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Not happy. Thats not happy . No, i said a pox, not a basket. Youre fired, whoever you are out there. Thats it for us. Special report is next. \s as terrorists in the middle east and north africa threaten attacks worldwide the president lashes out at a domestic employer over obamacare and critics quickly react to a goofy video. This is special report. Good evening, welcome to washington im bret baier. With just three dies go in the obamacare open Enrollment Period, president obama is throwing down with one of the nations most highprofile retailers. Which says he is totally off base. All this comes as terrorism and insurrection threaten portions of the middle east asia and north africa tonight. And the latest president ial video project, well, its getting a lot of attention, but perhaps not in the way the white house intended. Correspondent peter doocy has the story. Reporter who needs the press pool when youve got a selfie stick . In a new buzz feed video the leader of the free world makes faces, draws pictures thats pretty good. Reporter and enjoys milk and cookies. Or tries to. Thanks, obama. Reporter but the president had a point. Deadline for signing up for Health Insurance is february february 15th. Reporter the purpose of this video is to remind people that there are only three days left in the open Enrollment Period. Many cases you can get Health Insurance through less than 100 a month. Just go to healthcare. Gov. Reporter thats not all n a more serious sitdown with buzz feed, the president picked a fight with staples, accusing the Office Supply chain of gaming the system, reducing some employees shifts to 25 hours a week so they dont have to provide Health Insurance. When i hear large corporations that make billions of dollars in profits trying to blame our interest in providing Health Insurance as an excuse for cutting back workers wages, shame on them. Reporter but staples says the president is flat out wrong and the initial story was misleading as our policy regarding hours for parttime employees is more than a decade old. It predates the Affordable Care act by several years. Its unfortunate that the president is attacking a company that provides more than 85,000 jobs and is a major taxpayer. Meanwhile, the president s critics say if theres a problem, he should look in the mirror. Well, the surprise is just that the president is was so audacious as to come out and blame a specific company for problems that he, himself created. Reporter a brand new fox news poll showed 53 of voters disapprove of the president s handling of health care you supporters of the law say that people are coming around. There might be isolated incidents of business being opposed to certain aspects of obamacare. I think we have seen that business has backed up obamacare in the high court in the challenge thats currently going on this term with the justices. Reporter now theres a new issue, as critics wonder why the president participated in such a silly have with so many serious items on his agenda. The New York Times is using the word humiliation in their summary and the Washington Post with a tongueincheek blog has ranked these images in the order they diminish the presidency, writing, its just obama being a weirdo. Yolo, man. Some people love it some people hate it regardless this video made history with president obama becoming the first commander in chief to perform a selfie stick shtick. Bret . Thank you. So the president s getting scorched, as you just heard by even normally supportive media. Tonight, Fox News Media analyst and host of foxs media buzz, how wart curtz is here with reaction. Good evening howie. What do you make of the president joining in on this skit . Well, its a coup for buzz feed and barack obama is the pop culture president , hanging out with Zach Galifianakis whacky youtube stars, like bill clinton used to do playing the sax on arsenio hall and talking about underwear on mtv. I have been known to shoot midgenary hoops, bret. Some of the things the president did made me wince sticking out his ton, practicing february in front of the mirror just seems at times more interested in being the entertainer in chief. What do you think the white house stands to gain from all of this . Obviously breshlgt the president hopes that this if this video goes viral he can perhaps persuade some more younger people to sign up for owe obamacare, but we are told this was shot on the same day it was confirmed that isis had killed the hostage, Kayla Mueller. So we are in a very sober and serious time in the war on terror and some of these antics can just seem a little brave louse. Yeah, howie. Thank you. Thanks. We appear to be no closer tonight to getting this years funding for Homeland Security. Chief Congressional Correspondent mike with emmanuel tells us the house and senate are blaming each other for the impasse. Reporter leading republicans are accusing Senate Democrats of playing politics with National Security by not allowing debate of the 40 approximately Homeland Security funding bill which if passed would block president obamas immigration executive action. We funded the department of Homeland Security. And we stopped the both with regard to his executive actions. Its real clear, its time for Senate Democrats to get into the game, get on the bill and if they dont like what we have done, then they can amend it. Reporter texas senator ted cruz shot down a suggestion from fellow conservative, South Carolina congressman mulvaneny that the gop should remove the filibuster to pass this bill. The answer, i believe, is not to change the senate rules. The answer is for Senate Democrats not to be obstructionists. And even more so, the answer is for Senate Democrats to be held accountable. Reporter with the president threatening to veto the house measure, Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi showed no interest in a shortterm funding fix. Two months ago, it was a continuation of uncertainty and they ought to just face the fact that this president has the right to do what he has done by executive action. Reporter Homeland Security secretary jeh johnson has spent a great deal of time on capitol hill urging lawmakers to stop the finger pointing. That should be unacceptable. We need a fully funded department of Homeland Security and we need congress to come together and figure a way through this impasse so that we get funding for our department. Reporter meanwhile Illinois Republican senator mark kirk up for reelection in 2016 is calling for a clean funding bill, clearly concerned about the impact of a lapse at the end of the month. Sometime the senate majority leader called on democrats to kick the gridlock hab pit. Fill mustering Homeland Security funding for one reason and that is to defend actions president obama himself referred to as unwise and unfair. Reporter some democrats tried to pressure mccon toll take up just a straight Homeland Security funding bill but, of course, spending bills must originate in the house. Bret . Mike emmanuel live on the hill. Thanks. Stocks were up today, the dow gained 110. The s p 500 finished ahead 20. The nasdaq picked up 56. The president s moves on immigration are expected to bring a tidal wave applicants and that means a flood of paperwork and red tape. Tonight, correspondent doug mcelway on what some feel is a bureaucratic disaster in the making. Reporter it is the most ambitious federal rollout since obamacare. So the administration hopes the may launch of dapa, deferred action for parents of americans, will run more smoothly than the disastrous health care unveiling. The executive action would give amnesty to as many as 5 million adult illegal aliens. The deputy secretary and i are very focused on this. And so i believe we are going to get it right. Reporter the department of Homeland Security has leased this Massive Office building outside of washington where 1,000 federal workers and 1,000 more contractors will process applications, expected to be as many as 1. 3 million in the First Six Months alone. This centralized bureaucracy itself demonstrates to critics one of many flaws. Those employees are not going to ask people from all over the country to come to crystal city to be interviewed. Reporter thats recipe for fraud, says sessions. Then, theres the cost of dapa estimated between 324 to 484 million over the next few years. Supporters note that taxpayers wont be footing that bill. Applicants will. Through a 465 fee. The program operates solely and excluee clues civil on the funds that are contributed by those who participate in the program. 1 million of them apply you have 500 million. Thats absolutely misrepresentation. Congress has the power to control all money. Reporter even with the feebased payment, sessions says the immigration service, already burdened by the wave of childhood arrivals, will be hard pressed to carry out enforcement duties. They told us unable now to do the job. Reporter sessions warns that dapa will lower wages in an already jobsscarce economy while gutierrez says applicants toil at jobs that Many Americans refuse to do. Who does he really think is going to pick those onions in 110 degrees. Reporter by coming out of the shadows through dapa, many aliens might find themselves subject to the maze of tax law, tax penalties and benefits that u. S. Citizenslogical face a maze that may drive some back into the shadows. Bret . Doug, thank you. Up next, from the president s Success Story to chaos. The latest on yemen. First, heres what some of our fox afill outs around the country are covering tonight. Wral in raleigh north carolina thousands gathered to remember three Muslim Students gunned down tuesday night in what is being described as a conflict over a parking space. Prayer and Burial Service held in raleigh and chapel hill. The suspect is in in this case has described himself as a guntoting atheist. Box 7 in austin big crowds inside and outside the State Capitol as lawmakers discuss whether to legalize concealed handguns on College Campuses and open carry everywhere else. It may surprise you to learn, texas is one of just six states that do not allow the open carrying of firearms. And this is a live look at dallas from fox 4, our affiliate there. Sunny dallas. New testimony in the trial of the man accused of killing former navy s. E. A. L. Chris kyle, and his friend. Prosecutors say Eddie Ray Routh shot the two men several times, mostly in the back. His Attorney Says routth was in a severe state of psychosis. Thats tonights live look outside the beltway from special report. We will be right back. T to it. What makes it an nx is what you can get out of it. Introducing the firstever lexus nx turbo and hybrid. Once you go beyond utility theres no going back. Al qaeda militants seized an important yemeni army base in the south today. The attack followed speculation that the shiite rebels are looking to expand their current control over the capital city of sanaa. Correspondent kevin cork reports on how the Obama Administration is struggling to keep up with the furious pace of events. Reporter the closure of the American Embassy in sanaa punctuates a steady decline into chaos for yemen, one that threatens American Security strategy in the region and the very lives of those charged with carrying it out. We remain strongly committed to supporting the yemeni people and will explore options for a return to sanaa as soon as the situation on the ground improves. Reporter critics say whats left behind amounts to a chalk outline of a failed american policy. Out, strong coordination with the yemeni government. In, al qaeda affiliates many of whom are backed by the Iranian Regime poised to fill the new power vacuum. Let me be clear, yemen is collapsing before our eyes. We cannot stand by and watch. Reporter a collapse a striking contrast to how the president described the country as recently as september. The strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us while supporting partners on the front lines is one that we have successfully pursued in yemen and somalia for years. Reporter that was then. Now, with rebels declaring a government takeover, the american consulate sits vacant, vehicles and disabled ben upons left behind. Most importantly, dozens of cia operatives have left a dangerous setback in the battle against tehranbacked fighters. We are aware of reports of a variety of support provided by iran to the hooties but not seen evidence that iran is exerting command and control over the hooties activities in yemen. Reporter whether the iranians are in control of the hoot test or not, leaders on capitol hill say they want the president to act decisively to sharpen his strategy which they say has lacked focus from the very beginning. He continues to look at this as a counterterrorism effort when, in fact, theres a war under way. And we are in the midst of t every veteran who has ever served, we thank you for your service, we honor your sacrifice. Reporter meanwhile, as the president thanked veterans for their service in an east room event, his pick to coordinate future strategy in the region ashton carter, was confirmed by the senate as new secretary of defense. President issuing a statement tonight welcoming carter back as defense secretary, the fourth man, by the way to serve in that post under this president. The two ben now will be charged with weighing the cost of sending more americans in harms way in a region bret, thats already under siege from within. Kevin cork live in the north lawn. Kevin, thank you. The pentagon confirms heavy fighting today in and around the western iraqi city of al baghdad ditch rueters reports isis terrorists took control of almost all of that town and now threaten an air base where u. S. Marines are training iraqi troops. The pentagon says there has not opinion a direct attack on that base yet. Box says a ceasefire deal in ukraine is a potentially significant step towards a peaceful resolution to that conflict. That kind of cautious language reflects an agreement that many people in the region and on capitol hill feel has little chance of success. Here is Senior Foreign Affairs correspondent, greg pal cot. Reporter marathon talks aimed as ending the bloodshed in Eastern Ukraine ended today with an agreement. Russian president putin ukrainian president poroshenko, german chancellor Merkel Hollande coming up with a deal. Translator there is hope serious hope, even if everything isnt accomplished yet. Reporter a ceasefire for the Ukrainian Military and russianpacked separatists to start at midnight local time saturday night, as well as the pullback of heavy arms on both sides, including tanks and ar tin rather. Putin, too was positive. Translator it was not the best night of my life but it has been a good morning pause we have managed to reach a major agreement. Reporter according to analysts in the west, he has a right to be. The deals wording is vague enough Russian Troops reportedly in ukraine in big numbers to possibly stay. Plus, the border between russia and ukraine remains in rebel hands until at least the end of the year. And it calls for greater selfgovernance for the russianbacked rebelheld east one of the several items poroshenko disagreed with. Translator despite firm insistence from russia we didnt agree any status of the autonomy for Eastern Ukraine. Reporter in recent days fighting in Eastern Ukraine has intensified as if the two sides are trying to change the facts on the ground or get in some last licks. No wonder washington is cautious. Our view is that words are words and actions and implementation are what we are looking for, so a piece of paper is a piece of paper until its implemented. Reporter the state Department Also says that weapons for ukraine and more sanctions for russia remain a pos pillity. One solid piece of good news for ukraine today, International Monetary fund announcing a 17. 5 billion aid package to help ukraines sagging economy. Bret . Greg pal cot in kiev. Thank you. Veteran 60 minutes correspondent, cbs newsman bob simon has died. He was killed in a car crash in manhattan last night. Simon had worked for cbs since the late 1960s. Most notably as a correspondent covering conflicts from vietnam to iraq. He spent more than a month in captivity in iraq two decades ago. 60 minutes executive producer said in a statement it is such a tragedy made worse because we lost him in had a car accident, a man who has escaped more difficult situations than almost any journalist in modern times. Bob was a reporters reporter. Bob simon was 73. Know that chasing performance can mean lower returns and fewer choices in retirement. Know that proper allocation could help increase returns so you can enjoy that second home sooner. Know the right Financial Planning can help you save for college and retirement. Know where you stand with pnc total insight. A new investing and Banking Experience with personalized guidance and online tools. Visit a branch, call or go online today. Democrats in oregon are pressing fellow democratic governor john kit haber to resign. Earlier today oregon secretary of state kate brown said kitzhaber asked her to fly back from d. C. And when she did, then asked her why she had come back. Brown says kitzhaber had decided to resign then changed his mind but still talked with her about a transition. Kitzhaber has been hammered over allegations his fiancee used his office to land contracts for her consulting business. Kitzhaber denies wrongdoing. He was reelected by a wide margin in november. Democrats will hold their 2016 National Convention in philadelphia in late july. The city was picked over brooklyn and columbus ohio. It will come the week after republicans hold their convention in cleveland. While Hillary Clinton is the prohibitive favorite to take the nomination in philly, it is anyones guess which republican will be left standing in cleveland you one of the newcomers is getting his first taste of the scrutiny that comes with being at or near the top of the polls. Chief washington correspondent james rosen tonight on the bigtime immediate kbra initiation of media initiation of scott walker. Reporter london is supposed to be friendly territory, but when mitt romney went there in 2012, he wound up insulting his hosts over olympic security and when Chris Christie crossed the pond this month crossed his own wires on measles vaccination. Now, scott walkers turn. The wisconsin governor and gop contender swinging through london on a trade trip bristled at a question candidates common withly answer. Are you comfortable of the idea of do you believe in it, do you accept it . For me, im going to punt on that one as well. No really . Thats question a politician shouldnt be involved in one wire the other. Reporter later walker reconsidered, both sides and my faith dictate my belief we are created by god. I believe faith and science are compatible and go hand in hand. Two minutes later, he snapped its unfortunate the media chose to politicize this issue during our trade mission to foster investment in wisconsin. What happened in london is predictive of what kind of campaign he is going to of at this moment, not ready to be a president ial candidate, going to get a lot of questions like that much tougher questions than t and going to have to be prepared to answer them. Reporter walker seems better prepared to explain why he never earned a College Degree. He left Marquette University senior year for a job at the american red cross then got married and had kids but still hopes to earn the missing credits. The last president without such a degree was harry truman. The issue here is not just an issue of dancing around the question of evolution for political reasons. The issue is how well educated is this guy and these the problem . Are you serious . Isnt it kind of strange to have a president ial candidate who didnt finish college . Oh, sure i think, but a lot of things about me unlike any other candidate out there we wouldnt have the founders of microsoft and facebook and apple and plenty of other places out there, each of those folks left to start those companies about the same time i did in my senior year. Reporter the excursion to the uk marked walkers third overseas trade promotion trips since 2011 and visited china and japan hoping to stir up business for wisconsins energy and Biotechnology Industries and also, of course, to bolster his Foreign Policy credentials. Bret . More on this with the panel. James, thank you. Next in the grape vine, a call for truth in advertising when it comes to a find of beer. 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Ask your doctor about farxiga and visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. Now some fresh pickings from the political grapevine a dust up during a congressional hearing yesterday has a Veterans Group calling on theville a secretary to apologize. It happened as republican congressman mike kaufman of colorado grilled va chief robert mcdonald about what he sees as a lack of progress in improving problems within the department. He accused mcdonald of glossing over problems something the secretary took exception to. Im offended by your comment. Actually, i have been here six months. You have been here longer than i have. If theres a problem in denver, i think you own it more than i do i run a large company, sir. That question what have you done did not go over well. Congressman kaufman is a veteran of both iraq wars. The concerned veterans of america are calling on mcdonald to apologize to kaufman. In his job on that committee he, he is in charge of investigation of the oversight of the v and he is asking legitimate questions. Are aer than taking on the criticism of a culture that doesnt demand excellence and hold people accountable, kind of says nah nah booboo, i ran proctor and gam pell. No response from mcdonald. A diva moment by one of koreas richest women has brought her a taste of a different lifestyle, a year in prison. In december, cho juan ah daughter of koreas air chairman ordered her flight about to take off from jfk airport to return to the gate because she was angry that a Flight Attendant served her macadamia nuts in a bag rather than a bowl. Cho ordered the attendant off the plane, a physical altercation insued a south korean court found cho guilty of forcing a men to change route and assaulting a crew member. And finally, a lawmaker in maine wants to make sure bargoers get what they bay for. State senator john patrick has proposed a bill punishing restaurants and bars that sell pints of beer on draft that turn out to be less than 16 ounces. The democrat is taking issue with the bars that try to pass off glasses that only hold 14 ounces as pint glasses. Bills to address socalled cheater pints have been proposed in michigan and oregon. Pot have fallen flat. Late today judges in alabama received some muchneeded claire point the subject of samesex marriage. Senior National Correspondent john roberts tells us it has been a very confusion and frustrating week so far for a lot of people on all sides of the issue in the state. May kiss each other. You are legally married. Reporter a grenade has been tossed into the middle of the samesex marriage battle in alabama. U. S. District judge gin think about grenade who this afternoon order the probate judge in mow peel county to begin issuing marriage licenses to samesex couples. Right now, im very proud. Very proud of this state. Reporter in late january, grenade declared alabamas ban on samesex marriage unconstitutional and ruled the state could no longer deny marriage licenses to gay couples. But the chief judge of the state Supreme Court, roy moore intervened telling probate judges who hand out the marriage licenses that green need had no authority to tell them what to do its matter of jurisdiction between state and federal courts. The ultimate arbiter is the United States Supreme Court but until they decide the issue state courts have a certain right. Reporter the conflicting orders created what one state Supreme Court judge called a circus. 23 counties dan issuing licenses to samesex couples. 18 refused. 26 of those offices, including mobile simply shut down. Judge grenade sought to clear up the circus with todays action and while mobile probate judge don davis immediately complied with the order roy moore who in 2003 famously defied a federal court order to remove a monument to the ten commandments, hopes davis will ultimately resist. I would hope judge davis stands his ground and rules on the only law in effect at this time is the alabama constitution constitution. Reporter the u. S. Supreme court is only months away from ruling on the constitutionality of samesex marriageman. In an interview with bloomberg, ruth bader beginningsburg says the nation would be accepting of a decision that gives samesex couples equal footing with traditional marriage. The change in peoples attitudes on that issue has been enormous. Reporter todays ruling was aimed only at the Mobile County probate judge and while we have heard of other resistant county probate judges who are now complying with the order, its unclear at this point just how many of the remaining 43 counties are in compliance with that order. Bret . John, thank you. Most people feel a child should not be allowed to attend Public School if he or she has not been vaccinated. Thats the latest verdict from our fox news poll, as you see here. Meanwhile, the cdc reports ten confirmed measles cases in quebec. It says one of the bay, thes had been to disneyland and that none of them had been vaccinated. A tugofwar with a retail giant and series of selfies, president obama and his obamacare pitch. The panel weighs in after the break. Its a fact. Kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping. My lenses have a sunset mode. And an Early Morning mode. And a partly sunny mode. And an outside. To clear inside mode. Transitions® signature™ adaptive lenses. 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When i hear large corporations that make billions of dollars in profits trying to blame our interest in providing Health Insurance as an excuse for cutting back workers wages shame on them. It is really disingenuous of the president to claim that staples is to blame for their workers having to work fewer hours. People warned the president that if he signed obama care that this would happen into people would lose jobs income he signed it anyway. Three days left to sign up in the open Enrollment Period for obama care and this as the president takes aim at the Office Supply chain staples. You heard there the company has fired back releasing a same through a spokesperson. The initial story was misleading as our policy regarding hours for parttime employees is more than a decade old. It predates the Affordable Care act by several years. It is unfortunate that the president is attacking a company that provides more than 85,000 jobs and is a major taxpayer. Begin with our panel george will george lane and charles krauthammer. Okay george. Nchts. The president s mastery of the private sector is not evidence. He has spent little time in it for him to be lech shaw company with almost 11 billion, whattet capitalization as they say, 85,000 employ xbris a bit strange, his complaint is to some extent may be true, that staples employment policies having the predicted and predictable effect of obama care, forcing companies to not forcing but giving them a powerful incentive to cut back on the number of fulltime employees and defining a fulltime employee as 30 hours a week. He should not be surprised or scandalized or angry that people are responding to the incentives he you the in place. Look at the latest fox news poll, number three here, president obama on health care, approve, disapprove, it hasnt changed much, as you can see, that the disapprove is 53 , up three points from january and the approve, but overall, still upside down, chuck. Hear from the Supreme Court on this issue before too long. There are two things we know about any change in economic policy. The first is incentives influence behavior. So putting staples to one side, what would be the influence on companies of a rule that says you incur extra cost fuss hire people for over 30 hours . They will try to avoid hiring people over 30 hours. In fact, there is evidence from fivethirtyeight. Coms pen castleman who thoroughly reported this subject that this is happening across the economy roughly 1 percentage point increase in the number of part time employees who have dropped from 30 to fewer than 30 hours. The guy from cato points out that that was expect and warned about and exactly. That is happening a total of several hundred thousand people. They are lower wage workers who would probably like to increase their hours so they are Vulnerable People and they are getting hurt. There are winners and losers some losers in this and winners, too, and the people working full time before but now to get Health Insurance but now can work part time because Health Insurance to them would be available. For the president to sit there and say staples is rich so they should be able to do this, you know, is just nonsense, the companies are doing what the dictates suggest they do if they are doing it first of all, his facts is wrong. Staples has said the policy in place was instituted a decade ago, it was not instituted as way to get around obama care you makes it sound like getting around a law meaning responding to the incentives written into the slaw somehow unsavory. I mean he speaks about it the same way he talks about everything thats private enterprise. You know he says they make polls of dollars as if there is something wrong with that the billions of dollars of brofts are what helps to make the economy run. And thats the source of the millions fayed in taxes which support the parasitic that obama is running, how capitalism works, the government doesnt make money, it takes it and takes it from enter prizes that are successful. He will not recognize although im sure he has been told never in the private sector you write a law with specific details, people are going to work with those details to try to minimize expenses. It is rather elementary but he still doesnt get it meantime a very dangerous time. We have been reporting on it a lot of things happening around the world. The american Kayla Mueller, the same day she was killed, president obama made a pitch with buzz feed. Take a look at this. Yemen is collapsing before our eyes. We cannot stand by and watch. The thoughts and prayers of everybody who works here at the white house are with the mueller family at this time. The deadline for signing up for Health Insurance is february february february 15th. Thanks obama. Mr. President . Can i live . You do you. Yolo man. George, thoughts . Some people think this diminishes the presidency i certainly hope so pause i think the presidency, not this president but the office itself is too much with us and far too grand and encrusted in royal trappings but beyond that what makes this interesting, he is trying to get people to sign up and in 37 states chuck mentioned a moment ago the Supreme Courts going to be heard from on this and 37 states, they are signing up to get subsidies through federal exchains which, by the end of june may be defunct. A small episode leading up to the biggest Supreme Court decision of the year. Charles . Well i guess the bottom line here is two fold this is of a piece with the general mcage, i guess you could say, emanating from the white house, all those threats you were bhengsing are not exist tension threats, they are problems, threats, chronic, like urban street crime or something. We can walk and chew gum. Exactly. Walk and live our normal lives while that is going on, maybe you can put it in that category much the other is the degree to which even a tiny increment perhaps in additional owebamacare signups that might be received from this pitch are worth more than the problem it is might cause. This value judgments coming from the white house that are embodied in this. The president received a lot of backlash when he went and played golf and there were pictures of him laughing after the pea heading of james foley. This we are told, happened hours after the announcement that Kayla Mueller was killed, the american woman, by isis. When i saw it this afternoon, i didnt know when he made it. I wasnt offended. I was rather amused by it. And the idea that you could diminish the dignity of a president who gave a oneonone with someone whose claim to fame is bathing in a tub of froot loops is a rather paradoxical one. That was okay. When i learned when did he it really of a piece playing golf after you learn of the beheading of an american. And that makes it truly distasteful. So if it hadnt happened in conjunction with this horrible event, it just shows you how frivolous he is in executing his office. That i think is not a question of the dignity of the office but the seriousness of the man. Next up, the media takes out their knives for scott walker. Thanks for the ride around norfolk and i just wanted to say geico is proud to have served the military for over 75 years roger that. Captains waiting to give you a tour of the wisconsin now. Couldve parked a little bit closer. Its gonna be dark by the time i get there. Geico. Proudly serving the military for over 75 years. Toenail fungus . Dont hide it. Tackle it with new fdaapproved Jublia Jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. Use jublia as instructed by your doctor. 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To me i said its just one of those where im here to talk about trade and not pontificate other issues. I love the evolution of trade. I would like to see an even bigger evolution as well. I dont know what it is about london candidates drawn there scott walker there asked about evolution. Soon after that appearance, he tweeted out this both science and my faith dictate my belief that we are created by god. I believe faith and science are compatible and go hand in hand. He then continued its unfortunate the media chose to politicize this issue during our trade mission to foster investment in wisconsin. Back with the panel. Charles . Well, that was an impotent and condescending question. This is a british twit testing out how crude and peasant like are americans. Its a pity walker didnt say that of course, he cant say it. The answer which im sure he now knows has to be like thousands of scientists, i see no contradiction between a belief and evolution and a belief in god. End of story. Chuck we have the latest candidates. We did the polling differently this time. Fox news polls we did grades. And scott walker now gets the highest grades of the pack. But its a b. There you see ben carson, marco rubio the next two b minuses. What about this dustup if it is that . Well, yeah. Its a little nic on his incipient campaign it would have been smoother if he could have said something and moved on. Maybe he was tripped up by the fact they pronounce it evolution. [long e. [instead of evolution. The fact that he is getting this column shows you something. Yeah. I think what people need to remember something very interesting fact about scott walker. More than any other candidate with a possible exception of Chris Christie, he has already been put through the ringer in wisconsin, not once not twice, but three decide campaigns in which huge pressure was brought to bear against him. Huge money was spent and investigations were launched, and dirt was searched for in copious detail on him, and, you know, he has been thoroughly vetted by all of that over three years. I think thats actually people are talking about this College Degree thing and everything. That may be a secret advantage that he has. George . Because jeb bush came out of the block so fast and so forcefully, he forced other people to get on the track and start running before they are ready and some of them are going to stumble for that reason. Scott walker has been asked about syria and about ethanol and his questions are not up to speed. Thats not quite his fault yet. What is his fault is not to be ready for a question like this. Because its a standard way of trying to embarrass republicans. Today is darwins birthday. He and lincoln arguably the two most important people of the 19th century were born on the same day we should be able to come to the terms with the fact when asked about evolution you say yes. If one syllable of one word is not enough say palin toggle. Everything says evolution is a fact. Get over it. In iowa, unfortunately dont subscribe to that and thats partly. Let me ask you about the front teenage of the the Washington Post about education and the mystery behind scott walker leaving college, questions linger. Thats how its phrased. We ha long interview and we had a clip that will run on my blog the daily bret where he goes into what happened. He went and got a job. I dont understand the story. Where is the story here . Student who bored to go in his studies with a year to go in credits. Senior year offered a good job and leaves. Thats a story . Thats a dog bites man story. I mean, in fact, bill gates in 20077 received honorary degree because he never got his degree. This is a guy who has been vetted and people are searching for dirt. Its hard to find. Thats it for the panel. Stay tuned for a lesson in the lottery. The allnew nissan murano. Nissan. Innovation that excites. You cant predict the market. But at t. Rowe price weve helped guide our clients through good times and bad. Our experienced investment professionals are one reason over 85 of our mutual funds beat their 10year lipper averages. So in a variety of markets we can help you feel confident. Request a prospectus or summary prospectus with Investment Information risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Nexium 24hr. Its the purple pill. The 1 prescribed acid blocking brand. Available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection. Nexium level protectiontm. Finally tonight, lottery officials are looking for three lucky winners from 564milliondollar power ball jackpot. 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