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I guess red lobsters endlesspo shrimp is just another corporate lie. Lets welcome our guests. New york stock exchangean correspondent lori. Columbia professor of 5 john mc studies, john. Hes miserable for your happiness, comedian. In his wallet is so fat, he named it michael moore. Okay, lets start the show. You know whats a great way to get my attention . Start your internet video like this. Ey hey, fellow white guys. Tom hey. Yes, mtv news made a video for guys like me. Lets watch it together. Hey, fellow white guys. Its about to be a new year and theres a few things we think you could do a little better in 2017. Tom what . Okay. First off, try to recognize that america was never great. For anyone who wasnt a white guy. Can we all just agree that black lives matter isnt just the opposite of all lives matter . Black lives should matter, there is no need to overcompensated. Stopped saying woke. Splaining is. Laining i love man splaining. We all love beyonce and yes she is black so she cares about back issues. I am talking about you fox news. You feel free to take kanye west, nobody who has black friendss says they have black friends, because you have blackiends, notnds doesnt mean youre racist. You can be racist with blackac friends. Friends. Look, guys, we dont nobody is perfect, but honestly you could do a little better in 2017. Some of you guys do a great job, some of you dont. Please, 2016 was bad, 2017 cant be worse. Wow. Tom lori, i get the feeling that this video was not a positive look at white males. N tom, if any of my kids were involved in the production of this video id lock them in their bedroom and force them to watch Something Like band of brothers in its entirety. To remind them of sacrifice and how we are so capable of as doing acrosstheboard, all type of americans, not to get too crazy here tom how could you watch that movie and then say stuff like this . Its like they totally viewership demographic is, i think,mi millennials, people who voted for hilary kunda, right . Theyre trying to tell them what they want to hear so theyllv, keep watching, because mtv, what happened to mtv . Ng tom what happened to a question work thats even more troubling than this i vide. Tom i feel a little sensitive, but can we start by b john, would you sign my eight by ten . Id love to. To tell you the truth, i really dont understand what any of that meant, because theres a lot ofe irony, it seems to me that there were layers upon layerser upon layers, weve got irony today. Remember when you were in college and there were all those in jokes with your friends, kind of layered and layered until senior year, everythings like james. Joyce . I dont know whether any of thas was meant to be sincere, because were not supposed to think its real. Th theyre very charming, but i think the irony for me means that they must not have meant s it, and if i say that, i am grumpy and i dont getd it. Its too much irony for me. Tom thats the thing, a saying, white males dont do this, they were saying stuff using the word woke, guys like me never use that word. They were talking to their fellow liberals. E they weren saying white guys were out of touch and dont understand their concerns. What would make them happy, i dont t know if they really meat it. I thought we were supposed to be being serious now after novembed for me. Charmed. Tom too layered, mtv. What did you say when you woke up this morning . The young lady talks about things being too complicated and differentiating with the phrase black lives matter versus all matter, trying to create opposites, the fact of the matter is that the whole damn thing is too complicated. Searching desperately for irrelevancy, deny. Ou tom would you take any of these resolutions and apply them to next year for yourself question work i wouldnt consider, i dont think theres a t Single Person there who loos like they have either the talents to prescribe anyones behavior, especially when they do it in a generalized group like white guys. Tom we are not all the same, are we . I am. E are we all alike . Av tom kevin, you are a white guy, you always have been. D irish catholics, i have no choice. But i did marry out of my box, my wife is panamanian. I know white is not the future, its not. She is catholic, though . The good news is shes not legal, so in a couple of months shes going back, she can take the kids withnd her because the2 at half and half. January 20th, the kitchen is going to be really quickly max k the kids are all young, this is why young kids arent in charge, because their idiots. My only hope was that they would go on location on a bus in the bus would crash on the way back, you know what i mean . Thats not a good holiday this kind of thing, no matter what i say im going to get backlash. Thats the thing, i think weve learned after what happened about a month ago, a certain kind of white person that might be b a man is getting tired of that. I understand there are things that White America might want t. Know about, i also understand that you get tired of feeling like youre damned if you do, damned if you dont. I did wonder if this was supposed to be a piece of satir satire, if it was a bunch of white guys sitting around a tablee like this saying how can be selfdeprecating and makean a joke about this . But that was not. The tom i think they takeig themselves very seriously. Moving on, a High School Principal in connecticut banned a students chair because it has white. Blue, white, blue, white. I think because there School Colors are blue and white. Last week, the principal wrote a social climate in this country, our use of the word white in the chair is suspended. In games were dressed in blue, even though its still the senioror tradition to say whitey white, white over and over, i thinkk the context is not connecting with everybody. Connecting with everybody. Outraged. Theyrene trying to take a simpe chant weve used for years and years and make it about race. Thats their colors. It is, and it does raise a question, why arent you saying blue and white . It doesnt take that much to add both colors, i dont get it. Tom its only the seniors, only the seniors arere allowed o do the white chant. There are too many layers here, this is getting too or the vice principal suspending theic chair, thats going to gon the yearbook. Cheer suspended, as if this was a moment and that high schoolss history that they will remember forever, and god bless them. This makes no sense, we are we are raising is idiots is the have idiots teaching them in tht schools. This is bizarre. Tom it is bizarre, but you are in contact w with students l the time. You are aouou teacher, why do yu think the administrators have to come to them, the young people are so politically correct, i would think they. Do this anywa. Would you get that sense . I want, i get that guy. I can imagine that he feels like hes doing the right thing, he feels like in todays climate,s its his job to show that hes a good person, to keep people saying the color that is not black or white over and over again, and the problem with that is, there are ways that it is really good to be black, i do not have it to be a white person in the current climate, is that he can change the rules, he canu make these gestures and go on tv, it iss not going to makeot people like him. Hes hoping, there something he could be doing wrong about six weeks from now. And so i feel sorry for him, because hes doing thehe right thing, but nothing it can do what hes hoping for, which is. Some sort of christian absolution. I would do what he did, but i tom if if someone told you you couldnt say the chant, wouldntdn that make you want to say it more . Yeah, i want to say right w now. Te the seniors say white, white, white, why dont the juniors say blue, blue, blue . Tom maybe they do. They dont, watch the video. Maybe you should watch your own homework. Heres the thing, its all done. When i saw the video, it didnt make me w laugh. Theres nothing funny about it. Tom you would think race, would you think it was strange . Did anybody ever go to sleep away camp in the northeast . We went to boy scout camp. Theres a thing called color war,ji there are two teams, fora week or two coweeks, the camp and the other is buff. Y not white, but blue and buff. This is like a 100yearold plus in some area tradition, its a subtle change to avoid what were sleep away camps in the northeast for getting ahead of this. Not in the buff, tom. Here we go, another layer. Tom i just assumed. Moving on, unlike hollywood, the british Film Industry is doing some thing about it. The baftas, the uk equivalent of the oscars, announced that films that arent diverse are not eligible for an award. In order to be considered, they must work to improve diversity. Industry training and career progression, audience access and appeal to underrepresented audiences. So. Do the baftas have a diversity problem . Y winner about standing britishea film. [laughs] tom its kind of highbrow for me. T i think that counts asow diversity, anyway. Kevin, how can you pick a best film if youre not basing it on whats the best . I dont know, whats going on here . We are covered because johns hair, right . H you can speak freely here. No i cant. You can. I would say if black people have to be in all movies, i shouldck be in a wayans brothero move. Mood. Tom you could. If you tell people what to do, they dont want to do it. And also, it seemsnopvucucaj 5 it seems like movies, theyaj 5 that win awards, theyre notny very popular anyway, so its a different kind of i mean movies that when the oscars, they never make any money. The movies that do make mone money, star wars. And talk about diversity, its all aliens, and it whats the other thing on m television, gae of thrones. Diversity with all of these made up fantasy characters . Tom it does count, and youor make a great point, you dont have to do this and forced diversity because diversity works, the market place is global. I know i should say that, but im actually i in favor of this, because theres the thing about what movies are about, the south park guys for example, this whole idea that every third block has to be about something taking over the world. That is a certain thing that a certain kind of, i hate to stereotype, white guy enjoys. Im reading a book about television right now by two ;lp tz ekovc3 formed by person who loves person who loves star trek and star wars. I can see diversifying it up, but i can also see that the next thing will be that its not diverse properly, more brown people, more one leg at mormons, et cetera. Theyre not making the white film, so the people complaining now will be completing five years from now that its not the righteo thing. Not the right kind of black fil film, india and theyre having problems. Tom weve narrowed it down to about a million films. Si that was considered a problem, theres always a problem. Appropriation. Theres always something, so yeah, we do need to mix it up. Does a certain kind of diehard thing that we need to mix up. Really giving away the magic forest superstructures and film films, problems, conflict. What i never dreamed, when bafta landed on diverse, you made it a word. Slum dog millionaire is the diversity are we talking about . The reality here is what kind of diversity are we talking about . Youre trying to cast a movie, so you can get an award. What does that do artistically . What kind of nonsense is it, i can see having a diversity award shouldnt it be for the s art . Not for an absurd claim of diversity . B tom oldfashioned idea, but i think it works. The irony is, this picture was taken at the oneas leg at a morn film festival. Coming up, jerry lewis is alive and well and just as lovable as ever, the comedy legend is next. Seeing is believing, and thats why were opening more Xfinity Stores closer to you. Visit us today and learn how to get the most out of all your services, like xfinity x1. Well put the power in your hands, so you can see how x1 is changing the way you experience tv with features like voice remote, making it easier and more fun than ever. Theres more in store than you imagine. Visit an xfinity store today and see for yourself. Xfinity, the future of awesome. It follows kim jong lunes new years speech in which he said there in the final stage of testing and Intercontinental Ballistic Missile capable of reaching the u. S. Its unclear if mr. Trumps tweet means he would stop north korea from launching that weapon or if he doubts its nuclear capability. Also tonight, president obama week, trying to protect a key part of his legacy. The white house says hell meet with house and Senate Democrats on wednesday to discuss saving obamacare. Replicant leaders say repealing the Affordable Care act is one Severe Weather including thunderstorms and tornadoes turning deadly in the south, the storm system killing four people in a mobile home in alabama. Its also knocked out power to more than 80,000 customers in louisiana and mississippi. A computer outage causing long lines tonight for International Travelers trying to enter the u. S. It has been resolved, but its not clear yet what caused it. The issue was reported in miami, fort lauderdale, atlanta, and at washingtondallas international airport. Now back to red eye. Doing a feature on people who are still working in their 90s. Veti have you ever thought about retiring . Why . Ha a tom jerry lewis is a comedy legend who has always been more than happy to discusse show business with the younger generation. 6o . jk3e chiru vital and performers in their 90s who are still vital and working. He had plenty to say about howt much the business has changed n and she started out. Whats different about performing now for you then say, 20 years ago, how is it different for you . I it hasnt changed. T become not at all. When was the first time you performed in vegas . What can you tell me what vegasas was like when you first showed up . Its not, its the same. It six exactly the same. Questioner was it a dusty cow town . What was it like . Ni dusty cow town. Not at all. Whats your audience like, who are your fans, are they different than they used to be . No, there is still the same. Tom one thing that hasnt changed is it jerrys famous easygoing personality and down to earth charm. This is fascinating, isnt it . Ha i have to say, this is funnier than anything i could have imagined. R that poor reporter, got what heb deserved. Those are some of the most awkward and uni most awkward, uninteresting questions that could have been asked. Youre talking about a guy who has been around. Wh what was vegas like, what was he going to say . A look at the archives, pull out a little b roll and take a look. Tom he wasnt prepared. Th kevin, this was hilarious, dohi you think he was intentionally hilarious or was he just being cranky jerry . I think hes got problems, 90, he says hes doing gigs re gigs, whats his act . He just sits there and says no . Thats the same way i am oneom might come home and my wife asks me questions, i give her one more word answers. He was a jerk, i thought the reporteror should have punched m and itt would have one more h viral, you know what i mean . Tom it went viral because of his attitude,ud john, but ite seems to be the most successful video of the series. [laughter]rt hes an artist, he was always kind of crazy and annoying, hes always very intelligent. About him is i never thought he waser that good. More to the point, remember the nutty professor . He did that nutty professor, its got pretty colors, eddie murphy was much better and everybody says eddie murphy put good, but frankly eddie murphy is more of an artist than mr. Lewis. Tom eddie murphy is amazing. I can see you getting ready in that picture. Tom i want to show another club, he talked about some of the projects that hes working on today. You are also still writing someme scream screenplays. Is it easier now . No, just as hard. You take some time to write, how do you do it . If i tell you, youll be doing b it. Affect he is ticked off ate that guy. Tom what was the i had read the article surrounding the background, apparently the crew took over an hour to set up, they turned the house upside down, and hes 90on years old, you havent even mentioned the jerry lewiset telethon, i dont know if that and tons of money over generations, but still. God bless him, he deserves, hes hilarious. Tom he can be cranky if he r wants. The Hollywood Reporter were approached by jerrys manager after and he said a now you guys are leaving and im stuck with angry jerry all day. We all also are interviewed and if somebody comes up to you and says what were you doing in 1999, why would you look at the file . Therere are five books, read the dam thing. I watched your television show, which by the way we havent seen, why do you do it . Why do you go on these reporters, and too often there in the trade, and they will not lear tom learn, people. Coming up, j have time with tvs andy levy. So if you have a flat tire, dead battery, need a tow or lock your keys in the car, geicos emergency roadside assistance is there 24 7. Oh dear, i got a flat tire. Hmmm. Uh. Yeah, can you find a take where its a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah . Yeah i got it right here. Someone help me i have a flat tire well its good. Good for me. What do you think . Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Welcome back. It is time to find out what we got wrong and what we tom welcome m back, time to find out what weve done wrongis and what weve missed from tvs andy levy. Mtv news resolutions for white guys. I mean, it couldnt be more photoshopped. Ot i dont think thats photoshopped. T thats the best you could d . Thats the only way you could have a picture of you with a black person was to photoshop . Tom . I dont think thats photoshopped. We took that at an event. John, why are you enabling him . You said that if any of your kids were involved in this video youd lock them in their roomm and force them to watch band of brothers. How old are they . I dont have a sons, okay, but if they were involved in the production of this, my kidss. Ae young. They should not be watching band of brothers. And then i watched the followup, its fantastic. Youwh say mtv is catering to what they think their demographic is, a i think they e me . Yes, thats why i said also. I wasnt sure, i hate to uset the word speculation, but what is the purpose, what is the motivation behind putting Something Like this out . Get fox news to be mad at it. It was a little dig. John, you didnt know if any of that stuff was meant to be sincere. I didnt. Ou it was. It absolutely was. They had a little smiles on their faces and they were wearing cashmere sweaters. That indicates a lightness. Tom, you said it guys like you never use the word woke, thatus only liberal white guys e that word. As a woke af liberal white guy, i take issue with that. You said you would not take any of their suggested resolutions to heart. So to be clear, you wont stop saying woke . To be clear, i will speak as panomanian wife is illegal so in a few months you said your panamanian wife is soon to be illegal, she can leave and take the kids. Bad news, your kids are citizens. I was going to factcheck i was going to throw it to you, andy, i knew youd get it right. The superintendent now says the chair is not band, the principal is not telling them what they can and cant say in the gym at the game, he wants them to come and reflect the positive things they do outside the gym as well. I dont know what that means. I love it, the principal goes down. Ed you asked why the kids cant just say blue and white instead of white, white, white. He i think maybe they do it when theyre wearing their home white uniforms. There is blue and white involved, the dominant color is blue at home, white on the road. Thats a weird pep talk. I thought maybe one expo nation for this was of a team was playing a school with a lot what would you have them chant . I checked the stats, east hampton high is 91 white, they are so white they have a crew team. Theyre so white they could never win a basketball game. That really hurt. Of the schools they play against and all of themm were between 8 and 93 white, so. By the way, from looking on their web site one member of the mens crew team is actually black. I wanted to make the joke so i didnt point that out. It was worth it. The bafta wont give it two of its awards that dont meet diversity i criteria. Game of thrones and the original star wars are both veryar white. Star wars has aliens. Thats not diverse. A good example would be the fast and furious franchise. Familyny. John, you said you are in favor of this because there is a movie these days. If you are giving an awarde for best film, shouldnt it go were not going to change what we thought of as best by having a more diverse, it seems that s too often that it seems the besa thing is like a dude, im getting too old for this, that kind of t film. Those kind of films dont when baftas. Its going to be some film about british people around a kitchen sink, somebody who is young and cheeky and 17 in westchester and has an attitude. Im all for having more diverse movies, but how about this, have four awards. Outstanding british film, outstanding debut by a british writer, outstanding british film that meets two or more diversity requirements, and outstanding it is only the met two or more diversity requirements. Problem solved. The jerry lewis interview, you said the reporter got what he deserved. Well, yeah. I kind of feel like whatever the reporter had asked, he was going i missed your subjective conclusion o when i answer the question originally. Im just giving an opinion. Would you like to argue . No, i was just giving my opinion. I was just giving mineatow. This isnt only your opinion, on thiss show other people can give their p opinion. I dont think this show has many blemishes, but that would be one. I feel like maybe just dont do the interview. For jerry lewis. Hes not an athlete after a game where hes obliged to do it, he could have said no. D just lastly, john, you said Eddie Murphys nutty professor was much better than jerry better. Do you agree . I have that on seven different characters. Tom coming up, hotlines just for phone sex next. Good morning from washington. Sentencing phase of dylan roofs murder trial is underway. Roof is already convicted of the massacre and now he wants to act as his own lawyer. The judge will allow that, but he will not be permitted to go near witnesses or the jury. Congress is scheduled to vote today on a republican plan to weaken the offices ethics. If the plan goes through, the office will come under the control of the House Ethics Committee which is run by lawmakers. President elect Donald Trumps latest tweet reads it wont happen. Hes referring to north koreas claim that the rogue nation is within the final stage of testing and Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. The new year in amarillo, texas, authorities there tell us someone handled a poisonous pesticide that had been sprayed under a house, and now four children are dead. Six other people are hospitalized, some are in great condition. The white house after a christmas vacation in hawaii. Aides tell us that president obama will largely spend his last weeks in office trying to protect his health care law. Thats a look at news this morning, im kelly wright. Now back to red eye. For your headlines, be sure to log on to foxnews. Com. Tom according to a survey, 51 of monopoly games and in a fight and 25 and death. Ow so to cut down on quibbling, hasbro has set up a monopoly help hotline. The company says will have experts on hand withe an officil rulebook to set up any disputes. And advice to settle common complaints. S, the most arguments to derive from people making up rules,bu people being too cocky when need it, people taking too long to take their turn, and someone stealing from the bank. It is believed that a disagreement of the rules over free parking led to the Menendez Brothers snapping. Tom im racking my brains to think of a murder that can be used as a punchline and its hard. Ro its far enough in the past, its not archduke ferdinand, so i thought it was perfect. Not too soon, not too far away. Tom perfect joke, but se was squeamish about t it. Lets talk about monopoly. Do you get in fights when you play monopoly . No i do not, i just win and win. Tom do you gloat . Ou absolutely, when you are trouncing a 10yearold, you just have to tom yeah, rub it in. I its a great game, i love it. Tom its a great game, it lasts for a long time. Vevin, do you play for back with the kids . No, im 1 of 10 kids, everydi l time monopoly ended, board over, money all over the place. Tom which brother still there . Tommy, he would always lose and flip the board, that was the end of the game every time. We could have used the hotline, but not just for monopoly. Tommy is one year younger than railroads. Hes an idiot. Tom hes like a communist. Thats it, never one of the properties. Its weird, its a bluecollar thing. Obviously, people have trouble. They throw tantrums when theyre playing monopoly, what is it about this game . Its like macaroni, you know when you go to somebodys house and there macaroni and cheese is different, one of my friends mothers would make it with some or something,yo comedy makes a kind of crispy, everybody plays monopoly differently, how many houses do youha have to have, community chest, snake eyes, et cetera. It can be frustrating to play monopoly with other people. You have to get used to different ways. Rumor how it was always pushing di are you pushing diversity . With monopoly, no diversity. Us tom its the business game, its good to learn the cutthroat world of business. Its an american game. I have broken every rule from children. Shes a capitalist. Tom you have to teach them, though. Do e you do snake eyes . Thats a good one. Im going to work that in. We did switch to the digital monopoly because my kids do not trust me with the paper money. There are sharks, my girls. Ir monopoly empire, monopoly with all the college campuses, you can play monopoly from now until forever and never getl bored. Myo friends and i used to do it on a calculator instead of using money, for some reason we would get very rich. I dont know why, because you got more money if you had a calc you later. I think its called cheatin. There is plenty of fishing until there arent any more fish, coming up next. Hde u ma7o oazgfp ,ee [3a4n8 i decided to go on ancestry to get my dna tested so i could find out more about my heritage. And i also found that i had a sister that i didnt know about because im adopted. That was me. It was really exciting to find myself in someone else. In 30 years we will be completely out of seafood. Yes, we are pulling more fish qf the ocean can replace. Be completely out of seafood. We pulling more fish out of the ocean then the ocean can replac replace. To species currently fish for food are productive to collapse by 2038. E allyoucaneat seafood restaurants will become none you cant eat. I love to eat fish, their protein rich with little to no a saturated fat. There are high in iron and b vitamins, also there deliciou delicious. These are typical fish people eat. Lou, you like fish. The people at the four seasons say they have one ready for you. 30year tradition. Youre wellinformed. Theres also a lot of mercury in these fish. You have to be very careful about which ones you select. Tom were still waiting for him, where . Im lucky if i go to mcdonalds for a filet ofto fis fish. I shouldnt even be here im so poor. Yc you think . A this is a joke, in 2008 i was going to buy a prius because gas was 5 a gallon, it was sticker priced at 24,000 and the guy wanted 34,000 for a blue one. Im not worried about the fish, i listen toor these kids, in the first story before i listen to the stupid fish story, in 2048. E hopefully ill be dead by then and i wont even care, though s make synthetic marijuana, they can make synthetic fish. I think they are making it right now. N i think sometimes the population, the fish, i dont believe it. Theyre going to make that synthetic fish, though probably better and will have our lutefisk, frankly, the planet is going to hell, thats quite clear. Were going to have to go speciei of animals, were going to be simple able to synthesize fish. We they taste great and they all look the same. Were out of time, smiled to the camera and were going to have to say goodbye. Tom lou dobbs, see you later. Oh, my gosh. The intel community. The Obama Administration takes action but the Incoming Administration wants more evidence. This is special report. Good evening. Welcome to washington. Happy new year. Im bret baier. The Intelligence Community wants you to know in their view of russia was definitely behind the hack of u. S. Political figures leading up to the election. Fox news has learned intelligent officials intelligence officials are weighing what to reveal without giving away sources and methods. Critics are

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