Primary bread winner in a growing number of families theres more urgency than ever to let americans be good workers, good parents and good caregivers all at the same time. The old model of work where you could expect to hold a steady job with good benefits for an entire career is long gone. People in their 20s and 30s have come of age in an economy thats totally different. And a lot of young parents are discovering just how tough that is on families. Many people have wildly unpredictable schedules or they cobble together parttime work or they try to go independent. Now, flexibility can be good. But you shouldnt have to worry that your family could lose your health care or Retirement Savings just because you change jobs or start a small business. [ applause [ applause ] why do you think every other [ crowd chanting hillary ] i have to ask, why do you think every other advanced country has paid family leave . Do you think theyre just unrealistic or do you think they have figured out they can have a stabler economy, they can support families . And thats what i want us to do. Working families need predictable scheduling, earned sick days and vacation days, quality affordable child care and health care. These are not luxuries. Theyre economic necessities. And in todays economy benefits should be flexible, affordable, and comprehensive for everyone. And that means its time to expand Social Security as well. Especially, especially for older women who are widowed or have taken time out of the workforce to care for a loved one and what are suffering financially because of that. We need to look to a secure retirement for everyone. And to provide families relief from crushing costs and health care, housing, prescription drugs. I looked at the numbers. N. Some states two parents earning the minimum wage have to spend up to 35 of their income on child care. For a single parent it could be 70 . So i have set a goal. Families should not have to pay more than 10 of your income for child care. And i will repeat today what i have said throughout this campaign. I will not raise taxes on the middle class. I will give you tax relief to help ease these burdens. And you know, whenever i talk about these family issues, donald trump says im playing the woman card. Right . Well, you know what i say. If fighting for child care, paid leave and equal pay is playing the woman card, then deal me in now, look, heres what i want you to understand. It may be difficult to imagine all this getting done when washington is so broken. I get that. But i really think progress is possible or i would not be standing up here running to be president of the united states. I know republicans and democrats can work together, because ive done it. As you heard alicia say, i helped create the Childrens HealthInsurance Program when i was first lady. That happened with support from both parties. And it now covers 8 million kids. And when you go to get health care for your child, nobody says are you a republican or a democrat . They say, what does your child need . I worked with republicans many times when i was a senator from new york and as secretary of state. So i know we can get results that will make real differences in peoples lives. I know however its rare. Theres no question we need to make washington work much better than it does today. And that means in particular getting unaccountable money out of our politics. One of the reasons 24 election is so important is because the Supreme Court hangs in the balance. We need to overturn that terrible Supreme Court decision Citizens United and then reform our whole Campaign Finance system. This is about our democracy, but its also about our economy. Campaign finance reform and reducing the power of special interests is directly related to getting washington working for people again. Making the right investments. Putting your jobs and Economic Security first. Thats why im passionate about this issue and i will fight hard to end the stranglehold that the wealthy and special interests have on so much of our government. So lets do this together. A historic investment in jobs, debtfree college, profit sharing, making those at the top pay their fair share, putting Families First in our modern economy, and a democracy where working peoples voices are actually heard. That is what we are fighting for in this election. As i said, as i said during the primary, i am a progressive who likes to get things done. And we can do this now, just for a minute compare what i am proposing to what we hear from donald trump. The selfproclaimed king of debt has no real ideas for making college more affordable or addressing the student debt crisis. He has no credible plan for improving our infrastructure, apart from his wall. He has no real strategy for creating jobs. Just a string of empty promises. And maybe we shouldnt expect better from someone whose most famous words are youre fired. Well, heres what i want you to know. I do have a jobs program. And as president im going to make sure that you hear youre hired. And heres the bottom line. Economists left, right, and center all agree donald trump will drive america back into recession. Just this week one of senator john mccains former economic advisers said trumps policies would wipe out, wipe out 3. 5 million jobs. His tax cuts tilted toward the wealthy would add more than 30 trillion to our National Debt over the next 20 years. That is just astonishing. And its no wonder that a group called the economists intelligence unit, one of the leading firms that analyzes the top threats to the global economy, now ranks a Trump Presidency number 3 right behind problems in china and volatility in the commodities market. Now, look. I know donald hates it when anyone points out how hollow his sales pitch really is. And i guess my speech yesterday must have gotten under his skin because right away he lashed out on twitter with outlandish lies and conspiracy theories and he did the same in his speech today. Now, think about it. Hes going after me personally because he has no answers on the substance. In fact, he doubled down on being the king of debt. So all he can do is try to distract us. Thats even why hes attacking my faith. And of course attacking a Philanthropic Foundation that saves and improves lives around the world. Its no surprise. He doesnt understand these things. The Clinton Foundation helps poor people around the world get access to lifesaving aids medici medicine. Donald trump uses poor people around the world to produce his line of suits and ties. Here in North Carolina you know as well as anyone our economy is already too unpredictable for working families. We cant let donald trump bankrupt america the way he bankrupted his casinos. We nee to write a new chapter in the american dream, and it cant be chapter 11. So please join me in this campaign. Im offering a very different vision about how were stronger together when we grow together. Were stronger when our economy works for everyone, not just those at the top. I am convinced that if we work hard, if we go into november with the confidence and optimism that should be the american birthright, we will not only win an election, we will chart the course to the future that we want and deserve thank you, and god bless you this is my fight song im Trace Gallagher in for Shepard Smith. Hillary clinton wrapping up a Campaign Rally in raleigh, North Carolina. You can see its kind of a followup to her big economic speech in columbus, ohio yesterday. She spoke for about 51, 52 minutes, gave a few more specifics talking about how to eliminate student debt, how to raise wages for the middle class by creating profit sharing. And of course she also took several swipes at her opponent donald trump, who had his own big speech today. Lets get live now to Jennifer Griffin. Shes in raleigh, North Carolina with the former secretary of state. Jennifer, she really kind of defended the Clinton Foundation because trump went after the Clinton Foundation pretty heavy today. Reporter she did. And in fact, what was interesting, trace, is at first it seemed like she wasnt going to mention donald trump. In fact, as we were listening, it took her 40 minutes before she even said his name. It seemed like a re different speech. It seemed like she was just going to talk about how she was going to help the middle class create jobs, create infrastructure. And then she took a turn about 10 minutes ago and then it was one zinger after another just like she did in columbus yesterday. She ended the speech to rousing cheers when she said that this chapter of americas economic history would not end in chapter 11. She called him the king of debt. She doubled down on some of the lines yesterday that really got her the most applause. Probably the moment here that people cheered the most, though, was when she talked about equal wages for women and when she also talked about the controversial North Carolina law against transgender bathrooms. Back to you, trace. A lot of the themes youll hear again and again across the campaign trail, Jennifer Griffin live for us in North Carolina. Were also going to talk about Donald Trumps speech. It was earlier today. Were going to talk much more about that coming up on Shepard Smith reporting. Im Trace Gallagher in new york. Crowd sounds ] oooh [ brakes screech ] when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. Excuse me, try this. But just one aleve can last 12 hours. Tylenol and advil can quit after 6. [ cheering ] so live your whole day, not part. With 12 hour aleve. Well, donald trump tore into Hillary Clinton today attacking her record as secretary of state, her email scandal, her financial ties, her trade and immigration policies, and her husband, former president bill clinton. Speaking at one of his hotels in manhattan, donald trump called Hillary Clinton a worldclass liar and said she has spent her entire life working for special interests. Hillary clinton has perfected the politics of personal profit and even theft. She ran the state Department Like her own personal hedge fund, doing favors for oppressive regimes and many others and really many, many others in exchange for cash. Pure and simple, folks. Pure and simple. Trump accused clinton of almost singlehandedly destabilizing the middle east. He also claimed she wants to bring hundreds of thousands of Syrian Refugees to the u. S. Without proper background checks. A super pac supporting clinton fired back at trump pointing out clinton has called for accepting 65,000 refugees, not hundreds of thousands, and only if they go through a vetting process. The group correct the record claims trumps speech was filled with conspiracy theories, lies, and debunked claims. Quoting here, in todays speech donald trump built on his reputation as a serial liar, touting false allegations sourced from a widely discredited book, peter schweitzers clinton cash, claiming favoritism by the state department in exchange for large speaking fees and donations to the Clinton Foundation. Just last month the books publisher reported schweitzer made corrections to seven or eight passages. Today trump also made a direct appeal to Bernie Sanders supporters, calling the American Economy rigged and promising to fix it. John roberts is live at the trump soho here in manhattan. John. Reporter trace, good afternoon to you. It was a speech this morning that was met by praise from republicans, even establishment republicans, and derision from democrats, among them as you saw the group correct the record. Donald trump went after Hillary Clinton like he rarely has before, taking his attacks to a whole new level. In particular focusing in on the Clinton Foundation and donations it has taken over the years from foreign governments that amount to millions upon millions of dollars and how trump believes that has shaped everything dealing with Hillary Clintons policies from Foreign Policy to what she would do about immigration. Listen to trump here, how sharp he is. Hillary clinton wants to bring in people who believe women should be enslaved and gays put to death. Maybe her motivation lies among the more than 1,000 foreign donations hillary failed to disclose while at the state department. Hillary clinton may be the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency of the united states. Reporter trump went on to say the reason he believes she was using a private email server was to hide the, quote, corrupt practices that she was using while she was secretary of state. Something that has not been proven. But the speech drew this reaction from an establishment republican. Ari fleischer whos the former white house spokesman under george bush. He tweeted finally trump gives powerful well delivered takedown of whats long with Hillary Clinton. But more from correct the record this morning, the desperate and unhinged donald trump tried to revive his sinking campaign. The trump strategy is clear. Lie, lie, and if that doesnt work lie some more. All we really learned today other than the fact donald trump is a serial liar is that he can read. Trace . And john, he really kind of went after her Foreign Policy decisions as well today. Reporter he did. You know, blaming her for everything from when she was a senator helping to launch the iraq war to helping as she was secretary of state late the groundwork for that deal that he believes strengthened irans hand. But really going after her on benghazi, accusing her of being sound asleep while ambassador stevens and his three colleagues were fighting for their lives at that Embassy Compound or at least the consulate compound. Listen to what he said about that. Her decision spread death, destruction, and terrorism everywhere she touched. Among the victims of our late ambassador chris stevens. I mean, she what she did with him was absolutely horrible. He was left helpless to die as Hillary Clinton soundly slept in her bed. Reporter weve got so much more of this Election Campaign to go. And trace, this could go down in history as the nastiest election ever. Though we do tend to say that every four years. Im just curious, quickly, john, any Rapid Response from the Trump Campaign while Hillary Clinton was talking for the better part of 50 minutes just now . You know, i have to be honest with you, trace, ive been focused on talking to you. So i havent looxd at my twitter. But ill check it out and get back to you. John roberts live for us in new york. John, thank you very much. Well have much more ahead on trump attacking Hillary Clinton. Well speak with a journalist who says the speech shows trump is changing his campaign. After firing corey lewandowski. But will it last . That and more coming up. Real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing the bego where you goith you they have weight but are not heavy they teach they inspire and when they happen to you or maybe when you happen to them take these moments for all theyre worth only in minnesota continuing coverage now of donald trump. In a speech slamming Hillary Clinton. Lets bring in glenn hall. Hes the u. S. Editor of the wall street journal. Glenn, we were just talking earlier here. It seems to me that donald trump in his speech today was really going after Hillary Clinton and the fact that people do not and the polls show a lot of people do not think shes honest and hes trying to capitalize on that right off the getgo. And he he wt point from many different angles, right . Talking about her time as secretary of state and how she abused the office for her own personal gain. Talking about her policies and her email servers and all of the points along the way where the perception is that she didnt reveal the whole truth if not any of the truth. And its interesting because while he was on script the whole time and the speech was fairly upbeat it seemed to me like we saw a more subdued donald trump today. He was reading along the speech. There wasnt much variation. Do you see a shifting campaign here, glenn . I think we did see the shift that he talked about after firing corey lewandowski. We see the sort of influence of his older children who have been asking him to be more upbeat and more optimistic tone. I think we saw him stay almost perfectly on script. There were i afew deviations, he couldnt help himself, but this was the kind of message to everybody in the party that i can do the job you need me to do. We saw the big overreaching themes. We saw slams on Hillary Clinton again and again. But we saw very few specifics kind of like hillarys spch yesterday. Not many actual precise ideas from donald trump