Now President Trump is trying out the negotiation savvy with members of congress. The president put democrats on the spot and on camera. Challenging them to work with republicans ahead of another potential Government Shutdown next week. His 55 minutes on camera negotiation where he appeared to control the room also appears to be giving hardline immigration conservatives a lot of heartburn. Chief White House White house correspondent john roberts shows us what happened. Good evening. Its something weve never seen before, typically the press pool goes into a president ial event for a few minutes at the top to hear a couple perfunctory statements. Today the pool stayed for nearly an hour and watched almost an entire meeting. My positions are going to be what the people in this room come up with. With the clock running on a deadline to find a legislative solution on the dreamers, President Trump brought republicans and democrats together at the white house with the cameras rolling. I feel having the democrats in with us is absolutely vital because it should be a bipartisan bill. It should be a bill of love, truly a bill of love and we can do it. It started with public statements tailored for tv coverage. Over time, the lenses appeared to fade in the background. Lawmakers got down some real positions setting and negotiation. Senator Lindsey Graham suggesting a daca fix could be the opening bid for another stab at comprehensive Immigration Reform. Im not going to support a bill if you dont support it. If we do this properly, you are not so far away from copperheads of Immigration Reform and you want to take it a further step, ill take the heat. I will take the heat, i will take all the heat you want to give me. My whole life has been heat. I like heat, in a certain way. With all due respect, bob and mike and lindsay, there are some things you are proposing that are going to be very controversial and will be an impediment to agreement. You are going to say we cant agree. We will give you half of that. Youre going to negotiate those. Comprehensive means copperheads of. Bret he went into the meeting demanding an end to the visa lottery, more i. C. E. Agents. At one point, senator Dianne Feinstein said the process needs to be split up. Leave Border Security for later. What about a clean daca bill now with a commitment that we go in to a comprehensive Immigration Reform procedural . The president seemed to entertain the idea. Have no problem. I think thats basically what dick is saying. Kevin mccarthy jumped insane hold on a minute. You have to have security. White house Officials Say after the cameras left the resident reached an agreement with the two sides to do immigration into phases. The first, daca, including Border Security and an end to chain migration in the visa lottery, secondly, comprehensive Immigration Reform. Democrats indicated they will give it a shot. I think the president actually wants to strike a deal. Whether that is strike the ball is another question but i think its possible. Letting the camera stay for most of the meeting appeared to serve two purposes. After charges in the new book fire and fury that he was mentally incapable of being president , the exercise showed President Trump in command of a meeting with 22 lawmakers and there was a curtain and how the legislative sausage is made. Because the number in the room felt it was a good thing to let you see the cooperation in the conversation. See how we were working and leading to move the ball down the field and come up with real solutions. How much cooperation there will be in the negotiations seems to be an open question after he got out of the meeting, the House Minority whip steny hoyer said there was unanimity in the room about the need to address the issue of the dreamers. Bret, he wouldnt go beyond that. Bret john roberts live on the north lawn. Thanks. More on this with the panel. We learned this afternoon former white house chief strategist steve bannon has stepped down from Breitbart News network. A stunning fall from political grace, days after a public break with his old boss, President Trump. Bannon had been executive chairman of breitbart since 2012. A lawyer for the founder of fusion gps Opposition Research firm says someone has been killed because of the publication of the trump dossie dossier. The revelation comes in a transcript of Glen Simpsons test money before congress and also suggests the government had a source inside the Trump Campaign. The transcript, coming out today without the blessing of the chairman. Catherine herridge tonight. Christopher steele went to the fbi wish saying trump could be blackmailed, striking a fight with Chuck Grassley. The fbi believes the information might be credible because they had intelligence that indicated intelligence. A human source from inside the trump organization. Disputed by told the Washington Post of nbc news the reference was to intelligence provided by the australian investor. Trump Campaign AideGeorge Papadopoulos. Joshua leavy did not respond to foxs request for clarification. In the transcript, the lawyer claims an individual was dead after the dossier was published a year ago this month. Simpson wants to be careful to protect his sources. Somebody has been killed as a result of the publication of the dossier and no harm should come to anybody related to this work. Simpson told investigators that they cut off contact james comey notified congress he was reopening the clinton email case. The fbi has found no connections to russia. Chris severed his relationship to the fbi out of concern that he did know was happening inside the fbi there was concerned it was being manipulated for political ends by the trump people. The transcript was released today unilaterally by the Senate JudiciaryCommittee Ranking democrat Dianne Feinstein. She said innuendo and misinformation about the transcript undermine the investigation. The committees republican chairman Chuck Grassley called the decision confounding because the investigation is ongoing and feinsteins actions undermined the integrity of the committee and jeopardizes its ability to secure candid volunteer testimony. As fox news reported in november, simpson met with the russian lawyer but simpson insisted he knew nothing about the trump tower meeting. Bret the president released a memorandum taking on the unmasking issue. According to the memorandum, the nations intelligence chief, director of National Intelligence dan coats has 30 days to weigh out the framework for unmasking. Identification of u. S. Persons in foreign intelligence reports. The procedures will be followed by the Intelligence Community when they receive request from government officials to identify american citizens. The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee devin nunes told fox news his investigators have found evidence of Surveillance System was abused under the previous administration. Spiller will follow it. House majority whip Steve Scalise says he will undergo surgery tomorrow as part of his recovery from gunshot wounds sustained in last summer shooting at a congressional baseball practice. Steve scalise says hes made tremendous progress from injuries suffered when he was struck by a bullet in the hip which shattered bones and damaged internal organs. Earmarks, mechanisms used by congressional lawmakers to pay for a project usually to benefit his or her constituents. They have evolved from a way of doing business to really a dirty word. That may be changing for better or worse, depending on your point of view. Chief Congressional Correspondent mike emanuel is on capitol hill tonight. I hear so much about earmarks, the old earmark system. Maybe all of you should start thinking about going back to a form of earmarks. Defined as specific money designated for a specific project at a specific place by a specific lawmaker. The House Rules Committee is expected to announce hearings in the coming days to look at the pros and cons of bringing them back. Encourage the members to talk about budget process reforms. Many have opinions on the issue but i want members to have conversations. We are asking for a chance to have that ideas and take the ideas we think are best and make a recommendation. I stand opposed to this legislation because spreading pork around to score enough votes to pass this turkey is wrong. John boehner led a crusade against earmarks. I told my constituents in 1990 that if they thought my job was to come to washington and robbed the public treasury on their behalf, they are voting for wrong guy. The project in alaska became a symbol of fiscally responsibility. It made the term earmark toxic with the American People. Some mocked their colleagues for one student bring home the bacon for their constituents. Certain people have grown up on pork. They oink when they go back to the district. Supporters of the pet projects say will be better for elected lawmakers in Congress Told the power of the person rather than unelected bureaucrats making spending decisions. With President Trump and congressional leaders looking at an infrastructure package this year, some appropriators suggest a limited return. My proposal is to make sure these projects are done at state and local government. That it does not increase spending. Critics suggest it would be a slippery slope. Bret Stephen Mike Emanuel ol hill. Another big day for stocks. Dow surged 103 points. S p 500 and nasdaq hit new record closes for the sixth day in a row. S p 500 gained 4. Nasdaq up 6. Lets talk about the u. S. Economy and the outlook for business in 2018. Tom donohue is the president and ceo of the u. S. Of commerce. He will deliver his state of American Business address tomorrow. Thanks for being here. Whats the state of American Business . Its a lot better than it was a year ago when we talked about this. Weve had to go quarters of more than 3 growth. That in my opinion was based on some confidence that the tax bill was moving forward and a review of the extraordinary improvement that weve made in reducing some of the explosion of regulation on American Business during the last administration. I think we are getting more of a balance. I think we have a positive look forward. Now we have to do is make sure we dont louse it out. Bret concerned that businesses would take the money and pocketed. We are seeing a number of companies putting it back in the company, giving checks out to workers. Whats your assessment . Its important to understand this is not the governments money. This is the peoples money. They share it with the government as a way of having a positive experience and support from our central and state governments. Once you think about that, then you can make, i think, much better judgments harder going to go about tax reform to achieve your objective which is getting well over 3 and keeping it there for a long period of time. Weve been almost ten years wit with, below, never had it that long. Being below 2 . Weve got to do this. What do we do in the tax bill . Lower corporate taxes. We said we were going to stop letting American Companies be double taxed if they did business offshore and onshore. Thats twice. What do they do . They left overseas. They said were going to have Capital Expenditures you could deduct and they said we are going to do things to help the middle class. We got that done. There are odds and ends in the bill that we are still going to deal with the transition arrangements and get some of those fixed, but the bottom line, its the peoples money. Its not the government money. B, that what we are doing is making investments by putting a bill in place its going to drive economic growth, put cash in the pockets of the people that invent and create, promote, and employee. And we are very optimistic that this is going to help. By the way, we only did it a week and a half ago. We still have to do all the transition rules. Stay tuned, and we will get this done. If youre going to measure it today, you are not being fair. As a matter of fact, a lot of the people there were criticizing, starting with it will never pass. It wont be fair. Its not going to work. Weve learned so far thats all wrong. Bret theres a list of issues you bring up. Education, workforce, infrastructure. Youre hopeful about that. Trade. The chamber has its own thoughts. That sometimes differs with the administration but heres where the president is on immigration today. Take a listen. When this group comes back, hopefully with an agreement, this group and others, from the senate and house, comes back with an agreement, i am signing it. I will be signing it. Im not going to say oh, gee, i want this or i want that. Ill be signing up because i love confidence the people in the room that are going to come out with something really good. Bret what did you think about that 55 minute open negotiation today . I thought it made the president look a lot stronger than some people in the press had. I thought it was great to see our friends in both parties in there. Debating with him and among themselves. I think it led to some conversation that had some potential. I was party to the group that a few years ago got in the senate a conference of immigration bill. It needed improvement but it never got past that. The bottom line is that youve got to realize that we dont have enough people in this country to do what if we did an infrastructure built today, the side that everybody is talking about, you couldnt do it. We wouldnt have the workers. We are getting lower in unemployment. There are still some people frozen in places around the country that cant move. But we are going to need people to work at every level in this country. The technical logical people we educate in our best universities. If we send them home, we are going to have to send the work with them. The people we need for seasonal work, people generally agree about that. The people that we need for special issues, for example, our biggest problem right now and people we need this country is what are going to do about caring for the elderly . More and more are living longer and longer. I think the president has started a great conversation. I know people in both parties want to deal with this. Were going to be part of it. Bret its a controversial thing, especially in the republican party. We have been down this road before. You are confident. Im confident well have a good debate, and im confident that one time or going to move on it because when you run out of people, you run out it only takes two people. Two things to drive economic. One is money and weve got a lot of it i know more because of tax reform and two, people. If you dont have quality people, you dont put it together. Bret tom donahue, ceo of the American Chamber of commerce. We appreciate the time. Can sports accomplish what diplomacy and military threats have not . North and south korea agree on the olympics. Thats next. Shawn evans its 6 am. 40 million americans are waking up to a gillette shave. And at our factory in boston, 1,200 workers are starting their day building on over a hundred years of heritage, craftsmanship and innovation. Today were bringing you americas number one shave at lower prices every day. Putting money back in the pockets of millions of americans. As one of those workers, im proud to bring you gillette quality for less, because nobody can beat the men and women of gillette. Gillette the best a man can get. Eight hundred dollars whenlmost we switched our auto and home insurance. Liberty did what . Yeah, they saved us a ton, which gave us a little wiggle room in our budget. Wish our insurance did that. Then we could get a real babysitter instead of your brother. Hey, welcome back. This guy. Right . Yes. Ellen. Thats my robe. You could save seven hundred eighty two dollars when liberty stands with you. Liberty mutual insurance. Bret a bit of a thaw in the relationship between the koreas. North korea has agreed to send athletes to the olympics and south korea. Greg palkot tells us wells came from the talks. Delegations from north and south korea meeting for the first time in two years along the dmz. Translator the relations are frozen up more than this winters weather. After 11 hours of talks, they accomplish their main goal. North korea will send athletes, officials and others to the Winter Olympics next month. Translator north koreas participation in the peongchang Winter Olympics is needed to promote peace olympics. Other measures to improve relations. Military talks to reduce tensions along the border. Translator south korea agreed to resolve problems, dialogue and consultation. Some topics were offlimits. South korea raised north koreas nukes. It was quickly rejected. Translator regarding nuclear issues, our strategic weapons, atomic bombs, Hydrogen Bombs on intercontinental missiles are only aimed at the United States, not our brethren. The