Program for Internet Addiction . They are. It would be odd to say pennsylvania and it wasnt true. Think, people. Welcome back to half time. Post game. Whatever. Go away. I am gone. Youre not. I wish you were. Lets welcome our guest. She is so write tish her apartment so british her apartment has a draw bridge and her bed has a mote, it is yd webber. Her latest work is called the twitter diaries. And glad he shaved. His book is called the lizard king. And my repulsive sidekick, bill schulz. If hilarity was 5 keg of pbr i would tap him at a tailgate. It is joe derosa. His comedy album is called. You will die. Thats up lifting. It is available for download on itunes, amazon and google play. It is a fantastic record. Buy it now. I know it is late, but go on i tones. It is a a very, very, very fun, funny record. I make fun of joe a lot but it is because i love him and it is a great album and you should buy it. A block. The lede. Thats the first story. How is this show still on . Thats a good question. The bigger question is why did i give joe such a loving tribute . He left a long message on my phone asking me for that and pleading with me. Could you at least do a positive plug for my thing . Okay. For once. For once. The kiss cam is a sexist sham. Yes, a slate. Com call has called for the end of the sporting event favorite mark joseph stern, yes, that mark joseph stern, writes of the time honored tradition of a jumbo tron lens focusing on a straight cup tell and telling them to swap spit and it is juvenile and heterosexist. Apparently thats a word. The kiss cam enforces heterosexual norms and excludes gay people. At worst it knocks same sex affections and creates an atmosphere of homo phobia. His best and worst were the same thing. We hit time square to see if red eyes own kiss cam have its own response. Should the kiss cam go on the lamb . I am here to talk to the people and find out. A kiss cam is basically somebody who is manning the jumbo tron and put the camera on two u unsuspecting people in the audience and they must kiss. Is that something you are for organs because people want to get rid of it . Have i no problem by that. What if it is two girls . It depends. A person wants to get rid of the kiss cam. What do you think of that . Now do a threeway. Three of you. Go on, go on. Now were talking. Pg13. Now lets make it r. One person wants to get rid of it. He thinks it is homophobic and a bunch of other words. I think that is ridiculous. It is ridiculous. I say do your own thing. You could have a do your own thing cam. One of the thing they want to get rid of is two people of the same sex doing it and guess what this is. It is now a kiss cam. In the name of all things sports are you ready to make out . Guess what this is . Thank you, graphics. That cost 10,000. This is quite a treat. I am here with yon colonel sanders. He has thoughts on the kiss cam. W45 are your thoughts . Should people keep it . First i am an attorney and i told you that. A man of many hats. A colonel and an attorney. If the camera went on you guys would you engage in a kiss . Yes. With tongue . Yes. Excellent. No. Trouble in paradise. Tomorrow we are bringing out the divorce cam. Can i get love right here . No, i choose not to. Do you want me to kiss you . No, do you have a good looking sister . I can put on a dress. I believe there should be a kiss cam. You are pro kiss cam and why is that . It is great and cute. What if it is two dudes . I dont care. What if they are ugly . I dont care. What if it is two girls . Thats hot. Thank you. We are talking to the right person. Guess what happened to this camera. Kiss cam, kiss cam. Go for it. Perfect. Can we get purel up in this piece . Now do you want to kiss each other . Do you want to kiss me . I will kiss you. All right. Let me prepare. There we go. Count it. If the kiss cam is wrong, we dont want to be right. Thank you for taking a potentially interesting subject and beating it to pieces, bill. Did you get anybodys phone number . Yeah, call me greta. I think thats her name. Yow, this is one of the joe, this is one of the articles that shows up when a writer has nothing else to write about. Would you be for a kiss cam if you found out it made other people feel awkward . Maybe as awkward as you feel all the time . I always make out in front of other people. I dont care what anybody thinks. Look, if it is making people feel awkward i dont have a problem with them getting i rid of it. It should include the same sex couples, and it doesnt. But it would require forward thinking in sports, and this is an industry that freaked out about the use of alum numb bats and acts surprised when a player uses steroids. Are we are at a point where writers make stuff up to complain about . I think the kiss cam is on its way out because of the article. Kudos for that. Congratulations to slate. You killed the kiss cam. Now if only they would bring the same level of scrutiny to something important. I would say it is fine to ban it. If you really hate to see gay people kissing and you love the kiss cam you have lost this battle in the culture war. It is over and done. What do you think . Are we a nation looking for anything we can label offensive . The fact it the fact is, if you feel excluded from the kiss cam, the kiss cam is not making you feel excluded. I think you feel excluded in general. Why do i get the feeling there is this whole elaborate segment . I feel i am lacking a punch line somewhere. At the end of the day i can choose not to snob bill. You got a few kisses here and there. And by the way, settle down. That means to have sex. There should be equal opportunity. I think you should be able to kiss boys or girls and same sex kissing. As harry stiles 2k mr. One direction he kissed a boy on kiss cam the other day. Really . I am boycotting those boys. I am just going to buy a boy cot. The solution or the proposed solution to this is it does more damage than good. It is not making any progress for gay people or lesbian couples. By having this debate . No, no, no. If they get rid of it because it is not treating everybody equal it is not helping the gay people at all. Thats my point. What it does is creates the idea of a nation of scolds. Maybe this thing you dont like. It but if you become shrill it is like i happen to find it entertaining when i am at a game when it is happening. Let me have my fun. Thats a different point. I almost think it damages them more to be like, you know what, we are not going to let you on it so we will get rid of it. That is extremely damaging. It is destroying the fabric of society. The fabric of our lives. It really is. Bill, if it hurts your feelings shouldnt you just grow up and stop being a big, stupid baby . This is what helps people grow up. My whole philosophy is kiss, keep it sexy sir. And what that essentially is is you bring your kid to a soccer game, if you will or as you call it futbol. And you bring them there and they see this taunting action going on in the jumbo tron and it teaches them to begin mating. The earlier the better. The kiss cam should continue for parents. Thanks for ruining a great segment. From kissing to disking. Did he disrespect the white house desk . Should he get the boot for where he put his if impeachment proceedings havent started already they should. On saturday president obama debates the office of the presidency, and by that the Actual Office where the president works. Yes our alleged commanderinchief con con testimony few us withly put his foot on the desk and a picture put out by the white house. Desks are not for your feet, mr. President. They are for sitting at or sleeping under, but thats it. Take a look at joe bidens desk. Four kittens. He had four kittens in his desk. I didnt notice the kittens. I was busy looking at the coke mirror on the top of the desk. Did you see all of the white residue . No, i didnt. Will, how could anybody not vote for impeachment at this point the way he used the desk as a footstool . I am going to defend the overreaction to this. If you look at it, and yes there has been other pictures floating around, george w. Bush putting his feet you up and gerald fold with his feet up and barack obama put the dirty part up. It was not ankle. That is sole. That was inelegant and jfk wouldnt have done that. That is a good point. The problem is i dont care he put his foot on the desk. The white house put that out because in their head it looked cool. I thought it looked cool. You are so stupid. Dude, all of this stuff, one guy one of the twitter responses says reagan always wore a jacket in the oval office. There are so many scandals during the Reagan Administration they had to make their own wick wick wikipedia page. I take back everything about your awful record. You almost sold records. You should hear the hidden track on the album. What is it . A sub blip national sub blip national admission. It makes your blood boil. The desk he was using was a gift from Queen Victoria in 1880. By putting his foot on it, isnt he spiting in the face of britain . No because it is in the office. He got rid of the Winston Churchill bust and there was a drama with a special relationship. What i dont understand is the white house pr people. Obama has done this whole desk thing before and got in trouble for it before. You would think the white house would just stop releasing photos of him with his foot on his desk. Well, perhaps he was stretching his hamstrings. Maybe sore hamstrings. Maybe he likes to jog and they were getting tight. He is an athletic president. I thought he was trying to look like a hood ornament. Right there he is looking cool and lounging and everything. As usual the republicans make the humor go from obama to them. There was a Tea Party Twitter has handle that says does seeing president obamas foot on the desk make your blood boil . Everyone else that read it was like, that, not really. You know what it reminds me of it is a look into president obamas personality that he is not really cool. He is a dork. He reminds me of tony blair in that photo and thats why i object. He reminds me of a different brit, david brent. Remember this . It was right before the motivational speech he got up and he was talking to them and he put his leg up there. I thought where did i see this before . Michael scott in the office did it in the american version and allen partridge. It is like i am showing off my new jeans kind of feel. You are just jealous because their leg made the desk. Is anybody really offended by this . No. Not you guys. I mean online. It is silly. We traffic silly in these parts. You have a lot of fun on this show. From disgrace to diplomacy. He left sports and caw voters with the enemy. Dennis rodman is back in north korea, but he is not wearing the diplomat hat. He is going to see a pal whose name rhymes with kim gung u. N. My plan is to come over here and not to be a diplomat, but to be a friend of the marshall and the country of north korea and to show people around the world that we as americans have to get along with north korea. The former nbaer which i believe is basketball says he will not try to negotiate the released of kenneth bay, an american held since late last year. He is just visiting, quote, to have a good time. Should we deplore his second tour . Does a tiger roar . Adorable until about four or five months from now and then it will tear your faceoff and eat it slowly. Imogen not you. Dennis says he is going to go pal around there. Do you believe him . It is nice to see the bromance alive and well. I think they are taking too much time in the news and he wanted to get back into the news cycle. Dennis says he deserves a nobel prize for his work in north korea and he wants to shore that up. Maybe a little basketball diplomacy might do something maybe. Are you done with that sentence . I dont believe you. Will, he is not in north korea for diplomacy. Is he just saying he is working on a strategy to fix the situation . Our alleged president has failed. Thats safe to assume. He is also there to defend his own basketball league. I think that sounds fun. Itit is fun for us. We get to make fun of the north koreans. They will probably be executed. Joe, your comedy album is very popular in north korea because they are forced to buy it. Because you are not forced to buy it anywhere else nobody buys the comedy album. Except for this new album you will die. The thing that is bothering me is he goes out of his way to talk about the bad things. The starvation, i dont want to make joe derosa look bad. I do think there is some validity to this crazy theory that he might actually bring us together a little bit or at least lower some of the animosity or whatever. I think thats kind of why. Him kind of saying i will turn a blind eye to the creepy stuff you do that we hate if you do the same for us even though they are way more wrong than we are. See what i am saying . North korea doesnt know what is going on in our country. At some point it is like billy batch in good fellas. Thats a guy you werent supposed to touch. Bill, are you a white version of Dennis Rodman without the talent, bank account, nice clothes orca rear past, present or future. You have to sympathize. I guess. Right now i am feeling sad. I think if you have a friend accused of executing his exgirlfriend it is a time to rethink the relationship. Unless that friend is a dictator who can give you whatever you desire at the expense of starving millions in his country. In that case i say innocent until Proven Guilty even though they dont have that there. If you are ever at a party and want to find the murderous dictator look for the celebrity kissing his butt. Thats what you do. What is the secret to seducing women in women . Joe derosa talks about that in his new book. First, did americans say yay over the casting of gray . Ps, George Clooney is gay. It is a in movie i love it in a slump. Can a bag be deployed to . Rag an asteroid snag an asteroid . The budget includes an ambitious plan to capture an asteroid and bring it to orbit around the moon. An unmanned spacecraft would travel into deep space and use something called a capture bag to lasso the rock. Note, this is how they capture crier stey alley when she Kirstie Alley when she gets drunk. Oh no. She has been clean and sober for years. The asteroid would be carried to the moon and placed in orbit where it can be studied by the cruet of the orien which is slated to be in 2021. Nasa is asking for 25 million which seems cheap for the opportunity to study a rock. Look what was in an asteroid that recently crashed on earth. I guess thats an asteroid. I have a feeling that is not true. Will if you are against this you pretty much hate america. Obviously. I dont know if it is legal to lasso an asteroid. But i do know it is tough to say. Lasso and asteroid. It sounds like a euphemism if you work in an er if you worked at the emergency room and they say i have to lasso an asteroid. It is not quick. By the time you say it somebody is dead. Immogen, isnt this one of isnt this one of the many reasons why america is better than britain . We will capture an asteroid while you deal with babies. I know in real life ben affleck will not rescue me. Bruce willis did the rescuing. Why cant nasa just concentrate on its 3d printers that make pizzas and talk skepticss into the fact that Climate Change exists. Climate change has been flat for 15 years of. See nasas website. Bbc says they have been flat for 15 years. I am with america by saying nasa is great. But nasa is wrong on this. But they are wrong on the asteroid. You tried to sneak in an incorrect piece of information. Joe are you sad this wont happen until 2021, aka not in your lifetime . I am sad. These guys i can tell them how to get away with it. If you are worried that snagging a rock in space is illegal just do what i have seen schulz do in the east village when he is trying to snag a rock and the cops show up. At least you said rock. Joe, that was the basis of my question to bill. Bill, what is there is something evil in the asteroid . That sounds more plausible than this. This sounds like an instruction coyote gave acme to get the road runner. Nothing about this sounds real. This sounds completely made up. You know what will happen . This is the in thing for celebrities. You remember when paris hilton had a dog and a purse . Now it is i have an asteroid. Oh nasa, i bought an asteroid for 500,000 and you can just point up to it. You can already do that. You can name stars after people. We know that is not real. But it is real to have the asteroid in orbit . You know what is not real . You. Bill, touch him. He is not real. The scenario you are laying out is silly. He is not real. How many people have the same star, by the way, because there are never two people that know they have the star you know what i mean . Did anybody ever give you a star registry gift . No. Then who does this . Thats what im saying. No two people that know each other have the registry so there is probably one star and it is everybodys star. Who is going to sue you . Nobody. The space commission. Star jones. Trining twinkle, twinkle. Do you like me, here for yes, here for no. What kind of person doesnt offer the option . Anyway Hillary Clinton tweeted something. Let me repeat. Hillary clinton tweeted something. I i guess our tease writer left early today. They get their fix from mouse clicks. And now internet addict cans get the help they need. A Pennsylvania Hospital is opening the countrys first in Patient Treatment Program for computer junkies. It is a 10day program organized by specialists in treating drug and alcohol abuse. Said the founder Internet Addiction is a problem in this country that can be more pervasive than alcohol addiction. It is free, legal and fat free. Discuss must we in this lightning rooooouuuuunnnddd. Lightning round. Well, do you think the internet can cause your life to spinout of control the way drugs and booze have . It sure has to mine, greg. The best part of this article as just a guy who comes forward because everybody has to come forward and be the face of this and raise awareness for it. To tell people they shouldnt be ashamed, you should be a little ashamed. It is okay to be ashamed sometimes. There are compulsions. We dont need to hear about it. Not Everyone Needs to know about your journey. You just know Internet Addiction is a way of saying porn addiction. What are you doing on the internet . You are playing with your whatever. This guy was spend every waking minute at the keyboard playing video games. His life sounds more fulfilling than yours. I can relate to this guy. If we want to help these people we have to call it what it actually is which is too much master because and call it masterbation. I claim things at the climax like uno or you sank