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Intervene in the state matter and say stop the state plea because its insufficient. Reporter from reuters. Want to ask you a question about the office of professional responsibility. Earlier this year was disclosed that they are doing a review into how you and other prosecutors in your office handled this matter. What is the status of that. What exactly are they looking at . We submit to an interview even though you are no longer with the Justice Department . They find any misconduct, will you resign . First i dont know what the status of that is. I would refer that to the office of professional responsibility. I dont speak for them. I will clearly submit for an interview even though i dont have to. I think what they do is important. The office of professional responsibility will have access to full records. They will have access to all the facts. They will have access to the fbi reports, the victim interviews. They can look at this matter in its totality. And so i think its important that they proceed. I will gladly be part of it. They will find that the office acted appropriately. Reporter with pbs newshour. As labor secretary, you tried to cut a program that deals with Human Trafficking in a Labor Department by up to 80 , going for congress in advocating for that. Why should people trust you to focus on Human Trafficking and protect victims if you have done that . I would like a followup question. Your inferring two grants to go to Foreign Countries for a foreign country labor related we budget every year. Those grants have been removed, as have other grants for Foreign Countries. Let me just add as part of the budget every year, this is what happens in washington when i fully suspect that the grants will remain in this year. Reporter my followup question his sources told me that the president encourage you to hold this press conference. Can you speak a little bit about what the president told you ahead of his press conference and whether you are here to give a message to the president. Are you fighting for your job or youre trying to send a message to victims . If so, what is the message to victims who say they dont trust you anymore . Im not about to talk about conversations with the president and im not here to set any signals to the president. I think its important. A lot of questions were raised in its range to point i think its important to have a public hearing. I think its important for these questions we asked and answered. As for a message to the victims, the messages you need to come forward. I heard this morning that another victim came forward and made horrendous, horrendous allegations. Allegations that should never happen to any woman, much less a young girl. As victims come forward, these cases can be brought and they can be brought by the federal government. They can be brought by state attorneys. They will be brought to. We have seen in the last few years cases brought against individuals that got away with things for well over a decade. Its important to realize that people were getting away with this. People were not going to jail at all. We are aware of those highprofile cases and weve seen, as victims come forward, how the Justice System deals with it. So the message to victims is come forward. Let me take a few more. Reporter you just said victims needed im sorry, richard . Reporter ctv television. You still havent offered an apology to them. Why is that . The victims should come forward because the Justice System needs to hear from them. What the victims went through is horrific. With the victims continue to go through is horrific. Ive seen these videos. Ive seen the interviews im sorry, ive seen the interviews on television of these victims. And their stories. Its hard, but i also think its important that we understand that the men and women of my office, going back to 2006 and 2007 and 2008 have spent their career prosecuting these types of cases. In their hearts, in our heart, we were trying to do the right thing please victims. And so this is horrific. This is awful. Each one of these cases is just devastating and saddening. But i also think its important to realize that the prosecutors were trying to do the right thing. Sir. Reporter jeff from daily mail. Are you aware of alleged obstruction of justice by mr. Epstein . A bail memo by new york prosecutors. Did he take it up to intimidate prosecutors and if he did, or harass witnesses, tamper with witnesses, if he did that i cant comment on the new york case. That would not be appropriate. Reporter im talking about in florida. There is a pending case in new york. I cant comment. Reporter i am curious, who at main justice review this case or your decision, and did you have in the interaction with Robert Mueller at the time . I shared a letter that i wrote to one of epsteins Defense Attorneys make sure that letter in part because it shows much of the timeline. It shows how initially the meetings that took place were between july, between the first assistant, the criminal chief, the Palm Beach Office chief, and the line attorney and two fbi agents. You will notice that the initial meeting as outlined in this letter are all career attorneys. How they presented the terms, how epsteins attorneys were dissatisfied and asked for a meeting, how i subsequently went with their attorneys, along with all the career officials, however that meeting we then invited the chief of the Child Exploitation section from the department of justice to travel down. One of the things we wanted to make sure of was that he had, going back to the earlier question about the rule, that we had sufficient evidence to proceed ethically. And then the details a little bit on how epsteins counsel appealed the decisions to washington. I would refer you to the record. One of the really disturbing things about this case is theres a record here. The documents that i shared today we have shared previously with the media, yet i have seen no reference to any of these documents in the perspective of some of these prosecutors. All of these documents are publicly available. They couldve been pulled up by anyone in this room. And so, you know, there is a record i wasnt at main justice. I do not have a full list of the individuals that reviewed this matter at main justice. I can tell you individuals referencing this letter, and i would refer you to the record. This was 12 years ago. I do not have a full list of individuals that reviewed this at main justice. As the record makes clear, individuals from main justice were involved fairly early on and were certainly aware of it. If you look at the record, it will become clear that the decisions were appealed again and again to main justice. Adam from the financial times. The deal that you negotiated and resulted in two things. One is that the case ended with mr. Epstein, it immunized his coconspirators. Did you consider his victims in that case to be prostitutes and why did you immunized his coconspirators . The answer to where the victims prostitutes, no. They were victims. End of story. They were victims. The second part of that, the purpose in this case was to bring epstein to jail. Put him behind bars. There were other individuals, the focus is on the top player and thats where our focus appropriately was. Let me also Say Something because a lot has been said about this. When we proceeded, the expectation was that would be needed 18 month sentence in the expectation was that it would be served in jail. And so this workrelease was complete b. S. Ive been on record as far back as 2011 saying that it was not always bargained for and it was not what we expected. But this was a state court plea and because it was a state court plea, the terms of confinement were under the jurisdiction of the state of florida. And so the outrage over that 13 month, you know, getting to leave jail, is entirely appropriate. When we entered into this, i at least fully thought that he would be spending the time in jail. Thats what we mean by someone going to jail. Reporter if i can get a brief statement in spanish, i would really appreciate it. I tell you what. If you asked me a question in spanish, while answer in spanish. Is that fair . Reporter a brief statement so that i could go over it. [speaking spanish] shepard a number of important Shepard Smith in new york. Well go back when this returns english. A number of important points. Secretary acosta says that the deal that the miami herald called the deal of a lifetime back in the day, they said that the deal that they wanted to put him behind bars and this is what they thought was appropriate to do. He said the state prosecutors have the possibility of letting him go free and what acosta wanted to do was put him behind bars. Yet acosta says that him being out of work release which he was six days a week during this 13th month sentence, could have potentially been a lifetime, it was not what he expected and it was not what he wanted. But thats how the agreement turned out. Then you heard the question, because at the time epstein pleaded guilty to solicitation of prostitution, you heard the question, did you consider these young girls victims or prostitutes . Because thats what he pleaded too. And acosta says they were victims. The question is, is he making the case for his actions then, and is he making the case for the cause for him to step down to subside . We will let him continue now in english, and you decide. Felt let down by you. Look. Victims came forward and there were several victims. I believe that in one of the filings, the department of justice talked to several of the victims and some of the victims just didnt want any public notoriety. Other victims have provided interviews and said they felt let down, that they were let down. These are really hard cases. The prosecutors in my office and i were focused on putting him in jail. I provided the information from the career attorney as to why there were concerns. If we went to trial, and it became clear that they were going to receive money if he was convicted, how that would impeach their credibility. Today that would proceed very differently because victims shaming is just not accepted. The circumstances of trials and with juries would consider 12 years ago was different. So these were the judgments that were made. I understand that individuals will look at these judgments and say may be a different judgment should have been made. Look at the facts and say should you have gone for the big score and ask which is the right outcome . I provided these documents so that you could hear from the prosecutors themselves how this was being weighed. Sir. Reporter vice news. Did the miami herald reach out to you and if so, why didnt you set the record straight on the breakfast meeting then. Media has reached out to me over the years about this. Its very important the department of justice is the entity that is litigating all these matters and quite honestly until recently, i havent commented on this since 2011 because i think its important for the United States to litigate cases with the department of justice. If former u. S. Attorneys responded to Media Inquiries about pending cases, and this is a pending case. There still is a live civil matter. If former u. S. Attorneys responded to Media Inquiries all the time, we would have havoc in our Justice System. You cant have a department of justice of the litigating entity with u. S. Attorneys giving press statements. Your followup question may be why am i talking today and the answer is this has clearly reached a level where i thought it was important to have this kind of press conference to take questions and to provide these facts in these perspectives. I understand individuals might say its not enough but this is the way it was viewed not only by me but by many back in 2008. Reporter mr. Secretary. Doug from talk media news. He said the victims were not prostitutes, but the agreement was he was jailed for prostitution charges, not or not for sex trafficking. Can you say what the distinction is . Speak with the agreement this heres why this is hard. This was a state case. He was arraigned. A state grand jury returned a prostitution charge against him, a solicitation charge, if i recall. There was a state grand jury. He was allowed to self surrender by the state Attorney Office as a result of that single charge that wouldve resulted in no jail time. And ultimately with the agreement and was say you have to go back and you have to plea to a more serious take charge that requires jail time, that requires registration, and under this agreement, you will have a mechanism for restitution. But the agreement itself ultimately the state of florida and the States Attorneys Office in florida is a separate sovereign. The u. S. Attorney does not determine how those offices run themselves or what charges they bring. I do not consider the victims prostitutes. I think its insulting to them. These were victims. They were not just women victims. They were children victims. Reporter mr. Secretary, i am Debra Saunders with the Las Vegas Review journal. Since mr. Epstein left jail, hes been a public figure. Hes been a man about town. He hasnt seemed particularly contrite about what he did. What have you thought when you have seen him . What i thought as i keep reading newspaper articles about pending investigations here or there. If someone does a google search, they will see there were rumors and investigations going on for the last ten years. New york finally stood up and they took one of those investigations and brought charges. And i wish it wouldve happened. Im glad to see its happening now. Hes a bad man. He needs to be put away. Based on additional allegations i saw this morning, there are multiple jurisdictions, federal or state, that hes going to have to answer to. A few more questions. Reporter alex with the miami herald. I wanted to followup to your earlier question about potential coconspirators. Were you confident that any potential additional coconspirators didnt commit abuses against underage girls like epstein did, because some of those victims have accused others of doing similar acts to them. Let me see how i can address your question without running afoul of the department of justice guidelines. If my office have been aware of individuals who committed acts such as sexual abuse, my office, it would not of been my position that those individuals should have been part of that kind of immunity. Its not even immunity. Should not have been part of that paragraph. I know that there are a lot of rumors about who those individuals may or may not be. I think those rumors are misconstruing the acts of the office with respect to that particular paragraph. One more question. Shepard richard were you ever made aware at any point that mr. Epstein was an intelligence asset of some sort . There has been reporting to that effect and let me say theres been reporting to a lot of effects in this case. Not just now but over the years. Again, i would hesitate to take this reporting as fact. This was a case that was brought by our office, brought based on the facts. I look at that reporting and others. I cant address it directly because of our guidelines. But i can tell you that a lot of reporting is just going down a rabbit hole. A few more questions. A few more questions. Have you asked the question yet . How about in front of you. Im trying to do one question per person. Reporter go ahead . Katie rogers with the new york times. I wonder what makes you so confident that the president is going to have two continue to have you serve. There are several advisors that he stands up for initially but you are about of the level where he is backed way before. What makes you so confident . Im here to talk about this case. Im doing my job. If at some point the president decides im not the best person to do this job, i respect that. Its his choice. I serve at the pleasure of the president. I thought yesterday he was kind and he showed great support. But we to remember we are here because we are part of an administration that is green jobs that is creating growth, that is really transforming our economy and focusing in on the forgotten man and woman and if at some point he says look, youre not the right person for this right now or youre standing in the way, i respect it. Reporter do you really have nothing else to say to these victims beyond you should come forward. It places a lot of burden on children. You have avoided addressing these people directly. Why is that . To be clear, that is not all i said. I think if i recall and lavishly dont have a transcript here but what i have said previously is i have seen these interviews and i cant, i genuinely cant begin to fathom what these victims have been through. I dont think that anyone thats not been in the situation can begin to fathom. The closest i can come is to think what i feel like if one of my girls was going through this . I not sure i can say the way i would feel on television. But even that is different than what the victims themselves went through. The point im trying to make is everything that the victims have gone through in these cases is horrific. Their response is entirely justified. At the same time, i think its important to stand up for the prosecutors in my former office and make clear that what they were trying to do was help these victims. They should not be portrayed as individuals they just didnt care because theyve spent a lifetime of bringing cases like this. There individuals who really, really do care. Reporter thats not an apology, though, right . Reporter the key from the new york post. How much of this do you think was epstein getting special treatment because of his enormous wealth and political connections . Ive heard a lot about of that and if you go to the record, you will see that in july he was presented with certain terms. I laid this out in an open letter that i wrote to address these questions in 2011. He was presented with terms. The office, throughout this entire negotiation, and it took several months from july to december, these five months of negotiations, stuff to those terms. You go to jail. You register. And you provide restitution. The original term was two years. The office agreed to 18 months. It had to be in effect. It had to be an offense where there was registration because the world needed to be on notice that he was a sexual predator. And it had to be a situation where the victims could seek restitution. Because it wasnt just enough for him to go to jail. Let me also say restitution is also not enough. You can never put victims in the place they were before they were victimized. You cant unwind history. But restitution is important. Thank you very much. Reporter quick question. How powerful his lawyers were that they put pressure on you. Did someone at doj tell you or order you to cut a deal with Jeffrey Epstein . His attorneys filed several appeals with main justice. I will again reach straight when the career attorneys met with them, they presented certain terms and the office stayed true to those terms throughout. Those terms did not change. The agreement did not change. No level of appeal to main justice changed the terms of these initial points in those agreements. Reporter i have a question. In the proposed remedies, one of their requests is to meet with you. You are not apologizing today but would you be willing to meet with them . Thats a really good question. This is currently in litigation and so i dont want to interfere with that litigation but let me just say i have monitored this litigation. I havent monitored day today. Ive never pulled the full record but ive watched it and ive seen what these victims have gone through and whatever this litigation is concluded, ive always had an open door policy and im always welcome the opportunity to sit down and i think it would be really healthy for prosecutors to sometimes circle back and really hear about what happened. We all have to learn. One of the questions that came up at my confirmation hearing was what would you do differently. I alluded to this and i said the world is much more transparent. We expect a lot more from government. We are a less Trusting Society. We can wonder whether thats right or wrong but we are of us Trusting Society today. In part because our culture expects transparency. So to sit down and hear from victims how this impacted them i think would be healthy for prosecutors generally. I cant comment on this particular case. Its in litigation. I think would be healthy for prosecutors generally. Thank you very much. Shepard the embattled labor secretary alex acosta speaking publicly for the First Time Since prosecutors charged Jeffrey Epstein with praying on underage girls. Acosta vigorously defending his actions. Yet saying moments ago that Jeffrey Epstein is a bad man who should be put away. The truth is that prosecutors had that opportunity and let it pass. Acosta says a properly and for good reason. In 2008 when epstein was accused of sex crimes, acosta was u. S. Attorney in miami. Today secretary acosta says state prosecutors in florida nearly let epstein walk free and that the goal of his office was to put them behind bars. The goal here was straightforward. Put epstein behind bars, ensure that he registered as a sexual offender, provide victims with the means to seek restitution, and protect the public by putting them on notice that a sexual predator was in their midst. Shepard epstein did not stay behind bars for very long. The deal that acosta worked out the miami herald called the deal of a lifetime. It allowed Jeffrey Epstein to plead to solicitation of prostitution and served just 13 months after an 18 month agreement instead of potentially spending the rest of his life behind bars. When epstein didnt go to jail, it was parttime, six days a week epstein was allowed out of jail to go to work, 12 hours a. He slept in the county jail but had days out and about. Acosta said to date it was not when he bargained for and thats not what he expected. But it is what happened. In addition, the agreement kept secret the details of the allegation that epstein abused dozens of girls in his palm beach mansion and alleged victims never got their say. Prosecutors did not even notify them of the plea agreement. This week prosecutors in new york charged epstein with running a sex trafficking ring, a vast network, said the indictment, accusing him of sexually abusing dozens of teenage victims and paying them to recruit other children. Among the evidence, a stash of photos of nude underage girls. Epstein pleaded not guilty and stay a new accuser came forward, a woman not named in the indictment. Her name is jennifer. She told Savannah Guthrie that epstein raped her when she was 15 years old. I was terrified i was telling him to please stop. He did not stop. He had no intentions of stopping. Thats what he wanted and thats when he got. Forcefully raped me and knew exactly what he was doing. I dont think cared. Shepard nbc news reports that jennifers mother, former boyfriend and two Close Friends corroborated her account. No comment from epstein or his lawyers. Lets turn to a criminal defense attorney. She has a background in Sexual Assault cases and worked in the special victims unit. Thank you. Did he make his case appropriately today . I think reasonable prosecutors can differ in how to handle these cases. There are so many factors that go into a decision about whether to take a sex case to trial or cut a deal. I believe secretary acostas explanation was very reasonable. As a former prosecutor, i understand that theres not a perfect solution and a lot of these cases. There are a lot of questions people obviously have about this but in the world of Sexual Assault prosecution, it makes a lot of sense. Shepard it makes sense that after multiple people came forward who said they were children at the time, so they were abused by him, they cut a deal without telling those alleged victims. The alleged victims never got their same court, and the man who pleaded guilty to solicitation of prostitution spent half a day in jail every day for 13 months. Thats appropriate . Im talking generally about how these cases are handled. This isnt a personal opinion. Shepard that should make all victims around the world want to come forward if this is what happens. Its a difficult thing to generalize this case to any other case but the way that they are handled can be looked at broadly. You have allegations that the question for prosecutors is theres a big difference, as the secretary said, between sufficient evidence to go to trial and a guarantee that youre going to have a conviction. And whether you can get something in the middle where you guarantee that somebodys on a sex offender registry, whether as restitution, and supposedly they are going to be spending time in jail. Its a huge disservice in this case is a lease with how it played out. You have to make those calculations. So i dont know that this was something that is a perfect solution by any means, but the process that he walked through is what prosecutors do every da day. Making those determinations to not go to trial and end up with a full acquittal where you have nothing for the victims. Shepard katie, thank you. Kristin fisher is live at the Labor Department. Kristin. Today secretary acosta really place the blame on the palm beach state attorneys office. He says that office was about to cut an even better deal for epstein than the one he got. It was going to be a deal with no jail time. Thats when secretary acosta said that his office he was the u. S. Attorney in miami at the time he says thats when his office stepped in. He said that it was something that was pretty unusual to do. As for why they cut the deal, he said that he was pleased with the deal because he was worried that if they went ahead and went to trial that he might get no jail time had that some jail time was better than no jail time. Here is secretary acosta explaining why he went with that plea deal back in 2008. This was the view of the office. There is a value to a sure guilty plea because letting him walk, leading with the state attorney was ready to do go forward would have been absolutely awful. Secretary acosta is saying that he was essentially pleased with the deal that he got because he thought of the time that it was the best deal that he could get. It should be noted that he thought that epstein was going to be put in jail for 18 months and not be allowed to go in and go out of jail. As he ended up being allowed to do. A Work Release Program where he can leave six days a week to go to work and come back to jail. Today secretary acosta said he was not happy about that and he also called epstein a bad guy differently said that in new york those prosecutor should move forward with the charges in that state. Shep, one more thing about the victims. Theres been a lot of talk about why this plea deals kept a secret from so many of them. Secretary acosta says that he was trying to protect those victims. He says that times have changed, that a lot has happened in the last 11 years and he was worried that there would be a lot of victim shaming by the defense of org to go to trial. He says he was also worried because some of these victims do not want to come forward. They were embarrassed by what had happened and they didnt wanted to become public. Thats the defense secretary acosta made today, no talk of resignation. Shepard really is quite a thing to try to process, isnt it . You are talking about a man who is rich and famous within enormous team team of lawyers, who multiple women say when they were children he abused them, had them recruit others. That there were others in his realm who were also part of all of this. They came forward risking public shame and all that comes along with reporting such a thing. In the end, they werent even told of a plea deal before he came. They never got to have their say and after all they went through, Jeffrey Epstein was in and out of jail every day and able to work and carry on with his life, the way they describe it, so many of them have their lives really turned upside down. The labor secretary also talked about his relationship with the president. He did, and he called his relationship with the president good. He also called his relationship with the chief of staff as pretty good. Theres been a lot of reports that the chief of staff wanted to use this as a way to push secretary acosta out of his pos post. Today secretary acosta really try to set the record straight. Listen. My relationship with the president is outstanding. He has i think very publicly made clear that ive got his support. He spoke yesterday in the oval office. He and i have spoken. Let me add i keep reading about articles about my relationship with me and mr. Mulvaney. He called me this morning to say if asked that our relationship is excellent too. President trump really, publicly yesterday and stood by secretary acosta. He said he was going to be looking into this but so much hinged on what exactly secretary acosta said today in this press conference. Now it remains to be seen if this was enough to convince President Trump that he should be allowed to stay in this job. One more thing, shep, House Democrats are calling for him to resign. They have already called for secretary epstein sent a letter today urging him to come to capitol hill and testify. He was asked today if he would do that and he didnt answer the question. Well have to see about that. Shepard secretary acosta obviously. Thanks so much. More on the new accusations against Jeffrey Epstein. David lee miller live in new york city. The latest alleged victim of Jeffrey Epstein is a woman who says she was in high school when she met the now convicted sex offender. In legal papers filed today, in preparation for a civil lawsuit, Jennifer David spunt describes how she met one of the wealthiest men in the country and how he allegedly raped her. She said she was introduced to him near the performing arts school where she was. She wanted to be an actress and her father had recently died from aids, according to the court filing, the recruiter said that epstein is a caring guy, he said she should not be struggling. And he wanted to be there for her. The recruiters that it was very caring, very wealthy, very successful and someone good to know. The recruiter said if ms. Rape did not want to meet epstein, she did not have to be doing so could benefit her she was surviving given 300. Visits place and things turn. Sexual. Araoz said there was no question he knew she was 14. He knew who we was hanging out with brandon think he cared. According to those documents, that the initial meeting, epstein repaired welcoming, eve, but that soon changed. Shepard how does she alleged the relationship turn violent . After several weeks, araoz began to visit epsteins alone. She says he told her she was beautiful. She says he asked her to strip down from one of those massages. I was just i would get massages back and he would potentially later on turnover and play with himself. He would also like when i would play with his nipples. He would get turned on by that. Soon thereafter is when the alleged rape took place. He said why dont we do it where you are on top of me massaging me and take your underwear off. Araoz said it made her uncomfortable and she wanted to stick to what they were doing and epstein said he was fine and that he loved her and cared for and that he would look for or go out for her. Ms. Araoz felt intimidated and did not know what to do. So she did as she was told and got on top of him. That is when she claims she was forcibly raped. We reached out to Jeffrey Epsteins attorney and we have not heard back. Attorneys for Jennifer Araoz say they are the process of filing a civil lawsuit and they want to depose Jeffrey Epstein. They want to learn the identity of the socalled recruiter. Shepard David Lee Miller in new york. One last note, secretary acosta said that during his time as a prosecutor in south florida, as all of this was unfolding, he was concerned that if the victims if the victims like the victim ashamed because the times of change so much that he didnt want them to be held up to public scrutiny. The truth is victims names, especially those who are minor victims are never released by the courts. That matter wouldve been kept confidential by law. The victims complaint is you made this agreement. You never consulted us. You never talked to us. And in the end, we never had our say. And he pleaded to solicitation of prostitution. Today secretary acosta said they are not prostitutes. They are victims. Makers in congress are demanding answers about secretary acostas actions in 2008. Chief Congressional Correspondent mackey manual reporting from capitol hill. Good afternoon. Democrats say congress should step up and take action to remove alex acosta writing in light of acostas failures, i respect we urge you to commence impeachment proceedings against secretary acosta. Elijah cummings, a key member of the committee, calling for acosta to appear on capitol hill for an open hearing in about two weeks. The lawmakers say they want to examine acostas actions as u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of florida in authorizing the nonprosecution agreement against Jeffrey Epstein. Today a leading House Democrat went bigger, taking the opportunity to blast President Trump and his entire administration. Secretary acosta is repeated with this administration always does. They choose the powerful and the wealthy over the vulnerable and children. We see it repeated over and over. So we again are calling for the resignation of secretary acosta. In addition to trying to push secretary acosta out, they believe the attacks will damage President Trump. Shepard what are republicans saying . How should public leader expressed concern about the whole case. Noting secretary acosta serves at the pleasure of the presiden president. This is a very serious, when i look at and seeing what epstein, its very disturbing to me that this man is out walking around. The president said yesterday was going to look into it and review it. Senate judiciary chairman Lindsey Graham told us today hes open to Holding Hearings to look into this very controversial plea deal. Shep. Shepard mike emanuel live on capitol hill. More news breaking today. We now know how she died and what happened in the case of the College Student Mackenzie Lueck. Prosecutors making their case against the accused killer, how they say he found his victims. And the brutal act that ended her life. The evidence and the emotional announcement next. Ally discover. In jellyfish. 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And unlike sonicare, oralb is the First Electric toothbrush brand accepted by the ada for its effectiveness and safety. What an amazing clean ill only use an oralb oralb. Brush like a pro. Shepard investigators revealing gruesome new details about how the utah College Student Mackenzie Lueck died. Salt lake city prosecutor filing murder, kidnapping, desecration of body charges against a suspect. The medical examiner says Mackenzie Lueck died from a blunt force blow to the left side of her head and had a hole bigger than a golf ball in her skull. Bullies say they found that Mackenzie Luecks charred body in a shallow grave in a wooded canyon about 80 miles north of the city. Her arms bound behind her back with a zip tie and rope. In a burn pit and the suspects backyard, investigators say they found human bone, charred muscle tissue, part of a scalp with hair, a melted cell phone. In other burn personal items. Mackenzie lueck was last seen alive by a lyft driver who drove her from the airport to a park or police say she got in the suspects car. Investigators have not said how lueck knew the suspect but that her cell phone turned off her right when she met up with him in the park. A neighbor told police he smelled a horrible smell coming from the suspected killers backyard on the same date Mackenzie Lueck disappeared and that he saw the suspect pouring gasoline on a fire. After the suspects arrest, we heard disturbing stories from people who knew him, the suspect, including a contractor who told fox news that he wanted him to build him a secret soundproof room with hooks on all the walls. Claudia cowan reporting live. Shepard, at an emotional News Conference in Salt Lake City this morning, the District Attorney made a very clear that Mackenzie Luecks final hours were violent and that the suspects digital footprint led to the discovery of her body. And ultimately to his arrest. Outlining the charges filed today, filed against 31yearold tech worker ayoola ajayi, District Attorney assume guilt revealed some of the key evidence. Charred remains matched mackenzies dna. They found evidence of her clothes and other belongings. Today we learn police found a gas can in the trunk of the suspects car purchased just hours after mackenzie vanished on june 17. A search of the suspect cell phone records led them to logan park about 85 miles north of Salt Lake City and that is where one week ago today detectives found the rest of mackenzies remains in a shallow grave, her arms tied behind her back. Mackenzies parents here in california are grieving in private. They District Attorney choking back tears as he conveyed their appreciation for the publics support. They further asked me to express on their behalf the generosity. The generosity of so many strangers and friends. The support and the prayers that have helped them through this very difficult time. Prosecutors say they will determine whether this will become a Death Penalty case following a preliminary hearing. Meantime the suspect remains in jail without bail and is expected to make his First Court Appearance monday. Shepard claudia . House lawmakers holding a hearing on the treatment of Migrant Children at border facilities. We will keep an eye on it. House Homeland Security Committee Hearing testimony on the feds use of facial Recognition Technology, after the Washington Post reported sunday that the fbi and customs agents are using that technology to snoop through americans drivers license pictures during investigations. Some state and federal lawmakers say they want rules, calling it an invasion of privacy. Research from Georgetown University say or georgetown law school, say the agents are not just scanning through criminal photos but also everyday lawabiding citizens without even informing us and without the approval of congress or state lawmakers. Gillian turner reporting live from washington. Lawmakers say the facial Recognition Technology has really become officials Golden Ticket in recent years. They rely on it from everything from confirming travelers identities and airports to surveil in crowds. And for finding undocumented migrants. Lawmakers say the Homeland Security department is doing this without state or congressional approval and violating hundreds of millions of americans privacy rights in the process. Trumpet ministries an official trip to the stand today to say not so. The data you collect, is it collected without subjects being aware . Transportation officials agree, they insist the technology is more than necessary. Its crucial to keeping americans safe everywhere they go from the friendly skies to u. S. Highways. Better security through using this technology is key to us and as we start at dulles airport, we had to travelers presenting u. S. Pair passports claiming to be u. S. Citizens but it was found they were foreign nationals and imposters. Some lawmakers went so far as to say that americans shouldnt be surveilled by the feds without their knowledge. Shepard the news continues right after this. Bckdbc [music playing] bckdbc across the country, we walk. Carrying flowers that signify why we want to end alzheimers disease. But what if, one day, there was a white flower for alzheimers first survivor . What if there were millions of them . Join us for the Alzheimers Association walk to end alzheimers. Register today at alz. Org walk. Has been excellent. They really appreciate the military family and it really shows. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. It was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say oh we cant beat usaa were the webber family. 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Shepard more on the top story, labor secretary alex acosta under fire for his role in the epstein plea deal and refusing to resign. Lets turn to alex lytle, former u. S. Attorney. Nice to have you. What did you think . I thought of the answers didnt sound credible from a prosecutors perspective. This was a nonstandard agreement, it was correctly described as a sweetheart deal in the way he described it i think doesnt really fit those who have had that job before. Shepard he refused he said he wouldnt really comment on whether epsteins money and powerful lawyers had an effect on the case. What can you say question mike thats obviously the answe answer. Its hard for someone to say yes its because he had very powerful lawyers. Shepard i got the feeling that he was speaking to an audience of one today and you wonder how that audience felt. I think he had to be. He was trying to keep his job. If he was talking to people and the department of justice with victims, he didnt do it in a way thats very compelling. He never apologized to victims nor did he really give them an answer they mightve been looking for. He didnt provide the answer. Shepard they never had their say. How unusual is that . Its particularly unusual, looking again at the letter between epsteins lawyer and acosta essentially thinking the acosta for not telling the victims about the plea agreement. Youre talking about sex trafficking. I dont know anyone at the department of justice with think its a good idea but that was just and proper to keep a victim like that in the dark about what is happening to the person who perpetrated the electrical crime. Shepard he said he was afraid that outside the agreement epstein mightve walked free. Tells me its not confident when i was a prosecutor, we had ways to protect victims. Victims scared about testifying. It happens in federal court throughout the country. You take steps to make them feel comfortable and show that youre going to fight for them. Shepard alex lytle, as always, thank you. Much more on this tonight on the story with martha maccallum. Judge Andrew Napolitano will be here to offer his thoughts. We wanted him here but you cant have both. The final bell is ringing on wall street and it was a heck of a start as the fed indicated that a rate cut might be coming next month. Stocks surged. They are still up. The majority of the dow 30 are in the green. Your world with neil cavuto starts now. Neil you think the markets were hanging on every word from this guy . Try this one. The chairman of the federal reserve, visiting newsday because while the labor secretary alex acosta was defending the handling of the epstein case, fed chief Jerome Powell was moving markets, arguing maybe a rate cut. Welcome, everybody. Im neil cavuto. Stocks moving up as the fed signals rates could be coming down and may be seen. The s p 500 briefly crossing 3,000 for the First Time Ever and the dow and nasdaq were also hitting records. They ended up coming back a little bit but impressive number of nevertheless

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