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As it unfolds. Benjamin hall has also been watching this live in london with the very latest there. I met, benjamin. Hi, julie. London is in shock today because this follows a period of relative calm, just a few weeks ago the terror level was reduced from severe to substantial. Paired with this it wont know Michael Wolff attacker was he part of a Bigger Network . Perhaps another organization. This happened just before 2 00 p. M. Local time on the man began attacking people with a large knife on London Bridge. A number of people injured, but the whole area was quickly locked down and evacuated and remains a crime scene. Social media footage shows members of the public on the floor grappling with the man, taking away the large knife from them and holding down before him she slipped on my police arrive. The mayor spoke about them. Another example of the bravery and terrorism of ordinary londoners running towards adrian risking their own personal safety to save others. I want to thank him on behalf of all londoners. Armed officers soon arrived on the screen. They isolated the man, pulled off the passersby before he then opened his jacket to show it look like an explosive device. We know its a hoax, the man was killed. Police are working to idm. Combing his social media, a cell phone records, to see whether he was part of a Wider Network or whether there is an ongoing threat. London bridge itself was the scene of an attack in 2017 when eight people died. On that occasion, the three attackers used a van to run people over before then carrying out a knife attack. They were also wearing a hoax vests and were shot dead. The u. K. s hosting the new summit. President trump is going there monday evening. There is concern going into next week of any other potential threats. Julie . Julie benjamin hall, thank you very much. Joining me now a Staff Sergeant joey jones, a retired u. S. Marine corps bond technician and fox news contributor. Really happy to have you on, because i want you to talk to us specifically about this hoax device. This explosive device that was apparently worn on the suspects best, or on his waist, and he was wearing some sort of belt. Even a trained eye, had they seen this, would have thought this was the real thing. If you believe that a terrorist suspect is wearing some sort of explosive device, what is the first thing you do . Absolutely. That is the most important, you have to treat anything that could be something as something. That is important in our field, as a prior bond technician in the military. Even among First Responders like police, they have to be trained in this as far as identification goes. You have to believe its a live device. Your immediate instinct, we call this immediate action drill. To either alleviate the threat or get everyone away. The order you do that in depends on what you think you see. It is song know mike soon as they saw it could be a victimoperated suicide vest, their Immediate Reaction was to take a person out so they could not detonate it and get all the civilians and other people out of the way. I have watched one video that seems i dont know if its verified but its made its way around social media. Once they get a civilian out of the mans grasp, they see the vests and they immediately hold down the man. I think the officers very well. They took a shot because they had to. Julie weve talked a lot about the most recent incident, very much like this when that happened in 2017. We havent been talking about is that one hasnt been free of attempted terror. In fact, seven different terror attacks in the u. K. Since 2017, beginning in 2019. The most recent, the manchester shopping center, five stabbings, 500. August 2016, a car attack outside the house of the parliament. Three hurt there. September 2017, the green tube train bombing. More than 15 hurt in that one. In june of 2017, the Finsbury Park car crash. That killed one and her 12. Of course, the one weve been talking about today. The june 3rd 2017 London Bridge car crash, stabbing attack. Eight killed and 48 hurt. There were also come in may of 2017, a bombing. And then the march 2017 westminster car crash and setting attack. Five killed, 49 hurt. These sound like a lot of copycat attacks. When we talk about these car crashes in stabbings, they are using these vehicles as terrorist targets. They are using the vehicles of their weapons. Since the London Bridge attack in 2017, the june 1, where they use a white van and mow down pedestrians and then proceeded to stab multiple, eight people were killed that day. What has changed in london to prevent these kinds of attacks from happening . Well, i think the biggest thing that has happened in this country and we could take this all the way back to 9 11 is that its a citizenry in both europe and the United States condition to react now. The big story coming out of today, other than obviously the tragedy, some amount of people were hurt and possibly killed, it is simply that it was innocent bystanders that were the first to respond and react. If you think about 9 11, only one of the four planes did the people on the plane take action. The reason why it is up until that point, if someone hijacked a plane, it was for ransom and it wasnt expected it would be used in the way it was. But now in 2019, with attacks like this happening, if you see something you know you have to act immediately or risk losing your life if you are complacent. Theres a lot being said even in this country would need to be things like guns, that we should not have to live in fear. I agree with that. But in the worlds information and technology, with the cell phones, theres really no such thing as a lone wolf attack anymore. There are inspired attacks. They really arent copycat attacks, there are inspired attacks. People are inspired because of their own dire situation or twisted beliefs, but other things that happened. Our biggest line of defense is simply to be aware and to be vigilant and to take action when we have the opportunity. At least you understand what the right action is. There is something you can divulge from all of this. Its interesting the suspect was wearing what was a hoax device. The same thing happened back in 2017. They were wearing hoax devices. Even the untrained eye, you see hoax device and assume its an expose the device. Theyve got a bomb on them. Theres many ways to detonate them. I learned earlier that if the person falls limp, perhaps that could actually designate. There could be a remote explosive or a remote control, bystander or one of their not a bystander, but one of their accomplices could be down the street and explode it that way. That leads me to believe that there is not a Larger Network behind these lone wolfs even though you say theres no such thing anymore. If this was in fact a system of these would not be hoax belts, would they . With a not have the real thing on them . Terrorist terror. People are just a scare today with a hoax device as they would have been had it gone off and be be killed one or two more peop people. Julie they couldve done a lot more damage if they had a real explosive, is my point. Absolutely, they could have. I worked hoax bombs in afghanistan and iraq. The idea of invoking terror and causing us to change have acted live our lives. Classical paint if they killed two people out of millions, that does make a big change. But if they scare us into believing they were about to be killed, thats the change they are looking to inflict. Thats why its not as relevant, even to our enemy, whether or not these things are hoax or not. Also you stand a lot was like that of getting caught buying explosives online if you wear something that looks like it as opposed to buying it. Depending on if they are being looked at, looked into, they felt like they could even get away with doing a real device, what we are seeing now is they are leaning toward hoax devices because its a lot harder to find and a lot harder to prevent. Julie you know what this guy did . He failed. Not only did he not scare bystanders, they jumped and they were the one they apprehended. They are trying to scare londoners, theyve got another think coming. That didnt happen today and it will not have in the future. People are not taking this lying down. Staff sergeant joey jones, we appreciate you coming on. Thank you so much. Thank you. Julie President Trump during his surprise trip to afghanistan announcing peace talks are back on with the taliban. Is the u. S. Any closer to ending the nearly two decade long war . We will try and answer that. Plus, democrats reportedly fretting about doj watchdog michael horowitzs upcoming report, claiming it will give the trump doj and attorney general barr a free pass. But is that the case, and what can we expect . Its versus the other guys. Eese cheering clearly, velveeta melts creamier we make aspirin to help save lives during a heart attack. So it never stops the heart of a family. At bayer, this is why we science. And now for their service to the community, we present limu emu doug with this key to the city. [ applause ] its an honor to tell you that Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. And now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Wthats why xfinity hasu made taking your internetself. And tv with you a breeze. Really . Yup. You can transfer your Service Online in about a minute. You can do that . Yeah. 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Any time a president of the United States takes a trip to a conflict zone, security is very tight. Security was truly taken to the next level. We still dont know how he was able to sneak out of maralago wednesday night undetected. He was then taken to a plane at an undisclosed airport, and i was on that plane. Before boarding, everyone on board the flight and i mean everyone, including the handful of white house senior officials that were traveling with the president were forced to hand over all of their cell phones. The white house went so far as to schedule some preplanned tweets to go out from the president s twitter account during the many hours that even he was in the dark. When we landed at joint base andrews, there was no air force one all lit up on the tarmac. It was hidden inside of a hanger. When we got there, we boarded very quickly, we took off in total darkness. No light. It was only then, a few hours into the flight, that we learned we were going. Bog room airfield in afghanistan. We descended once again in total darkness, and we were told we could only be on the ground for just a few minutes. I tell you about all these Security Policies to underscore how did your days after the u. S. War in afghanistan began. President trump told the hundreds of troops that covered in hangar to hear his thanksgiving to address that he was committed to drawing down troop levels in afghanistan and bringing them home. Security was also so tight at the white house was not able to inform the president of afghanistan about this trip until a few hours before landing. It was at that meeting with president ghani of her consent of the is officially the we had officially restarted talks with the taliban after congos peace talks dead back in september. But there were conditions, and heres what President Trump said those conditions were. The taliban wants to make a deal, and were meeting with them. We are saying it has to be a ceasefire. They didnt want to do a ceasefire, but now they do want to do a ceasefire, i believe itll probably work out that way. We will what happens. And the taliban said today that they are open to restarting these peace talks with the United States, but they did not go so well in the past, so we will see if this time as any different, julie. Julie Kristin Fisher in West Palm Beach, florida, thank you. Can washington on the taliban reach a peace deal . That is the question. For more on all of this, lets bring in Lieutenant Colonel james carafano, National Security analyst with heritage foundation. Thank you very much for talking to us. President trump had made a surprise visit to the troops on thanksgiving, which was incredible, then he came out with his big news that he had, in fact, reopen peace negotiations with the taliban. I should remind our viewers, it comes less than three months after he abruptly called the talks off. He called them dead. Despite signs that a deal was close to ending 18 years of war, with the president now saying that talks might be resuming, what do you make of this . Can the two sides reach a peace deal . First of all, and every talks about this. Let me make it clear that the secrecy of the visit is to protect the troops. We are going to protect the president , thats not a problem, be of hundred of troops here. You dont want it to mike anyway to try something. Its about the safety of the troops, the way they do it this way. I dont know how close we were to an actual deal. I dont believe the president was never briefed on the details of a deal. Whether he signs that particular deal is up for grabs. This is what the United States has been crystalclear with. We are going to continue to operate in the country to fight terrorism. With those prerequisites in place, if the taliban wants to come to the table, we reach an agreement that ensures the people of afghanistan dont have to worry about being overrun by the taliban again. Will they do that . To be honest too, the only people who can answer that question of the taliban. Julie exactly. And they have answered that question. They have come out and said that they will not come down to talk. They have said they will not talk and they wont come up with any kind of deal until the u. S. Troops are out of afghanistan. Whether the president pulls a few thousand come thats untaken aloud. Which means the taliban will be happy with that. And they think they are calling the shots one clue they are not. To speak of resuming direct talks. Its confusing, what does each side want . The taliban thought it was. They thought they would sign a deal and the u. S. Was just and after the u. S. Was going to sign a deal, we would walk away. The stunning reality when the president pulled the plug, they suddenly realized. People are saying, we are not winning the war. Of course youre not fighting the war, the Afghan People are defending themselves. Its very different. The other thing is the taliban are not winning either. They do not control more territory and they are in just as much of a stalemate as we are. The question is, can we live with the stalemate . The answer is yes. Can the taliban . I think thats a different question. Julie before i let you go, what does this say about trumps negotiating style . Is very consistent. On the one hand, he demonstrate hes going to protect u. S. Interests, and to be there and stay there. In a sustained way. On the other hand, any time the other side wants to stop him hes willing to talk. He is very consistent. Chinese, russians, ukrainians iranians, andtaliban. Julie we appreciate you coming on. Democrats going antsy, if you want to call it that, head of the highly anticipated pfizer report. Why they are questioning the Inspector Generals judgment, and what they say his investigation ignored. Plus, a war of words comes to a head at a d. C. Bar. What sparked the feud between a former governor and the deputy acting dhs secretary . [spokeswoman] meet the ninja foodi grill. Get the perfectly grilled flavors of an outdoor grill indoors, and because its a ninja foodi, it can do even more, like transform into an air fryer. The ninja foodi grill, the grill that sears, sizzles, and air fry crisps. Im finding it hard to stay on a faster laptop could help. Plus, tech support to stay worry free. Worry free. Boom boom get free next business day shipping or. 1 hour instore pick up shopping season solved at Office Depot Officemax or officedepot. Com. It also has the highest growth in manufacturing jobs in the us. Its a competition for the talent. Employees need more than just a paycheck. 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Lets bring in former prosecutor and criminal defense attorney alex lytle. Thank you for talking to us. Good afternoon. Julie the Inspector General report comes out december 9th. The democrats are claiming ignored real issues with top officials and focus instead on obama officials. Horowitz do they have a point . Only that he is a really fit for these times. When he does as Inspector Generals very narrow and focused on a few specific things. I think the criticism of the democrats is that horowitz doesnt understand the information environment hes working in. For example, the report coming out december 9th, it looks like its going to essentially say the Republican Center city dont my conspiracies are backed up. But its going to have enough little complaints that folks on their public and side are going to use it as ammunition. Julie senator graham earlier this month since he thinks the horowitz report will be damning. Heres what he says. I think horowitz is going to give us a stunning report about the system being off the rails. Lets put it all out there to see, all of the 302s, so he can make their own decision if Christopher Steele had a bias against trump. If he was an unreliable person when it came to obtaining a warrant against the trump campaign. My goal is transparency. Julie do you think the dems are trying to distract from the findings of these accusations that horowitz hasnt been fair . I think the criticisms like that arent really based on objective looks at what happened. I dont think anybody in Law Enforcement who has done cases like this can truly believe that somehow the pfizer investigation wasnt well predicated there was plenty of evidence that there was no interaction with the investigation, with the campaign at the time. That so dont think anything that he says there is going to bear fruit in the investigation come in the report at the end of the day. Julie lets talk about the fbi investigation. That has on the level back. James comey lost his job there was plenty they did wrong. Julie the report will criticize a fair leadership, number one, further handling of the russian probe, and then it even includes a chart of all the mistakes he made. Which obviously begs the question, will this include the illegal way that they obtained the fisa report in the first place . The warrant . I think thats my point. The same New York Times report said two things. No, this is not illegally done in any way. There are mistakes that were made, but the main conspiracies that somehow the cia was out to give a campaign, that they embedded a spy in the campaign, arent true. The fact that those things are not being focused on, the Little Things are being focused on, one of the democrats complain. The way the media reports the horowitz report is the issue. Not the report itself. Horowitz is trying to do this job. The way they pick up on that becomes a problem. Julie alex little, thank you for talking to us. We will have a live update on the London Bridge incident that police are now calling a terror attack, as well as new details about what isis was doing when all this was going down. The latebreaking details just coming in. We will have those. Plus, 2020 Democrat Joe Biden launching a book tour across iowa tomorrow, where mayor peter buddha judge has been taking the lead itll be interesting. Can bite and turn things around in the key state . We made usaa insurance for members like martin. An air force veteran made of doing whats right, not whats easy. So when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. Thats how you do it right. Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. 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The call is free and theres no obligation. You know medicare wont cover all your medical costs, so call now and see why a Medicare Supplement plan from a company like humana, just might be the answer. Not just to londoners, visitors to our city, but around the world. We are resolute, we stand united in the face of terrorism and will not allow anyone to divide us. Julie that was londons mayor earlier today. Police they are calling it a terrorist attack. A man on a London Bridge stabbing several people before the police shot and killed him. Two shots fired. They say he was wearing a hoax device, thats why there to take down dead. Police also believe it was and i decided an isolated incident. The terror group isis today also pledging new recruits. Gillian turner has been watching this for us live from washington with the latest. Hi, gillian. Hi, julie. Lots of moving pieces here. Ive been talking with the cia since the news of this attack broke earlier this morning. I touch base with them most recently a short while ago. They are deferring everything right are related to this terror attack on the followup investigation to british Law Enforcement and a british intelligence. Hearing loss here in washington, the white house is keeping trump my President Trump up to speed every step of the way. Judd deere tweeting a short while ago. The president has been briefed and is monitoring to see situation. The United States condemns all acts of violence on innocent people and we pledge our full support to our ally, the united kingdom. We know that in recent previous attacks that took place in london a total of eight since just 2017, the fbi counterterrorism unit worked hand in glove with british authorities. My intel sources say there is every reason to expect that will happen this time around with the London Bridge terror attack. They say u. S. Agents are likely already there working on the ground in the u. K. Behind the scenes. As you mention, julie, we are continuing to hear more about this attack in realtime. Theres also some developing news regarding isis at the same time. According to my intelligence sources, isis pledged new recruits today during the London Bridge attack itself, while it was unfolding. Isiss media arm put out some photos of new members pledging their loyalty to the group, just after 9 00 a. M. Eastern time, as the attack in london was going on. They claim these photos show the supporters in the country of azerbaijan pledging loyalty to the groups so hard brandnew caliphate that is working intimately to verify post photos and will bring them to you as soon as for ken, julie. Julie think you have a gillian turner. 2020 Democrat Joe Biden switching to politics now. Setting off to kick off a bus tour. Beginning tomorrow and i will not, as polls show im struggling in the Hawkeye State with mayor Pete Buttigieg now leading among democrats there. But it could be a Quinnipiac Pollshows he lived. I will that break down . As Supreme Court Justice Clarence thomas is reportedly blasting bidens handling of his 1991 confirmation hearing where he was accused of sexual harassment. Saying that bidens questioning targeted him for his views on abortion, which bidens team denies. Joining me now, james pinto, boston globe political reporter. Did bidens handling of the hearing, could actually come back to haunt him in 2020, do you think . This documentary where he made these comments comes out in may. She come closer to be the nominee for president , i think evil. Anita hill is still very clearly upset with joe biden even though he called her and didnt exactly apologize, but shes been pretty vocal, that shes pretty upset with him. This is the wednesday hes going have to do is should he become the nominee, or even if we get further down the line on this nomination fight. This is long and expensive record in the u. S. Senate. They were there moments like this, but democrats will obviously want to point out that he voided for the war in iraq , that he voted for nafta. You go down the line on the issues come up they may have a popular event but they are certainly not popular today. Julie meantime, mayor Pete Buttigieg. Im about to turn to the race. He has risen to second place nationally, which is incredible. He also continues to surge in the key states of iowa and New Hampshire. These are big deals for joe biden. A real clear politics poll, lets put it up. It shows buttigieg in the lead with 24, sanders and second at 18, warren at 17. Biden in fourth place. So obviously this bus tour is no coincidence. Can bidens no malarkey bus tour improve his image in iowa . The scene of the play in both iowa and New Hampshire has shifted in the last two or three weeks. These are now completely tossed up states, for all of the four of the top four. This is anyones ball game. Certainly Pete Buttigieg is the one who has a lot of momentum in these particular states. A poll release by the boston globe last week and New Hampshire shows its a fourway tie, all within the margin of error. Going back to iowa for a minute, this is a very important state for joe biden. Of course its important for a lot of folks, but if you have portrayed herself as the front runner and as the person who is electable, you cant go start losing, particularly in the first one. Yes, he has his bus tour, over a week long. 18 different stops. But im not sure if this is the moment where its going to be turning it around. At least his campaign is now focused back on iowa. In the past year was said, well, maybe its not that big of a deal. I dont think you can wait until south carolina. I think his campaign is really getting there. Julie james pedal, thank you very much. We appreciate you coming on. Former president obama looming large over a divided democratic party. Does he have influence to reshape the nominating race . We will find out. Plus, prince andrews accuser giving her very first u. K. Interview. What she is now saying about the alleged encounter, next. I said consistently and frequently that we never had any sort of contact or whatever at bayer, we create medicine that treats bleeding disorders like hemophilia. So victor can keep doing whats in his blood. At bayer, this is why we science. The amount of Student Loan Debt i have, im embarrassed to even say. We just decided we didnt want debt any longer. I didnt realize how easy investing could be. Im Picking Companies that i believe in. I think sofi money is amazing. Thank you sofi. Sofi thank you, we love you. Hes kind of throwing under the bus. He hasnt said anything about Bernie Sanders, hes going to sit back. Hes just assuming Bernie Sanders is going to lose and he has no chance. If, for some reason, he tends to surge in the polls, then he is going to come back swinging. He doesnt want Bernie Sanders getting this nomination. First of all, i will say the thing that hunter biden is going to taint president obamas legacy is crazy. It doesnt help. Im going to let that sit. Bernie is not a democrat. I think there is no way that Bernie Sanders can win a general election against president tru President Trump. He is totally out of touch with the majority of the american people, and i do not think that he will be the democratic nominee. If he is, we will have four more years of the term presidency for sure. That all the time you have. Thank you both. I appreciate it. And other Top Administration official driven out of an establishment after being berated over immigration policy. This time, the breeder was Martin Omalley. Hes the former democratic governor of maryland. What each menacing now, and just how ugly this barbara all got. Ahhhh giving one. The lexus december to rembember sales event lease the 2020 nx 300 for 329 a month for 27 months. 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Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. I would like to call this men behaving badly. Former Maryland Governor and democratic president ial candidate Martin Omalley unloading on deputy acting dhs secretary Ken Cuccinelli at a d. C. Bar. Here is what happened. Omalley says he confronted cuccinelli about the administrations immigration policies. Both men say they ended up facetoface with omalley asking cuccinelli if he wanted to throw a punch. Well, cuccinelli did not. He eventually left. He said omalley was cursing and screaming for real to the point of veins bulging on his neck. Cursing and the president and my italian ancestry. Telling the Washington Post he said that the secretarys immigrant grandparents, quote, would be ashamed of him putting children in cages on our southwest border. Pair power is back with us now. Eric beach and kristen hawn. What does this say did discourse and civility. These are two grown men in official positions duking it out over immigration at a bar in public. Kristin . I mean, i think its unacceptable on all sides. You may have issues differences on policy issues. But, you know, there is no reason to, you know, behave badly. Its funny that you see mostly men doing this type of thing. [laughter] julie this comes after Kirstjen Nielsen and bernie werd out. I understand temperatures are flaring and this is a sensitive issue. Why does this keep happening . As a former can i also tell you that governor omalley is a hot head and kind of ironic. Julie do you think . They went to the same high school in d. C. What happens here if you cant debate on the issues and you are not winning on the issues, and i think thats happening here in this election in 2020 you do resort to these kind of tactics. Its unfortunate its not being called out by either the media or many people on the left when it happens. And im glad to hear success stonkristendid that today. There is no way people should use their position of power to abuse somebody in the public arena just because he or she disagrees with the other person. I think what governor omalley did was a little bit hypocritical and he ought to be called out on it as he is. Julie kristen i think its fair to say omalley was out of line. The question is whether its unfair to confront Administration Official over a controversial policy. I think in the other instances with Sarah Huckabee sanders and that was not something that should happen. I do think that, you know, you should be able to, particularly talk to your elected officials. Thats their job. They answer to their constituents. In that way, i think you should be able to talk to the elected officials but not berated them in public. Julie eric, i got the Mainstream Media take. Michelle goldberg is weighing in and is in fact tweeting a link to the story with her own caption reading wait for it god bless march continual omalley. Your take . Again, this is something that is going to play in the president s hand for election and many of the senators across the country, if you cannot debate on your ideas and merits of why you think some of these certain policies are wrong and by the way this particular policy, i believe, started in the obama administration. But thats for a different conversation. Then if you are going to resort to this kind of bullying tactics, thats only going to play in the republican and Donald Trumps hand. Times columnist Michelle Goldberg i saw the article. It was out of line. This seems to happen again and again when democrats are not able to debate against conservatives or what the ideas are. Julie cirs stone left wing violence thats ridiculous. Why would you condone that sort of behavior. If anything, report the story but then god bless i dont know. You are just basically condoning violence which these are two grown men, whether theyre women, men, i dont care. There has got to be a way to actually use your words. Women, men, both sides of the aisle it. Happens everywhere and its not acceptable. Julie its totally unacceptable. Eric beach and kristen hawn, thank you so much. We appreciate. It thank you. Julie thank you so much for watching. Thats going to do it for me im julie banderas. The Daily Briefing with dana perino starts right now. Have a great weekend, everyone. Dana London Police say they have killed a man suspected of stabbing several people near London Bridge in what is being investigated as an incident of terrorism. Hello im dana perino, and this is the Daily Briefing. Dana it all began just before 2 00 p. M. London time when officers responded to reports of a knife attack near the bridge. Authorities say witnesses tackled the suspect who was wearing what turned out to be a fake bomb vest. Police then shot and killed him. Prime minister Boris Johnson responding vowing britain will not live in fear. This country will never be cowed or divided or intimidated by this sort

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