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And huckabee is the guy he wrote the lyrics himself. No, i made that up. I have seen beheading videos that didnt disturb me as much. The best part is his face and the word gangrene under it. Look, he is being creative. He is a good actor, matt walton. He is a hell of a performer. Too bad adele is rolling over in her grave. Shes still alive. Are you sure . Can you confirm that . She may have gangrene. And i think the young lady who did the voiceover, i thought she was great. She had a great voice. Can adele sue over that . It is politics. I dont think they can sue. This is a staffers really bad idea. They are trying to prove what is going on and they know it is cool and they say lets put together this adele parody video and now we are making fun of it on your show. Isnt making fun of it just as good . Yes, and i am going to defend this video because it shows huckabee committed to something. Some of these attack ads are half arsed if you want to say. He did the whole thing too which is impressive. The amount of time it took to film that, you must have doubted yourself at least a few times and yet he continued on. It is the same three shots. It tox like 10 it took like 10 minutes to shoot. It looks like the verizon guy is replace. Joanne, you are making me realize that i think they came up with the idea after. They are stealing the pop culture idea. We have some more story here. In other campaign news, donald trump is skipping the fox news debate on thursday. I dont know if anybody heard that. It is cosponsored by google and he has a thing against google. It will only endure him to his supporters. 18yearolds value action. Who will come through . To us thats trump. She walked out to were not gonna take it meet turner, tate and brody. No they are not mikes children. Look at all of these kid. I have kids it is crazy. Being an 18yearold and being younger the fact that donald trump does not care about the quote, unquote, political correctness. She was favored to win and shea got shlonged. Isnt politics supposed to be boring . Politics are supposed to be boring. Thats a movement. Like most college bro ease a turner is most concerned about trade deficits. What happened with the trade deficits is becoming increasingly relevant. Not just for today, but for our generation. We look ahead to what it will be like in the future. Bottom line, they want to make America Great once more. In school we learned about how america was great. I want to live through that as an 18yearold. Awhile ago, whatever. Right, jim . When you were 18 did you go around saying how old you were . If somebody put a camera on me i would have stressed my age. I love when they learned in school when america was great back when ever. When has america not been great to three good looking white boys at age 18 . The other thing is driving 30 minutes to a trump rally. Thats not a movement. The Civil Rights Act was a movement and the french revolution was a movement. Your hair line is a movement. This is something to do after leg day at the gym. You are be thing these guys who are getting into politics are to the first time. It is funny. It is not my style. Bros into politics, thats better. The one in the middle is the most educated of the two. I love too the apartment they shop. College freshmen they are all roommates. There is no art on the wall. There is no furniture. It is strictly for function. What do you call that . A man cave. It is a man cave. I love a man in an American Flag patriotic anything. I am that girl. I love when men wear American Flag shirts. I want them to track if any of them end up voting. I like you are doing this and doing interviews, but will you follow through for trump . There has never been a ballot box to back it up. Do you think the trump people are showing up to participate . I hope so. I cant wait to vote for him. You think it is all the whatever, it is real and they will back it up. The only time i went out was paw perot in 1992. I hated myion options and thats what i feel like with each. 2ru78 trump is not just big with college bro. Take a look. Guess what we are going to do monday. What . We are going to see donald trump in new hampshire. Are you serious . Oh my word. Are you excited . Yes you get to see him in person. Thank you mom. Are you excited . You want to meet him . Tell mr. Trump you want to meet him. I love you, trump. I can feel my ovaries shrinking watching that. Wallet wait, you dont find it adorable . No. Clearly the little girl doesnt know what she is doing. She is a little girl crying over donald trump. Anytime there are kid are viral things like the kids dancing on stage with politicians weirds me out. There is word that he is giving her an honorary miss america crowed. She doesnt want her parents to know see is secretly for kasich. This reminds me of the video the girl told them she was going to disney world. I dont know if it is creepy. She wants to go to a trump rally. Kids into politics is the hot thing now. We are seeing videos of kids talking about their favorite candidate. When a camera is in my face i turn on the water works too. Thats what i dont like. When the parent is like filming all of this. Thats what makes it especially weird. The fact she likes trump, whatever. The camera recording them. It doesnt give a by polar break down. The parents say this is what happened. The parents want to meet trump. Tell mr. Trump so they can get themselves in there. And they frob probably will. The Oxford English licksary is the definition ofsexist and rein and reinforcing stereo types. He lead the charge after he made a troubling discovery. He searched for rabid and the phrase was rabid feminist. For shrill it is the rising shrill of womens voices. Nagging, a per miss skew us with. Male pronounce are used for doctor and research. What happened next . If you thought dictionaries had spine you would be wrong. Oxford caved and said they were reviewing the sen sense to reflect current usage. Jim, should they have caved . It is unnecessary to have a grading gender. It is not necessary. She was shrill. He was a doctor. Political correctness tinings. That is a common example. Why should the dictionary be any different . It is accurate. It implies badness if you are per miss skew us with. Then we wonder why girls dont president what to have sex with us. If you are saying someone had a shrill voice you would think it is a woman because women has high voices. It is the one thing i will degree is this sorry i have an iota of things i am allowed to be on. I have wow this is not the first time. Every year they come up with a new word of the year like homer simpsons dooh. Or yolo. They go with the flow gee they shouldnt go with the flow. These are what we look to. And it says more about the man than if does the woman. Why does the wife need to neck . Because her husband is a lazy piece of he is not doing his job. There are a lot of sexists in the world and many are men. The way Hillary Clinton has been talked about in the media is gendered and rap bidly successful sexist. When i say a dad you think of a rife . I think of a horse. Before we go i will be cohosting the digital debate coverage with kennedy and may again mccain on fox news. Com. Two post debate shows 8 00 p. M. And 11 00 p. M. You can see me at facebook. Com schsh red eye. And a sobering apology. Its hard to find time to keep up on my shows. Thats why i switched from uverse to xfinity. Now i can download my dvr recordings and take them anywhere. Ready or not, here i come whispers now hideandseek time can also be catchuponmyshows time. Here i come cant find you anywhere dont settle for uverse. X1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. Headquarters im patricia stark. Senator ted cruz challenging donald trump to a oneonone debate before the Iowa Caucuses. Two super packs supporting cruz are offering to donate 1. 5 million to Veterans Charities if trump agrees to the should showdown. Trump is skipping the debate dismissed cruzs proposal earlier wednesday. Five people arrested in connection with a deadly jail break in california. The three men are on the loose. They believe they had help from the outside when they broke outlast friday. They are all charged with Violent Crimes and considered very dangerous. There is a 200,000 reward for information leading to their recapture. A handful of militia members occupying the area were asked to leave. He was arrested with other members of the group. It is part of a dispute over the use of public land. A tornado cut them down tossing several vehicles on its side. A continue minute condominium suffered damage. You will soon have more ways to express yourself on facebook. It will ad six more ways to share your feelings. Moving away from the lone thumbs up symbol there is add, and love. It hopes it will keep users in for a longer time. Im patricia stark and now back to the show you love red eye. Log on to fog news dot. You are watching fog fox news channel. Look what took the internet by storm this week. Here is the original footage of what appears to be a fivefoot girl that weighs 100 pounds belligerent. Im a girl. That weighs 100 pounds. I am getting really be belligerent right now. But wait. That drunk girl is a doctor. Oh someone who has something to lose. Inconstant instant video. Lets look at her real specialty. What are you doing . Oh no. Oh no. You have lost your mind. I have lost my mind. I think there is a lesson to be learned here. Dont keep papers in your car. I mean you work for uber. Have you heard of an e raw seat . She went to george stepahannoupolis. A lot happened that day. The events leading up to that point my father was placed in the hospital and prior to that altercation my boyfriend and i of two years had just broken up. And she didnt want to drink and drive so thats why she wanted the uber ride. So she acted like a jerk. I say leave her alone or keep the phones trained on them. Unless we get to know her on you hiewb, i got them she got it by trial media they kicked her out. Administrative leave. Your whole life is exposed. She has had a down fall and i say let her off the hook. I hated her guts when i watched that. I thought what a hate aable person. Then you say i screwed up. Your whole life shouldnt be wiew ruined. When she did a stupid thing. That wouldbe a problem. People get their life together after drinking and driving. She didnt drink and drive. She wanted to take uber. She was designated a driver. It is all of the things that gains you sympathy which is a smart thing to do. A drunk man ace actions are a souper mans thoughts. I never when drunk assaulted a person in this way. She said in her apology you have to be careful what you do in public. So she would do this behind closed doors . She rehearsed some of her apology she didnt quite get there. Jim has made me reconsider. I thought after i saw this video she is high and shouldnt go on the news. Weep will forget her in a couple day. Now you have to go on and explain to yourself. Jim hated her, and then when he saw her. George stephen knop police would be the first i go to. Thats not the form i would have told her to go on. When people are drinking and doing crazy things i dont president want anybody on the internet. Know your limitations. I can drink bike a machine. Any amount of whiskey and still keep myself composed. Know your limitations. You hospital have nine shots of jack if you cant handle it. I want to know one thing. Whats your last pot. Nothing nefarious is going on. If you are drinking and hanging out why do they bring out the camera phone. And they can put a shotgun on loin. We have bad moments whether they are caught on film or not. The sons of viral videos doing good things and not interest viewed like that. We love watching people misbehave. What about the Sorority Girls who have melt downs. She is pretty. There are plenty of good looking girls. It is the doctors have respect in our society. It is more than they would expect. The never the way she confronted the guy if that were if you did that to the guy he would have punched you in the face. If i guy look what the guy who assaulted the uber driver hitting him in the face and getting mace in the mouth. She threw papers around which to be honest i would love. To be fair we dont know what the uberrdriver did. They were there with the guy from the camera and he tried to jump out of the car jie. She wanted the ride. It was like the old days and you fought with another guy and he got in the other door. Then you share a ride. Where are the girl friends in this situation . I have friends that would grab it and hold on to the phone. She didnt say who broke up with whom. Her friend must have been wanting to shoot her. It was the guy waiting for the uber. When this whole thing started happening he started filming it. Maybe she heard her name. The real loser in this is the uruber driver. I guess that is good in our society. Coming up half time with andy. Rate a minute. It is not half time with mike baker and the baker files. Stay tuned. Time for my coffee. With andy levy off that means it is time for hello. This is mike baker. Mike baker. A little video clip there to us on the split screen. How many people do you think realize that that ringing phone is a reference to the rock forward files. It was a great show. Honest to god who didnt lie james gardener. What was his bads name . Rocky. Lets cut to what the people want most. Anytime we get together lets go to the charts. Lookinglooking at the half time it is normally you see somebody has take ep a clear lead by this time in the show other people start falling behind because they are saying dumb ass things. Everybody is on top of their im agrees sigh. Impressive. Moving to the nest graph. If i didnt hit that one i thought jim might. Anyway, so lets look at the graph. This is important. Obviously what you can see is with the key deem graphics demographics and going well. Fox news and news corp are happy with how things are looking. This is interesting. With the Iowa Caucuses coming up in a few days we did a poll of. Pardon my scott came out first and then pop goes ease swrel and dlee little pigskins. Next. Yes. It is the recuring red eye segment. Meet the bakers. I am happy not security conscious. Now it is an on going efforts to tell people more about myself and my family. Lets see what we got today. We got my dog. For security reasons i wont tell you his name. We have another segment of meet the bakers. Is that a legal a legal name . He is under wonderful, but not bright so we dont want to con con confuse him. This is in the microcosm where they go. We lead at the top of the show with a story about wush jeb bush. Veb bush surging to number two he got fatigued. And then we didnt talk about him at all. He spent three minutes to dock about the huckabee toon. The governor is a wonderful man. Eight minutes talking about trump. We didnt even talk about the guy surging number two in new hampshire. Any other cycle we may go, eh, there is a guy sw a lot of that wasnt a question for anybody on the panel. Once again i am not talking about jib bush so lets go. I give in. When we talked about the kids that had made the video about trump and the movement. I sense a little hostile stey. You said when has it ever been good for young good looking answers. I wonder if you see them. Do you see the irony when you ask me that question gee it is not lost on me. Megan, you mentioned cash dash you mentioned you thought sleeveless American Flag shirts are hot. I am from arizona. I am around byes as we all know. It was originated in arizona. I like patriotic clothing. If you love america i love erk america. Have you ever porn a man that wore a sleeve less shirts. He wore it all the time. It was right out of college. Maybe im leading you on, but do you think the video was staged . Yes. Didnt mean to lead you on. But kosher. Gee all have good acting teachers. I know how you feel about honorary crown. I cant i am not familiar with the computer so cant do any research. Take my word for it. Jim, you said there is nothing qut but a by polar break down. That can be a title for a book at some point. Glad i have it tattooed on my chest. We go to the feminist dictionary thing. I looked up nag in the dictionary and 9 definition is annoy or irritate. It said in quotes she con constantly knocks her daughter. I think i am proving a point. Thats correct in pointing out the addiction industry is maleable. Can we tab about stretch . Thats he is not done. You also said that it is things like the use per miss permicuous, is it language that keeps you from having sex. I was leaning lining this like i did something warm. Thats owe way i was like this thats okay i was like this. I dont think it was the language. The fact that there is a judgment put on it. Thats the problem. Tom asked why dont we wear weather per miss could you us with. Why does one get a label of negative and the ear fantastic . Finally we talk about the drunk girl. We can all agree that it is interesting the fact she is a doctor and we were talking about it more if he was just that would be degrading the stripper. You said you would not go on gma to give your tyrad. He would do nate to the clinton coat yet. I would go on jim on his radio show where someone hillary late to doing something spew tid and an air yow diet in. To wrap things up, one more correct statement from matt. What it shows is this abhorant behavior can get you 10 minutes of fame in a gma interview. Well done her and we wish her the best. Next time he plugged his phone in. Time to take a break, tony the tiger and furries are great. Now heres what is coming up on the next kennedy. I love you, you crazy red eye watchers and you know how much. A bunch of socialist kids who love bernie sanders. It is on fbn. Live from americas news headquarters im patricia stark. New developments this morning in the manhunt for three california inmates. Authorities in Orange County tell us five people suspected of helping the trio escape have now been arrested. The investigation is focusing at a vietnamese gang. The whereabouts of the escapees are facing a mystery. They broke out cutting through steel bars and bed sheets to go down the side of the jail. Thoms is r president obama says it cannot be dye night that antiseem mitch is on the rides. He dressed people and is the First American president to speak here. An attack on any faith is an attack on all of our faiths. It is at the heart so many face that we would do unto to others as we would have done unto us. A School Principal is being helled a students and colleague. She leaped in front of a school bus to children a she was struck and killed by the bus. Nationals will be at half taff on saturday, the day of her funeral. The u. N. Secretary general is asking people to clean their investment. There needs to be an immediate shift from moss sill fuels. 331 billion. That is a far cry. Im patricia stark. Now back to your eyed lines headlines go to fox news. Com. Furries after tony the tiger. He doesnt lust back. Gawker discovered the breakfast serial icon, begging for 6. One person said debt me wash that for you. What did your sweater came off . Can we get a intoed for the furries . They are all getting blocked. Raise your hand if you have been personally victimizes by the stoney the tiger ad. Did they ask the flurries . Has tony the tiger not seen the trailers . We are out here. Get with the times or get left behind. Me is into it. Megyn, they are just fans, but of all of the sexual fetishes it is the weirdest. I think it is very strange if you are dressing up in furry animal costumes and thats what gets you excited and you are on the internet a serial icon. I think you have issues and with that being said dont start to hit tweet me tonight. They may be love tweeting you. I am passing judgment on furries. Jim, do you think this is that weird . Do they come to the shore. It is a five on the one to 10 because it is weird. The stupid teeny the tiger has a twilt ticket it is amazing. I mean, sometimes i will go to a product like twitter and you want to complain and you go to the airline. They have like 890,000 would wants to be upped. They say im sorry, im sorry. What can we do . A lot of people will get freebies and get aways i follow lots of people for sweet tony the tiger. His blocking you is victim ization. You tweeted something gross to him or she i guess it is a she how are you taking offense to that. He is right out of college and in charge of this. I guess i will block them. I dont know. Tone tony the tiger looks like a smooth. Are you talking about a scale of 110 and this is the weirdness of five. Furry iconic characters will be up there. You did voiceovers. Did you ever have a cereal contract like toucan sam . Those eased to be the ones. We will close things out request close things out with a bedtime story. No red eye tomorrow because of the gop debate on fox news channel. And i will be cohosting the digital debate coverage with kennedy and megyn. We will be back on friday. Clutter is her bread and butter. She says most people hold on to three times more stuff than they actually need. And the mess is making them miserable. Condo has been the biggest thing in her neatness. It sold 5 million copies worldwide. The 31 yearly 31yearold picks up individual eye items and brings a feeling of joy. Does this resonate with you, joanne . It seems like a girl thing to me. I think the things you have you should really love. I cant keep clutter because i live in new york city and the apartments are very small and you cant have clutter and then you move every two years so you purge everything. Having this life stime helps. Lifetime helps. We have a picture of your frige. Do we have that . Do you snack at night . My favorite part of the story is the obsessive compulsive disorder, she is a tie ding guru. Thats not the sign, throw it out thats why i say it is a female thick. A female thing. I cant imagine a guy saying do these bring me joy . There is nothing nothing i would throw out in my apartment. Guys dont mind having a messy place. I feel like it is weird chick stuff i dont relate to at all. Im glad you made millions and millions and millions. This many hoarders in the country. I just read it. It you got it . In the middle of it. The next half was where to put the stuff after you have gotten rid of it. This is a classic first world pain. Too many things. When things are as cheap as they are now a days and when you assigned value to these things, i mean there is something it is the old argument money cant buy you love, right . Only an empty apartment can apparently special thanks to joanne noah saw chin ski and matt norton. That does it from me, your host, tom shillue. See you next time. All right. Lets get it a for the debate. Never miss another else of the five. Welcome to des moines, iowa. In just 25 hours, the republican president ial candidates will take stage for the final debates before the first voting in the 2016 president ial campaign. Exactly who will show up and who wont . How that will go over in the heartland is a major part of the story tonight. Coming to you from the iowa event center. This is special report. Good evening from inside the debate hall as we are putting the finishing touches behind the scenes

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