Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 2015

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20150121 23:00:00

kelly. so you can spend your evening watching that. i will be on at 9:30. >> you don't want to be involved. >> when you get caught for being a you know what. set your dvr so you never miss an episode of "the five." "special report" is next. political war over iran's potential for nuclear war. republicans pursue sanctions. president obama promises a veto and now another world leader is involved. this is "special report." welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. the senate wants a say in the president's negotiations with iran. the president is promising to veto any new or increased sanctions and basically telling republicans to stay out of it. that is a recipe for a political mushroom cloud here in washington. chief congressional correspondent tells us tonight republicans are lighting the
fuse in an unusual way. i have invited prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu to address a joint session of congress on the grave threats of radical islam and the threat that iran poses. reporter: hours after the state of the union boehner invited netanyahu to address lawmakers on february 11. i did not consult with the white house. the congress can make this decision on its own. i don't believe i'm poking anyone in the eye. there is a serious threat that exists in the world and the president last night kind of pafred over it. wbr id "wbr996" reporter: the president reiterated his call for congress to stand down on new sanctions and made this claim. our diplomacy is at work with respect for iran where for the first time in a decade we have halted the progress of the nuclear program and reduced the stock pile of wbr id "wbr1196" nuclear material. /b
>> reporter: many don't believe iran has halted anything related to the nuclear program and even top democrats worry the administration may cut a bad deal. >> iran is clearly taking steps that can only be intrrperated as provocative yet the administration seems to excuse these developments. >> reporter: that comment is not a surprise to administration officials after menendez expressed his concerns to the president last week. today the depity secretary of state. >> our assessment remains that we have a credible chance to reach a deal in the best interest of america's security. our goal is to conclude the major elements of the deal by the end of march and complete the technical details by june. >> reporter: the new foreign relations chairman vented about a failure to keep congress in the loop. >> consultations up to this point has been a phone call in
the morning that something is happening and generally speaking while we are receiving the phone call we are reading reports. >> reporter: arizona republican urged his colleagues to be cautious. >> the purpose of sanctions is to get parties to the table. they are at the table. so i'm confused by the notion that some would want to impose additional sanctions while negotiations are going on. >> reporter: yet idaho republican suggested the administration is being duped by tehran. >> i think you guys are being bamboozled. i hope you can come in here someday and say you had no idea what you are talking about. i don't think that is going to happen. >> reporter: fear of a bad deal is why many lawmakers support passing a bill to get congress final authorization. some say they need to know the final package is a good deal for the u.s. >> live on the hill, thank you. now to another major hot
spot, yemen. it's difficult to know just who is in charge there tonight. one thing is certain, the situation there is extremely fluid. national security correspondent is watching it all tonight from the pentagon. >> reporter: a day after iranian backed militants stormed the palace surrounding the president inside his home officials and state run media say both sides agreed to a truce. the pentagon and state department refused to call it a coup. >> the government is led by the president. he is in his home. we have seen a break down in the institutions in yemen and obviously there is a great deal of violence and tension on the ground. >> reporter: including reports that the militants overtook a ballistic military base near the capitol leading to concerns that scud missiles could fall into the wrong hands. >> let's be clear, they are armed, trained and operating on behalf of the government of
iran. and they have been very patient and very deliberative of this. the long game is to extend iranian influence on both sides of the gulf. >> reporter: the u.s. government has spent $275 million in counter terrorism aid to yemen's military for it to fight al qaeda. the leader of the militants had this message for the u.n. >> translator: i would like to tell the security council that any measures they are taking to subdue our country in order to pass this conspiracy will not benefit you at all. we are prepared to face any consequences. >> reporter: the fort mchenry remained on station off the coast of yemen in the red sea in the event that the u.s. embassy needed to be evacuated. the u.s. increased security sending a fast team of marines and members of the special marine air/ground task force. the rapid reaction force created in the wake of benghazi. >> things are quiet in yemen as
of a little while ago. our personnel are well protected. we have a minimum of personnel presence and a strong security presence. >> as part of the truce the militants will leave the presidential palace and pull back from the residence. such truces have broken down before. >> thank you. we will be watching this one. president obama has just finished up remarks and will be on his way to kansas. he is back in campaign mode promoting the tax and spend program he outlined in tuesday's state of the union address. chief white house correspondent tonight with the list of promises. >> reporter: hits the red state of idaho today to send the signal he can work with the republican congress. >> i am not going to stop trying
to make our politics work better. reporter: republicans teed off on how that contrast with hyperpartisanship in last night's state of wbr id "wbr4315" the union where he did not acknowledge the gop won the mid terms. when republicans offered mock applause about the president leaving office soon. i have no more campaigns to run. my only agenda -- i know because wbr id "wbr4515" i won both of them. reporter: liberal groups rejoiced and said the president sounded a lot more like senator warren with the progressive change committee on issues like taxing the rich. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell suggested the veto threats will result in little deal making. this kind of partisanship is wbr id "wbr4780" what we have become accustomed /b
to from the president. reporter: the presidential oversight may be due to the fact that some key lines from this policy address -- this country does best when everyone gets their share shot everyone does their fair share, everyone plays by the same set of wbr-id "wbr4980" rules. reporter: were literally ripped from the 2012 campaign. america has done their best when everybody has a shot and everybody plays by the same rules. reporter: while the president was cheer leading economic gains by declaring it is time. the state of the union is strong. reporter: republicans suggested the president was also trying to turn the page on terror by making sure the phrase al qaeda was not mouthed in the state of the union for the first time since 9/11. i think he defies the reality of the threats out there in the world as it relates to radical islamist extremism.
>> reporter: the president senior adviser defended the prft for using the phrase violent extremism instead of islamic extremism. >> let's look more broadly at terrorism. let's look broadly at it and attack it together. >> reporter: in the official republican response deficits or debts were not mentioned. left out the fine print about how the national debt has continued to sore. >> the one that takes the most gall is for him to say we have been reduced and cut the deficit more than any other president. if you quadruple it to begin with you can lessen the deficit. >> reporter: the president continues tomorrow at university of kansas reprising an old campaign tactic where he goes to college campuses to drum up support.
up next some of the people who want to replace president obama react to his state of the union address. here are what fox affiliates are covering. fox 25 in boston where the cardiac surgeon shot yesterday has succumbed to his injuries. he was shot twice reportedly by the 55-year-old son of a patient who had recently died. the shooter then killed himself. fox 35 in virginia with an update about a state lawmaker being reelected despite being jailed for a sex scandal with a 17 year old. he is facing new charges. he says the charges are false and will go to court to fight them. and this is a live look at snowy philadelphia from fox 29. some tourists got quite a surprise. they ran up the steps of the museum of art and ran into the real rocky. the three finished the popular climb when sylvestor stallone said you guys are fast making me
look bad. he is in philly shooting the latest rocky movie. that is tonight's live look from "special report." you get sick you can't breathe through your nose suddenly, you're a mouth breather. a mouth breather! well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow, it opens your nose up to 38% more. so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do sleep. add breathe right to your cold medicine shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. and look for the calming scent of new breathe right lavender in the sleep aisle. [ male announcer ] when john huntsman was diagnosed with cancer, he didn't just vow to beat it. i vowed to eradicate it from the earth. so he founded huntsman cancer institute.
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if you see it i hope you'll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal. presidential contepders from both parties have a few new things to run for or against. chief political correspondent carl cameron goes down the list tonight. >> reporter: the president setup of a line of proposals for hillary clinton to serve liberals and embracing the agenda she tried to put the onus on the gop from canada. >> i thought the president laid down a bunch of markers and now we will see whether there will be any positive response coming from the republican side. >> reporter: thinks she is too cozy with wall street. it was co-hosted by the bank of commerce which is under
investigation in the u.s. for helping wealthy americans evade taxes in the caribbean. jim west who formed a committee to challenge clinton live tweeted his criticism quote not a fan of middle class lingo. republicans agree accusing the president of pitting rich against poor and ignoring the election ten weeks ago. >> tonight the president told the american voters not only does he not hear their message but he intends to do precisely the opposite intends to double down on failed policies of the last six years. >> he is going to add more debt to our country than all previous 43 presidents combined so you have to wonder about the guy's sincerity. >> reporter: atop gop polls mitt romney and jeb bush used media. on instagram he all but accused the president of class warfare.
>> this nation needs to create economic opportunity for all americans. it is sad that president obama wants to use the tax code once again to divide us. what we need is broad based reform so that all people can rise up. >> reporter: mitt romney on facebook looked quote true to form is more interested in politics than leadership. the best way to lower tax burden is straightforward, lower rates and simplify the tax code. rick santorum says the problem is barack obama doesn't want to just take from the rich and give to the poor. he wants to take from the rich, poor and everyone in between and give to hisadministration. in canada mrs. clinton refused to answer questions on the stalling. clinton says she is just not going to talk about it. >> thank you. the obama justice department is reportedly about to close its civil right investigation into
last summer's shooting in ferguson, missouri without filing charges against the white police officer involved. the "new york times" reports investigators found no evidence to support charges against darren wilson who has resigned from his job. a county grand jury declined to bring charges. the probe into police behavior in ferguson is still ongoing. house republicans are trying to smooth out differences over language of new abortion legislation as pro-life advocates come to washington tomorrow. this bill criminalizes virtually all abortions after 20 weeks. it has several exceptions. many lawmakers are unhappy with requirements that women report incidents of rape and incest. the gop female house members argue women should be taken at their word when they say they have been raped. new home construction was almost up 9% in 2014.
it topped the 1 million mark for the first time since the height of the housing boom in 2005. the dow gained 39. the nasdaq was up 13. still ahead did an nfl team purposefully use deflated footballs to gain an unfair advantage? it's all the talk heading into the super bowl. what could be the beginning of the end of 50 years of isolation for cuba. your eyes really are unique. in fact, they depend on a unique set of nutrients. that's why there's ocuvite to help protect your eye health. as you age your eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite is a vitamin made just for your eyes from the eye care experts at bausch + lomb. ocuvite has a unique formula that's just not found in any leading multivitamin. your eyes are unique so help protect your eye health with ocuvite.
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president obama is touting the biggest change in u.s. relations with cuba in 50 years with the start of negotiations today in havana. chief washington correspondent james rosen reports on the administration's game plan. >> reporter: it's the highest level u.s. delegation to visit
havana since 1980. the opening round focused on lesser issues like washington's wet foot dry foot policy under which those who reach cuban soil get to stay despite the long standing displeasure state department negotiators made clear it is one aspect that isn't changing. >> the sets of migration related policies that are known as wet foot dry foot very much remain in effect. >> i want to welcome everybody to the committee. >> reporter: back in washington a republican on the senate foreign relations committee extracted an apology of sorts from the new deputy secretary of state. >> i asked you a question at that time during your nomination about whether there would be unilateral changes or changes in cuba policy. your answer said anything that in the future might be done in
cuba might be done in full consultation with this committee. i regret that i did not live up to the standard i set during that hearing and the remarks you quoted. >> reporter: meeting at the state department with policy chief america's top diplomat sketched out the kinds of issues his team will be raising. >> lifting travel restrictions on diplomats. we have to negotiate lifting caps on the numbers of diplomatic personnel. >> reporter: at a breakfast senator rubio hinted at actions to block the cuba initiative. >> we are not going to fund a facility that is not allowed to operate out of the country. >> reporter: secretary kerry says he looks forward to traveling to cuba in order to quote open an embassy. >> thank you. more on this with the panel, as well. one of the president's top advisers does not seem apologet
apologetic about the release of a former al qaeda operative from an american prison before his sentence was up. this was this morning on the release due to what was termed time served. >> people who serve their sentence are then released. i will refer to the justice department on the details of every single case that you are bringing up. the overall picture is to do everything within our power to keep america safe. >> amari admitted to plotting against civilian targets in the u.s. the long war journal reports. a palestinian man stabbed 11 people on or near a bus in tel aviv today. three of the victims were said to be in critical condition at one point. about a dozen people have been
killed so far. french officials are responding to home grown terrorism with promises of better equipment and a lot more boots on the ground. reporter kitty logan has more details. >> reporter: paris remains on high alert, troops guarding key buildings wary of possible new attacks. today the french government announced new measures to counter the terror threat it is facing. >> translator: in extra years there will be new jobs dedicated to the fight against terrorism and the police defense and justice services of the state. >> reporter: the government says around half of the new recruits will be intelligence staff after previously admitting to short falls in monitoring the "charlie hebdo" attackers. police were initially unable to confront the heavily armed "charlie hebdo" gun men. in all three officers lost their lives during the paris attacks. at the "charlie hebdo" offices today the mayor of jerusalem pays his respects to those who
died and vows to back the fight against extremism. >> the people that support them the whole infrastructure of the terror has to be dealt with on a global basis. >> reporter: in belgium the crack down on terror cells is already underway. three men detained in a raid last week was taken back into custody today and a fifth person was arrested. underlining the commitment the government is making to counter the terror threat. this is not an issue which can be resolved overnight. today the prime minister said the country is in it for the long haul. the grapevine is next. later if you are feeling a little deflated after last weekend's nfl playoff games you have plenty of company.
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state of the union nights are often ripe for pickings and president obama is no exception. last night at one point he criticized the state of politics. many of you have told me that wbr id "wbr18449" this isn't what you signed up for, arguing past each other on /b
cable shows, the constant fundraising, always looking over your wbr-id "wbr18649" shoulder at how debates will react to every decision. imagine if we broke out of these tired old patterns. imagine if we did something different. that different he mentioned did not last long. less than an hour after the speech a fundraising e-mail from the democratic party went out signed by the president. one frustrated tweeter wrote you can't be serious after taking a dig at constant fundraising obama sends out a fundraising e-mail. post state of the union criticism is bipartisan. republicans are taking flack and the speeches were similar in some ways. both members offering personal stories. immigration was a key difference. earnest never mentioned the word
but hoped president obama would work with republicans to do so. said both speeches were a blend of the party's priorities and ideas and then some of our own priorities and ideas, too. critics say it points to a divide in the gop. he was one of seven republicans to vote against an amendment to de-fund the president's immigration executive actions. the president called climate change the biggest threat to the next generation and a national security issue. that is a big topic at the world economic forum in switzerland. apparently getting there is less of an environmental concern. news week reports 1,700 private jets are expected to be used. so many that the swiss armed forces have opened up one of their military air bases as a jet parking lot. today al gore announced a new concert to build support for a
u.n. climate pactism one equilibriumed i take action every day. park the jet and get on your bicycle. instead of enjoying the two-week prelude to the super bowl nfl officials are coping with a scandal over the most fundamental part of their game, the football itself. tells us about a situation that has a lot of fans feeling a little deflated. >> reporter: some of the air has gone out of the new england patriots crushing afc championship victory over the colts amid reports that 11 of 12 footballs provided by the patriots of sunday's game were found not to be inflated to the league's mandated minimum potentially making the balls easy to throw and catch in wet conditions. in the nfl each team provides 12 footballs to be used by its offense. those balls are checked prior to the game by the referees and then handed back to the respected teams. the patriots say they are cooperating with the nfl
although some players have made light of the issue. quarterback tom brady who was previously acknowledged for throwing a less inflated ball described it as the least of his worries. vice president biden weighed in on cbs this morning. >> deflate gate that 11 of the 12 balls allegedly that patriots used in the championship game were under inflated. what do you think of that soft balls? >> having been a receiver i like a softer ball. that is all i can tell you. some colts players are less amused. corner darius butler tweeted suggestion the game be replayed. the patriots and coach bill belichick have been called up in controversy before being fined for having an assistant spy on signals. if any wrong doing proven here fines may be leveed.
and commissioner roger goodell who is likely to want to appear tough could also look at taking away some patriots draft picks. >> the nfl apparently wants to wrap up the investigation this week so that the scandal tainted season can end with a focus purely on football and next week's run up to the super bowl. >> thank you. who is the boss? senate wants a piece of the iran nuke talks and no one is sure who is in charge in yemen. looking for a loan? how's your credit? i know i have an 810 fico score, thanks to the tools and help on and your big idea is hot dogs shaped like hamburgers? nope. hamburgers shaped like hot dogs. that's not really in our wheelhouse... you don't put it in a wheelhouse. you put it in your mouth. get your credit swagger on. become a member of experian credit tracker and find out your fico score powered by experian. fico scores are used in 90%
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boy: once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. one day, it started to rain. the house tried to keep out all the water, but water got inside and ruined everybody's everythings. the house thought she let the family down. they just didn't think it could happen. they told the house they would take better care of her... always. announcer: protect what matters. get flood insurance. the shadow of crisis has wbr id "wbr23214" passed and the state of the union is strong. we can't put the security of families at risk by taking away their health insurance or unraveling the new rules on wall street or refighting past /b
battles on immigration wbr-id "wbr23414" when we got to fix a broken system. and if a bill comes to my desk that tries to do any of these things i will veto it. it will have earned my veto. veto threats and fantasy land proposals from the white house will not distract the people's house from the people's priorities. reaction to the state of the union today and the president talking about all of the proposals going forward. let's start with our panel radio talk show host laura ingram. i want to play first this biggest part of the controversy today and that is iran. panel one iran about the new sanctions that the congress really wants to move forward with, the president does not. we don't have that sound byte. at that point we will talk about it.
here is what happens. the house speaker invites benjamin netanyahu to speak to congress february 11. bob menendez says these are tehran talking points coming from the administration. >> getting hit by both sides. remember in october when the piece came out where a senior obama administration official called netanyahu a chicken blank and said he was a coward on matters of iran. it was a provocative piece showing the divide. it is a crisis point between the united states and israel. it plays into the whole way we are going to deal with iran. to bring netanyahu here he wants to go directly to the american people. he has decided to write off the white house going to congress directly and to the american people to make an appeal as to what should happen going forward. as far as i can tell the administration has concluded there is no military solution to enforcing what we want in iran
which is for them not to have nuclear capabilities. they don't believe there is a military solution. netanyahu is going to make the case and i think powerfully. >> the administration today said it was a breach of protocol for the house speaker to invite netanyahu without telling the white house. >> i thought that was interesting because it is clear from the reference that laura gave the relationship with netanyahu is terrible. and to exacerbate it by actually making more waves about the protocol breached by the house speaker really makes no sense at this point. the best thing to do is put a big smile on and say everyone looks forward to meeting when he comes to washington. it is true there is growing bipartisan support for additional sanctions on iran. you saw the president when the british prime minister was here. he brought him to the mic. any kind of pressure for additional sanctions as we are going to delicate stages of negotiation is counter
productive and we want everyone to hold off on this. they have admitted they don't have a military solution but admitted that war should be always a last choice. they want more time and the pressure is building. they know that an audience like an address to congress the spot light on the issue where there will be democrats supporting more sanctions will put the administration in a very bad corner. >> we found a sound byte about this topic. let's go to the state department today. >> we would learn about the plans of the leader to come to the united states separately from learning about it from the speaker of the house which is how we learned of prime minister netanyahu's plans to come and speak to a joint session. >> i did not consult with the white house. the congress can make this decision on its own. i don't believe i'm poking anyone in the eye.
there is a serious threat that exists in the world and the president last night kind of payoff er pavered over it. >> where do you start where this is a breach of protocol? it is a breach of protocol to have the prime minister of britain lobby issues and yet the administration announced that proudly last week when cameron was here. and i can tell you that the british are not in any way threatened by a nuclear weapon in iran remotely the way the israelis are. for israelis it is life and death. secondly, the idea that somehow this is an intrusion congress is an independent body. president rarely acts that way but that is what is written in the constitution. lastly, the reason all of this is happening is because obama promised when he began these
negotiations 18 months ago, they had a time limit the last ditch negotiation, the last chance for iran to come clean. he said we are going to do this for six months and then we will reinvoke sanctions. what does he do? he doesn't impose sanctions. he extends the talks. what does he do? extends it for seven months for a second time. this is the guy who said if you like your plan you can keep your plan, period. he promised sanctions. he does not want to do it and sanctions is the third way between a capitulation and war and that's exactly why congress wants to impose it triggering it only if iran doesn't agree to give up nukes. >> another hot spot, yemen. there is negotiations between the president there who at one point was said to be in captivity and the rebels.
here is the statement that chairman of the house foreign affairs committee. doesn't bode well for stability but that gives the branch more room to operate and plan attacks nearby or abroad. last night the president painted a picture of the united states that is more secure if only it were so. yemen like libya and syria is another example in which enemies are strengthening threats from terror groups is growing and american leadership is lacking. >> it's gotten worse. we have seen what happened with isis contrary to what the president said last night. isis is not advancing. sort of. isis has the third largest city in iraq slaughtered christians, beheaded children and still holding on strong. so the strikes we have done hasn't really worked and 400 advisers training some type of rebels in syria. so you go to that and hopscotch
over to yemen where we heard four months ago the president invoked that as a real success story in the middle east. it is not. this foreign policy isn't working. we have to come to terms with that. republicans have to have something to sell to the american people so the american people say i get it. we have to have perhaps more of a military involvement. we have to remember that the american people are still very uneasy about further military involvement in the middle east because of what happened when we went into iraq the last time. that has to be sold well by republicans and democrats who care. >> last word on this. there is concern about al qaeda and the arabian peninsula. >> they took credit for hatching the attacks in paris in yemen. yemen was an ally. we were running a covert war there with some success. this is really a crisis no matter who remains in charge from now on will not be able to
control the competing militias and terrorist groups that are given this oxygen there. reaction to the domestic talk of the state of the union address. meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue... and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower? it's red, white and blue. log on to learn more.
the things done. you have to tell me, work with me here. work with me. come on don't just say no. >> president obama in. boise, idaho, saying he wants to get to yes with the republican congress. we're back with our panel. how about that? >> looks like he still knows how to stir up a college audience. this sort of reenforces the idea that i'm sure will be the epitaph of the obama presidency. he couldn't govern. but he sure knew how to campaign. as he said in the state of the union address, the best line he had and the most e vealing was i won twice. sort of congratulating himself. look, everything he presented last night all these tax proposals and also the new
entitle ment entitlements, he knows are going nowhere. the state of the the union address, you're supposed to if you're serious about it, you want to present theout lines of a real agenda. this was done entirely to seize the stage and the agenda after the shellacking he took in the last election to pretend he's still in charge, to put the republicans on the defensive, which is exactly what you saw in that sound byte. show me, work with me, this adolescent stuff, but it had no relationship with reality. and the reality he described of the great economy returning, he's had two quarters of growth and he's acting as if it's the california gold rush. >> what about this argument that he is driving now the conversation? republicans have not put forward proposals and where are theirs? >> i will argue that he's setting the agenda. . barack obama lost and he acts like he won.
republicans win and they act like, oh my gosh, we have to work with obama. they are jumping to the media'sative instead of soberly looking at the situation and saying this guy really doesn't want to work with us but he's serious about defining recent history. turning the white house over to the opposite party. he wants his legacy to be a political legacy. i turn the keys over to the white house to the person who would follow me, hillary clinton. i think that's what this is really about, stealing the populous thunder from republicans. the middle class is ailing. we're going to give them a raise. those grinchs out there want to keep that raise from the poor middle class people. i don't buy any of this. but it's his political strategy. if the republicans aren't clear in appealing to that middle class anxiety out there, i think they are going to find themselves in a strategy problem, in a policy hole. we better start seeing some real policies because otherwise people think, what are the
republicans doing for me? so strategy wise i think he's smart. i don't buy anything he's saying, but it's the only thing he has to offer. >> that's the point, it was a campaign speech. >>. speaker boehner calls it veto threats and fantasy land proposals. >> when he was talking today, i told them tell me where we can get to where we're going to do the things that need to be done. it was a fantasy list. it was a wish list for a future when a democrat is in the white house and the party controls possibly the senate at least if not both chambers of commerce. the pressure is intense because what he admitted in so many words last night was middle class economics works. but he didn't say worked, past tense. he knows the middle class is not faired well in office. homeownership down stock ownership down, median income down, he's talking about what he
would like to do for the middle class and that he has not done. so he is setting up a campaign for hillary clinton. he's setting up contrasts with republicans, but he's admit ingting the pressure is on hillary to come up with policies. >> he says i want to work with you. it sounds like an oprah moment. we're going to work together. he's the same guy who a couple years ago told a hispanic audience to pun ishish your enemies calling out paul ryan from the stage. all of that rhetoric was poisonous surrounding eric holder and all the police protests. 7 this it has been a poisonous atmosphere atmosphere. i just want to work with everybody. >> what's remarkable is here he is standing up and decrying the plight of the middle class, the fact that wages are declining as if he's not been in office for six years under which all of this happened and he pretends now that his politics have succeeded when in fact, the issue today is the failure of
those policies and the squeeze on the middle class as a result of them. he was shameless in presenting that. he got away with it. >> stay tuned to see what you may have missed during "special report" last week. bayer aspirin. i'm not having a heart attack, it's my back. i mean bayer back & body. it works great for pain. bayer back & body provides effective relief for your tough pain. better? yeah...thanks for the tip! hello... i'm an idaho potato farmer and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. so my buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it's out there somewhere spreading the word about america's favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart association's go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you'll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal.
every wednesday night we continue the conversation online. you can ask questions post comments. a lively conversation last week ab the president's new methane standards. >> methane accounts for less than 10% of our greenhouse emissions emissions, which a third comes from natural gas. a third from, as they say, enterk fermentation. >> watching sro with my 4-month-old gold. en retriever puppy. he thinks charles is right too.

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, Mammal , Dog Breed , Canidae , Vertebrate , Schnoodle , Morkie , West Highland White Terrier , Carnivore , Maltese , Puppy , Companion Dog , Terrier , Cairn Terrier , Small Terrier , Sporting Lucas Terrier , Rare Breed Dog , Snout , Poodle Crossbreed , Sporting Group , Miniature Schnauzer , Dutch Smoushond , Glen Of Imaal Terrier , Cockapoo , Schnauzer , Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier , Toy Dog , Cavachon , Non Sporting Group , Shih Tzu , Norfolk Terrier , Havanese , Yorkshire Terrier , Australian Silky Terrier , Coton De Tulear , Bed Sheet , Mattress , Bedding , Medical Equipment , Cheek , Organ , Ear , Physical Fitness , Stomach , Drop , Liquid , Symbol , Graphic Design , Illustration , Animation , Icon , Circle , Laboratory Equipment , Nap , Bedtime , Baby , Birth , Cat , Automotive Tire , Car Seat , Tire , Automotive Wheel System , Automotive Care , Baggage , Alcohols , Sleeve , Tent , Cake Decorating , Sugar Paste , Icing , Fondant , Cake , Buttercream , Flavor , Petal , Torte , Hair Accessory , Dessert , Birthday Cake , Sweetness , Baked Goods , Royal Icing , Lavender , Magenta , Floral Design , Candle , Science , Black , White , Light , Monochrome , Black And White , Monochrome Photography , Pattern , Moonlight , Style , Texture , Sign Language , Glasses , Travel , Vacation , Sniper , Action Film , Adaptation , Crew , Security , Denim , Military Officer , Sports Gear , Football Helmet , Football Gear , Football Equipment , Clothing , Goaltender Mask , Face Mask , Motorcycle Helmet , Super Bowl , Cricket Helmet , Hockey Protective Equipment , , Sports Collectible , Hockey Autographed Paraphernalia , Football Autographed Paraphernalia , Batting Helmet , Lacrosse Helmet , Autographed Sports Paraphernalia , American Football , Clip Art , Design , Crescent , Number , Rectangle , Trademark , Company , Highland , Nature , Mist , Mountainous Landforms , Morning , Sunlight , Hill , Ridge , Extreme Sport , Fog , Mountain , Hill Station , Terrain , Horizon , Fell , Paragliding , Parachute , Valley , Summit , Daytime , Sun , Calm , Dawn , Plain , Sand , Transparent Material , Wrinkle , Elder , Birds Eye View , Mixed Use , Skyline , Cityscape , Corporate Headquarters , Waterway , Vegetation , Branch , Leaf , Natural Environment , Forest , Jungle , Pond , Nature Reserve , Rainforest , Wildlife , Biome , Woodland , Shrub , Old Growth Forest , Temperate Broadleaf And Mixed Forest , Garden , Vitis , Lacustrine Plain , Lawn , River , Watercourse , Grassland , Downhill Mountain Biking , Soil , Adventure , Prairie , Fence , Rural Area , Pasture , Outdoor Structure , Ecoregion , Ranch , Field , Apple , Fruit , Balloon , Party Supply , Vegetable , Pumpkin , Tomato , Produce , Nightshade Family , String Instrument , Musical Instrument , Bowed String Instrument , Violin Family , Plucked String Instruments , Violin , Double Bass , Folk Instrument , Fiddle , Huqin , Zoo , Handrail , Porch , Landscaping , Farm , Hot Air Balloon , Stairs , Spiral , Marine Biology , Cnidaria , Macro Photography , Neon , Nightclub , Marine Invertebrates , Handwriting , Document , Writing , Calligraphy , Dust , Parallel , Wood , Footwear , Fashion Accessory , Still Life Photography , Natural Material , Stock Photography , Carving , Wheel , Yacht , Health Care , Foot , Medi Cal , Eyelash , Flesh , Sole , Nail , Toe , Wilderness , Glacier , Badlands , Bench , Outdoor Furniture , Student , Education , Learning , Tooth , Happy , Throat , Cello , Tololoche , Violone , Viol , Bass Violin , Street Performance , Cellist , Orchestra , Clinic , Kitchen , Laboratory , Research Institute , Pharmacy Technician , Research , Standing , Shelving , Shelf , Pharmacy , Shopping Mall , White Coat , Chemistry , Pleased , Turquoise , Jewellery , Sphere , Gemstone , Online Advertising , Artwork , Dining Room , Cabinetry , Coffee Table , Bookcase , Loft , Home Accessories , Still Life , Wood Stain , Lighting Accessory , Lampshade , Tap , Plumbing Fixture , Plumbing , Brass , Saxophone , Pillow , Sofa Bed , Trophy , Houseplant , Bronze Sculpture , Lamp , Figurine , Hair , Dress , Silver , Bronze , Cross , Reading , Gold , Moisture , Twig , Plant Stem , Dew , Bottle , Drinkware , Glass Bottle , Bathroom , Diagram , Website , Graduation , Business School , Academic Dress , Mortarboard , Airplane , Biplane , Propeller Driven Aircraft , Aerospace Manufacturer , Stampe Sv 4 , Light Aircraft , Propeller , Boeing Stearman Model 75 , Ultralight Aviation , Air Sports , Model Aircraft , General Aviation , Boeing , Endurance Sports , Sunglasses , Goggles , Flight , Royal Aircraft Factory Be 2 , Boeingp 12 , Polikarpov Po 2 , Takeoff , Military Aircraft , Trainer , Triplane , Aerobatics , Air Show , Air Racing , Stunt Performer , Flip Acrobatic , Cg Artwork , Fiction , Anime , Comics , Superhero , Land Vehicle , Trailer Truck , Freight Transport , Truck Driver , Garbage Truck , Trailer , Grass Family , Meadow , Crop , Harvest , Agriculture , Steppe , Emergency Vehicle , Signaling Device , Emergency Service , Ambulance , Fire Department , Gliding , Pilot , Evening , Summer , Sunrise , Sunset , Savanna , Water Transportation , Speedboat , Boating , Ferry , Gautama Buddha , Concert , Triangle , Siding , Palm Tree , Arecales , Date Palm , Hotel , Mansion , Balcony , Resort , Escalator , Military Rank , Computer Program , Gadget , Festival , Lcd Tv , Fashion , Web Page , Multimedia Software , Software , Computer Monitor , Computer , Book , Square , Vehicle Audio , Team Sport , Ball Game , Tournament , Jersey , Arena Football , Bob Cut , Layered Hair , Hair Coloring , Cosmetic Dentistry , Cream , Lens , Ophthalmology , Cameras Optics , Contact Lens , Eyelash Extensions , Button , Violet Family , Nail Polish , Love , Water Sport , Rowing , Canoe , Sea , Outdoor Recreation , Inflatable Boat , Watercraft Rowing , Dragon Boat , Paddle , Surface Water Sports , Surfboard , Canoeing , Wakeboarding , Surfing Equipment , Surfing , Boardsport , Function Hall , Party , Wedding , Flag Day Usa , Conference Hall , Gambling , Memorial Day , Collaboration , Planet , Astronomical Object , Tropical Cyclone , High Speed Rail , Bugatti , Electric Vehicle , Electric Car , Bugatti Veyron , Emergency , Fire Apparatus , Bus , Firefighter , Rescue , Ice Skating , Mini Suv , Honda Fit , Hatchback , Mazda Cx 7 , Compact Mpv , Peugeot 3008 , Subcompact Car , Toyota Sienna , Mini Mpv , Peugeot , Peugeot 208 , Toyota Venza , Sedan , Animal Shelter , Gps Navigation Device , Floristry , Flea Market , Marketplace , Flower Arranging , Parade , Bouquet , Tradition , Personal Luxury Car , Mercedes Benz , Mercedes Benz W124 , Audi , Double Decker Bus , Tram , Trolleybus , Video Game Software , National Historic Landmark , Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game , Television Studio , Personal Computer , Poker , Card Game , Pool , Poker Table , Tabletop Game , Casino , Temple Fade , Scene , Restaurant , Percussion , Ice Skate , Ice Rink , Skating , Winter Sport , Figure Skating , Visual Arts , Fur Clothing , Artificial Hair Integrations , Cosmetics , Ring , Figure Skate , Roller Skating , Smartphone , Mobile Phone , Communication Device , Portable Communications Device , Feature Phone , Telephony , Telephone , Mobile Device , Iphone , Cellular Network , Mobile Phone Accessories , Playground , Park , Yard , Play , Backyard , Picnic , Longboard , Skateboard , Skateboarding Equipment , Arborist , Junk Food , Diaper Bag , Bag , Drink , Present , Liqueur , Preserved Food , Soft Drink , Beer , Alcoholic Beverage , Hat , Cowboy Hat , Cowboy , Hard Hat , Cap , Cool , Operating System , Ball , Lens Flare , Sports Drink , Energy Shot , Non Alcoholic Beverage , Juice , Energy Drink , Dietary Supplement , Plastic Bottle , Fluid , Skin Care , Water Bottle , Prescription Drug , Drug , Medicine , Pharmaceutical Drug , Eating , Distilled Beverage , Wine , Wine Bottle , Music Artist , Musical Ensemble , Jazz Club , Music Venue , Guitarist , Rock Concert , Club , Cup , Coffee , Coffee Cup , Cuban Espresso , Tableware , Latte , Espresso , Dish , Turkish Coffee , Ingredient , Beagle , Basset Hound , Jack Russell Terrier , Family , Cavalier King Charles Spaniel , Spaniel , Neon Sign , Brain As Food , Brain , Visual Effect Lighting , Nightlight , 3d Modeling , Animated Cartoon , Humour , Wedding Reception , Dance , Museum , Exhibition , Portable Media Player , Thermostat , Media Player , Remote Control , Audio Equipment , Belt , Wrist , Microphone , Cable , Headphones , Rear View Mirror , Ipod , System , Home Automation , Bed Frame , Payment Card , Emblem , Moon , Coin , Saving , Laser , Bartender , Vodka , Actors , Computer Icon , Gridiron Football , Canadian Football , Soccer , Touchdown , Soccer Specific Stadium , Tackle , Football Player , Stick And Ball Sports , Rugby , Rugby Union , Rugby League , Six Man Football , Tennis , Racket , Racquet Sport , Sports Training , Baseball Field , Softball , Australian Rules Football , Baseball , Paintball , Sportswear , Mask , Baseball Umpire , Referee , Biathlon , Freestyle Motocross , Coach , Action Figure , Automotive Navigation System , Office Chair , Fixture , Shirt , Hair Care , Cooking , Chef , Cook , Videoconferencing , Meal , High Heels , Boot , Leather , Shorts , Dress Shirt , Swimming Pool , Leisure Centre , Exercise , Swimwear , Swimming , Water Park , Gym , Barbell , Bodybuilding , Fitness Professional , Weight Training , Exercise Equipment , Strength Training , Weights , Dumbbell , Biceps Curl , Personal Trainer , Training , Classroom , Recipe , Baking , Dairy , Focaccia , Side Dish , Snack , Comfort Food , Asian Food , American Food , Vegetarian Food , European Food , Finger Food , Staple Food , Polish Food , Fast Food , Mexican Food , Milkshake , Chocolate , Milk , Frozen Dessert , Ice Cream , Gelato , Smoothie , White Russian , Batida , Iced Coffee , Cappuccino , Irish Cream , Frappé Coffee , Flyer , Light Commercial Vehicle , Model Car , Coupon , Countertop , Tile , Sink , Undergarment , Lingerie , Tights , Chip , Album Cover , Outdoor Play Equipment , Playground Slide , Painting , Modern Art , Theatrical Scenery , Child Art , Dollhouse , Toy , Kindergarten , Playset , Steeple , Lighthouse , Clock Tower , Spire , Shed , Scale Model , Shipping Container , Toilet , Carmine , Restroom , Rat , Umbrella , Picture Frame , Acrobatics , Teapot , Dalmatian , Panda , Bear , Hot Air Ballooning , Globe , Freezing , Engine , Hood , Suzuki , Teacher , Lego , Endurocross , Hero , Justice League , Dandelion , Daisy Family , Street Stunts , Freestyle Walking , Shadow , Fashion Design , Artificial Turf , Peach , Tints And Shades , Engineer , School Bus , Construction Equipment , Campus , Community Centre , University , Fireworks , New Years Day , Fête , New Years Eve , Sparkler , Diwali , Explosive Material , Independence Day , Chinese New Year , Spectacle , Carnival , Curtain , Suite , Box Spring , Boutique Hotel , Collar , Coat , Recruiter , Retirement Home , Grandparent , Guitar , Ukulele , Memorial , Church , School , Academic Institution , Watercolor Paint , Mural , Paint , Official Residence , Manor House , Villa , Château , Palace , Stately Home , Classical Architecture , Historic House , Plantation , Hacienda , Lobby , Hall , Cemetery , Grave , Headstone , Chapel , Monastery , Stone Carving , Classical Sculpture , Water Feature , Relief , Mythology , Driveway , Cottage , Mount Scenery , Alps , National Park , Massif , Escarpment , Lake , Arête , Unesco World Heritage Site , National Monument , Synagogue , Cathedral , Byzantine Architecture , Chandelier , Arcade , Body Of Water , Reservoir , Reflection , Lake District , Crater Lake , Opera House , Passenger Ship , Drawing , Aircraft Cabin , Flight Attendant , Doll , Human Anatomy , Knee , Aircraft Engine , Monoplane , Stunt , Superman , Radio Controlled Aircraft , Race Car , Afterglow , Natural Landscape , Dusk , Red Sky At Morning , Suidae , Pig , Domestic Pig , Livestock , Fawn , Pomeranian , Muridae , Kitten , Muroidea , Hamster , Felidae , Rodent , Pest , Choreography , Shooting Range , Golden Retriever , Spitz , Retriever , Labrador Retriever , Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever , Pembroke Welsh Corgi , Dancer , Tablet Computer , Flowering Plant , Tulip , Botany , Spring , Rose , Lily Family , Bud , Rose Family , Seed Plant , Annual Plant , Herbaceous Plant , Malus , Local Food , Cut Flowers , Creative Arts , Artificial Flower , Centrepiece , Brunch , Dinner , Supper , Lunch , Breakfast , à La Carte Food , Wine Glass , Stemware , Cordless Telephone , Supervillain , Model , Computer Hardware , Desktop Computer , Pda , Tour Bus Service , Metro , Train , Alley , Freestyle Football , Digital Compositing , Display Case , Mascot , Perfume , Window Treatment , Stuffed Toy , Plush , Puppet , Ladybug ,

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