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President elect right now. Set to speak at Ohio State University after meeting privately with survivors and First Responders from the campus. Its an early look out President Trump will respond to tragedies. 11 people were hurt when an osu student rammed his car into a crowd, then got out and started stabbing people with a butcher notify. A University Police officer shot the suspect and killed hick. The attacker was a refugee from somalia who became a legal permanent resident of the United States last year. Federal sources say the attacker posted online statements of support of anwar awlaki who died in a drone sometime. Donald trump said the suspect should not have been in our country, which isnt true. David lee miller is live with trump tower with details and peter doocy in des moines, iowa, where the president elect is set to hold a recally, part of his victory tire. First to matt finn in columbus. Reporter Donald Trumps plane left new york in a couple of minutes ago so wont be here for the scheduled start time. The trump team handpicked the people to meet with toy, including the victims and First Responders of the attack on november 28th and people won that. Neither trump team or the Ohio State University will confirm if the hero cop is meeting with donald trump today, although it would seem he would be at the top of the list of First Responders trump would want to meet with. Here on campus, victims recovering emotionally and physically. We spoke with a professor what was here on the day of the attack. The attacker hit him with his car and the professor is healing from a substantial wound of his leg. So emotions very raw on campus. What is the reaction been to the trump visit . Reporter well, its donald trump so theres going to be mixed opinions. We talked to some students who say theyre happy and proud to have the president elect here. That it shows he is compassionate for the victims and might indicate how he happened future attack but some students told us that Donald Trumps visit might be necessary but he is not welcome here, and that professor that we spoke to, who is at home recovering right now, tells us he was invited by donald trump today but the professor turned down his invitation saying that trumps initial treat about the somali born student turned him off and he tide not feel the need to meet with the president elect today. Were learning more about plans for the inauguration and thats a push for a little more flash this time around. Money, money, money, money. Note. Celebrity apprentice, survivor and the voice is pushing the president elect to go all out when he takes office. The producer is mark burnett. The president elect told burnett threw out some ideas can including a parade up fifth avenue in manhattan, where trump tower is located and a chopper ride to d. C. Chopper ride. The head of the inaugural committee, a private Equity Investor was in meeting. The told the time the president president elect wants to keep muller. David lee miller is live in manhattan. Were herd they president made a pick for labor secretary. Theres not yet been a formal announcement but we learned that the president elect would like andrew palestineer in to be the secretary of labor. He is the ceo of the hardees and karls junior and is an outspoken critic of minimum wage, and he says it is going to hurt the lowest paid workers the most. He said if the minimum became is increased the result will be automation in the restaurant business. Earlier this year he told a reporter that machines, in hisre a vacation and never show up late. Puzder is an oopen net of obamacare and calls for a cut of the tax rate. And the served as an adviser for mr. Trump and also help mr. Trump raid money. What about secretary of state, anything new . Reporter the president elect is expanding the potential candidates for secretary of state. Today he met with a retired admiral, hings currently serving as a dean in Fletcher School of law and diplomacy at tufts university. He served four years as the supreme allied commander at nato and oversaw operations in afghanistan, libya, syria, the balkans and he described his meeting with the president elect. Lisp. Terrific. Had a wonderful meeting with the president elect. We talked about the world, we talk about defense, we talked about our state of our military. We talked a lot about cyber security. Reporter he is a registered independent. He was vetted for the job of Vice President a number of months ago. Vice president not donald trump but for hillary clinton, and we are told that mr. Trump met with the former ceo of ford, alan mulally, his name being bandied about for the position of secretary of state. So far no word on the meeting. We expect there will be some announcement possibly next week about who mr. Trump has chosen for that very highprofile job. David lee miller at trump tower. Now, trumps post election victory lap aheading to ohio, and home to the republican governor terri branstad. The man who trump tabbed to be the next ambassador to china. They have been friends for decades. Xi jinping first visited iowa in 1985 when he was an agricultural officer in the Chinese Government. Donald trump has been an outspoken critic of china over trade. Some analysts say that governor branstad could help smooth over relations and is set to join donald trump at the rally tonight. Team fox coverage continues. Peter doocy is live in des moines. Reporter just a few hours from now at hyvee hall. We expect to see the president elect saying thank you and the governor saying, goodbye, because branstad, whose shawn was the trump iowa state director is set to be nominated at the next u. S. Ambassador to china, and if things keep going thats a really busy job because the next president was very tough on china during the campaign, has already been knocking the current si manipulators and has spoken on the phone with taiwan president. Once branstad takes the job, which he is expected to if Congress Confirms enemy. To the Lieutenant Governor in iowa will be elevated to the top spot and be the states first female governor. Regarding the branstad nothing affection, have we hear anything from the Chinese Government . Reporter officials in china are working on plans to build a farm in china that looks exactly like a corn and soybean farm that the president xi saw when hi was in iowa in a trip overred the last several years, according to a record in todays warm warm wall street journal. So sounds like the chinese are trying be accommodating ahead of his move from iowa to china, and accommodating we be a good word to describe what we expect the crowd to be. Its very cold out but folkslining up at the front door with fire hours to five hours to go before the president elect speaks. Thank you, ahead, meet the man who will likely be responsible for building Donald Trumps great and beautiful wall with great and beautiful doors across the southern border. A look at the latest ma reason general that mr. Trump wants to help him run the country. Coming up right after this. I work round the clock. I want my blood sugar to stay in control. So i asked about tresiba®. Tresiba® ready tresiba® is a oncedaily, longacting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. I want to trim my a1c. Tresiba® ready tresiba® provides powerful a1c reduction. Releases slow and steady. Works like your bodys insulin. When my schedule changes. I want something that delivers. Tresiba® ready i can take tresiba® any time of day. So if i miss or delay a dose, i take it when i remember, as long as theres at least 8 hours between doses. 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Ask your doctor if youre tresiba® ready. Tresiba® ready president elect trump has tapped retiring retired four star general john kell where to run the department of homeland security. The retired marine general told Jennifer Griffin yesterday i have been asked and would consider it an honor. This cabinet pick would put a military commander in front of one of trumps controversial platform, building a wall and securing the southern borderment before kelly retire this year he ran the United States Southern Command where part of his job was to happen dhs with drug traffickers and smugglers trying to cross the southern border. At a News Conference in january he complained he didnt have enough authority to stop the drug dealers and others from coming into the u. S. The general has a storied career in the United States military. Lived through personal tragedy. He own son died in the war in afghanistan. Jennifer griffin is live at the pentagon. Reporter seems president elect donald trump is assembling a band of brothers rather than a team of rivals and has now chosen three marines, all of them Close Friends to lead the pentagon and homeland security. General mattis has defense secretary, and general joe dunford, the chairman of the joint chiefs is a longtime friend of general kelly and in fact he delivered the news that his son had been killed in afghanistan six years ago. Appearing at kellys front door wearing his uniform. And he said when he saw him he knew immediately his son was dead. Four days later he delivered an emotional speech in st. Louis that was iconic and said so few families served and so few are protecting so many. One percent of American Families have soldiers in the war. [inaudible] i sat next to general dunford and his wife, ellen, at a dinner on veterans day in 2010. That morning they accompanied the general to dover to get his sons remains. They will now be in a senior advisory role to the president elect. General kelly said he was frustrated at u. S. Southern command. Reporter yes, he did. He has talked about not having the authority to interticket drugs. Not enough surveillance. They could see the drugs moving to the u. S. Border and me militarys hands were tied. I dont need an awful lot more. Drones would be nice but a they dont get tired are and less expensive to operate, but we have not seen anything any increase. Certainly no drones. Reporter that was his last press conference here at the pentagon in january, before retiring help was frustrated the white house and defense secretary never talked to him about closing gitmo. He was frustrated at the release of some dangerous characters from gitmo on his watch. Jennifer griffin at the pentagon. Thank you. General kelly is one of several men who devoted their lives to serving our nation through the military, and now may continue their service in the white house. Supporters say those retired generals have experience and know how to get results. Of course, critics are questioning whether so many members of the military should have such a large influence in the executive branch. Both sides of that argument coming up. Im about to start the natures bounty hair, skin and nails challenge. So in 30 days, my future self will thank me. Thank you. I become a model . . Yes. No. Start the challenge today and notice more beautiful hair, skin nails or your money back. The number of generals in president elect Trumps Administration is rising. Look at this photo from two years ago. Twoof these commanders are Close Friends and are also on trumps team. This is john kelly here. Former assistant division commander, first marine division, current nominee for secretary of homeland security. Joe dunford, first marine different, current chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, and james mattis, current nominee for secretary of defense. The man and this is i should say, already read this, so you can move forward. Thank you very much. Not in the photo here, Lieutenant General michael flynn, on the left, who will serve as Trumps National security adviser. That brings a total number of generals in Trumps Administration as three. Trump supporters say theyre the most qualified and experienced candidates for the job. But some democrats in congress say theyre worried about too much military influence of what is supposed to be a civilian government. Let bring in carol lee, the White House Correspondent for the wall street journal, could corporate cousin of us. Carol, this discussion is about more than partisanship. Its been consistency and tradition. Right . Yeah, thats definitely part of it. We just havent seen this number of generals being under consideration by a president elect in some time, in particular to have a general at the Defense Department and your National Security adviser. Those are two very important positions in terms of advising the president , and so what your hearing from some of the critics is that we are country with a tradition of civilian leadership, and when you get that many general inside your cabinet, who are closely advising you, what does that mean for the u. S. Policy, which brings the second concern which is if you have generals in these roles, does that mean your policy is to lean more on military engagement as opposed to, say, diplomacy. But the president elect is looking at generals in contention for secretary of state job. So, i think there is a way that donald trump could try to kind of get do away with this criticism and that is we havent really seen a very clear articulated Foreign Policy doctrine from him yet, and so without that people are left to try to figure out, looking at who is advising him, which way he might go, and thats where some of this concern is with been raised in terms of the generals. We know what he said, which may or may not mean anything, depending on the time of day but said that he doesnt believe we should be in nationbuilding business and shouldnt be out there pushing for regime change, and yet the people coming . To advise him and be kloseed to him. General flynn, casey mcfarland, dont lean on the doveish side. Theyre hawks, if there has ever been one. Yeah. I guess to your point, which is a good one, which is that donald trump campaigned saying he supported tower tour, and we heard him say since the election that he had a conversation with general flynn, his National Security adviser and he changed his mind on that. So that gives people the impression he is quite impressionable on these different issues and when your talking about Something Like using military force, the counterargument people are making is that just because you have a general in a certain position, doesnt necessarily mean that theyre going to be more apt to use military force. People point to colin powell, president bushs secretary of state. So theres a lot of exactly what Donald Trumps vision is and whether he is in fact less likely to use and doesnt want to be an interventionallist, or if he is somewhere in the middle. He could clear that up with some kind of speech or some kind of outline for how americans should think about how he sees the world and what he intends to do and how these different advisers can influence him and how he may influence them. So its not clear, i think, for folks exactly what donald trump is going to do in a number of these situations and how much influence people like jeanine and the other generals he is looking at are going to have on ultimate policy. Carol, i know that your editors and i believe you though im not sure were in a room with him for a q a session and how the reacted. The best example is the interview that donald trump had with the New York Times where he was asked specifically on the torture issue, and he said that he had a conversation with general flynn, and general flynn told him, torture doesnt work, give me a pack of cigarettes and a beer and thats more effective. And donald trump said that really affected him and he basically changed his mind on that. Well, its very interesting, carol. People journalists Start Talking about the need for News Conferences and wanting to get policy descriptions. Sounds like a large number of people out in the country dont give a damn right now. But you know, my experience tells me, carol, they dont gave damn until they do. And once they do its too late to get all of these matters on paper because the new president works for the people, and the people want to know what it is the new president is thinking. Usually you find this stuff out before the election. We have learned a lot about donald trump during the election. But there are a lot of questions that we havent had answered. What is he going to do specifically in syria. He said he wanted to ramp up the air campaign against the islamic state. What does that mean . We dont know. I dont think we do. I hate to cut you off. But i have very sad breaking news to record. The First American to orbit the earth, john glenn, has died. John glenn was 95 years old. And without any question, a legend, who carried a nations hopes with him. As he rocketed around the planet. John scott now with a look back on a remarkable life. John herschel glen, jr. Will be remembered for his many rolls in americans history. A warrior in battle, our first astronaut to or bit the earth and one of our most successful polite cal leaders canol hill. In 1998 he add oldest person in space. I cant help but stand here today with a real sense of deja vu. A 40yearold since of day jew view. He was born in came bridge, ohio, and attended college. After the japanese attacked pearl harbor he signed up for the everiation cadet program, and became a marine corps pilot. He served in world war ii, flying 59 successful missions. Five years later this leather neck was ready to fly again, this time over north korea. After serving in korea, glen attended Test Pilot School at the Naval Air Test Center in maryland. Here he gained Early National recognition by setting the transplant continental speed record from los angeles to new york in 3 hours, 23 minutes, in the 1960s the Space Program was just being conceived and john green was one of the first seven astronauts, in 1962 he made history, becoming the First American to orbit the earth. Turning around. That view is tremendous. After a few failed attempts at launching a political career, glen ran again in 1974. This time he easily won a seat in United States senate. He was reelected in 1980 by the largest margin in history of the state. A political journalist followed senator glenns mitt cal career. My First Impression was he had no feel for politics but he had a tremendous appeal to people because he was plainspoken, and he was a national hero. Senator glenn ran in the democratic president ial primary 1984 but bowed out to walter mondale. On january 16. 1998, nasa announced plans to return the 76yearold legend to space. 36 years after he first orbited the earth. John glenns second trip to space took off as planned in october of 1998. Liftoff of discovery with a crew of six astronaut holidays and one american legend. When the mission was over, americas oldest space traveler was given another heros welcome, his second ticker tape parade on broadway in new york city. One of the few legitimate American Heroes. Too often people say im supposed to be a couch potato. Think the thing to do is get out and work to fulfill your dreams and ambitions at whatever age. Following his retirement from politics and return from space, he and wife, annie, founds the John Glenn Institute for Public Service at Ohio State University. They also served as trustees at their alma mater. John scott, fox news. Just had a quote up here that i wanted to read to you but it was in that prompter line. Here. John glenn was quoted lists and lists of quotes from the late john glenn. One of the most interesting to me is this one the most importance thing we can do is inspire young mans and advance the kind of signs, math, and deck nothing education that will help youngsters take us to the next face phase of spate travel space travel. An old friend who had been covering space and space travel on the florida coast, was there and had just an incredibly enlightening conversation with john glenn. What a kind and gentle man he was to me and my team, and to realize all that he had accomplished and all he had done for this nation, it was standing somewhat in awe of this legendary figure, and then to have pictures taken with him, rocketing into space, and the trail behind us, after all he had done are so some many years, an incredibly inspiring moment, for those too young or never got the experiencefa go to to space center when there was a shuttle launch, feel the power and roar of the engines and the earth shaking and the loudest noise you can imagine with containment waters around to try to reduce the reverberating that happened all over the region, and up they went, including the great john glenn. It was spectacular to be on the front lines of that and write part of the first draft of the history. Already famous is highly decorated military pilot and astronaut when he arrived in the senate . 1974. John glenn wanted to become a leader in government. He represented ohio for 25 years, and until retirement in 1999, asw3 chairman of the committee on Governmental Affairs he worked to make government more efficient and as a member of the foreign real estates and Armed Services committee, he put his energies into the pursuit of strong Foreign Policy. In 1976 he traveled to china with the Senate Majority leader, mike mansfield. A trip that he recalled in an interview. Glenns heart was with science and he became known as a tireless advocate for science, Health Issues and research in 1998 while still a senator, john glenn returned to space at the age of 77, to study the effects of space on the aging. Did not slow him down, Robert Pearlman is a space historian itch wonder where the pace program would have been without john glenn. He was an incredible ambassador. Well sounds like were having phone issues. Robert pearlman . We lost Robert Pearlman. He made his first transcontinental flight in 1956, when he flew from california to new york, in three hours, 23 minutes. John glenn was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in 1959. Over the mercury seven, the u. S. Military pilot selected in 1959 to be the first astronauts, john glenn was the oldest, even then. He served as backup pilot for alan sheperd and Virgil Grissom who made the first two u. S. Suborbital flights into the United States. John glen was the first orbital flight in atlas 6 in 1962. His space cap capsule, called friendship 7 was launched from cape can navarra in florida. Its range was 100miles to 162miles in altitude. The flight was mostly according to plan, aside from a faulty thruster that forced john glenn to control friendship 7 manually and the faulty switch relayed inaccurate messages to Mission Control and he heat shield, he was told not to repeals the heat shield after. Mission control hoped the heat of the shield had released. With us now is gene cernan, the last man to walk on the moon. John glenn at 95, an incredible figure in american history. John was a real trail blazer. He made it possible for the rest of us to follow in his footsteps. And he is a great loss to the Space Program. A dear friend and were going to miss him. I remember working with you, believe back in 98, may have been a subsequent mission, but i know you were heavily involved at the time. This idea of sending what people called at the time an elderly man into space, thinking it was 1998, but that how it was described, to study how aging in space increases or affects aging. A bold experiment i thought at the time. Well, you know, john was the oldest guy ever to fly, and he, as i say, trail trail blazer, not once but twice, and almost made it possible for the rest of us old guys to take a shot at it. Its mighty good to talk to you. Know you send your best to the family, and the rest of the and especially to annie. Annie was at his side the whole time, and that means a great deal. I cant tell you how much that means. Im confident it does. Thank you so much. Fox news sunday Chris Wallace is with us. Weve nope for a few days that john glenn was in Failing Health and received the bad news just about ten minutes ago. Your thoughts. You have to put it in context. When the russians went up into space in the late 50s and we thought we were the dominant technological power in the world it was an utter shock and very destabilizing for the country in terms of its image. Thats was the height of the cold war and the u. S. Tried to catch up fast with the nasa program. Two suborbital flights, alan sheperd and gus grissom, but finally john glenn orbited the earth three times in early 60s and he was like right out of central casting. The allamerican boy, handsome, cando, tom wolf wrote his book about all of the mercury seven astronauts, the right stuff. He was the exemplar of the right stuff and became an instant national hero. Vividly remember his mission and also the ticker tape parade in new york city, and he was welcomed to the white house by jack kennedy, became very close to the kennedy family, and became clear he was going to run for political office, did announce a senate run, and as i remember, his first senate run heres this astronaut, who had orbited the earth three times, he fell in the shower and hit his head and had an inner ear your injure and then had to pull out and then ran again and stayed in the senate for quarter century. When you follow politics you become used to u. S. Senators but this was john glenn, an American Hero, and so you felt a genuine sense of thrill and honor to be in his presence, couldnt have been a nicer guy. Gene senior anyone was talking bit his lovely wife, annie, who was not a public figure at all, very uncomfortable in spotlight but as the wife of john glenn, he was in spotlight, and as you say just astonishing at the age of 77 to go up in a space shuttle. Talk about a guy with the right stuff, and had the right stuff in his 30s and then the right stuff in his 70s. And if i remember im just sort of trying to i think he was on a game show. I think he was on name that tune in the 50s, and won there. So, he was a very interesting public figure and a very special man, and to folks who were too young remember, i can tell you a genuine American Hero wimp use that word hero too often. He was. I remember in 1998 when it was time for him to blast off yet again, id been in and out of nasa covering those stories for local television stations for many years and dont remember the kind overcommitment that came with that the kind of excitement that came with that mission. Unlike the others. Absolutely. This is like a time capsule if you will. The first man to orbit the earth, the First American to orbit the earth, and here he was coming back, what, 40 years later, in his 70s and doing it again, and talk about bringing up enemy rid of the glory days of the Space Program. Looking at him right there, im watching the video on our screen, of him in his 70s and in a space outfit like the other astronauts, going up into space, and i know there must have been some good scientific reason for doing it, but lets be honest, he wanted to go up into space again. He hoped he would be able to go up again. These guys were test pilots, they were fly boys, and any chance to go up into space again, they didnt see as a threat or danger, as you see that huge lit rocket of the shuttle lifting off. He was a guy who loved to fly. Stand by, chris. Good afternoon from fox news, World Headquarters in new york. Im Shepard Smith of the Fox News Channel and on Fox Television stations. Were interrupting your regular programming to let you know that john glenn has died. Bornin 1921, john glenn passed away today at the age of 95. He was married they call her annie, Anna Margaret caster of new concord, ohio. Two grown children two grandchildren. John glenn attended Primary School and schools in ohio. He attended a college there as well, got a bachelor of science in engineering and then became a true American Hero. He served in congress for more than 25 years, orbited the earth three times, went back to orbit the earth yet again to test age to see how space affects people who are aging. That was in 1998, 16 years ago. And today, john glenn, true American Hero, has died. Fox news sunday anchor Chris Wallace has been with us and is joining us now on all our fox properties. Its not as if something he lived to be 95 years old. Just a certain feeling that somebody john glenn might live forever. Thats right. For folks who are too young or werent born, this was an enormous event. Two american astronauts, alan flights from cape arissom who canaveral into the caribbean but in 1962 john glenn orbited the earth three times the First American and well after the russians got a big head start on us, to orbit the earth you cant imagine what a big hero he was, ticker tape parades in new york city and around the country, reception at the white house by president john f. Kennedy who had set that mission that we were going to go to the moon by the end of the decade, and there he was in that mercury, that small mercury capsule, and if you have ever been to airs space museum in washington you can see how small the capsule is. Think john glenns capsule is in the air and space museum. Basically a fancy tin can and he was importanting the earth in that tree times. You know anything about how this will be treated, handled on a National Level over the days to come . I do not. It will be a big deal. Dont know whether his remains will be brought to washington or not, but you can be sure that anybody with any association to the Space Program remember, he served a quarter century in the senate so a lot of his colleagues are still serving there. This will be a National Event whether its takes place in d. C. Or his home state of ohio. As i was saying earlier he was very close to the kennedys. John kennedy welcomed him to the white house, and he was very close to Bobby Kennedy after that. And he was going to run for the senate, fell in the shower of all things, hurt his inner ear, his balance, had to quit, ran two years later and won, ran for president in 1984. That was one of his few failures. There you can see him there with john kennedy and that was it. I think it was freedom 7 was the name of the capsule that returned to the earth, and what an extraordinary figure he was and what a sigh of relief it was and a sense of pride for the United States after russia had really moved ahead of news the space race and put at least one and perhaps several astronauts in space long before glenn went up. Chris wallace, thank you so much. John glenn was the last survivor of the mercury 7 astronauts. He was 95 years old. He died at the james Cancer Hospital in columbus, ohio, where he was hospitalized for more than a week, according to hank wilson, the Communications Director for the John Glenn School of public affairs. His paths enter set end, flying and politics and he soared in every one of them. Before he gained fame he was a Fighter Pilot in two wars and he as a test poll lit he set a speed record and served 24 years in the state senate from the state of ohio. A rare setback was a failed run for the democratic president ial nomination. Hi cries enabled him to return to space in the shuttle discovery in 77 in 1998. A cosmic victory lap he relished and turned into a teachable moment about growing hold. John glenn holds the record for the oldest person in space and was the ultimate and unique space hero. A combat veteran with an easy smile, strong marriage of 70 years and a man who had nerves of steel. Schools, a space center and the columbus, ohio, airport were named after him. And are soso were children. The soviet union leaped ahead in space by putting sputnik 1 into orbit in 1957 and then launched the first man in space, yuri gregorian,. A 108 minute flight in april 12, 1961. After two orbital flights by alan sher erred, jr. , and gus grissom, is was up to glenn to be the First American to orbit the organized. God speed, Scott Carpenter said, after the took off. To the the february 20, 1962 flight, john glenn was 40 years old. With the all business phrase, roger, the clock is operating, were underway. John glenn radioed he started his five hour, 55 minute, 23 seconds in space. Years later john glenn explained that he said that because he didnt feel like he had been lifted off and it was the only way he knew he had launched. During the flight john glenn uttered a phrase he would repeat frequently throughout his life, zero g and i feel fine. Still seems so vivid to me, john glenn said in a 2012 interview with the Associated Press on the 50th anniversary of the flight, quoting now ick still sort of pseudo feel the same sensations i had during the days of the launch and all. John glenn said he was often asked if he was afraid and he replied, if youre talking about fear that overcomes what you are supposed to do, not. Youre trained, trained hard for those flights. Glenns ride in the cramped friendship 7 capsule had its scary moments. Sensors showed the heat shell failed and mission troll was worried he might burn up during reentry but the heat shield held. Even before then john glenn flew in dangerous skies. He was a Fighter Pilot in world war ii and korea, who flew low, got his plane riddled with bullets, flew with baseball great, ted williams, and earned the macho nickname, and as a test pilot, john glenn broke aviation records. The glenid marine won 25,000 on the game show name that tune with a tenyearold partner. That was before april 6, 1959, when his life changed by being selectes as a mercury 7 astronaut and instantly attracting more than he share of his spotlight. He later regailed crowds with stories of testing of the astronauts, psychological tests, 20 answers to the openended question to, i am surviving spinning that put 16 times normal greater on his gravity on his body, popping his blood vessels but it wasnt as bad at the first test. He said were watching this go up and up and it blew up right over us and that was our introduction to the atlas, said john glenn. He said we wanted to have a might with the engineers in the morning. In 19 at he wrote in life magazine, spate travel is at the felon tier of my profession. It is going to be accomplished and i want to be on it. There is also an element of simple duty involved, he wrote. Im convinced i have something to give this project. That sense of duty was instilled as an early age. John glenn was born july 18, 1921, in cambridge, ohio. He grew up in flu concord, ohio, with the him inname bud. He joined the town band as a trumpeter at age ten and accompanied himself father on a memorial day after echoing a version of taps. In his 199 memoir he said that formed misbeliefs and my sense of responsibility. He went on, everything that came after that, just came naturally. John glenns love of flight was lifelong, john glenn senior spoke of the many summer evening he arrived home to find his son running around the yard, pretending he was piloting a plane. Last june at a ceremony renaming the columbus airport, john glenn recalled imploring his parents to take him to the airport to look at planes when they passed through the city. He said it was something i was fascinated with. He piloted his own plane until the age of 90. His goal of becoming a commercial pie loot changed after world war ii. He left college to join the naval air corps and then the United States marines. He became a successful Fighter Pilot who ran 69 hazardous missions as a volunteer. A war later, in korea, he earned the nick name, old magnet something, which he sometimes fair phrased. He says i was the only one that went in low and got them, explaining he often landed with huge holes in the side of his aircraft that he didnt like to shoot from highly altitudes. So the special record today is john glenn has died at the age of 95. Details on the funeral and arrangements will be made available soon. Please stay tuned to Fox News Channel for continuing coverage or on this fox station for your late local news. For now, im Shepard Smith, fox news new york. Continuing coverage now on Fox News Channel on satellite and cable. Ed henry joins us. You interviewed him. I heard you talking about 1998. I was a young record are reporter on capitol hill and i went with the official delegation of senators in both parties down to Cape Canaveral when john glenn went back into space at the age of 77. Youve said you were there. I interviewed john glenn before that. He was telling me that back in 1962 when the first went into space, people dont realize how much his own life was at risk because scientists and doctors didnt know how his body left and some of the ophthalmologists said your eyes may take shape and if you look at the friendship 7, the capsule that Chris Wallace was referring to, up on top of the Instrument Panel theres i still a little eye chart i was to read every 20 minutes to see i if my eyes were changing. The told me that while he had been a marine, involved in all these combat missions, had flown into nice already in 1998 the hardest part of trying to go back was convincing his wife. He said, quote, lets just say she was a little cool with this whole idea to begin with. Thats an understatement. She didnt react too kindly when i first started talking about this. She thought it would risk his life at the aim of 77 to go back. I spoke then to another senator from arkansas who told me that he talked to annie glen about it and i said, annie. The senator said arent how apprehensive about this . She said im never apprehensive about anything john really wants to do. So that give us you are you a window into the marriage that had for so long and the partnership they had. I remember talking to senators off the record who were flying down there and they were a little apprehensive on the way to florida because the didnt know whether he was going to survive at the age of 77, going back into space. And i pressed john glenn about that and in the interview i asked him about risking his life inch 1998, and in 1962, he said, quote, thought it was valuable for the country. Very simple, as you laid it out, and you have been talking about him. Just simply thought his life was in danger as he tried the missions, fought in the marines and thought it was good for the country, and thats pretty remarkable stale are statement to hear. A tweet has gone out from nasa, were saddened by the loss of john glenn. The First American to orbit the earth. Gods speed, john glenn. John glenns body will lie in state at the ohio state house and then a Public Memorial Service at Ohio State University. John glenn will be buried near washington, dc in Arlington National cemetery in a private service. Dates and times of the Public Events have not been announced. The governor of ohio, john kashich, has sent this. John glenn is and always will be ohios ultimate home town hour and his passing is an occasion for all of to us grieve. As we share our grief with his beloved wife, annie, we miss turn to the skies to absolute his remarkable journey and his long service to our state and nation. Though he soared deep into pace, in capitol hill his heart never trade from him steadfast ohio roots. God speed, john glenn. John pearman with is one the line, and a lot of us grief are grieving at well. Indeed. John glenn was an American Hero. He was the astronauts astronaut. And he really had a passion for seeing america pursue a strong science and research agenda, both on the ground and in space. I met him at his Senate Office when he was preparing to leave office to go train to become an astronaut, and worked with him to first interact with the publicken online when the can be was still new at that time, and he wanted to answer as many questions as possible him wanted the public to know that space flight was important and that was something that pushed the entire country ahead. He was remarkably current man for a man of his years. He was. He took a very strong interest in seeing the new technologies advancing as quickly as possible. He was fascinated when i brought him the web site back then, he it was brand new and he wanted to know how to surf the web. That was his first question. Wow. Thats fascinating. So nice to talk to you. I appreciate it. For arrivers we will come back with continuing coverage. The markets are up. All averages in record territory today. A day that john glenn passed away. The American Hero was 95 years old. And now with victoza® a better moment of proof. Victoza® lowers my a1c and blood sugar better than the leading branded pill, which didnt get me to my goal. Lowers my a1c better than the leading branded injectable. The one i used to take. And better than that diabetes pill i used to take. jeff victoza® works with your body to lower blood sugar in three ways in the stomach, the liver, and the pancreas. And while it isnt for weight loss, victoza® may help you lose some weight. 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Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. Nows the time for a better moment of proof. Ask your doctor about victoza®. Only day after remembering pearl harbor 75 years ago, remembering an American Hero. Dead at 95. Welcome everybody, im neil cavuto, and this is, well, a shock to your world, remembering the last of the mercury 7 astronauts and the man john kennedy would later say confirmed his dream of landing a man on the moon before the decade of the 60s was out, could happen, because of what john glenn did. Up until he came along, american astronauts had tried suborbital flights but it was then

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