds like they are hopeful? >> again, they are sending the pros in to lay the groundwork. i think president moon has been in a lot of ways the most interesting person to watch in all of this. he does seem to be kind of utmost skillful at kind of reading all the interests and sort of bringing everybody along. >> mike: mollie, how do you think the next couple of weeks play out with this. >> it's worth pointing out that it wasn't that the u.s. was not eager to meet or that the u.s. wasn't trying to make terms for what the summit would be but that north korea wasn't showing up. >> also the president sort of getting out of his own foreign policy team. in fact, by announcing this meeting before he even discussed with his own foreign policy team what he was going to do. that really did kind of limit the amount of groundwork that could be done. >> whether you think it's limiting or that kind of pressure is actually helpful. you are seeing with south korea putting pressure on people. they are ver eager to move things forward. in a letter last week he said something about we were told by south korea you wanted to meet. we were told by south korea that north korea wanted to meet. kind of suggested that maybe they weren't confident in what south korea was saying. there has been so much that has been communicated through south korea. and even today they are showing such eagerness. interest in getting meeting going. trump talked with abe today. japan is very interested in getting things going. china, i think, is the interesting party here. we will not get a deal unless they are on board. we haven't learned enough to yet about what their interests are or what they hope to accomplish. >> mike: i want to switch gears. i made reference to george herbert walker bush being in the hospital. he tweeted earlier this hours and i thought i would bring our audience up to date. i very much regret missing the memorial day parade today in kenny bunk port and grateful not only to the operates who made ultimate sacrifice for our nation and obviously our thoughts and players with him. wishing him a speedy recovery. next up, president trump with plenty of enough tweets about the russia investigation. ♪ ♪ met. there's a lot of innovation that goes into making our thinnest longest lasting blades on the market. precision machinery and high-quality materials from around the world. nobody else even comes close. it's about delivering a more comfortable shave every time. invented in boston, made and sold around the world. now starting at $7.99. gillette. the best a man can get. >> whole thing with this investigation that was going on, which we consider spying was done before mueller got involved. it completely taints his investigation. >> there is no evidence to support that spy theory. >> you can't say you are spying on the russians if what you are trying to do is show the russians are colluding, whatever the hell that means, with the trump campaign. >> it appears that there was an investigation not of the campaign but of certain individuals who have a history that we should be suspicious of that predate presidential campaign. >> mike: no surprise plenty of buzz about that over the holiday weekend. president trump spent a fair amount of time tweeting about the issue. writing, for example, why didn't the 13 angry democrats investigate the campaign of crooked hillary clinton. many crimes, much collusion with russia. why didn't the fbi take the server from the dnc, rigged investigation and here's some of the back and forth on that issue from just yesterday. >> this is rigged. i mean, have you got 13 democrats. you've got focus on things that didn't happen. no russia collusion. no obstruction. just defending yourself. >> rudy giuliani continues to talk about 13 democrats. 13 democrats in a rigged election. in a rigged investigation as he just did on this show. let me remind you, robert mueller, rod rosenstein, chris wray, this is the special counsel, the fbi director the deputy attorney general all life-long republicans. >> mike: and we're back with our panel, tom, karen and mollie. tom, your latest on the back and forth russia investigation? >> couple things just from those clips. we keep on hearing about these people being life-long republicans and when they actually talk we find out that is not the whole story. james comey just went on a book and media tour begging for people vote to democrats. that's a lifelong republican. maybe republican vs. democrat isn't the way to view this is establishment vs. outsider. marco rubio is apparently unaware that the fbi opened an investigation into the trump campaign. he says there is no investigation into the trump campaign. that's not a street. they opened an investigation during the campaign. what we have learned in the last week through the reporting in the "the washington post" and "new york times" is that this investigation involved far more surveillance than we had information with it wasn't just a wiretap against a campaign aide you can look at email communication going back into history and who that person was talking to. national security letters secret subpoenas. weave know of someone secretly gathering information for the government on the trump campaign. supposedly not allowed to call that a spivment in the normal world people call that spying. whatever it is it's unprecedented. curiosity about what was going on. how this was allowed to happen and whether protocol was followed was frankly scandalous. >> you were quoting stories from "the washington post. >> yeah. >> and lack of journalistic -- >> after breaking news there were spies on the campaign run as bunch of stories saying this isn't spying. we have no idea what donald trump is talking about when is he complaining about what was happening in their campaign. stepping on own stories. you are seeing this in the "new york times" and "the washington post" and other media outlets acting like this is ridiculous this was a huge deal government was engaged in this type of surveillance of political opponents and not seeing the level of questioning. when is the last time president obama was asked what did he know? when did he find out? what are his thoughts about this? >> i do think that marco rubio does have a good point though is that ultimately the distinction here is going to be whether they were investigating a campaign or whether they were investigating a number of individuals on that campaign who we know had a lot of contact with the russians that may or may not have had. >> fbi has already admitted. >> may or may not have had anything to do with the outcome of the election their own various business deal. >> whether or not the fbi opened up investigation into the trump campaign is not in dispute. they have admitted that they had done that they that is not a question. this is something that senator rubio should know. >> mike: another item that got the president's attention this weekend got him tweeting about it was an interview with jonathan turley. let's take a listen to him. >> we now find out that the obama administration put the opposing campaign's presidential candidate or his campaign under investigation. that raises legitimate questions. if this was, you know, the bush administration investigating the obama campaign, i would think there would be a lot of democrats saying we want to know. and so, i just find this really odd. >> mike: tom, your reaction to the professor there. >> all of this now is in the political domain, the idea that the mueller investigation would be resolved within the that additional sort of legal framework and then gone away, forget it both sides here have decided to enter the political fray, the partisan fray to double down on that. certainly on the president's part there is the strategy to say whatever happens with mueller you cannot trust any of it. it will be interesting to see how some democrats respond to horowitz' report the doj inspector general when that comes out. because that looks like it's going to be pretty negative in terms of some of the narratives that people adam schiff have presented. on the president's side there, i think there is a sense of optimism to push the line here in anticipation of that. >> >> mike: i guess the question now is will the president sit down with mueller or not. here is rudy giuliani on that front. >> i mean, the reality is, we're not going to sit him down if this is a trap for perjury. and until we're convinced of that and if they don't show us these documents, we'll, we are just going to have to say no. let me emphasize he wants to explain that he did nothing wrong it's us, the lawyers that have to convince him that this is a trap. >> what about of the idea of the president sitting down with mueller? >> this is negotiation as we saw with bill clinton in 1998 u this is how the process works. and ultimately, for instance, in bill clinton's case, they came to an agreement that there would be a time limit on amount of time he would sit there with him. i think rudy giuliani right now is just sort of trying to strengthen his hand in that negotiation. >> just worth thinking back where we were from the last year. a year ago president trump tweeted that the obama administration had wiretapped him. and everyone said this was false and dangerous. and then when it comes out that think weren't just wiretapping at least one person on the campaign or multiple people on the campaign that they had human intelligence informants working on the campaign. secret subpoenas. then we're told well, it's not a big deal. that's not a big story or you are not allowed to be upset about it we have really moved the goal post from a year ago when we were told that it would, in fact, be a horrible thing if there were evidence that there was surveillance of the trump campaign. >> mike: i guess those close to the president are saying if you are worried about foreign infiltration into a campaign, should you tell the candidate rather than investigating without notifying the candidate, right? >> right. and people think this is standard behavior that you spy on exanget we don't have evidence that hillary clinton's campaign was spied on or human informants put on her campaign even though she was one of the victims of russian meddling. there is a lot we have to learn. >> mike: all right. panel, thank you very much. when we come back, gone, but not forgotten. ♪ ♪ >> finally tonight, memorial day is the day to be with family and friends, cooking out or traveling around the country, but the day first and foremost is to remember those men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country. >> they give up to life for their country, the one they were living in the one they would have lived. ♪ >> today our whole country thanks you, embraces you and pledges to you we will never forget our heroes. >> today we also reflect on a sacrifice for the families they left behind and for whom every day is memorial day. the country worth fighting for indeed. >> a very moving tribute to our fallen. thank you to all those who have and are currently serving in the military and their families who should not be forgotten today. that is "special report" for tonight on this memorial day. i'm mike emanuel in washington. "the story" guest hosted by melissa francis starts right now. have a good evening, god bless america. >> indeed, thanks, mike. this is a fox news alert. a state of emergency has been declared in maryland following a devastating flood. i melissa francis into micro martha maccallum. for the second time in less than two years ellicott city is reeling from flash flooding that has trapped folks in their homes and cars and destroyed local businesses. in moments we are going to be joined by the young woman who shot this footage and has now found herself at the center of this devastation not once, but twice. but we begin tonight with a desperate search for national guardsmen eddison hermond. true to his profession he tried to help his fellow citizens last night only to get swept away by the raging waters.

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