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Violent scenes from last night in ferguson cannot be repeated, those words from missouri governor jay nixon whos ramping up the National Guard presence from 20 troops to 2,200. As night falls in this town, we wait to see if people will riot again. Fire and mayhem overwhelmed the streets of ferguson. Police used tear gas to disburse rioters, sending them scrambling as they smashed windows and looted stores and fired guns into the air. This chaos is most destructive since Michael Brown was shot. The out of towners came in and tore up our community. Well our community has got to take responsibility for what happened tonight. Reporter people marched in chicago, new york and d. C. N oakland, they lay in the street, simulating the death of Michael Brown, all of it an angry reaction to a grand jury decision failing to indict officer wilson. Theres no evidence that exists that and returned a no true bill on each of the five indictments. Reporter subsequently, ed was released showing the swollen face of officer wilson, and wilsons grand jury testimony describing brown charging him and the fatal shot. He turned and when he looked at me, he made a grunting like aggravated sound, then he stops, he turns and hes coming toward me, i keep telling him to get on the ground, he doesnt. I fired a series of shot. I dont know how many i shot. Last night the president called for calm. Those of you who are watching tonight, understand that theres never an excuse for violence. Everybody want me to be calm, you know how those bullets hit my son . Reporter with the angry mother of Michael Brown, rioters were already on the rampage when she spoke. I have nowhere to work now. How can i feed my kids now . And eric holder, who has paid special attention to the ferguson case, promises that its not over, the federal government is still investigating. The departments investigations will continue to be thorough, they will continue to be independent, and they remain ongoing. They will be conducted rigorously, and in a timely manner. There are two ongoing federal investigations, one looks at whether the skifl rights of violated when he was shot. The other looks into whether the Ferguson Police department routinely engaged in racial profiling or the use of excess 1i6 force. As is often the case, many people are blaming the media in part for the violence in ferguson. Tonights Fox News Media analysis and host of foxs media buzz howard kurtz looks into whether that was justified. It seems to me that the media narrative took a turn almost immediately when Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown. Lets take a look at that. Reporter the media narrative took hold almost immediatedly after Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown, that an unarmed black man was likely murdered by an overzealous white cop. And last night the st. Louis county prosecutor sing uld out the wall to wall coverage. The most significant challenge encountered in this investigation is the 24hour news cycle and its insatiable appetite to find something, anything to talk about. As he got closer, he fired one more shot. That shot struck my friend in the back. He turned around, faced the a officer, put his hands up and the officer continued to shoot him until he goes down to the gruchbd. Reporter and while some commentators cautioned against rushing to judgment, some of them couldnt help themselves. These two witnesses described what seems to be a coldblooded murder. Reporter the Washington Post and foxnews. Com reported that wilson had suffered a broken eye socket. The prosecutors face says wilsons face was swollen from the con froonation. Mpss al sharpton furthered the idea that we dont want no back biting, we wanting to know where justice is. Part of the problem, as browns grief stricken parents gave interviews, neither wilson nor the Ferguson Police put out the officers version of events. We didnt know until word eventually leaked that there was a struggle for wilsons gun inside his police car. And as the riots erupted, it became a nightly reality show that was good for ratings. Some journal ilss tried to stick to the facts of this tragedy, but they were often drowninged out by accounts that we now know were president obama is just mentioning ferguson, lets listen in really quickly. Or a grand jury made a decision yesterday that upset a lot of people. And as i said last night, the frustrations that we have seen, are not just about a particular incident. They have deep roots in many communities of color, who have a sense that our laws are not always being enforceded uniformly or fairly. That may not be true everywhere. And its certainly not true for the vast majority of Law Enforcement officials, but thats an impression that folks have and its not just made up. Its rooted in reality. That have economisted in this country for a long time. Now as i said last night, there are productive ways of responding. And expressing those frustrations and there are destructive ways of responding. Burning buildings, torching cars, destroying property, putting people at risk, thats destructive and theres no excuse for it. Those are criminal acts. People should be prosecuted if they engage in criminal ablgs. But what we also saw, although it doesnt get as much attention in the media, was people gathering in overwhelmingly peaceful protests, here in chicago, in new york, in los angeles, other cities. We have scene young people who are organizing and people beginning to have real conversations about how do we change the situation so that theres more trust between Law Enforcement and some of these communities. And those are are necessary conversations to have. Were here to talk about immigration, but part of what makes america this remarkable place is, being american doesnt mean you have to look a certain way or have a certain last name or come from a certain place, it has to do with a commitment to ideals, a belief in certain values, and if any part of the American Community doesnt feel welcomed or treated fairly, thats something that puts all of us at risk. And we all have to be concerned about it. So my message to those people who are constructively moving forward, trying to organize, mobilize and ask hard, important questions about how we improve the situation, i want all those folks to know that their president is going to work with them. And i think youll find a lot of [ applause ] separate and apart from the particular circumstances in ferguson, of which i am careful not to speak to, because its not my job as president to comment on ongoing investigations and specific cases, but the frustrations people have generally, those are rooted in some hard truths that have to be addressed. Those who are prepared to work constructively, your president will work with you. And a lot of folks, i believe in Law Enforcement and a lot of folks in city halls, and governors offices across the country, want to work with you as well. So as part of that, i have instructed attorney general eric holder not just to investigate what happened in ferguson, but also identify specific steps we can take together to set up a series of regional meetings focused on Building Trust in our communities and next week well bring together state and local officials and Law Enforcement and Community Leaders and favorite leaders to start identifying very specific steps that we can take to make sure that Law Enforcement is fair and is being applied equally to every person in this country. And we know certain things work, we know that if we train police properly, that that improves policing and make s negotiation feel that the system is fair. We know if we have a police force thats representative of the community its serving, that makes a difference. We know that [ applause ] we know that when theres clear accountability and transparency when something happens, that makes a difference. So theres specific things we can do. And the dee now is for us to lift up the best practices and work city by city, state by state, county by county, all across this country, because the problem is not just a ferguson problem, it is an american problem and we have got to make sure that we are actually bringing about change. The bottom line is nothing of significance, nothing of benefit results from destructive acts. I have never seen a civil rights law or a Health Care Bill or an immigration bill result because a car got burned. It happened because people vote, it happened because people mobilize, it happened because people organized, it happens because people look at some of the best policies to solve the problem. Thats how you actually move something forward. So dont [ applause ] so dont take the shortterm easy route and just engage in destructive behaviors, take the longterm, hard but lasting route, of working with me and governors, state and federal officials to bring about some real change. And to those who think that what happened in ferguson is an excuse for violence. I do not have any sympathy for that. [ applause ] i have no sympathy at all for destroying your own communities. But for the overwhelming majority of people who just feel frustrated and pained because they get a sense that maybe some communities arent treated fairly or some individuals arent seen as worthy as others. I understand that, and i want to work with you, and i want to move forward with you. Your president will be right there with you. All right, so thats what we need to focus on. Lets be constructive. [ applause ] now, i appreciate your patience because i know you came here to talk about immigration, but this is relevant. Because part of what america is about is president obama in chicago talking about the situation in ferguson, urging calm, calling for calm, also mentioning that the federal investigation about ferguson is still ongoing. He is saying that that federal investigation is ongoing and hes bringing together officials from all over the country to talk about the situation in Police Departments around the country next week. Back with howie kurtz here, how interesting they have called for calm and how different it is from last night when he was at the white house and Cable Networks take it with a split screen with a really dangerous situation in ferguson. It was remarkable as we all watched the president s words undermined in real time by that split screen spectacle as the looting and the fires and the rye yolts began. Now the president is appealing for calm again to avoid a repeat of what happened last night in ferguson and perhaps elsewhere. U youre looking at live pictures in ferguson, and a fire ongoing there, but it looks like the streets have been cleared out for the most part, also interesting that he is saying that this federal investigation is continuing. And how this plays after this grand jury has weighed in and said that theres nothing to move forward with this case against officer wilson and yet the federal investigation led by eric holder is continuing. I think its an attempt to diffuse the anger thats out there on 2 streets, saying that the investigation is ongoing. We didnt see much of this evidence earlier because it was such a secret ty process. The last thing i was talking about before we got to the president is al sharpton and how much hes played a role in this thing. Al sharpton has been a fiery speaker at rallies and in ferguson, an msnbc hoees pushi the cause on that network. Okay, howie, as always, thank you, for rolling with the punches. We just talked about earlier and you heard the president talking in chicago about immigration, as we saw there, president obama trying to schedule his vision of Immigration Reform to people in chicago. And the paraleg parallels reporter it was president obamas prescription for moving forward on ferguson. First and foremost, we where a fwhooirgs built on the rule of law. So we need to saccept that this decision is the grand jurys to make. There are americans who are disappointed even angry. Reporter the president noted that those words could easily be ablied to immigration he talks about the rule of law, he talks about supporting the constitution and his executive order giving amnesty to 5 Million People run completely contrary to the constitution and contrary to his oath of office where he swore to uphold the laws not to rewrite the laws. The president insisted George Stephanopoulus noted the yuunilateral month could aft being blocked by congress the chief executive could say he or she will choose not to prosecute people who dont pay their taxes. You think it would be legitimate for a future president to make that argument . With respect to taxes . Absolutely not. Reporter the president because back on the road today in chicago, trying to makes his case, though its an uphill battle based on a new quinnipiac poll, asked whether the president should take executive action if congress does not act to pass immigration. 45 said yes, 58 said no. The Approval Ratings are at 39 in the same poll. Charles shirm gachumer gave of focusing on more direct help for the middle class after approving the stimulus. Democrats blew the opportunity the American People gave them. We took our mandate and put all of our focus on the wrong problem, health care reform. Now the plight of uninsured americans caused by unfair insurance practices certainly needed to be addressed. But it wasnt the change we were hired to make. He criticized the president on everything from health care the senator wanted the president to help democrats more than sick people. H. Up next, a big time Democratic Party donor faces some big time legal problems, keep it here. Im mary and i have copd. 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Require nutritional labels on foods sold at sporting proposal that would give it increased control over your private land. Nearly 200 of the regulations proposed this year are estimated to come with a bill of more than 100 milli 100 million each. George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turly testified before congress about the unconstitutional rise of regulatory power, calling federal agencies a fourth federal branch the founders never sbengded. Center of gravity is shifting and that makes it unstable. When u i asked the administration earlier this year about the ongoing deluge of regulatory activity, emily cane of the office of management and budget told me, quote, the administration is committed to a regulatory strategy that maintains a balance between protecting the health, welfare and safety of americans and promoting economic growth, job creation, competitiveness and innovation. There is a lot of talk about obama not exercising leadership and not having a vision, so he is now putting forth a very strong vision. Critics say advocate aors are zbimp task of issuing the rules for how laws are to be implemented. In 2013, just 72 bills were signed into law, but federal agencies issued nearly 3,700 regulations. Bret . Shannon, thank you. The u. S. Economy grew at 3. 9 rate in the third quarter, thats an upgrade from the initial 3. 5 estimate. Stocks were mixed today. The dow lost 3, the s p was off 2, the nasdaq gained three. She now directs the center for a new american security. Names now being floated as possible nominees, Current White House chief of staff a, dennis mcdonough, ash carter and a name that just staffed today, former secretary of state and joint chiefs chairman, colin powell. When we come back. Tato truck is still missing. So my buddy here is going to help me find it. Here we go. Woo who, woah, woah, woah. Its out there somewhere spreading the word about americas favorite potatoes heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart associations go red for women campaign. If you see it i hope youll let us know. Always look for the grown in idaho seal. Obama care architect Jonathan Gruber will testify before the outside Oversight Committee next month, following a deluge of sound bites illustrating his disdain of and eagerness to deceive the American People. And gruber is the brains behind not just the president S Health Care plan, but that of many states. Reporter Jonathan Gruber has gone from the man with the magic health care form la to passive pariah. A huge political advantage and basically calls for the stupidity of the american voter. Grubers expertise had brought him millions in consulting fees including vermont. The only way we could pass it is by mislabeling it. Reporter four years ago, the nation decided to create the nations first single payer system. Which goes beyond obama care, because everyoneS Health Care will be paid for by taxpayers. The problem was the cost to help figure out how to pay for it, the government turned to an architect of obama care, Jonathan Gruber. And as with obama care, president obama has a transparency problem. Peter sterling runs vermont leads a single payer advocacy group, and he applauds the decision not to release all the details just yet. Its a very complicated, complicated evident that the administration is taking, its like turning a battleship around. Reporter but the administration was supposed to have revealed key details about the plan months ago and people even from his own party are beginning to complain. Its already like two years overdue and ahave sued for those records in superior court and my lawsuit is still pending. Sylvia bruin is a progressive that supports single payer. But shes also a democrat that pants transparency. I have also tried to get the legislature to issue a subpoena demanding the plans from the governor. Reporter grubers helping design those financing plans. Profess for grooisher is using them right now. He has them and we dont. If i were doing a public records request right now, i would be asking for those plans. Gruber has put off giving specifics about vermonts plan, as shown in this exchange a few years ago, way many critics contend is grubers con detention. Was this written by my own children. Professor gruber was showing us something important about his at fetitud attitude, hes very vermon r vermonters for health care freedom. Hes also telling us something very important about the attitudes of the people who have hired him, theres a culture of contempt in the obama administration, and theres a culture of contempt here in vermont. Reporter there is a catastrophe over grubers comments leading hes already been paid 160,000, his mit team will continue to be paid and gruber will continue to work on the vermont plan. We need solid Economic Modeling in order to move forward with health care reform. I have told mr. Gruber that i expect his team to complete the work that we need to provide the legislature and vermonters with a Public Health care financing plan. I have also informed mr. Gruber that we will not be paying him any further for hazy part in completing that work. Vermonters sent a message last night and i heard it. Grubers recommendations will be presented to the legislature. Republicans hope that grubers comments will shine a light on the rush to a Single Payer Health care system. Im always concerned when people are hiding, developing policy and using the belief that the way you pass policy is to bypass the american public. Reporter joe benning is the leading republican in the senate, he had called on the governor to overturn grubers contract. The longer it getsgets one of the president s big contributors is in big trouble tonight, chief Congressional Correspondent mike emanuel tells us who and why. To my great friend and supporter terry bean, cofounder of hrc. Democratic fundraiser and human right terry bean was arrested last week after being indicted on sex related charges with a teenaged boy. The oregonian reports being with his 25yearold boyfriend kia lawson used an iphone app to arrange for a sexual encounter in december 2013. Bean has given almost 70,000 of his own money to mr. Obamas campaign and raised at least a half Million Dollars during the 2012 cycle. I want to thank someone whos put so much into this event, terry bean, give him a big round of applause. Terry bean says hes the vakt of an extortion scheme. And says no allegations against terry bean should be taken at face value. We look forward to the opportunity to clear his name. Terry bean has take an voluntary leave of absence from the hrc board until his issue is resolved. Back in 2008, he made this political appeal to hrcs membership. The election of joe biden and barack obama may turn out to be the most Pivotal Moment in our journey for equality. The coverage would be overwhelmingly negative and it would be a trial in the media, a opposed to a trial in a justice system, he would have been convicted just by the charges alone. The white house has not responded to our request for comment. Ferguson, missouri braces for another night of protest as the president calls for calm again. We will talk about it and all the developments with the paneling when we come back. Ever since darryls wife started using gain flings, their laundry smells more amazing than ever. sniff honey, isnt that the dogs towel . dog noise hey, mi towel, su towel. More scent plus oxi boost and febreze. 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So what kind of plan will i stick with . My plan get your plan. Go to fit2me. Com and enter the onscreen code word to get started. After their exhaustive review of the ed, the grand jury reviewed over two days making their final decision. They determined that no probable cause exists to file any charge against officer wilson and returned a no true bill on each of the five indictments. We need to accept that this decision was the grand jurys to make. There are americans who agree with it. And there are americans who are deeply disappointed, even angry. Its an understandable reaction. I have never seen a prosecutor hold a press conference to discredit the victim. Well, were waiting to see what happens in ferguson, missouri tonight. U i think we have live pictures coming in, and so far the streets seem to be clear and the National Guard is out tonight after it was delayed last night. The mayor saying that that was a major problem there. But there you see, some officers on the sidewalks preparing for what could be another night of protest and possibly violence. Lets hope not. In the meantime, abc has an interview with Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson in which, among other things, the officer says no way was brown did brown have his hands up when he was fatally shot. There you see a still of the interview with George Stephanopoulus. We hope to bring you a sound bite from that in just a few minutes. Lets bring in our panel steve hayes, and charles krauthammer. Hopefully we dont see what we saw last night. You heard the president earlier in this newscast urging calm, what about the developments today . I thought the president s comments were exactly right. He hit on the mark. He condemned the violence. He said the people that were committing the violence should be prosecuted if they continue. And then he talked about looking to other ways to if you want a to protest, protest, if you want to channel your anger, do it in a positive and constructive way and work for change. Now i disagree with some of the, you know, particulars of his analysis. But i thought on the whole, that he sort of rose to the occasion, in what looked to be c you thought they would have been scripted or built on what he said last night. And it really soujded like he was talking to the American People and i think he was quite effecttive. At that time, i gave myself a mental note, can i shoot this guy . Legally can i . And the question i asked myself was, i have to, because if i dont, he will kill me if he gets to me. That was the conclusion of the grand jury, that there was some kind of struggle inside the car itself, the Police Officers car, and that brown charged the officer enough to feel like the officer was right in using what they called several defense. Well, its clear what happened in the car was justifiable, and it was selfdefense. There is some conflicting witness testimony about what happened outside the car, when the blood trail showed on the ground that brown went away from the officer and then he came back. Conflicting reports about what happened there. I think that youre hearing a lot of criticism today, not that all the information, what theyre calling a data dump was given to the grand jury panel. But that the prosecutor did not try to make a case for an indictment which is supposedly his job. That he was, sort of neutralizing the grand jury by flooding them with information and not making a case to indict officer wilson and thats the criticism that youre hearing that it was designed to make sure that they reached a certain conclusion. That prosecutor, by the way, Robert Mccullough is a democrat, has a good record in that county for hes been criticized from the start, as procop, that his father was killed, if i am correct and he was criticized from the beginning as the wrong choice for this job. Speaking of calling for calm, you also, you heard the president earlier in this show, you also heard earlier today before this show, the attorney general eric holder making his own comments about the protests. Take a listen. It is clear, i think that acts of violence threaten to drown out those who have legitimate voices, legitimate again twrat fors and those acts of violence cannot and will not be condoned. Condoned, charles . Thats an astonishing statement and its really in dark contrast with the way the president presented himself tonight. I agree entirely with steve, as i was watching it yaerl on the show, i was impressed by how the president was measured and calm, encouraging people who are upset, frustrated, at the same time unequivocally condemning the arson and looting and saying these people need to be prosecuted. You get the attorney general condemning the arson and the looting by saying it threatens to drown out legitimate voices. Thats not the reason that this is wrong. Its because it is wrong. Its because its an assault on other people, its an assault on the law. And i was watching this live, and when he said the acts of violence cannot and will not be, im wait forgive the word tolerated, he is the attorney general of the united states, and he uses the word condoned. Is there anybody who thinks that arson and looting ought to be condoned . I think that is an astonishing statement by an attorney general. And again, they contrast with the president is very stark. In the meantime, the federal Investigation Continues despite what the grand jury came up with last night. It will go nowhere, i think hes doing it as a way to placate the people who are angry and i think it will end up as a Trayvon Martin federal investigation, which was to daerm that that was the case. When it comes to medicare, everyone talks about what happens when you turn sixtyfive. But, really, its what you do before that counts. See, medicare doesnt cover everything. Only about eighty percent of part b medical costs. The rest is on you. [ male announcer ] consider an aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans, it could really save you in outofpocket medical costs. So, call now and request this free decision guide. Discover how an aarp Medicare Supplement plan could go long™ for you. Do you want to choose your doctors . Avoid networks . What about referrals . 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Manipulating the American People, that is absolute garbage, when they sigh ay thato evidence that the yooimplt had regarding changing the talking points, thats a lie because i was on the receiving end of that lie. I just wash republicans would read it more carefully and see what an indictment of this administration there that in any way exxonner rates the administration on the key issues that more should have been to provide security. Well, the house Intelligence Report on benghazi. A lot of different people pointing to it as an exoneration of the administration. Those two republicans, obviously, are not, one of the conclusions was that the House Intel Committee report says that there was no standdown order to personnel on the ground. Bob just looked straight at me and said stand down. You need to wait. I said hey, we are ready to go. Bob looks right through me and looks at the team leader and says you guys need to wait. Mr. Panetta, do you believe those men . I have no reason not to believe them. Bob was the head of station there in benghazi at that cia facility. We are back with the panel. Okay, steve, a lot of people point to this report. Its obviously one of many reports when it comes to benghazi. Yeah, i mean i think the report in some very limited in narrow respects adds to our Broad Knowledge of what happened in benghazi. Overall i agree with the sentiments Lindsey Graham expressed. The thing that strikes you as you read through the report how many holes and admissions there are through the reports. Where there are holes report facts. The facts are rendered in a sloppy fashion and the report is ultimately unconvincing. On the question of standdown. Thats sort of the perfect example. The report concludes that there was no evidence of a standdown order given. But these are the guys who are saying that they had a standdown order given to them. Thats evidence. Now, it might be wrong. The evidence might be wrong. But they were saying we were told to stand down. And what the report, i think, attempts to do is dance on the head of a pin. They are try something to say well, there was no order given to proceed so then you cant, by definition, be told to stand down if you are not going against the previous order. Its a salesman particular game. Bigger problem relates to the talking points. You have michael more relative the acting director of Central Intelligence agency who was caught redhanded Misleading Congress on the question of his role in revising the talking points. For 8 months he let members of congress believe that he had no role. He didnt speak up and say that he had a role when he was asked about it directly. He denied he had a role. He told Lindsey Graham, john mccain and kelly ayotte that john mccain was the that this report relies almost entirely on mike morell as a fact witness. They base the entire section of their report on the talking points, on what mike morell says. He has no credibility on this issue. Why they would rely on him is beyond me. Many members of the media point to this say and say this was a republican report. It was bipartisan report. Republican led house inlligence committee. Thats true. This is a problem because the republicans are now a majority of both chambers and the majority is a mind field as everyone knows. As they try to not shut the government down, placate conservatives on the executive order how to respond to that begin the new year looking like they are governing before president ial politics takes over. They have a new focus on oversight but they are very hesitant about having it become too many investigations, big probes in the spotlight that promise too much and deliver too little. So, republicans are talking about the fact that this report cites no intelligence failure no deliberate misleading. No stand june order. Though Lindsey Graham and several other republican senators are trying to urge their Senate Select committee is a joint committee with the House Select Committee on benghazi, it might be that one very focused investigation is better than two. And we should point out trey gowdy reappointed as head of the select committee for the new congress. And that is still moving forward on this. Charles, one thing i want to point out this quote from the report that raised some eyebrows. The cias mission in cia annex in benghazi. The cia was collecting intelligence about foreign entities that were themselves collecting weapons in libya and facilitating their passage to syria. The benghazi annex was not itself collecting weapons. That has been talked about. And the fact that its in the report. What role did the u. S. Play in facilitating or moving or, you know, that raises a lot of questions. Well, this language is pretty cagey what they are saying. Is the cia did not actually pick up a gun, put it on a boat and ship it over to turkey to go to syria. But, they were involved in they were collecting intelligence about other enemies, friendly perhaps, unfriendly perhaps. Who were themselves collecting weapons, i would assume friendly. So we had cutouts and proxies. Look, in the war in afghanistan, we were able to get weapons that the strearls had captured from the softs in soviets. This is old stuff. This is not new. I do think the general point about republicans appearing to clear the administration on benghazi is really odd. I would say that mike rogers is not the pope. Its not infallible. In many ways the report is sort of incredible. Literally. And, again, i think steve is right. In putting all the emphasis on morell, who was clearly not saying the truth when he pretended that he wasnt involved in changing the talking points is odd. Im glad its in the hands of trey gowdy. I dont see any reason to expand it and include the senate. Well continue to cover it here. Thats it for the panel. Stay tuned for an early turkey day celebration. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. It gave me the power to overcome the urge to smoke. Some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. Some people had seizures while taking chantix. If you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. Tell your doctor about any history of Mental Health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix or history of seizures. Don take chantix if youve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. If you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be lifethreatening. Tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. 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Missouris governor vowing that tonight will not be a repeat of last night. Is that only hope . Can a governor really stop this violence . Trord is going to take you live to the streets plus, for the first time you will hear directly from officer Darren Wilson. At that time i gave myself another can i shoot this guy

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