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Watch. He gets on top of the s rg lieutenant, and starts just punching the heck out of him. Im talking haymakers, rights and lefts, breaking his orbital bone. This is an extremely violent individual, who from point a only had one objective. To Assault Police officers. Melissa Laura Ingalls lie before us in new york city with some information now now on one of the suspects. This is just coming in. Yes, we are getting this new information, harris. That brawl, so significant yesterday, it left many officers, as he mentioned, with broken bones and staples to the head. We have just learned from the nypd that a woman suspect has been taken into custody, and she is believed to possibly be the main suspect who calls a majority of some of those injuries. We understand she is under a psych evaluation now and we will bring you more as we get it, but lets go to some other new video that we just got in. This is the clash between police and protesters. The nypd releasing this footage showing what things look like as protesters were clashing with Police Officers on bike patrol on the Brooklyn Bridge yesterday. Its a new point of view, as this may delay, in addition to that shocking assault, using a cane as a weapon. There have been multiple arrests with what we saw so far. That woman that was arrested a short while ago, again, we have heard she has gone to Bellevue Hospital and is under a psych eval. Among those injured, terence monahan, the highest ranking uniformed officer. This all went down just a few feet away from an antiviolence march led by local clergy who were calling for peace in the city. New york city mayor bill de blasio signed measures including a ban on choke hold on other restraints yesterday, while condemning the violence against police. Listen. There is no acceptable violent protest. Any violent protest will be stopped and they will be consequences for anyone involved, and anyone, anywhere, whether in protest or anything else, who assaults a Police Officer, its unacceptable and they will suffer the consequences. Some protesters said that the police didnt let them exercise their right to protest. At least 37 people have been arrested during all of this, with at least one person being charged with assault. Chief monahan speaking about the reforms and that bridge incident this morning. As a Police Officer, we make arrests. I cannot be thinking about that bill or worrying about that while im fighting with somebody. What i had to do yesterday, it was not in my mind. Dont worry about this. If youre doing the right thing, you are using a reasonable amount of force to place someone in custody. On top of all this this week, harris, there have been 42 shootings in the city this week alone, with 59 victims. Back to you. Harris laura ingle, thank you very much for bringing us to breaking new details on all of this. I want to now invite my first guest on, former Boston Police chief dan linksey. Great to see you today, always hopeful that the circumstances can be better than this one, obviously. But im leaning on your expertise. First of all, tell me the significance of what new york city is experiencing among its Police Officers right now, and how it plays out across the country. Hugely significant. Kudos to the chief for being out on the front lines where he can show the troops that he stands with them, making sure that they have the support they need to do an ever increasing job in an amazingly tough and turbulent time. This isnt a chief who works at the protest and shows he supported the people protesting to try and change policing and more effectively police the cit, but what they found is that, along with those who want that message to be heard, there is a group of folks intent on violence and assaulted Police Officers yesterday. But we need to have is the support for the Police Officers of new york city. Whether you like or dislike Police Officers, they are there for you, they are your representatives, and its up to members of the movement that want to peacefully seek change, to step up and not allow violent anarchists and violent individuals to take over your protests and marches and Assault Police. It seems like people have determined that they can get away with doing these types of things and there will be no consequences. I can assure you there will be consequences. We are seeing that with federal authority stepping in, where there are also federal officers, working on some of these protests. They are being charged with federal crimes, assaulting Police Officers. We need the supervisors just like the chief on the front lines to top it officer on the shoulder when there maybe overwhelmed with the circumstances they find themselves in. But police have to do their jobs. You do not get to resist arrest. You can fight it in court and sue later on. You cannot resist arrest. If you are helping some a resist arrest, you are committing a crime and he will need to be held accountable. Harris i dont know if you can presently see these pictures, im sure youve seen this video by now. The Police Officers, dan, were actually trying to keep these action separated, these protesting groups said they were trying to keep them from becoming violent. So you saw monahan and others, the supervisor white button up shirts, along that fence line. I just wanted to kind of explain that. What you are saying is you got to coat lines of people. The front line of Police Officers, and when you said tap on the shoulder, you are meaning those higher ranking, like monahan and others in those white shirts, tapping and saying, okay, thats enough for us for this situation. Back off. Thats important to hear. He also mentioned the feds. The president of the United States is offering help to cities. If this were happening in your city, would you want federal agents to come in . We in boston and in communities across the United States work with federal agents every day. We have a Community Policing response with the d. A. And the fbi, jurisdictional points of contact and federal agencies, and work handinhand on challenges. We try and figure out whether its a local solution that is the best or for those hardcore individuals who dont want to change their behavior the federal system oftentimes has more harsh consequences and we returroutinely return them. We wouldnt be changing anything and something that we do here and have been doing for a number of years. Harris interesting. They are under extreme pressure. They got this new use of force policy that has been put upon them. A somebody who has trained Law Enforcement my entire career, i dont know how anyone can physically do what they want the officers to do when someone is physically resisting them. I encourage anyone who is voting on use of force policies and how Police Officers use force, whether they should use sticks or tasers or spray or none of the above, to first go to the police academy, go to the training, learn whats being applied, why, and you need to do some handson work. Just try and put someone in handcuffs he doesnt want to put their hands behind their back and see what you can come up with for solutions that would be effective to take people into custody. And yet make sure that the force isnt too extreme. We use science and the law and training methods that have been proven, but it seems like Everyone Wants the for the baby out with the bathwater. I encourage them all to actually walk in the footprints of our Police Officers before making those decisions. We dont want to handcuff officers harris walk a mile in their shoes. We hurt cops on the front lines more today than ever we need them to be engaged with the community. If they are threatened and assaulted, its tough to engage in a positive conversation back and forth. Harris dan, ive got to jump in because i want to get to this next thing and im going to have to let you go. I want to hear what you have to say on this. Just hours before those officers were brutally attacked yesterday, mayor bill de blasio signed a Six New Police Reform Bills into law. You were just talking about them, so i want to go deeper. Among those, they included a ban on choke hold, which he mentioned, after helping paint a black lives matter mural in the bronx. Last week, de blasio worked on one in manhattan. Hes out in the community in one way, and in the other he is doing what hes doing with Police Officers. The citys Police Commissioner reportedly called the reform bill insane, and then said this. I think people are using that just because to advance agendas. Agendas that existed long before the incident in minneapolis. There are laws that are handcuffing the police. I think that we have gone too far. Harris and the new York State Troopers union is demanding, in a scathing statement today, dan, that troopers be immediately removed from posts in new york city, saying mayor de blasios choke hold bill will put those officers at risk. You took down some of that, i want to add more to the mix before we get your reaction. We are already seeing, because its part of that reform, that one billiondollar defund the police in new york city. They took apart the anticrime unit. Now members of the black community and leadership, including a former Police Officer, is saying, no, you got to reinstate that because of the recent crime that has come up. Were talking 500 plus, those plainclothes anticrime units. Lets hear from him and that i want to get your reaction. Look at a fresh, new version of anticrime. We are not going to get the shooters under control. You can go out and do whatever you want, there are no more undercover parlous on the street. Its open season on these communities harris dan . You know, i agree. You dont need to be jumping out and stopping anyone walking down the street from minor offenses. What you want is officers who know who the players are in the community, who can work with Community Leaders in the community, to identify those individuals who will not stop violence. In boston and elsewhere, these types of units, when effectively deployed, where they target individuals who are actively engaging in gun violence, and not just a broad sweep you the neighborhoods for people for minor crimes. They can be very effective in keeping the neighborhood secure. If those resources have gone away, the people who are engaging in violence are not going to change their behaviors. They have no reason to change the behaviors. In fact, might be encouraged to do things they wouldnt do when resources are there. You have to deploy them appropriately and effectively, but what weve seen in boston is a reduction in the number of arrests, individuals who are engaged in gun violence. Those are the people that the police want off the street, any conversation ive had with the community, they want them off the street, as well. Harris you know what youre talking about. Im looking at shootings for the week, up 277 in new york city according to cbs news compared with 2019. That unit is important and i hear some crying for a reinstatement, calling out for a reinstatement, and the black community. Dan, thank you for joining me today. Well bring you back. We appreciate your time. Well, lets get to this. Its a huge endorsement. A key police group now is going to back President Trump. After supporting joe biden in 2008 and 2020, obamabiden in those years. The organizations leader joins me on over time. Stay close. This year, the Alzheimers Association walk to end alzheimers is everywhere. All of us are raising funds for one goal a World Without alzheimers and all other dementia. Because this disease isnt waiting, neither are you. Go to alz dot org slash walk. If your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, inflammation in your eye might be to blame. Looks like a great day for achy, burning eyes overthecounter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. Ha these drops probably wont touch me. 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The National Association of Police Organizations, or napo, says it gave both candidates the opportunity to make their case. However, joe biden didnt reach out. The Trump Campaign touted the groups back in, saying in a statement, this endorsement for President Trump highlights that, as the law and order president , hes defending a hardworking people who risk their own lives every day to keep our communities safe. Mick mikael is the president of napo, and i thank you for your time today. First of all, why did you endorse your group, President Trump, over joe biden at this point . Thank you for the opportunity. We had a virtual board meeting, which was conducted in over 50 of our Law Enforcement groups throughout the nation participating in the process. Our process is governed by our constitution and bylaws. As he reported, the only respondent to our request for participation was President Trump. We were initially scheduled for our convention, which was in may of this year, scheduled for cleveland. Which, unfortunately, had to be postponed as a result of the pandemic. We reached out to both campaig campaigns, weve given them a two month notice that we are being meeting and convening on e of a recommendation of endorsement to our organization. Harris you know, im curious to know how you make this decision. I had read in 2016 napo did not endorse a candidate, and previous to that, as ive told the audience, it was obama biden. The endorsement went in 08 end 12. What goes into making this decision . Its a process of a nomination, and there is a great deal of discussion. The various groups that are part of the organization. In 2016, there was a consensus by the board that we would make no endorsement. At that time, neither president ial candidate participated in our request. And it was the associations decision to move forward with no endorsement during that period of time. Harris have you looked at both democrats and republicans . Not looked at, but endorsed both throughout the years . Yes, most definitely. I think what is going on today clearly indicates the position our association is in. Upon taking office, one of the first acts or empowerments that President Trump signed in, into law, was the ability to once again be able to purchase and receive the surplus of military equipment. Our members, and we have heard that certain members of the Democratic Party have identified this type of equipment as assault vehicles. It is not an assault vehicle. They are rescue vehicles, we have hundreds of cases that show, not only the protection of Law Enforcement officers during their duties, but more importantly the ability to save and protect the citizens that we serve. As well as ballistic shields, helmets, we are seeing, on a daily basis, multiple areas throughout our country where the men and women that we proudly represent and serve sidebyside with our being viciously attacked for nothing more than being members of Law Enforceme Law Enforcement. We applauded the president s signing into special order our ability to once again utilize that type of equipment. There are other pieces of legislation that the president has signed into law, to include the 9 11 restoration funding for the brave men and women who not only paid the ultimate sacrifice on that horrific day but continue, as we speak today, to unfortunately lose their life as a result of the exposure. Signing into law the ability to fully fund that is something that we are proud of the presidency for doing, as well as his signing into law the National Wellness and Mental Health act. Those are just several of the issues that are association and the respective groups thought was important. Harris is interesting, i really appreciate, and i think the audience would come too come specificity with which you speak and the things you take into account. What pops is that you went from democrat to republican, but we are telling me is that it is more specific for all of these groups to bring together, as napo, as the big organization. A significant endorsement, whoever would get it. This time around it went for President Trump. Mick mchale, president of napo, thank you for your time. Good to see. Harris, thank you for the opportunity. Thank you. Harris sure. This sunday i will be hosting a fox news special. Harris faulkneharris faulkner the fight for america. As you will hear me say daily on this program, theres a lot of fighting. A lot of fighting each other. We are going to see if we can get to a point where we are fighting together for something. A wideranging conversation and some fierce debate on where the nation goes next when it comes to the toughest topics among us, including policing and race and so much more. Can we heal our divisions and come together as americans . You know my answer to that is always yes. My guests will include senator tim scott, mlks niece, mark cuban, the great herschel walker, and our own sean hannity. He doesnt do many sit downs. This will be special. Tune in sunday, 10 00 p. M. Eastern. Hope to see you there. And this, new polling shows joe biden widening his lead over the president. The Trump Campaign is casting biden as a puppet of the radical left who supports defending police. The power panel will weigh in. Tada did you know Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . Given my unique lifestyle, thatd be perfect let me grab a pen and some paper. Know what . Im gonna switch now. Just need my desk. My chair. And my phone. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. 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Serious infections and blood clots, sometimes fatal, have occurred. As have certain cancers, including lymphoma, and tears in the stomach or intestines, and changes in lab results. Your doctor should monitor your bloodwork. Tell your doctor about any infections. And if you are or may become pregnant while taking rinvoq. Take on ra talk to your rheumatologist about rinvoq relief. Rinvoq. Make it your mission. If you cant afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. Harris the Trump Campaign has asked a new Campaign Manager to lead the reelection effort. Bill stepien will replace brad parscale, who will now be in charge of digital operations. Here is Trump Campaign press secretary hogan gidley that decision. While the d. C. Elite and the establishment and the media really care about the palace intrigue stories like this, it doesnt really affect the American People at all. Titles consume so many here in the beltway bubble, for those at home they want to make sure their lives are better. Lets be clear what happened here. The only thing that shifted was donald trump simply asked bill to steer the ship, and brad to man the guns. Harris this, as new National Polling shows Presumptive Democratic nominee joe biden with a doubledigit lead over the president. In an effort to chip away at bidens numbers, the Trump Campaign has a new ad out leadinlinking biden to the defee peace movement. Watch. The radical leftwing marks agenda . Defund the police, pressure or more towns to follow, and joe biden stands with them. Cutting Police Funding . Yes, absolutely. Harris the power panel now, jason meister, trump 2020 Advisory Board member. Its impairment, radio host of left coast news and cochair of hometown value. Its been a minute. Ill start with you. You cant deny that there are polls out there that show the president is weak in some points against joe biden. But he also cant deny, wow, what timing to come out with that ad. He just got napos endorsement, to set the president of that Police Organization on, that was important. That was a flip the last time they endorsed anybody it was joe biden. Jason thanks, harris. Thanks for having me. I think the polls matter, but i think we have to put them into context. We saw how often they were in 2016. I saw they are going to be even more inaccurate this time around. I think there is a fear of showing support for the president , and supporters are afraid to show that. I think its even more so now than it was in 2016. But i think that was very powerful, because joe biden really is paving the way for the radical left. He is not condemning the violence across all the democratrun cities in this country right now. If you look at his tax plan, he wants to raise about 4 trillion, 82 of americans taxes are going to go up. Hes open borders with Bernie Sanders, and Bernie Sanders is and was the leader of the Democratic Party. Thats was going on right now. He really is going to pave the way for the radical left to take control. Harris ethan, i want to come to you today for a Quick Response and then well move on. Donald trump loses to if you tie them to defund the police, you make those people far left in your party, but how do you get the independents and those who would maybe not vote for trump but might look at somebody else . Its a misrepresentation of joe bidens position. Hes not saying defund the police, thats a nice little miss representation of a sound bite. Harris but he did say that. First he didnt, and then he did. What it is is to redirect money to nonViolent Crimes being intervened it to protect the police by having Mental Health professionals when its a homeless situation. When its an addiction or Substance Abuse situation. When its a domestic situation. Thats using a hammer and everything is a nail. When somebody is having a Mental Health problem, like kelly thomas in fullerton, california, he is murdered by the police. Thats what happened, the police lied about it, and then got off scotfree. Thats where we are right now where we talk about reforming the police and using different groups like that harris i want to step in. Because you are talking about defunding, or whatever term you want to put pay what it does is takes money from some places Police Department. A billion dollars is what they are talking about early on with the nypd. Part of that money took away that anticrime unit, which, in just the last 20 minutes or so, the Brooklyn Borough president , former cop, africanamerican, is one of those africanamerican leadership voice is now saying, no, you got to reinstate that. I just wonder, if you hitch a ride in this process of maybe there is some misunderstanding about defunding the police, but is that going to be politically slippery for joe biden . Let me move to this, a new monmouth poll finds that biden is leading in the key state of pennsylvania. We are going to pop this up. By 13 points. A state trump won in 2016. Which surprised many pennsylvanians. Now this is apparently leading many to believe in secret trump voters. However, yesterday also finding 57 of people suspect there are people who support President Trump but wont tell anybody about it. I come to you for your reaction on this, jason. Jason i think that these polls are really inaccurate, like i said earlier. But i think there is something much greater happening in this election cycle, and i think the president talks about it in his Mount Rushmore speech. Our country is effectively under attack. Not just a nation, but our american core values. When i say american core values i mean family, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, sanctity of life, the right to keep the fruits of ones labor. These are uniquely american values. They are what made this country great. The far left radicals, with joe biden, they have a completely incompatible set of core values. You see whats happening across this country, and democratrun cities where they are attacking Abraham Lincoln statues, there is a marxist uprising, and that is whats happening. Thats what i think you are going to see come this election. Harris all right, im going to see both of you a little bit later this hour. Ethan, you will go first. Thank you, gentlemen. Protesters facing off with police and a push to create a new autonomous zone, this one in portland, oregon. The federal government blames city officials for letting things spiral out of control. These are not protesters. They are coming every single night for the past two weeks, armed with weapons. With hammers. They are putting nails and plywood to intentionally harm spew an educated guess, but im betting Jason Chaffetz has a lot to say about the issue. He is live now, might waive. Hes up next. Ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Whoohoo great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. But this, this is the future. The future of communicating of hearing and connecting with life. And this, is eargo. No appointments no waiting no hassles. And they are practically invisible in your ear. Now you see it. Now you dont. If you have hearing loss now is the time to do something about it. Were here and ready to help you with your hearing loss. All time low Mortgage Rates have now dropped even lower. Veterans everywhere are refinancing and saving 3,000 a year. By making one call to newday usa. 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We seen this before. It is similar to the one in seattle. The Justice Department went after the citys mayor for rejecting federal help. Watch. I dont care if you are republican or democrat, but if youre an elected official and you are prioritizing your own personal politics and violent anarchists and agitators over the safety and security of the very people who elected you, that is not leadership. That is a disgrace. Harris joining me now, former republican congressman and fox news contributor, Jason Chaffetz. Jason, good to see you today. I know that you have thoughts on this, and im curious. First of all, just to get your reaction and we see coming down the pike. This is disgusting. America does not have to be this way. It looks forward to us, and it allows to continue for weeks. People shouldnt have to live in fear in their own neighborhoods and their own country. What the Trump Administrations foreshadowing is that there are Law Enforcement agencies like the alcohol tobacco, and firearms. In others. If you are going to have to bring them in to quell the suppression hearing, and to suppress the violence, maybe we have to do this. But shame on those cities. There is some coincidence here, they happen to be run by a liberal democrat mayors and governors. That is the common denominator and that is, i think, why the democrats agree to pay a heavy political price coming in november. They cannot sustain this. Harris former chairman of oversight. That leads me to ask really what happens on capitol hill. Should the president exercise his power to go in with federal help . What is the discussion on the hill going to be like . Doesnt matter . Nancy pelosi is nowhere on this. She thinks that the United States congress is just an expendable employee. They dont gather and discuss these types of things. You dont see emergency hearings on this, you dont see people yanked up. If you have a democratic mayor or governor that has been called before Nancy Pelosis congress, no. They seem to be absolutely nowhere. In fact, i think they have tacitly supported this. If they want to have police reforms, i will join them arm in arm. But it needs to be a rational, reasonable discussion. To suggest that more violence is going to solve this problem, and that youre going to take billions of dollars out of Law Enforcements hands, im telling you, the rest of america is looking at it and saying, youre nuts, nancy pelosi. Joe biden saying youre going to redirect money . When a woman is being pummeled by a guy in their apartment and they send a social worker, ive got to tell you, joe biden has no clue how this works. Some of the most violent, disturbing times when you need a Police Officer with a gun, with force, is when Domestic Violence is happening or someone is having a difficult mental situation. Those are some of the most explosive mental situations that there are, and yet the democrats say, lets send in social workers. Good luck with that. Harris some of whats been talked about is that you try to do both, but youve got areas, too, where they want to im looking up in northern california, where they want to cut out police in traffic stops. What that would really look like. I mean, some of those are also very unpredictable. You dont know who is behind the wheel. Theres a lot thats going on. Im just wondering what the talk is like on capitol hill, and i know some of it has to be virtual, but were not seeing those emergency hearings. You touched on why that might be. Jason, thank you. Thank you. Harris minneapolis is grappling with a spike in Violent Crime, including two separate shootings involving pregnant women. This, as city officials have moved forward with plans to dismantle the Police Department there. Plus, we are learning more about the massive Security Breach on twitter. The tactic that the Company Believes hackers used to compromise those highprofile accounts. The ones with millions of followers. This virus is testing all of us. And its testing the people on the front lines of this fight most of all. So abbott is getting new tests into their hands, delivering the critical results they need. And until this fight is over, we. Will. Never. Quit. Because they never quit. For 37 years we have been fighting for survivors of child sex abuse. Even in these uniquely challenging times were still fighting with dedication and devotion. California law gives survivors a chance to take legal action, but only for a limited time. If you were sexually abused by a priest, scout leader, coach or teacher contact us confidentially today. Its time. Harris minneapolis is on the list of cities which are grappling with a rise in Violent Crime since the death of george floyd. Homicides up by more than 100 , aggravated assaults up 30 , nearly. Situation prompting the formation of a new Violent Crime task force. Mike tobin is live in minneapolis. Tell us more. Harris, youve got a lot of competing forces out here in minneapolis. While you do have formation of the Violent Crimes task force, the public hearing was held about disbanding the police altogether. In the backdrop you have the reality of the troubled parts of town. Homicides have doubled since last year. The number of shootings is set to surpass the total from last year, and were only halfway through the year. The people who live and work and the badlands tell us, drug sales, burglaries, are unabated and they want to see more polic. Reminds me of gotham city. Because of what . It can be kind of lawlessne lawlessness. A nobody dealing with the crim crimes. We didnt see no police, no security on it. That people can come any time and do what they want to do the house. Police protection. One particular area of concern is powderhorn park. That became the site of a homeless encampment autonomous zone after buildings where Homeless People stayed were damaged in the riot. But they did grow out of control and became home to sexual assault, shootings, and a number of disputes. Now the park board commissioner says the encampments are spiraling out of control, they limited the number of tenants in these encampments to 25 and limited the number of parks where the encampments can spring up to 20. However, the enforcement has not begun. Harris . Harris thank you, mike. Appreciate that. The fbi is now reportedly investigating back on twitter that targeted some of the worlds richest and most influential people including former president barack obama, joe biden, bill gates, elon musk, and several others. Axios is pointing out the potential danger that this could raise by riding this. President trump essentially governs via the social network. In the wrong hands, that account could start a war. Again, axios saying that. Claudia cowan is live in san francisco. Claudia . Live at twitter headquarters, good afternoon to you, harris. Keep in mind many of twitters 5,000 employees are working from home these days, and the company is looking into whether that may have factored into yesterdays attack, which according to one website appears to have been an inside job. You mention some of the big names. Politicians, celebrities, billionaires targeted. Through this focus treats as for bitcoins sent to a address promising to double the contribution. It works. Before the treats were taken down, hundreds of followers were duped and that chris pulled in more than 100,000. It isnt into how this happened, but according to the tech website motherboard, hackers played a twitter insider to gain access to the internal tools that allow them to treat on behalf of prominent account holders. Two Anonymous Sources told motherboard they were even able to take over ownership of an account. Twitter has acknowledged as much, tweeting, we detected what we believe to be a coordinated social engineering attack by people who successfully targeted some of our employees with access to internal systems and tools. Tech analysts say this is a wakeup call for twitter and other poked on my platforms to beef up their security. No suspects have been identified. Harris . Harris claudia, thank you very much. The top House Republican has introduced a bill to punish cities and states which dont protect public monuments as they become the target of protesters. Will this register with voters . The power panel returns. 1 in 2 kids is underhydrated. If your child doesnt seem themself at times, they may not be hydrated enough. Wabba wabba all new, Plant Powered creative roots gives kids the hydration they need, with the fruit flavors they love, and 1 gram of sugar. Find new creative roots in the kids juice aisle. Its just home and i love it. For over 25 years, home instead has helped seniors stay home. Now, staying home isnt just staying in the place they love. Its staying safe. Its essential. If your loved one needs inhome care, were here to help. Home instead. To us, its personal. Home instead. The course structure the it just suits my life perfectly because i am a mom, im a wife. And i was able to complete those Short Courses five to six weeks and then move onto the next until i reached my goal. Harris House Republican leader Kevin Mccarthy has introduced a bill which would cut funding from cities and states if failed to protect its statues monuments. Agreeing with speaker pelosi, who excuse mob rule. Of my legislation has real consequences. It is time to protect their history and punish the statue smashers. His democratic opponent this fall tweeted this. Is this a joke . Someone held up a school, almost 120,000 americans have died. How out of touch can one politician be . Again, thats a tweeted there. Power panel. I promised her to come to you first. Your reaction. It is a terrible misdirecti misdirection, like my grandfathers magician would have taught me to do. Watched a response to covid19. Putin is still getting away with putting a bounty on the heads of u. S. Troops, and if you really believe in the bible, why is he so focused on idol worship of statues . Its a terrible move by leader mccarthy. Harris i got a lot out of that, including that your grandfather was a magician. [laughs] jason . Harris, i couldnt disagree more. Look. Its wrong, okay, to erase American History and our heritage. We need to learn from our history. We are the greatest country on earth. When you look at which statues they are targeting, Abraham Lincoln, ulysses s. Grant. This is not about race or police brutality. This is about a cultural revolution, and the democrat governors and mayors are not going to step in, i think the federal government should. Harris i think i just want to make sure they understand you read, ethan. Now is just not the time to talk about this, but what about the ideas of enhancing what we see . Protect whats up there. Protect their history. I am just playing devils advocate because you have to spend more money to do this, but put up plaques or things that put these strategies and perspective. Whats your thought . Well, im a big believer in teaching history. I think that is one of our shortcomings. Harris i agree. We need more. So look. History is taught in history books and museums and elsewhere. We dont need to have statues of traitorous confederate generals. Those are not necessary in the public square. The plaque serves no real purpose in that situation. I think that there was a conversation to be had about people like ulysses s. Grant. He actually was an abolitionist and married into a family where he fought against their slaveowning. So i think that there is a great conversation to have, but to defund the cities at a time where the economy is in a deep recession, it is just off wrong move by leader mccarthy. Harris all right. Two seconds left, jason. I think its important that the government take control of what is going on. This is American History. We should learn the good, the bad, the ugly, and we shouldnt be allowing this cultural revolution to erase our history. Dana jason and ethan, nice to see you both. Thanks everybody for watching this hour of outnumbered overtime. The Daily Briefing starts right now. Dana here is a live look at the white house where press secretary Kayleigh Mcenany is set to begin any moment. Hello, everyone, i am dana perino, and this is the Daily Briefing. So, we will get to the briefing as soon as it starts, but lets start with this. New information on the beating of several cops during a protest in new york city. They say that the person in this video hitting officers with what appears to be a cane is now in custody. The attack leaving them bloodied and bruised, seven officers are, including the chief of police. Lets begin with laura ingle reporting live from new york city. Laura. Hi. That main suspect taken into custody today, it turns

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