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But we begin with White House Correspondent Wendell Goler and some republicans venting today. Reporter fresh from their thanksgiving recess, House Republicans mounted a broad attack on the president s executive action on immigration. The committee on Homeland Security will come to order. Reporter Homeland Security secretary jay johnson the president cant by Pass Congress to shield illegal imgrants from deportation. The president created that category, not congress, that is a clear violation of the constitution principles. With 11 million or 12 Million People in the country illegally, johnson said he doesnt have the resources to deport them all so he has to prioritize. He said that president bush made similar moves. Although not on the scale of obama. The people were talking about are already here, they have been here for years, they have become integrated members of society. In the judiciary committee, republicans called witnesses to challenge the legal basis for mr. Obamas actions. In our view, president obamas actions are unconstitutional. President obamas actions are unlawful. President obamas actions violate the separation of powers. The critics said mr. Obama himself changed the law in response to a protesters, and why johnson said that the president wasnt speaking literally, he conceded. I think the law has been changed in terms of the way it affects millions of people who are in this country. Reporter some who are not deported to qualify for Senior Citizens benefits goes beyond deportation. These people will now get Social Security cards, if anything has to do what prosecutorial discretion. Reporter but the law allows anyone to pays Social Security taxes for 10 years to pay benefits. If congress can undo the president s actions by passing a big. I think the congress can pass a bill when americans start gaininging trust in their poll he says he thinks the past four president s have all exceeded their authority on immigration, not that he supports it, he says these constitutional violations dont get better over time. W Republican Leaders are admitting there is only so much they can do about the president S Immigration moves. One thing they say they wont do is shut down the government. Chief congressional continue mike emanuel on what options are available. After meeting with the house gop conference, Speaker John Boehner spoke about plans to fund the government beyond december 11 and the impact of president becames action on immigration. This is a serious breach of our constitution, its a serious threat to our system of government. And frankly, we have limited options, limited abilities to deal with it directly. The house is expected to vote next week on a 1 trillion plus package to fund the government until september. And later this week, on a largely symbolic bill from Florida Republican ted yoho says the executive branch doesnt have the authority to stop deportations. This is the best ground to fight on because 218 votes are holding together. The president , he can shut the government down if he does that and we say well put all this money on the table, all the money you had last year, but now you want to violate the constitution. The house should only do a continuing resolution for the entire government until the new Congress Takes over. The cavalry is coming, were going to have a historic majority in the house in four weeks, i would much rather deal with some of these issues when we have those kind of majorities in the house and senate in january. Harry reid didnt rule out accepting what the house sends him. I think its kind of unfortunate that theyre talking about not doing Homeland Security, but thats the way it is, well just have to wait and see. Reporter that is certainly a different tone from reid. By any objective the president got crushed in this election. So i have been perplexed by his actions since the election by his dramatic move to the left. They sound prepared to follow his lead. The Treasury Department is refusing to comply with the judges order, to turn over 2,500 pages of documents for a lawsuit against the irs over unauthorized white access to taxpayer information. The reason . The documents contain tax payer information and are therefore being with held. This circular argument was touted by treasury and white house officials today. A couple of prominent republicans considered the possible president ial candidates say they will run for reelection to the senate. But what they will do after that seems vastly different. However its what a former governor is doing if it seems to be top of the mind for former governors tonight. Carl cameron has the latest on the president ial sweeps stakes. Reporter the president said he would decide if he would run by the end of the year. Joeb bush put his indecision on display at the meeting last night. Can i do it where the sacrifice for my family is tolerable . But theres a level under which i would never subject my family because thats my organizing principle. Fierce for someone whos father and brother were both president s, bush makes no secret that if he runs it will be as a pragmatist and not as a combative conservative it log. It needs to be the much more willing to be practical now in the washington wofld. Reporter conservatives think bush is too moderate and compare him to mitt romney and john mccain, the last two losing republican nominees. Loose the primary to win the general without violating your principles. Its not an easy task. Ohio senator rob portman has passed on another president ial run saying he didnt think he could be an effective senator while running for the white house. Rand paul sees no such conflict. Despite a state law in kentucky prohibiting a candidate from appearing more than once on the ballot. The libertarian leading senator and Tea Party Favorite continues to distance himself from gop security hawks insisting the u. S. Must reduce its role as a global policeman. Im not talking about all or nothing, but i believe les, were about to bankrupt our country and theres great danger to what we have been doing, so i want less. Reporter hillary chlinton made no mention of it last 23450i8g9 at a gala be the league of democratic voters. The same day clinton also ignored the louisiana democratic senator in danger of losing her seat in saturdays run off. She made keystone support critical to her candidacy. Carl, thanks, more onta race in louisiana a little bit later. Up next, the taliban ramping up attacks on foreigners. First heres what some of our knocks affiliates around the country are reporting tonight. In knoxville, tennessee two children and one adult were killed and 23 injured when a pair of School Busses collided. One bus was flipped on to its side. The accident occurred just before 3 00 p. M. Local time. The children on the busses were reportedly from an Intermediate School and a primary school. Fox in seattle a man who barricaded himself inside a store he was trying to rob. Police say the suspect ran a minivan into the sports goods store to gain industry, but officers arrived on the scene before the burglar could ollie and it took five hours to get him out of there. This is a live look at santa monica pier, the big story there, rain, a pacific storm is bringing much needed precipitation to california but its raising fears of mud flows and flooding because of the barren hillsides and hard ground. Officials are ordering evacuations of about a dozen homes due to mud flows 50 micha michaels northwest of los angeles. Afghanistan is an even more dangerous place tonight than usual. Especially for foreigners. National security correspondent Jennifer Griffin tells us why from the pentagon. Reporter the taliban is on the offensive, three high profile attacks in kabul on guest houses used by foreigners in the past ten days, including an attack this weekend that killed a South African man working for a california based aid group and his teenaged son and daughter, and a mother who has worked in kabul for five years survived and is refusing to leave. We would not consider what they are doing as a resurgence, its not atypical for them around periods of transition in afghanistan to try to terrorize the local populous with sporadic attacks. Reporter some aid groups have urged their if you are already in afghanistan, you should leave. The three to terrorists and criminal violence is extremely high the president did not give us the full number of forces and over general petraeuss objections drew hem earlier. The attacks on foreigners are strategically timed to cull and nato summit in brussels where afghanistans new leaders urged the International Community to stay. I pay tribute to more than 3,400 nato personnel who did the ultimate sacrifice of losing their lives. What brings us together is a compelling case of mutual interest. Amidst the uptick in attacks, the afghan leaders has approved a ban on night raids in afghanistan as the u. S. Reorganizes its mission. What can you tell us about the white houses search for a new defense secretary . The name that is at the top of the short list were told is former defense secretary ash carter who served under leon panetta and left last year, hes a yale educated Rhodes Scholar who has a background in physics and h. Were told not to expect an announcement tomorrow, but perhaps later this week. Jennifer griffin live at the pentagon. Jennifer, thank you. A suspected wife and child of isis legaler al baghdadi are being held in lebanon. The two were taken into cust my about 11 days ago while carrying fake identification cards. Lebanon could use the wife and child as bargaining chips in their own Prisoner Exchange talks. The folks in north israel are apparently not laughing at a soon to be released Hollywood Comedy at a plot to take out the countrys leader and that may have led to a cyber attack against a Major Entertainment company which could spread to other businesses. Adam housely has the specifics from los angeles. Reporter it was a cyber attack meant to steal and destroy, according to federal authorities as a Group Calling itself guardians of peace hacked into Sony Pictures Computer Systems knocking everything offline. Included in the attack, the upcoming annie reboot and several not yet released films. Its a criminal act against any country, this one in particular is attacking trade secrets, its attacking individuals and the network. The damage is going to be significant, its going to be in the multiMillion Dollars. Reporter the Security Breach could be related to the upcoming comedy the interview in which the two play tabloid journalists, north korea called to the mo an act of war and the country has long been linked to hacking businesses and government agencies, some kbulter Security Experts warn this could be just the beginning. Someone looks to get their foot in the door by attacking some end point that might be lesser secured and once they are at that location, they then try to break into systems further closer to the core it inge fr t infrastructure. Besides the movie being stolen, the cyber attack to executives were also online. Sony says to the Computer Systems are slowly getting back to normal, but the damage has already been done. The dow gained 103 today to close at a new record high. The s p 500 was up 13, the nasdaq finished ahead 28. 5. Still ahead, a tale of two political aides and how the media covered them so differently. First the day the light s went out in detroit. Heres some news you may find surprising. Were for an open internet for all. Were for creating more innovation and competition. Were for Net Neutrality protection. Now, heres some news you may find even more surprising. Were comcast. The only isp legally bound by full Net Neutrality rules. As if bankrupt detroit doesnt have enough problems, a power outage plunged detroit into the dark today. Rick is monitoring the situation from our new york headquarters. Reporter as of late this afternoon, about 75 of the citys vast this was a serious shut down in the heart of one of americas biggest cities, a major cable failure caused an entire grid to ruse power, cutting power to fire stations, and numerous schools. In fact the entire Public School system closed down before noon. Parents whose kids dont ride busses had to bupick them up. Eight to ten people were stranded on elevators, prompting rescues by favorites whose own stations were in the dark and. Hundreds were evacuated from the Third Circuit court building, some climbing down 11 flights of stairs, others with canes or walkers or wheelchairs had to be carried out. The mayor says the entire system has decayed. Today is another reminder of how much work we still have to do to rebuild the city, and a bankruptcy order doesnt solve the decades of neglect in our infrastructure and thats what we saw today in the pld system. The city is in the process of taking over the Electorate Department and upgrading it. That will take four years so the lights could go out again, bret. Republicans now lead democrats in public preference. A new gallup poll indicates republicans have a 42 to 41 advantage on democrats since the midterm elections. Democrats were up four points prior to the voting. Theres also been a shift in louisiana, as carl cameron mentioned earlier, we are four days away from deciding the final makeup of the senate in the next session, saturday will be the runoff for the seat in louisiana. Candidates staged their only face to face confrontation in the overtime campaign period. John roberts tell us how that went. Reporter if the polls are correct, this may be the last debate of Mary Landrieus senate care. Landrieu is throwing one last pass deep down field in an attempt to derail republican big cassidys fortunes. Told us that he was a doctor for the poor, but he is not a doctor for the poor, hes a doctor for himself. These charges are absolutely false. Reporter for his part, cassidy kept up the drum beat, that cassidy is about to continue president obamas agen agen agenda. Obama care is deeply unpopular in louisiana, but when asked by cassidy about revelations the bill was written in a way to dezee voters, she was forced to gefd it. I dont talk to Jonathan Gruber, i talk to my con stitch wents. Reporter the candidates sparred over taxes, entitlements gun rights and abortion, but claimed Common Ground on the keystone xl pipeline. Landrieu promised that after failing in november, she would work to get keystone passed, an issue cassidy can already claim the high ground on. I fought so hard for the keystone pipeline. The Republican Leadership could not get that up for a vote, i did. The keystone bill did pass one chamber of congress, that was the cassidy bill that passed and senator landrieu could not get it through the senate. Reporter republican votes were up 4 . Democrat votes were down. That could be a net gain of 26,000 votes for cassidy in early voting alone. More than landrieus total margin of victory in the socalled jungle primary. John, thank you well have complete coverage of that Runoff Election on saturday. Why would obama collect asel ambassadors that have never been to the countries they will represent . Right now . I have 40, 21. Could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. And now some fresh pickings from the political grapevine. The Senate Confirmed new ambassadors to argentina and hungary today. As we have reported previously on the grapevine, what these two Hungarian Ambassador colleen bell used to be a soap opera producer. She admitted in her hearing she could not name is u. S. Interests in that region. That could be problematic given the recent unrest there. This is a very important country where bad things are going on. Ms. Bells experience have been largely relegated to producing Television Soap opera, the bold and the beautiful. Today white house spokesman josh ernest said numerous time bell has the confidence of the president. Also argentinean dorondoron. Last month, we told you your taxpayer dollars have paid epa employees more than a Million Dollars to stay home. The eight workers have been on paid leave ranging from four months to 4 1 2 years. Now fox news has obtained a memo that says they were not allowed to work because of allegations of, quote, cases of alleged serious misconduct. Meaning these people were paid not to work, sometimes for years at a time because of discipli disciplinary action. Last year another epa official was sentenced to 32 months in prison for pretending to be a cia agent as an excuse for missing work for months at a time. No one checked his clals for years and during that time he cleted 800,000 in pay for work he did not do. Finally a good re3450i7mind always keep your eyes open. A historian eagle eye spotted a pafbt the masterpiece disappeared from hungary in the 1920s. He was shocked to see it hanging on a wall behind geena davis and hugh laurie, he had only seen a black and white photo of the missi in ing painting. A set designer said she got it cheap in california. Another example tonight of what many consider a double standard from the main stream media, it involves the contrast in coverage of two political aides who talked or typed their way into trouble. There is Fox News Media analyst and host of fox newss media buzz, howard kurtz. There is no question that Elizabeth Lawton made a mistake after president obamas acted bored at the annual turkey pardon. Try showing a little class, dress like u you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar. Lawton apologized hours later, but as she resigned as the communications director, the story kept mushrooming from the major newspapers to cable 3450uz, to all three network newscasts. It is one of the three rules that the news media and the mob usually both adhere to, leave families out of the fight. Elizabeth lawton, a congressional aid whose Facebook Post about president obamas daughters malia and sasha sparked a firestorm. Back here at home tonight to that firestorm of this image of sasha and malia obama. There was controversy when president clinton ripped People Magazine for a cover story on chelsey during the Monica Lewinsky scandal. But a facebook. Theres no question that the media reaction is out of proportion to what this is. When jonathan the gruber wiz caught on video saying the law was deceptively sold to a stupid public, the network newscasts took four to eight days before they reported. Senator harry reids top aid ripped the white house for screwing up the obama white house. Tv news barely noticed. The i attack on the president s teenagers struck a cord because the media love a simple morality tale. But compared to obama cares affect on the country, its a blip on the radar. There are more kmefblts from Jonathan Gruber making the rounds now. Republicans can kill obama care from the inside without repealing it. The entire law just craters if theres not someone in the white house who cares about making it work. So you dont need active repeal. You just need ignoring the law and letting it wither on the vine, that may be enough, thats the real threat, thats the major threat. Gruber also said leaders needed to be cheerleading the law in its early stages. Gruber is scheduled to testify on the hill next week. The tension between congress and the president over the budget and immigration, we will talk about it all with the panel when we come back. Ive been called a control freak. I like to think of myself as more of a control. Enthusiast. Mmm, a perfect 177degrees. And thats why this road warrior rents from national. I can bypass the counter and go straight to my car. And i dont have to talk to any humans, unless i want to. And i dont. And national lets me choose any car in the aisle. Control. Its so, whats the word . Sexy. Go national. Go like a pro. By avoiding rapid acceleration hereand stopandgo driving, your savings on gas could be equivalent to how much . Up to 50 cents a gallon . 75 cents . 1 . The answer is. Up to 1 a gallon. Sensible driving avoids unnecessary energy loss saving you money and reducing co2 emissions. Take the energy quiz round 2. Energy lives here wow [ narrator ] on a mission to get richard to his campbells chunky soup. Its new chunky beerncheese with beef and bacon soup. I love it. And mama loves you. What youre not paying attention to is the fact that i just took action to change the law. We acted within existing law. We acted within our existing legal authority. Listen, ive been a lawyer for 18 years, somebody plays me an excerpt from a broader speech, i know enough to be suspicious. Its very clear that he is the president of the united states. This is why we have a hard time believing that Homeland Security is doing the right thing . Representative Jason Chavits had the Homeland Security secretary answering questions about the president s executive order on immigration. Another hearing, the executive director of the National Immigration law center was asked why this president may be different in this regard. I do believe this is different. He is the first africanamerican president , he is being attacked for a number of issues and historically every single present republican and democrat since eisenhower has used fair prosecutorial discretion. Harry reid had a very different perspective on recent appointments when there was a texan in the white house, and nobody accused him of geographic perception. And nobody runs to race as an explanation for that. So i would just caution you to be careful when you try to import motives to people. A fiery day on the issue of immigration on capitol hill. Tucker carlson, host of fox and friends weekend. And syndicated columnist charles krauthammer. I think most people are tempted to respond when they hear the race excuse. Its just more demagoguery. Thats why a month and a day after the democrats took a shellacking in the last election, theres no sign at all that there was a Lesson Learned and the reason is they believe that the people who oppose the president and his policies are are fundamentally unreasonable and therefor they can be ignored and pure aggression can be answered. I find it remarkable how on the defense republicans have found themselves really caught between their base, which is demanding that they act, you know, if they think its unconstitutional, they should prevent it and the prevailing view is that if they shut down the government, they will lose. Homeland security secretary said i think josh ernest said in fact the impact of the law has in fact shifted as a result of the president s action. I think thats the accurate description. Changing the law is something different. Obviously the president doesnt have the capacity to change the law, only congress does that. But thats what he said. So it comes down to the issue of prosecutorial discretion. I think that where we stand right now is that youve government a core group of tea party republicans, where you have seen some of them on the show, steve king and the like, who say that something has to be done. They are calling for some action. But when you talk to people in the Republican Leadership, they are more focused on trying to calm down that element within their ranks than they are trying to calm down something that would stall this action or cause a government shut down, they see that as a politically selfdestructive act. Rush limbaugh, he says why is there this focus on republicans avoiding government shutdown. He espent a long time on his radio show apparently, on fox news, as if we shut down the government, the media is going to kill republicans and the media is going to hate us even more and this speaking as republicans and he pointed to you, he pointed to george will, he pointed to others staying it should be avoided at all costs. What about this article in the wake of this landslide victory. I guess he pointed to a herd of rhinos who are simply pointing out the obvious. Government shutdowns have been tried, they have been tried twice in the 90s and they were tried a year ago. I dont know how many times it takes to learn the lesson. The point is republicans have just won majorities that are unprecedented. They are about to take over the house with the largest majority since the 1920s. Then they will have the high ground. Theres no point in shutting the government down. Is there anybody who imaginings that if obama vetoes a continuing resolution that doesnt allow the funding of the Immigration Service for example, that obama would draw the executive order the same way that they imagine that he would ultimately agree to an aboll legs of obama care in 2016. Of course thats not going to happen. What you can do and what you should do is that republicans are going to adopt an idea that we proposed earlier in the week, which is you pass a continuing resolution for everything through september except for what provision that will be Homeland Security, i think it actually should be narrower. I think it should be i. C. E. I would add on that epa, epa is about to do huge damage by executive order. Put it on a short leash, give it three months of continuing that resolution, so when it comes up again, the republicans will be in control of the two houses. One of them in control now, and only the department of Homeland Security only until march and senator reid said today that hes not opposed to accepting that. And did they first pass a kind of symbolic legislation th this is all wrong and you cant do it. That is likely to happen. I am so struck by the nature of the debate. When you hear republicans talk about this, when we put it in the rye or not, its a defense against a congressional order. Its also an attack on working people. Its a Pretty Simple case, but republicans by and large have outsourced that to their ideological allies in the conservative media, they dont even take the time to order people over to their side. I want to play this one exchange between sectarian johnson. The case youre referring to has been resolved, during the break i was able to do a little home work, the four individuals we spoke of are still in crust d custody. You said they would be deported, did you deport them . No, not at this point. What is the disposition of those four people . Two are detained, the two others were released by the judge. They were released by the judge and they fled to canada. This is just a strange case, these guys were apparently pkk, kurdish fighters, the state department listed this group as a terrorist organization. I dont know, according noknow. Clearly they were caught crossing the border. We would not have a case in court that would not have allowed them to be free, which is alarming, i think to everybody why, and the fact that they are in canada, which is our strong fend, why would they even consider such a thing . I dont get it. Its an indictment of the process. But lets remember the irony there. Pkk are de facto allies in the fight against isis. Terrorists yes, technically speaking, but actually theyre our terrorists right know. So it isnt actually a threat to american security. Just lucked out this time. I agree, the process is troubling. Youre going to have to ask why is are the guys released. Next up, the state of conservative republicans. Hey matt, whats up . Im just looking over the company bills. Is that what we pay for internet . Yup. Dsl is about 90 bucks a month. Thats funny, for that price with comcast business, i think you get like 50 megabits. Wow thats fast. Personally, i prefer a slow internet. There is something about the sweet meditative glow of a loading website. Dont listen to the naysayer. Switch to comcast Business Today and get 50 megabits per second for 89. 95. Comcast business. Built for business. I dont know if i would be a good candidate or a bad one. I know it has to be much more positive. Much more willing to be practical now in a washington world, lose the primary to win the general, without violating your principles. The singular failure of the obamaclinton Foreign Policy has been a failure to focus on the Vital National security interests of the united states. People like myself who believe in less intervention can be characterized as people who dont believe in a strongdefens. Thats my caricature and ill have to fight that. Possible president ial candidate speaking out about possible things and we put up the 24 possible folks who might get in this race for the president in 2016. One less today. We have an indication that rob portman was not going to be running. Senator portman from ohio said, to break the gridlock in washington, get things done for ohioans and all americans, thats where i think i can be most effective. I dont think i can run for president and be an effective senator at the same time. What about the state of conservative republicans . As you listen to jeb bush saying, lose the primary to win the general, youve got to get through the primary, tucker, and the state of conservative republicans now. Well, were about to find out. By the way, jeb seems to be going out of his way to tweak them directly. At the same event, he was asked by the wall street journal, what do you disagree with the immigration, the way it was done or the substance . And said the way it was done. On immigration, common core, hes going directly to conservatives and said, i disagree with you, sort of in their face. In a normal year, it was clearly jeb bush and i think this is the one year that might not be a normal year if it was ever a strange year, its going to happen. On the hill i think theres lots of energy and i think right now the energy is not even invested in the president ial race with the exception of the people in the senate and here im talking about rand paul, ted cruz, you know, potentially a few others. These are folks who see themselves as president and want to campaign. They are willing to engage in acts. For the most part, the emphasis on the hill is getting through the interim and moving on to a republican and conservative majority and, again, the fight is what is the republican message in what are the republican remedies and can Republica Republica republicans govern . That takes you towards the scott walkers and kasich in ohio and their stock is rising. Some of thhese wins, you jus look at this landslide win, charles, and some of them really draw on conservative principles and win big in places that you didnt expect them to win. That is true but then at the same time youve got moderate republicans. Republicans are supposed to be obsolete in the northeast. They actually won some seats. Governorships in places you wouldnt expect, in massachusetts, maryland and illinois. I think it was across the board. I dont think it was one party over the other. I think the press keeps trying to repeat the great civil war is among republicans, conservatives are as mad as hell over the executive order and the lunatics and the tea party will destroy the whole party over this. The real story is the split among the democrats. Chuck schumer had a broadside in which he represents the right wing to the extent there is one. Its a savage attack on everything obama represents. They are looking at the shellacking and one way of saying, we have to go left, the other right. I think in contrast theres tremendous harmony on the republican side. A slight argument over how to deal tactically with the executive order but i think its completely different and theres intimately more comedy on the other side. Its the wrong story. But senator schumer said he was not stepping back and that obamacare was the wrong move. Lets look at the damage caused by the big California Storm up next. Er menu at red lo with more of what you love try our newest woodgrilled combination maine lobster, extra jumbo shrimp, and salmon so hurry in and sea food differently. Feet. Tiptoeing. Better things than the pain, stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. Xeljanz tofacitinib is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. Dont start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz and routinely check certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you have been to a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. One pill, twice daily, xeljanz can reduce ra pain and help stop further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Ask about xeljanz. Finally tonight, the california coast is being slammed with heavy rains across the state bracing for mudslides and flooding. A serious situation in one area. As jimmy kimmel points out this is video of a downpour in tarzana. Look at this recycling bin going for a ride in the runoff. At times it felt like it was alive. At times it felt like a lot. Thanks, everybody. Thats it for this special report. Fair, balanced and unafraid, greta goes on the record right now. From incarceration to the nfl to the floor of congress, the controversy playing out as members of the black caucus made the hands up, dont shoot gesture. Hands up. Dont shoot. Raise their hands. This has become the new symbol. Weve come a long, long way from how we got here but we have a long way to go. America is better than this. Being black in america. What ferguson says about where we are and where we need to go. A grand jury system is not a jury of your peers. Now is the time for the federal government to act, for congress to act. Congr

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