Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Fa

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Faulkner 20200715

us because we are all set to go. we have the fbi, we have homeland security, we have everybody ready to go. we have the national guard. they are all ready to go. >> harris: now the president has spoken since then, just the last little while ago, and we showed you that live here on fox news. the president was asked about sending in federal help. watch. >> you'll be seeing next week, will have a conference next week and will tell you in great detail. i think it's something at this point the american people want to say. we have other cities that are out of control. they are like war zones. we are not going to put up with that. we're not going to put up with that. that is for the next discussion. >> harris: this, as violent protests in portland, oregon, continue for a six straight we week. dhs sent in federal agents to guard government buildings. now portland's democratic mayor, ted wheeler, is urging the feds to back off. is retweeted. "i told acting secretary that my biggest immediate concern is the violence federal officers brought to our streets in recent days, and the life-threatening tactics his agency used. we do not need or want their help. the best thing they can do is stay inside their building or leave portland altogether." i want to bring in the steve kardian, trump 2020 campaign advisory board member, former chief investigator of the new york city department of investigation pray this is a great mix of your skills and expertise in your show today. good to see you today, steve. >> thanks for having me, harris. >> harris: so, as you look at what's happening in these big cities, and the idea of the president then wanting to help with federal help, what could that look like and is that a good idea? >> it is a good idea. we have things in common that all the cities are sharing. they are acting -- the mayor's, that is, and governors in some cases -- nonsensical. they are the voice of common sense. they are restricting police officers to a point of complete ineffectiveness, and we look at new york, we see they've taken away the stop and frisk, that they've dismantled the street crime unit. 600 people, officers that have taken guns off the street for as long as i can remember. they'll reform by the governor. the light touch, hands-off approach. they have taken their defensive tactics program and eliminated it so police don't want to do anything because they'll be arrested. what they are doing is allowing guns on the street. in years past, there would have a gang banger, guns and a bag, in a specific location where members would have it accessible. they've got in their drawers in their cars. now they are carrying them without fear of arrest on their person. it's the opportunity that they are allowed to shoot and kill, children as long as young has one yearsold. it's out of control. >> harris: of course you are talking about that one year old here on the east coast he was killed over the weekend. what do you do about going above the heads of locally elected officials? i was showing you just one there in the area on the west coast. i'm just wondering, what does that do politically? because now you are stepping up above those who are really there to do their jobs and protect and serve, as locally elected officials. >> i'm surprised the president actually is doing the right thing, of course. the u.s. marshals, for example, their mission has changed so often. he can federalize them. he can bring in the fbi. these cities should be utilizing the federal government to enforce the criminal element of creating a criminal enterprise. murder, drug trafficking, these are all the problematic things that the cities are facing, and they are not being dealt with. at this point, the people want law and order. you can't have la and order unless you have law enforcement. the president identifies this as a huge problem, and every one of the city should have brought in the national guard. they lined fifth avenue with the national guard, we would not have seen the kind of damage that is unprecedented in our city. >> harris: yeah, i'm wondering why we didn't see that. it worked in the city of minneapolis, right? where all this started with george floyd's death on video, with the nation altogether that that was wrong and it was murder. and minneapolis said their leadership knew they couldn't get anything done without the national guard there as a second line behind police officers. i'm just wondering, can you look at this and say, "why would people not want that?" >> the governor and mayor wanted this to be as it was, completely chaotic. people getting hurt. hundreds of police officers injured. >> harris: is that fair to say? nobody wants anybody to get hurt. >> not necessarily that they wanted to. i'm sorry, they allowed it. by not utilizing the national guard. by telling them light touch, hands-off. let the looters, the protesters, express themselves. unfortunately, if you listen to the commissioner, they've never seen violence at this level. these are thousands and thousands of protests, they've never seen violence organization at this level. they should have recognized that and they should have taken action to minimize the damage that these people caused. >> harris: when you talk about newark -- because you are talking about dermot shea here on the east coast -- it's tough, because people are very fearful. i want to get to this, because you do wear those two hats. you got law enforcement. let's talk 2020 advisory to trump. the biden campaign is hitting back against president trump's news conference from yesterday where he accused the former vice president of being soft on china and moving too far to the left. saying, "will be heard in the rose garden wasn't a president at all, it was a politician who sees his reelection slipping away from him. the american taxpayer should be reimbursed for the abuse of funds this spectacle represented." what is your reaction to that? >> you know, the president is his own man. he is going to speak to the country, the people of the united states, as he has done for the past three plus years. i don't see anything other than informing our citizens of what's going on. that's a big problem, we know biden's history with china. some people even call it biden china. >> harris: just from a political standpoint, i'm just curious, because there are calls for funding, to reimburse, that it was a political event. it did go down the road of going after his opponent. what are your thoughts about that? >> this is what he does. the president has his own style. he does it his way. this is the opportunity he sees. he mixed it in with a variety of other things, and i personally don't see a huge problem with that. >> harris: all right, steve, i want to go back to, as you put it -- and i wrote out he said, "can't have law and order without law enforcement." let's talk about where the president's today with the national association of police organizations. that group is expected to make a presidential endorsement as soon as today, potentially. president trump made his pitch to that group on monday as police unions have been moving away from joe biden amid concerns that he is embracing an antipolice rhetoric. what do you make of it all? and what should the president to do next? is it a big deal if this group says, "yes, we are with you president trump?" >> it is, especially in the fact that he supported obama and biden in the past. what we look at also just as importantly as the organization that we are going to hear from today is that the international union of police associations, back in the fall, which has a membership of over 100,000 officers, it adds to the fop. the fall of 2019. they have over 300,000 members. that is kind of unheard of, the amount that early in the game to endorse the president. >> harris: i would mention that last time around this particular police organization sat 2016 out. before that they backed obama and biden, and now they are talking with president trump. what is it about biden's message that specifically is something you let john to and say it's a strategy for us? >> the unity platform wants to pretty much, in essence, without listing the 30 things they want to do, do away with federal law enforcement. do away with i.c.e., do it with the border patrol, and prosecution for people crossing the border illegally, if you will. they are going to support sanctuary cities. i heard the president early talking about ms-13. not only is this law enforcement, but after i retired i worked with the u.s. marshals of the contractor. i handled ms-13 offenders. i handled the most violent gangs in the united states. long island alone had 50 murde murders. we see, law enforcement -- and i have contacts all across the country that i still stay in touch with, they see him as the "law & order" president and they are honored that they are able to represent him. >> harris: steve kardian, thank you for being on the program. we look forward to next time. >> a pleasure, here is. thank you. >> harris: pro police protesters are marching today in brooklyn. this, as black community leaders have delivered a pointed message to mayor de blasio. stay tuned for that. and the white house is butting heads with the cdc on reopening schools. some of the agency's former directors are delivering a stern warning. we'll talk about all of it with my next guest, governor mike huckabee. stay close. ♪ ta-da! did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? 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"the new york post" is reporting the top uniformed cop, terrence monahan, was among those hurt. reading deep into their reporting, they are saying that sourcing is saying that he had an injured hand, is receiving stitches for that, and that protesters attacked with a chain. meanwhile, it clergy members organized a march in support of the nypd today. he said in their center screen. it's all in response to new york city's surgeon violent crime. as we learn more about the chief of department, terrence monahan, we will bring it to you right away. for now i want to bring in my next guest, governor mike huckabee. we had planned to talk about a host of topics, but i just want to start here. this is tough. it's just tough. i'm curious to know what your reaction is. >> well, the injury to the officer is directly at the feet of bill de blasio, the mayor. the incompetent mayor. the mayor who has sided with rioters and looters over his own police department. police told him to back off and to let people go ahead and just commit crime at will. if you don't enforce the law with the people who are sworn to enforce it, you have lawlessness. new york city's being turned into a lawless society by people who know they aren't going to get in any real trouble. they aren't going to get arrested come up go to jail, they won't put up bail, they'll be back on the street. this is bill de blasio's new york and i don't know why anybody would be calling for his resignation. and why he himself believes that what he's doing x any sense at all. it's really disgraceful, and god bless those new york police officers. one of the world's best police in the world. >> harris: i don't know if you cut the video, maybe you the team can put it back up. simultaneously the backdrop is a march of clergy in support of the nypd. if we can put that video back up, it is an interesting juxtaposition of exactly where we are. you are talking about the leadership and the politics. by the way, that particular mayor of new york city was called out by the governor of new york. "displace him." youyou are a former governor. does governor cuomo need to back those words up? now we are showing that pro police demonstration by clergy. let me get your ideas on where you go next if you are the governor of new york. >> i'm not familiar enough with new york law to know if there is a mechanism in which the state can decertify a mayor. i'm not sure that exists in new york city and new york state. the fact that it is cuomo who is going after him, as well, indicates this isn't about partisan politics with de blasio. this is about common sense. this is about taking your brain off the bed stand and taking it with you to work every day rather than leaving it at home and not having really a decision that makes sense. i am so grateful for those clergy members. many of them, african-american, in new york, who recognize our community isn't safe without police. i find it interesting, harris, a lot of the protesters out there yelling, screaming, and doing things to police are not african-americans. they are young white women. they somehow act like they are having to speak for african-americans. black people can speak for themselves. they don't need some young, white, college-educated elitist snob out there speaking for them. but that is what is very disturbing, when you see the makeup of some of these mobs. these are not a grieved people. these are people who just like to fight and hate this country and hate authority and hate cops. they should have gotten in a whole lot more trouble, and probably this will put me in trouble, they probably should have got a few spankings when they were little kids and not i do believe they can get away with anything and everything they want to do. >> harris: oh, boy... i know that's a very emotional response. two things were on the screen that i want to explain. you saw the huge sign, as the governor was saying, that he's great for the clergy out there and their support for police today. there's a sign that spoke, "jesus saved new york." it's not even about the defund the police talk or any of the politics. that is a direct reaction to what we are seeing today. we also saw a brand-new video of the police being attacked on the brooklyn bridge if you want to pop that back up. so people can see it in the context. while we were speaking it's like you knew what was up. there it is, and i can see -- look at them, these people who are aggressively going after the police. they will investigate what they see here. we can see with our own eyes that there are things coming across that bridge barrier attacking those cops. a last reaction from you, and will move on. >> if you want a baby want rewarded, if you want less of it, consequent is. if you reward bad behavior, you're going to get a bunch more of it. if you consequence bad behavior, you get less of it. that's true whether you're raising kids or training animals. that's how the world works. by rewarding people who are doing horrible things to police officers and people's businesses, you're going to get a lot more of it. de blasio hasn't got the sense enough to understand that, and he needs to get out of the way and let somebody lead this great city of new york and somehow salvage what's left of it after he gets finished writing it. >> harris: governor mike huckabee on the program today. thank you very much for being with me for the breaking news. >> thank you, harris. >> harris: president trump weighing in on this week's stunning shake up at "new york times." while another conservative journalist at a publication also step down. what this says about viewpoint diversity in the media. stay close. ♪ water? why?! ♪ ahhhh! incoming! ahhhahh! i'm saved! ahhh! ride? no, i'm good. i'm gonna walk. let's go! water tastes like, well, water. so we fixed it. mio >> harris: there is new reaction after a very public resignation by a "new york times" opinion editor. in a letter to the times publisher, bari weiss wrote she was bullied by colleagues intolerant of centrist or conservative viewpoints. president trump today tweeted, "the times is under siege. people are fleeing. a total mess." other was weighing in on twitter, as well. donald trump jr. said the resignation exposes the times' rampant attacks on anyone who breaks from the far left narrative. ari fleischer wrote, "the newspaper is now published to browbeat readers with far, far left political and social positions." you know him to be the former press secretary for former president bush, and former democratic presidential candidate andrew yang says the times needs to make some real changes. wow. later today, conservative columnist -- dominic andrew sullivan said he will leave the "new york magazine." he didn't give a solid reason, saying only that it was "pretty self-evident," and that he will address it in his final column. jill abramson is with me now, the former executive editor of "the new york times." jill, you and i tend to come together at these moments when there is crisis at the times. talk to me about this particular one, and the importance of now your wider public understanding, potentially, that there is a quiet of centrist and conservative views in the opinion section of "the new york times." >> well, harris, first of all, thanks for having me on. >> harris: always. >> i think that the departure of one junior-level opinion editor at "the new york times" is really a molehill compared to the mountains of news developmes that you've just been talking about on your show. bari weiss' letter was a strong letter, certainly, and it was bound to get some reaction, but in the scheme of things it does not spell crisis for "the new york times." people are not fleeing from "the new york times." they had the unfortunate departure of the opinion editor, james bennett, who i think is a fantastic journalist. now this resignation. but the times is doing just fine. the truth is it has more subscribers than ever in its history, and more readers. that's really the measure of success, not who is coming on staff and who is departing. >> harris: i appreciate you wanting to compare it to what's happening today with the nypd top uniformed officer being attacked. we all know the difference between that and an employee leaving "the new york times." i don't think we needed a lesson on that as much as we need to understand from someone who led so many at the times how valuable it is to have voices from everybody. if that is not happening there, post your departure, what is your response to it? >> well, number one, i think it is happening. before my departure, i spent an awful lot of my time as executive editor, when i would speak publicly, defending the times from charges that it was a big supporter of the iraq war and was carrying water for george w. bush's administration. so, that was a ridiculous charge, and the idea that "the new york times" is edited by a cabal of left-wing journalists is just not true at all. >> harris: you think someone is lying when she said she was bullied? >> no, i regret, of course, if anyone is bullied. that's terrible. but i don't think it's true that moderate voices are being hushed at "the new york times." most of the opinion columnists at the times are centrists. they are center to liberal. there wasn't a bernie sanders -- >> harris: i wonder where their voices are today to support her. to say, as you are saying, "sorry this has happened to you." based on whatever her experiences were, that they might want to sure her up. i don't know. she says there are some legal things to be looked at here, certainly bullying and harassment will be among them. as a former leader at the times, what would you say to this woman today? >> i would say to her, as i just said to you, that i am very sorry if she was bullied by any of her colleagues. that should not be tolerated in any organization. the times does not tolerate it. they have a set of written rules of the road which prohibits that kind of behavior. so, i'm sorry. i'm sorry if she had a rough time. bari weiss is someone, she has thousands of twitter followers herself. she has been in there on twitter, throwing some punches herself at people she disagrees with. i'm not saying she is a bully, but if you are going to dish it out, you've got to be ready to take it. i learned that a long time ago. >> harris: actually, legally, we don't have to be ready to take harassment on the job. that's already established. jill abramson, i've got illegal. thank you for the discussion. >> she can sue. thank you. >> harris: don't call him an underdog. president trump rejected that label, saying the polls are missing the enthusiasm of his supporters. just like four years ago. he is speaking at the white house. we'll bring you back. ♪ meowners from newday usa. interest rates have dropped to record lows. newday usa makes it so easy to refinance that one call can save you $3000 a year. newday's va streamline refi lets you refinance without having to verify your income, without getting your home appraised and without spending one dollar out of pocket to get it done. it is the quickest and easiest refi they've ever offered. one call can save you $3000 a year, every year. >> harris: president trump declaring a great win as tommy tuberville easily defeated attorney general jeff sessions in the g.o.p. senate primary runoff. the president had endorsed the former auburn football coach and attacked sessions, who he was repeatedly going after for recusing himself from the russia investigation. the president's former chief physician, dr. ronnie jackson, also won and his republican runoff for a house seat. both candidates solidly behind the trump agenda. >> the referendum for donald trump last night in alabama, he is going to take this state overwhelmingly. anything we can do to help him, this country is in trouble. that's the reason i'm running. >> i've been frustrated for a long time about the lack of support the president has sometimes. he needs folks in there that are going to get in there, have his back, keep america great, and america first agenda. i believe in him and i believe in that agenda. it motivated me to get into the race and do something about it. >> harris: david avella, gopac chairman. jason nichols, professor of african-american studies at the university of maryland. great to see. david, it wasn't so long ago that the presence edge of the, if you want to keep your jobs you have to get tougher. i'm paraphrasing, but that was the message. >> david: the message also was last night that if you are a republican nominee going to the general election, if you want to create distance between you and the president because you think it's going to pick up independent platelets and democrats, you'd better pick up a lot of them, because you're going to use republicans. 96% of republicans are favorable to the job the president is doing, and as he often notes, he is 88-2 right now in candidates that he has endorsed. anybody on the republican ticket that is running would benefit greatly from the president endorsing them. >> harris: interesting. i want to let everybody know -- and, jason, i will come to you -- we are under a minute to comments that the president has just made outside the white house as he was boarding marine one to take him to air force one on his way to what is happening later today. let's talk a little bit about that, and i will come back to you. the president today, we have already seen it, talking about ms-13 come knocking out gangs come in the oval office. moments ago with reporters. here it is, watch. >> president trump: you know where we are going. it won't be long. we'll back here early discussing important topics pay the markets are good, the country is doing well. jobs are going fast. we want school to be open, and they will be open. relatively on-time, hopefully perfectly on time, most likely. do you have any questions? >> reporter: [inaudible] >> president trump: i'm very happy that tommy tuberville won the race. i think he's going to be a great senator. we don't have a good senator are there right now, jones. he's not doing the job. he should be doing a much better job. certainly he doesn't represent the views of the people of alabama. that's for sure. so, we are not happy about him at all. i don't think the people of alabama are happy with their representation in the senate. tommy tuberville is going to be a great senator. he was a great coach. i spoke to another coach last night, unrelated. he said tommy tuberville was a great coach and he's a great guy. someday i'll tell you who said that, but he is somebody respected. so, it was a tremendous win for tommy tuberville last night. i'm very happy about it. also, a tremendous win for ronnie jackson, and it looks like it could be a tremendous win for a gentleman named gonzalez. you know about that, too. that race is still a little bit going on. by the time i got involved, a lot of the votes were already cast, but i got involved really at the last moment. we think he can easily win that area. two very good candidates. raises a great candidate, and so is gonzales. when i got involved, a lot of the early votes were cast. it was a big comeback. it was a big comeback. that's going to be very interesting race. the other thing, very amazing. somebody you all know is ronnie jackson. admiral ronnie, we call in a lot of different things. but everybody agrees, they respect ronnie jackson a lot. yeah? >> reporter: [inaudible] >> president trump: it could happen. antifa is no good. they are bad. they are bad people. it could very well happen. >> reporter: [inaudible] >> it didn't change for me. they are all on the same team. we are all on the same team, including dr. fauci. i'm a very good relationship with dr. fauci, and we are all in the same team. we want to get rid of this mess that china sent us. everybody is working in the same line and we are doing very well. we are doing well in a lot of ways. our country is coming back very strong. when you look at those jobs numbers, we've never had jobs numbers like we have right now. it's coming back very strong. okay? >> reporter: [inaudible] >> president trump: he made a statement or presenting himself. he shouldn't be doing that. i have a good relationship with anthony. thank you very much. >> harris: and the president, asked about his relationship with the task force member, dr. anthony fauci. he says it's very good. the president headed now to air force one, he will go to atlanta hartsfield-jackson international airport and arrive there to talk about faster, better, stronger at a ups facility in atlanta, georgia, focusing on infrastructure. so he is off. we've heard from the president, and we will move on now. dozens of black conservatives have gathered to save the emancipation memorial in washington, d.c. why they say that claims it is demeaning to african-americans are just plain wrong. they want to protect it. i will return, and so will the power panel, next. ♪ saturdays happen. pain happens. aleve it. aleve is proven stronger and longer on pain than tylenol. when pain happens, aleve it. all day strong. ♪ (announcer) reliability is everything. so, if your network's down, you're down. verizon knows your customers need to reach you seamlessly. your team needs to work from different places across many devices. plus, you want the security trusted by some of the largest companies in the world. and that's why you trust us. the most reliable network in america. i appreciate what makes each person unique. that's why i like liberty mutual. they get that no two people are alike and customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. almost done. what do you think? 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i guess the bottom line is, why not put a plaque of there? one. that's been some of the ways people have talked about dealing with these issues where there is that conflict point of a painful history, and then a reminder of what that looks like. jason, is it demeaning when you see a black man kneeling before lincoln? is that demeaning to blacks? that the argument here. >> jason: i think it doesn't reflect exactly what happened, how african-americans were instrumental in their own freedom. it makes it seem as though someone came along, and it does come across a little patronizing. that someone came along and freed them while they were on their knees rather than african-americans standing up, picking up rifles, and shooting and fighting for their own freedom. that's what we want to reflect. actually what happened, what was actually true. 200,000 african-americans, 11% of the union army, 37,000 gave their lives. harriet tubman, who was the first woman to ever lead a combat mission. these are the kinds of things we want to say, particularly in a majority black city that african-americans fought for their own freedom, and it would be inspiring or inspirational to people in that community. >> harris: you are in academia not far from there, perhaps he can be part of the conversation that goes into putting it into context. i want to move to this, there is buzz to replace now the national anthem because of what some are calling a racist and sexist history, as well as its outdated language. an "los angeles times" communist suggests "lean on me" as a replacement, calling it a deeply american song that is not explicitly about america. david? >> it's okay, harris, to unsubscribe from the cancer culture. you have these voices that are ultimately on the fringe trying to suggest that american values are out of date. you look at any survey research, and you see over 60% of americans are proud of american history. certainly there are times when people need to apologize, when mistakes are made. but americans are also a forgiving group of people. they do like the underdogs. they do like giving people a second chance. before we decide to change the entire history of a country, you are more likely to see americans, as i said, hitting unsubscribe on this cancel culture. >> harris: and full disclosure, i was a very amateur national anthem singer. did so for the kansas city chiefs in kansas city years ago. >> david: [laughs] >> harris: will move on. good to see you, gentlemen. amid weeks of protests nationwide against racism, defense secretary mark esper has announced new military action, or action in the military, i should correct that and say. some changes are coming, next. ♪ s families with a va loan save $3,000 a year. that's me. our va streamline refi takes just one call to start the process. there's no appraisal, so no one comes to your house. that's me. there's no income verification and no out of pocket costs. that's me. record low mortgage rates have dropped even lower. nobody works harder for veterans than my team at newday usa. 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"harris faulkner presents the fight for america." my vision on this is let's fight for something together. we will have a wife, ranging discussion on where we are as a nation when it comes to so many issues before. you just heard the general mentioning some of them. general tim scott. mlk's niece, elvia kane, mark cuban. and our own sean hannity will sit down with me. tune in this sunday, 10:00 p.m. eastern. see you then. ♪ >> dana: president trump ripping into democratic leaders as violence surges across the country. i'm dana perino, and this is "the daily briefing." ♪ >> this left-wing group of people running our cities and not doing the job that they're supposed to be doing, and it's not a very tough job to do if they knew what they were doing. they are supposed to be asking

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Faulkner 20200715 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Faulkner 20200715

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us because we are all set to go. we have the fbi, we have homeland security, we have everybody ready to go. we have the national guard. they are all ready to go. >> harris: now the president has spoken since then, just the last little while ago, and we showed you that live here on fox news. the president was asked about sending in federal help. watch. >> you'll be seeing next week, will have a conference next week and will tell you in great detail. i think it's something at this point the american people want to say. we have other cities that are out of control. they are like war zones. we are not going to put up with that. we're not going to put up with that. that is for the next discussion. >> harris: this, as violent protests in portland, oregon, continue for a six straight we week. dhs sent in federal agents to guard government buildings. now portland's democratic mayor, ted wheeler, is urging the feds to back off. is retweeted. "i told acting secretary that my biggest immediate concern is the violence federal officers brought to our streets in recent days, and the life-threatening tactics his agency used. we do not need or want their help. the best thing they can do is stay inside their building or leave portland altogether." i want to bring in the steve kardian, trump 2020 campaign advisory board member, former chief investigator of the new york city department of investigation pray this is a great mix of your skills and expertise in your show today. good to see you today, steve. >> thanks for having me, harris. >> harris: so, as you look at what's happening in these big cities, and the idea of the president then wanting to help with federal help, what could that look like and is that a good idea? >> it is a good idea. we have things in common that all the cities are sharing. they are acting -- the mayor's, that is, and governors in some cases -- nonsensical. they are the voice of common sense. they are restricting police officers to a point of complete ineffectiveness, and we look at new york, we see they've taken away the stop and frisk, that they've dismantled the street crime unit. 600 people, officers that have taken guns off the street for as long as i can remember. they'll reform by the governor. the light touch, hands-off approach. they have taken their defensive tactics program and eliminated it so police don't want to do anything because they'll be arrested. what they are doing is allowing guns on the street. in years past, there would have a gang banger, guns and a bag, in a specific location where members would have it accessible. they've got in their drawers in their cars. now they are carrying them without fear of arrest on their person. it's the opportunity that they are allowed to shoot and kill, children as long as young has one yearsold. it's out of control. >> harris: of course you are talking about that one year old here on the east coast he was killed over the weekend. what do you do about going above the heads of locally elected officials? i was showing you just one there in the area on the west coast. i'm just wondering, what does that do politically? because now you are stepping up above those who are really there to do their jobs and protect and serve, as locally elected officials. >> i'm surprised the president actually is doing the right thing, of course. the u.s. marshals, for example, their mission has changed so often. he can federalize them. he can bring in the fbi. these cities should be utilizing the federal government to enforce the criminal element of creating a criminal enterprise. murder, drug trafficking, these are all the problematic things that the cities are facing, and they are not being dealt with. at this point, the people want law and order. you can't have la and order unless you have law enforcement. the president identifies this as a huge problem, and every one of the city should have brought in the national guard. they lined fifth avenue with the national guard, we would not have seen the kind of damage that is unprecedented in our city. >> harris: yeah, i'm wondering why we didn't see that. it worked in the city of minneapolis, right? where all this started with george floyd's death on video, with the nation altogether that that was wrong and it was murder. and minneapolis said their leadership knew they couldn't get anything done without the national guard there as a second line behind police officers. i'm just wondering, can you look at this and say, "why would people not want that?" >> the governor and mayor wanted this to be as it was, completely chaotic. people getting hurt. hundreds of police officers injured. >> harris: is that fair to say? nobody wants anybody to get hurt. >> not necessarily that they wanted to. i'm sorry, they allowed it. by not utilizing the national guard. by telling them light touch, hands-off. let the looters, the protesters, express themselves. unfortunately, if you listen to the commissioner, they've never seen violence at this level. these are thousands and thousands of protests, they've never seen violence organization at this level. they should have recognized that and they should have taken action to minimize the damage that these people caused. >> harris: when you talk about newark -- because you are talking about dermot shea here on the east coast -- it's tough, because people are very fearful. i want to get to this, because you do wear those two hats. you got law enforcement. let's talk 2020 advisory to trump. the biden campaign is hitting back against president trump's news conference from yesterday where he accused the former vice president of being soft on china and moving too far to the left. saying, "will be heard in the rose garden wasn't a president at all, it was a politician who sees his reelection slipping away from him. the american taxpayer should be reimbursed for the abuse of funds this spectacle represented." what is your reaction to that? >> you know, the president is his own man. he is going to speak to the country, the people of the united states, as he has done for the past three plus years. i don't see anything other than informing our citizens of what's going on. that's a big problem, we know biden's history with china. some people even call it biden china. >> harris: just from a political standpoint, i'm just curious, because there are calls for funding, to reimburse, that it was a political event. it did go down the road of going after his opponent. what are your thoughts about that? >> this is what he does. the president has his own style. he does it his way. this is the opportunity he sees. he mixed it in with a variety of other things, and i personally don't see a huge problem with that. >> harris: all right, steve, i want to go back to, as you put it -- and i wrote out he said, "can't have law and order without law enforcement." let's talk about where the president's today with the national association of police organizations. that group is expected to make a presidential endorsement as soon as today, potentially. president trump made his pitch to that group on monday as police unions have been moving away from joe biden amid concerns that he is embracing an antipolice rhetoric. what do you make of it all? and what should the president to do next? is it a big deal if this group says, "yes, we are with you president trump?" >> it is, especially in the fact that he supported obama and biden in the past. what we look at also just as importantly as the organization that we are going to hear from today is that the international union of police associations, back in the fall, which has a membership of over 100,000 officers, it adds to the fop. the fall of 2019. they have over 300,000 members. that is kind of unheard of, the amount that early in the game to endorse the president. >> harris: i would mention that last time around this particular police organization sat 2016 out. before that they backed obama and biden, and now they are talking with president trump. what is it about biden's message that specifically is something you let john to and say it's a strategy for us? >> the unity platform wants to pretty much, in essence, without listing the 30 things they want to do, do away with federal law enforcement. do away with i.c.e., do it with the border patrol, and prosecution for people crossing the border illegally, if you will. they are going to support sanctuary cities. i heard the president early talking about ms-13. not only is this law enforcement, but after i retired i worked with the u.s. marshals of the contractor. i handled ms-13 offenders. i handled the most violent gangs in the united states. long island alone had 50 murde murders. we see, law enforcement -- and i have contacts all across the country that i still stay in touch with, they see him as the "law & order" president and they are honored that they are able to represent him. >> harris: steve kardian, thank you for being on the program. we look forward to next time. >> a pleasure, here is. thank you. >> harris: pro police protesters are marching today in brooklyn. this, as black community leaders have delivered a pointed message to mayor de blasio. stay tuned for that. and the white house is butting heads with the cdc on reopening schools. some of the agency's former directors are delivering a stern warning. we'll talk about all of it with my next guest, governor mike huckabee. stay close. ♪ ta-da! did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? 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"the new york post" is reporting the top uniformed cop, terrence monahan, was among those hurt. reading deep into their reporting, they are saying that sourcing is saying that he had an injured hand, is receiving stitches for that, and that protesters attacked with a chain. meanwhile, it clergy members organized a march in support of the nypd today. he said in their center screen. it's all in response to new york city's surgeon violent crime. as we learn more about the chief of department, terrence monahan, we will bring it to you right away. for now i want to bring in my next guest, governor mike huckabee. we had planned to talk about a host of topics, but i just want to start here. this is tough. it's just tough. i'm curious to know what your reaction is. >> well, the injury to the officer is directly at the feet of bill de blasio, the mayor. the incompetent mayor. the mayor who has sided with rioters and looters over his own police department. police told him to back off and to let people go ahead and just commit crime at will. if you don't enforce the law with the people who are sworn to enforce it, you have lawlessness. new york city's being turned into a lawless society by people who know they aren't going to get in any real trouble. they aren't going to get arrested come up go to jail, they won't put up bail, they'll be back on the street. this is bill de blasio's new york and i don't know why anybody would be calling for his resignation. and why he himself believes that what he's doing x any sense at all. it's really disgraceful, and god bless those new york police officers. one of the world's best police in the world. >> harris: i don't know if you cut the video, maybe you the team can put it back up. simultaneously the backdrop is a march of clergy in support of the nypd. if we can put that video back up, it is an interesting juxtaposition of exactly where we are. you are talking about the leadership and the politics. by the way, that particular mayor of new york city was called out by the governor of new york. "displace him." youyou are a former governor. does governor cuomo need to back those words up? now we are showing that pro police demonstration by clergy. let me get your ideas on where you go next if you are the governor of new york. >> i'm not familiar enough with new york law to know if there is a mechanism in which the state can decertify a mayor. i'm not sure that exists in new york city and new york state. the fact that it is cuomo who is going after him, as well, indicates this isn't about partisan politics with de blasio. this is about common sense. this is about taking your brain off the bed stand and taking it with you to work every day rather than leaving it at home and not having really a decision that makes sense. i am so grateful for those clergy members. many of them, african-american, in new york, who recognize our community isn't safe without police. i find it interesting, harris, a lot of the protesters out there yelling, screaming, and doing things to police are not african-americans. they are young white women. they somehow act like they are having to speak for african-americans. black people can speak for themselves. they don't need some young, white, college-educated elitist snob out there speaking for them. but that is what is very disturbing, when you see the makeup of some of these mobs. these are not a grieved people. these are people who just like to fight and hate this country and hate authority and hate cops. they should have gotten in a whole lot more trouble, and probably this will put me in trouble, they probably should have got a few spankings when they were little kids and not i do believe they can get away with anything and everything they want to do. >> harris: oh, boy... i know that's a very emotional response. two things were on the screen that i want to explain. you saw the huge sign, as the governor was saying, that he's great for the clergy out there and their support for police today. there's a sign that spoke, "jesus saved new york." it's not even about the defund the police talk or any of the politics. that is a direct reaction to what we are seeing today. we also saw a brand-new video of the police being attacked on the brooklyn bridge if you want to pop that back up. so people can see it in the context. while we were speaking it's like you knew what was up. there it is, and i can see -- look at them, these people who are aggressively going after the police. they will investigate what they see here. we can see with our own eyes that there are things coming across that bridge barrier attacking those cops. a last reaction from you, and will move on. >> if you want a baby want rewarded, if you want less of it, consequent is. if you reward bad behavior, you're going to get a bunch more of it. if you consequence bad behavior, you get less of it. that's true whether you're raising kids or training animals. that's how the world works. by rewarding people who are doing horrible things to police officers and people's businesses, you're going to get a lot more of it. de blasio hasn't got the sense enough to understand that, and he needs to get out of the way and let somebody lead this great city of new york and somehow salvage what's left of it after he gets finished writing it. >> harris: governor mike huckabee on the program today. thank you very much for being with me for the breaking news. >> thank you, harris. >> harris: president trump weighing in on this week's stunning shake up at "new york times." while another conservative journalist at a publication also step down. what this says about viewpoint diversity in the media. stay close. ♪ water? why?! ♪ ahhhh! incoming! ahhhahh! i'm saved! ahhh! ride? no, i'm good. i'm gonna walk. let's go! water tastes like, well, water. so we fixed it. mio >> harris: there is new reaction after a very public resignation by a "new york times" opinion editor. in a letter to the times publisher, bari weiss wrote she was bullied by colleagues intolerant of centrist or conservative viewpoints. president trump today tweeted, "the times is under siege. people are fleeing. a total mess." other was weighing in on twitter, as well. donald trump jr. said the resignation exposes the times' rampant attacks on anyone who breaks from the far left narrative. ari fleischer wrote, "the newspaper is now published to browbeat readers with far, far left political and social positions." you know him to be the former press secretary for former president bush, and former democratic presidential candidate andrew yang says the times needs to make some real changes. wow. later today, conservative columnist -- dominic andrew sullivan said he will leave the "new york magazine." he didn't give a solid reason, saying only that it was "pretty self-evident," and that he will address it in his final column. jill abramson is with me now, the former executive editor of "the new york times." jill, you and i tend to come together at these moments when there is crisis at the times. talk to me about this particular one, and the importance of now your wider public understanding, potentially, that there is a quiet of centrist and conservative views in the opinion section of "the new york times." >> well, harris, first of all, thanks for having me on. >> harris: always. >> i think that the departure of one junior-level opinion editor at "the new york times" is really a molehill compared to the mountains of news developmes that you've just been talking about on your show. bari weiss' letter was a strong letter, certainly, and it was bound to get some reaction, but in the scheme of things it does not spell crisis for "the new york times." people are not fleeing from "the new york times." they had the unfortunate departure of the opinion editor, james bennett, who i think is a fantastic journalist. now this resignation. but the times is doing just fine. the truth is it has more subscribers than ever in its history, and more readers. that's really the measure of success, not who is coming on staff and who is departing. >> harris: i appreciate you wanting to compare it to what's happening today with the nypd top uniformed officer being attacked. we all know the difference between that and an employee leaving "the new york times." i don't think we needed a lesson on that as much as we need to understand from someone who led so many at the times how valuable it is to have voices from everybody. if that is not happening there, post your departure, what is your response to it? >> well, number one, i think it is happening. before my departure, i spent an awful lot of my time as executive editor, when i would speak publicly, defending the times from charges that it was a big supporter of the iraq war and was carrying water for george w. bush's administration. so, that was a ridiculous charge, and the idea that "the new york times" is edited by a cabal of left-wing journalists is just not true at all. >> harris: you think someone is lying when she said she was bullied? >> no, i regret, of course, if anyone is bullied. that's terrible. but i don't think it's true that moderate voices are being hushed at "the new york times." most of the opinion columnists at the times are centrists. they are center to liberal. there wasn't a bernie sanders -- >> harris: i wonder where their voices are today to support her. to say, as you are saying, "sorry this has happened to you." based on whatever her experiences were, that they might want to sure her up. i don't know. she says there are some legal things to be looked at here, certainly bullying and harassment will be among them. as a former leader at the times, what would you say to this woman today? >> i would say to her, as i just said to you, that i am very sorry if she was bullied by any of her colleagues. that should not be tolerated in any organization. the times does not tolerate it. they have a set of written rules of the road which prohibits that kind of behavior. so, i'm sorry. i'm sorry if she had a rough time. bari weiss is someone, she has thousands of twitter followers herself. she has been in there on twitter, throwing some punches herself at people she disagrees with. i'm not saying she is a bully, but if you are going to dish it out, you've got to be ready to take it. i learned that a long time ago. >> harris: actually, legally, we don't have to be ready to take harassment on the job. that's already established. jill abramson, i've got illegal. thank you for the discussion. >> she can sue. thank you. >> harris: don't call him an underdog. president trump rejected that label, saying the polls are missing the enthusiasm of his supporters. just like four years ago. he is speaking at the white house. we'll bring you back. ♪ meowners from newday usa. interest rates have dropped to record lows. newday usa makes it so easy to refinance that one call can save you $3000 a year. newday's va streamline refi lets you refinance without having to verify your income, without getting your home appraised and without spending one dollar out of pocket to get it done. it is the quickest and easiest refi they've ever offered. one call can save you $3000 a year, every year. >> harris: president trump declaring a great win as tommy tuberville easily defeated attorney general jeff sessions in the g.o.p. senate primary runoff. the president had endorsed the former auburn football coach and attacked sessions, who he was repeatedly going after for recusing himself from the russia investigation. the president's former chief physician, dr. ronnie jackson, also won and his republican runoff for a house seat. both candidates solidly behind the trump agenda. >> the referendum for donald trump last night in alabama, he is going to take this state overwhelmingly. anything we can do to help him, this country is in trouble. that's the reason i'm running. >> i've been frustrated for a long time about the lack of support the president has sometimes. he needs folks in there that are going to get in there, have his back, keep america great, and america first agenda. i believe in him and i believe in that agenda. it motivated me to get into the race and do something about it. >> harris: david avella, gopac chairman. jason nichols, professor of african-american studies at the university of maryland. great to see. david, it wasn't so long ago that the presence edge of the, if you want to keep your jobs you have to get tougher. i'm paraphrasing, but that was the message. >> david: the message also was last night that if you are a republican nominee going to the general election, if you want to create distance between you and the president because you think it's going to pick up independent platelets and democrats, you'd better pick up a lot of them, because you're going to use republicans. 96% of republicans are favorable to the job the president is doing, and as he often notes, he is 88-2 right now in candidates that he has endorsed. anybody on the republican ticket that is running would benefit greatly from the president endorsing them. >> harris: interesting. i want to let everybody know -- and, jason, i will come to you -- we are under a minute to comments that the president has just made outside the white house as he was boarding marine one to take him to air force one on his way to what is happening later today. let's talk a little bit about that, and i will come back to you. the president today, we have already seen it, talking about ms-13 come knocking out gangs come in the oval office. moments ago with reporters. here it is, watch. >> president trump: you know where we are going. it won't be long. we'll back here early discussing important topics pay the markets are good, the country is doing well. jobs are going fast. we want school to be open, and they will be open. relatively on-time, hopefully perfectly on time, most likely. do you have any questions? >> reporter: [inaudible] >> president trump: i'm very happy that tommy tuberville won the race. i think he's going to be a great senator. we don't have a good senator are there right now, jones. he's not doing the job. he should be doing a much better job. certainly he doesn't represent the views of the people of alabama. that's for sure. so, we are not happy about him at all. i don't think the people of alabama are happy with their representation in the senate. tommy tuberville is going to be a great senator. he was a great coach. i spoke to another coach last night, unrelated. he said tommy tuberville was a great coach and he's a great guy. someday i'll tell you who said that, but he is somebody respected. so, it was a tremendous win for tommy tuberville last night. i'm very happy about it. also, a tremendous win for ronnie jackson, and it looks like it could be a tremendous win for a gentleman named gonzalez. you know about that, too. that race is still a little bit going on. by the time i got involved, a lot of the votes were already cast, but i got involved really at the last moment. we think he can easily win that area. two very good candidates. raises a great candidate, and so is gonzales. when i got involved, a lot of the early votes were cast. it was a big comeback. it was a big comeback. that's going to be very interesting race. the other thing, very amazing. somebody you all know is ronnie jackson. admiral ronnie, we call in a lot of different things. but everybody agrees, they respect ronnie jackson a lot. yeah? >> reporter: [inaudible] >> president trump: it could happen. antifa is no good. they are bad. they are bad people. it could very well happen. >> reporter: [inaudible] >> it didn't change for me. they are all on the same team. we are all on the same team, including dr. fauci. i'm a very good relationship with dr. fauci, and we are all in the same team. we want to get rid of this mess that china sent us. everybody is working in the same line and we are doing very well. we are doing well in a lot of ways. our country is coming back very strong. when you look at those jobs numbers, we've never had jobs numbers like we have right now. it's coming back very strong. okay? >> reporter: [inaudible] >> president trump: he made a statement or presenting himself. he shouldn't be doing that. i have a good relationship with anthony. thank you very much. >> harris: and the president, asked about his relationship with the task force member, dr. anthony fauci. he says it's very good. the president headed now to air force one, he will go to atlanta hartsfield-jackson international airport and arrive there to talk about faster, better, stronger at a ups facility in atlanta, georgia, focusing on infrastructure. so he is off. we've heard from the president, and we will move on now. dozens of black conservatives have gathered to save the emancipation memorial in washington, d.c. why they say that claims it is demeaning to african-americans are just plain wrong. they want to protect it. i will return, and so will the power panel, next. ♪ saturdays happen. pain happens. aleve it. aleve is proven stronger and longer on pain than tylenol. when pain happens, aleve it. all day strong. ♪ (announcer) reliability is everything. so, if your network's down, you're down. verizon knows your customers need to reach you seamlessly. your team needs to work from different places across many devices. plus, you want the security trusted by some of the largest companies in the world. and that's why you trust us. the most reliable network in america. i appreciate what makes each person unique. that's why i like liberty mutual. they get that no two people are alike and customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. almost done. what do you think? 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i guess the bottom line is, why not put a plaque of there? one. that's been some of the ways people have talked about dealing with these issues where there is that conflict point of a painful history, and then a reminder of what that looks like. jason, is it demeaning when you see a black man kneeling before lincoln? is that demeaning to blacks? that the argument here. >> jason: i think it doesn't reflect exactly what happened, how african-americans were instrumental in their own freedom. it makes it seem as though someone came along, and it does come across a little patronizing. that someone came along and freed them while they were on their knees rather than african-americans standing up, picking up rifles, and shooting and fighting for their own freedom. that's what we want to reflect. actually what happened, what was actually true. 200,000 african-americans, 11% of the union army, 37,000 gave their lives. harriet tubman, who was the first woman to ever lead a combat mission. these are the kinds of things we want to say, particularly in a majority black city that african-americans fought for their own freedom, and it would be inspiring or inspirational to people in that community. >> harris: you are in academia not far from there, perhaps he can be part of the conversation that goes into putting it into context. i want to move to this, there is buzz to replace now the national anthem because of what some are calling a racist and sexist history, as well as its outdated language. an "los angeles times" communist suggests "lean on me" as a replacement, calling it a deeply american song that is not explicitly about america. david? >> it's okay, harris, to unsubscribe from the cancer culture. you have these voices that are ultimately on the fringe trying to suggest that american values are out of date. you look at any survey research, and you see over 60% of americans are proud of american history. certainly there are times when people need to apologize, when mistakes are made. but americans are also a forgiving group of people. they do like the underdogs. they do like giving people a second chance. before we decide to change the entire history of a country, you are more likely to see americans, as i said, hitting unsubscribe on this cancel culture. >> harris: and full disclosure, i was a very amateur national anthem singer. did so for the kansas city chiefs in kansas city years ago. >> david: [laughs] >> harris: will move on. good to see you, gentlemen. amid weeks of protests nationwide against racism, defense secretary mark esper has announced new military action, or action in the military, i should correct that and say. some changes are coming, next. ♪ s families with a va loan save $3,000 a year. that's me. our va streamline refi takes just one call to start the process. there's no appraisal, so no one comes to your house. that's me. there's no income verification and no out of pocket costs. that's me. record low mortgage rates have dropped even lower. nobody works harder for veterans than my team at newday usa. 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"harris faulkner presents the fight for america." my vision on this is let's fight for something together. we will have a wife, ranging discussion on where we are as a nation when it comes to so many issues before. you just heard the general mentioning some of them. general tim scott. mlk's niece, elvia kane, mark cuban. and our own sean hannity will sit down with me. tune in this sunday, 10:00 p.m. eastern. see you then. ♪ >> dana: president trump ripping into democratic leaders as violence surges across the country. i'm dana perino, and this is "the daily briefing." ♪ >> this left-wing group of people running our cities and not doing the job that they're supposed to be doing, and it's not a very tough job to do if they knew what they were doing. they are supposed to be asking

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