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Relations and policing to the forefront of the campaign. The policies of Hillary Clinton have brought only suffering in our inner cities. It is unbearable. And it needs to become intolerable. The Clinton Campaign pressed for policy details on sunday shows. Hillary has been specific about policy plans. And the trump pressured on his charity. They have not explained how the foundation that ended up spending money. State and National Polls show a race that has tightened. I still think we could win this election by a wide margin. Donald trump has a great president ial stature and he is a great debater. And fuse from around the nation news from around the nation and around the world on this sunday edition of special report. Welcome to Hofstra University, the site of the president ial debate and im bret baier. Jennifer griffin is with the Clinton Campaign in chappaqua and carl is in new york. And carl, what about the preps for donald trump. We havent heard a ton about them inside, what are you hearing . It. They began after the Republican National convention with sunday afternoon meetings in new jersey and a small team of about five to seven people and they have escalated to the last few days of a steadytreme of advisers and experts going in and out of trump tower and meeting with trump in what are described as loose, laidback discussions, talking about issues and answers and strategy and tactics for the debate. How to deal with Hillary Clinton if she comes at him and how to get under his skin and avoid going too far off message and getting into an in sultfelt and to be president ial. Weve had a steady stream of trump staffers coming in and out of the building all day long and all of them talking up how trump appears to feel and how he appears to be ready for it. Again, emphasizing that he is loose and understanding what he wants to say and what his message is and now it is time to bring the fight, bret. Jen, it seems like we hear a much more structured prep session with Hillary Clinton, that it has been going on for sometime and it is pretty structured. Well, i would say that her debate prep is about as opposite as Donald Trumps as carl described. Hers has been formal. She was four days off the campaign trail this week in full debate prep mode, including mock sessions where she would time it out, time out her answers, time out a 90minute practice session. We tracked her down to the hotel nearby that they were using for the prep session. Theyve kept everything very secretive. We found her in rye brook, new york, at the dorl arrowwood, her long time and very combative felipe reins was playing donald trump and they expect two Donald Trumps and they want to provoke him and i think the choice of felipe reins is playing donald trump is telling in terms of how they hope she could provoke donald trump tomorrow night and perhaps as a result alien ate female foeters. If you have covered Hillary Clinton and you havent gotten an email from felipe reins, you havent covered Hillary Clinton. He could send some doozies. That is for sure. And they always have fourletter words in them. Carl, you know there is reporting that Hillary Clinton did a psychological mockup of donald trump to be able to figure out what ways to get under his skin. Did he do the same for her . No. He did not. There was some suggestion that perhaps they had done that and in fact they have not. And trump sort of dismisses a lot of the mechanics that the Clinton Campaign is undertaking as art is fas and facade and as baloney and things thinks that he has to go out there and be himself. No psychological profiling. He recognizes how to brand people whether this was lil marco or lying ted or crooked hillary but as he said from the beginning of this entire year and a half long Time Campaign he is a calorie puncher and if Hillary Clinton were to come at him with the things shes said on the campaign trail about racist, islamophobic and he has shown what his counter punch is by pointing out in his argument ta Hillary Clintons policies have been bigoted and contributed to the hardship that minorities face in this country, including the very violent talked about in charlotte. Quickly, jen, you often hear from the campaigns about what they want their candidate to do, what their strengths will be and how they present but you talk privately with these folks. What are they most worried about when it comes to Hillary Clinton . Are they worried about the coughing stuff that happened weekin week weeks ago, what are they worried about. They are concerned about a cough. She often has throat lozenges with her. They know that the trump folks try to present this narrative that she is weak or sick. Ive seen no evidence of that last week when we traveled with her and it seems she has recovered from the pneumonia. But they do want donald trump to come across as unhinged and they will try to provoke him and they invited mark cuban to sit in the front row and that is part of the calculation as well as releasing on friday those 19 pages of lies that hes told. So they are trying to provoke him hoping that he does to the come across as measured donald trump. Yeah. Jennifer jiffin, carl cameron, two of the best, thank you both. What do you think . What does each candidate need to do. Use twitter or facebook, some exciting folks behind us. The students are out and about here at hofstra. Well talk to representatives of both campaigns. Lets start though with georgia senator and trump supporter republican david purdue. Senator, thanks for being here. Im glad to be here, bret. Senator, i want to start with just basic questions. What do you think trump has to do tomorrow night . Well i think he has to reveal Hillary Clinton. Hillary is talking about doubling down and giving us a third term of barack obama. And the failed policies. If he stays to that high ground, he wins not only this debate but he goes to the white house. Look, this is a trail of tears that shes talking about. And i hope that this debate shows a stark contrast between two directions, two totally Different Directions for our country. One that hillary is he is spouing and one espousing and one that donald trump is talking about. You know the Donald Trump Campaign is trying to be tied to russia and Vladimir Putin and all of his actions. In fact, now you have the western diplomats at the u. N. Saying russia is tied to the syrian actions happening currently in aleppo. The Clinton Campaign is out with an ad and i want to play a little bit of it and get you to react. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. An abc news investigation has found his real estate fortunes have benefitted greatly from russian investors getting a tough policy in direct conflict with his bottom line. That is one more reason we are not seeing that because he is involved with russian oligarchs. And your thoughts, senator, about their efforts and what ties there are. Having been in russia, i could speak to this. This is a perfect democratic distraction away from the high ground we just talked about. She wants to make this about donald trump. And really what hes got to talk about tomorrow night is her failings as secretary of state. The russia reset was hers. She was there when they pulled out of iraq and left the door wide open for isis. She also is the one that lied to us about benghazi and her emails and about her foundation. So her record as secretary of state is woeful and this is another attempt to distract voters from the real issues and coming back again that is our ability to defend our country which ties back to what donald trump is talking about, is this economic crisis that you see being manifested in our cities right now this with turmoil. This is a situation that is bigger than donald trump. This movement is out there for a few years. I saw it in my race in georgia in 2014. It is not going away. And polls are not picking it up. I really believe that people out there are hurting. They are struggling getting from pay day to pay day and all of the distractions just makes them their intensity grow which is a thing that nobody is talking about in this campaign. Yeah. Well, senator, on that issue, on the economy, you are a republican, you are a businessman. And now the nominee of your party is speaking against trade deals. He is against the tpp, the Transpacific Partnership and he talks about trade deals being bad for america, how theyve been negotiated in the past and how do you reconcile that with your background. What hes saying is the truth. Ive said the same thing for 30 years in my career. I wasnt a level Playing Field. That is all hes asking. To treat our markets the same way and to protect our manufacturers and our workers and i support that fully. It is no doubt in the last 40 or 50 years we have not moved since the gray society was assigned in the we havent moved the needle on domestic poverty but weve moved it because of the open markets and because of the deals that have favored the third world. So he is saying right now until we get this balance back he is for fair trade and make sure that we protect our factories and our workers, that is all i hear him saying, which is the same thing ive been saying all during my career. Senator, i know you were at the opening of the africanamerican museum, the Smithsonian Museum of africanamerican history and culture the other day. You know there are about the issue of how the communities are being dealt with by policing, it is a huge issue with charlotte and tulsa and what weve seen. If you look at the latest poll, donald trump is down 83 points with black voters. How do you think that he can change that dynamic and is he trying to change it . Well, of course he is trying to change it. I think hes out there talking to that community, as she is. But i really think the issue here is about security. If you talk to people that are in those communities and by the way, we have the story that nobody talked about and that is charleston. With that tragedy there, that Community Came together and gave us a model and that is honestly what this africanamerican museum is all about. It is not just about our history and the history of africanamericans and their culture. It is about our future. I believe this president has been one of the most divisive president s in our history and you see that playing out in our cities today. And Hillary Clinton is only going to double down on those policies that have created this. I heard some of your guests earlier in the week talk about the Economic Issues are causing some is of this frustration and i firmly believe that. So when donald trump talks about growing the economy, it is about growing the economy for everybody. And that is what people back home want to hear. Senator purdue, thank you for your time. Good to see, you bret. From the Clinton Campaign now, michigan representative congresswoman Debbie Dingle joins us from detroit. Thank you for being here. I want to start out like i did with senator purdue, what does Hillary Clinton have to do tomorrow night . Well good evening, bret and it is good to be with you and to listen to the senator. I think tomorrow night senator clinton secretary clinton needs to show the world that shes got a plan, that shes got a vision and that is a positive vision for everybody. She also has to show the human side of her. She has to show what a great world leader she will be and show she could stand up to bullies. I played an ad a Clinton Campaign ran about russia for senator purdue. There is now an ad by the Trump Campaign dealing with sanctuary cities, he has been out talking about sanctuary cities and the Campaign Manager for Hillary Clinton was asked about that specifically today. Take a listen, congress woman. Who do you tell the wife who has lost her city because a sanctuary city released an illegal migrant from behind bars . This has to end. It will end. If i become president , i promise you, it will end. Secretary clinton has released a comprehensive plan for Immigration Reform. This is something that she has pledged to do in the first 100 days. We cannot have a situation where anybody is coming to this country illegally and committing crimes. Im not clear, though. Does she want to end sanctuary cities or not . Well, i think that is too narrow of a view of the situation. Again, sanctuary cities are places where the federal immigration laws are not enforced when it comes to Illegal Migrants. So congresswoman, so she for sanctuary cities. Im going so i that i agree with how he said it. We have got to get comprehensive Immigration Reform in this country. And im going to tell you, bret, im deeply offended by the tone of the dialogue during this campaign. I come from dearborn, michigan, which has a sig Muslim Population and they are good and loyal americans and they are scared to death by the rhetoric theyve heard during this campaign. I think weve got to stop this hateful division and hate that we have seen during this campaign and one of the reasons why i support secretary clinton so strongly is because she wants to stop the hateful rhetoric weve been seeing during this campaign. I understand the rhetoric argument and it turns back to donald trump. But i get the real question is, on this issue of sanctuary cities, that there have been families who have lost loved ones as a result of Illegal Migrants committing crimes. Is she for it . And it is tough to get an answer. Im going to again, that is a very these each of these situations is a complicated situation. There are families that have lost loved ones because of of people of americans. Everybody goes after the Muslim Population and in oklahoma weve also done by michigan militia and we keep asking these narrow shod questions. There are people that should not have died. We are against it. We need comprehensive Immigration Reform and we have to stop being afraid with it and deal with it in this country. Okay. Some of the narrow things are where campaigns pick at each other and they run ads on both sides. The clinton and the Trump Campaign. And want to turn to Something Else that will come up tomorrow, the honest and trustworthy numbers, congresswoman, if you look at any poll, Hillary Clinton is upside down significantly in honest and trustworthy numbers. This is the Washington Post and abc poll, and not honest and trustworthy up to 60 . That is worse than donald trump is. This is a major issue, isnt it . Well, donald trump is trying to make it a major issue. Lets also look at the fact that nonpartisan groups have looked at what donald trump have said and have said more than 70 of the facts hes put out there are not true. She has been out there first lady since the 90s, as president barack obama said, the most experienced appearance to ever run for president. Donald trump doesnt give us details or fakes and spends all of his time taking pot shots at her. During the next 43 days that are left, she will show people who the real Hillary Clinton is. Shes got to show people that she is a woman that tells the truth, that has control and substance and tomorrow nights debate is a very important debate for her. Critics say that she is been on the campaign trail heying shes not donald trump and going after donald trump a lot but not talking about policy as much. Caw dress that criticism . I think there i think that Hillary Clinton has laid out more policy and substance and given you more facts and visions that is what i think her biggest problem is, she is too much of a policy wonk. And she likes to find details and solutions and what happened with health care in the 90s and what happened and she was right there and back at it and helping to get the Insurance Program through and the biggest challenge is the real people side of her that ive known since we were both spoused in the 90s. Shes a real person and she is defensive and that has contributed to the perception and i want people to see the Hillary Clinton that i have known that has been my friend for a long time and that when john almost died two years ago was the first person to call me and in intensive care and i could go back through and through. That is part of the problem. She would rather talk policy every single minute than show that hillary that is real and caring. Congresswoman dangle, we appreciate your time tonight. Thank you, bret. Coming up, the legal battle over selfies in the voting both. First amendment versus the secret ballot. Weve been talking about that psychological workups on opponents in this campaign to help them prep. What does that do . What does that tell them . How could it help . And the panel joins me know. To preview tomorrow nights showdown. Recommended dulcolax use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. Dulcolax, designed for dependable relief [phone buzzing] some things are simply impossible to ignore. The strikingly designed lexus nx turbo and hybrid. The suv that dares to go beyond utility. This is the pursuit of perfection. Or keeping a Hotels Guests cuttinconnected. I to 35,000 fans. Businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. Ugh. Heartburn. Sorry maam. No burning here. Try new alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. They dont taste chalky and work fast. Mmmm. Incredible. Can i try . She doesnt have heartburn. New alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. Enjoy the relief. If she treats me with respect, i will treat her with respect. It really depends. People ask me that question, are you going out there and do this and that. I really dont know that. You will have to feel it out when you are out there. What i expect to see her do tomorrow is certainly defend herself from what donald trump may say but at the end of the day paint this positive vision that is really animating her to run for president. Vice president ial nominee on the sunday shows talking about the debate. Were here at hofstra and they are expecting huge numbers. Could be 100 million plus, if you take a look at a chart here. Could you see the debates of different years and different president ial cycles. The recordholder before this was 1980, a little bit more than 80 Million Viewers there. There was only one debate between reagan and carter before the election that year. And you could see the estimate of 100 million. Well see if it comes out to be that. 2012, 67. 2 for the obamaromney first matchup. Lets bring in the panel. Scott benson, from town hall. Com and ed geren, for the Washington Post, and charles hurt and caitlyn hue burns reporter for real clear politics. So set the scene for us here, as you listen to the sunday shows today and everybody is jockeying for expectations, they are ready. The expectations are baking the cake and i know both campaigns as they tend to do it trying to prespin this and get the Playing Field to their advantage but the American People expect Hillary Clinton to do well and there are lower expectations for donald trump. Shes been at this game for 30 years and he is a newcomer to politics so they could try to say oh, well she is this wonderful debater as the republicans have or say will trump is very good and hes had extensive background on television and if you look at the new Washington Post and abc news poll it is a doubledigit advantage for Hillary Clinton in terms of expectations which is a disadvantage if she fails to exceed or meet the expectations. And i was surprised when the Clinton Campaign went out with how much she is getting ready and the books and the prep sessions with rains, were you . Yes. They have kept redetails of her real details of her prep close for the last couple days. Now is the time. But i was surprised they are giving trump as much credit as an opponent as they have by revealing the length and depth of her preparation. Much of the strategy in earlier weeks was to essentially say, Hillary Clinton has been a champion debater for many years and she has the experience and the preparation. Shes not scared of him. Shell do fine. And now, it really appears that they are in a way actually building him up. So everybody wants to weigh in on this debate. And everybody has their two cents about what each person or each candidate has to do, including the president of the United States and the house speak speaker. Be yourself and explain what motivates you. Because i will tell you, ive gotten to know hillary and seen her work and seen her in tough times and in good times. Shes in this for the right reasons. Overprepare, look Hillary Clinton has been doing this most of her life. She is the consumate pro and this is new for donald so i think he should overprepare for it. Caitlyn, i dont know if he is overprepared. It doesnt sound like it. The campaign is not putting it out there. They are not putting it out there. I think they are trying to project him as a calm and cool customer. This is his first time really in a oneonone debate performance. Remember in the primary, he didnt face anybody oneonone, he had a couple of opponents, so this is a new thing for him. Hes trying to show that he could handle it. Hes been setting the expectations that clinton has been busy preparing and i think that sets expectations for himself as well. John . You talk about things being built into the going into the debate, one of the things that donald trump has built in for him is that whatever shes going to have to go after him. And whatever she goes after him on, and this is this is his advantage throughout the election, he could just go back and point to a away from him and point to her actual record. And point to and during the republican primary he was able to do this with the republicans on stage. But now with Hillary Clinton essentially running for obamas third term, no matter what she and she is going to have to attack him. No matter what she attacks him on, he could sort of deflect and give some basic answer and then go back to her to go back to her record and which i think, for the most part, is pretty disappointing. Obviously, she, on policy, as we talked about with congresswoman dingle, she knows a lot about the detail. And however this is supposed to be a change election in which people are upset with the way washington works and the establishment in general and that does not benefit her to start with. It does not. And if you look at the right track and wrong track numbers, they are desperate for many years with a vast majority of the American People saying were on the wrong track. So a line that trump has started to use more frequently and powerfulfully on the trail is nothing will ever change the vote for Hillary Clinton. He should use that and pound away at that tomorrow night. And on the overpreparation front and what we heard from paul ryan, donald trump does not have to go blow for blow with her on policy. No one expects him to do that. If he comes out and is all of a sudden a savant on plsy on policy, it would be great and all he has to do is show up and have people say, okay, i expected him to do x, but in fact, he did y and that makes me feel better, but that is the bar for him. That is a good bar to have. And meantime today, we had excitement with the mark cuban sitting in the front row and then jennifer flowers may come back and be invited and then they walked away from that saying it was just donald trump in a tweet counter punching. I mean but mark cuban is going to be in the front row. Yes, he is. The Clinton Campaign are very pleased with themself for having landed what they consider to be a big fish. And we should point out he is a businessman and owner of the Dallas Mavericks but a vocal trump critic and he tweets trump all of the time and talks about him and that is why they think exactly. They think here is a guy who is trumps peer in a way that a politician is on no ground and get under trumps skin that clinton herself could not. That is their theory of the case. So having him right there kind of making faces or whatever he is going to do in the front row, they figure is is to their advantage. Jennifer flowers tweeted charlie, she would be willing to come. I think shes ready. And others did, too. And it would be hugely entertaining. But the Trump Campaign was probably wise to sort of cut that down and just sort of let mark cuban do his thing. And honestly, what will he do . Make faces . Put rabbit ears up. I dont understand i would be surprised if trump allows that to get under his skin, but what about the whole thing about the psychological out look and the planning about what sets him off. I mean itious right, well both campaigns are trying to underscore the weaknesses of the other. So when you look at Washington Post, you look at a whole other bunch of polls, temperament is Donald Trumps weakness, honesty and trustworthiness is clintons weakness and you will see both try to highlight that for the other. So trying to get behind the psychology of donald trump, trying to beat him in a way that doesnt overdo it, which is a big challenge, is a way to expose the question of temperament. And that raises the question of who is the audience for both of these candidates to . Are they trying to expand the base of support or rally their respective bases. And i think well get a lot of answers tomorrow night. And over or under, 100 million . I think over. Everything has been blockbuster this year. Over. Seven in ten people say they are going to watch. Over. Over. I feel bad for the Atlanta Falcons and the saints fans. There will be other games. Thank you, panel. Coming up, the battle between the cowboys and the Humane Society and how the election will make a difference on local issues. And the president will override the veto, the first veto override possibly in this administration. We bring our capitol hill producer in to see if they have the votes. That is the students cheering. Hey marc, how you feelin . Dont ask. This is what it can be like to have shingles. A painful, blistering rash. I never thought this would happen to me. If you had chickenpox the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. Im going to go back to the eye doctor tomorrow. Its pretty close to my eye. I dont know how you do it. Dont wait until you or someone you care about develops shingles. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about your risk. Endless shrimpr. 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Symbicort contains formoterol. Medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. Symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. You should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. Watch out, piggies children giggle symbicort. Breathe better starting within 5 minutes. Call or go online to learn more about a free trial offer. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Welcome back to hofstra, the site of the first president ial debate. You are looking at spin alley here. This is where after the debate representatives of each campaign will literally come to spin reporters about how they are candidate did. Now we know the broad topics that lester holt will talk about and a lot of questions could fit in each one of those buckets. But one topic sure to be addressed is the recent state of police officerinvolved shootings that have sparked protests in various cities. So joining me now is Fox News Sunday host and moderator of the third president ial debate, my colleague crist wallace. Chris, secretary clinton called for the dash cam and the body cam videos in charlotte, north carolina, to be released by the Police Officers there in the shooting death of keith scott. Sho those videos have now been released so how did the Clinton Campaign respond. Interestingly enough, the campaign is saying lets wait for the full investigation. What makes that interesting is her Immediate Response was to say that the shooting both in tulsa and in charlotte were unacceptable and intolerable and a bunch of people jumps on that, particularly from the Trump Campaign saying she had already judged that the Police Response in charlotte was inappropriate. They now are backing off and saying, lets wait and see what the investigation is. Chris, debate guest seating became a big deal over the last 24 hours and donald trump tweeting out a response after the Clinton Campaign said they would put mark cuban, the businessman who is a vocal trump critic in the front row and trump tweeting out he might invite jennifer flowers talking about her affair with bill clinton and put her in the front row. You talked to trumps running mate governor mike pence, what does he think about that tweet and that possible invite. The Trump Campaign is running away from the whole flowers issue as quickly as possible. Mike pence defended it saying, well, look, they started this whole food fight by bringing up the fact that they are in viting mark cuban to sit in the front seat and they say trump was trying to show he knows how to fire back but they say there is absolutely no intention of having her there and they seem to want to forget this whole thing. There is a lot of possibilities when it comes to the dynamics of things tomorrow night and what do you think is the most important for viewers to watch out for . There was a very interesting wall street poll in the middle of this week and it showed that peoples main concerns about trump are his temperament and the language he uses talking about women and minorities. As for clinton, the main concern they have are her private emails and her actions as secretary of state in the middle east. In that sense, it seems to me that what trump has to do is deal with peoples views of who he is, how he behaves. Clinton has to deal with peoples views of what shes done on the record and as to who has a tougher job, well have to wait and see tomorrow night. Chris, thank you. See you tomorrow night. A group of 100 protesters peacefully demonstrated outside of the Carolina Panthers stadium and some of which protests that did turn violent stemming from the death of keith scott who was shot and killed by a black police officer. Video has been released but has not settled the questions about whether scott threatened authorities with a gun before he was killed. Just a few minutes ago, charlotte mayor lifted the curfew implemented last week. Washington police have arrested a 20yearold suspect in the mall shooting that killed five people. Arcan cetin was seen by Police Patrol and arrested without incident following a massive manhunt. The arresting officer said that the man was in a zombielike state when taken into custody and being held without bond. And faces five counts of the first murder. So far police have searched his apartment and they dont know his motivations at this point. Nothing has pointed to terrorism but so far they are not ruling it out. This man immigrants to the u. S. From turkey and went to high school in washington state. Friday president obama officially vetoed a bill that would allow 9 11 victims and their families to sue saudi arabia for possibly supporting the 9 11 terrorists. Lawmakers think they have the votes to override the veto bhu with the election but with the election weeks away, will they go through with the vote. Here to help answer that question, we have our senior capitol hill producer chad pergrum. And so what do you think. What will happen and what now. Well have a vote in a couple of days starting in the United States senate and one of the reasons this is going to happen is because republicans and frankly some democrats have a chance to override the president on a National Security issue just a couple of weeks before the election in light of the terrorist attacks in new york and new jersey and also in minnesota. President obama has never had a veto overridden and that is probably going to happen sometime in the next week and a half, it will start in the United States senate. It needs a twothirds vote. And again as i say, this is bipartisan. Chuck schumer, the democratic senator from new york, he was very upset and disappointed in what the president had done and said well have a sound override in the next i would say two or three days. And so then, lets say it gets overridden in the senate and is t goes to the house. Absolutely. Paul ryan, the speaker of the house there, he is skeptical about this bill. He kind of tipped his hand the other day indicating he might not vote. It is customary that the speaker of the house doesnt vote. Only a handful of times a year. But he has some reservations with this piece of legislation, even though he thinks this t will go forward. Take a listen. I do have concerns about it because i worry about legal matters. I worry about trial errors trying to get rich off of this and worry about the precedence and at the same time the victims need to have their day in court. And so well have this veto override probably in the senate the next couple of days and going to the house after that, bret. Last thing, any lastminute efforts to avoid this or change this . There were certainly movements by the saudis to try to create a carveout on this. You had a couple of democrats and republicans on the house side who were involved in armed forces issues concerned about that, writing letters that are going out. But i have to tell you, those talks have gone nowhere. We think there is a twothirds vote in both the house and the senate and i should point out that there is a provision in the bill which would allow the president to ask for a court stay on this if necessary. Okay, chad, as always, thank you. Keeping us honest up there on the hill. The battle over abortion is always part of the president ial election but this year it is the current administrations policies that have pro life advocates upset. Shanna bream explains why. Prolife advocates say the Obama Administration is once again doing an end run around congress. Using executive power to change policy in a way dozens of gop lawmakers say appears to be quote, an attempt to sub vert the will of elected representatives. The department of health and Human Services or hhs have proposed a federal regulation to tell state and local governments how they can and cannot spend money in order to plan Family Planning services. And guidelines reflect to full Service Community Health Centers rather than planned parenthood outlined in the most recent annual report. The president ses hell richards is saying the Obama Administration is protecting access to health care for millions of people. Not everyone agrees. Once again, you will have this administration that has an Unholly Alliance with the big abortion industry protecting them and saying you dont have the right to decide who provides the best services for your women for Womens Health issues, were going to tell you that you cannot make that decision. And you know what, thats wrong. Gop congresswoman diane black who is also a registered nurse has joined forces with gop senator joni ernst to urge them to rec. Rarely do the American People benefit when the federal government attempts to substitute that for state or local governments, particularly when the criteria used to inform that judgment are unclear and that judgment is not supported by coherent and impartial facts. In its proposed rule, hhs specifically cited attempts by New Hampshire, texas and florida to defund planned parenthood by directing title ten funds elsewhere and say studies show that leads to increased barriers to health care among low income and minority communities. Critics, including blacks, say the group comes from a group named after a former planned parenthood structure. Comments are being accepted by hhs through october 7th. Bret. Shanna, thank you. Well follow that. Up next, more from the campus of Hofstra University. We are here. The students are out and about. The first president ial debate this cycle. Hillary clinton and trump head to head tomorrow. Keep it here. Some relationships you stick with. Over time, they get even better. Thats why more people stick with humana medicare advantage. We Work Together with you to find the best plan, however your needs might change. Because great things are ahead of you when your health is ready for them. Humana medicare advantage. The plan people stick with. Get a cash rebate of up to 2000 on selected models. Or get the outlander l starting at 5,599. Dont miss out. Visit your local dealer before october 31st. Canam, the ride says it all. Welcome back to Hofstra University. When you place your vote, most of the times you get a sticker that says i voted but more people are exercising their right with a selfie and not everyone is smiling about it. Eric shawn is in new york tonight with that story. Good evening, eric. Good evening, bret. Well an 18th century safeguard has run up against 21st Century Technology at the polls. Selfies in the voting booth are at the center of a federal case. New hampshire is appealing a District Court ruling that struck down that States Selfie ballot ban. A secret vote is very important to the preservation of liberty. The secretary of state of New Hampshire William Gardner said selfies violate a bedrock american principal dating back to the founding fathers, protecting the privacy of the ballot box. In the 19th century, the secret bolat was meant to stop vote buying coercion and intimidation and now 30 states ban photos, including selfies and gardner said it should stay that way, it is part of what people fought and died for, the right to have a free and independent vote. And not to be fearful of being able to vote that way. This, to me, is an idiotic law. Republican state representative leon rideout put his ballot on twitter and facebook. He is one of the plaintiffs who sued the state. There is no evidence that because somebody takes a picture of their ballot and posted it online that that is going to increase vote buying and selling. He said the ban violates the first amendment. All of the cases were a matter of free speech. One guy protesting he didnt think he had a Decent Choice in senatorial candidates so he put his dogs name in who had passed away. But gardner insists it intrude on the sanctity of the voting booth. It is a special place and it is a special place to be able to vote your conscious. Honored with president ial medal of freedom in 2004. Largely credited really starting senior tour events after he left the pga tour. He was an ambassador for golf until now, multiple reports out of pennsylvania tonight saying at age 87 Arnold Palmer has passed away. Well talk to jim greg at the other side of the break. Arnold palmer, 87 years old. Tired of redosing antacids . Try duo fusion its two in one heartburn relief. The antacid goes to work in seconds. And the acid reducer lasts up to 12 hours in one chewable tablet. Try duo fusion. From the makers of zantac. Whether its connecting one of or bringing wifi to 65,000 fans. Campuses. Businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. Perfect driving record. Perfect. No tickets, no accidents. That is until one of you clips a food truck ruining your perfect record. Yeah. 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Theres nothing or something about it. This is a fox news alert. Sad news out of pennsylvania. A family source confirming that Arnold Palmer has died at the age of 87. The man credited really with popularizing the game of golf, the seventime major winner. He changed the game forever. Joining me now on the phone, fox sports caster jim greg. It is very sad. He was referred to as the king and popularized the sport. He brought it into a television era. He had time for everybody not only was he a great golfer. He had tremendous charisma. He was so enveloping. He was so inclusive. He wasnt exclusive in an exclusive game he took his arm and put it around everybody. He was a great champion and won all major championships and was there a number of times. This was a huge loss for golf. A guy that we saw in augusta. He didnt take a swing. He did the year before. The end of a brilliant life that was well lived and made a lot of people happy. We are starting to get tweets from golfers. Pretty much everyone will weigh in here in coming minutes when you hear word that golf legend Arnold Palmer has died. He obviously had the tournament at bay hill and was really active until the end with the game of golf, a game that he changed. He did change it. Of course, the television came of age and came of age with Arnold Palmer. And he had just a legion of fans. And when Jack Nicklaus came on the scene he turned out to be a greater golfer, perhaps by the numbers the greatest golfer ever. It was arnie who still had the fans and caused jack a tremendous amount of constination. It was always arnie who was so popular. He changed this game. This went from a game where everybody thought they could not play. It was exclusive because of clubs and because you had to have a lot of time and country club background. From his humble upbringings in pennsylvania to what he accomplished you just saw in him what everybody could be. He was that example. I remember in the later years he would reach out. He tried to help tiger woods out with his problem. When he was at a tournament everybody stopped. He was the muhammad ali of golf. Palmer went to Wake Forest University on a golf scholarship. He was kind of an every guy, an every man. When he went out there and started playing these tournaments it changed. They werent making money at the beginning. The purses were nothing. Because of the tv followship that followed Arnold Palmer the purses went up and todays golfers have Arnold Palmer to credit for that. They do. And you know when you think about things that are ubiquitous and things we all know, look at the Arnold Palmer drink. You can go to any rest restaurant and order an Arnold Palmer and they know what you mean, iced tea and lemonade. He took the Shirley Temple to a new level. That brought the game of golf with him because he was able to do that. He started the golf channel. So Arnold Palmer has left his impression so indellbly throughout so many parts of American Society all from being able to play golf from very humble beginnings. I have to wrap up. I appreciate it. Jim gray joining us on the phone on this sad day. Arnold palmer, golf legend dies. We are here at Hofstra University getting ready for the debate. Arnold palmer dead at the age of 87. Breaking tonight, we are exactly 24 hours away from what could prove to be the most important night of the 2016 election as Hillary Clinton and donald trump square off in the first president ial debate. Its happening. A debate that is largely expected to break records especially becoming the most watched political event of all time. Welcome to a special live sunday edition of the kelly file. At this time tomorrow the candidates will be on stage and the outcome of this race could hang in the balance. A brand new abc news Washington Post poll shows Hillary Clinton beating donald trump by just two points now 4947 within the

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