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You have some sheriffs deputies walking by. They are armed. You have so many, detectives, Police Officers from this area. As you can imagine, there is going to be a major investigation. So many questions here. What led up to this shooting . What possibly could prompt someone to open fire or to try and hurt the students here at this high school . We do know that there are approximately five victims at henry Mayo Hospital saying they are treating or have received at least four of those victims, and two of them are in Critical Condition. We dont know how those people, how those victims were injured. But obviously, something that medical teams are working on right now trying to help those victims of this shooting. Happened around 7 30 this morning as students were coming here getting ready for what they would expect to be a regular day, but as you can see, it is anything but that with these ambulances, the streets are completely covered here with Law Enforcement. You still have parents who are out here just kind of gathering waiting to figure out what is next. That press conference that is going to be happening soon hopefully we will get more questions as to how all of this went down, as to how this suspect was taken into custody. We are going to figure that out because Law Enforcement working very hard around this area to make sure it is safe for the people who live here and who were terrified by what happen this morning. Harris i am going to update now, we are getting word at the fox news newsroom according to one of the hospitals where the injured have been taken, one patient has die died. A configuration of this had changed hours ago when the numbers were fluctuating, but i can tell you from the original reporting to fox news by Los Angeles County fire department, a lieutenant with the department told us then that they were six people injured in the shooting. Now, we are at that same number hours later going up and down and now we can confirm according to one of the hospitals that one of those injured has passed awa away. Christina, i am curious about the pickup points now. The Reunification Center that was sent up, the parents that were told to stay on the perimeter and no looking moves as they were saying because they didnt want the problem of a, this High School Campus is of a crime scene as police have been telling us this hour, but also, have anybody being in the mix that they hadnt vetted. So they are going very meticulously still all of these students in the exit areas and evacuation. What is happening with unifying with parents with the students . They were trying to get the students to central park in bouquet canyon, so it is just down the street from the School District, they are trying to get all those students they are so they could have a safe spot. There was confusion as to whether parents could go there right away and get their kids because police were telling everybody to take shelter because the shooter, the alleged shooter was still on the loose. They wanted people to be very, very careful. Now that we are told that this suspect is in custody and is being treated for injuries, you have seen a lot of parents who have been able to come in this area and reunite with their kids, some of those students crying, hugging their parents, making phone calls, just trying to wrap their young minds around this tragedy. So at this point, we are just waiting for more information. Hopefully this press conference will happen soon but again, that site just down the road is where they were having students go. Harris Christina Coleman, thank you very much. As we await that News Conference, i want to bring in Los Angeles County sheriff and i follow you on twitter and you were the First Authority to confirm that the suspect was still alive, had been injured and in custody, can you fill me in more on that . We had the witness at the scene of the crime, we went through Surveillance Video of the shooting, we had a good description there and then it turns out that one of the very first senior students that was evacuated as a suspect who is now in custody and being treated at the local hospital. Harris one of my early questions wouldve been now it really fits together how the age hopped so quickly. Wasnt that this person was just a teenager or a minor but you had that 15yearold, had a subscription perhaps of ethnici. So tell me about the vetting process as you are picking up students who were injured and evacuated because that is where your detective work really begins. Theyve got a long day ahead of them now. After a run through an vet lots of eyewitnesses, a lot of physical evidence, a very large crime scene and at the same time, going through the unification process and the students. So a lot of work. Harris how soon was it discover that the suspect was among those injured being taken off that High School Campus . That was actually evolved over time. We had a description from the eyewitnesses, and then the personnel who was injured at the hospital matching that description with the one there and then confirmed the Video Surveillance we were fairly certain at that point, we said okay, lets end the panic unnecessarily and let people know we do have the suspect in custody so we are confident. Harris at first we knew from local reports they are in los angeles through media that there was no longer a threat. Does that coincide with the fact that you had the suspect in the hospital already . Have you already determined at that point there was nobody else to be looking for . What determines there is no longer a threat to the community at that point . When we have an identifiable suspect in custody, and we have no indication that there are others involved with the suspect. So at that point, we can definitely ratchet down because we deal with the aftermath. Harris sheriff villa nueva, i am also curious if this person was a known problem to the school or any threats in general, even connected with the suspect, i want to know the constellation of information that was out there about any threats towards the school. Thats the information that are homicide detectives are gathering as we speak. We will have a clear picture as the day progresses. Harris these other students right before you came on air with me, Los Angeles County sheriff joining us via phone right now ahead of the News Conference we are waiting to begin at the bottom right of your screen that is not quite lit up yet because they are not there yet. We are awaiting that but ahead of that, we are fortunate to have the sheriff in l. A. Sheriff, if you could tell me what the situation is with the search of the premises, what we thought was maybe the suspected shooters home, we werent sure we could see reports of await for a warrant. We could see officers they are taking a screen off the window, one of our reporters described the garage door going up. They executed a search warrant on the premise of the suspects residence, and now they have a chance to go through, the detectives, and they are looking for evidence. Looking for a digital footprint to figure out what led up to this tragedy and we will have a better idea. Harris i was going to say right before you join me that we had gotten word that there has been a death among those who were injured. Can you tell me anything about that . We had one female, two male patience who were in Critical Condition. We had to go in Critical Condition plus the shooter, the hospital tweeted out that one of those two passed away. Harris thank you for being with me, i know you are going to the News Conference now. Los angeles sheriff villanueva, appreciate your time. Joining me now is former nypd officer and professor of criminal justice. You are with me by phone. I had just gotten off the phone with the Los Angeles County sheriff, i dont know if you could hear any of that, but some interesting details, not the least of which was that it turns out the suspect was among the injured students that they were helping to get off this campus. Thats correct. Speaking from a position of conjecture, we are trying to find out as to what caused this individual to commit such a horrific act. In addition to that, what we are going to do is extract teachable moments from what can help us moving forward. As i look at this particular instance, i look at gross similarities between this and what happened in parkland. In connection with the nicholas cruise shooting and one of the things that we want to focus on now with School Security as we want to erect a more robust structure with these schools in one of the things is when we look at a riot that happens in a prison, we often times poured il four section off that facility so the violence is marginalized in one particular area. So we look at the advent of technology such as closedcircuit television, video cameras throughout the complex, this would greatly enhance Law Enforcement and securitys ability to act on such as this. When we move forward, its kind of interesting that we have a shooter and assailant that is alive. Most of the times when we have the School Shootings, the assailants either lose their life and suicide or they are neutralized by Law Enforcement. So this individual, the 15yearold we have will now introduce a treasure trove of information that can help us as Law Enforcement moving forward. I also look at the Rapid Response from Law Enforcement and i salute them as a result of their ability to marginalize or limit the casualties because this could have been a far more catastrophic situation because when we look at this complex, it really takes a lot of officers to effectively search this particular area to ensure that the assailant has been removed and in addition to that, we dont have any additional casualties as a result. Harris it is interesting you talking about how many officers it would take, because that was the very First Impression that our correspondent Christina Coleman on the ground, and now taking a look outside that school, Saugus High School right now where she had been standing for over an hour watching the students come out with Law Enforcement at that school. The evacuation took some time in stages. But her First Impression that she told us live on the air was just how many different First Responders group that she could see. Sheriff, police, just a lot of support. That makes a lot of sense because youve got so much ground to cover. And simultaneous with that evacuation process is what we were reporting to know what we called a systematic search where they would send out small groups of deputies and other First Responders to take position in different areas around the campus, search and clear, search and clear, almost like a military operation that we know on a battlefield. Absolutely right. One of the things that we look at it as we have referred to as an inner perimeter and an outer perimeter. With the inner perimeter, you have the officers that have the heavy vests and the long guns. And those are the individuals that conduct what we refer to as a grid search, room by room to find not just the assailant, but effectively get the possible victims out of that facility. And then we have the outer perimeter, and the outer perimeter is where you have officers that ensure the assailant or anyone else for that matter does not escape the area with this particular assault occurred. The outer perimeter officers are generally uniformed officers that dont necessarily where the heavy vests. They are involved with the containment and traffic control, things that affect. In addition to that, when we look at the advent of terrorism in the united states, First Responders have taken on the unique and distinctly different role than they have in the past. In the past, it was more of weight, lets slow it down, wait outside until we bring in a special operations troops. Here, we are training officers that the first officers on the scene are going to be responsible for the initial interdiction until it is shifted out with the heavy weapons from the special operations troops. Its a very unique dynamic and how Law Enforcement is moving forward coupled with the usage of the advent of technology with video cameras and things to that effect. I understand atf is on the ground and we have a couple of other federal agencies, but those First Responders that come from that localized Police Department, those are the individuals that interdict first. Harris i am curious to know how much the suspects age comes into play here both on the day of Something Like this since the reports were that this person was a minor and now the sheriff of l. A. County has confirmed for us here on fox news that that suspected shooter ended up being one of the injured students that they first were bringing for help, took them some time and waves of information and identifiers to figure that out and now they know that is the case. Are we able to watch people under age in their social media movements and digital movements so mod and so forth as we would an adult if there was because to do that . Great question, and we have to take in the Fourth Amendment provides protection for citizens against frivolous searches and seizures against citizens up and we take into consideration the expectation of privacy, a school is a public place. So there is no expectation of privacy. Often times when you have the cameras that align the interior and exterior of of the school, it focuses on two fronts, a security component, just to be sure that is inordinate that occurs, the proper authorities can be alerted and immediately dispatched to that particular area. We have a power outage or a national disaster, it is an additional help for First Responders to ensure that people can exit that facility. We take into consideration the surveillance i shouldnt use the term surveillance but the ability to look at what people are doing in that school is merely for the protection of those students. You wont see cameras in places like a locker room or a place where you do have an expectation of privacy, even in a classroom for that matter. Youre going to have cameras in the hallways, the entrances, and exits. Harris formally of nypd with some excellent information there. I appreciate your expertise and your time, thank you very much. I want to introduce my next guest who was joining me originally to talk about her book today but we are going to tap her in a different way because she has a special connection on tragedies like this, former South Carolina governor nikki haley. She was governor in 2015 at the time of the Church Massacre in charleston, South Carolina. Also known to us as u. N. Ambassador. The day, going to tap back on your time as governor and ask you about how this unfolds at a Higher Authority level on a day like today. Thank you, harris. And first of all, my heart goes out for that entire community. They are getting ready to go through whats going to be an incredibly tough time. As governor, the one thing that i wanted to do very quickly was how do you protect your people . How do you keep them from the burden that is getting ready to come down on them, they will be an onslaught of National Media that will be on their streets and around the school and talking to everyone in the one thing i really worked hard on was getting everybody to back off. They wanted to talk about gun control, wanted to talk about death penalty, want to talk about racism and what i told them was right now, give the families type to grieve, give the Community Time to heal and soak in exactly what happened. They will be a time and place to have those debates, but the focus really needs to be on that entire community because its a very hurtful time and confusion for a lot of those students and heartbreak. Harris you when i have spoken about this before. The church and charleston, South Carolina, dylann roof at the time, you mention racism. He said he was there to shoot black people. The job on that first day and something they may be having to deal with in Santa Clarita too is when the configuration of facts that we know go from injuries to deaths. Unfortunately, that has happened in the last wild with one of the hospitals and then the l. A. County sheriff confirming for me as well that one of the early victims in this on a High School Campus has died. It is just heartbreaking. Thats the thing. They have to unravel what happened, and it took us probably right around 12 to 15 hours to get a hold of exactly what happened, why it happened, and where it came from, and then you start to go through the process of what else do we know . Are there any other friends that were involved . Are there any other people that would have known about this . And then there is a heightened sense of alert because you dont know if it is a chain of events, something planned or coordinated with others, so it is going to be a touch and go time for them right now and it is certainly going to be a really difficult time for the school. Harris i dont want to conflate what happened in South Carolina to what is happened in 2019, our research has said 15 School Shooting incidents have rolled out this year. They are all each individual and everything is different, but it seems like the unifying factor, if you will, ambassador, is this idea of watching the scene play out in our society. We had earlier reported President Trump was keeping an eye on this at a very high level when you look at this and experience as well, what of your opinion is a message that you want to get out right now . After going through the tragedy in South Carolina, one, you feel a little more sensitive to these issues when they happen because you know what a long road it is getting ready to be. For that entire community. But i think its something as a nation that we have to talk about more. You cant legislate a hateful heart. You cant. But what you can do is really a look at the environment, and what we are seeing now is a time where we have to look at the culture, the education in communities and what we are doing about it. After 9 11, there were a lot of changes that happened and look at the security you go through an airport. At some point, there needs to be a conversation about the security that happens when you walk into a school and the fact that you do need metal detectors and you do need to make sure that you control who comes in and out of the school, and i think that conversation needs to start happening. Harris ambassador nikki haley, we will bring you back on a different day but certainly appreciate your experience, your perspective on this today. Thank you. So we are waiting on the bottom right of your screen for that News Conference to begin, and the lectern and the light now we anticipate that authorities in Santa Clarita, california, will be stepping up. I want to bring in our correspondent trace gallagher. A difficult day anyway, but now with the confirmation of at least one death among those who were injured, we knew there were some critical injuries they are. And also a word from the l. A. County sheriff right here on the program that it turns out the suspected shooter was there all along among the group of injured, it took them some time to get the information to confirm that. That was breaking news because there were multiple reports this morning that the shooter had been killed, so we had to walk those back and the sheriff first went on a local news station here in los angeles and said no, the shooter is still alive, he is injured. When this press conference starts here, we anticipate the next 45 minutes being told they are getting ready for that, its going to be an indication they have cleared the entire school. The process and weve had so many of these, there is now a Standard Operating Procedure in all of these School Shootings, we have seen it time and time again where they line the kids up and they make them walk out with their hands up, though their backpacks to the side, and this is an exact point of why they do exactly that because this News Conference it remains unclear exactly where they found the suspected shooter. Was he inside with the other students . There was a massive search underway in the moments after the shooting along the backside of the campus. There is a dry creek bed back there that was an intensive search going on back there and there were some reports that the shooter may have been found off campus. So if thats the case, there is a possibility that he somehow was able to make his way off campus which is why everybody in the early stages of these types of shootings is treated as a suspect in the bags are left behind, the hands are up and they walk off. So that is one key question they will take. We have live shots on the house of the suspected shooter as well as the school itself. One of the processes they go through right now is also going to the social media footprint of this alleged shooter. We have an idea of his nationality, we know his age at this point. In the next hour or two hours, they will know where this kid went from his birth until today and everything in between about him because it is all out there on social media. That wont be answered in the News Conference but it will be answered in the hours and days to come about how they handled these things. Saugus high school if you dont know, if you are going from los angeles to the mohave desert, it is in between interstates 5 and 14 as you make your way out towards the desert. Saugus is a campus of about 2300 students, a fairly large campus has fence all the way around, there was a School Resource officer on campus. There were also people who watch and monitor the students as they come in and out of the school. How this student brought a weapon into the school, we have no idea. What type of weapon, we have no idea. These are some of the things they will answer in this News Conference going forward, but we will find out very soon exactly where this happen. We know it was 7 30 in the morning, classes start at seven 50, so this was before classes started at a lot of witnesses said the fortunate thing about this as they were not a ton of students on campus yet, they were still filing in. So 20 minutes before class since the shooting open and one of the injured students wanders into the class and her friends actually help stop the bleeding of her injury. So we dont really know exactly where the location of the shooting began, that is one of the key points in all of this and as the sheriff comes out and the detectives come out, we are going to get more information about exactly how this transpired, the timeline and exactly how the students and witnesses can kind of place this whole thing together. Harris trace gallagher, thank you very much and you were talking about Law Enforcement coming out to talk with us. Thats again on that bottom right. Having the Los Angeles County sheriff come on again and confirm all of the details and break the news that the reportedly young 15yearold suspect was among the injured students who first were taken from the location with all of the other injured students, we know that number to have been six people at this time with a huge detail in all of this, and of course weve had one person deceased. There is a lot to learn from the News Conference coming up, were going to take a very quick break and come back and carry that live. Fastest and easiest refi ever. One call can save you 2000 a year. Lpive had nineteen surgeries. L im 100 permanently disabled from the military and after i went in to aspen dental it was just like night and day. They told me they were gonna take some xrays, she said and its gonna be no charge to you. Im not used to getting that type of service. My name is robert chackley and my rank for the military was retired sergeant major. At aspen dental were all about yes. Like yes to payments on your timeline not ours. Yes to free exam and xrays for patients without insurance. And yes whenever youre ready to get started so are we. Call or book online at aspendental. Com a general dentistry office. His haircut is nice. This is the mostawarded minivan three years in a row. The van just talked. Sales guy, give em the employee price, then gimme your foot. 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County sheriff just moments ago that that suspect, they had some details and description on that person and as they were trying to figure out if that person was on the loose or where he was, it turns out that he was among those injured to first be evacuated to hospitals. As a student among those who were being taken injured to hospitals, what a detail to learn live on the air and we expect more questions and answers to come up at the News Conference with authorities that we are now waiting to begin. We can also tell you that within the next hour, the henry Mayo Hospital is planning a News Conference too, where some of the injured were taken. I want to bring in rob odonnell, former nypd detective. Rob, you are with me . As you hear me report those details that are coming into focus, that is a lot to learn. I see someone who has just walked up up to the lectern. I dont know if this person is making an announcement. Rob, bear with me because i might have to pitch their real quickly. I just want to quickly get your thoughts on some of the details that are popping. Any active shooter scene is controlled chaos. They call them active shooter scenes just for that, just because there was no shooter, that doesnt mean it is not still active. Looking at the saugus Emergency Action plan, they are following it to a tee. Is one of the most indepth plans ive seen. Is 245 pages that was just approved this year. They have 161st aid team member members, Security Team which includes the sheriff. Is one of the most indepth Emergency Action plans i have seen for the school. So watching this live for what we are showing them now on the football field, they are following it to a t. The Vulnerability Assessment from the department of Homeland Security and like i said, 245 pages of this most indepth Emergency Action plan from the School District where parents are involved, the Sheriffs Office was involved. Is enlightening to see in a situation like this. Harris when you talk about all the response and coordination, it certainly speaks to the issue of a couple of things, and we saw this pouring out on the screen. When you havent seen this big, it has to have been at least talked about, practiced. One of the things that impresses me, and it is hard to use a different word because it is an impression that i am left with is the students and help calm everybody is in this moment, and sometimes we look at that and think there must not be any urgency. We unfortunately have practice this in the nation watching and as our children going through it in some cases. What brings about that calm . You have been in scenes, what drives that that you know as part of the training and the drill for both our kids and those of you responding. It is just that, the awareness to bring the students themselves and the drills that they go through, the parents to let them know what is going to happen and any situation. The local Police Departments, the school staff. Whether your Police Department is dealing with this, detectives investigating and interviewing students and teachers to find out details so they can identify the shooter which in this case was a successful scene because even though he was removed as a victim because of the information the detectives were getting while they were clearing for potential threats, they were able to relay to the hospital this is the description we are looking for, this seems like someone we have in custody. That communication between different factions of the fire department, ems crews, detectives and the technical Police Officers in regular patrol Police Officers in accordance with the school staff doing what they need to do makes these situations as chaotic as they are seem that much more smooth to operate. Harris almost on cue as you said that, we can see in the screen live off the left ear, our biggest picture we are showing outside a Saugus High School in Santa Clarita whe shooting happened today, we can see a mixture of Law Enforcement squad cars, but we also saw moving in the center just seconds ago, two firefighters on the back of a fire engine and all of those coordinated First Responders you were talking about were coming into view at that time. What is happening, what is next phase . We were hearing that first, it is evacuation, secure, make sure everyone is safe and so on and so forth and that is part of the vetting process. Who do you have among you . Is there a suspect among you . That sort of thing. Next thing was to put in a systematic search where you found out groups of Law Enforcement to different areas around the sprawling High School Campus to figure out again who do you have among you . One of our previous guest talked about an inner and an outer perimeter and how different those searches are. What is next in all of this . You have the support system that is needed for the students and teachers in the individuals that were involved with this, the First Responder that dealt with the injured students and confronted the shooter himself. You also have the detective and investigator portion which is going to deconstruct this entire incident from could have been months or years ago, is there anyone with the like mindset of a friend of the student that they need to look into . Does he run in a group where they need to talk to them . Just because this one individual seemed like the sole suspect in this case does not mean so until they go through all that data and see did anyone else know about this attack beforehand . What is the background . Why did this happen . What caused this, what triggered this, where did the weapon come from . Thats where they need the federal agencies to come in with a unique skill set to track down that data to get the Police Department on the detectives that information. But they definitely want to deconstruct this from start to finish. Harris its interesting what you are talking about just wanted to see who that young suspect might have been running with. Are we watching underage groups in america right now . You hear stories about groups of kids, gangs, so on and so forth, that seems to sit in a different lane because those are things that you are watching probably all along, might be a drug connection or whatever. But is there some sort of communication that is going on in departments across the country looking out for any particular age group . I am curious about that. If you look at this type of shooting as a whole, they kind of coordinate with the social media age. They can say things and act in the cyber world that is unrealistic when they go to take a step like this where it is very realistic and a very real impact on the community and their peers and students. There is that disconnect they are. So in the age of social media where you can say things and there is no consequences or say things under an alias has definitely exacerbated this problem and an issue that needs to be looked into and the discussion not only in the Law Enforcement world but in parenting, and school systems, and in Law Enforcement. Harris with this News Conference at the begin at any moment, at least what we have been told i now have scooted past the bottom of the hour, still waiting to hear from Law Enforcement, but we have been able to get a lot of detail from the l. A. County sheriff villanueva who joined me moments ago and filled us in first on that negative information that seemed so critical that the suspect was among those injured, brought out to begin with. Even though it took them some time, they were able to get to that persons residence, a warrant was issued, executed search warrant of the suspects home. They were able to continue to put together some information before they put it out there publicly that the suspect was no longer a threat to the community and so on and so forth. But as we watch those News Conference, i am curious, as a former detective, what would be one of the first questions that you would want answered . Why . What caused you to take this step . What had you wake up this morning and decide to arm yourself and walk into your school with your peers. That question, why . And from there, build out the who, what, when, where. Harris a lot of times, and ive had others on the program tell me this, a lot of times there are things that are known about this individual. You had said before you want to learn as much as you can about the suspects other friends they were at the school, if things were known, if they were more surreptitious threats rather than public ones made, i would imagine thats a question too. Are we in a different age with social media in terms of how we go about this . I know we had we dont want a society where there is so much big brother but is there something that is needed in the estimation as a former detectiv detective . We definitely need to take a step in that begins with parents and family members monitoring their own children. That is our job as parents to monitor our children, not necessarily the police. So that an investigation, that monitoring, that oversight begins in the home, whatever structure that child has in the home, and then from there if need be if red flags are raised or anything goes out to the school or staff, to the parents were they have to take it to a different level at that point, we should be monitoring the social media in general. Social media is a public platform and Police Departments need to take that step in this day and age to monitor ongoing threats in their area. What are people seeing even if it is anonymous threats and threat assessments need to be done on such, do we need to look at this further and take caution, send extra officers and resources to a location because of something we are seeing on social media . It is a complex issue that definitely needs to be talked about in the forefront. Harris former nypd detective, joining me now among the guests who can help us decipher and put together, take apart, put together what has happened on this day and Santa Clarita, california, appreciate your time. There is the family of a loved one today, we dont know which of the victims, but we have lost somebody in a School Shooting today. And at least five others are injured and among them, we learn from the l. A. County sheriff that the suspect was among those who first were evacuated and injured. More details awaiting a News Conference they are. E it. Aleve is proven stronger and longer on pain than tylenol. When pain happens, aleve it. All day strong. Harris you are looking live right now at two individual locations we are watching. The one on your left is the hospital, henry mayo in valencia california where they will be a News Conference in the next little while. They took in some of the victims from the School Shooting today, one dead. We dont know if that is a particular focus on location they will be talking about, but we do know other injured were taken there. We also know among the injured, it turned out the shooting suspect was one of the students that they evacuated. Dont know we will get more detail from this hospital. On the right side, weve been waiting for several minutes for First Responder and Law Enforcement on the ground presents to update us for the very First Time Since we got word nearly three hours ago that the shooting had happened. Reports started coming in on social media and across other Media Outlets that are shooting had happened at a very Large High School in Santa Clarita. Saugus high school. Other high schools on lock down nearby, two elementary schools, and the scene unfolded from there with child after child and dozens and dozens of Law Enforcement. Hands were up until they reach the perimeter, and those kids were brought to safety and vetted. Is there a suspect among them . What did the suspect look like . Through all of that vetting and gathering information, the l. A. County sheriff has determined for me, confirm for me this at our that they determined the suspect was injured. Now hospitalized. As we learn more about this, we will bring you each of those News Conferences live. I want to bring in right now Christina Coleman who has been at the scene since shortly after this happened. Christina, are you with us . I am, harris. Has been heartbreaking to watch some of the people out here, some of the students and tears crying as they were escorted out of the building. I just spoke with a man, he said his daughter is still with Law Enforcement and she is being questioned and that he is just very sad he cant be with her right now. Not sure what she expected. What possibly lead up to the shooting, just about 20 minutes ago, the superintendent here putting out a statement and says in part first and foremost, our hearts go out for the families affected by the terrible incident. Words are insufficient to end time such as these. After these School Shootings, a lot of commotion, a lot of confusion, where are my children, where can i get to them, are they okay, have they seen something . As far as parents being able to reunite with their kids, the statements the School District put out, central park is the location of our Unification Center for saugus students, transportation is being arrange arranged. Standing across the street from the school board i did speak to that father who was very interested in hearing what his daughter has to say and what she couldve possibly seen. Harris of any of the parents talk to you about what we can confirm just looking at the screen he was able to communicate with his daughter right away, so he knew she was y distraught. Its a very safe community, there is a lot of Law Enforcement that engaged in community here all the time. So he wasnt expecting one to happen in his own backyard. Harris one of the details that has popped this hour, the l. A. County sheriff Alex Villanueva was with me and he said it was determined that they were getting information on the identity of the suspect, they have some details and as they were putting together those of web of details, theyll determine that the very person they were looking for was among those they had taken to a nearby hospital with injuries along with the other students who were injured. Are you hearing any more about the suspect and not necessarily the detail of the name, but certainly the details about whether or not that person might have been known to be angry or anything else . I asked the parents hear that, even if they didnt necessarily want to go on camera, they want to know exactly why someone would possibly do Something Like this. They couldnt give me any more information on it. Just the initial report that we were getting that this young man was approximately 15 years old and so that was ready much all that they had heard that able to tell me, but we knew that already. Harris we are going to take a short break, Christina Coleman, great reporting, continue on, and we will come back as we watched two location locations, the hospital. We are told to expect Law Enforcement to tell us for the First Time Since the School Shooting earlier today what they know that they can share about the suspect who they say is 15 years old and was a student for at least among the students. In that from the l. A. County sheriff, stay close. Im embarrassed to even say i felt like i was going to spend my whole adult life paying this off thanks to sofi, i can see the light at the end of the tunnel as of 12pm today, i am debt free we have no debt, we dont owe anybody anything, and its fantastic va Mortgage Rates have just dropped to near 50 year lows. Loans, veterans can refinance their va loans with no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. Newday has extended our Call Center Hours so that every veteran in america can take advantage of this unexpected drop in interest rates. One call can save you 2000 every year. To start saving on your next mortgage payment go to harris to anime now on the School Shooting that happened a few hours ago, ted williams, former d. C. Homicide detective and i wanted to end out this hour as we await those News Conferences, one at the henry Mayo Hospital, they went to tell us for the First Time Since the shooting what they can share. You have been there for hours now kind of navigating through this. The biggest detail that i can see in terms of the defective work is knowing that they put together information to figure out the suspected shooter was among those they had transported as a victim. Or injured person. Let me just say, our hearts go out to this family, where their child is not going to come home and that is just so terrible. But what you have here is excellent Law Enforcement. They already had an Emergency Action plan in place at this school. And that attributed to how the students and the teachers and the faculty were going to react in an emergency situation. And under the circumstances here, they were able to capture this student and take him into custody. But this is a very tragic situation, and we have covered this kind of situation in the past all too often, and it is very tragic. Harris that is so true as we round out this hour, i wanted to bring you back on and chat with you briefly because you have been there all along. At one point, we didnt know if there was just one person, if they were looking for more, we had a home whose search warrant had been executed. We can now put that piece together told that it is for the residents of the suspected shooter so a lot of pieces coming into focus. Ted williams, former d. C. Homicide detective, thank you very much. We on fox news will continue to follow the stories live along with those News Conferences coming up. Dana hi, i am dana perino. This is the daily briefing. We are expecting many updates on the shooting in california, police said to give update any morning moment now. My colleagues have done incredible reporting so far, especially Harris Faulkner in the hour before with this breaking news and now we have Christina Coleman live on the scene in Santa Clarita, california. Whats the latest now . The streets here still blocked off, as you can see we cant go any farther just outside where you can say this very heavy Law Enforcement presence. Sheriffs deputies out here im

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