Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Fa

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Faulkner 20201116

>> harris: this comes as president trump moving forward with his legal battles, continuing to claim the results were "rigged" with corrupted systems. tweeting today again, "i won the election!" we have live team fox coverage. a lower angle with the latest vaccine news. i want to go to chief white house correspondent john roberts outside the white house. >> good afternoon to you, president trump reminding americans that moderna got $2 billion from his operation warp speed to develop that vaccine. the president tweeted a short time ago another vaccine just announced, this time by moderna. 95% effective for those great historians. please remember these great discoveries which will end the china plague all took place on my watch. if the president also taking notes of a spark i spike in the, new vaccine news 95% effective. the president is leaning on the news as he continues his quest to overturn the vote count in the election and taking aim at politicians that he supported who now say it's time to begin the transition. ohio governor mike dewine saying this yesterday. >> the president has every right to go into court, every right to bring any evidence he has and no one should begrudge him or say there's anything irregular about that appeared on the other hand, it's clear that certainly basedn what we know that joe biden is t transition for the country's sake is important for a normal transition to start through. >> the president firing back on the wine on twitter, saying "who would be running for governor of the great state of ohio? will be hotly contested." asa hutchinson going even further saying he does expect biden to be president but hutchinson is not running for reelection. the president not lashing out at him. the campaign continuing to pursue court action on the vote count, development expected out of michigan and pennsylvania this week and if he trump campaign denying reports that it is pulling back elements from its pennsylvania case. ithe communications director saying in a statement "the fundamentals of our case have not changed, we are still making a strong argument that 682,479 ballots were counted in secret. our poll watchers were denied the legal right to meaningful access to vote counting and we still have that claim in our complaint. we reserve our rights to make that argument." no sign that these challenges will be over anytime soon, harris, the deadline is kind of a loose deadline that the trump campaign is looking at is december 14. that's when the electors are supposed together to vote for who will become the next president of the united states. but still, that's at least a couple weeks away. >> harris: at least, thank you john. today's big vaccine announcement from moderna is coming as the united states has just surpassed 11 million confirmed coronavirus cases. infections and hospitalizations continuing to surge. laura ingle is in new york with more. laura. >> hi harris, indeed another promising piece of news coming from the biotech company moderna giving new hope that a potentially effective, safe vaccine is coming and it's coming soon. this announcement taking place just a few short hours ago, this morning moderna saying it's itss provide strong protection against the virus that has sickened and killed so many around the world. moderna announcing that it appears to be 94.5% effective according to preliminary data. >> the profile matches other approved vaccines out there that provide a significant benefit. so we are hopeful that most people will still get the vaccine even with a couple of those side effects that sometimes come because of the benefit it provides is protection from covid-19. >> health and human services secretary alex azar releasing statement today saying operation works be provided about $2 billion of funding and operational support for development and eventual potential delivery of the vaccine. the moderna news comes just one week after pfizer announced its own covid-19 vaccine was a similar effective rate of more than 90%. moderna's president welcoming the really important milestone, while also noting pfizer's accomplishment saying that two vaccines ma made by different companies can give americans help for a return to a normal life. moderna expects to have about 20 million vaccines available to the u.s. by the end of the year and pfizer and his german partner expect 50 million by the end of the year. paris. >> harris: laura, thank you very much. part of a good new stream today, good to see you, my friend. trump campaign director of press communications aaron perini is with me. good to see you today. first of all, let's stay on the good news train. it feels so good. talk to me a little bit, i know from what i've read that you are still doing some messaging around this. as you are fighting in the courts and whatnot, they are still getting the message out to trump supporter's and what is it today about not just one, but to vaccines in the last week that have been announced? >> absolutely, harris always good to be on with you, thank you for having me today. you're right, the good news is pouring in on president trump's operation warp speed. the government allowing business and enterprise and medical innovation to lead the way for not one, but two vaccines against the coronavirus. thanks to that incredible public-private partnership that president trump championed, they are talking about 20 million vaccines being available in december. and remember, back in may, other news outlets were saying it would be a miracle if president trump could get a vaccine by the end of the year. that miracle has arrived, there are two vaccines that are going to be available because president trump put up the largest and strongest public-private partnership for people to be able to get a vaccine against the chinese coronavirus. it's an incredible day for the american people and they should be very excited. >> harris: i'll move on to this, turning now to police arresting at least 20 people over the weekend as fights broke out between trump supporter's and counter protesters after a march in washington, d.c. supporters of the president were harassed, doused with water, and saw their pro-trump hats and flags snatched and burned. counter protesters cheered, you saw some of the violent video right then. one man is being charged with throwing fireworks at trump supporter's who were eating out for dinner at a restaurant. you know, as we look at this from the campaign's perspective, so many of these people were gathered at the million maga march, your reaction to this and what the campaign messaging is today. >> absolutely. this is egregious to see such violence and hate across the street of the united states targeted at trump supporters and the general media silence on this. joe biden's silence on this allows that hatred to continue. that violence to go unchecked and unmasked. thank you to the brave men and women of law enforcement who stood up to restore law and order in the face of this violence and unfortunately, this is not uncommon for us trump supporter's. i received personally threatening text messages to my personal cell phone a number of us do here on the campaign team. one of our lawyers in pennsylvania received a threatening phone call to her phone from an attorney of the law firm that the state of pennsylvania is using in their lawsuit against the campaign during the election. this is unacceptable, this is un-american. you can have a disagreement without being disagreeable. but to see these violent attacks is heartbreaking and it's truly all too common for trump supporter's. i can think back to new hampshire during the primaries where a child was attacked, people get their hats ripped off, they get called bigots and racists and such hateful things all of the time because we support the president of the united states. you can disagree, you don't have to resort to violence. if joe biden had a -- he would stand up and say this is unacceptable, the media would too appear >> harris: can i ask you and i you question? i know that the streets of america have just been burdened and hurt and so much criminal activity on the streets during a lot of the protests among the peaceful protesters under trump supporter's who are peacefully gathering. what a campaign reach out to another campaign? i don't know how it works, so just tell me. when i hear the grief in your voice, i just wonder does the top of your campaign reach out to the top of joe biden's and say come on, let's get this, let's talk about this, let's get this safe, let's get this right. >> you would hope we wouldn't have to do that, you would hope that they would see the videos of a guy being sucker punched from behind. i can't say that we would award not do that but i can tell you i'm saying it right now, this violence does need to end. the president knows that this violence needs to end, he's stood unequivocally against it and strongly with the men and women of law enforcement as city streets have turned to violence and he has restored law and order. joe biden in his campaign didn't say a word about that violence during the democrat national convention. it took them so long to stand up and take steps against violence in this country. my home town streets have burned, my families streets have burns, we get threatened all the time. if joe biden should stand up and he shouldn't have to be prompted to do so. that's not political, you should just be willing to say no. >> harris: i guess i have a little hope that people can come together, we'll see what happens. president-elect joe biden's chief of staff is suggesting an overhaul of president trump's policies as he laid out biden's day one plan in the white house. i'll get your reaction on the flip side. >> we will rejoin paris, protect the dreamers on day one, we are going to take other action on health care on day one, president-elect has talked about during the campaign so we've got a busy, busy day one. >> harris: progressive democrat, excuse me, you first. >> absolutely. you want to talk about a pie-in-the-sky moment, this election is not certified, it's not over appear to for them to put out a wish list like this is out of line but let's talk about the facts. at the paris climate record, the work president trump has done to make sure we have the cleanest air and water we artie surpassed the standards of that disastrous accord without having to sacrife energy independence in the united states. let's remember, democrats were the ones who walked away from immigration negotiations when we were doing that during the last four years of president trump's administration. on health care, trump delivered options, got rid of the ridiculous individual mandates that burdened americans and forced them to buy health insurance. it's great that ron clay munster have have hopes here but let's talk about the fact that all that president trump has delivered. >> harris: you mentioned the words it's not over yet, i was just reading that congressman andy bigs is requesting 100% audit of maricopa county in arizona, the trump campaign has dropped its lawsuit. really quickly, your thinking they are and where the trump campaign goes next with some of the other lawsuits. >> absolutely. that's the first i've heard about this regarding the congressman but we always want to make sure we protect a fair and free election and count every legal vote. in a state like georgia, we are recounting right now, and pennsylvania we have a strong case about the equal protection violations under the 14th amendment of the constitution about 700,000 votes there that he did not have equal access to the ability to count. in michigan, we have similar claims when it comes to wayne county and the ability for us to have equal access. we also the video of people boarding up videos. we feel good about where we are in our ability to protect a fear and free election. >> harris: erin perrine from the drum campaign, always great to have you. thank you. we'll move to this, progressive democrats are calling on joe biden to cancel billions of dollars in student data. whether the president-elect will entertain those requests. >> we are starting to see people again take down their guards, take off their masks, mix outside their households, wear a mask. continue to physically distance. socially distance, do not take your guard down. >> harris: here as i say and not as i do. there are warnings like that coming from the governor and the governor is facing bas backlashr a fancy dinner out on the town. double standards, power panel slides in. stay close. if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, ...little things... ...can become your big moment. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. 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is live for us in wilmington delaware. hillary. >> hi harris, that's exactly right. joe biden would not erase all data but he would erase a large chunk of it, $10,000 worth of debt for people without standing student loans but he would go further and erase the rest of it for people who went to public universities or hbcu and still make under $125,000 a year. one calculation says that move a loan would bring 10 million borrowers balance down to zero. and would cut the total student loan debt in the u.s. by about a third. right now, there are 44.7 million people with student loan debt with an average of $32,000 in debt. biden would need to get this plan passed through congress but without a democratic majority it's unlikely he would be able to do that. some progressives now are arguing that he should circumvent congress by amending the higher education act which authorizes the education secretary to waive or release federal student loan debt. progressives argue that zeroing out this debt would put more cash in people's pockets and boost the economy but tweets overnight from president obama's former chairman of the council of economic advisors jason furman says the case for an economic boost through this is questionable and also says loan forgiveness might not be a good idea because borrowers may still be on the hook to pay taxes. he tweeted this "give someone $10 a year for ten years and they won't spend $100." i believe it's very likely that student debt relief done administratively without congress would be taxable, although there is some ambiguity as i explained in this thread, i reached out to the biden transition team and i asked them if he is open to an executive order to erase all student loan debt. i've not heard back on a specific from them, and biden so far has not said whether or not he would use executive action but some of his progressive colleagues during the primaries like senator elizabeth warren said she would. paris. >> harris: all right, hillary, thank you very much for the information. and will move to this. rules for you, but not for me. how a fancy dinner made california's governor the latest democrat accused of hypocrisy over covid-19 restrictions. the power panel, next cell phone repair. did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? just get a quote at really? i'll check that out. oh yeah. i think i might get a quote. not again! aah, come on rice. do your thing. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ irresistibly smooth chocolate. to put the world on pause. lindor. made to melt you. by the lindt master chocolatier. >> people are letting their guard down, taking their masks off, starting to get together outside of their household cohorts. we have to be careful, you have to protect yourself and protect your loved ones. >> harris: amid the surge of covid-19 cases, california's democratic governor gavin newsom has been pleading with his states nearly 40 million residents to not gather in groups. even with friends and family. last week, well, you know what rules are, they are meant to be broken! and he broke it. newsom now says he should not of attended that big birthday bash with a dozen people at a posh restaurant in napa valley. can we show it? it was swank. there it is, wow. chicago mayor lori lightfoot has also been accused of some hypocrisy a couple of times. most recently for joining crowds celebrating election results without wearing a mask. and over the weekend, speaker pelosi canceled a dinner for incoming house freshman after coming under a lot of criticism. power panel now, jessica tarlov, lanhee chen, fellow at the hoover institute and former senior official at health and human services under president george w. bush. i need to start with you, lanhee chen, you've got the medical experience here. what spreads faster, covid-19 or hypocrisy? >> in california, it looks like it's hypocrisy these days. if you loo look at what governor newsom dated, there's hypocrisy on many levels. attending a dinner for a lobbyist friend with people outside of his family while at the same time he was calling on californians to make sacrifices, you have tens of millions of california kids including my own who are stuck in online learning. the hypocrisy is rampant, governor newsom is a prime example of that and there's a reason why californians are upset and angry at somebody who claims to lead, who claims to want what's best for californians but himself does what clearly is not in the public interest and does the things he calls on californians not to do. >> harris: will, i have to do my own cleanup on aisle 7, the picture we showed you was from nancy pelosi's planned party. that's it right there. jessica, it really doesn't bear too much pointing out ones nobody does something and they told her to do something else but in this case, it's supposed to be about safety and health. >> jessica: the stakes are much, much higher than the usual you shouldn't be doing this, i would never do that, you're absolutely correct. i completely take the point and i would add to that that i have a new nephew who was born in august in california who i haven't been able to meet my grandparents haven't been able to meet. he's the cutest thing in the whole world, harry is his name. and it's been exceptionally frustrating for my families, like millions of other families, who are now figuring out what they're going to do for thanksgiving under the new restrictions. my family personally isn't even going to try to get to ten people which is the number of folks governor cuomo says we can have, maybe two or three is the safest to stay in our little pod and not in danger people, especially senior citizens. i know where going to talk about nancy pelosi's dinner and what happened on the g.o.p. side but it should be very easy for public officials to follow their own guidelines. and when public safety is involved, i have no forgiveness for this, no partisan strength in me to even say maybe it's okay, because i agree with someone's politics. just absolutely not, they should honestly be living a more restricted lifestyle then we are to lead by example. >> harris: you know, just some recent history, we have seen some people face retribution for behavior like that. you got a situation in new york city that really is heartbreaking, i mean, they are going door to door in jersey, we see the pictures from it knocking on the doors of some of our jewish community members and saying you can't gather more than ten people. yet you look across the country and you see gavin newsom breaking the rules. should he and others at the high echelons of leadership face retribution? you can say voting day, go to the polls but it may be too far away for some folks. >> lahnee: i mean, governor newsom will stand for reelection in two years, "the sacramento bee" which is not known to be a conservative editorial board actually suggested maybe gavin newsom should consider whether he actually wants to stand for reelection given this hypocrisy. but the bigger problem, harris, it really undermines the scientific community, it undermines the public health community among those who make the argument that we need to make sacrifices for covid-19. then you see people going out and flouting the very restrictions they say are so necessary. the only folks they are undermining are those who are providing this expertise and providing us with the guidance on how to deal with the virus. that will have long-term repercussions not just for this pandemic but whatever next public health challenge we face in this country. >> harris: we are already seeing it, you see the u.s. surgeon general saying you need to wear a mask. your hearing it from the president-elect team, joe biden. you're seeing it already as we see elected officials go to a gathering like that, lori lightfoot you see these people make these decisions not wearing a mask. it really makes you scratch your head. you two are coming back, and you and i are twins today in our fuchsia, i'll see you in a little bit. >> jessica: you look beautiful. >> harris: likewise. announcing a new vaccine more than 90% effective in clinical trials, we just talked with trump campaign communications staffer erin perrine about this good news, and now i will talk with a principal investigator in that study. very exciting, and the details you want to know. plus, with control of the senate on the line, georgia's runoff elections are drawing big names to the state. veterans: you know mortgage rates have fallen to 50-year lows. but did you know that your va benefit lets you easily refinance to a lower rate? one call to newday can save you $3000 a year. with newday's va streamline refi there's no income verification, no home appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. it's the quickest and easiest refi they've ever offered. call newday now. women with metastatic webreast cancer,.... ...standing 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that with trump departing from what we have the opportunity to define the next chapter in american history, to lead out of this crisis, but only by winning the senate seats. >> the runoffs are drawing some big names to georgia including senator committee chairman rick scott, he joins me now. >> nice to see you, i was down there on friday. there's a lot of energy, chuck schumer that's exactly what he wants, take georgia it will change the country. his change is not very good for the country, he wants to eliminate private health care insurance, he wants to ruin the medicare program by putting everybody on the medico system, he wants the green new deal which is going to cost close to $100 trillion and kill our economy. socialism, reduced funding for the police, that's not where this country is. we are going to win, we have great candidates, they are on the wrong side on this issue. georgians are a lot like floridians, we want good jobs, lower taxes, live in safe communities. i'm sure we are going to have two big wins, chuck schumer won't be the majority leader. >> harris: democrats like the same things too, it seems like americans in general like a little bit of divided government so they can see a little bit of a mix. it's interesting, will you try to reach out to any democrats, may be moderates? >> absolutely, you go talk to everybody. typically, i was governor for eight years, what i learned is people care about three things: they want a job, they want to be self sufficient, they don't want government to run their lives. they want a good education system for their kids, and they want to live in a safe community. so you know that joe biden and the democrats have never done anything to build that economy, they don't want school choice, they don't want to give parents options to make sure their kids go to a good school, and they want to reduce funding for the police. that's not where this country is and for sure not where georgia is, or florida. >> harris: the only thing i would say is i hear what you're saying as you go forward, those are what you want to hit. the reason i ask you about the democrats, senator scott, is because listen to this: democratic challenger to senator kelly loeffler pushed back yesterday on senator chuck schumer. a little bit of infighting in their own party saying that if democrats take georgia, we change america. if they make that their mantra, watch what he says. >> this is a georgia race and i'm georgia, voters don't vote for politicians, this race is not about me and chuck schumer's name certainly isn't on the ballot. i'll tell you what's on the ballot, health care. >> harris: senator scott. what is your reaction to that? >> let's think about it, he's a socialist and marxist. you can decide what you want but he believes in government running your life, he has called out law enforcement bugs, he is clearly not where georgians are. i think kelly loeffler is going to have a big win and i think john also if it isn't where georgians are. david perdue didn't get the 50 votes. i think we are going to have a big win, i believe chuck schumer helps us. aoc saying she doesn't want to have to deal with republicans, that helps us. i think all these national politicians, democrats don't stop talking because they are helping us and georgia. >> harris: great to see you today, thank you for joining me. more good news in the race for a covid-19 vaccine after another major company has announced today a potential vaccine that is nearly 95% effective. as having an effect on the markets. next, a principal investigator in the moderna vaccine trial, i'll ask her questions. stay close >> harris: a second drug company is reporting positive results for its covid-19 vacci vaccine. moderna says it's more than 94% effective in late stage clinical trials so far. this one week after pfizer said its potential vaccine has more than 90% effectiveness in early trials. moderna says it will request emergency approval in the next few weeks. once that happens, the focus shifts completely to getting into the people come a distribution dr. anthony fauci on it. >> this is something that is now going in the very, very strong right direction. the vaccines are affected, we want to get it as quickly as we can come i get doses to people starting in december and really want to get the ball rolling as we go into january. >> harris: i want to bring in dr. colleen kelley, principal investigator for the moderna study. dr. kelly, great to have you. first of all, when you talk about good news how does this compare to what we thought or where we thought we would be at this point? >> i don't think anyone expected to have two vaccines with greater than 90% efficacy, this is historic and amazing i does a great and wonderful day for science. >> harris: how does it work, critics early on were saying no, you can't do it that quickly, it won't be safe. i have yet to talk to anyone at your level or higher that says you can do anything except for trust the vaccine. what has been done that's so different than what we've seen in the past? >> there has just been a tremendous amount of resources, both from the financial side but also the academic on both the nih as well as industry that has been poured into finding a safe and effective and multiple safe and effective covid vaccines. generally in any project, the steps that you take in order to bring something to market has been done in series, there's time in between each of these steps. for the first time ever, product of a lament and vaccine development, those steps have been done in parallel and that's what's been able to get us hereo quickly. >> harris: i wonder why we've never done that before. i know why they call it operation warp speed and i'm a "star trek" fan. let's talk next steps, moderna also has done something that pfizer didn't do. it has now made a vaccine potentially that can be frozen. and our own dr. siegel last hour told me that that is a game changer. why? >> both vaccines do required to be frozen for a period of time, the fries are requires ultracold storage for a longer period of time than the moderna vaccine which can be capped at 2-8 degrees celsius which is a normal refrigerator temperature for up to 30 days. a normal refrigerator temperature found in clinics and health departments throughout the country and even in resource settings and other countries as well is much easier to have available than the ultracold storage required for the pfizer vaccine which is much more expensive and difficult to maintain. >> harris: two quick questions, i have read that the efficacy in most years for flu shot is 37%. what does it mean that this is above 90 from both pfizer and moderna? and there's more to come too, other companies on board. >> it's just amazing. i think we expected it to be better than the flu shot for a lot of reasons, but no one expected it to be this efficacious, over 90% effective at presenting symptom attic covid disease. this is really markedly better than what we usually see for annual influenza vaccine. it's on order with measles, other vaccines different than the influenza vaccine. >> harris: last question, what does come next? what does that emergency authorization do, who would you think would get this first or should get this first? >> i think the communities that are most likely to benefit from the vaccine deserve to have it first. so those people that are experiencing more severe disease and higher rates of infection, including the elderly, people with comorbidities, populations that are more severely affected deserve to have access to the vaccine first. we won next steps that you see? >> they trials will continue, we need to accrue more safety data in both the pfizer and moderna trial, we anticipate that will take a few more weeks to accumulate two months of safety data. then those vaccines will go for the emergency use authorization. depending on what the vaccines are approved for, if they are approved for everyone or select groups, we have to wait and see what the fda determines. and then it will be a question of implementation, how we get vaccines to the people who need it most. >> harris: dr. colleen kelly, working on investigating the loeffler vaccine trial, good to have you on the program today. thank you. >> thank you. >> harris: frequent trump critics bill marr is now taking aim at the so-called resistance, saying democrats embracing the far left cost them this election big time. some of them. our panel slides back in next. ae you should come to newday usa first. there's no money down, it's the best vehicle that a person who served in the military or is serving today has today to have a new home. if we can possibly get that veteran in a home we're going to do it at newday usa. why would you rent today when you can buy your own home and participate in the american dream? >> harris: wa one of president trump's harshest critics bill marr is now putting his fire on democrats. saying there's a reason so many americans voted for president trump and his party in the selection. watch. >> democrats kept saying you can't possibly think trump is preferable to what we are selling, and many voters keep saying yes we can. because your side thinks silence is violence and looting is not. because you're the party of chasing speakers off college campuses and making everyone walk on egg shells and replacing let's not see color with let's see it always and everywhere. >> harris: wow, that last part. that hit me between the eyes. back with our parent power panel now. jessica, he was preaching truth. i wonder if democrats are listening. >> jessica: this democrat was, i was watching it in real time since i'm not allowed to be outside due to covid restrictions. and this is -- >> harris: gavin newsom, i felt a little job. >> jessica: i'm happy to stay at home, and all of you should as well. we can talk about republican governors that don't even have mask mandates and have positivity rates in the 60s but on the bill marr front, this is something that he has been arguing for a long time that if we are too doctrinaire in an hour presentation, we come off as elitist, we put other people down, we don't call things like they are saying this is violence, this is not peaceful protests that people are going to feel alienated from our party. i'm not sure were looking at the exit polls that that's really what drove people to vote for donald trump or to vote for republicans down ballot but it certainly contributes to a culture in which we did have problems with -- jim clyburn on your program as well as others talking about how many seats and ended up costing the democrats. we need a lot of introspection on our side if we are going to maintain the house in 2022 and win again in 2024 because this we built is not a traditional democratic coalition, we have so many white republican voters who live in the suburbs who typically vote with the other side that came over for this election and we need to find a way to maintain their support. >> harris: how do you keep them? lahnee. >> lahnee: it's a big challenge i think democrats saw firsthand what happens when the race is framed for example as socialism versus free enterprise. you saw that number of marginal house districts, south florida losing to the republican challenger, a number of democratic challengers in southern california. who lost to republican challengers and i think the result is because of this framing of the conversation, the more that democrats emphasize some of these policies that are clearly out of step with where most americans are, green new deal, defund the police, medicare for all, i think it will work to their disadvantage and the republicans advantage going forward as we moved to 2022 and beyond. >> harris: i lost my team to put up "the wall street journal" quote on the screen so we can show everybody. they think their problem was their packaging instead of the policies, the problem is the democratic message, the reality of their programs. "the wall street journal" piece on democrats nearly losing the house, you can disguise your policies by not calling them socialist but voters will eventually figure out what those mean in practice. quick response, jessica. >> jessica: i don't think that that applies whatsoever to the candidate we ended up picking for the top of the ticket. joe biden was able to pull this off and i believe he was the only candidate from the field of primary challengers who could have done this because everyone knows who joe biden is and he ran on a moderate platform. we are not supporting the green new deal, we are not going for medicare for all, we are not defunding the police and we need to be clear top to bottom that that's where we stand. >> harris: i wonder how much pushback you're going to get from some of the hottest names in your party like alexandria ocasio-cortez. thank you both, "the daily briefing" now. >> dana: major breakthrough in the search for a vaccine, moderna says it's vaccine is nearly 95% effective. hello, everyone, i'm dana perino and this is "the daily briefin briefing." ♪ the nation's leading infectious disease expert dr. anthony fauci: the results impressive and saying vaccine doses could be available to higher risk americans by the end of the summer the back december. laura ingle has the story for us. >> high mike danna, such good news in the last seven days, to major companies have made the

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Faulkner 20201116 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Faulkner 20201116

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>> harris: this comes as president trump moving forward with his legal battles, continuing to claim the results were "rigged" with corrupted systems. tweeting today again, "i won the election!" we have live team fox coverage. a lower angle with the latest vaccine news. i want to go to chief white house correspondent john roberts outside the white house. >> good afternoon to you, president trump reminding americans that moderna got $2 billion from his operation warp speed to develop that vaccine. the president tweeted a short time ago another vaccine just announced, this time by moderna. 95% effective for those great historians. please remember these great discoveries which will end the china plague all took place on my watch. if the president also taking notes of a spark i spike in the, new vaccine news 95% effective. the president is leaning on the news as he continues his quest to overturn the vote count in the election and taking aim at politicians that he supported who now say it's time to begin the transition. ohio governor mike dewine saying this yesterday. >> the president has every right to go into court, every right to bring any evidence he has and no one should begrudge him or say there's anything irregular about that appeared on the other hand, it's clear that certainly basedn what we know that joe biden is t transition for the country's sake is important for a normal transition to start through. >> the president firing back on the wine on twitter, saying "who would be running for governor of the great state of ohio? will be hotly contested." asa hutchinson going even further saying he does expect biden to be president but hutchinson is not running for reelection. the president not lashing out at him. the campaign continuing to pursue court action on the vote count, development expected out of michigan and pennsylvania this week and if he trump campaign denying reports that it is pulling back elements from its pennsylvania case. ithe communications director saying in a statement "the fundamentals of our case have not changed, we are still making a strong argument that 682,479 ballots were counted in secret. our poll watchers were denied the legal right to meaningful access to vote counting and we still have that claim in our complaint. we reserve our rights to make that argument." no sign that these challenges will be over anytime soon, harris, the deadline is kind of a loose deadline that the trump campaign is looking at is december 14. that's when the electors are supposed together to vote for who will become the next president of the united states. but still, that's at least a couple weeks away. >> harris: at least, thank you john. today's big vaccine announcement from moderna is coming as the united states has just surpassed 11 million confirmed coronavirus cases. infections and hospitalizations continuing to surge. laura ingle is in new york with more. laura. >> hi harris, indeed another promising piece of news coming from the biotech company moderna giving new hope that a potentially effective, safe vaccine is coming and it's coming soon. this announcement taking place just a few short hours ago, this morning moderna saying it's itss provide strong protection against the virus that has sickened and killed so many around the world. moderna announcing that it appears to be 94.5% effective according to preliminary data. >> the profile matches other approved vaccines out there that provide a significant benefit. so we are hopeful that most people will still get the vaccine even with a couple of those side effects that sometimes come because of the benefit it provides is protection from covid-19. >> health and human services secretary alex azar releasing statement today saying operation works be provided about $2 billion of funding and operational support for development and eventual potential delivery of the vaccine. the moderna news comes just one week after pfizer announced its own covid-19 vaccine was a similar effective rate of more than 90%. moderna's president welcoming the really important milestone, while also noting pfizer's accomplishment saying that two vaccines ma made by different companies can give americans help for a return to a normal life. moderna expects to have about 20 million vaccines available to the u.s. by the end of the year and pfizer and his german partner expect 50 million by the end of the year. paris. >> harris: laura, thank you very much. part of a good new stream today, good to see you, my friend. trump campaign director of press communications aaron perini is with me. good to see you today. first of all, let's stay on the good news train. it feels so good. talk to me a little bit, i know from what i've read that you are still doing some messaging around this. as you are fighting in the courts and whatnot, they are still getting the message out to trump supporter's and what is it today about not just one, but to vaccines in the last week that have been announced? >> absolutely, harris always good to be on with you, thank you for having me today. you're right, the good news is pouring in on president trump's operation warp speed. the government allowing business and enterprise and medical innovation to lead the way for not one, but two vaccines against the coronavirus. thanks to that incredible public-private partnership that president trump championed, they are talking about 20 million vaccines being available in december. and remember, back in may, other news outlets were saying it would be a miracle if president trump could get a vaccine by the end of the year. that miracle has arrived, there are two vaccines that are going to be available because president trump put up the largest and strongest public-private partnership for people to be able to get a vaccine against the chinese coronavirus. it's an incredible day for the american people and they should be very excited. >> harris: i'll move on to this, turning now to police arresting at least 20 people over the weekend as fights broke out between trump supporter's and counter protesters after a march in washington, d.c. supporters of the president were harassed, doused with water, and saw their pro-trump hats and flags snatched and burned. counter protesters cheered, you saw some of the violent video right then. one man is being charged with throwing fireworks at trump supporter's who were eating out for dinner at a restaurant. you know, as we look at this from the campaign's perspective, so many of these people were gathered at the million maga march, your reaction to this and what the campaign messaging is today. >> absolutely. this is egregious to see such violence and hate across the street of the united states targeted at trump supporters and the general media silence on this. joe biden's silence on this allows that hatred to continue. that violence to go unchecked and unmasked. thank you to the brave men and women of law enforcement who stood up to restore law and order in the face of this violence and unfortunately, this is not uncommon for us trump supporter's. i received personally threatening text messages to my personal cell phone a number of us do here on the campaign team. one of our lawyers in pennsylvania received a threatening phone call to her phone from an attorney of the law firm that the state of pennsylvania is using in their lawsuit against the campaign during the election. this is unacceptable, this is un-american. you can have a disagreement without being disagreeable. but to see these violent attacks is heartbreaking and it's truly all too common for trump supporter's. i can think back to new hampshire during the primaries where a child was attacked, people get their hats ripped off, they get called bigots and racists and such hateful things all of the time because we support the president of the united states. you can disagree, you don't have to resort to violence. if joe biden had a -- he would stand up and say this is unacceptable, the media would too appear >> harris: can i ask you and i you question? i know that the streets of america have just been burdened and hurt and so much criminal activity on the streets during a lot of the protests among the peaceful protesters under trump supporter's who are peacefully gathering. what a campaign reach out to another campaign? i don't know how it works, so just tell me. when i hear the grief in your voice, i just wonder does the top of your campaign reach out to the top of joe biden's and say come on, let's get this, let's talk about this, let's get this safe, let's get this right. >> you would hope we wouldn't have to do that, you would hope that they would see the videos of a guy being sucker punched from behind. i can't say that we would award not do that but i can tell you i'm saying it right now, this violence does need to end. the president knows that this violence needs to end, he's stood unequivocally against it and strongly with the men and women of law enforcement as city streets have turned to violence and he has restored law and order. joe biden in his campaign didn't say a word about that violence during the democrat national convention. it took them so long to stand up and take steps against violence in this country. my home town streets have burned, my families streets have burns, we get threatened all the time. if joe biden should stand up and he shouldn't have to be prompted to do so. that's not political, you should just be willing to say no. >> harris: i guess i have a little hope that people can come together, we'll see what happens. president-elect joe biden's chief of staff is suggesting an overhaul of president trump's policies as he laid out biden's day one plan in the white house. i'll get your reaction on the flip side. >> we will rejoin paris, protect the dreamers on day one, we are going to take other action on health care on day one, president-elect has talked about during the campaign so we've got a busy, busy day one. >> harris: progressive democrat, excuse me, you first. >> absolutely. you want to talk about a pie-in-the-sky moment, this election is not certified, it's not over appear to for them to put out a wish list like this is out of line but let's talk about the facts. at the paris climate record, the work president trump has done to make sure we have the cleanest air and water we artie surpassed the standards of that disastrous accord without having to sacrife energy independence in the united states. let's remember, democrats were the ones who walked away from immigration negotiations when we were doing that during the last four years of president trump's administration. on health care, trump delivered options, got rid of the ridiculous individual mandates that burdened americans and forced them to buy health insurance. it's great that ron clay munster have have hopes here but let's talk about the fact that all that president trump has delivered. >> harris: you mentioned the words it's not over yet, i was just reading that congressman andy bigs is requesting 100% audit of maricopa county in arizona, the trump campaign has dropped its lawsuit. really quickly, your thinking they are and where the trump campaign goes next with some of the other lawsuits. >> absolutely. that's the first i've heard about this regarding the congressman but we always want to make sure we protect a fair and free election and count every legal vote. in a state like georgia, we are recounting right now, and pennsylvania we have a strong case about the equal protection violations under the 14th amendment of the constitution about 700,000 votes there that he did not have equal access to the ability to count. in michigan, we have similar claims when it comes to wayne county and the ability for us to have equal access. we also the video of people boarding up videos. we feel good about where we are in our ability to protect a fear and free election. >> harris: erin perrine from the drum campaign, always great to have you. thank you. we'll move to this, progressive democrats are calling on joe biden to cancel billions of dollars in student data. whether the president-elect will entertain those requests. >> we are starting to see people again take down their guards, take off their masks, mix outside their households, wear a mask. continue to physically distance. socially distance, do not take your guard down. >> harris: here as i say and not as i do. there are warnings like that coming from the governor and the governor is facing bas backlashr a fancy dinner out on the town. double standards, power panel slides in. stay close. if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, ...little things... ...can become your big moment. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. 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is live for us in wilmington delaware. hillary. >> hi harris, that's exactly right. joe biden would not erase all data but he would erase a large chunk of it, $10,000 worth of debt for people without standing student loans but he would go further and erase the rest of it for people who went to public universities or hbcu and still make under $125,000 a year. one calculation says that move a loan would bring 10 million borrowers balance down to zero. and would cut the total student loan debt in the u.s. by about a third. right now, there are 44.7 million people with student loan debt with an average of $32,000 in debt. biden would need to get this plan passed through congress but without a democratic majority it's unlikely he would be able to do that. some progressives now are arguing that he should circumvent congress by amending the higher education act which authorizes the education secretary to waive or release federal student loan debt. progressives argue that zeroing out this debt would put more cash in people's pockets and boost the economy but tweets overnight from president obama's former chairman of the council of economic advisors jason furman says the case for an economic boost through this is questionable and also says loan forgiveness might not be a good idea because borrowers may still be on the hook to pay taxes. he tweeted this "give someone $10 a year for ten years and they won't spend $100." i believe it's very likely that student debt relief done administratively without congress would be taxable, although there is some ambiguity as i explained in this thread, i reached out to the biden transition team and i asked them if he is open to an executive order to erase all student loan debt. i've not heard back on a specific from them, and biden so far has not said whether or not he would use executive action but some of his progressive colleagues during the primaries like senator elizabeth warren said she would. paris. >> harris: all right, hillary, thank you very much for the information. and will move to this. rules for you, but not for me. how a fancy dinner made california's governor the latest democrat accused of hypocrisy over covid-19 restrictions. the power panel, next cell phone repair. did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? just get a quote at really? i'll check that out. oh yeah. i think i might get a quote. not again! aah, come on rice. do your thing. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ irresistibly smooth chocolate. to put the world on pause. lindor. made to melt you. by the lindt master chocolatier. >> people are letting their guard down, taking their masks off, starting to get together outside of their household cohorts. we have to be careful, you have to protect yourself and protect your loved ones. >> harris: amid the surge of covid-19 cases, california's democratic governor gavin newsom has been pleading with his states nearly 40 million residents to not gather in groups. even with friends and family. last week, well, you know what rules are, they are meant to be broken! and he broke it. newsom now says he should not of attended that big birthday bash with a dozen people at a posh restaurant in napa valley. can we show it? it was swank. there it is, wow. chicago mayor lori lightfoot has also been accused of some hypocrisy a couple of times. most recently for joining crowds celebrating election results without wearing a mask. and over the weekend, speaker pelosi canceled a dinner for incoming house freshman after coming under a lot of criticism. power panel now, jessica tarlov, lanhee chen, fellow at the hoover institute and former senior official at health and human services under president george w. bush. i need to start with you, lanhee chen, you've got the medical experience here. what spreads faster, covid-19 or hypocrisy? >> in california, it looks like it's hypocrisy these days. if you loo look at what governor newsom dated, there's hypocrisy on many levels. attending a dinner for a lobbyist friend with people outside of his family while at the same time he was calling on californians to make sacrifices, you have tens of millions of california kids including my own who are stuck in online learning. the hypocrisy is rampant, governor newsom is a prime example of that and there's a reason why californians are upset and angry at somebody who claims to lead, who claims to want what's best for californians but himself does what clearly is not in the public interest and does the things he calls on californians not to do. >> harris: will, i have to do my own cleanup on aisle 7, the picture we showed you was from nancy pelosi's planned party. that's it right there. jessica, it really doesn't bear too much pointing out ones nobody does something and they told her to do something else but in this case, it's supposed to be about safety and health. >> jessica: the stakes are much, much higher than the usual you shouldn't be doing this, i would never do that, you're absolutely correct. i completely take the point and i would add to that that i have a new nephew who was born in august in california who i haven't been able to meet my grandparents haven't been able to meet. he's the cutest thing in the whole world, harry is his name. and it's been exceptionally frustrating for my families, like millions of other families, who are now figuring out what they're going to do for thanksgiving under the new restrictions. my family personally isn't even going to try to get to ten people which is the number of folks governor cuomo says we can have, maybe two or three is the safest to stay in our little pod and not in danger people, especially senior citizens. i know where going to talk about nancy pelosi's dinner and what happened on the g.o.p. side but it should be very easy for public officials to follow their own guidelines. and when public safety is involved, i have no forgiveness for this, no partisan strength in me to even say maybe it's okay, because i agree with someone's politics. just absolutely not, they should honestly be living a more restricted lifestyle then we are to lead by example. >> harris: you know, just some recent history, we have seen some people face retribution for behavior like that. you got a situation in new york city that really is heartbreaking, i mean, they are going door to door in jersey, we see the pictures from it knocking on the doors of some of our jewish community members and saying you can't gather more than ten people. yet you look across the country and you see gavin newsom breaking the rules. should he and others at the high echelons of leadership face retribution? you can say voting day, go to the polls but it may be too far away for some folks. >> lahnee: i mean, governor newsom will stand for reelection in two years, "the sacramento bee" which is not known to be a conservative editorial board actually suggested maybe gavin newsom should consider whether he actually wants to stand for reelection given this hypocrisy. but the bigger problem, harris, it really undermines the scientific community, it undermines the public health community among those who make the argument that we need to make sacrifices for covid-19. then you see people going out and flouting the very restrictions they say are so necessary. the only folks they are undermining are those who are providing this expertise and providing us with the guidance on how to deal with the virus. that will have long-term repercussions not just for this pandemic but whatever next public health challenge we face in this country. >> harris: we are already seeing it, you see the u.s. surgeon general saying you need to wear a mask. your hearing it from the president-elect team, joe biden. you're seeing it already as we see elected officials go to a gathering like that, lori lightfoot you see these people make these decisions not wearing a mask. it really makes you scratch your head. you two are coming back, and you and i are twins today in our fuchsia, i'll see you in a little bit. >> jessica: you look beautiful. >> harris: likewise. announcing a new vaccine more than 90% effective in clinical trials, we just talked with trump campaign communications staffer erin perrine about this good news, and now i will talk with a principal investigator in that study. very exciting, and the details you want to know. plus, with control of the senate on the line, georgia's runoff elections are drawing big names to the state. veterans: you know mortgage rates have fallen to 50-year lows. but did you know that your va benefit lets you easily refinance to a lower rate? one call to newday can save you $3000 a year. with newday's va streamline refi there's no income verification, no home appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. it's the quickest and easiest refi they've ever offered. call newday now. women with metastatic webreast cancer,.... ...standing 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that with trump departing from what we have the opportunity to define the next chapter in american history, to lead out of this crisis, but only by winning the senate seats. >> the runoffs are drawing some big names to georgia including senator committee chairman rick scott, he joins me now. >> nice to see you, i was down there on friday. there's a lot of energy, chuck schumer that's exactly what he wants, take georgia it will change the country. his change is not very good for the country, he wants to eliminate private health care insurance, he wants to ruin the medicare program by putting everybody on the medico system, he wants the green new deal which is going to cost close to $100 trillion and kill our economy. socialism, reduced funding for the police, that's not where this country is. we are going to win, we have great candidates, they are on the wrong side on this issue. georgians are a lot like floridians, we want good jobs, lower taxes, live in safe communities. i'm sure we are going to have two big wins, chuck schumer won't be the majority leader. >> harris: democrats like the same things too, it seems like americans in general like a little bit of divided government so they can see a little bit of a mix. it's interesting, will you try to reach out to any democrats, may be moderates? >> absolutely, you go talk to everybody. typically, i was governor for eight years, what i learned is people care about three things: they want a job, they want to be self sufficient, they don't want government to run their lives. they want a good education system for their kids, and they want to live in a safe community. so you know that joe biden and the democrats have never done anything to build that economy, they don't want school choice, they don't want to give parents options to make sure their kids go to a good school, and they want to reduce funding for the police. that's not where this country is and for sure not where georgia is, or florida. >> harris: the only thing i would say is i hear what you're saying as you go forward, those are what you want to hit. the reason i ask you about the democrats, senator scott, is because listen to this: democratic challenger to senator kelly loeffler pushed back yesterday on senator chuck schumer. a little bit of infighting in their own party saying that if democrats take georgia, we change america. if they make that their mantra, watch what he says. >> this is a georgia race and i'm georgia, voters don't vote for politicians, this race is not about me and chuck schumer's name certainly isn't on the ballot. i'll tell you what's on the ballot, health care. >> harris: senator scott. what is your reaction to that? >> let's think about it, he's a socialist and marxist. you can decide what you want but he believes in government running your life, he has called out law enforcement bugs, he is clearly not where georgians are. i think kelly loeffler is going to have a big win and i think john also if it isn't where georgians are. david perdue didn't get the 50 votes. i think we are going to have a big win, i believe chuck schumer helps us. aoc saying she doesn't want to have to deal with republicans, that helps us. i think all these national politicians, democrats don't stop talking because they are helping us and georgia. >> harris: great to see you today, thank you for joining me. more good news in the race for a covid-19 vaccine after another major company has announced today a potential vaccine that is nearly 95% effective. as having an effect on the markets. next, a principal investigator in the moderna vaccine trial, i'll ask her questions. stay close >> harris: a second drug company is reporting positive results for its covid-19 vacci vaccine. moderna says it's more than 94% effective in late stage clinical trials so far. this one week after pfizer said its potential vaccine has more than 90% effectiveness in early trials. moderna says it will request emergency approval in the next few weeks. once that happens, the focus shifts completely to getting into the people come a distribution dr. anthony fauci on it. >> this is something that is now going in the very, very strong right direction. the vaccines are affected, we want to get it as quickly as we can come i get doses to people starting in december and really want to get the ball rolling as we go into january. >> harris: i want to bring in dr. colleen kelley, principal investigator for the moderna study. dr. kelly, great to have you. first of all, when you talk about good news how does this compare to what we thought or where we thought we would be at this point? >> i don't think anyone expected to have two vaccines with greater than 90% efficacy, this is historic and amazing i does a great and wonderful day for science. >> harris: how does it work, critics early on were saying no, you can't do it that quickly, it won't be safe. i have yet to talk to anyone at your level or higher that says you can do anything except for trust the vaccine. what has been done that's so different than what we've seen in the past? >> there has just been a tremendous amount of resources, both from the financial side but also the academic on both the nih as well as industry that has been poured into finding a safe and effective and multiple safe and effective covid vaccines. generally in any project, the steps that you take in order to bring something to market has been done in series, there's time in between each of these steps. for the first time ever, product of a lament and vaccine development, those steps have been done in parallel and that's what's been able to get us hereo quickly. >> harris: i wonder why we've never done that before. i know why they call it operation warp speed and i'm a "star trek" fan. let's talk next steps, moderna also has done something that pfizer didn't do. it has now made a vaccine potentially that can be frozen. and our own dr. siegel last hour told me that that is a game changer. why? >> both vaccines do required to be frozen for a period of time, the fries are requires ultracold storage for a longer period of time than the moderna vaccine which can be capped at 2-8 degrees celsius which is a normal refrigerator temperature for up to 30 days. a normal refrigerator temperature found in clinics and health departments throughout the country and even in resource settings and other countries as well is much easier to have available than the ultracold storage required for the pfizer vaccine which is much more expensive and difficult to maintain. >> harris: two quick questions, i have read that the efficacy in most years for flu shot is 37%. what does it mean that this is above 90 from both pfizer and moderna? and there's more to come too, other companies on board. >> it's just amazing. i think we expected it to be better than the flu shot for a lot of reasons, but no one expected it to be this efficacious, over 90% effective at presenting symptom attic covid disease. this is really markedly better than what we usually see for annual influenza vaccine. it's on order with measles, other vaccines different than the influenza vaccine. >> harris: last question, what does come next? what does that emergency authorization do, who would you think would get this first or should get this first? >> i think the communities that are most likely to benefit from the vaccine deserve to have it first. so those people that are experiencing more severe disease and higher rates of infection, including the elderly, people with comorbidities, populations that are more severely affected deserve to have access to the vaccine first. we won next steps that you see? >> they trials will continue, we need to accrue more safety data in both the pfizer and moderna trial, we anticipate that will take a few more weeks to accumulate two months of safety data. then those vaccines will go for the emergency use authorization. depending on what the vaccines are approved for, if they are approved for everyone or select groups, we have to wait and see what the fda determines. and then it will be a question of implementation, how we get vaccines to the people who need it most. >> harris: dr. colleen kelly, working on investigating the loeffler vaccine trial, good to have you on the program today. thank you. >> thank you. >> harris: frequent trump critics bill marr is now taking aim at the so-called resistance, saying democrats embracing the far left cost them this election big time. some of them. our panel slides back in next. ae you should come to newday usa first. there's no money down, it's the best vehicle that a person who served in the military or is serving today has today to have a new home. if we can possibly get that veteran in a home we're going to do it at newday usa. why would you rent today when you can buy your own home and participate in the american dream? >> harris: wa one of president trump's harshest critics bill marr is now putting his fire on democrats. saying there's a reason so many americans voted for president trump and his party in the selection. watch. >> democrats kept saying you can't possibly think trump is preferable to what we are selling, and many voters keep saying yes we can. because your side thinks silence is violence and looting is not. because you're the party of chasing speakers off college campuses and making everyone walk on egg shells and replacing let's not see color with let's see it always and everywhere. >> harris: wow, that last part. that hit me between the eyes. back with our parent power panel now. jessica, he was preaching truth. i wonder if democrats are listening. >> jessica: this democrat was, i was watching it in real time since i'm not allowed to be outside due to covid restrictions. and this is -- >> harris: gavin newsom, i felt a little job. >> jessica: i'm happy to stay at home, and all of you should as well. we can talk about republican governors that don't even have mask mandates and have positivity rates in the 60s but on the bill marr front, this is something that he has been arguing for a long time that if we are too doctrinaire in an hour presentation, we come off as elitist, we put other people down, we don't call things like they are saying this is violence, this is not peaceful protests that people are going to feel alienated from our party. i'm not sure were looking at the exit polls that that's really what drove people to vote for donald trump or to vote for republicans down ballot but it certainly contributes to a culture in which we did have problems with -- jim clyburn on your program as well as others talking about how many seats and ended up costing the democrats. we need a lot of introspection on our side if we are going to maintain the house in 2022 and win again in 2024 because this we built is not a traditional democratic coalition, we have so many white republican voters who live in the suburbs who typically vote with the other side that came over for this election and we need to find a way to maintain their support. >> harris: how do you keep them? lahnee. >> lahnee: it's a big challenge i think democrats saw firsthand what happens when the race is framed for example as socialism versus free enterprise. you saw that number of marginal house districts, south florida losing to the republican challenger, a number of democratic challengers in southern california. who lost to republican challengers and i think the result is because of this framing of the conversation, the more that democrats emphasize some of these policies that are clearly out of step with where most americans are, green new deal, defund the police, medicare for all, i think it will work to their disadvantage and the republicans advantage going forward as we moved to 2022 and beyond. >> harris: i lost my team to put up "the wall street journal" quote on the screen so we can show everybody. they think their problem was their packaging instead of the policies, the problem is the democratic message, the reality of their programs. "the wall street journal" piece on democrats nearly losing the house, you can disguise your policies by not calling them socialist but voters will eventually figure out what those mean in practice. quick response, jessica. >> jessica: i don't think that that applies whatsoever to the candidate we ended up picking for the top of the ticket. joe biden was able to pull this off and i believe he was the only candidate from the field of primary challengers who could have done this because everyone knows who joe biden is and he ran on a moderate platform. we are not supporting the green new deal, we are not going for medicare for all, we are not defunding the police and we need to be clear top to bottom that that's where we stand. >> harris: i wonder how much pushback you're going to get from some of the hottest names in your party like alexandria ocasio-cortez. thank you both, "the daily briefing" now. >> dana: major breakthrough in the search for a vaccine, moderna says it's vaccine is nearly 95% effective. hello, everyone, i'm dana perino and this is "the daily briefin briefing." ♪ the nation's leading infectious disease expert dr. anthony fauci: the results impressive and saying vaccine doses could be available to higher risk americans by the end of the summer the back december. laura ingle has the story for us. >> high mike danna, such good news in the last seven days, to major companies have made the

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