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Ukraine im bret baier. Tonights Special Report coming to you from a city where ukrainian and Russian Forces have been inside now its in ukrainian control. These are the northern apartments used to be hundreds of people who lived here in these apartments before they were hit by Artillery Shells in the first weeks of the war. More than 100 people died in this region. This saturday marks two years since the russian invasion began in this country. Tonight, an exclusive sitdown with ukraines president , Volodymyr Zelenskyy, on the front lines for the first time ever. Just a mile and a half away from russian troops. We traveled by overnight train to kyiv from poland. Then to kharkiv in armored trucks and on to can a pans where Artillery Rounds could be heard interview Russian Forces and Ukrainian Forces back and forth just a mile and a half away first in the early days of the russian invasion many believed kyiv would fall quickly. They were wrong. Lets look back. Natos door is open. That is our commitment. Continuing buildup of Russian Forces. We are ready to show you what dechina communizing ukraine. When you attack you will see our faces not our backs. [explosion] the bombing of ukraine. Look at these stunning images. The president is here. We are all here. Our soldiers are here. Putin chose this war. This country will bear the consequences. Russias response will be immediate. The Largest Nuclear power plant in europe is reportedly under attack. Workers remained on site reportedly at gunpoint by occupying russian troops. Indiscriminate Artillery Fire is hitting residential buildings. The suburbs are pounded. We have been without light, without water, without heat. How do you believe this war ends . Only without victory. For god sake, this man cannot remain in power. I must save my child. The women now bonded by war spent six Straight Days in a bomb shelter in kharkiv before eventually arriving in an dick can a, poland. Fathers waving goodbye to their families. [explosion] those who remain taking up arms. Against all odds, ukraine did not fall. Ukraine is alive. Russian portion forces bombed a theater in mariupol where hundreds of people had been taking shelter. There were children inside. There is no purgatory for war criminals. They go straight to hell. The russians pulled out of this town of bucha on the outskirts of kyiv. The destruction that is left behind is almost unfathomable. Bret two of our coworkers have died in ukraine. Cameraman Pierre Krzyzewski and journalist and translator alexandria kutcher nova. They were working with Correspondent Ben Be Gentleman minute hall outside kyiv when incoming fire hit their vehicle. Last time i got on to this train i was barely alive. The eyes of the world moved elsewhere. Theyre looking at israel. It doesnt have good influence on ukraine. I think the United States and America President for the new defense package. Even behind closed doors we cannot get a clear articulation of where this is all going. Would you make a deal . People on the frontline they think that the United States doesnt support ukraine and that ukraine is alone. Those people who say its a lost cause, they dont know ukrainians. Bret they dont know ukrainians. [shouting] we will fight. Bret as president zelenskyy makes appeals for support around the world, a new Funding Package passed by the u. S. Senate is now in jeopardy in the house. This as russia makes some gains on the ground. Chief National Security correspondent Jennifer Griffin has that part of the story. [shouting] the gridlock in Congress Over Ukraine Funding is impacting ukraines front lines. The ukrainian soldiers under fire from russias relentless bombardment check their phones to see if congress has agreed to send more weapons. What will happen further . I dont know. Here living day to day i try to that is. I dont know what is coming. We will keep working. This is our duty. This video provided by Ukraines Defense Ministry was shot before ukrainian soldiers withdrew under fire from the strategic gateway town of aftern dick can a. Vowing to never give up and continue fighting they continue assaulting our positions. Of a Avdiivka The Villages near are next. The pentagon urging congress to come back from recess and pass a funding bill. They dont have enough ammunition and artillery are not going to be able to give it to them because, frankly, of congressional inaction. We need congress to act. We cannot just wish this money into existence. We cannot just find it under a couch cushion. Despite heavy losses on land, Ukrainian Forces recently sank the Large Russian Amphibious Assault ship in the black sea using ukrainian made that gore are a v 5 sea drones. Ukraine doesnt have a navy but used little sea drones and antiship Cruise Missiles to take out 1 3 of putins Black Sea Fleet Naval Warfare experts say the pentagon is learning a lot from ukraines creative tactics. We have used naval drones in ways that have been exceptional and not been seen in Naval Warfare. A Bipartisan Group of lawmakers led by Pennsylvania Republican congressman Brian Fitzpatrick is working on a new 66 billion foreign aid bill that strips out humanitarian and economic aid and provides just weapons. Many of which are only made in the u. S. Fox is told it strengthens southern Border Security provisions with a reinstatement of title 42 and remain in mexico policies. Bret . Bret Jennifer Griffin at the pentagon. Now, to our exclusive interview with ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Mr. President , thank you for the time. Thank you. Bret just a few kilometers from the front lines we have been Hearing Artillery voluntarilies back and forth all morning. You know, we sat here and thought two years, you know, in the first days when russia invaded, many experts thought kyiv was going to go down in two weeks. Here we are two years sitting right near the front lines. As you make an effort to get support around the world, where do you see this war right now . Thanks so much, bret. First of all, thank you, your team that you came here. Its very important for me. Lining i said before. Like i said before we started, important for me, the United States to see different war. And here first of all we are here very important in the trump ddays when russia said occupy u. We have been in the capital and there are troops, soldiers being around. Characters, houses been occupied. Now we are here, we are fighting two years ago. Half of those territory we deoccupied it. And, of course, resilience, strong heroes, and people and, of course, support. Big military support, Political Support from our partners. United states and eu partners. Now, i think challenging period, another part another page of the war. Bret you said you recaptured 55 . Yeah. Bret of the captured territory. Russia is still controlling 20 on these lines here. And it hasnt moved that much in the past year. So, is it a stalemate . First of all, its not a stalemate. Indeed its very complicated in the east. Theres a lack of certain weapons. They do have Air Superiority in terms of air power. This is a fact, truly. And, therefore, there is in this part of the continent we understand we need to deblock the air. We need our partners, not to forget that is not war that is taking place over one day but two years. The joint efforts would be able to kind of fight back russians and have russians go to concessions. Putin has to understand what all of you was what we have to do to push him. He has to understand that all the world needs peace. And all the world will not give him possibility to occupy ukraine. And to destroy it totally what he really wanted and still want. Bret do you know roughly how many ukrainians have died in the war so far . We know about Tens Of Thousands of people have been killed or Tens Of Thousands of children being deported. We know about this. And should we compare the number of civilians killed . I would say the ratio is 1 to 5. So many will soldier killed in action equals to five russian soldiers killed in action. So thats the proximate statistics. Bret so one to five. One to five. Bret meaning russians, your Defense Ministry has it at more than 400,000 russians . Is that possible . They have lost over 400,000. Bret roughly, thats, lets just say, 500,000 casualties, for people in the u. S. , thats the size of the city of atlanta, georgia. Its a lot of people. Well, the only thing that they have succeeded that is like over a period of nine months, they have managed to take control of avdiivka. What it means to control. They destroyed everything. Ththeretheir strategy is to levl everything to the ground and then to move on. Bret like in mariupol . [explosion] well, nothing was left afox news live mariupol. But, in here, everything is leveled to the ground. Weapons and shellings for their artillery. Bret you recently replaced your commanding general, general with a new commanding general. You also replaced many top commanders. What does that mean . Does it mean you are looking for a shift . A new direction . Well, sort of reloading, rebooting in the management of the supreme commanders of the armed forces. Something that we really need. We are not talking about kind of the rebooting or reloading of the direction of our actions. We are just saying that some of the things were not changing over the recent period of time. We have to be more quick. That means to lose all the bureaucracy that we have. Otherwise, we will not have any chance. So, to be smart, technology, more technology and, of course, quick. Time is money. In our case, its not money. Peoples lives. Bret you gave him the Hero Of Ukraine medal. Do you think hell remain a supporter of you and your government . Was there any part of that was decision about maybe him being in opposition to you . Thats his choice. He defended our nation, our country. Thats why i presented him with the title of hero. Im very grateful to him. Bret you mentioned 2022, you stopped the russians from advancing. You pushed them back. [explosion] 2023, you defended successfully against an air campaign. The effort to take out electrical infrastructure. As you mentioned, you kept the grain open in the black sea. You went after the russian navy. You sunk 12 Russian Naval ships, about 20 of their Black Sea Fleet. Now, in 2024 though, you have seen kind of a stall on the ground. The counteroffensive was not successful. So, as you look at 2024, and those goals, what do you see . You know, one, if you get the funding from the u. S. , what does it look like . And, the other way, if you dont, what does it look like . Sometimes we forget one thing. We are speaking about counteroffensive. Of course, its very important. Its moving you to be closer, but to defend ukraine, against such russia its also big task, big challenge. You remember you remind today that days of the war. Nobody in the world really believed that well do it. And today, sometimes we have also in congress we are speaking and some guys we have good relations because we met a lot of time. They say finish the war, will win. Why so slowly . Et cetera . Peoples lives without them. Wont be very quick. Will lose a lot of people without very counteroffensive operation with details because these people if we will lose soldiers, we will lose everything. With any technology, we will lose everything. And that means that to defend that the task, number one. Than to continue our successful story on the black sea. I will go deeply to details. But, they will get some surprises. Thats very important. So, south is very important to defend is where they have more than 200,000 soldiers, also very important to defend. And, of course, we will prepare new counteroffensive. New operation. And, of course, its not im not speaking that we will just stay. Of course, it depends, depends on a lot of things. Will ukrainians survive without congress support . Of course. But not all of us. And if we understand this price, if the world is ready for this. Okay. You will see it. But its tragedy. A tragedy for all of us, not only for ukraine. Not only for ukrainians. And see that day will go. People wont stay. Never stop. He will go through eastern europe. Because he wants it bret im going to talk about putin in a second. You are receiving sophisticated Weapon Systems now behind. You got it but you got it late. Patriot missile systems. M1 abrams tanks. F16s. There are some on capitol hill who are the other way. They believe that the administration was slowwalking this or even reluctant to give this to you in time. I want to ask it this way, had you gotten that material, those Weapon Systems earlier, could the counteroffensive have been different . Lets today not speak about the past. Nobody would have known what would happen if we got something more or less. I know what is happening now. And now you are absolutely right, two years of this war, new page of this war. Everyone understands now what is happening that additional patriot systems and millions of people would return. Will be more protected Additional Air Defense Systems will allow us to take down russian aircraft. We are demonstrating that on the everyday basis. Our air Defense Forces are great. They are taking down enemy fighters. It means no bombardment. Air defense, is what helps us. We have started the construction of large amount of drones, but thats not enough and the United States can help us. Specifically, we need high range weapons. We have talked about this yesterday with congressman. I talked about this with President Biden. Everyone understands 300 kilometers that would help us a lot because its kind of an unfair war. Our soldiers are standing and our artillery has a range of around 20 kilometers because we dont have mid range weapons and russians are have the range of 40 kilometers. Thats not fair. So, we were saying that to do our partners that we dont have this if the partners have those systems, why not be providing them to ukraine . Bret we can hear some of that artillery in the background. You often have said that you ukrainian force also never give up. They will never give up the fight. But could you see a scenario where you allow russia to maintain the 20 , the current lines where we are right now. But the 80 is a sovereign, secure country that is a member of eu and nato . We are ready to give some territories and be in eu. Bret im asking the question. Really. First, nobody, never gave us any such propositions. Just for you and i for the audience its very important to understand. You never had that. No. And all media some voices. But no any officials proposition. The second point, we know that history of our relations with Russia Frozen Conflict beginning. They did it. We have some document, some document means in agreement. Germany, france, russia, ukraine. So we have this document, it was about exchange. Every everything now a lot of countries say that we need ceasefire. We need to have frozen document. And war will end. No. The answer is not only about territories. Its about our security. He will never stop. Yes, until he will lose in this war. But he will lose. Not the world. He his losing it s. Just to be on his territory. We dont need any meter of sovereign other country. That means that we dont want my signal is dont want to repeat agreement but on another part of our territory. No any new frozen conflicts. We dont believe in it. And i dont trust him. Negotiation table. When we prepared to document on the basis of the peace formula, now on the basis of proposals countries that we have this ready made document and then we would be able to search for a Diplomatic Forum how to talk with representatives of russia. Whatsoever theyre, i believe. Dont have any steps coordinated with other partners you cant suggest anything to putin because he will want nothing. In the strong position, we found one very important diplomatic route. Diplomatic route, its a document. When it will be ready doesnt matter where we will stay at this time. What i wanted to say it does matter if the world is strong in all the cases i set and if we will have the document with the most big countries, important countries, Decision Makers in the world on our side, of course we can find political negotiation. Bret on the other side of a quick break, more of my exclusive interview with president zelenskyy and some behind the scenes with the president after this. Fa st network. ella we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. jen thats enterprise intelligence. vo its your vision, its your verizon. With fastsigns, Create Factory Grade visual solutions to perfect your process. Fastsigns. Make your statementâ„¢. Bret welcome back from kharkiv. We continue now with exclusive coverage and interview with president zelenskyy. What do you say to somebody in the u. S. Who says im worried about corruption and i dont want to give money to some corruption. Everything is [inaudible] corruption the eu gave us what we have to do. Corruption report. Otherwise [inaudible] so for today, we finished about one month and a half ago, two months ago finished with all this report. Everything is accepted with the people of eu on the level of president s of Euro Commission and the parliament. Bret thats only just a month ago. Yeah, yeah. We are finished with all of that it was very important the list of difficult reforms. Difficult for us during the war is difficult to provide by government parliamentary. So for today everything is finished. Everything is clean and all the leaders of eu they all say yes. Bret so you are being transparent. Even before this reforms a lot of times said to the white house and eu, i always said we are very open place. Bret i want to go back to congress. Do you have critics of funding, vocal critics. Here is three senators. We are not as a Republican Party behind unlimited, unaccounted for aid to ukraine without any goals in mind, without any sense of where the money is going. We have got money without end. We have got enough money to pay for bureaucrats salaries. We got enough money to pay for Ukrainian Government officials pensions. We are paying ukrainian farmers and, yet, we just punted the farm bill for American Farmers next year. Can you respond to all of that . We are thankful for the support but mostly military. We spend this money on military. So, our pension nears dont need any guns. Of course. So our soldiers need and our people scirlt of europe. So mostly from this money maybe somebody from senators, yes, you said, maybe they dont want to hear it but its truth and they can ask your defend industry. There is a study that says that 61 of the u. S. Funds had been used for Military Operations in ukraine. 31 to replenish dod Weapon Stockpiles in the u. S. So, with that said, if they came up with a plan that scaled back a little bit but you got money, but maybe you didnt get the economic side, would you push for that . We have some support for supporting infrastructure for some bridges or for bomb shelters, et cetera. But at least when soldiers on the frontline just for senators, just understand on the frontline the question is money. Not the first question they are defending and they have to think and focus only on the frontline on the enemy because they are defending all otherrivians and they cant and they dont have any time to think what their children. Their children, and their wives and relatives, mothers and fathers. They have to be secure zone. Bomb shelters and for schools. Bomb shelters for hospitals. What is it . This is for pensioners or for who. Soldiers on the frontline. So all these all your support, what you give, this financial part that you say, yes, all this, this is the part of the defending of ukraine. Bret President Trump suggested making the money a loan. You said hewn nic you would like to invite President Trump to the front lines. If trump, mr. Trump im ready go with him to the frontline. If he was here like we are. Yeah. I think his eyes, ears. Bret i can hear it . Will tell him what you know. First of all, why i said, please come. Im happy to see all the candidates. And all the people who are decisionmakers or can support not to be against who opened this war, who began it what ukraine we had. In the war its another picture. I suggest to him just come. Im ready to go with him. Maybe he wants alone without me. It doesnt matter from me. Come, see people. Just to speak to them on the streets. Bret you dont know how he is going to solve it in 24, 48 hours. I dont understand how it can be. He cant solve this problem, this tragedy with me, yes, of course, i will explain everything and he will explain what his thoughts. Maybe he has some ideas. I dont know. But, he will see whats going on. And, after that, i think he will change his mind and he will understand there is no two sides of this war. There is only one enemy, and this is the position of putin. Bret couple more critics that i want you to address their criticism. Okay. Bret you canceled the president ial election. Cancel. Cancel the election . No, i didnt. Bret for an emergency because of the war. No, no. Bret thats what they say. How do you respond . Because the war. Nobody canceled any elections during the war laws have you cant provide elections. And thats it. War law. Its not me. Its not my new law. Its the war of ukraine which was from the very, very beginning. So nobody canceled it the critics would say that you, by trying to hold on to power are not anxious to get to a Negotiating Table to end the war because you want to keep power. First, well i really do want to talk about politics because war is much more important than any election. So thats nonsense. Because do have the largest support. So if we will have this elections right now, then people will elect me. Its not that im trying to stay in power, you know. Win the elections if the elections would be held now. So the only way we could have the election now is to change the legislation and to understand that you can be build the infrastructure. Will negotiation table. I dont want to sit at the table with a person who only wishes to block. Bret as you know one of Vladimir Putins biggest political opponents Alexei Navalny died a few days ago in a siberian prison mysterious circumstances. Prigozhin who also challenged putin died. He was likely assassinated on putins orders. As we sit here we hear the artillery. Do your guys tell you how many close calls there have been to take you out . Do you know how many assassinations attempts there have been on your life . After fifth it was not interesting to me. Bret after the fifth time . Not really. We had at the very beginning, they made some bret attempts . Attempts, yes. Tryings, yes. But i know a lot from what they do from our intelligence rightly from me its not interesting now. Bret when you think about putin, you say you want to defeat him militarily. Do you think there is ever any chance of Regime Change in russia based on people there . I think and it will be so its not only militarily him. His positions are weak when you push on the battlefield. It doesnt mean that we have to military and all our territory from 1991 very difficult lose a lot of people much time long, long war. Thats why its more smart, of course, to decide this question diplomatically. But, as much as you can you do some [inaudible] putin is afraid strong. And he is, well, not accepting any weakness. So you have to be strong to prevent them from occupying anything. Thats first thing. Second, his positions will be weak here. With more and more casualties. The people in see. This wave is something that we need. We know to show informationally what is happening. Bret do you trust any agreements . Because, back in 1994 there was an agreement. Ukraine gave thousands of Nuclear Weapons up after the fall of the soviet union in 1991. And, in part, that was to get a Security Agreement with the u. S. U. K. , and russia. Russia, obviously, disregarded it. You gave up the nukes. Could you be sure of any agreement . I believe in only legal agreements. Significant one, powerful one i believe for ukraine being a part of nato is important. Important for surviving. If ukraine will not stand, putin might go to other nato countries. I believe in Security Guarantees and bilateral level because it involves specific sanctions, weapons. And actions against the aggressor. And, bret, frankly speaking, i believe that only the powerful Ukrainian Armed forces will be able to protect us and europe. Bret next up, president zelenskyy addresses comments from russian president Vladimir Putin directly. I dont have time to hear more than two hours of bullshit about us. About the world, about the United States, about our relations. Bret more with president zelenskyy after this. Every road, thats wrong and i, i wish i was here jorge has always put the ones he loves first. But when it comes to caring for his teeth hes let his own maintenance take a back seat. Well maybe its time to shift gears on that. Because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. With a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care. Plus free exams and xrays for new patients without insurance and 20 off treatment plans. Making it easier to get started with quality care. Its one more way aspen dental is in your corner. I was stuck. Unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. I needed more from my antidepressant. Vraylar helped give it a lift. Adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. And in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. 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Each time its very important for soldiers and very important for me to also speak with the people about the war, what they need and also to support them and to give them medals and orders for them its very important. My former colleague, Tucker Carlson recently traveled to moscow and sat down for an interview with Vladimir Putin. Did you happen to see that or coverage of it . I heard some messages and in media and also my guys who are [inaudible] so i dont have i dont have time to hear more than two hours of bullshit about us, about the world, about the United States, about our relations and this interview with a killer. So, i have got some briefly. One of the things he did say is that you signed a decree forbidding any negotiations with russia and that he said russia has never refused to negotiate. Its not negotiations. Negotiations with tanks, with occupation of ukraine was destroying our people. Its not about negotiations. Thats first thing. Secondly, everyone knows and everyone will tell you both macron and schultz they talked to putin before the occupation and he told that there would be no occupation, there would be no invasion. And like after that just half an hour before the invasion, he sent them a note. So he cant be trusted. And whatever hes promising, well, thats nothing. Bret he also said he has no interest in going into poland, latvia or anywhere else. Do you think thats part of the bull . Shit. That he said . First of all i dont believe is he adequate person. Doesnt remember what he is saying in different interviews. People around him they are saying that he is not willing to stop until they reach their goals. Bret he also calls you a neonazi by the way and says you have nazis in your administration. I heard about this. Keep searching for them in the administration. But i couldnt find it. But we will keep working, keep searching. Bret the u. S. Is supporting and we will see what happens in congress. But, at the same time, the Biden Administration is supporting, they are also installing a moratorium on liquid natural gas. In other words, they are saying the stopping of the selling of liquid natural gas, which means that russia may actually start selling liquid natural gas to europe again. Do you have a problem with that . Lets be frank. The European Countries are trading with gas and Energy Resources with russia like gas, oil, this is happening. But naturally, they are becoming independent from the Energy Standpoint and germany has already demonstrated. This and i believe, even though the war, you know, brings no positive aspects but, you know, europe is becoming a more independent. Bret russia is going to get a lot more money based on this. As they are trying to support you, push back on russia, at the same time, in essence, by a Climate Change rule, they are supporting russia to get more money. Our example during war, we didnt get any gas from any countries, all gas we use is ukrainian. This year we use only our gas. We dont be depending on putins mood. Bret ends where we began two years is a long time. I know you feel it, i have talked to people in your streets who feel it, so when does it end . I think its not very fair to ask ukrainians when the war will finish. We are doing Everything Possible for the war to, you know, to end as soon as possible. When the world will be ready to stop putin. Well, lets be frank. The world is not really ready for putin to be able to lose his power. The world is afraid of changes in russian federation. The United States European Countries. And global countries. When the world will understand exactly that well putin has broken all the reds line. He is inadequate person that is to the whole world that he will destroy. Thats his goal. So when the world will understand, okay, thats it. So, in this moment the war will end. Bret what is your message to congress . We are thankful for everything been done by the United States, by president , congress. My message is if they want to be very pragmatic, the price, we are asking now to support this price is less than it will be in the future. If well fall down it will go to nato countries. They will pay much more. Much more. We just want to live to survive. We dont have we just want to survive. I think congressman just people with their families, with their children and i think they understand that we are just trying to save our houses with children. And just say that if you think that we are fighting for the common values, so letshelp us and lets support let there be unity. Bret mr. President , thank you for your time. Thanks so much, bret. Thank you. Bret next up check in with my colleague, Trace Gallagher with the other stories of the day. start your day with nature made. The 1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. 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The first time in american spacecraft has landed on the moon since the Apollo Missions ended in 1972 meantime, President Biden met with the late Alexei Navalnys widow and daughter today in california. The Opposition Leader died while in russian custody last week. The president later posted that navalnys legacy of courage will live on. The administration is expected to announce new sanctions on russia tomorrow. A major rally today on wall street led the dow and s p to record closes. The dow surging 457. The s p 500 finished ahead 105. And the nasdaq soaring 461. Will ukrainians survive without congress support . Of course. But not all of us. We will see that day will go, putin will never stop. Trace lets bring in our panel harold ford jr. Former tennessee congressman and cohost of the five. Kimberley strassel a member ever the Editorial Board at the Wall Street Journal and Matthew Continetti fellow at the American Enterprise institute. Thank you all for coming on. Kind of referring to what Volodymyr Zelenskyy was talking about there, harold ford jr. , the package, the aid package is still really tied up in congress. It looks like maybe mid march before the house really takes a close look at that, which is a very long time, as you heard for president zelenskyy and the ukrainian people. Well, first off, thanks for having me. I think bret deserves a lot of credit for what he has done here and hopefully some sort of settlement or negotiation here can be resolved. I would say two things. If you are a member of congress, democrat or republican. I would hope circulating in your head he or she two things. Number one, nato the most successful alliance in the last half of the 20th century and the first part of the 21st century. One might argue for even longer than that they helped us to win the cold war. Now we find ourselves asking with two basic questions. Should nato contribute more . Yes. Should we block putin from this aggression . I think we have to and i hope they think about that as they think about aid package. Trace the Wall Street Journal writes the following reporting here. Kyiv urgently needs ammunition and the money to make or buy it. Republicans in the house are blocking even a vote on new weapons. Its a shameful position that will tar the Republican Party arrests the abandonment of South Vietnam did democrats. If the impasse continues, mr. Biden and Western Europe need to find money elsewhere. Russian reserves are the best source for that i mean, you could talk about the white house kimberly possibly. Shifting some money away with executive action. Buff they really need Congress Approval on this. Well, yeah. Look. We need to talk more about these reserves. They have been sitting there gathering dust and interest for several years now. Theres been some very good analysis from legal scholars as to why it would be completely justified for america to use. This but, look, Congress Needs to get this done. And that was a very compelling interview. Not just about the Return On Investment America has already received from the Ukrainian Forces and how much they have degraded russia at a fraction of what we would normally be spending. But the thing i hope thats keeping Congress Up At Night was zelenskyys warning. That loss here is not just going to be about ukrainian soldiers. We see what they do to women, children. They will roll over that Country Infantry and it will be bad. I want to put this marist poll up for you matthew con continue netty. Should the u. S. Authorize additional aid to ukraine, 16 , 15 . The bottom two are interesting. Both 32 . Neither 36 Republican Party and country is divided take away is clear. Putin will not stop with ukraine. He will continue to push. He will continue to threaten nato countries. If you dont Want Americans directly involved in the conflict with russia, the best way to prevent that from happening is to supply the weapons to ukraine and soon. Trace is that a Fair Assessment in your estimation, harold . Because bret talked a little bit about zelenskyy about maybe this capacity or maybe the need for some off ramp some diplomatic solution in. This i have got about 35 seconds for you. I will make this really easy. I agree with Everything Matt And Kimberly Have said. And i give kudos to bret. If we dont stop him here. We will have u. S. Troops on that continent trying to stop them elsewhere we should fund him thought and efforts as much as we can. Trace thank you all. Well, brets extended interview with ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy will be available tomorrow morning on fox nation. Up next, we return to ukraine for some final thoughts with bret. You were always so dedicated. We worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. But we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. Now i see who all that hard work was for. It was always for you. Seeing you carry on our legacy im so proud. At vanguard, youre more than just an investor, youre an owner. Setting up the future for the ones you love. Thats the value of ownership. My names cody archie. And im erica. Cody and were first generation ranchers from central texas. Erica and because of tiktok, were able to show people from All Over The World where their food and fiber come from. Cody We Have Dorper Sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain. We use tiktok as a tool to inform people of what we do and why we do it. Theres just a plethora of knowledge and of Information Swapping going on there. Tiktok is helping us protect this way of life for future generations. Bret welcome back to Special Report. We made the trip from kharkiv in an armored Truck Driving about seven hours back down to the capital city of kyiv. Were here in Independence Square in downtown kyiv. Behind me is a memorial with a flag for each of the soldiers killed over the two years of this war. On the other side of the square, theres a protest, demanding the release of ukrainian hostages. Ukrainian Prisoners Of War being held by russia. Covering war is a tough thing. Logistically, its very difficult. We have had scores and scores of staff members, recover froms, s come warsaw covering this over the past two years. And we continue. To say i want to take a moment and just note the correspondents who have covered this war out in the field. Trey yingst. You can hear that explosion there. Lets move a little quicker. Lucas tomlinson. We are up to 30,000 Russian Forces amassing. Mike tobin. These kind of things have been arnold since world war i. Jeff paul. What took place here will never go away. Greg palkot. Another Russian Missile attack. Alexis mcadams. With more than 2 million ukrainian refugees in poland. Amy kellogg. Government officials here are really digging in. Griff yenins. Griff the rubble we are standing on once an apartment building. Jonathan hunt. Usually packed streets quieter by the day. Alex who he ganchts these soldiers are part of ukraines territorial defense. Aishah hasnie. Have hopes that one day they will return home. Steve harrigan. Russia is using antiship missiles. Jennifer griffin. It going to take a long time to rebuild. Bret nate foy. You see the effects of the missile strike. Matt finn. Almost directly at the center of this property is this massive creator. Bret and, of course, Benjamin Hall and his crew. Can you see the total destruction. The building here behind me. Bret they were attacked in their car. Benjamin has talked about how he has recovered from the Grievous Injuries and fought for that recovery. Tawas like everything i was trying to do get home and back for to my family. Bret back in the field most recently reporting to us from israel. The very purpose of this war to defeat hamas. We did lose two of our colleagues in that attack on that car. Pierre krzyzewski and sasha. We remember pierre and sasha on this twoyear anniversary. We mourn their loss. But we also remember their excellence in journalism. For that matter, we also remember our Wall Street Journal colleague Evan Gershkovich who is being held by the russians and we add our voices to the calls for him to be released. Covering war is tough. But we will continue to fair, balanced and unafraid. Friday, i will be back in the u. S. I will bring you a little story about what life is like here in kyiv. They are trying to get back to normal. But there is a threat that looms overhead every single day. Good night from kyiv. The ingraham starts right now

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