Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 2015

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20150115 23:00:00

t is up next. going to be a very special episode. >> very special time. >> special panel. >> yeah. >> all right just keep looking at it. ♪ ♪ good evening, i'm brett baier in washington, breaking news tonight, a deadly shootout during an anti-terrorist operation in belgium, suspects were said to be on a major attack. for the latest let's go to rick leveanthal. >> reporter: they say there is no link between the terrorists but there is a threat between the ongoing islamists in this region. they tracked extremists who returned from belgium to syria apparently were trained for terror. when counter terrorism experts
were there they opened fire, security forces killed two, wounded another and made numerous arrests, raiding a dozen locations. no security personnel were injured. and there was another arrest regarding amedy coulibaly. it was an arsenal with rocket launchers possibly arming the kouachi brothers as well, who attacked the newspaper killing 12. last month, the french ambassador explained where the terrorist weapons are coming from. >> i think they were in brussels, in the neighborhood of the station where there is a lot of trafficking. you know, because now, weapons are coming from the balkans. so you have a lot of kalashnikovs that unfortunately you can buy for 2,000 euros. >> numerous suspects were on the
run, possibly in france, this country remains on the highest state of alert and belgium on high alert, as well. >> rick leventhal, thank you. and more on charlie hebdo the pontiff condemns killing in the name of god but he also says there are limits regarding freedom of expression if they ridicule somebody's faith. back here on capitol hill lawmakers are being warned their work place is a target. christopher cornell was arrested wednesday and charged with attempting to kill a u.s. government officer and plant pipe bombs at the u.s. capital. the fbi said that cornell expressed his support for isis. his family said that he was egged on he is due in court tomorrow afternoon. as terror plots unfold throughout the world, critics
are shocked that the obama administration is continuing to free gitmo detainees who may return to the battlefield. more from the white house. >> reporter: exactly a week after the terror attacks in paris, president obama released five guantanamo detainees all yemeni nationals. despite the fact they could be linked to the terrorists. >> you have to be out of your mind to let the terrorists go especially with the mindset that is going on. what is going on in the white house? this could be the craziest thing. >> white house spokesperson josh earnest defended the decision saying some were bordering yemen. >> the national recommendation from the national security team that steps could be put in place to ensure that when these individuals are transferred that we can significantly mitigate any threat. >> notice that earnest said they
can only mitigate the threat which means which means the disaster could be in the making. since one terrorist allegedly used a trip in 2011. the senate quoted, if the report is accurate we just sent four guantanamo detainees with ties to imam, the country that is a jump point to travel to yemen to terrorist training. the public is on edge about gitmo and terrorists overall. with a more concern about the islamist extremism as the president heads into the next state of the union. asked if the president made the country safer 49% said he mostly failed. 60% of people around the world said he mostly failed, 32% said he mostly succeeded. the president wants to keep gitmo open despite the wishes. when asked about the transferring of detainees 57%
say yes, 37% say no. earnest pushed back on the claims that the detainees return to the battlefield, saying the number is far lower. >> isn't that still a problem? 6% of these detainees wind up going back into terrorism, and could kill people in washington or overseas. >> this administration continues to pursue a very aggressive counterterrorism strategy. at the same time it would also be unwise to neglect the fact that our -- the prison at guantanamo bay continues to inspire violent acts around the globe. so it is not as if we can avoid violence by just keeping the prison open and keeping them all locked up. >> now the president has a working dinner with the key ally president david cameron, they will be live where all the terrorist issues are front and center. >> what do you think should be done about gitmo detainees?
let me know on twitter @bretbaier use @bretbaier. and the terror group, boko haram still proves to be a major threat. we look at what could be to come. >> reporter: the brutal attacks happening in northeastern nigeria, houses burning as the rescue teams recover the dead. the exact death toll is unclear but it is thought around 2,000 people may have been killed. sources say militants may have carried out the deaths over the last several days. the killings have invoked international condemnation. >> what they have done is a crime against humanity nothing less. it is an enormously horrendous
slaughter of innocent people and boko haram continues to present a serious threat. >> amnesty international says that these satellite images all evidence of the violence, the red dots show healthy vegetation just before the attacks started. in images taken after, they are mostly gone, scorch marks seen among the buildings, homes destroyed. >> what they see is the scale of the attacks and the damage that was caused by boko haram in a very short space of time. >> boko haram is notorious for the violent attacks but this is the worst to date. they shocked the world when they kidnapped close to 300 school girls last year and also carried out bomb attacks, including a recent suicide bombing at the market place killing 16 people. a 10-year-old girl was used as the bomber. >> there are fears that boko
haram may cause more attacks head of the elections, ultimately they want to establish their own islamic state. but they have wider ambitions, and praising last week's attacks in paris. >> kitty logan in london, thank you, kitty. were on the edge of the most bitter thaw with the relations between u.s. and cuba. more on the changes afoot. >> reporter: as of midnight tonight, americans will be able to visit cuba without a government license book their own travel use credit cards spend as much in cuba as they want and send four times as much money as what been permitted each year to relatives in cuba. the increased contact and economic ties they argue will empower the cuban people. >> they urge we should normalize the relationship with cuba. the effect would be that by the increased contact with the cuban people and the cuban government
would only serve to put more pressure on the castro regime to abide by protect and even advance the basic human rights that we hold dear in this country. >> critics of the new cuba policy say the increased travel and trade to cuba is an economic lifeline for a castro regime that has made no concessions to democracy. >> it is this naive notion that somehow you extend your hand to a brutal dictator that somehow that would change them and they would no longer be a brutal dictator. >> that comes after the release of political prisoners that the u.s. wanted free. while the overall economic embargo remains in place it will now be easier for u.s. industries to export to cuba. >> there is an put, particularly in the tell -- telecommunications to occur and more travel to occur. >> reporter: they are hoping for
a windfall. >> we think more americans will come. we'll have more customers. regardless of the country, it is always good for the economy for our own business. >> reporter: next week a high level delegation from the u.s. state department goes to havana. on the agenda migration and possibly opening the industry. up next, difficulties with taxes coming up. and in portland, the story of a man threatening to blow up a jewish deli in the name of allah. he was told he couldn't purchase single cigarettes and made the threat. he pled not guilty to two counts of second degree intimidation. and in miami, recovering life-threatening technology. surgeons used a 3-d replica of a
4-year-old girl's heart before having surgery. this is a live look at boston from our affiliate wfxt. big story tonight, the demonstrations that fouled up the morning commute in boston. 29 people some of whom chained themselves to concrete-filled barrels were arrested. that is tonight's live look outside the beltway from special reports. we'll be right back. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. ...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda.
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the tell . republicans made their way to sunny san diego today a shadow is being cast over big-name players over some potential 2016 candidates who may have hoped this event would give them a bit of a bump. here is chief political correspondent carl cameron. >> reporter: at the meeting in san diego, wisconsin governor
scott walker debuts tonight on the 2016 campaign trail. supporters say his brand of conservatism can unite the party and the gop no small feat he said in his book that mitt romney ran a lousy campaign he is overshadowing walker from the deck of the uss museum. ben carson addressed the group and commented on isis to the complacency of the voters. >> isis is willing to die for what they believe. while we are busily giving away every belief and value for the sake of political correctness. we have to change that. >> the former pediatric
neuro-surgeon and tea party darling apologized for plagiarism and said the publisher is making corrections. with bush and romney already privately sniping at one another, some conservatives are privately criticize both of them as too moderate to lead the gop. nonetheless, the numbers show walker santorum and others accelerating their time tables to avoid being left behind. the rnc has approved holding their convention in july next year, to create more time to battle the democratic nominee, who most republicans expect will be hillary clinton. both parties have potential presidential prospects with big names and capacity to raise money and are well established politicians. for the 20 others looks for the
potential nomination, they say it is time for change that those names represent yesterday and it is time for the future. and scott walker says it is time for a fresh face. he will be speaking here tonight. and finally today, the rnc has decided the response to president obama's state of the union speech next week will be delivered by freshman senator joany ernst, who had a big victory in the election for the triumph of the republicans to take back the senate majority. she will respond to the president after tomorrow night. >> car cameron, live in san diego, thank you. stocks fell for the fifth straight day, the dow fell 106, the s&p off 19, the nasdaq closed 69 behind. the irs is not trying to win any friends. expect this tax season to be even worse than last year as excuses continue to pile up. chief congressional correspondent mike emanual looks at the embattled agency with
more problems than solutions. >> reporter: during tax season they are warning that the taxpayer numbers are lower and getting worse. for example, more than half of the 100 million people expected to call this year will actually reach a person and callers to get through will likely wait a half hour and possibly longer during peak hours. the new chairman of the house oversight committee says he wants answers. >> there is no doubt that the answer is coming from the committee on probably more than one occasion. how they will have more service disruption because they have to tighten their belt like everybody else, they have to explain. >> the irs watchdog said that tax issues are not getting done. the irs commissioner in his complain about budget cuts $346 million this year. and in an internal e-mail,
koskinen warned the reduction in staffing means the government will lose at least $2 billion in would have been collected. yet after the targeting of conservative groups, the irs has been an easy target. >> i don't think that you know, based on the irs' record the past couple of years there is a whole lot of sympathy for you know, the complaints that they're now making about not having a funding. >> koskinen has also warned there will likely be delays in paying tax refunds and the operation will likely need to shut down operations for two days in the fiscal year. the watchdog predicts the agency may answer 43% of phone calls received. >> this is not a correct response. they should not have this type of service disruption. >> congress may also play a role in fixing the issues. the irs watch dog recommends comprehensive reform to protect
the irs code easing the burden on taxpayers. >> thank you, mike. still ahead, we take a closer look out west. first, find out where solar power is bringing a coalition of interests together you would never expect. we'll be right back. latte or au lait? cozy or cool? exactly the way you want it ... until boom it's bedtime! your mattress is a battleground of thwarted desire. enter the sleep number bed. save $300 on the final close-out of the c3 queen mattress set. he's the softy. his sleep number setting is 35. you're the rock, at 60.
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the expression politics make strange bed fellows holds true once again. this time, it is over solar power in florida, senior correspondent john roberts has more. >> if they can get this on the ballot it will past. >> reporter: it is the strangest of coalitions from the tea party, christian coalition and libertarian groups on the right, all united to harness solar
power in the sunshine state. >> being good stewards, craving energy and choice is not a leftist or a right or radical issue, it's an american issue. >> reporter: this group is hoping to put a constitutional amendment on the 2016 ballot to change the laws on solar, to sell power directly to tenants and neighbors. deborah dooley is with the tea party, steven smith with the coalition for alliance of energy. >> how do you keep the peace here? >> we put blinders on and respect, have a mutual respect for our differences. >> just because some conservatives disagree with us say like on things like climate change doesn't mean we can't work together. >> the plan would directly challenge the opportunities they had over distribution. dooley has been targeted by groups aligned by the kuch
brothers. >> it has been called a conservative front for the left. if you google my line, i have been called many things but i've never been called a tree hugger. >> the coalition expects they will wage a massive campaign to kill the measure. holding the group together will be a challenge but one they cannot afford to fail. >> we cannot beat billion dollar corporations if we can't hang together. we all recognize a sort of david and goliath type of measure. >> a poll conducted last fall found if they can do that it would likely pass by a wide margin. bret? >> john roberts in tallahassee, thank you. the attorneys who with held evidence during the corruption trial against the late
republican senator ted stevens had their charges cleared. the justice department violated its own rules when they suspended two federal prosecutors without pay for failing to turn over evidence that could have helped stevens' defense. alaska republican senator lisa makowsky is very upset about it, and disciplining the justice system will be difficult, as she considers the measure. and more on the grapevine after a quick time out.
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need to lower your blood sugar? ask your doctor about farxiga and visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. and now some fresh news from the political grapevine. duke university has changed its mind about broadcasting a weekly call to prayer for muslim students from the school's chapel bell tower. the school had announced that the muslim student's association would lead the chant announcing the start of prayer services. it was part of a push for religious pluralism on campus but some critics argued that the call for tolerance on campus only applies to religious minorities. >> we take down crosses and don't celebrate christian holidays they want the
christian religion stripped from everywhere in public. >> the evangelists called on franklin graham to with hold support from duke as christianity is being with held. as they say anybody who doesn't submit to sharia law, they say duke is promoting thchlt late this afternoon duke said they reconsidered because the intending effect of reuniting people on campus was not accomplished. and he won back his seat in the special election to replace him this week, all to despite the fact he is still serving his jail sentence. democratic delegate joe morrisey was accused of a sex scandal involving his 17-year-old receptionist who is now
pregnant. he said he was framed. saying the allegations didn't bother his election, he ran as an independent after democrats blocked him from his party's nomination yesterday he had to hitch a ride from jail to the state house. this was not his first brush with controversy, the former prosecutor has a history of arrests and court citations that led to him being disbarred in 2001. and finally a lesson in proofreading the sheriff's office in pinellas county got new badges here, no one from the rug manufacturer to the deputies took a close look at the finished product it says instead of god we trust the rug read "in dog we trust." they noticed the error, the rugs were rolled up yesterday and the mistake is in the process of
being corrected. we told you yesterday in the outside the beltway segment of the remarkable free-climbing achievement that happened in california yesterday. but it was so inspiring, we wanted to share it with you in detail. >> reporter: yosemite's fiancee el capitain has lured many over the years but no one has scaled the wall without gear to hold them up. but after 19 days of difficult progress, the two did just that using only their hands and feet to summit the route considered by many to be the hardest free climb in the world. >> i think it is just simply a concrete example of things that everybody relates to. you know teamwork dreaming big, tackling a project. >> they reached the summit wednesday, to cheers and relief from family and friends. >> really, i would say relief is a stronger emotion than pride.
i have been proud of him for a long time. >> reporter: and what a display of focus strength and courage polling themselves up by their fingerprints and wearing ropes only to catch them if they fell, which jorgenson did several times. the climbers spent several years learning the wall plotting a route to find even the tiniest ledges and hand holds. they slept in tents at night when the rock was cold and less slick. crews delivered supplies while the valley floor watched in awe. >> that is just amazing, the integrity and fortitude. >> and president obama tweeted them on saying you reminded us that anything is possible. >> people are looking to be inspired looking to find something to capture their imaginations. >> the climbers gave a lot of credit to their support team and to each other each saying they
couldn't make it to the top without each other's encouragement and accomplishments. now, they hope to find their own don wall and find their own dreams. claudia, thank you. for the first time the army will allow women to compete in the two-month army ranger combat school. the spring course has approximately 60 women scheduled to participate. it is considered one of the first steps in the special ops field. the women who want to complete the course can wear the ranger tab, but they can't be allowed in the regiment that requires more schooling. and we'll talk about the terror plot in belgium and more on gitmo releases. after a quick time out. acid blocking brand available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™
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iraq and syria are great platforms for islamist terrorists. and allowing them out of gitmo makes no sense. >> i can tell you only 6% or so of those transfers have been suspected of or have been confirmed to -- to have rejoined the fight. >> if it's 6% isn't that still a problem? >> it is, and it is certainly why this administration continues to pursue a very aggressive counterterrorism strategy. at the same time, ed it would also be unwise to neglect the fact that our -- the prison at guantanamo bay continues to inspire violent acts around the globe. >> one week after the terrorist attacks in paris the administration has released five more guantanamo bay detainees, this is a major counterterrorism
operation know operation. in belgium, they stopped a major attack. and let's bring in juan williams and syndicated columnist charles krauthammerer. the president transferring gitmo detainees, exceeds authority? yes, 54%, and if an isis terrorist is captured on battlefield, where should they go? 59%, guantanamo bay. what about exceeding his authority? >> it does not exceed his authority. because these prisoners are either contained by the justice department or defense department or both or a combination of both. but either way they're in the executive branch. and the president has total discretion over what prison they go to, what prisons he wants to open and close and whether or not he wants to leave them. i'm not saying it is a wise decision to let them go. but it is clear he has that authority. the perception however is that
he doesn't have that authority because this administration has a tenure to do this today after the events in belgium and following the massacre in paris,iticalpolitically, but legally it is permissible. >> you're a pro-closing guantanamo bay, you're just saying not now? >> i'm saying, the government cannot escape federal laws or federal judges or the constitution. and they have to either try these people or let them go. the five people he let go today or announced they let go today, i guess they went a few days ago were ordered to release five years ago. and none of the five of them have ever been charged with anything. now, i understand the perception that they're bad people but for lindsey graham to say they're murderers when there is no evidence they are, is troubling. >> they're characterized as the
worst of the worst, juan, said kouachi, one of the paris terrorist suspects suspected in july 2011. if that report is accurate we just sent four guantanamo bay detainees with potential al qaeda ties to iman, the place that was possibly the jumping off point to travel for terrorist training. >> right, it is extremely concerning. you have to take steps wherever possible, to make sure the folks don't go back to the battlefield. can you do it. you have differences on numbers some say 30%, you heard josh earnest say 6% today. but the fact is, as henry pointed out, some are still getting back to the battlefield. i think it is really critical to say martin dempsey, the chairman of the joint chiefs, said sunday that it is the recommendation of the national security staff to
president obama that he close guantanamo bay because it continues to inspire islamic extremism around the globe. >> okay, well, with that i want to get to some of the tweets and facebook messages that we've just gotten in. first, this e-mail, gene barrett writes, unwise to keep guantanamo open because it inspires violent acts all around the world. i wonder what killing their people with drones in yemen does. tex chick writes keep the detainees, releasing them amounts to events like paris. and one writes i don't understand why congress won't react. you just kind of get the same flavor. >> the idea of guantanamo, is it recruiting the tool for isis or al qaeda is nonsense, do you think the guys who killed the journalists in paris were
inspired by gitmo? do you think the guys who had the hostages at the deli in paris were inspired by gitmo? 9/11 happened before gitmo even existed. they have a long list of grievances, and at the end of the day, gitmo sits somewhere in the long list. remove it, there are a dozen elements that will refill it. these people are inspired by our objection to the way of life and the fact we defend our way of life around the world. and they believe in islamist supremism, where sharia is in charge and they run the rules where isis is the state. there can be other arguments against gitmo, i think they're very weak. but this recruitment idea is preposterous preposterous. >> what you say i think is true. nobody would imagine that gitmo is the entirety of their
complaint against us, the american people. i'm taken by what the chairman of the chiefs dempsey says, saying it inspires whether it should be or not and it is used by a recruiting tool by the terrorists. >> i want to play a sound bite from somebody who worked down there at guantanamo. >> every american needs to ask themselves this question do you feel safer with detainees in or out of gitmo? and if the answer is in, then you need to cry it from the tallest mountain top and get the senators to stop the release of detainees. i think we need to remember also, that the president declared the war on terror over, unilaterally in 2013. and that set a dangerous precedent. if the president feels that the war is over then the only thing
that makes sense vis-a-visa the detainees, then they're victims nothing could be further from the truth. >> much of what he said is true much of it is political. the prosecution system in gitmo is not only fair, but it's a failure. nobody has been tried for 9/11 or convicted of a serious offense, nobody has been sentenced to long terms. >> the prosecution in virginia has never lost a case getting life sentences on the people they charged. the combination of military and judicial branch systems that we have for trying at gitmo doesn't work. >> last word, if we get some money on the battle field, wherever it is and it's worldwide and there are imminent thoughts on a terror attack, where do we take them?
>> well, that is the other part of the issue there are other people that general dempsey said you just would never think about releasing. what do you do with them? he put it on our political leadership to come to a resolution, but we don't have a resolution given the failures of the structure, given what you just heard described by judge napolitano. coming up, more on the 2016 moves, as well. are your joints ready for action? osteo bi-flex® with joint shield™ nurtures and helps defend your joints° so you can keep doing what you love. what'd you guys do today? the usual! osteo bi-flex®... ready for action. and an early morning mode. and a partly sunny mode. and an clear inside mode.
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we really have two different camps in this country right now. we have those that believe that this is a nation that is for of and by the people. we have those who believe that this is a nation that is for of and by the government. >> dr. ben carson out in san diego looking like is he gearing up for a presidential run. meantime you have governors
out there. including wisconsin governor scott walker, also looking at it saying, quote: i think the best way to counter something from the past is with something new. americans don't want the worn-out tired views of the past. i wonder what he is talking about. we're back with the panel. juan, it's interesting to see how these dynamics are changing in 2016 2 as republicans meet in san diego with mitt romney looking like he is running and jeb bush looking like you he is running and how that changes the dynamics in the field. >> start your engines gentlemen. start those early brit. this is what is shocking everybody. it's so early and you have these two establishment titans in conflict. i must tell you that among the donor class, people are still in shock over the romney thing. they don't get it. romney is, in fact, a better and more successful fundraiser than jeb bush has ever been. romney's people will remind you that, you know, jeb bush hasn't run a race in more than a dozen years.
but, the fact that romney is serious, i think has sent tremors through the republican establishment and the donor class and meanwhile, separated out from what you heard from carl cameron earlier that in terms of the grass roots there is a great dissatisfaction with both romney and bush. they want somebody is else. so scott walker is of course self-serving somebody new picking up on this obama thing about the new car smell. but the fact ask, scott walker is speaking a a truth for many conservative activists. >> i was out in ohio today, talked to john kasich, he may be considering a run as well, the governor of ohio. >> did he tell you he is going to run? >> he is definitely kicking the tires. we have that piece next week. you know, we did the piece about rick perry. former governor now of texas. you have the list. and we will put up again our full screen head boxes minus paul ryan who just got out. it's quite a possibility. >> i agree, substantially
with what juan just said. however, jeb bush's early maneuvering have sent tremors not only among these folks whose faces we are seeing now but amongst the donor class. the donor class they are not going to give to more than one candidate. jeb bush, mitt romney, chris christie are basically going to appeal to the same class of donors and i think jeb forced mitt and mitt is probably going to force chris christie to move earlier than he planned on it. but, let me say this. i think that the mini failed revolution that we saw in the house of representatives against john boehner is the tip of the iceberg. i think there is a substantial appetite amongst the republican base that votes in primaries for a human being more conservative than the middle of the road represented by romney christie, and jeb. >> speaking to that senator rand paul recently. this is what he said. >> some say if you are a moderate, you will attract
people in the middle. but do you lose some people on the grass roots side that lose their enthusiasm and stay at home? and so that is a debate back and forth. i think the last time around we had less republicans vote in 2012 than voted in 2008. so some have made an argument that we lost some enthusiasm from the grass roots. >> you know, a lot of people emailed, charles, and tweet and text and facebook messaged that we're spending too much time talking 2016 now. but the thing is that these maneuvers are happening now. >> 2016 is almost over. [ laughter ] it was the bush move. it happened almost two years early. bush emerged he obviously is running. we are in the middle of this. this is not that we are looking way out into the future. this is going to get sorted out who gets the staff. who gets the money. who gets the frontrunner
status. i think we were hearing from rand paul about the establishment and, of course people on the right. that's why i think there is going to be a pushto get one of these new young faces governors who are extremely conservative and nonetheless have done stuff. in the real world i think scolt walker is a good example of someone be who took on the government union is hard lay moderate position. he did it well. he sustained about five elections as a result of that that he won against union and democratic money that tri unseat him. i think there is going to be a push for that i think there is a lot to be -- to this argument about old and new faces. it's going to be a real hunger for new. >> do you buy this narrative of the clash of the titans between romney and bush and somebody shoots the gap there? >> yeah. they may also cancel each other out or i do think that romney's prominence in the polls is an example of buyer's remorse. people think, you know, i
wish it had been romney and not obama. however, obama is not running again. so i'm not sure it applies. >> i will say one thing i did get an email today with a poster and i will just put it up very quickly before we go to break. it said send the judge to washington officially are you running? >> i am not running. were. i love my job. >> the rumors are out there. see what happens when you combine accent with heavy snow. mike mike mike mike mike! >>mike mike mike mike mike. hey! he knows! hey! guess what day it is! hey! camel! guess what day it is! >>it's not even wednesday. let it go, phil. if you're a camel, you put up with this all the time. it's what you do. (sigh) if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. ok...
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by the way it's texas governor rick perry until january january 20th. just so i get that right. northern ill ireland got slammed with heavy snow and gusty winds earlier this week. a local news station discovered 18-year-old rory mcsorely who could really describe the conditions. >> haven't much choice in the matter. >> you wouldn't frost butt. [ laughter ]

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Street Food , Flea Market , Shopkeeper , Grocery Store , Food , Whole Food , Trade , Flavor , Snack , Shopping , Cuisine , Natural Foods , Delicacy , Customer , Dancer , Dance , Ballet , Ballet Tutu , Choreography , Concert Dance , Costume , Ballet Dancer , Modern Dance , Musical Theatre , Costume Design , Gown , Scale Model , Train , Track , Estuary , Inlet , Drainage Basin , Levee , Lake District , River Island , Bank , Tributary , River Delta , Shelving , Bookcase , Library , Sculpture , Stone Carving , Classical Sculpture , Ancient History , History , Mythology , Gargoyle , Carving , Hindu Temple , Water Feature , Ancient Rome , Arch , Archaeological Site , People In Nature , Crop , Agriculture , Farm , Vineyard , Prairie , Wildflower , Spring , Vitis , Happy , Friendship , Grapevine Family , Flowering Plant , Pasture , Lavender , Shrub , Boating , Medieval Architecture , Reflection , Aviation , General Aviation , Airplane , Light Aircraft , Captain America , Airliner , Speedboat , 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Public Utility , Winter , Branch , Commemorative Plaque , Tile , Concrete , Brickwork , Brick , Stone Wall , Brutalist Architecture , Parallel , , Projection Screen , Computer Program , Square , Label , Disco , Zumba , Party , Wedding Reception , Salsa , Acrobatics , Black , Atmosphere , Operating System , Lens Flare , Visual Effect Lighting , Laptop , Netbook , Personal Computer , Computer , Computer Monitor , Computer Hardware , Computer Keyboard , Software , Desktop Computer , Trademark , Illustration , Rectangle , Artwork , Icon , Leaf , Picture Frame , Social Group , Brown Hair , Pattern , Thigh , Vision Care , Steppe , Still Life Photography , Lamp , Still Life , Calligraphy , Insect , Net Winged Insects , Invertebrate , Mantis , Pest , Macro Photography , Wing , Arthropod , Dragonflies And Damseflies , Plant Stem , Bug , Cricket Like Insect , Mayflies , Water Boatmen , Stoneflies , Parasite , Membrane Winged Insect , Dragonfly , Floristry , Jungle , Website , Recruiter , Online Advertising , Learning , Hair Care , Corded Phone , Office Equipment , Lock , Electronics Accessory , Padlock , Home Security , Hardware Accessory , Remote Control , Sneakers , Recipe , Japanese Cuisine , Clothing , Blazer , Shirt , Reading , Book , White , Diagram , Web Page , Symbol , Abdomen , Softball , Personal Protective Equipment , Helmet , Bicycle Frame , Cycling , Cycle Sport , Road Bicycle , Mountain Bike , Outdoor Recreation , Cross Country Cycling , Hybrid Bicycle , Bicycle Handlebar , Bicycle Wheel , Racing Bicycle , Endurance Sports , Bicycle Saddle , Freeride , Spoke , Bicycle Part , Mountain Biking , Downhill Mountain Biking , Bicycles Equipment And Supplies , Mountain Bike Racing , Bicycle Racing , Cyclo Cross , Bicycle Pedal , Adventure Racing , Bmx Bike , Bicycle Motocross , Individual Sports , Bicycle Helmet , Racing , Modern Art , Tennis Court , Solar Power , Solar Panel , Road Trip , Shade , Beam Bridge , Concrete Bridge , Steel , Running , Long Distance Running , Marathon , Race Track , Grass Family , Transmission Tower , Overhead Power Line , Telecommunications Engineering , Cloud , Wire Fencing , Graffiti , Street Art , Mural , Amusement Ride , Amusement Park , Park , Industry , Roller Coaster , Power Station , Cooling Tower , Sunlight , Slope , Lcd Tv , Broadcasting , Car Dealership , Gmc , Volvo Xc70 , Chevrolet Hhr , Eyewear , Sitting , Sunglasses , Photo Shoot , Glasses , Wetsuit , Playground , Food Truck , Play , Giraffe , Giraffidae , Mammal , Vertebrate , Zoo , Terrestrial Animal , Safari , Chevrolet Astro , Light Commercial Vehicle , Microvan , Pickup Truck , Honda Element , Chevrolet Silverado , Whiteboard , Emblem , Skin Care , Cream , Lotion , Scar , Disease , Throat , Knee , Bob Cut , Layered Hair , Eyelash Extensions , Portrait Photography , Fluid , Personal Lubricant , Personal Care , Car Seat , Steering Wheel , Head Restraint , Acura , Acura Mdx , Acura Rdx , Acura Tsx , Acura Rl , Acura Tl , Acura Zdx , Mercedes Benz , Volvo Cars , Lexus , Mercedes Benze Class , Ford Motor Company , Volkswagen Touareg , Volvo Xc60 , Volvo V70 , Opel , Lexus Rx , Mercedes Benza Class , Mercedes Benz Glk Class , Volvo Xc90 , Mercedes Benzm Class , Porsche Cayenne , Ford Focus , Range Rover , Mercedes Benz Gl Class , Hyundai Santa Fe , Bmw , Range Rover Evoque , Opel Insignia , Fordc Max , Cadillac , Management , Collaboration , Desk , Conference Hall , Office Chair , Fixture , Black And White , Monochrome Photography , Monochrome , Moonlight , Style , Tesla Model S , Mazda Cx 9 , Trunk , Tesla , Toyota Sienna , Vehicle Audio , Radio , Ariel Atom , Goggles , Shorts , Sportswear , State Park , Garden , Woodland , Jogging , Yard , Crew , Cool , Atmosphere Of Earth , Kitchen , Bridal Clothing , Wedding Dress , Bride , Wilderness , Coast , Fjord , Loch , Bay , Coastal And Oceanic Landforms , Adventure , Inflatable Boat , Family , Cooking , Eating , Countertop , Home Appliance , Microwave Oven , Kitchen Appliance , Small Appliance , Cheering , Arena , Bartender , Distilled Beverage , Badge , Crest , Cap , Beanie , Mountainous Landforms , Formation , Badlands , Geology , Escarpment , Glacial Landform , Outcrop , Ice , Summit , Massif , National Park , Batholith , Bedrock , Fault , Mountaineering , Glacier , Sill , Cliff , Alps , Gautama Buddha , Climbing , Freezing , Ski Cross , Snowboarding , Skiing , Winter Sport , Freestyle Skiing , Snowboard , Ski Equipment , Ski Mountaineering , Mountaineer , Mountain Guide , Bungee Jumping , Rock Climbing , Intrusion , Bouldering , Abseiling , Quarry , Ice Climbing , Sport Climbing , Triathlon , Anime , Meteorological Phenomenon , Arête , Granite Dome , Cirque , Sail , Mast , Sailing , Gliding , Sailboat , Windsports , Freestyle Motocross , Motocross , Spacecraft , Precision Sports , Scarf , Knit Cap , Multimedia Software , Natural Environment , Video Game Arcade Cabinet , Arcade Game , Video Game Software , Neon , Neon Sign , Meal , Brunch , Floral Design , Lunch , Flower Arranging , Supper , Taste , Banquet , Dinner , Rehearsal Dinner , Dish , Buffet , Raccoon , Procyonidae , Procyon , Ferret , Whiskers , Pomeranian , Cat , Canidae , Puppy , Felidae , Dog Breed , Dog , Schnauzer , Kitten , Vegetable , Superfood , Fruit , Produce , Diet Food , Supermarket , Vegan Nutrition , Berry , Vegetarian Food , Leg , Leisure Centre , Escalator , Caterpillar , Moths And Butterflies , Tomato , Solanum , Mustelidae , Nightshade Family , Apple , Melon , Malus , Pda , Mobile Phone Accessories , Iphone , Tunnel , Fiction , Digital Compositing , Spider Web , Natural Material , Action Film , 3d Modeling , Scene , Freestyle Bmx , Flatland Bmx , Musical Instrument , Concert , Reed Instrument , Brass Instrument , Woodwind Instrument , Guitarist , Shadow , Guard Dog , Drums , Musical Ensemble , Percussion , Drum , Jazz Club , Lexus Rx Hybrid , Concept Car , Lexus Gs , Sports Car , Electric Vehicle , Lexus Hs , Rim , Lexus Is , Ocean , Mitsubishi , Wave , Supercar , Performance Car , Nissan Gt R , Race Car , Porsche , Toyota , Backlighting , Petal , Tulip , Rose , Rose Family , Bouquet , Cake Decorating , Herbaceous Plant , Annual Plant , Creative Arts , Cut Flowers , Botany , Lily Family , Anthurium , Centrepiece , Tableware , Wine Glass , Drinkware , Glass Bottle , Alcohols , Bottle , Stemware , Jewellery , Hairdresser , Fur Clothing , Lingerie , Art Exhibition , Museum , Exhibition , Art Gallery , Audio Equipment , Software Engineering , System , Media Player , Mp3 Player , Cordless Telephone , Computer Icon , Hat , Backyard , Antenna , Mesh , Wire , Goal , Hardware , Animal Shelter , Class , Classroom , Education , Training , Construction , Workwear , Golden Retriever , Retriever , Sporting Group , Labrador Retriever , Obedience Training , Working Dog , Gun Dog , Golf , Miniature Golf , Golf Course , Golf Equipment , Golf Club , Putter , Professional Golfer , Ball Game , Golfer , Hobby , Shooting Range , Bicycle Tire , Bicycle Clothing , Cyclo Cross Bicycle , Bicycle Fork , Bicycle Drivetrain Part , Road Cycling , Crankset , Duathlon , Road Bicycle Racing , Bowling , Ten Pin Bowling , Bowling Equipment , Bowling Ball , Bowler , Ball , Bowling Pin , Duckpin Bowling , Jeans , Waist , Brochure , Flyer , Balloon , Party Supply , Toy , Alley , Grove , Swing , Birch Family , Metro , Lobby , Transparent Material , Spectacle , Street Stunts , Barbecue , Street Fashion , Pier , Horizon , Morning , Calm , Evening , Triangle , Chapel , Chandelier , Body Of Water , Pond , Crater Lake , Swimming Pool , Opera House , Ocean Liner , Tugboat , Pianist , Town Square , Clock Tower , Listed Building , University , Gothic Architecture , Parliament , Campus , Alcoholic Beverage , Folk Dance , Street Dance , Middle Ages , Military Rank , Trial , Camel , Camelid , Arabian Camel , Old World Monkey , Working Animal , Herd , Stallion , Bactrian Camel , Mane , Slum , Livestock , Horse , Mare , Pack Animal , Llama , Guanaco , Alpaca , Flightless Bird , Ipod , Electronic Component , Wakeboarding , Mud , Trail , Cup , Coffee , Latte , Cuban Espresso , Flat White , Caffeine , Espresso , Ristretto , Caffè Macchiato , Coffee Cup , Cappuccino , Ingredient , Café Au Lait , Cortado , Serveware , Mechanical Fan , Whippet , Stomach , Comfort , Model , Racket , Sole , Foot , Wrist , Toe , Sleep , Belt , Headphones , Microphone , Loudspeaker , Bed Sheet , Bedding , Pillow , Nap , Elbow , Elk , Horn , Deer , Reindeer , Moose , Antler , Bovine , Old Growth Forest , Cow Goat Family , Fawn , Plant Community , Bull , Birth , Medi Cal , Kiss , Astronomical Object , Outer Space , Attic , Bed Frame , Moon , Landscape Lighting , Full Moon , Cottage , Hot Air Ballooning , Hot Air Balloon , Air Sports , Christmas Ornament , Dandelion , Macaw , Autumn , Pole , Blossom , Watercolor Paint , Acrylic Paint , Paint , Visual Arts , Carpet , Collection , Vernissage ,

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