I am here with Sonny Johnson fresh from happy hour. Oh god help us. She is cheer yes, cheerier than a cheerio, joanne nosuchunsky. And if it is friday it is ugly sweater day. It is tvs andy levey. And he is more laid back than a lazboy. Daily beast Senior Editor will ron. A block. The lede. Thats the first story. Are guys less wide . New Research Claims men are idiots. It is the subject of tonights is this sexist . A study published in the british medical journal, i love their center folds, show dudes are more likely to engage in bone headed, risky behavior. They looked at the last 20 years of the darwin awards which recognize idiots who accidentally kill themselves and found 90 were male. Is a male idiot theory real . Here are idiot things men have done. Of course, women gave birth to all of those men. Who is more superior . I think i just answered that question while stealing a joke. From sonny and joanne. Lets go to the men first. You have never really done a day of real work. Were you offended by this research . Well, it is undoubtedly true. This is Something Like we dont need to study. We all know this is true. It is true in every sitcom. Of course men are constantly taking idiotic risks. I feel i take an idiotic risk every time i come the on show. Thats true. But defeating hitler, landing on the moon. It is not the most sensible thing to do if you are trying to stay alive. Good point there. Sonny, men are bigger risk takers. My tear reis it is done to my theory is they are done to impress women. They pull wheelies. They do it because they want women to look at them. Does it come out before that even as a baby . I thought i heard the answer to that question until i notice will did not put the pink flower into his jacket so that it can be shown on tv, and everyone can ridicule him the way i was doing in the green room. So maybe all men arent idiots. Maybe every once in awhile they can have a co haisht thought coherent thought that makes them think, hey, let me not wear the pink flower. You have saved mankind. It happened in the green room. He should put the flower on on. Then you understand that men are silly. I will not cave into the pressure. Joanne, why dont women engage in stupid, risky behavior. Is it because they are smarter or because they are smarter . That and science. Men, especially young men, there have been sociological studies studies get that word out that show the chemical make up of a young man produces chemicals that make him feel invince believe a. Uh invincible. They have the invincible complex and they will do these risky behaviors. Women on the other hand i guess dont. Another time that women are under represented, i thought we were equal. We were pushing for it it, and yet we are not. We need to work harder. We are babies. Do you know what it is like to push i dont. When you push a baby ut on out, i dont care what activity a man thinks he is good at doing, until he can push a child out of his body, then no we are still ahead of the game. We are still winning in this game as long as we procreate. And previously one of the most high risk p thattings. A lot of women died in child bird. When we figured out that, probably a male doctor. Kidding of course the life span dramatically increased. Would you say this research is probromatic . Probbromatic sph. You started off saying i want to go to the men first and then go to me last. I dont see you as male or female. Thank you. That is the nicest thing you have ever seen. I see you as a sequential that gets to the problematic study. I dont agree with a study that does not include other genders. As a cultural marxist, i am not comfortable with anything that [purport|purports]es to show that purports that they are different. I am so outraged by this study that claims men are idiots that i am challenging the british medical Journal Staff to a competition. Lets see who can jump from a higher point to a trampoline the size of a pillow. I am so confident that i will win and i will go first. Thats over my head. That is some science. The other thing is i was watching a documentary about a west coast news anchor. He pointed out that women have brains a third the size of men. The science is far from settled on this issue. Are you having some kind of tsis, the us ischemic strokes . I am making pop culture references. Save these for the independents. I think a lot of people got that joke. Normal people probably got that joke. I am normal. I understood. To be serious for a second, regardless of the reason, no one can argue that men dont do more idiotic stuff. But they act like this is puzzling. They say it is puzzling that men are willing to take unnecessary risks. It is puzzling. It is hormon and testosterone and evolutial i think i just made that up. Now we do stupid things. Back then you needed to do stuff like that to further your genetic line. Exactly. It was to gain status so women would look at you. By the way, americas funniest home video it was rare to see a single woman in that. It is guys doing dumb stuff. They were jumping off rooves into pools and missing. Everybody knows one guy who did that, but not one. One girl. It is a guy who says i can make this. And their leg hits the rim and they do a flip. Talking about an old friend of mine. Women livelonger and it is because of we take probably more dangerous risks. My point is i have never met a woman in my life who started doing drugs on her own. They were always introduced to her by a man. That shows a real difference in risk. Women are less inclined to do stupid things, but men will introduce them to it which is sad. Is that true . It actually really is. I didnt have boyfriends in school so i didnt do the drugs, but i hung out with a lot of 40yearold women which is why i drink a lot of wine. It all makes sense now. All right. Should we fear the coming year . A new poll finds that only 49 of americans think 2015 will be better than 2014. Thats the lowest optimism has been in 70,000 years. The survey from usa today pew Research Found 71 are dissatisfied with the way things are going. A former bush strategist says, quote, there is a general sense of anger and frustration that nothing seems to change. They dont trust anybody has their back. The biggest problem could be political gridlock and most believing it is hurting the country. I quote, a lot. I end that quote. Republicans democrats, congress and the president all have Approval Ratings lower than nickleback. You know who is blissfully unaware of the problems in this country . I want to show everyone that the dog is dead. Dead comfortable. Not an expression. Dead calm. I guess. Good movie. Nicole kidman. Billy zane who said he was going to do red eye and then said he wasnt. We are off track. How do we make it better . Do you believe that it will be worse . I would say it would be worse except when they say they dont trust that anyone has their back. Good. About time. You realize a politician does not have your back. Whether it is a democrat are on republican, they dont care about you. It is their own power. As we get to this point, when we make this a realization that we carry around with us everywhere, maybe we will stop asking politicians to solve our problems. The problems will actually get solved and we can have a cherry outlook about next year. Until then, as long as you are thinking that boehner and pelosi will solve your lifes problems, you deserve what you get. Jay she makes a lot she makes a lot of good points. I would hate to hear your outdoor voice. You really would. It would be like a car alarm. The i call all of the leprechauns. The leprechauns come. You would be in good company. I am irish. Ii think the gridlock thing is a myth here. I like gridlock. If we cooperated it westbound worse. Everybody is down on congress because they dont get enough stuff. Imagine if your idiot congressman was able to pass pieces of legislation and affect your daily life. You dont want that. You dont want like nancy pelosi and john boehner rubbing their brains together. Look at owe bapa care. Exactly. Look at the spending bill that came through yesterday. It would make sense why people are bummed out about the future. 16 years of terrible president s or 14 years and going to be 16 years of bad president s, war, terrorism, the economy collapsed. It is okay to be bummed out right now. Why should we expect good things to happen next year . Thats the sad part, but are you looking forward to 2015 because you will be another year older . No because i am off of my parents insurance plan. That should be interesting. You know what this is 34 is when you get off . Wow. I expected more from you. We are heading into year seven with obama and we know what happens. The sevenyear itch. People are getting a little an em sty. Angsty. I think people will need a release. They will turn to drugs. We will see more pot legal ization. By the way, i have a sevenweek itch. It is unfortunate. Andy, you are an optimist. You check out palms eyes. Peoples eyes. I go to the eye doctor a lot. Do you think next year will be better . My theory is it cant get worse. This is one of the worst years i have had on on the planet. Like what . Where do i start . At the beginning. It is something even Dennis Miller wouldnt get. As sonny said to freido no, i agree with will and sunny. Not joanne . No. You have congress adding a writer to the bill. It has nothing to do with spending. President obama who thinks he is the emperor of some planet, greg. He is issuing orders when congress doesnt do what he wants. Of course people arent looking forward to the they dont think things are going well. For some odd reason i think 2015 may be better. You know what it is . I feel like we are at the blackjack table with a bad run of cards. We need to play odds. Thats not blackjack. It is bound to get better. Keep drinking, man. Put some chips on the house. No, you had half of the betting on black. Do you want to go through that again . Are you going to leave the odds up. They bet it on black and we got it. It didnt turn out like we thought. Do you really want to go down that road again with the gambling. You are mixing up met fores here. It is a truthful metaphor. Everyone went for the black. They went for the skin color, okay . Yes. Seven years later we are crying. I would vote for mia love even though she is young. Not the skin color. You would vote for mia because of what she has done. Obama did not have a record of what he had done. They voted on a color. I am not really i am not ready to gamble on a color anymore. Are you saying we should play white jack . No. You build something and create something and sell it and make a profit and capitalism. Stop betting. Gambling, stop it. Why dont you play blackjack, but order whoit russian or order white russians . Or pink ladies. And then you have putin. Here is my theory. I think the new cycle has made it feel bad. We are accelerating these cycles to the point it feels like you are getting hit in the face every 2448 hours. You get a missing plane and then you get decapitations and scandals. Along with hash tag. That doesnt help. Was it worse before cable news . Was it worse before the internet . We are talking about it. Bermuda triangle . By the way, no one talks about that anymore. When i was a kid it was all Bermuda Triangle all the time. And then they stopped talking about it. I wonder why. Just as the chem trails started and made us docile sheep and they were talking about the planes disappearing. We are having a viewing of chariot to the gods at my play. I wasnt invited. You wouldnt understand it. That was my obscure pop culture reference. Coming up, guinea pigs and adorable pets released from the under world. First, what was revealed in these sony hacked medical records . None of your damn business. They are not stealth about health. The sony hacks did not just reveal some fun celebrity gossips or jokes about the president. Among the documents made public by the hackers are medical records of over three dozen sony employees and their families. It includes a Human Resources memo giving diagnosis and treatment detail of a special needs child and a spread sheet listing medical costs costs and Health Issues for 34 workers. One expert tells bloomburg, this stuff will haunt all of those people for the rest of their lives. When it is up on the intar net it is up in person few tee. Ppituity. That means forever. Health information is the most Sensitive Information about you. I should know. Some of my medical records were hacked including these sensitive x rays. That was totally an accident. That was a beach tournament. How clumsy are you . I was actually a chia pet. How come i think that is not a mistake . I was trying to dry off at the gym. Thats what happened. I want to be open about it rather than hide it like the various objects. And i want to give a special shoutout to the er guy who has come to know each other quite well. He is never shocked or surprised. I like that about him. No judgment. No judgment at all. Gregs Conveyor Belt of miss trays. I dont like reading the emails because i think it is gross. But this is going to happen to us, wont it . Im with you on that. If these emails come out the only way we can stop it by refusing. Of course you have the American People who wont refuse to do anything if they can get into someone elses privacy. Any day now i will expect my emails to come flooding out flooding out. Will they be really loud . I grew up in an age without email. When it came we understood there are certain stuff you put in the email. We went through the threeway calling. You learn really quick that someone else may be listening in on your conversation. We came to the age from a threeway call to email and carrying those lessons with us. I could have predicted this about sony about four or five years ago. Im a gamer. We had the option whether to choose the xbox or on the playstation. The playstation is free to get their online service. Xbox you had to pay a cost. They were hacked. All of the personal information of all of the playstation players were hacked. Thats why we went and got an xbox. Instead of charging the xbox people online they keep giving the service for free which makes me understand you are not increasing your security. If your pass word is pass word, then you deserve what you get. Do you think people are more forgiving on bad info . If you find out we are doing weird things, everyone does weird things . Maybe it is Health Information that is sensitive. Tell me about it. Longtime fans of the show, i am aware that i know fog. However, i do have this fabulous sense of wonder. Here is what i am thinking. Is all of this health stuff getting more bureaucrat and we are giving it all up to the government and we have the single payer and it will all be in one place. Thats my point. It doesnt matter except for me. No, we are all in this together and eventually all of it will be in one place. They will find out everything about us and god knows bill clintons medical record. I am worried about the Health Information. I am pretty sure you are, particularly the stuff about your liver. I am worried about my Childrens Health records coming out. The fact i have five children that i have been hiding for several years now. No, this is the thing we should be focusing on. The personal lives that have been affected and all of the Identity Theft and all of those things that can be happening. Not just the celebrity and the gossipy emails. It is interesting if these employees are filing a lawsuit. Sony was hacked in february and tried to keep that under wraps. They dont think it is the same people. It involved different things. If they knew thisy were vulnerable then they should have taken more precaution. I think the employees have a strong case, and i find it i think this is awful and it isto everybody. Do you think hollywood will stop making the typical generic hacker, and the guy in the hoodie is really cool . The . Before the show i hacked your computer. I found thousands of emails and they all said i wish i were big. Good luck with that. The important thing to remember is this occurred on obamas watch. Only in obamas america. Under george w. Bush tony did not get hacked by north korea. Under Ronald Reagan this never would have happened. I never our emails were totally protected. My internet was never compromised. And you are all forgetting war games. Excuse me . That was fiction. They hads to make it up back then. Now under obama it really happens. I dont know. Scary stuff. Thats all im going to say. I think we need to decide as a country. Everybody gets a mulligan on their stuff like you cross dress. Why do you point at me . Hype hypothetically true that you cross dress. I may have hung out with a goat for some period and may have written an email. We should all get mulligans. And we should all agree to assign a pledge not to read peoples emails. We talked about the general idea, but we didnt say what was in the actual last night we did. I had a steak and cream spin nick. That tends to cause a leak. It was quiten scwoiable. We had a good crowd. We are here with the fans. We are putting on a thing we like to call a show. They say orange is the any black or is black the new perry perry perriwinkle . Either way they are both the color of my thong. Tonights sponsor is literate. The only program that rewards kids reading by allowing them to throw trash on the ground. Pick up a book and dont pick up the garbage. Thanks, literate. Orange is the new class. Students at a Michigan College can now get credit for watching netflix. Yes, a course in saginaw valley state u or svsu. They will address race, class, gender and sexual orientation. Will. Said lacey, quote, these shows are commenting on things that are happening in our society. Because no one ever does that. You can say the same thing about room 222. One of my favorites. I will g to you first, will. Is this one of those classes a professor does to be cool . I will do this to get more students and they will think i am great and maybe i will get a book deal . I have no objection to classes being built around television shows. Television is awesome. It is better than movies. It is better than books at this point. The orange is the new black thing. You cant get past the opening credits. It is five minutes long. It is a horrible, horrible song. I dont understand how anyone has watched the show. I got through half of the first season. I am a fan of prisoner from cell block h the australian soap op opera. It is enjoyable. It is amazing. This is like 25 years old. They have lesbian romances. It is quite nice. Do you watch it on a pass word protected website .