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A newscast reviewing and analyzing top stories of the day as they happen. Mandate was originally and whether or not there was any collusion between the Trump Campaign and russia to try to influence the election. In his response letter, mueller said, no, i want to talk about the issues that go to obstruction as well. Im not sure where that leaves things right now. I know that the president s attorneys are formulating a response. Theyll likely have that next week. They dont want to let the president sit down with mueller and talk oneonone about these issues of obstruction. They might be willing to submit some written answers on the question. Mueller has said he would accept written answers in person also. What is interesting as well today about the Press Briefing, President Trump has talked about there being no credibility of this russian investigation, calling it a witch hunt, talking about malign actors at the fbi. Chris wray was asked why we should believe what hes saying about protecting the integrity of the election when the president says theres no credibility. Listen to that. The president has tweeted that that investigation by the Special Counsel is a hoax and should be shut down. You said you dont believe its a hoax. Why would the American People believe what youre saying about the fbi when the president says that the investigation by Special Counsel and when the Press Secretary said there was a lot of corruption in the fbi. Do you have any response . I can assure the American People that the men and women of the fbi starting from the director all the way down will follow our oath and do our jobs. Not surprising that wray would stand up for the fbi. The question is, will the president do an interview. I was told almost certainly no but he has the final say. I was told by rudy guliani last night the president wants him to keep negotiating to see if one might be possible. The president believes that if he sits down with mueller and answers his question, it could clear his name. Shep . Shepard thanks, john. And prosecutors say they plan on calling the star well against paul manafort, rick gates. He worked on the Trump Campaign and was manaforts longtime business partner. Back in february, gates cut a deal with the feds and pleaded guilty to conspiracy and lying to investigators. Manafort has pleaded not guilty to more than a dozen charges including bank fraud and conspiracy. His lawyers are trying to pin the blame on gates. Yesterday prosecutors suggested they might not have gates testify against his former boss. But today the judge told them they could not prove conspiracy without putting gates on the stand. So the prosecutors told the shepard the big focus on manaforts spending, peter. Right. He allegedly had millions of dollars in multiple accounts located in cypress that even his bookkeeper in Southern California didnt know about. We heard about this today. Witness number 12, Heather Washkun from the ssb firm, she said she didnt know manafort had any International Accounts because he never told her. So when he is ordering a blazer from the Beverly Hills stores, he was generally using an account she didnt know about. Same story when he wanted a 15,000 ostrich skin jacket. He used another jacket that he kept hidden from the feds and his own bookkeeper. Shep . Shepard peter doocy live. Another member of our Thunder And Lightning team. Thank you. Pope francis calling for the end of the Death Penalty in the whole world. He says its an attack on human dignity. The pope changing the official Catholic Church teaching on capital punishment. The old policy allowed the Death Penalty in very rare cases when it was the only way of defending human lies against the unjust aggressor. The vatican sent a letter that says shepard our chief religion correspondent lauren green is live now. Lauren . Shep, this is very important because the pope is not issuing an opinion, this is a huge change that goes to the heart of catholicism. Catholic teaching. For a long time, the Death Penalty was considered permissible in rare cases and a protection of the common good. Pope francis has declared inadmissible in all cases. The pope approved the change in early may and the vatican announced it today in rome. Its been talked about for some time, even three years ago when the pontiff spoke before congress on his pilgrimage to the united states. Every life is sacred. Every human person. The pope says in the light of the gospel, the Death Penalty is inadmissible because its an attack on the dignity of the person. First of all, its a message to all catholics. Lets go back to what its like to respect all life and all cases. I send a message globally. With this change, the Catholic Church moves in the direction of the general public. Shep . Shepard lauren, catholics reacting. Is it a mixed bag . Its a mixed bag but interesting the reaction from conservative catholics, which is negative. Saying the pope doesnt have the power to rewrite things he doesnt like in the catechism. Adding if the only standard of change is the subjective against human dignity, theres implications on other things like marriage, divorce and human sexuality. So expect well see more reaction. Shepard lauren green, live in new york. Investigators questioning somebody in the disappearance of molly tibbets. One of the new developments in this case as Family Members beg for their daughters return and offer a new reward. Keeping an eye on apple. The company hitting a major milestone worth more than 1 trillion. Will it stay that way before the final bell rings . Well track that with the dow coming up from the Fox News Deck on this thursday afternoon. Allergies with sinus congestion and pressure . You wont find relief here. Go to the pharmacy counter for powerful claritind. 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I think someone made a horrible mistake and dont know what to do. We need that person to give molly up, give themselves up and face the consequences for what is a smaller issue and not compound it any worse. Shepard as far as we know, somebody last saw molly on july 18 while she was going for a run. Investigators say they have gotten dozens of leads and say they talked to a handful of people, including a hog farmer that reportedly pleaded guilty to stalking in the past. So far no sign of the missing molly tibbets. Matt finn is live in brooklyn, iowa. Matt . Two notable leads that unfortunately have led to dead ends, including pig farmer that tells the fbi that they asked to search his property without a warrant. He also agreed the hand over his cell phone. There was an apparent citing at a kansas city truck stop. Police say they searched the area and interviewed witnesses and led to nothing. Here we are since two weeks since she disappeared. The family has praised the community and the police. Molly tibbets father says the search is strong and sophisticated. Were seeing the family start to ram up up their own personal efforts to find and recover molly because they tell us they believe shes alive and being held captive somewhere raising more than 170,000 so far. The reward hovering around 2,000 for several days. The family says theyre welling to pay someone for her return. Today mollys mother describes how shes making it through this. Sometimes i feel her sitting on my shoulder. Molly was an incredibly strong young woman. I dont know how i have the strength in me, but molly is lending me her strength every day, every night. Yes, i have my moments of complete meltdowns. The family says theyre pushing for the scope of this investigation to expand beyond where we are in rural iowa. They acknowledge that molly could be anywhere, shep. Shepard and matt, we heard from her boyfriend today as well . Yes, the boyfriend says hes back in the house where they were staying when molly was missing. He wouldnt comment on whether there any signs of a struggle or forced entry at the home. Shep . Shepard matt finn in brooklyn, iowa. The pentagon explaining how teams are working to identify the remains north korea handed over. Ahead, a look at the process aimed at giving closure to American Families that have waited for their heros to come home for decades now. Also, a passenger was recording video when the jet crash happened. Somehow everybody survived. 110 people on board and not a single loss of life. Well show you the video next. You shouldnt be rushed into booking a hotel. With expedias addon advantage, booking a Flight Unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. Addon advantage. Only when you book with expedia. With the right steps, hasnt left my side. 80 of Recurrent Ischemic strokes could be prevented. 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Keeping up with the harveys. Keeping up with the wahhthewahh the romeros. Carters. Patels. The allens. Wah. Wolanskes. Right, them. No one is going to have internet like this. No one is going to have internet like this. Gig to more homes than anyone. Not just the joneses. Over here. Xfinity. The largest gigspeed network. Shepard a live look now to begin this segment. Thats the pentagon, the Briefing Room there. Defense officials talking about how they plan to identify possible remains of u. S. Troops called in the korean war. Well bring you news if it happens. President trump thanked kim jongun for sending back the remains. Vice president mike pence in hawaii last night as the caskets arrived in the united states. Defense Officials Say they will try to identify them. Jennifer griffin has more. Right now the defense of the a Counting Committee are giving a Press Briefing using the dna mapping that theyre using to identify the korean soldiers. I spoke to one official. He said it would take months if not years to make the correct identification. Only one dog tag was returned. Officials are confident most of the remains are american. There were effects other than dog tags like g. I. Boots and other equipment from that time period. Herbert allen was killed at age 17 and he was at the ceremony in hawaii. It was a hard feeling because my brother that came back, i know he was in the coffin. But the remains that came in, they dont know. There are still 7,700 americans missing from the korean war. 5,300 were in north korea. Officials say these remains that were returned in recent days are from the chosen reservoir. Shepard what is the latest on north koreas potential denuclearization . U. S. Intelligence officials were quoted this week by the Washington Post as saying that the new Satellite Images that they have suggest north korea is producing more icbms at the Factory Outside Pyongyang and kim jongun is preparing to lie about how much fissile material his government has. The new u. S. Ambassador to south korea urged kim jongun to declare their Nuclear Facilities as a starting point. They say that mike pompeo may need his north korean counterpart on the sidelines of a forum there. President trump thanked kim jongun for a letter he received yesterday suggesting that hes willing to meet kim jongun again. Shepard . Shepard thanks, jennifer. Were getting a look at what it was like inside that jet as it crashed down in a field in mexico. Less than a minute after take off. At least 65 americans were on that aero mexico jet. A passenger recorded this video outside the window, strong winds, heavy rain. They all say that. And a passenger described the chaos. It was pitch dark. We started smelling smoke. We couldnt believe. We were trying to break the window with our legs, kicking the window. It wouldnt. It wouldnt break. Shepard i said 110 people on board. Actually 103. Apologies. 103 on board, all survived. Many of them did go to a hospital. Coming up on a jam packed afternoon, the government apparently considering doing away with Security Screenings at a punch of smaller airports in america. Its not to make your life easier. But first, if youre headed to paris, dont plan to visit the eiffel tower. Well show you why in two minutes. Sometimes, bipolar i disorder can make you feel unstoppable. But mania, such as unusual changes in your mood, activity or energy levels, can leave you on shaky ground. Help take control by talking to your doctor. Ask about vraylar. Vraylar is approved for the acute treatment of manic or mixed episodes of bipolar i disorder in adults. Clinical studies showed that vraylar reduced overall manic symptoms. 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Fire Officials Say another hiker found him disoriented in phoenix and called 911 last night. They sent a helicopter out to rescue him and talk him to the hospital. The Temperature Hit 111 yesterday. The eiffel tower is shutting down during peak tourist season. Workers say theyre on strike because of a new policy that has created crazy long waits sometimes up to three hours. Half the tickets sold are now prebooked for certain times. Workers say separating people in specific elevators has created ridiculous lines. A bear in colorado getting help after getting stuck in a car. The sheriff in Jefferson County outside denver said somebody left the car unlocked with snacks inside. The deputy used a rope. Bear is okay. Car not so much. When i found you in my dna, i learned where my strength comes from. My name is courtney mckinney, and this is my ancestrydna story. Now with 2 times more geographic detail than other dna tests. Order your kit at ancestrydna. Com. Nobody is a huge fan of Security Screening at the airport. How would you feel if it disappeared . The tsa considering a plan to drop Security Checks at some 150 smaller airports. Instead, agents would screen passengers when they make connections at smaller airports. Analysts say that would affect 10,000 travelers every day. A former Inspector General for the Department Of Transportation says the idea is completely nuts. Thats a quote. That tsa administrators told fox news and im quoting here, theres been no decision to eliminate Passenger Screening at any federalized u. S. Airport every year as part of the federal budget process. Tsa has asked to discuss potential operational efficiencies. This year is no different. Lets turn to stewart baker. He over saw fsas policy in the bush administration. Good to see you. A pleasure. Shepard explain this to us and what you think about it. So this is a budget exercise. Somebody asked them to say what they would do to save 100 million. One of the options was, well, maybe we can stop doing checks at small airports where the planes are small. Thats a bad idea. As soon as they calculate the risks, theyre going to say if we have to save 100 million, this is not what were going to do to save it. I think the public reaction is pretty similar to what the reaction inside tsa is going to be. But you know, at some level, you can say if it were a tenseater aircraft, it isnt going to harm any buildings it flies into. So you can imagine saying were going to have a lot less security for small airplanes, but thats not the proposal and i dont think any of those proposals will go anywhere. Shepard there was a time ago when a lot of people would tell us inside the tsa, we make you feel better more than we make you safer. Has tsa improved . They have to some degree. Look, this is theres massive numbers and practically everybody going through the airport wants to do nothing more than just get on their plane and get to where theyre going. Theres no threat. So theyre looking for a needle in a hay stack. But theyre looking more efficiently. Theyre using technologies that are designed to reduce the hassle for americans and still find some of the more modern threats. But yeah, theres a substantial element here that they theyre almost certain theres no needle in this weeks haystack. And so much of what is going on is a reassurance that if there were a needle, theyd find it. Shepard a deterrence . For sure. If youre thinking of causing a problem on an airplane, you have to bring the weapon and surrender it so people had it and know who had charge of it. Its a deterrent to trying that thing. If you try it once, theyre on to you and youre going to jail. Shepard thanks, stewart. I appreciate it. Wind is causing a deadly fire that has burned more than 1,000 homes in california to spread even more as fox reports this hour. Thats the word from Fire Officials in the city of redding, which is about 150 miles north of sacramento. They have made great progress, which is great news, but the fire is still a 1 3 contained. Its the sixth most destructive fire in california history. Six people have died, including a firefighter and a Bulldozer Operator that was helping fight the flames. Its but one of many fires burning in california right now. Our jeff paul is on the front lines. Jeff . Yeah, shep. The carr fire still has a strong hold on northern california. You can see theres still a lot of smoke that is coming into this area. Most of the flames have moved away from the majority of the houses. You can see off to the side of me, what the flames did to this neighborhood. Devastation everywhere you look. 1012 homes. The homes are gone. Evacuees say theyre lucky to escape the flames. A matter of minutes. It was within ten minutes. Just came barrelling through. It was difficult. It was hard. Now, coming back out here live, you can see theres alone flag waving in the wind amongst all the destruction. It seems that someone out here wanted to make sure, even though this home was burned to the ground, that American Flag was still standing, shep. Shepard what else are you hearing from the people in the community there . This community is so strong, shep. Anywhere weve been driving, you see signs all over town thanking firefighters and police officers. We popped into a local Sandwich Shop and you can hear people about how they were going to help each other, who was staying with who. Not a lot of complaints. All the team is getting people back on their feet. Yeah, its nice. Everybody is pulling together and everybody is donations and everybody has had a million offers for places to stay. Theres more than 13,000 firefighters that are battling the 18 major wild fires according to cal fire. Now were hearing about a crew that is on its way from as far away as australia. Shepard thanks, jeff. Apple today became the first trillion dollar publicly traded company. Heres where the market value is right now, this morning it hit 1 trillion. Its a very big number that changes quickly. It hit a trillion around noon. The market cap is based on the stock surprise multiplied by outstanding shares. For perspective, theres 16 nations on earth that have gdps of a trillion or more. Susan lee is outside apples Upper West Side store here in manhattan. Hi, susan. Hey, shep. Yes, thats to a record rally. Apple crossing the 1 trillion historical threshold earlier today. That goes to strong earnings this week. Were buying a lot of expensive iphones. Thats one of the best selling Consumer Products in history. Over 1. 4 billion being sold since its introduction ten years ago. The story of apple, yes, its the most valuable company in The World Today but there was a time in the middle of the 90s when Business Week put out a cover, called the demise of an earn icon. Then they brought in steve jobs. We know the history and the story of where apple has gone since then. When steve jobs died in october 2011, apple was worth 343 billion. Tripling since then to be over a trillion dollars. Shep . Shepard only 3 billion when he came in there. Man alive. Thanks. Theres word that google might be giving in to Communist China now. Eight years ago, google shut down their Search Engine because of censorship and hacking there. According to multiple records, google is working on a censored Search Engine just for china. Back to susan lee for that. You were in hong kong in 2010, covered their fight with the Chinese Government. How surprising is this . Very surprising. In 2010, when google exited the search market, it was an acrimony use split. Sergei bryn compared the Chinese Government to a regime. Now theyre saying that google is kowtowing to chinas censorship rules. We saw some Translation Apps there. We bought a half billion dollar stake in one of the largest Retailing Companies in the country. You know, people are questioning whether or not they want to get back in since their employees did of course go up against googles management when they wanted to use their artificial and give their Artificial Intelligence for the military to use. So this is something that im sure google might have to fight against if they want to get back into the chinese search market. Back to you. Shepard susan lee in new york. The Trump Administration looking to roll back another one of president obamas policies. This time it has to do with Fuel Standards and how many miles per gallon your car or truck gets. The Fox Business Networks adam shapiro has that. While the standards are supposed to rise, what the administration is proposing and they point out its just a proposal, is freezing the increases. By 2025, the obama straight wanted the cap a standards to be at roughly 54 miles per gallon. Well, the Trump Administration is saying we need to freeze at the level well be at come 2021 because one, its going to cost too much for people to buy the cars that will perhaps meet these standards. Theyre also making an argument that perhaps these standards would make vehicles or driving even more dangerous. Whichever you believe, theres states which are lining up like california to sue the administration because the other proposal is to believe californias ability to enact their own emissions standards. Heres what Sarah Sanders said about doing that. What the epa released yesterday was a notice of proposed rule making, not a final rule. It lays out options with how to go with cafe standards. Were opening it up for a comment period. Shepard, theres some truth to the fact that when you increase the fuel mileage, you might increase the cost of the car. Toyota did that with its camry and its more expensive. Toyota said you recover the increases costs by the money you save on gasoline. Back to you. Shepard thanks, adam in the fox business newsroom in new york. Investigators say a police chief died of a drug overdose. Where did he get the drugs . In the Evidence Room at the cop shop. Where else . The story behind that is next. Jonathan hunt with the rest of this story. Jonathan . Shep, chief james hughes was 35 years old. He had only been chief two months when he was found dead at his home in reynoldsburg about ten miles from the Police Headquarters where he was chief and where he was believed to have taken the drugs from the departments Evidence Room. Police say they found an open package of fentanyl and closed packages of heroin, lsd and more fentanyl. Reynoldsburg Police Department says the State Attorney General should investigate kirkersville for their evidence handling. There was questions raised about hughes past including a racial slur in an incident in 2013. He was convicted of a misdemeanor over that incident. Lieutenant wright in the neighboring reynoldsburg Police Department says the case shows no one is immune from the drug epidemic that has gripped the country saying its happening in all Different Levels and all Walks Of Life shep. Shepard and evidence is really overwhelming of this epidemic. It is. Fentan fentan fentanyl analog drugs are part of it. The number of deaths involving Fentanyl Analogs almost doubled from the first half of 2016 to the first half of 2017. The study was centered on ten states including ohio and found that from july 2016 to december 2016, there were 764 fentanyl analog deaths. While the numbers nationally for 2017 are still preliminary, the cdc says they expect overall opioidrelated deaths to upto an alltime high of 49,000. The Justice Department recently announced a crackdown on the distribution of fentanyl called operation sos. Shepard thanks, jonathan. The head of cbs is set to take questions since six women have accused him of sexual harassment. Les moonves expected to be on a conference call. Its expected to start at 4 30 eastern. Last week the New Yorker Magazine reported that four women have accused moonves of forcible touching or kissing during meetings. Two others that he physically intimidated him or threaten to derail their careers. In a statement les moonves says he regrets mistakes he made but he respected no means no and that he never used his position to hurt anybodys career. The board says theyre taking no action for now on moonves while outside lawyers from two different firms investigate. Deidra bolton has more. Its unclear whether he will be on the call. Hes scheduled to be on the earnings call. In light of the allegations, its not clear. What is interesting is that in addition to the ethics questions, there was a very big business legal loggerhead. That means hes suing with cbs the Parent Company of cbs to keep independent. Sherry wright stone wanted to combine cbs and viacom. They were going to courtney way in october. So analysts are obviously tuning in to the call for many reasons. The revenue for cbs and the earnings up 6 from this period last year. You know, he has a good track record businesswise, survivor, big bang theory. 69 million a year. Compare that to bob iger at disney, 39 million a year. He was well supported. See what happens. Shepard thanks, deidra. Are you looking for a great deal . The Worlds Largest yard sale or garage sale is happening right here in the united states. Its almost 700 miles long. More than 2,000 people selling stuff and youre there live with jeff flock next ible. Capital one has partnered with hotels. Com to give Venture Cardholders 10 miles on every dollar they spend at thousands of hotels. All you have to do is pay with this at hotels. Com venture. 10 miles per dollar . That is incredible. Brrrrr i have the chills. Because youre so excited . Because ice. Is cold. And because of all those miles. Obviously. Whats in your wallet . Not head up the worlds longest yard sale . Thats what organizers call a massive stress of roadside stands that run 700 miles from gadsden, alabama to addison, michigan. Jeff flock is along the route in saline, ohio, about 100 miles north of cincinnati. What you got, jeff . Im on route 127. There it is right out there. Ill tell you, every house thats a gilley suit, by the way. Look, it goes on and on for 700 miles. As far as you can see in this town. 127 runs through the center of it. Clothes, you got all sorts this is cool here. This is an old refrigerator. They wont 1,300 for this. Used to put a piece of ice in there and kept everything cool. Never know what youre going to find out here. People come and they essentially go the whole length of the thing or as far as they can go, shopping the whole way. No tariffs on any of this, by the way. This is all cash money. Shepard thats very nice. How long does it go on . What have you found for you . Four days, starts today, goes through the weekend. I live quirky stuff. Look at this old radio. I love old radios. The old tubes in there. Isnt that cool . I always wanted one of them. You notice everything here. What can i tell you . Gas cans for your boat. What is that . Theres a dummy. If you want more, well be on facebook after, arent we . Shepard yeah. The real cool stuff is coming up on facebook watch. Tell our friends in saline hello. Well see you in a few minutes. Breaking news changes everything on fox news channel. Here on the tv side, your world with neil cavuto is next. Trish regan is in for neil and then in about three minutes, four minutes, Something Like that, ill be on facebook watch. Well go back to jeff flock, give you the headlines of the day and a fox news update on facebook watch. Heres team cavuto after this. Motorcycle revving Motorcycle Revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. And just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. Are you in good hands . New laptop with 24 7 tech support. Yep, thanks guys. I think he might need some support. Yes start them off right. With the School Supplies they need at low prices all summer long. Save 200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. Save 200 on this dell laptop to and practice. Kidlots of practice. Tion. Get them started right with Carnation Breakfast essentials. It has protein plus vitamins and minerals to help kids be their best. 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