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Look at a Church Service thats about to begin. Brown chapel ame church, john lewis family is beginning to arrive and those who will pay their respects today as well. This will be an hour of emotional memories, as you might imagine, of the life that was extraordinary of an american, his body will follow the route of bloody sunday. On his way back march 7, 1965, at the height of the Civil Rights Movement. Congressman lewis described what happened that day and its impact all these days later. Lets watch together. Selma, help free and liberate not just american south, we help liberate our country. As a nation, weve come a great distance. White, colored signs are gone. The only place we would see those signs today would be in a book, in a museum, on a sled owe. We still have a distance to travel before we lay down the burden of race. I thought i was going to die on this bridge. Somehow, some way, god almighty almighty can i give up now . If can i give in . Can i give many in . Keep the faith, keep your eyes on the prize. Those that never, ever voted before. [cheers and applause] some gave more than a little blood, some gave their very lives. Go out, speak up, speak out harris and from here we will go back, this is selma, alabama, on march 1st. As you see congressman john lewis there. Theres so many details about his life that stand out on a day like today. For instance, he was born 79 years after the start of the civil war, and there was much work to do, as you heard him say, and his very words not long ago. And now we revisit some of his journey. And this is a celebration. His family has been part of planning all of this weeklong celebration nearly, six events that will commemorate his life. So you will hear a lot of that type of tone today. Lets watch the Church Service in selma. We are so deeply blessed to have touched, been touched by his greatness. He will forever change selma and this nation. On bloody sunday in 1965, john was confronted by Alabama State troopers and their dogs. They beat him with billy clubs, fracturing his skull. But john was determined to fight for equality and justice, putting his own life on the line in the service of others and a Brighter Future for everyone. John crossed bridges so many times, insisting that our nation live up to the ideals upon which it was founded. As he always said, he gave a little blood on that bridge. As always, john was humble. His humility rang true. As he takes his final march, that final crossing, john bridged the gap that so often divided us. Our political a parties working day for a more just and equitable america. My heart is full knowing that john is crossing that selma bridge today in his final march. His final march, that final crossing so different from the first speaks to the legacy that he leaves behind and the lives that he has changed. Its poetic justice that this time Alabama State troopers will see john to his safety. They will accompany him on his last trip over the selma bridge and on to montgomery where he will lie in state at the capitol. John has left this earth, but his legacy remains on. And we continue to benefit from his lifes work. Hes laid out the blueprint for us to pick up the baton and continue his march for Voting Rights, for civil rights, for human rights. John believed firmly that the best days of our nation lie ahead of us. I hope his passing causes us to rededicate ourselves to getting into good trouble, necessary trouble. Cant you hear him . Never give up. Never give in. Keep the faith. Keep your eyes on the prize. For john and our nation, lets make him proud. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, please welcome gospel recording artist crispin glover. Precious lord, take my hand. Lead me on and let me stand. I am tired, i am weak. And i am through the storm and through, through the night. Lead me on to the light. Take, take my hand, precious lord, and lead me home. When my way draws precious lord, linger near. When, when my life is hear my cry, hear my call. Hold my hand, hold my hand, lord, lest i e fall. Take, take my hand, precious lord and led lead me home [applause] please welcome the pastor of the Historic Tabernacle Baptist Church [inaudible] oliver. If you would, pray with me. Father of [inaudible] god of our [inaudible] thou who has brought us thus far all the way, thou who [inaudible] led us into the light, keep us forever in thy path, we pray. Most gracious father, we come before your presence this morning reverent to you as our god, understanding that it is you who have made us and not we ourselves, that we are the sheep of your pasture, and it is in you that we live and have our being. Finish we thank you for this day. We thank you for life and another opportunity to serve you this day and live out your purposes in the world. We thank you, lord, for this occasion as we have assembledded ourselves here to assembled ourselves here to give thanks to you for a life well lived. Thank you for congressman john lewis. Thank you, father, for his legacy. His legacy of being a freedom fighter, his legacy of being a foot soldier for justice, the legacy of being a servant of humanity. As he walked humbly with you and as he always remembered his roots and always strived so that this world could be a better place, a more equitabling world, a world that is more just and more righteous. Thank you for your service to humanity. Thank you, lord, that he was willing to get in the way. Thank you that he was willing to stir good trouble. Thank you for his voice, the voice that will resonate in our hearts and minds for years and generations to come. Thank you for his message. Thank you, lord, for using him for such a time as this to bridge divides and help us become a more Perfect Union. I pray this morning for his family, i pray, lord, that you will comfort them as only you can, that you will undergird them with your strength and grant them your grace. I pray for your peace that you are passes all understanding surpasses all understanding to guard their hearts and their minds through christ jesus, our lord. And, lord, i pray that we who are still remaining, who still have blood running warm in our veins, that we too will stand for justice, that we will stand for righteousness, that we will lift our voices for you, lift our voices for the cause that is just and right. Until we hear your welcome voice say well done, good and faithful servant. As congressman lewis crosses the alabama river, we rejoice today knowing that hes already crossed the jordan river, and hes now resting in your presence. In jesus mighty name we pray and can all these things and ask all these things, amen. Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes the structured program, but we just have a few notes that we need to give everyone. First and foremost, if we can just show some appreciation to the congresswoman for helping to put this Wonderful Program together. [applause] and, of course, the pastor and the leadership here at the historic brown chapel ame church. [applause] so this announcement, these announcements are specifically for all of our friends who have joined us this morning. Given that we are still very much in a covid19 season and to insure the Public Safety of everyone that wants to be a part of harris so as they have wrapped up the very short ceremony at brown chapel ame church in selma, alabama, theyre getting ready to do the ceremonial crossing with congressman john lewis carried by a caisson across that bridge. Given the time that were in with coronavirus and a pandemic, the notes that they give and a socially distanced posture that weve just seen during the Short Service are stark reminders of present day, arent they . You probably noticed, as i did, that the social distance was filled with beautiful voices, filling the spaces between them and all of us on this day. March 7th,1965, a route across the bridge 1200 feet would begin to change america. House minority whip Steve Scalise with me now as we watch this procession. Congressman, youre with me . Yes, harris, good morning. How are you . Harris good morning. Of you know, this is meant to be a celebration of the life of john lewis, and you knew him. You and i were born a week apart in 1965, and this hadnt happened yet, but it would be months later, and you were born in the south, as i was as well. And i want to get from you today what the journey was like to take it with john lewis for years in congress after this crossing. What difference did he make . What an unbelievable difference he made and what an honor it was for me to be able to serve with him and to get to know john lewis. He was a legend, he was a giant of the Civil Rights Movement, and you knew that when you walked into the capitol for the first time and you look at some of the people you get to serve with. And yet john was incredibly approachable. John was such a warm person, and he really did believe in sharing that history. He invited members on a regular basis to go to selma with him, and i was able to do that in 2016. In fact, my colleague that just gave those wonderful remarks, we started off at that brown ame church, the church where Martin Luther king jr. Would give so many passionate speeches from the pulpit, where john helped organize with other leaders, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee which john was the head of, they would meet there at the church. And then ultimately, that day of bloody sunday, we marched that same route in 2016, and i was honored to be arm in arm with hum. And you know, harris, as we were walking the that long walk, you turn left are on broad street and you see the Edmund Pettis bridge, and it strikes you because i know the history of what happened to john that day. He was brutally beaten crossing that bridge, but he knew what was ahead of him, and yet he knew that he had to blaze that trail so that others could blaze bigger trails. And as we started down that road and youre looking at the bridge and im arm in arm with john, he starts pointing out land a marks, and he said, you know, thats where this group used to meet, and thats where they started organizing against us. He remembered that history as if it was yesterday, and he relived it because he wanted others to know that history as well. Just seeing that history, understanding how far weve come and how far we still want to go as a nation. Weve gotten so many of those miles because of great giants like john lewis. Harris you know, im curious, i mentioned that year of 1965, and it was part of that journey, those years, few if you will, that were so critical for america. And it wasnt just about people of color, africanamericans, it was about freedoms for everybody as we moved forward as a nation. And arguably, you and i might not be together today, yet we were born about the same time. And the differences that have happened in the country between then and now, were not in the same place. And, you know, as we look today and they get ready to take this journey with john lewis in a caisson across that bridge, we just can look and forecast a little bit of the future, i would imagine. You knew him. He was ill for a while with pancreatic cancer. Did you have a chance to talk with him, representative, about what he saw for our future . I got to talk to him about a number of things and, in fact, you know, john was battling cancer these last few months, and he wasnt able to come to the capitol every single day, but every now and then he would come. You know, we all smiled when we saw john because he was one of those people where as significant as he was in history, he never acted hike that. He had an incredible humanity and warmth humility and warmth. He didnt come to the podium to speak all the time, but when he did, everybody would just stop because you knew you were listening to somebody who spoke with a larger than life voice and had walked those miles to earn that respect. And he didnt carry it as if he was better than anyone else, he just wanted other people to share what he had and to understand what he had been through in a way that would help us all want to get to that same place. And so the just always a treat to be able to talk to john and to go and, you know, just look him in the eye e and get that warm smile back from him. Harris yeah. You know, were navigating a tough time right now, and i mentioned, you know, they were giving the instructions before they began to cross the Edmund Pettus bridge, per covid19 safety reductions and suggestions and guidelines restrictions and suggestions and guidelines. But were also at a time of strife in our country. Culture, race, our differences sometimes exploited in the streets across america and sometimes advocated for equality and justice. And im, you know, thinking back about what it would have been like in 1965 and what it should be like in 2020. What is it like on capitol hill . He was such a big voice, and, you know, with him now gone, we just flashed up on the careen that he was the last on the screen that he was the last surviving member of the march on washington in 1963. What did you take away, and what will you remember as you go forth . Because you its left to everybody else at this civil rights struggle moment. It sort of feels like that right now in america for some. Yes, it is, and, you know, you and i, as you say, were both born in 1965. Our country was a are different place back then a very different place back then, the south was, and weve come such a long way because of people like john lewis. He was one of the big six, like you said, one of the organizers of the march on washington. They were really marching at that time to get the Voting Rights about passed and, of course, it was bloody sunday that was that Pivotal Moment really that many people point to that say really turned the corner for our country to get that significant landmark passed into law. John was one of the original people that pushed for it with Martin Luther king jr. And the whole, the big six as the group was known. He was there at the white house and was honored by president kennedy and, ultimately, president johnson who worked with him on other achievements. But he never stopped fighting. He did believe in that nonviolent mantra that Martin Luther king jr. Always a talked about as well that, you know, you always keep fighting for what you believe in, you keep pushing. John just had that friendly way about him, but we all know he had been through some very brutal times, personal brute brutal beatings himself, but he always talked about the prize, continuing to fight for a more Perfect Union. We are a more Perfect Union because of john lewis. Harris minority whip Steve Scalise, appreciate your time and your perspective and your memories and your focus for the future today. Thank you. The caisson which will carry john lewis across the Edmund Pettus bridge is now moving. And you see people are gathered there. Our Steve Harrigan is actually on the ground, and i believe you can see some different perspectives from steve too, because youll see the bridge behind him. John, tell me a bit about the crowd, the people gathered there. Reporter harris, despite the social distancing and efforts by the family to tell people to watch this on tv, not to come because of the virus, people are still come out, some from very far away to get a glimpse of what were seeing here today, get a glimpse of a real hero making what they are calling the final crossing. This caisson is going to pause at the peak of this bridge for about 60 seconds, and then theres going to be a salute, an honor salute by the Alabama State troopers. Those Alabama State troopers 55 years ago were part of the force that beat john lewis and beat some of those 600 nonviolent protesters, 17 people hospitalized, lewis with a fractured skulker tried to get up again, beaten again. Thought he was going to die on that bridge. So in 55 years its gone from a beating to an honoring. A harm part of that is how america has changed, but also a large part of that is due to john lewis himself, harris. Harris you know, steve, as we look at this, i had mentioned that its about 1200 feet across that bridge. Youve given us kind of the lay of the land of what this will look like as they take that pause. There will be those people at the church as well, and so you can kind of see all the perspectives of this. Tell me about what the crowds are doing. Its obviously very quiet there. And we are going to pause take a moment and see if theres sound here. Please stand by. [inaudible conversations] [background sounds] [background sounds] harris and now we are watching, we were listening to see sometimes you will take in the silent moments because they fill in the gaps for what you see on screen, and its important to know whats going on on the ground. I want to bring back Steve Harrigan because he is there live for us in selma, alabama, and has so many vantage points from where hes standing up high. Steve, youre still with me . Reporter harris, a lot of people that weve spoken to, some young people too, really recognizing the debt they owe e to john lewis saying they are standing on john lewis shoulders, that theres still work to be done. And its interesting for people who have covered a lot of the protests since ferguson, missouri, on and the violence in those protests. Weve heard john lewis described today as a fighter and someone who got in the ring, but those protests when you go back and look at some of the black and white footage which changed america, they are simply astounding because they were violent, but in most cases the violence was on one side. When he comes down that pettus bridge, when he pauses there, his hands are in his pockets. He knows whats coming. To there is violence there, but there is also on the other side a real commitment, a deep commitment to nonviolence as well. Harris yeah, you remind us of those very important moments, those decisions that john lewis was making constantly to be nonviolent, to keep his hands in his pockets, as you so eloquently remind us of, Steve Harrigan. Steve, i know that you will be standing by for us. Lets listen more to this, and then we will bring in the representative, Emmanuel Cleaver. Today close. Stay close. [background sounds] [background sounds] [background sounds] harris as we watch this procession getting ready to cross the mundt finish the edmund pet, tus bridge, just a few words about what were watching. A caisson a twowheeled horsedrawn cart used, when necessary, to transport wounded or dead from the battlefield. Having grown up military, i can tell you that caissons, that they usually appear during state funerals or a military possession for a member of the armed forces whos received full military whos received full military honors for a funeral. So the cig e enough cannes of all of this is the service of congressman john lewis both as a civil rights leader and then serving in congress and the significance of this also is to show how greatly he changed america. Youve heard representative Steve Scalise moments ago who talked about how we became a better, more Perfect Union, a better america because of john lewis and those who stood alongside him. That day on march 7th, 1965, and throughout the civil rights journey that we took as a nation. He made an effort, more than an effort, he dedicated his life to nonviolent change. And you often hear him quoted as saying that it was time to get into good trouble. This will take about ten minutes or so, and in that time we have an opportunity to talk with those who knew him as we watch this procession. Our reporter, Steve Harrigan, was telling us moments ago when they reach the peak of this bridge, so about halfway across that 1200foot point, they will pause for 60 seconds. The Alabama State troopers back in 1965 on that day, through prejudice and hatred, beat the people on that bridge, tried to beat them back, tried to beat back their push for a Greater America with more freedoms and equality for everybody. They tried to beat them back and beat that out of them. They did not succeed. And we are a better nation now. Again, this will take a few minutes for them to reach the bridge and then cross over to the other side, taking that pause, and we will be here on fox news to take you through it all. I want to share now though from a perspective on this extraordinary life one of his longtime friends and house colleagues, member of the congressional black caucus, representative Emmanuel Cleaver. Congressman, youre with me in. Yes, good morning. Harris good morning. And i look and see that you are with us from home in kansas city, and thats where you and i met many, many years ago. Yes. Harris give us a texture for what youre feeling and what others are feeling today who were part of the struggle and continue to be. Well, theres manager which all of us are feeling pain but some joy. Johns chief of staff came to me a few months ago and confidentially toll me what was told me what was going on and because john may need some prayer and some inspiration. John was inspiration to everybody else, and i met him back in 1974 at the Baptist Church in birmingham, alabama. I was stun thed over the fact that stunned over the fact that this guy would actually stop in the vestibule to talk to me, reverend nobody, when all of these great pastors who led e the movement ralph ab aberna, he stops talking to them and i dont think he ever knew hi many name he knew my name. But he always called me young brother. A few weeks ago maybe he never knew my name after 30 something years. Im joking, of course. He was the most humble human being i have ever been around in my life. And if you look at press conferences where he attended, he never tried to position himself in a places where the cameras there were others who would push people out of the way almost to get in front of the camera. But heres a guy who was a lion. And lions dont need to strut through the plains telling people they are a lion. Everybody on the plains can tell that. And i dont know, you know, went out on the black lives matter mass saw in washington. Plaza in washington. This was his last great display of power or righteousness, and it was john lewis standing there with a cane if cane in his hand. And it was the lion, the lion. Albeit the lion in winter. And people talk about john being beaten on that bridge. If john could speak and if youd listen to his speeches, he was essentially saying i regret that i is have but one cracked skull to give for my people. And my people meant blacks and whites and browns and muslims and jewish people. Thats who he was. Harris yeah. You know, thats been part of what i think his legacy carries forth into 2020 as we face a new chapter or struggle. And, look, congressman cleaver, things are different than they were, you know, 55 years ago, obviously. Some things remain though. And i wonder if you had an opportunity to talk with congressman lewis in the last few months. I mean, it feels like since george floyd the country has changed many different ways, many different times. I dont even know if were talking about the same things as we were on may 25 that brought us together. One of the things that i are to tell you troubled i have to tell you troubled john was that some of the young demonstrators, you know, would say things like, you know, well, hes past his time. And john lewis, the life he lived is a life that can be that we put on display to all generations. And they were saying, you know, hes talking about nonviolence and love and peace, and particularly some of the anarchists, very few of them were in there, but most of them were good people. Many of them were trying to suggest to the crowd something that would be antithetical to what john lewis had always preached. And i thank god that right now if you look at the marches and the demonstrations that are continuing, there theyre sometg that john felt so good about and it just made my heart glad, and that is this if you look at the demonstrators here in kansas city, a city you know quite well, the crowds in some instances were as much as 75 white. That wasnt the case in the march on washington. That wasnt the case harris right. Going across the Edmund Pettus bridge. But it is now, and things have changed and changed dramatically. And john lewis, among many others, is a reason that we are where we are now. And it really bothers me when people say things havent gotten any better. That is absolutely not true. Things have gotten visibly better, and john is a great reason for it and one of the best things thats ever happened to the United States congress. Harris you know, representative cleaver, im so appreciative of you being with me particularly at this moment. They have begun to cross the Edmund Pettus bridge, and as they do, i want do you about good trouble. Now, when i was growing up, it was explained to me that that was a fan i way of saying change. Fan i way of saying fancy way of saying change. What did it mean in. Well, good trouble meant that when you go out to fight injustice, when you speak out against bigotty, when you speak out against exclusion, that will always be a counteraction. That will always there will always be a response. For every action there is a counteraction. And so he was saying but even though youre going to get in trouble for standing up for right and challenging wrong, thats good trouble. When you do it, when you are able to stand up and challenge wrong and get into trouble, that is good trouble. Thats delicious trouble. Thats necessary trouble, as he said it. And he got into that that trouble all the time and never, ever expressed regret for any of the trouble he had gotten into. He was arrested over 40 times in his life, and he felt good about the fact that he had gone to jail for getting into good trouble. Harris yeah. You know, in reading this week i reminded myself of that point in American History and how just 79 year before john lewis was born was the start of the civil war. It hasnt been that long, and there has been tremendous change, and his life is an example of just what each person can accomplish. Do you think right now that next wave of, you know, Emmanuel Cleaver, john lewis,siest is city ejacson and some Jesse Jackson and some of the others who have been part of our legacy of change, whos in that next wave . What is the process like right now, or do we need or have it . No, we dont have it. And i am not upset that we dont have it. Back in the 1970s and 80s when the Civil Rights Movement it actually happened all the way back to 1619, but it has changed to the point where there will be leaders in various other realms. For example, were not going to have a Martin Luther king again because that leadership is not necessarily needed at this moment. But were going to have people in political leadership, were going to have people in religious leadership, were going to have people in Economic Leadership and in business. Were going to have people all over. And there will be individuals who will cheerily be at the clearly be at the top and provide counsel and assistance to those who are following him or herment but in terms of a Martin Luther king or a john lewis, we only have a few of those guys who are still left. But most of the people who founded, for example, sclc, owe lowery joe lowery, c. K. Vivian, they died recently. Sncc others were involved in, that organization is no longer there. But there are young people who are leading on college are campuses as that group in the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. And i think we should not look for a Single Person to be the leader anymore because theres no one in the world who can say, well, we have one leader for white folk or one leader for the brits. And thats where we are x. If thats a good thing, because it means that weve made progress. Harris wow. That is so uplifting and such an informed and positive way to look at all of this, because it is a sign of progress that we can look in the psalm direction but not have in the same direction but not have to be the same, everybody not having to follow the same pattern because of the progress thats been made. Before i let you go, i do want to say that the family of john lewis has just crossed the bridge. We were waiting for those big vehicles and the big motor coaches, congressman cleaver, to cross. And so as we get ready, we can see now down at the entrance to the bridge that caisson that carries congressman john lewis. I want to just get your thoughts as we begin the procession now with the congressman making that crossing. March 7, 1965, the nation was where, the nation was what, and what impact this particular day had on history to you. Well, back then it was filled with a viciousness and bigotry and exclusion, and i can remember my wife and i and her sister and her husband drove from kansas city down to mississippi for the, for an sclc convention back in the day, and we didnt get to mississippi until nightfall. And i can tell you we were driving in total fear. This was in the 1970s, probably in the 1977 or so. And so that atmosphere it hadnt been completely raced, but its not the way it was then. And ill let you in on a secret, john lewis family crossing that bridge, they didnt call him john. They called him robert. And the only people who called him john are people from the movement, those of us who are still around. But we called him john, they called him robert and still they call him robert. Dr. King didnt call him either, dr. King called him that boy from troy [laughter] and it was just like john always ared to me as young brother, you know . Dr. King always referred to him, wheres the boy from troy . And then john lewis actually split with a more aggressive leadership in sncc and followed dr. King or stayed very close to dr. King. Never became a member of the board of sclc, but he was that march, he crossed that bridge with a guy named Jose Williams who was a chemist in his real life, and hosea gave him his ability to make a pretty good income as a chemist to participate in the movement with sclc. And there are a thousand stories like that, some great people. Try to give a life to those people like you and me. Harris we are now watching the caisson being told to go around. Were going to see now theres a vehicle crossing to, just to the side of the case edison. Theyll pull on out of the frame, and for the first time we will see the caisson carrying the remains of congressman john lewis coming across the Edmund Pettus bridge. Im join by representative Emmanuel Cleaver from missouri, from kansas city, and we are so appreciative of you taking us through some of these moments. And as we now see that vehicle pull out of the way and we can fully e that caisson see that caisson, this is that iconic moment. John lewis coming across the Edmund Pettus bridge again, this time his final journey. Representative cleaver, before i let you go, there is a movement afoot to try to rename this bridge, it was named originally for a confederate general and a white supremacist leader. I know representative jim clyburn currently in the house and yourself and many others want to rename the bridge. Where are we in that process . Well, i think its going to, the change is going to be made in alabama. I think the federal government, members of congress would love to see it named john lewis bridge, but there are people who, for example, crossed that bridge with john lewis on that day and were beaten. And so on one side there are people saying, you know, you change it to another name that would reflect all the people who went across the bridge. Those of us in congress would like to see john lewis serve as the example of the people, as a representative of the people who crossed that bridge and who were also beaten that day like hosea williams. But, you know, john lewis, i can tell you without fear or contradiction, never, ever, ever participated in the conversations that were occurring all around him about naming that brim after him. He was bridge after him. He was just not that kind of a guy. In fact, john was shy. He probably never would be able to call it the john lewis bridge if he were alive to see that happen. Terry sewall, for example, representative, she wants it to be john lewis. And i think theres going to be probably some back and forth in that community. Bulletly, i think that the name ultimately, i think the name of the bridge going to change and, hopefully, it can be changed to john lewis. He would probably not be excited about naming anything after himself. Harris representative Emmanuel Cleaver, you were pastor at a church when i was a young news anchor in kansas city. Love to hear you preach. And now youre a leader on capitol hill and giving us so much experience and History Today as we honor the legacy of congressman josh lewis. Thank you john lewis. Thank you for your time. Good to be with you. God bless you. God bless you. As we watch this, a couple of things to tell you about. So this is the route to the bridge, and this is really where you will not see any other vehicles except for those escorting that caisson with john lewis. And so we have made the turn, if you will. You saw those vehicles pull out of the way, and this is relatively a sight space because if you pull out, youd be able to see the bridge is right there. And as we head into this procession that will eventually reach halfway across the bridge, the peak of it, and and take a pause, we will then and ill let you know when its about to happen, we will then make every microphone silent. We will not be talking through that. We can take in those moments together. For now, i want to bring in fox news political analyst juan williams. Juan, on this glorious sunday, you are with me. Yeah, its an amazing moment, harris. Im so pleased that youre here and, you know, its a moment ive been down to that bridge several times. As youve heard people say, congressman lewis would lead delegations of members of congress down to selma so they could see it, so they could understand that that small bridge, you know with, it just goes from selma across to east selma, and the march commerce were marchers were on their way, a 55mile march, headed to montgomery. But when you did this with john lewis, you know, it was like watching one of the a apostles come to life. And i think other members of congress, you heard Steve Scalise speak in this way, Emmanuel Cleaver speak in this way, that john lewis for all his unassuming manner telling that story, it was like bringing history and the passion the life so that all of us americans could hair in the sacrifice that he share in the sacrifice that he made that day to make a difference and to bring Voting Rights because this was about establishing Voting Rights for black people in the United States, to bring Voting Rights to life. And, of course, it was just a matter of weeks after what happened on that bridge that the United States passed the Voting Rights act of 1965. Harris you know, juan, i shared this with you, and, you know, maybe some of our colleagues as well. But when my father decided to serve in the military, john lewis and other voices who joined his, mlk, and their press for nonviolent change in america was part of why he dedicated himself, my father, to fighting for this country. At a time when it was filled with struggle and strife and, you know, so much prejudice and bigotry and hatred. But he said hed rather fight for a country where men like john lewis knew how to get to what was right than not. And, you know, having been born in the year that they crossed this bridge and john lewis was hit, i mean, you know that that next generation, these further generations that we are are proof that it worked. [laughter] that the experiment in meeting hatred e and violence with peace and love and patience but persistence works. Absolutely. You know, we wouldnt be here in these positions that we are today without men like john lewis. I dont think theres any question that in some ways, you know, black americans have been the most patriotic. They talked about during world war ii the double v, rickety abroad victory abroad against the nazis, the imperialists, but then victory here at home in terms of achieving the visions, the aspiration that you can find in the declaration of independence, that all men are created equal. And john lewis really stood up to that principle and did so in a nonviolent manner as Steve Harrigan reminded us when he crossed that bridge on foot right next to hosea williams. What you saw was a man with his hands in his pocket even as the Alabama State troopers advanced with violence, with sticks and with smoke bombs and the like. John lewis was a nonviolent man standing up for american principles and american justice and saying we have a right to vote in this democracy. Harris amen. Juan williams, cohost of the five, thank you, juan. We are watching those crowds now cheer as they celebrate the life and legacy of congressman john lewis. And you can you know what . I want to lower my voice. Listen, you can hear them singing. Lets take a moment. [background sounds] [inaudible conversations] [applause] [background sounds] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] one more time. The work of a great man, a man who started out with humbled beginnings but by the grace of god ended up [inaudible conversations] congressman john lewis. [inaudible] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible] you can hear the gospel singing in the background and you can also hear we shall over come being sung above all of it as the ciaisson was on bridge. You can hear the media on the ground. A lot of silence, both honor and prepare for a future that would not include john lewis. His family that you see there, john miles, his son, natasha brooks, john milsey girlfriend, sam lewis and grant lewis, another brother. Rosa, his sister and we are also on the bridge today chief of staff Michael Collins and so those were the people as you saw with a single driver that stood, everybody else away and once it hit the moment of silence for 60 seconds, beyond that point you saw the family members and people close to john lewis escort him across that bridge. Be with him in his final moments in selma, alabama. Moving forward from march seventh, 1965 to this sunday, this was a sunday too, to this sunday in 2020. We shall over come and now they consider they continue singing and we should expect another pause momentaryily. Bishop of dallas, texas. Is he listening. Bishop, thank you for being with me. Take us through from a spiritual perspective. All right, we are working to get a better audio situation in dallas, texas, and we will do that momentarily. I hear them testing his microphone and as they do that, look how much the crowd filled in on the other side of Edmund Pettus bridge, everyone stepped away with the exception to have family and close members you see still very close to lewis casket there. Now the crowd being able to fill back in and take their own perspective and bring out their own cameras and not depending on the media to capture on the ground look. I ask team when bishop is ready. As we watch this as well, we have Steve Harrigan on the ground. If harrigan is ready, i want to ask about what it is like, you can hear people singing and you can hear people talking amongst themselves and cell phones and everything else. So much like on that bridge. Steve it was a stunning visual for so many people, harris, its fitting also for john lewis, man who was born in rural alabama in 1940, a man who grew up on a farm around animals, homage to a different time in addition to being role moment of Great Respect as well. It took people by surprise with the beauty and the simplicity of that image, of course, from here lewis will be put into a hearse and taken to montgomery and lie in state in honor in montgomery in the Capitol Rotunda as well. If you think of where he came from, one outstanding thing of john lewis, he tried to get a library card as a boy and deny and tried to order hamburger and a coke, denied and beaten, sit in white bus seat, beaten unconscious, left in pool of blood and denied here or tried to be denied crossing the bridge and each time he kept going and each time he maintained a commitment to nonviolence and in the end he won and this is this is a peaceful celebration for people on all sides today now a look back to the past at what a man who got tremendous results did. You mentioned how effective these techniques were of nonviolence, 8 days after he had a skull fracture, Lyndon Johnson pushed Voting Rights act. She he changed political history through courage, harris. Harris continue to standby because this continues on now with the people of selma, alabama getting ready to watch Something Else historic and that is that john lewis was will make his track, theyll move him from that horsedrawn caisson to a hearse and to montgomery, i want to bring in now bishop td jakes of dallas, texas, potters house, mega church, a man with a mega heart, so much experience who can take us through the spiritually of this moment. Thank you for being with me. Real pleasure, thanks for having me. Harris absolutely, im going to ask you to navigate our spiritual journey right now. We know the politics and we know the legacy is civil rights and the change in all of this, but it was Funeral Homes and churches that gave men like john lewis cover and, in fact, right around the time of march, bishop, you know this, director who shielded john lewis historically from a bounty that had been put on him by the klan. You know, it was a time of the season im just mesmerized because i was about 8 years old at the time and im still feeling like im 8 years old again, the trauma that was surrounding it, the devastation and the worries of people colored everywhere was indescribable and the church became the catalyst through which we received strength and encouragement and became the Gathering Place where information was decimated, it became the headquarters, it was really all that we had. There was no congressional black caucus, there was no real support and representation in other areas, the church was the only institution that we had to gather to meet, to mourn, to pray and i think it became the faith payment paramount to us in the large part because of the oppression. Harris you know, i just got the chills as you were saying that. Its kind of a reaction to what john lewis reminds us all with his passing and that is our religion, faith in this country has been that place of safety and place of love and not neutrality but a place where you could continue to struggle and believe that nonviolence could work, right . It seems that we need that right now but many of our churches are not able to open, you know this, youre doing things virtually, i watch you virtually each sunday and its beautiful but its not the same. No, its not the same at all. We get something not only out of our vertical relationship with god but horizontal relationship with each other and are coming together is very important element that we are unable to provide at this time and the way that we would like to provide it and i think it is ask needed during this time to comfort. We have so many racial unrests, we have the covid going on, we have economic crisis going on and for for many of us is church is a place where we receive strength and encouragement and renewal and becomes our therapist, it becomes our counseling and back in those days it was the headquarters for for people of color and particularly all over the world. You to realize that the congressman was not a hero at the time. It was very controversial, they were scorched, its not just that they were beaten and said that they were looked down upon as if they were coming against the country and so we have to realize that tomorrows heros are todays villains, the price that he paid, the place he found solace was house of god and as i look back down and hear the songs im reliving the childhood because those were the songs that we sung and the prayers that we prayed. Harris bishop jake, they have closed the door on the hearse. This is what i wassics i was explaining from audience, they would move him from single driver caisson and now on the way to selma and he will lie in state in State Capitol and that will take place and tomorrow travel onto washington, d. C. And you heard our reporter Steve Harrigan, john lewis becomes first to lie in state in Capitol Rotunda in the United States of america. Bishop, i appreciate you taking us through this. I know that you are yolked by the calling on your life. Absolutely had a calling led from consistency from young man to senior years of his life, he was consistent and compassionate and he was a very humble man. I had never met anybody who was that humbled and that courageous to meet him to interact with him. It was almost like he did not know he was who he was but he was a mighty man courageous and with valor and humility and howeverle grace who could only come from conviction of calling and purpose and destiny. Harris wow, i think my team has a photograph of you and the late john lewis and i would like for you to tell us about the moment and its up now and you are in a gold and black jacket in case you cant see it and the two are embraced. Well, it was a formal red carpet affair and i saw him there and that too was a historical moment because that had been a confederate base that he had purchased and turned into a studio and people from harris tyler perry. We greeted each other and talked a few moments and somebody took a picture in the room. One of the many times that i interacted with him but that too is part of american recovery of history as we continue to march forward and gradually repossess land and integrity, not so that we might have supremacy but we have equality. Harris i love the way you put that in a way that john lewis brought about the recovery. He was part of that group seminole to civil rights who ushered that in. As they close the door and i talk to myself, we are coming to the end of an era and facing to another and the baton is passing, the struggle in some ways continue but we cannot fail to acknowledge that there wasnt be a bishop td jakes if there were not a congressman john lewis, oprah winfrey, so many names that we are familiar today had they not fought early fights and and the things that decorated the era of life were childhood experiences, they were fighting for their children and so all of the people that you see gathered around are the children of the Civil Rights Movement who had benefited from the bloody struggle that was fought before us that we might be able to be here to continue. Harris so beautifully put. Bishop jakes, the family was crossing with the caisson carrying john lewis and each had black tshirts that said a quote thats made so famous, good trouble, we had been talking this morning about what that really means. From a spiritual standpoint it has meaning, many who went before us who got into good trouble. The epitome of our faith is decorated with a bloody struggle, the cross is a struggle, freedom is a bloody business. Freedom doesnt come easily. It comes at the price of bloodshed and confusion and controversy and yet out of the ashes of despair comes resurrection of hope and possibility that we will rise undaunted and to quote dr. King truth smash to the ground will rise again undaunted and it was significant part and taught us as children that you can only suppress truth so long and eventually it will rise again undaunted. Thats a faith message and thats epitome, theres crucifixion on friday and resurrection on sunday. Thats what we are hoping for the nation. Harris we will end on that, bishop tj jakes joining us from dallas, texas, the potters house. The last visuals that we will see now as the citizens of selma, alabama andovers who traveled to say goodbye in this state to john lewis take their own pictures and video and form their own physical memories and touch stones to saying goodby to a whoever helped nation. We started with minority Steve Scalise and juan williams, colleague from our political analyst bench and also cohost to the five. All of us together recognizing the fact that moments in history that we take in are precursors to next chapters. We dont know exactly how we it will unfold but remind us what we are capable of. John lewis now as they have tried more than once to pull away with the hearse as people crowd around, eventually will pull off into the journey to go to montgomery will he will lie in state in State Capitol and then from there coverage will pick up tomorrow as he arrives in washington, d. C. Where he was a longterm congressman and his journey of goodbye will continue there as he lies in state. Please stay tune to Fox News Channel and fox broadcast station for continuing coverage. Im harris faulkner, lets pause and let broadcast station pull back. Im harris faulkner, it has been an honor to join you for an hour, little more than that, honoring john lewis and remembering American History which we share together. We will watch the hearse pull off into montgomery and coverage continues in later hours in Fox News Channel and tomorrow fox news anchor Chris Wallace will join me and pick up with the washington dc coverage as i was telling you about as america sighs goodbye to civil rights champion, god bless you on glorious sunday, Arthel Neville and eric sean are up next on americas news headquarters, thank you. Su 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. And nutrients to find your getupandgo. Find pants that arent sweats. Find your friends. Find your sense of wander. Find the world is new, again. At chevy wed like to take you there. Now during the chevy open road sales event, get up to 15 of msrp cash back on select 2020 models. Thats over fiftyseven hundred dollars cash back on this equinox. Its time to find new roads, again. Eric there was mayhem, chaos and shots fired at protests in several cities. There are some footage coming out of colorado, interstate of aurora, you can see the blue jeep there, a demonstrate every at the event fired a gun in response hitting at least one other person while in austin, texas, a man was shot dead right in the middle of an antipolice protest there last night. Hello, everyone, welcome to americas news headquarters, im eric sean. Hi, arthel. Arthel hi, eric, im Arthel Neville, this incident now under investigation but serves as one example as rising tensions in major cities like seattle where police and protestors violently clashed saturday night. Dan springer, dan. Reporter mostly young people they protested and marched in solidarity with those who are in portland and among targets, starbucks is behind me, they are still cleaning up from all the damage inside, Seattle Police made 45 arrests, arsonists set fire to trailers where new jail is being built, slashed tires on vehicles including one owned by black worker who was not happy at all. 21 officers injured by objects thrown at them including fireworks. Some officers in the area on standby to protect Federal Buildings if necessary but they did not engage at any point last night, a very different story in portland where local police are refusing to make arrests leaving everything to federal agent who is are protecting the federal courthouse and another Federal Building nearby, more chaos last night as riders got through the fence surrounding that courthouse. Officers fired round after round of teargas and still 1,000 people well into sunday morning. City leadership there has fostered an environment that allows these criminals to do this throughout the night untouched, absolutelien touched. Its time for portland to join other responsible cities around the country working with federal Law Enforcement to address the violence. The protests turned deadly in austin, texas as it appears man in vehicle shot one of the protestors who was armed with a rifle. In richmond they had violence as protestors set one vehicle, large dump truck on fire, teargas was deployed there as well. More protestors plan for seattle today. In fact, they will try to protest the immigration Customs Enforcement but the Seattle Police will have pepper spray as one of their tools to be able to disperse the crowd. That was not going to be the case until a federal judge ruled late friday night that Seattle Police can, in fact, use the less lethal ammunitions. The judge allowed that and that was key last night in helping them control the crowd, arthel. Arthel dan springer, thank you very much. Eric. Eric if protests and dealing with coronavirus is not enough in texas, folks in Lone Star State are dealing with Tropical Storm hanah, its continuing to march through in southern part of state and into neighboring new mexico leaving rain and flooding on its way. Hurricane warning in hawaii as hurricane douglas is near islands, alex is tracking all of that for us. Reporter expected to bring a lot of rain, there could be storm surge causing flooding and, of course, heavy wind, take a look at video, a fence that was torn off because of the gusts of wind. This is ports manfield, texas. Hanah made landfall last night and Governor Greg Abbott issuing disaster declaration for 32 counties. According to National Weather service the storm surge watches could end today. This season hanah is the first in the atlantic and in the meantime Central Pacific hurricane douglas approaching hawaii. President trump issued Emergency Declaration for the state sending federal help and the category 1 storm is moving 16 Miles Per Hour with 90milesperhour winds and people are preparing for this. The National Hurricane center is warning there could be 5 to 10inches of heavy rain and possible storm surge of 3 feet. We do anticipate significant wind, rain, flooding impact as well storm surge along the east facing storm shores, whether its a direct hit or not. Reporter governor there announcing that he wants everyone to have their 14day supply kits, water, food, things to prepare in case of storm but in case they are battling with the pandemic and reminding while getting supplies make sure you incorporate masks and Hand Sanitizer into 14day kits. Eric its like a double whammy, arthel. Arthel well, congressman has made his final trip over historic Edmund Pettus bridge and motorcade on its way to Alabama State capitol where congressman lewis will become the first africanamerican person to lie in state there. Joining us flow the president and ceo of the National Urban league mike and dormer dnc interim chair and Fox News Contributor donna brazile, i want to start by getting your reflections and feelings on this day and, mark, i will begin with you. Mark thank you, arthel. It was honor to watch funeral procession and now the 54mile track up to montgomery where he will lie in state. The idea that some 50 plus years later, here is john lewis who challenged the establishment of alabama and establishment of the nation with the fight for Voting Rights in alabama, in 1960s who has now been given a very well deserved heros home going and later in washington and in atlanta, i think it helps us look back on the 1950s and 1960s and understand that as far as the nation has come we have seen unacceptable repeat of things that took place in the 1960s, the challenge to peaceful protest of militarization of the right to protest in Many American cities but john lewis was special to many of us because what he represented was the youth and Civil Rights Movement. He was once member of the board of the christian Leadership Conference but also the head of snk. They had no black registered voters and took snk to really compelled dr. King to ultimately get involved in selma and gives us a chance to understand the dynamics of the history. John lewis and i heard bishop jakes say this, today we look at him as hero and in those days people looked at them at villain, not the Africanamerican Community but many in the establishment as villain and demonstrates how change takes place and how yesterdays sort of quote, unquote, morality and im struck around the planning from home going to troy, selma, montgomery and washington, d. C. And atlanta covers for this great american, champion of not only civil right s but human rights. Arthel donna. Donna you can imagine, its extremely personal. John lewis was a foot soldier for justice and equality for all. He believed in nonviolence, he understood the words that dr. King and so many others that the best way to achieve change was to get in the way and to ensure that we could march together. You know, mr. Lewis, i got a chance to meet him as young activist, working on the campaign to make dr. Kings birthday a holiday, mrs. King would always ensure that we would sit together and that we would learn from one another and so she encouraged me to meet with mr. Lewis for the 20th anniversary of the historic 1963 march where i served as the mobilization director and helped to organize, john lewis had one of the biggest hearts that ive ever seen and ive met many of dr. Kings contemporaries, she was humble, grateful and when i went to work on capitol hill, mr. Lewis always invited us over to the cannon building, he would always have those peanuts, cocacola and he was just one of the best. It was as if he was always one of us and we belong together. He will be remembered for never, ever leaving the call of justice. He will be remembered for fighting for freedom for Voting Rights for all, he will be remembered as a kind soul, a man who just believe in god and had the faith of his people and of his country to turn a corner toward justice and so, thank you, john lewis, thank you for your service, thank you for your sacrifice, thank you for making it possible for all of us, all three of us louisianans and those who wanted to march for justice and equality to be here because of his sacrifice, marc, arthel, we are here and we must continue his work. Yes. Arthel we must, and we must do it in the strides of humility in which he marched and will continue to march into glorious skies as we know he will sit there with angels in heaven, marc moiale, donna brazile, we have work to do, lets do it together. Thank you. Thank you. Eric john lewis, american giant, well, Coronavirus Infections sadly are still spreading especially down south and officials are now calling for new measures, what will it take to open our schools in a few weeks, what will it take to kill coronavirus once and for all, that coming up next. We are one of the top in the world in terms of accumulative death rate. Eric former center for Disease Control on Fox News Sunday this morning talking about the growing toll of coronavirus especially down south andout west. Joining us now on battle ahead Fox News Contributor john hopkins professor of health and management, dr. Marty makary, doctors, schools will be opening in few weeks, lots of nervous parents and how this will go, how do you think the country can finally get a handle on this virus . Eric, theres two ways, one that has heavy toll on the other combatable and we can go on road of shutdowns and down the road of universal masking and distancing. Thats the path thats very clear. Right now the numbers are not looking good, we are seeing thank goodness in plateau in florida and arizona and texas which have been epicenter, california is about the same but we are seeing new set of states emerge as new epicenters, mississippi, alabama, kentucky, idaho, rapid increase and we are starting to see counties like ken county around the midwest and this could be a manageable increase thats consistent with opening or it could be a snowflake before a blizzard. We have to take this thing seriously and ultimately thats the one factor that determines the transmissibility rate. Eric snowflake before our blizzard. Great metaphor for this. Here is alex azar, hhr sectary, cdc guidelines for opening of schools. Each community is going to have to make the determination about circumstances of reopening and the presumption should be we get our kids back to school. Eric how can School Districts do that safely . The reason secretary azar is correct theres no one size fits all. Its different if Baltimore City as it is in rural fairfax county, virginia, look, we have to use 3 principals in my opinion to reopen schools, number 1 make gameday decisions, you cant have the school board meet every quarter and every month and project out. These are sometimes gameday decisions like snow days. Number 2, the most dangerous place may not be school itself but may be transportation, lets think about the crowded buses, scattered schedules as former commissioner suggests and parents may be dropping kids off and picking them up when feasible and number 3, lets talk about substitute teachers and substitute bus drivers when necessary. When the risk level is medium we dont want driver with hypertension obese driving. Eric what about the teachers, the gym teachers, bus drivers cafeteria workers can be susceptible. Thats who i am most concerned about. So those are still serious cases but because the consequences of closing schools its not the kids per se that we are worried about its the vulnerable people, vulnerable populations dont just live in nursing home but drive buses and teach in schools. We have to think about lowrisk individuals in highrisk settings. Eric quickly, your advice to parents who are watching right now . Doctor when the background level of infection is such than Positivity Rate 3 to 4 , schools should function full steam ahead. I think thats a point where you should think about safer strategies and removing highrisk people from the school setting. Eric all right, dr. Marty makary of john hopkins and Fox News Contributor, thank you. Arthel we are honoring and renting congressman john lewis throughout the show today, we will take you on a look back at his congressional legacy after this break. They helped me consolidate all of that into one low monthly payment. 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Most recently chairman of the oversight and he and others fought for in 1960s, march seventh, 1965 he was brutally beaten as he peacefully protested with hundreds of demonstrators on the Edmond Pettus bridge, efforts leading to passage of Voting Rights act but the legislative work didnt stop there, representative lewis sponsored bills aimed to improve underserved americans, foster children, missing and exploited youth and those suffering from poverty delivering speech during Clinton Administration as cuts to Welfare Benefits were looming. That will put millions of kids into poverty. Where is the compassion, where is the sense of decency, where is the heart of this congress . This bill is mean, it is base and right low down. Christina he was so passionate, fought for underserved minorities so have greater access to health care as even as he was fighting pancreatic cancer that ultimately claimed his life. The current legislative push for additional Voting Rights protections now bears his name vermont Patrick Leahy introduced john lewis Voting Rights act. Arthel Christina Coleman, thank you very much, we are pick. Eric. Eric joining us now one of his colleague who is was also sworn in the very same year maryland congressman, former ncaap president congressman of maryland, congressman, we have been watching the events unfold, your thoughts on seeing Alabama State troopers escort caisson with honor of john lewis . It is an honor for john and one that he would waive off. He did it because obviously he believed it. Its quite and honor and tribute to quite a man. John, through simple eloquence, was unseduced by flattery and john knew that politics changed people so he set out early to change politics from his days at the snk organization through United States congress and there was one simple thread that led each person and each individual who knew john to believe in him and he was consistent, he never changed, he was about the same thing every day which was not about himself but how do i help other people. Eric you said he set out early, man, he was 17 years old when he met rosa parks and 18 dr. King. What drove him . Some people are driven by whats in them. I remember the day we got sworn in to 100th congress together, myself, floyd flake of new york, four black members of congress elected that year and john grand us in the center and had us put arms around each other and said we are here in different ways but we are band of brothers now and thats how we started out in an age that everybody is searching for the next great thing. Im smiling and i smiled earlier because when i think of john and seriousness of john being one of his classmates and coming into congressman with him, john had sense of humor that a lot of people may not be aware of and he would often times make us laugh, the 3 of us and we would make him laugh but he was a good soul and he believed deeply in what he had to do. He and i flew to south africa to meet Nelson Mandela in his home many years ago and we went there to talk about the peaceful transition of government and johns insistence that mr. Mandela to the extent he could continued to advocate nonviolence because john thought that there were those forces that might want to disrupt the Great Movement toward the celebration and inauguration of Nelson Mandela and as we sat on the couch in mr. Mandelas home talking about that, it was almost as if Nelson Mandela and john lewis had known each other through each other and worked with each other because they hit a cord on the whole notion of nonviolence which many people thought was a tactic but for john a way of life. Eric finally the bridge, its a small bridge, downtown, ive been there, the iconic symbols of america, it speaks to you, youre there, you feel it, you feel what they went through, do you think it should be renamed for mr. Lewis, your final thoughts . Yeah, yeah, i think that would be appropriate and fitting and your characterization, eric, is correct. Its almost like when i went to Tiananmen Square where that young person stood many years in front of tank defying the government to bring about real and lasting change. John, was a young man with old soul in some respects and thank god that he was with us for 820 years and i think more than anything else he would really want us to understand that theres a rewarded for your work here on earth and that at times even though we are driven to mourn we also have to find a way to celebrate a uniquely magnificent individual who was a part of our lives and part of generation here in the United States. Eric congressman, thank you for your thoughts, condolences for the great john lewis. Arthel eric, thank you, businesses across the country continue to navigate, the economic fallout from the Coronavirus Crisis lawmakers on capitol hill are racing against the clock to put together another relief bill that would extend unemployment benefits, for more on how businesses and consumers will be impacted lets bring in pwc partner and Business Development leader mitch roschelle. Mitch, good to have you, going to jump in. So, listen, i want to set this up. When we are talking about unemployment, small percentage of people refer to get 600 a week because its more than what they got paid on last job but the majority of people who are out of work dont have jobs to return to and they are afraid to return to work because its not safe and to reduce the 600dollar unemployment to 70 of your last income as proposed means, for example, say if you were making 750 a week before you were layed off then you would get 525 a week. Mitch, is that enough for a person to live off and enough to make them buy goods that boost the overall economy, so my point is is unemployment reduction for some 30 million americans wise at this time . Mitch yeah, arthel, its a complicated dynamic because many Business Owners and i canvassed them informally report in metropolitan areas that have been hit by covid19 have reported that they cant get workers back to work for both skill and unskilled jobs, so i think that the challenge is trying to find the right way to stimulate the economy, so i think thats the balance and we heard it this morning from white house chief of staff. Thats the balance they are trying to strike but in all of that, what about those jobs that are gone for good and i think thats the bigger underlying challenge here. Arthel the good news is that larry kudlow said this morning that the administration is extending the federal Eviction Moratorium which is great work as millions of americans would have faced eviction. Mitch roschelle, we have to keep it short but we will see you soon. Good to see you and we will be right back. Mitch you bet. Diabetes nutrition shake. Try boost glucose control. What do we wburger. 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